My First Full Auto Transferrable AK47

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welcome to patchy rifle works how can i help you can you make this ak that is only semi auto into a full auto a cape no you can't do it no no i know you can like just cut some stuff and weld some stuff i know it's possible i i wish i could but to be honest the only person that's gonna do that's ak jesus so ain't gonna happen pray to ak jesus i mean dear ak jesus please take this boring semi auto ak make it into a super awesome fall auto ak amen i mean i didn't really mean pray to him what the [ __ ] i knew it your dedication to the platform is impressive my son here go forth and spread the gospel of clash wow thank you so much what else can you do you got water yeah hey i just bought a full auto ak from rock island auction company and i'm gonna send you back there to watch actually the bidding process but rock island is awesome we've worked with them in the past and they always have like the best collectible guns like the best ones are always at rock island auction but they also have like some more modern like more affordable guns as well this is a fully auto fully transferable ak and uh i've wanted one for a really long time and i found one coming up on their auction and so i actually didn't think i was gonna be able to bid on it during the auction i thought i was gonna be on a plane i submitted a bid on their website but then our plane ended up getting delayed while the bidding was going on i was in the airport on the phone with rock island and uh got to hear that i won the bid while it happened so i'm gonna send you guys back there let you watch that real quick and then we'll come back and shoot this thing trying to buy guns from rock island auction right now so it's live right now they're on uh let's see lot 305 oh there it went now they're on 306. um you can see them live right here and there are two that i am interested in um an mp5 and an ak both full auto fully transferable trying to get them mine are like in 200 lots though i'm in an airport lounge right now so we may actually be on the flight whenever uh my lots come up we'll see but we're waiting waiting patiently to see if i can get my first full auto ak and the full auto mp5 which is so cool okay we have to get on the plane now so i put in sealed bids on both the two guns that i am trying to get and we're going up and playing we'll see if i win them wish me luck thank you so much yeah i'm out on that one oh it's already at 37.50 geez it went it went for 20 000 and 37 in no time this is the mp5 definitely the mp5 sold for 47 hundred [Music] 19 000. all right okay she had sweet thank you got one appreciate it thank you just bought a full auto ak thanks again to rock island they're always super friendly easy to work with and there's pretty much always an auction going on so if you're looking for stuff uh it's a good place to go uh i brought brandon herrera here hey guys hey look i got this i know i had to come see it this thing is awesome you go ahead and just tell me everything i need to know about it because you know a lot more about these things than i do so for one i'm glad we uh we swapped out your break yeah where does that break so he was is that the one that came with it he was offended yeah oh here it is it came with this break and he was like uh we need to put a slant break on there no no no this is transferable yeah yeah on a transferable chinese gun like this no no this is probably also chinese but it probably actually fits good it's not going to do but he brought me a well-worn slant break of course looks great just like mama made so what this is is this is a chinese ak variant this one is an under folder and 762. you can tell it's a conversion this wasn't imported uh as a three-pin gun because it's marked with the civilian import markings as semi-auto so somebody came back later and converted this full auto before 1986 and put it on the register i was wondering that i was wondering why it said semi-auto like that on there but either that it was a real sketchy import but and you could tell the uh the third axis pin is also a different color but yeah these are really cool these are actually neat you hear chinese and you think garbage which for a lot of things you know probably americans are trained to think that yes and i don't think it's gonna steer us very wrong usually but the chinese aks are actually pretty pretty sought after these are this is a really really cool collector piece you picked up i'm excited and it's one of those one i've wanted for a long time glad to have it because i've been watching them for 10 years just go up in value so i'm like i need to get in on it before it's like you know 200 grand or something what's crazy is that this exact gun when it was first imported was probably like 200 oh yeah i'm sure so actually i've never fired this but this guy has this paul from apache rifle works so he actually he got it in his shop fired it any any malfunctions at all no it runs very nice so we're gonna fire it i'm gonna fire the first time bran is gonna fire the first time and we've got a really a video that everyone has been asking for on our targets downrange you guys have really been wondering this the world needs to know let's go downrange and check it out and see what our target is today here before us we have a bad guy behind a sandbag wall this is just some multi-purpose sand that we have we're going to see how good it stops bullets but this is a control group come over here look at the experimental group we have another bad guy behind this a potato bag wall which everyone has been wanting actually okay only one guy on reddit asked he was like how how many potatoes would it take to stop bullets so we were like potatoes come in a big bag just like sand so what if you didn't have bags of sand to fortify your base all you had you live in idaho and all you have are bags of potatoes so you have to fortify your base with just tons of bags potato what do you think paul that's not an apple man oh my god no bulking carbs so both of our guys back here that's how we decide if it goes through or not we're gonna be aiming at these guys torsos firing multiple bullets seeing if anything gets through the sand or the potato bag wall if the potato bag wall wins we're going to start marketing this and sell it to the government become billionaires first up 22 long rifle out of this fake uzi and uh we're just gonna we're just gonna kind of unload on both walls and see what happens okay i'll support you for the recoil potatoes i think they're both gonna stop every single 22. sandbags um nothing he had a bunch in the same sandbag down there nothing came through good to go there taters it was a gun for sure it's gonna be harder to see if there's a table here came through yep there you go yeah it stopped them all we also couldn't the potatoes wouldn't stack on themselves so we had to put these uh pallets here so that's also gonna help but nothing came through nothing hit wood nothing hit him let's step it up to a real man's caliber nine millimeter i think nine nine might go through the potato wall i don't know but i think we're gonna find out gotta love our not can [Applause] maybe this thing will blow your lungs out got it yes [Music] [Music] well we uh sprung a leak a little bit um but i think it did stop them all yeah there's no holes in the back the bags just aren't very good at keeping the sand in them once hit this guy took some rounds straight through the spine these were these were not here before oh mashed taters eat that one now paul why is it wet i don't know but i'm not eating it [Laughter] [Applause] he's tired he's sleepy all right moved him over since these were deflating a little bit over here uh this guy looks good i feel like he's safe behind that wall of potatoes 45 acp out of the hk mark 23. i think he's dead [Music] and we hit here here here here nothing went through on this guy again one two three oh so maybe we didn't hit him yeah there were three holes yeah these are the same holes he already had yeah so we just knocked him down so that kind of makes sense that those batter bullets didn't go through as easily maybe we just hit the wood and shook it a little bit we're gonna get something that penetrates deep even though it's small 556. hey why do you pan to me here we got a sig 551 lower on a 556 upper this is basically like if rolex made an ak how many rounds you want where just dump them whatever you want to do all right i want you to have fun he actually i put this up on my story and he was one of the first people that like was like oh he slid into my dms so fast when i put that up there can you blame me it's a good looking gun all right going hot i think we got a problem with our potatoes yeah you got tater killer nothing is going through this sand wall turns out sand actually may be better than potatoes surprising but you use the potatoes to fix the sand i get it so it's a combination of both that makes the superior wall uh nothing through this guy stuff has busted through i might have been shooting offset nothing's hit him i don't know it looked it looked right right just below him maybe that's what i thought either way these are mashed potatoes now we're go we're gonna have to get uh i think we're gonna have to get a full auto ak to really test out this wall where are you gonna find one of those i don't know i think we actually only have three of them over there this is actually my first shot with this gun that was the first time ever loaded around in there we're gonna do a little semi first oh you might want to drop it down one if you want to go semi oh that is the full see told you i'm a newbie so simmi that was taters that was saying that power though okay it's weird the whole wall came over okay let's see what this thing can do dude i love it um y'all should shoot this thing that's so cool you know what's not cool though this on your cheek nothing sandbag good job but also there are no more holes in this guy just the nine millimeters actually there's a nine in his body just the nine millimeter got through him i don't know what's going on but taters work pretty good except for nine millimeters paul which one are you gonna shoot potatoes cool yep tomato tomato potato fulato yeah youtube doesn't like this video at all this is actually the seventh time i have uploaded this full auto ak video to youtube and it's demonetized every single time so i'm just gonna have to go live with it totally demonetized but i was like you know what i don't care if youtube doesn't like my video and won't put any ads on it because this is demonetization ranch i get it but what i am gonna do is i'm gonna make a brand new t-shirt that says potato potato a kegel full auto demo ranch uh i made it in microsoft paint all by myself and it's going on a white t-shirt we are actually gonna sell this for a couple days because i think it's really funny so if you want to get you a potato potato a cagle fulato shirt link description below for limited time only i'm going to say probably a couple of days not many get it while it's hot and help support my full auto gun buying addiction because this stuff ain't cheap this thing is so nice that was really fast i should have done it that way congratulations sir congratulations baby from the hospital you know look what i made for him no you you brought back something that actually is gonna you know retain its value that's true yeah all right you just want me to let it rip yeah do you don't have to tell me twice she is a little gassy isn't she you know what i love is that they put these uh nice the smoking hot barrel they put these nice wood handguards here but they put a metal pin through it so you only burn your hands a little bit there on the middle oh yeah ow that's hot it's like it's smoking matt we're gonna do the final test on the potato wall i'll be shooting my new ak what do you guys have here we got an ak-12 and a crank aks-74u what he said yeah what what he said three two one fire he just fell down really hard back there i'm not gonna lie i freaked out for a half a second when i saw the body drop i'm like was somebody back there i forgot about the mannequin i'm like oh we're gonna shoot the can cannon with a potato in it we're gonna turn into a potato cannon uh but we actually have a target that one of you guys made and sent to us brandon come over and check this out made out of street signs here you go check it out it's pretty cool right okay jesus the handsome fella yeah too bad he's about to be shot someone just sent that to us they they sent this to you knowing it would be shot with like no no i don't like we didn't have a note with it i don't know i don't know what they want us to do but it's it's you with a scorpion um and a cool hat yeah that's super cool super thoughtful thank you i can't wait to ventilate it well you just shoot a potato oh okay potato yourself in the face it'll be great i'm excited okay ready for action point blank death to communism yep that's the kami ak guy better dead than red die call me me just splattered all over him great work it's never a dull day here i'll tell you that all right we got one of paul tipps thanks to apache rifleworks paul for coming out thanks to ak guy brandon herrera for coming out thanks to rock island auction for hooking it up and we get a sweet new fulato ak we also bought another gun at rock island auction you guys will see it later and it's even cooler he would probably disagree but i think he would agree it's cool it's awesome thank you guys for watching this episode give us a rant i love you and i'll see you next time no don't i can't hold this on camera [Music] we're really gonna enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] okay it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,230,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: Pel7jZFMUb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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