Couple Claim They Have Been Set Up By Customs | Customs | Real Responders

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[Music] the uk border agency is at war with smugglers in the ports and airports you don't have to say anything get that out coming up a suspect claims she's been treated unfairly despite the evidence what we don't know is what somebody's probably looks like [Music] officers go toe-to-toe with an angry passenger in manchester robbers just want more money out for us and for this travelling chef what's on there i'm arresting you on smuggling drugs is a recipe for disaster [Music] in gatwick a flight from san lucia has just landed as the passengers disembark uk border officers and sniffer dog lucy are waiting on the hunt for any traces of class a drugs thank you [Music] thank you the officers are also on the lookout for suspicious behavior thank you and when lucy shows interest in this couple that's fine thank you you slow your back for me both passengers seem nervous thank you [Music] handler claire tracks the couple through passport control to baggage reclaim where the search officers are waiting yeah sort of to the right came away because he's looking this way but i think he's just sort of looking everywhere in general anyway yeah jason was saying that he's pretty nervous the team keep a close eye on the suspect as they head for the exit when an officer stops the woman oh yeah would be arrived from today the man seems to walk on are you traveling together yeah yeah yes you mind just stopping at the bench for me please but the officer pulls him over as well separating at the channels is a tactic often employed by smugglers and the officers start to think they may be onto something i can ask you a few questions about the bags are you traveling together have you been together for the week i'm actually unemployed but i do escorting on the side so i do get some money okay you pack the bags yourself you fully wear the contents of your bags yeah yeah the passengers seem a little jumpy and the officer notices her laptop is held together by sticky tape can you turn it on for me officers at gatwick have recently found drugs hidden in laptops and this one looks highly suspicious [Music] well if it goes to the expo we don't need to put it apart do we i'm just having a look at it because it's got tape all over which isn't usual it's got tables over there yeah close it together okay the laptop is clear but with around 1500 kilos of cocaine seized at the border every year the officers know to investigate every possible angle and there's still one bag that needs to be searched you got a little rocks actors they swab the inside of the rucksack for traces of drugs they now need to look again to find out where the cocaine trace may have come from that comes from one there you go basically what we did there was a swab of your bag and it came up with a hit of heroin you're saying you don't know what this is okay stay there [Music] it is what it is it's just cylinders of cocaine is it yeah so they're arrested at 6 56. yeah i'm fine what was it then turtles now it is i'm afraid it's tested positive for cocaine so i need you both to listen to what i'm going to say okay it's 0 0-6 56 on the 15th of july i'm arresting you both on the suspicion of being involved with the importation of a controlled drug you do not have to say anything it may harm your defense if you do not mention one question something which you later rely on in court anything you do say may be given in evidence do you understand yes the couple are taken into custody denying any knowledge of the importation that's been planted on us you know okay we're telling you you're under arrest and you have been advised that you don't have to say anything the investigation into who the drugs belong to can now begin [Music] in manchester officers are always on the lookout for bags arriving from eu countries containing large amounts of tobacco the officers need to stop and question the passengers to make sure the goods are all for personal use this passenger is far from happy you know you're not being cheated now maybe we could bring in he singled those out he stood there watching us hey energy robbers your lovers [Music] lovers robbers robbers oh you can't help me now mate robbers robbers robbers just want more money out for us with the man now threatening to lose control more officers arrive to help calm the woman's tobacco is below the guidelines but if she's caught bringing in a similar amount again it may be seized [Music] the woman understands but the man is still angry the person was actually quite angry and agitated because he'd been accepted by my officer i thought he was going to attack one of my colleagues obviously i took a position um just in case if anything was to happen i could actually take the person down it doesn't happen too often but when it does happen it can really escalate thankfully it all ends peacefully back in gatwick the two people caught with cocaine in their hand luggage are under arrest and officers are working out the scale of the crime three kilos point five nine zero probably three kilos at the end we were looking at the bag looking at the laptop looking something sophisticated very well hidden and to be fair to find six big blocks like that in a bag i haven't seen it for a long time the female suspect is a former heroine addict and is now asking for her medication we can't give you any medication obviously because we're not doctors listen to me we need to do it no i understand that we need to do a search of your person and then we need to take you down to custody and that's when you'll get given your solicitor and we'll call calling in there so we don't tell you what i've done nothing and i'm not even holding any myself accountable for any of this because i've done nothing i knew about nothing it's been planted my friend wouldn't do that basically you need to speak to splitter throughout those okay test your positive for cocaine and it's three and a half kilos which is quite a lot the couple will now be strip searched i'm also going to have to get you to bend over at one point so i can see you've got nothing internally okay of course meanwhile sniffer dog lucy is brought in to be trained up on the unique scent of this cocaine seizure with drugs varying widely in both purity and quality any chance to give dogs a new sense increases their chances of sniffing out more smugglers the suspects are now transferred to the custody suite for further questioning baggage search of his rucksack handbaggage revealed a number of cylindrical shapes packages that tested positive cocaine do you have your ancestors that's fine you can arrange that for you do you want anyone notified three please as the female suspect arrives the arresting officer brings the investigation team up to speed she's got nothing in hers you did her back did her back face her and her handbag so they had several baggage yeah he had it in his rucksack all of it 3.5 kilos whatever it was which is not checked uh no handbag okay um and they straight away started saying that their bags were taken off them in st lucia and they thought something was odd and they've been set up being caught with this amount of cocaine is no laughing matter both suspects have since pleaded not guilty but if convicted this could be the first night of many behind bars still to come a woman claims she's been treated unfairly despite the evidence coming up officers get a coke hit from this man's toothbrush but he's keeping his mouth shut [Music] in gatwick the sniffer dog teams are targeting a plane that's just arrived from saint lucia following a number of recent cocaine seizures the intelligence unit has identified a possible smuggler on this flight it's up to the officers to find and search the suspect and find out if the information is correct it's sean's six seven or eight somewhere out there she's do you know what she is she wearing distinctive um i've got a shirt carrying a shoulder bag um and a louis vuitton hand luggage as well i firstly double check it is there actually coming up coming up the woman is kept under surveillance as she passes through the airport she's about the eighth ninth one going on that's fine thank you very much you just stand still not all intel targets turn out to be smugglers so sniffer dogs like sam are the quickest way to work out if someone has been in contact with drugs sam picks up a scent but can't pinpoint the source so now it's up to kevin to search and question the suspect hello where is your eye from this morning let's come over with me very quickly as kevin begins the search the woman seems edgy and her body language is far from friendly [Music] unfortunately we do get through i know that yeah of course you don't yeah i don't i don't believe this yeah yeah unfortunately what we don't know is what somebody's looks like not me i don't know since i'm in trouble kevin's beginning to think she isn't carrying drugs and it's just upset at being delayed russell do a quick swabbier bag okay the bag swab gives a surprising i'll see result check the bag for fully i'm going to get you on your way quickly i'm getting a contamination for cocaine all right let me explain right now i'll need to do it yeah it's a bit longer that's all okay the suspect's becoming impatient but the coke head combined with the intelligence means she isn't going anywhere just yet in manchester a flight has just landed from paris the french capital has connecting flights to all the world's drug source countries and uk border officers are on the lookout for any smugglers trying to slip through in the crowd don't just come through here are you traveling on your own or are you with somebody and you know just come through here please how long have you been out for three days and what was the purpose of your trip uh wedding in paris this passenger arrived from paris but began his trip in thailand why did you go to thailand for why yeah all right okay so how long in the uk for uh sunday so what do you do in thailand border officer zubs is yet to catch his first cocaine smuggler and disappointingly this passenger story sounds plausible [Music] [Applause] but a strong hit for cocaine from the passenger's passport raises suspicions next zoobs swabs the man's toothbrush to work out if he might be a user [Music] zooms gives the man a chance to explain their hits right i've just actually done a quick sub of your passport and your toothbrush it's giving me high traces of cocaine he's giving me high traces of cocaine right okay um have you actually come to contact with cocaine in thailand in thailand but you're not a user so how do you explain traces from a toothbrush which is personal just to yourself i don't know [Music] okay with the man offering no explanation zubs has to assume he's carrying drugs either in his bags or in his body okay i've actually had high hits of cocaine from the trainers right how do you explain all these um [Music] now if you've actually used cocaine out there i'm not interested in thailand yeah yeah you've used the out there now i said that to you no you said you didn't i did i said that to you once or twice just once or twice in the past and when was the last time that you actually about two months ago it's not a problem we need to know if you've used in the past you know few weeks understand that and you you're saying you haven't right you sure but under pressure the man changes his story again well so when was the last time i used him in paris oh in paris so he actually wasn't two months ago he's finally admitted using but as he's already lied the officers need to make sure he's not carrying any drugs what's on there it's a tv appearance for me uh they're just a selection of uh cds and he's got one dvd he's just lobster chef apparently it's something to do with uh that's what he said he was a celebrity chef some sort of tv program what's the passenger although some of the story checks out zub still thinks the passenger may be a smuggler [Music] initially he denied he was a user he's admitted to the fact that he first told me he last used two months ago and then it came down to the fact that at the wedding where he went to paris they had a big session we asked a little bit objective search you see the reaction here still on the hunt for his first ever cocaine seizure zoobs puts the man on the spot if we were to ask you um for a certain person would you object to that i'm cutting two guns i have two guns right okay zub's persistence means he's just backed his first ever cocaine seizure the time is 17 35 i'm arresting you on suspicion of being involved in the importation control drug the man's admission is set to land him in a whole heap of trouble [Music] and the seriousness of the crime is already starting to hit home okay [Music] back in gatwick kevin is also dealing with a suspect whose bags are giving hits for cocaine dane i've got low levels of cocaine i'll have to go through this bag i've got the same thing on this bag and you may put your arm on the counter but this woman isn't very understanding about the already lengthy delay and it looks okay it doesn't seem that heavy but having ruled out all other causes of the coke hits kevin's last job is to x-ray the case yeah there's some sort of thing it could well just be part of the bag makeup i just did a check in the middle of the bags about there the anomaly is just a bar of chocolate that's what came up on the x-ray found coco but not cocaine the woman is now free to go that's what's in there [Music] could you hear the lady what's going on actually this time the search finds nothing and despite kevin's best efforts the passenger isn't impressed back in manchester the officers have the celebrity chef caught smuggling cocaine in his pants under arrest he could be sent down importation of a class a so it's not a petty offense the smuggler's plan began confidently okay but now he doesn't have the stomach to deal with the consequences [Music] the man is visibly distressed but zeus needs to get his hands on the cocaine hidden in his underwear are you okay sir are you okay to continue can you bend down please plot your buttocks please yes two small packages in plastic bags that were on his underwear in the uk one rattled probably about 50 60 pounds for what it's actually worth i mean he's put his neck on the line it's a small seizure but with serious consequences you do actually feel um sorry for individuals i mean for doing things like that but end of the day i mean they've actually committed a crime it's especially significant for zubs as it's his first ever class a seizure this was my first arrest for cocaine so my heart was actually pumping and it's like from speaking to colleagues they say regardless how many times you actually do it your heart does pop you do get a buzz but there'll be no buzz from this cocaine it will now be destroyed [Music] a few days later the man pleaded guilty and received two years conditional discharge for the crime [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 500,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real responders, customs uk, gatwick airport, bristol airport, sniffer dog, cocaine, class a drugs, smuggling, crime, police, police uk, bag search, airports, border patrol forces, border patrol uk, uk border, crime documentary, border patrol, custom officers, sniffer dogs, class c drugs, tobacco, patrol, dover, truck, smugglers
Id: nmO4KnHljI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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