Barnsley A&E Suffers It's Busiest Day In History | Casualty 24/7 | Real Responders

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[Music] at the heart of our health service hello bands the emergency department is the overstretched casualty team yeah here it comes now look [Music] working around the clock under daily stress and strain i've had 21 patients in the last hour they're on the front line of emergency care we've got a 30 year old overdose right suspected heart attack reliable three minutes on call for our most vulnerable moments you just keep your head nice and still from the lovey and let us do everything okay facing life and death they're just saying that your lungs are packed up and there's nothing that they can do about it sharing trauma and tears what a superhero you were with no time to catch their breath a close-knit team who rely to get through the toughest of shifts day in day out anybody want anything doing fetching carrying back massage this is barnsley casualty 24 7. got a soft spot for them all although don't tell anybody that will you on shift tonight lead nurse zoey pierce we'll just do one in one out for ambulances so that's gonna be a bit of an issue there's no space to put anybody [Music] dr julian humphrey you've got a pneumonia on the left hand side at the bottom and probably a little bit on the right hand side nurse milly schumacher have you got any pain no i'm guessing you don't want any either no and dr jane acting what is it that you're worried about i just don't want to go home tonight so get ready to share a shift with the team at barnsley casualty can't say beginner thank you [Music] he's been lodged for 11 hours now and they're saying that there's no bed so we're trying to get that man out yeah and there's a man that's just coming it's a track after patient he's really unwell i've got there's a bp it's the start of a new shift at barnsley casualty hi mark it's tom and we are two registered nurses down the team are up against it as it looks like it's going to be the busiest day in the emergency department's history i think sometimes barnsley emergency department is like a war zone there's sometimes there's patience everywhere especially when it gets busy maria you are right to do walking because weight's getting up to an hour surrounding the main hub are 30 bays to treat the emergency patients including pediatrics let's have a quick look at you then chicken the walk-in assessment unit right then um have you had an ecg done before lots of stickers and resuscitation where the most serious cases are treated yes this is angelo 63 no history of heart problems just hypertension cholesterol kidney failure [Music] clocking on for their 12-hour shifts are staffed nurse millie schumacher and sister jane horgsworth hello we see how many ambulances there are out there yeah yeah you just love a day that starts like that i know we'll get through it together though we will we've got it we'll be fine yeah now let's go face the carnage come on just walk 13 hours together let's go did you wear glasses before no i don't have to wear glasses since i were a kid do you think it makes you look fittier with them on yeah i think it makes me a solid 12 now instead of a 10. solid 12. you know god you've got a big head solid 12 then you were always a 14 baby girl love you love you you know me i think my eyes are just starting to get used to him come on out of my way now lovely let's be having you some of us have work to do i love the bands the bad the vance is where i'm at so it's a bit of a boring day for you isn't it today although obviously i'm the entertainment jay james funny she makes me laugh but there's loads of people i have banter with but like that's that's the thing like it doesn't matter who you who you're on with you know that there's going to be at least one person who you know you can have a good crack with have you got any pay no no i'm guessing you don't want any either no dr jane actee is the consultant in charge what's your favorite injury of all time well it's not really an injury it's more of a pressure saw really okay i do like a pressure saw you can see it getting gradually better can't yet so that's kind of thing that i like okay i like a good dislocated shoulder for the same reason that you can make it better and it's quite satisfying and yeah that's probably my favorite hello barnsley emergency hi so it's 10 year old boy the 10 year old boy has a rare condition angel man syndrome and he is fitting so if they're fitting would you mind just calling the um pleads bridge to come down whenever the red phone gets soft you get a little surge of adrenaline even after after many years of doing the job but if it's a if it's a really sick child then i think that that probably surges a bit higher [Music] hiya due to his rare condition oliver is unable to tell paramedics what's wrong it seems approximately 10 to 1. um very distressed a bit like that which is really fun on your counts ready steady [Music] sorry carry on your hand over he has our procedure mom's concerned at this temperature i don't know if he's in pain um and that's why he's quite distressed he does have seizures often but this is unusual for our so decision taken just to bring him in yeah absolutely check him over it's not something i'm familiar with anything about angelman syndrome even normally yeah okay thanks very much was that that no just when he was fitting yes um he was more twitchy fingers um and eyes will be liver so slightly however he was it would listen to you if he said his name is look at you so he wasn't on his own um oxygen he's not really tolerated very well so i'm just going to start from the beginning my name is jane one of the aoe consultants how old are you and apart from that and the epilepsy any other medical problems what made you worried enough to go to the gps this morning um in the middle of the night all right so my next question were what did his fits look like we're just going to start getting trying to get her dripping parents of children especially those with kind of profound disabilities or severe medical problems are absolute heroes and they are their their children's best advocates they are the ones that can tell clinicians what's wrong what needs to be done we teach our juniors if a parent's worried and they're telling you that they're worried you need to listen to them and i'd say that's even more so for for parents of kids with kind of complex medical needs so what makes you know that he's fitting now because i don't know oliver [Music] yeah but that one's like flicking okay very distressed by something sorry darling can we have a look at your you've got very cold hands which isn't gonna help being a parent comes with this kind of strange mix of kind of love and devotion to your child and then this perpetual kind of anxiety and fear that something bad will happen to them and wanting to protect them from that at all costs have some antibiotics and then you'll feel better [Music] all 30 emergency bays surrounding the hub are in use some patients have been waiting for over 10 hours ccu are now saying that there's no bed and there's nobody to move up lead nurse zoe pierce is in charge of managing the influx of patients is g empty now has that gentleman gone until more beds are freed up paramedics must stay with the patients they've brought in for now hopefully it won't be too long we'll get here as soon as we can all right we'll try and get some movement okay all right fed situation is what it is like there ain't none yeah they've just they've done really well just to get i'm waiting tonight's tonight's gonna be a nightmare i love being out on department when it's really busy and i love being able to make a difference and i love being able to achieve as targets on a really busy day with the department over capacity lead nurse tom neal is also on shift what are those numbers now so at the moment there's 75 in the department um we're at a situation where we're thinking we're going to have to move on to divert as well now so we've been agreed with consultants we'll just do one in one out for ambulances okay yeah so as soon as we get one patient moved up toward we need to try and clear all these patients waiting so that's going to be a bit of an issue there's no space to put anybody [Music] so yeah me and tom uh we're really close together we are like husband and wife um we argue a lot we disagree a lot i think i'm right she thinks she's right my husband says that tom's my second husband yeah i want to divorce her most of the time [Music] it's a full-time job doing dishwasher today in that amount of patience it's nice to be kept busy but when it's really busy like this no not when you see patients you know i've been trying about for hours and hours so we've got a great volunteer jane um you know when she arrives on the morning because she's really loud probably a loudest person on department life a riley this lot's got easiest job at world these ambulances in fact i think next life i'm going to come back as an ambulance driver she always manages to make people smile she always goes above and beyond for patients she's a massive help to me in getting little jobs done that i can't always get round to to do [Music] i couldn't do the job that they do for love in the morning now first of all i got brains for it uh but no i i've seen some of the staff in very stressful situations and the pull from pillar to pose are you all right my couple of days that i do is fine and i can go afterwards but now they they have my full admiration i love everyone on them almost on them oh that's it we're okay you're insane you're not you've not moved so you're doing okay hello dr marius baltescu is one of 20 doctors on call today what you're doing this weekend then i'm on nights or weekends but what do you do during the day me too what do you do during i sleep are you on night no i'm off this weekend you need to be really enthusiastic about what you're doing because you can't really make it as an any doctor if you don't like it you just can't [Music] that's a 40 year old male being involved in a motive rtc completely back pain and how far away are you alright we'll see you in recess thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] 40 year old peter has been in a serious road traffic accident and is taken straight to recess in recess that's where the actual emergency cases tend to turn up yeah you honestly don't know what's going to happen when you step in and you see a patient so there's a bit of um you know jitter behind it but yeah that's where you want to be isn't it that's you want to be there um doing what you're trained for peter open your eyes for me keep your eyes open otherwise we're gonna have to poke you all the time what's going on crash how did that happen an hour yeah next thing he's driving here a loud ban he's complaining i see spine tenderness upper spinal pain as well right i don't know how it happened what we're gonna do yeah we're gonna roll here to assess your back okay and if it hurts tell me don't nod don't shake your head okay is everybody ready yeah so what we're going to do is we are going to go on roll ready steady roll [Music] right he had been in a high speed accident 70 mile an hour so first alarm bell 70 miles an hour okay any pain yeah default sometimes in recess there is no obvious blood or deformity is that yeah and then you have to work out what is actually wrong with the patient all of it all of it it hurt the middle of my back is really hurting now [Music] in the paediatric rhesus bay the specialist care team has arrived to stabilize ten-year-old oliver hello are you aware of oliver for hey in recess now right here um yes so is a 10 year old with angelman syndrome an epilepsy had a seizure today at 12 50. he's had a chest he's on a chest x-ray he's got pneumonia i think you're getting to like this place too much you're coming a bit too often aren't you me [Music] so i think quite hopefully that's all right i'm hopefully going to get him up to the ward shortly and if he starts fitting let us know because i think you're probably much better at spotting it than the rest of us because we've we look for dramatics so he's just not um not these kind of subtle ones that oliver has so well hopefully won't see you again anytime soon hopefully all right then thanks guys thank you very much some people enjoy pediatrics and some people really don't i can't speak for the people that don't but for me i like it because actually kids are generally fine they don't tend to get seriously unwell if they do they often turn around really quickly and you can go from a very dramatically sick kid to one that's walking out hospital a few days later which is not you can't say the same for adults in a lot of cases the department normally treats around 200 patients today they're anticipating 300. so we've said that he can go to corridor so i'm just waiting for him now to get back to us so that we can set off with rita and dale he's he's well he's back out on that corridor he's fine at midnight bingo we've got a bed nurse schumacher has our own way of dealing with the stress of the job sometimes when it's just like just absolutely mental you just literally just need to go to your person and you just have a hug oh my goodness today aren't you so let me tell you are you gonna have today i don't know you just get on with it don't you and you just try and ride it out milly's next patient is 79 year old catherine who following a fall needs constant monitoring hello back again anna okay we'll check your blood pressure again let me pop this one on i think there we go all right so can you tell me where you are that's it um do you know what month we're in march yeah yeah what year 79 not quite this question isn't it don't worry that's treating that's treating you i use humor a lot like literally that is that is my favorite thing to build a rapport is using humor but you got to be careful if some people don't like it or maybe it's the wrong situation but yeah it's that's that's about being i think that makes you a good nurse if you can judge what what builds that relationship quick enough am i all right you just check your blood blood sugar what's my hair look like looks lovely what about my eye yeah thank you [Music] then from like the age of eight i had like operations on my feet so i was in and out of the children's hospital a lot the nurses the proper made me feel at ease and i just thought like it'd be a good job to it could be a good job to have because i'm not scared of hospitals and i like it still it's still a bit low have you had anything to eat have you had anything to eat since coming here no can i tempt you with something cheeky biscuit yeah yeah which one takes you fancy i mean you could technically have them all if you want yeah i'd not be judging i love being a nurse i think it's i think it suits me it suits me to the ground and i i couldn't i genuinely couldn't see me doing anything else now [Music] meanwhile julian is suffering from a cold my nose is going to be red raw i've got a box of tissue so i'm going to put my name on it actually i will get very little sympathy if a man flew man up juice is probably going to be prescribed [Music] back in the hub dr humphrey has arrived to help assess and treat new emergencies there's no trolleys no trolleys nose plates no trolley no space so we're closing early and we're going shopping with our sisters aren't we we've got no room to put anybody now the queue is into the community [Music] fancy d yeah is it medical or trauma dr humphrey has called teresa to assess 76 year old cynthia who is struggling to breathe you're a little bit blue when you got here i think i don't think there's any worse symptom for a patient than actually feeling like you're gasping your last breath their brain is not working the rest of the body is crying out for oxygen and they become very sick very quickly unless you do something about it right i'm dr humphrey you're cynthia's other half i was right okay and you've brought her up with a bad chest very bad okay now do you know right okay so you've had a bad chest for about 20 years i stopped smoking 20 years ago right now how far can you walk normally without getting breathless before you became unwell probably 50 years because there are vascular diseases as well right okay right okay that's this week so your exercise tolerance has gone right down isn't it you can't even walk within your house without getting breathless so have you had any problems with the heart heart attacks or angina right but never a heart attack okay we'll need to take some blood from me and send you for chest sticks right things let's have a little look at you then just sit yourself forward listen to your back mine's a bit cold i'm afraid yeah it's not sounding very nice in there very crackly so what were you doing when you were working really office work before we got married as i worked in a paint spraying place which i shouldn't have done right because it were chemicals but we needed the money to get married so it's what you did is this the first time that you've had a nasty infection in your chest that hasn't gone away with antibiotics they did a tart tracing didn't they earlier on okay yeah you've not got a lot of oxygen going around in your blood let me just uh get these blood tests sent off and we'll get started get you started on some medicines all right in the hub lead nurse pierce is still juggling patients with beds on a day of unprecedented [Music] the lady in admissions with the gentleman on it because he needs to be on oxygen thank you zoe what else would you like me to do milo just do another safety check just check everybody's i most certainly will let's have a piece of paper can eat and drink cause this gentleman relatives can relatives can have two if the wanks have all been here hours [Music] yeah would you like a cuppa yes please and get you some toast oh yeah please cup of tea sometimes coming up for you all right tea and toast it's it's a staple i don't know why but everybody feels better after a cup of tea don't they if you're upset a cup of tea if you feel poorly a cup of tea if you just you know have a cup of tea it's it's i think it's a british mentality we'll we'll go out on a cup of tea i would walk for a cup of tea following a 70 mile an hour car crash 40 year old peter is still in recess bay too he's being assessed for internal injuries by dr baltescu well what i'll do peter because you've got a bit of pain around this side i'll use an ultrasound scanner to look for fluid in your belly with this very high impact there is a possibility that he might have some internal bleeding and if that's the case i need to refer him to the major trauma center ah here we go all right that's the kidney coming into view okay and then basically looking for fluid in between this bit and this bit this should be as a dark line but it's not that's all fine okay good so there's no free flow that i can find okay which is reassuring okay what we'll do we'll just keep an eye on you until you get bored i'm bored oh that's too early to get bored now and we'll see if your all your observations remain fine and you're okay in yourself we might let you go home i just want to let you know i've had 21 patients in it last hour and we are struggling with assessment times walking patients an ambulance we've got up to 40 minute wait for a nurse in the hub sister amanda calvert is halfway through her last ever shift at barnsley casualty i will miss the naughty draw i miss the people i'll miss the the camaraderie the joking the laughing that we can have i think only a uni nurses can joke in the way we do because we're surrounded by things that people won't normally joke about you can see something horrific and we can still find humor in it sister calvert's next patient is a worker from a local care home samantha hoggitt please come on in come and have a seat for me please my name's amanda i'm one that uh sisters here right then what can we do for you now you need today one of our residents has been then last three fingers back here just crack i think it's broken bend them yeah right then let's have a look all right gritty teeth so i had hold of your hand he went to punch one of my staff so i tried to stop him and he just pull them okay these three pull them through there you can see someone that is in true pain they're grimacing they're tensed up they're guarding the area that's hurting all the holes in the area that's broken and in pain can you wiggle your fingers at all no i can move them that one you've got a bit of movement that's moving to your thumb can you wiggle that little finger no okay can you feel me touching you yeah yeah okay just turn your hand over some people won't make any noise but you can see on their face their face will be telling you i'm in absolute agony i'm so sorry darling you're in too much pain for me to examine you properly let me get you some strong family [Music] how are we doing thank you thank you very much did you enjoy your chips i can't believe you didn't save me any walk-ins has just piled up and it's an hour so we're just going to try and clear a few walk-in assessments in recess bay 3 dr humphrey is still trying to get to the root of why cynthia is so short of breath so you've had a reaction to doxycycline in the past according to your gp notes yes and ampicillin and erythromycin your gp sent a sample of your spit to the lab is that right i took it down on wednesday right let's see if that's come back then she's sensitive to several antibiotics we know that amoxicillin's clearly not working so we need to give her perhaps something slightly different i've just checked and she's grown hemophilus influenza in her sputum right from the sample that's sent by gp and it's resistant to amoxicillin so that is why she's not got better right the the sample of spit that you sent was sent to the lab by your family doctor grew a bug which has got a fancy name called hemophilus influenza and it fights off amoxicillin so now we know that you're on the wrong antibiotic we can get you started on the right one okay the reason you're in here is because when we've checked your blood pressure and your pulse and how much oxygen you've got in your blood it's not very it's yeah your your physiology is not good i'm not going to know no no i think you just need to just take it easy and let us get on top of this infection for you okay i think you're going to uh need to be in hospital for a few days antibiotics antibiotics antibiotics coemoxaclav and [Music] hello it's uh julian hoping around in recess can we have a portable chest x-ray i'm a lady called cynthia meginson okay thank you bye [Music] once that diagnosis that scan is done and you see the result and the report comes back you think i've done it yes okay now the patient can get the treatment that they need you've got some changes at the bottom of your lung on your x-ray that suggests that you've got a pneumonia on the left-hand side at the bottom right and probably a little bit on the right hand side all right so it should once you're on the right antibiotics that should start to clear up fairly quickly all right that's fine so um i'm sure you'll be feeling a lot better within a couple of days all right anyway she's getting better isn't she she is looking happier [Music] we'll get these drugs out then sister calvert has one hour left of her final shift in barnsley casualty i'm looking forward to having that little bit more time to do normal things the hours we work here they're pretty stressful and horrendous and it does have a big impact on family life no nights as well no more nights than guns for that if i could continue to work in a e without doing night shifts because i don't like nights it's like trudging through mud for me on a night i find it really hard it's not natural to be awake at night i'm not an owl agona argona mission sister calvert's last patient is going to be peter who was involved in a 70 mile an hour car crash here we go 40 year old involved in an rtc 70 miles an hour running in my ambulance boarded and collared just needs monitoring until and if he's fine he could go home normally well yes let's have a look then please have a look at this uh crash car ouch that's not right good is it no i was on my way for a date so my date's going to pick me up your date's coming to pick you up i'm going to say i think a better place is to have a date than bounds we are you me [Music] what do you think i'd be doing this weekend if i weren't here no no i don't drink do i don't know you'll be riding you're the galloping yes if only you went that fast [Music] dr acti is six hours into her shift her next patient is gladys who's been brought in after a suspected heart attack so let's start at the beginning again i'm jane i'm one of the doctors can i check how old you are what's happened to you today to bring you up to hospital what happened why are you here why am i here yeah because it's quite it's quite a big question for a thursday evening heart was beating fast okay what time did that happen at um we have a an expanding aging population and i think lots of people think when they come to to work in emergency medicine it'll be like er and they'll all be managing trauma and crazy exciting stuff but actually elderly care is still but can be crazy and exciting but that is the mainstay of our work so this week has your chest pain being worse happening more often so that's the worst episode this morning and who do you live with at the moment gladys now these pains that you've been about well the flutterings that you're getting do they come on anytime or just when you're trying to do something or when i'm trying to do something and sometimes when i'm just sat down okay all right now your blood test is okay for your heart so there's nothing to suggest you've had another small heart attack which is good so i think as long as our risk score says you're okay too we'll get you home all right so just bear with me i'll just go and do that have a look on our computer and see it i can never remember it off the top of my head yeah so that that's really difficult she obviously doesn't want to go home right but there's not really very much that we can offer in hospital for a for a patient like that it's really hard and really tricky um so i'm hoping when when the daughter-in-law comes back we can have a little bit more of a sensible discussion about it i'm not sure i'll look like a horrible person because i'll have to send her home anyway so the date is she's going to come here two years yeah she's just texting me saying that she's got no idea where barnsley is but the sat nav says three hours so where have you been talking don't tell me tinder [Laughter] something along those lines i'd like to disclose really i've had my other half of plenty of fish so there you go it's the way isn't it well she seems pretty cool i mean the fact that she's coming to pick me up now is definitely a good sign yeah it's a good sign yeah i think that's gonna add a bit of flavor to it isn't it something a bit different where did you meet what was your first date like well actually you got a bit of a story rather than just saying you know we met in a restaurant or a bar all right in recess peter is now stable and being transferred to a recovery bay to wait for his date i've got to keep an eye out for peter's uh date arriving oh she's going to she's coming here she's uh not met him yet come back ready though [Laughter] [Music] be prepared [Music] in the hub it's almost time for a shift change it's been the busiest day in the emergency department's history [Music] we're in a better position than last night this time so that's better for night stuff coming [Music] and there's some movement so we could say we've got six or seven up in the last couple of hours now yeah so that's good that's a start but in bay 3 86 year old gladys is reluctant to be discharged by dr axey gladys what do you think we'll achieve by admitting you to hospital tonight what what do you want to get out of it well why would you like to stay in hospital tonight because i don't feel it's all right you can say the words i don't feel as if i'm willing to go from the point of view of your symptoms i know that they're unpleasant but admitting you overnight tonight isn't going to fix that problem the human in you says i'll just admit her and that's what she wants and it will make her happy okay i just don't want to go home okay i know i know but there's no there's no medical reason to admit you that your family said they'll take you they can go home with you one of them can stay with you tonight to look after you i just don't want to go tonight okay why don't we wait until your daughter-in-law comes back and we'll come up with a plan hospitals are not good for old people if they don't need to be there if we absolutely have to admit you because you need hospital-based treatment we will but actually if you don't if it can be something that can be managed at home or in the community that's much better for you [Music] the team has treated a record-breaking 300 patients in the last 24 hours thanks to years of training and experience when i left school i failed my a-levels i ended up washing up in a hospital kitchen until i went into the raf and ended up being like a paramedic really but i did apply to medical school just rocked up one day as a mature student after having 10 years in the aria dr humphrey is going to see one last patient before he clocks off in bay nine 56 year old glyn's heart is being monitored he arrived with shooting pains in his chest hello i'm dr humphrey are you glenn so what's happened for you to come and see us today what was the problem whereabouts was this pain well back we hadn't done sure what like birdies right so it's in your chest but it's also in your throat and goes to the your back as well a bit does it now i've still got pain at the moment yeah it was bad though right okay now you have got a bit of a track record of having heart problems haven't you because i can see some scars on your chest so tell me about what's happened to you in the past what's happened to your heart please don't ever sorry so you've had three times when you had a cardiac arrest your heart stopped and you've been resuscitated was that by the paramedics or in hospital one at all yeah well i've been on the opposite side right now are you smoking at all yeah i lost my way right okay and what about any heart problems in the family you had dad at 57 have a heart attack and you're in your 50s are you in your 50s yourself at the moment yes i'm 56 you're 56 okay whatever you see or is put in front of you you remain calm and you do the best you can with what's what's in front of you um because if you don't and you start to panic what's the patient going to think what do you do what's what do you do what's your job strut feeling whereabouts iceland right okay not brought any chalk ices for us then no not melted i don't know i'm not doing that with the dragons in the dry goods okay so you understand what's gonna happen you're gonna need to have a chest sticks right yeah a nurse is gonna come and give you some tablets and an injection okay and we'll get you admitted all [Music] right thank you uh right okay so uh the northern general um are thinking about taking him um he's the registrar's gonna speak to his consultant he's the same age as me [Laughter] it's the end of the day shift and for sister calvert it's the end of her career in casualty my point of view well done thank you very much i really appreciate it i think it's been a really good shift and uh yeah amanda they've had a collection and various other things and sarah's got it and to say good luck and happy stuff and everything else thank you wanna catch goodies so we wish you all the best of luck um in your new job thank you good luck i'm not hanging up my scrubs permanently i will always be an a e nurse i would like to come back and do the odd little shift once a month maybe just keep those skills ticking over as one shift ends another starts in the hub of what do you mean are you ready yes i am ready always next time when she woke up her arm was on the radiator when the radiator was on so she's got burns from her elbow to her hand [Music] i'm trying to distract you the patients keep flooding in for the team of casualty 24 7. robert you're a medical miracle aren't you hi you're a tribute to the nhs
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 122,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Barnsley A&E, busy day at hospital, critical care, critical condition management, emergency procedures, emotional support, healthcare expertise display, healthcare professionals, healthcare providers, healthcare struggles, healthcare teamwork, hospital operations, medical challenges, medical procedures, medical team dynamics, medical urgency, patient treatment, rare condition, team camaraderie
Id: tzKoJ0mSDRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 21sec (2661 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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