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💬 The gang went fishing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rgliberty 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
750 in the morning it is our new earliest wake up here in a hope you guys are having an awesome we're headed to we even want to get on a boat on this trip we even want to get on a boat jamie has a boat he's taking this out it's like drawing like troll fishing I'm sure reading you know has a stuff but that's where we're starting that's where we're headed right now let's go yeah we could take these roofs off it's a cheap thing baby hey you know where Jamie O'Brien lives we're big fans of him okay there's some there's no happy you know which ones with Jamie it's G it's a beautiful morning what are we doing we just load up all the fishing gear come check it out we've got all the fishing poles we're not gonna catch the biggest fish in the world but we're gonna have a great time I love it that's our setup for today Oh mom this looks legit yeah heck yeah guys fishing why why it's got it all thanks for joining us today let's go have some fun yeah this is always fun you're gonna lower we got a pleasure it for a little nervous whoa did it go that's like [Music] okay we've landed we're sitting right in it by the way I've woken up a little bit since I started film it's like 750 in the morning you guys know to me that is like the end of the world I hate mornings it's hard man I'm so bad I'm trying it better anyway we landed we are off putting the boat there putting the boat in exactly where we put the skis in to do the foil boarding oh is that yesterday - yeah man it is gonna be fun baby all right love getting out doing a little fishing especially in the ocean it's just a different experience Jamie swears he's got like the right lures to troll and that's what we really never have done is trolling that's where you pull the bait and I hope for a grab and I'm all about it that's fun that's go man this is amazing this is so awesome yeah you got to be pumped I'm super this is like Dale spot right here growing up as kids we grew up fishing dad and in the lakes but Dale was always like a lead fisherman he was he loved fishing it's waterproof it don't have floaties on it yeah buddy this is your Island row I told you we're gonna catch fish but I mean we might not catch fish just track the lens track I heard there's a little rivalry on the boat who's got the better lure yes Jamie's dad Jamie says he's got the best lure we just got a big nut one we got to beat it so I made a whole bunch up rejoin him yoo-hoo and repainted them and put resin on them and glitter we're gonna we're gonna have a catch counter today catch counter got a couple weeks gonna see we've got a really good fishing home he's gonna see what works alright and if you're not big into fishing just the boat ride and the experience head now off the island is just beautiful it's stunning beautiful day [Music] perhaps we made it out we're rigging up we're rigging out again up Jamie put me in charge of the boat oh boy hands on the wheel captain you made these and he made them better pretty I feel like these are like secrets right here well watching now you do it again catch whale find a new Magnolia you'll see this thing go up and down you're doing great that's me Santa I appreciate it cool man it's awesome I think she never been out trolling so I didn't understand how all this works but I'm plum so basically when this thing starts screaming you got a fish yeah it's not fish on your net him got an atom up these probably get fired what happened so why did you go up come in hotter and lower I'm in hotter and lower you got this dude this is really hard on a boat there you go you got this you got this give me the give me the remote [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] you saved that what you pop the battery what how many people would have been on hang on Sean D and the big guy really you actually got fish on oh Lord I think the Laura is dragging on the surface yeah lures no good oh we know we saw a fish so I'm pretty cute all right you got the lures spot I'll fish on hey Sean let's see them little chicken wings real that thing the Marlin for sure oh yeah sir for Bart's old mom Frank Porter he's gaining on you do fish on here it might have came off maybe diamond to me hey you're gonna keep the lifetime Decker crank it I know it's not another size did it come off it looks deep what do you got there boy reset oh oh yeah oh yeah baby some on there let's go baby got it oh yeah it's beautiful yes Milo is Obama [Laughter] okay so we're rolling in the lines because it appeared there's it like this dive buoy out here but I swear we all saw like a rant there's no boat out here it's like it looked like a random guy like doing something up or like waving something and it also give us is a rescue mission man underwater jet skis from Waterworld so we're reeling in and we're gonna cruise back by and see if this guy actually need something if we're just seeing things put your predictions Jamie what's your predictions okay I think they're gonna get mad at us because they're trying to shoot fish and we're all I know they're making about the noise you wouldn't know but yeah you just want to see if he's actually waving at him okay they weren't waving at us those are spear guns get it boy get it nice um I don't have to pull this one up Jamie just leave it you're right here Oh something chase me back up yeah classic there you go bambam boogie well tired go you're in the spot right now don't hug it no it's still on there yeah oh I can already see it oh my god oh oh [Laughter] in Kahala nice-size Kahala that thing so pissed off so we're gonna be good Samaritans here and we're gonna throw this guy back as we're good people doing good things yeah I'm sorry got you a nice good one what's that a 30-pound err 12 pack well 12 town give him some credit man maybe 15 15 15 the Hawaiians are real modest around here deck good yeah sinem sail and we're sending him back really baby you gotta want it you gotta want it just gonna guide that line back and forth we've been catching it all day yeah nice it's a smaller version of the other version stuff come right up oh it's a real view of that not bad all right that's a nice fish roe I'm gonna be proud of that I mean it one is as big as mine but hang on let me get the macro on the camera going in front to make it look really good yeah oh that one's going in the bag oh yeah let's get the bag open time to go home little fish big one get it girl is going out ah real real real you're holding them right now you're holding them he's trying to swim out are you here okay there you go and then we got a guide that line back and forth I'm gonna poach dragging the boat backward we got a big one baby just imagine you're starving to death and this is your food coming in getting your cardio and now come on you're turning the boat brick you're getting close yeah you turn here you only like a hundred yards out say another another twenty minutes might be something with you I'd be so bummed no you got this you gotta keep turning it is a heavy heavy I mean I mean I put the future singing she's mean she's mean you're almost there you're almost there hey guys it's running oh it's not even in the fire not even hook it see I knew he's doing it for us you got it in five that sounds how to get this yeah we're not gonna eat on but come on it's your first one you got a hold on the hardest thing or the easiest thing to do is just pinch the guilt it's so easy and paralyze them it just chills come on you want the picture do it babe [Laughter] [Laughter] he's gone party's over all right Jamie just pumped this whoa the super cool spot is like a rock just out here I'm gonna go play on it wait thank you that was beautiful you should be proud of your son [Laughter] [Music] jaimé disappear starts chumming the water these sharks coming up here that was an awesome little trip you guys are freaking awesome thank you so much they pretty much did everything and then they let us real immense every dollar counts baby NAT oh what was that noise of our fishing trip coming out I was sailing so guys obviously when we go to visit youtubers everyone's always awesome I'm gonna say Jamie has been like one of the greatest hosts of all time he's treated us like kings like there's just no way to explain how awesome he's been yeah I mean I just want to say like first of all Jamie and his crew like they've supplied us with footage every day the vlogs are better because of them the drones the the long lens is that the go for it like they've they've helped our videos tremendously and then they've just given us so much like fun stuff to do through the whole trip so please like legit from my heart if you can give Jamie's channel he produces insane content it's on another level it would mean the world to us and to him if you guys could go check it out subscribe to him he grinds he's he's he's in that hunger phase man where's Condon so good and I would just love to see you guys go blow it out so if you can just take a minute I'll link his channel top of the description and just just go blow it up man he deserves it he works really hard and he's treated us so freakin good oh yeah okay we are hiking up on a little spot called shark's Cove really shallow any I don't know if it drains in and out I don't know how it works but it looks amazing apparently this really good snorkeling in here this is so awesome down here man this is so cool alright you guys ready for this it's absolutely beautiful here it comes Oh welcome to Mars we found the first water on planet Mars hey nothing like this exists where I live and this is just off the side of the road just pull off Park hang out swim snorkel play come on little girl climate climate this is romantic out here I can just confess my love to you right now oh gosh that's what little any check this out this is a lot more blending right here already I'm gonna zoom in see if you guys can see them he's on top of the shower so there is going digital zoom TD don't care he's gonna bite you that's that's a lot more I don't know it's technical man you touch it is it a lionfish in there lionfish noise just emergent but it spotted oh it's a it's an urgent I spotted it this is this big slug has an urgent in there and there's a spiky white stripe no seriousness this this is probably what it's like hitting a new planet play the train good thing about it stuffs razor-sharp too it's not a plan how cool is this goes out from the ocean comes in fills this place up it's like a water park a rugged dangerous water park pure camel flage see if you see it [Music] all right guys thank you so much what even is that oh my god I'm so rad dude my nose like peeling so hard sounds like a big Newton I was like dude it's called a blue cocoon blue big news um that's our little adventure for today guys thank you so much for joining us tomorrow we're doing like shark diving like with no cage yeah we're snorkeling with sharks to me awesome Mido thank you guys for joining us thank you guys for sharing love to Jamie's channel thank you for all the love on this channel 20:19 has already been so much fun on poem I looked ridiculous I'm losing my voice and I'm bright red I have a sea tomorrow you're beautiful well one of a kind [Music]
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 990,794
Rating: 4.943471 out of 5
Keywords: Roman, Atwood, The Atwoods, Brittney, Family, Family Friendly, Smile, Smile More, Kids, Noah, Kane, Cora, Vlog, Upload, New, Inspire, Motivational, Hawaii, Fishing, Fun, catch, ohau, island
Id: fYtYLSjNiec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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