How To Aim A Pistol Using Iron Sights Or A Red Dot?

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hey how's it going miles here at tactical hive we've noticed that with a lot of our videos we've been trying to add on top of what we've already created so if you've been following us for the past year or so we're always trying to do more but what we realized over time is that a lot of our viewers are new gun owners or beginners so not a lot actually can appreciate everything that we're putting out because the fundamentals are not there for a lot of our viewers so what we've decided to do is create a number of different videos how to's so to speak where we start from the basics and in this video we're going to talk about how to aim your pistol both with an iron sight and with a red dot this video and future videos that we put out that revolve around the fundamentals are going to give you information or i should say enough information so that you can use that and implement it right away without providing overwhelm in other words we're not going to throw everything at you at once so that you can take these bits of information bite-size pieces and be able to implement them right away so let's get started so i'm holding my p365 clearly an iron sight gun so it has a rear sight and a front sight and this is my everyday carry it's important to learn how to aim your pistol set you can obviously get your shots on target so how do you do that you may have learned or heard of two terms called sight alignment and sight picture if you haven't then this video is going to be perfect for you so when we are dealing with iron sights we need to think about what's referred to as site alignment that means we need to align our rear sight and our front sight so that we can get an accurate shot on target so how do we actually align the two sites here what we want to do is the front sight needs to be right in the middle of our rear sight as well as level with our rear sight some people refer to this as equal height and equal light when people refer to equal height that means the front sight the edge of the front sight is going to be lined up with the same height of the rear sight and then when they say equal light when you put that front sight in between your rear sight and you look through it okay as you're aiming your gun you're going to see some space on the left and right of your front sight so what you want to ensure is the space between your front sight and your rear sight if you're looking at from the rear is equal the light that you see the light passing through is equal so that's why they refer to it as equal height equal light and that's really all there is to it when you need to line up your sights okay that's referred to again as site alignment now that you know how to align your sites you also need to know how to put those properly aligned sites on top of your target and this is where we move into site picture so you already have understanding of site alignment so now what you need to do is where do we place those sites on the actual target and this is where some people get confused some people have only learned one way in their entire life but there are a number of different ways and we're going to cover two and we refer to how you place your properly aligned sites on a target as your hold okay so it it falls in the under the umbrella of sight picture but you want to have a certain hole now what do i mean by that so your front sight has a top edge and there are two common holes and once again just to repeat this for those of you who are very unfamiliar with this the whole is going to be how i put my properly aligned sights on top of the target whatever i want to hit so there are two common holes one is a center hold the other is a combat hold so with the center hold what we want to do is pay attention to that front edge or the top edge of that front sight and whatever we want to hit we want to make sure that that front edge actually cuts right through the center of it so i'm going to put my firearm away for a second here if i wanted to hit the center of the tactile hive logo here this bullseye then the front edge would literally cut the center of the bullseye and that is why we call it a center hold now that being said the sight alignment can't change so we have equal height equal light then we place that proper sight alignment or the the sides properly aligned right on top of this bullseye with a center hold okay the front edge crossing the bullseye once again that is if you have a center hold on your gun okay the combination of your sights and your gun it could dictate the hole that you have if you have a combat hole which is another common hole for pistols that is when your front sight is going to literally cover what you want to hit so it's a little different so with my sig sauer p365 and a lot of sig sauer pistols and you'll have to check with your manufacturer they come out of the factory with a certain hole and again with sigs it's a combat hole usually a combat hole what that means is unlike the center hole when i refer to or i mentioned don't even worry about some orange dot or something that's glowing in the front sight like you completely ignore it for a center hole now we want to pay attention to it for combat hold whereas with the center hole if we wanted to hit the bullseye here the tactical hive logo right in the center we would use the top edge and cut right in front right in the middle here with a combat hold we want to put that bright circle on your front sight on top of what you want to hit so instead of cutting in between right in the center of the bullseye here we would put that dot over it what that means is you're pretty much covering your target so you can't see your target there are pros and cons to each you might wonder why there are different holes but the truth is there are so there isn't just one and it's interesting to find out when i talk to some people particularly people who have learned how to shoot years back who are much much older and some of them didn't even realize like when i talk they don't even realize there are different holes and what i'm talking about are just two common ones so going back to the entire topic today of how to aim your pistol we now talked about sight alignment we talked about sight picture how you're going to overlay the properly aligned sights on your target just because you do that though does not mean you're going to hit your target right you have to have good mechanics with your trigger control and a decent grip where you're not shaking around pretty much that means that when you pull the trigger your sights have to be exactly where you want to shoot so assuming you are aiming at your target and you do not disrupt the sights by bad grip or anticipation or pulling the trigger incorrectly you are going to hit your target wherever you're aiming you're going to hit it some final notes though the holes that i talked to you about they don't really matter at close ranges so if you're shooting 5 7 10 10 yards you don't have to worry about that whether you have a combat hold or a center hold but it is important information as you shoot more and as you go further back knowing your hold is going to matter a lot remember i said we covered just two holes there could be more there could be let's say a six o'clock hold some bull's-eye shooters will use a six o'clock hold so that's not very common among practical shooters and a six o'clock hold is where your front sight the edge of the front sight is completely below what you want to hit but it's again just good to know that there are different holes out there one last thing as a beginner what's going to happen is when you are looking at a target that you want to engage or shoot you're going to be thinking about your front sight your sight alignment and the sight picture and what you want to do as you're starting you want to look at your target and then what you're going to do is as your sites get into your vision you are going to change your focus from your target to your sites so that you can ensure that they are aligned then when there are aligned then you can break your shot as you gain more experience you'll be able to you'll be able to veer away from that you can have more of a focus on your target but if you're just starting out focus on your target know what you want to shoot then change your focus to ensure that you can see good alignment with your sights and a proper sight picture so that's how you aim your pistol using iron sights you make sure you have proper sight alignment and then proper sight picture so how do you overlay the properly online sites on your target now let's talk about red dot shooters those who are using a red dot on their pistols fortunately before red dot shooters it's much easier all you really have to do is put that red dot on one you want to shoot and ensure that you do not disturb the red dot when you pull the trigger and what you are aiming at is what you technically should hit now the main difference here is that when i talked about with iron sights how you're probably going to be looking at your target first because you need to know what you want to shoot then you're going to change focus to your sites to ensure that everything is lined up with a red dot you are hardly ever going to do that now i'll talk about i'll go back to hardly ever in a little bit but what you're really going to do is you're going to look at your target and keep your focus on the target as you raise your gun your red dot is going to disrupt your vision it's going to get in between what you're looking at and so when you see that red dodge a superimpose over what you're shooting then you can break the shot you do not need to change your focus from the target to the red dot with iron sights you do to ensure you have a completely accurate or i should say more precise shot now going back to what i refer to the vast majority of red dot shooters are going to stay target focused meaning they're always going to have their target in crystal clear focus they're not going to go back to look at the red dot however there might be sometimes when you're shooting something really far or a small target and you want to ensure that you have a very precise shot you might change your focus from the target to just take a quick look at that red dot to ensure it's on top of exactly what you want to hit so as i mentioned when you're aiming a pistol with a red dot it's extremely easy just put your red dot where you want to shoot and everything is going to work out if you do not disrupt the sights those are the wave tops to how to aim your pistol whether you're using iron sights or a red dot now this assumes okay just keep this in mind this assumes that your sights your iron sights or your red dot are zeroed so if you're unfamiliar with that term having your sites or your red dot zeroed it basically means that you're ensuring that whatever your point of aim is okay whatever you're aiming at with your red dot or your iron sights your point of impact will be the same they will match and that is the process of zeroing your pistol so again this video assumes that your iron sights or your red dot are already zeroed now if you're not sure how to zero your pistol or how to check we'll have another video about that but assuming you are zeroed this is how you aim your pistol so hope you guys like that video if you want to see more videos like this please like comment subscribe see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Tactical Hyve
Views: 970,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tactical hyve, tactical hive, hive tactical, hyve tactical, firearms training, tactical training, self defense, tac hyve, aiming, how to shoot a pistol, red dot shooting, iron sights, sight alignment, sight picture
Id: -d84m4CpisQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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