Armed in 2007

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hey [ __ ] 45 here if you armed yourself in the year 2007 this might have been something you had really let's shoot something oh boy how was that it's hard how about a bowling pin how about that 2 liter right there yes this might have uh looked a lot like something you were armed with in 2007 so yep here we are again armed in 2007 let's talk about it okay put this on the table i'll unload that chamber yes click all right so yeah if uh you armed yourself in the year 2007 maybe for the first time and you just went out and bought yourself a shotgun a rifle and a handgun what you see on the table would have been possibly your choices not everybody's maybe not even mine maybe not even john's but three viable choices you might have made not saying these are the best choices these aren't the military choices these are just the civilian choices that some people probably made you might have okay if you've been around so we're going to look at them and before we start i want to thank for all the help they give us all the cool stuff you see over there okay go to their site uh the sonoran desert institute sdi you can get yourself some gunsmithing uh uh information and knowledge by taking some distance learning through them a lot of people do that check them out and we're gonna fire some federal premium ammunition here and all yeah all three of these okay believe it or not yeah like we normally do so we appreciate their help and the year again is 2007. you might not have been born then but you probably were most of you and again we're looking at a a viable shotgun a viable rifle and a viable handgun that you might have chosen so what do you want me to talk about first i don't know they're all pretty aren't they they're all the same color they have that same look about them we have we're in the 2000s right no no doubt about that and uh and and again 2007 seems like to me yesterday but yeah it has been a while let's see it's two this is 20 20 2007. i can't do the math you know i'm from kentucky but you know it's not been really all that long but it was an interesting time in in some ways and of course here here helps you put it in perspective this year the first iphone came out okay had a lot of those since then anyway uh no we're not sponsored by apple and see peyton manning won his team the colts won the super bowl that year he won the mvp interesting year we posted our first video on youtube in 2007 it was just some goofy thing but i think it was just shooting the buffalo and shooting through my car or something yeah 2007 we had not yet really posted i started saying useful video have we yet yeah but so is that kind of that kind of time frame all right so if you had chosen a shotgun let's go with this shotgun this is a been a good choice and it been a choice a lot of people made mossberg 500 mossberg 590 is what this is okay you know you had the nine to get the 981 a1 this was a little less money and uh you know and it would fill the need right a pretty nice shotgun let's shoot the thing 12 gauge shotgun again is one of the choices i made back in that time period i have picked up several of these you know safe and uh not a bad choice at all remington 700 or remington 870 lots of shotguns around but uh this was one of them and a smooth operator and something that a lot of people are already maybe vaguely familiar with you've got a an ambidextrous safety there that that's always appealing and in 2007 that would have appealed a lot of people still does right and uh you know they just work now watch this one not work let's shoot that old jug oh yeah they work bird shot we got a couple more let's shoot the paper target with birdshot how's that how about smoking some pot with now now that smokes pot that does it the right way so yeah that was a good choice uh they you could get them i think with the the pistol grip kind of thing you know the shock waves weren't out yet of course uh you know what they call those cruisers or something you know uh kind of hard on your hand but those are have been popular i guess those were available back then i think they were and uh you know i think in 2007 you could i'm not sure if you could still get them with the wood furniture uh because i had a 590 a1 uh this is a 590 with wood furniture but i had it uh before that picked it up before that so good shotgun good choice and for some of you this was probably your shotgun right and let's go to the handgun now for a handgun [Music] here we have an m p and this was a choice one reason this was a popular choice for a lot of people was because i think by that time a lot of people were tired of glocks maybe even uh xd's i don't know about that time but uh mnp came out with their series of pistols an upgrade from some of the earlier things but but uh these are wildly popular now they're a really viable choice today aren't they and they came out i think in about 2005. so by 2007 you know they were in full swing various calibers this one's in 40. this is a police trade-in you've seen it before and just a good all-around firearm uh to shoot how's that self-defense or you know whatever uh these guns one reason a lot of people would have picked this in 2007 is after handling a glock you know you hear me complaining about the grips and they picked these up oh that fits like a glove as compared with a glock right and they shoot whether whether in 40 or 9 or whatever the caliber you don't have another magazine kind of shoot it yeah i haven't shot 40 much lately so it's kind of fun boom yeah yeah pretty good old gun so this was a popular firearm it felt better in the hand for a lot of people and it had not been out that long it's got the uh magazine disconnected at the magazine and pull the trigger and uh you know they came in a variety you know calibers and then uh even sizes later you get the compacts and all those sorts of things but just a a good pistol and everybody's familiar with smith and wesson the m p trademark and so uh 2007 this would have been chosen by a lot of people some of you probably okay and either 9 or 40 maybe 45. just a just a good gun 2007. and of course there's still a choice that's a interesting thing about today we're close enough in in history that all three of these are still you know viable choices and common choices right so what about a rifle uh well what do we have here we have the coal 6920 and 2007 this would have been a uh viable choice and fairly common because i think it came out the 6920 in around 1999 2000 and of course during the crazy crime bill okay which ran from 94 1994 to 2004 and and so by 2007 that had sunset sunsetted no sunset and uh and so these were more uh available i remember during that 10-year period i couldn't even buy one of the classical stock you know unless it was pre-banned and all that kind of thing you couldn't put a collapsible stock on them and all that banter lugs all those horrible things and so get all that going on many of you remember that that time period but then in 2007 by then things had gotten back to oh a little more common sense and so these were available one of the cool things about it was it had this really innovative feature okay that up until you know early 2000s most uh ar-15 had a fixed carry handle this one you could take off and have a flat top and put your own sight on there wow that's something that's just amazing isn't it it's kind of interesting to think about then that hasn't been all that long ago uh 13 years i did the math since i was talking to you before i've been doing that math on my head for a good while now but yeah over that time period a lot has changed now you you still had the fixed side up here but you could uh replace that and during 2007 and during that time period you didn't see all these these laptop ar-15s but it wasn't long after that was it wasn't long after that it wasn't long before this you didn't see even the detachable ones but then it wasn't long after 2007 that you began to see the flat tops the quad rails and all those things and that's a whole other world to talk about isn't it and uh and it's one reason people kind of like these i think today there's a kind of a interest in these retro firearms because they're just interesting you know they take us back to the early ar-15s but i'll take a couple more shots maybe so yeah i get a removable carry handle amazing amazing innovation huh and of course i bought this uh new yeah in fact it's funny i should have looked it up it may have been 2007. it was right before we started making videos and that was around 2008 you know seven and eight so i may have bought this in 2007 i'll look it up if i did i'll uh maybe put that in a comment or something all right let's take a couple more shots with it it's fun to shoot before you hit anything with it there take off any plate or burn barrel it's an ar-15 uh colt 6920 uh a very nice choice uh and again it wasn't long before that 99 i think i bought a bushmaster that had the fixed handle you know kind of that configuration and uh so then he had this uh innovation and then now we know what's come about since then here so but this would have been a very viable choice and a common choice you know you know no telling how many thousands of people actually chose this firearm in 2007 this firearm 2007 and and this one all today talking about the year 2007 uh we have three very common firearms now it could have been different i mean someone could have chosen a lever rifle you know uh a double barrel shotgun a semi-automatic a benally or whatever there's always other good choices a glock oh he said the word didn't he uh you know an xd uh a 1911 you know whatever but uh that was been a good choice and still is so interesting year hadn't been all that long ago many of you can relate to to that year you may still have some of your choices you know from that year and and they might be lying here on this table in 2007. and uh it was uh interesting times it wasn't all that removed from 9 11. uh it was after the the crime bill as i said things loosened up and uh untold i will say hundreds of thousands at least on millions of these have been purchased since then which is great for the second amendment isn't it and so uh it's it's it's been good it's been good since then and these are three choices that i myself might have made you know more of a glock person of course with my polymer pistols but uh i would have no problem with any of these three they all when i pick them up shoot them i can hit what i want to hit and and they're gonna get good guns or quality firearms and again these are three of the possible choices that people made in 2007 not the best choices not the worst choices not even necessarily my choices okay but that's kind of what we have here and uh we appreciate you all coming out and uh you know looking at these with us because you know somebody out there watching probably has all three of these you know and and you might even bought them around that time so let us know let us know appreciate you coming out to watch and uh i expect you to come back life is good it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i want to let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistol check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistal talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to you can also find us on facebook 45 twitter hiccup 45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore h-i-c-k-o-k-4-5 on instagram and the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 483,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, APMEX, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips
Id: QOt_HblvtF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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