Are the Ayleids Still Alive? Starlight Technology & the Wild Elves | The Elder Scrolls Podcast #3

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[Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to fudge market my name is scott and i'm here with michael andrew we've got episode 3 of the elder scrolls podcast talking all about the aylids but before we jump into that i just want to thank all of you guys for the epic support but seriously it means a lot to us that you've been engaging a lot and liking the video and and if you can and haven't throw a like in there and comment any good feedback you've got because it helps really good feedback because it because it helps the podcast get out there share it with your friends it just means a lot to us and it's one of the things we are really enjoying doing at the moment because we get this nice big you know open discussion so let's get into the aylids drew i'm going to put you on the spot give us just a general general overview of what an alid is an a lid in a way kind of like the durani then it's not like the chimera in that they came from somerset and the old ma and then just totally changed overnight they're very they were very similar in culture and appearance to the aldmer so that's the ancestors of the high elves um and that's kind of what you imagine but then they moved to the heartland they're one of the groups that went over there not to like run away from the old culture but basically just to settle the mainland they became a bit tan because it's a bit warmer over there and other than that yeah they're just they want to we can get straight i'm going to give some insight as well i'm going to give some insight as well they came there i'm fairly sure after top of the pilot sailed all around and well this is what i was going to say we're about to go into the area the pilot sailed all around tamriel stopping off in various provinces or seeing various things along the way eventually taking a wrong turn um because he was looking for us yeah so tough all the pilot was an aldmer dude looking for aldemares because they lost supposedly so they were coming from somerset yeah going for a look and while while he was charting he ended up going straight up into cyrodiil and all of the area around there and it was interesting because he saw cat folk like around there or cat demons as it was called in the text and also the feathered men who he basically jipped in the biggest trade like the biggest the best trade deal well they they seem to all right about it like the bird people like they were fine with it but i mean as we know as we know the bird people are gone afterwards but it's interesting because there's a lot of creed in i like at least i think there's no reason to because some people like this believe the topol story is like or are these bird people even real but i'm like there's no reason to disbelieve it and the whole feathers and bird imagery and stuff like that is something that is um a big part of ayleid culture they're often described with like feathers and beads and if you look at their statues the way they envision auriel is this big sort of golden eagle looking thing and a lot of their armor has little like bird-like motifs and if you think of cyrodiil as a jungle back then like you know lots of like exotic birds around like you can imagine the sort of environment that kind of gives them that image oh for sure and i mean they traded what the ability to read and write for the eight i like basically serious but then but then they were gone though so like well it's interesting maybe the aliens like pushed him out later but this is all like marethic era stuff so this is like you know a solid while before recorded history it was possible something tells me that if the bird people had said no they probably would have taken it anyway yeah so yeah so but to yeah there's some kind of ultimate ascended thing and i don't know where they are in the sort of timeline like there is a question here i'll have to find who exactly was from but it was um it was basically trying to work out like when of the races came and i think this is like a big loaded question like when did the kaima leave did they leave after the aylids which i would kind of think yes because topple sort of dropped into cyrodiil first and then i guess the a lid sort of started then and then camera some but i guess we won't get into that too because we don't have to get into the whole aldmeris discussion this time around because it's pretty simple turple rocks up into lake romere and then he uh he or some group of aldmer inhabit the isles and then i guess ayla sort of start in that area when cyrodiil was a jungle not a transcription error but um so we can start talking about um ailids in general so to start off with like drew was saying they were really similar in culture like besides some of like you know the aesthetic and kind of things in terms of they were aedra worshipping but as time went on they did get a little thing going for the daedra and certain um daedric princes and some of the really vile ones but they didn't have the same attitudes to the kaima where they were like um exclusively daedra versus the aedra there they're kind of like all of it you know and it depends on the king because because the aylids had an empire but it was more like like they didn't have an emperor it was more like a coalition of kingdoms and lots of kingdoms would have their own microculture like you know this kingdom might be dedicated to murloc bell because their king really endorses that one or that one might be dedicated to xarxis or something like that like they were a little bit more it's not yeah there were alied groups who actively denounced worshipping most of the daedra perhaps with the exception of meridia yeah the the uh bar basic i think it's that's how you pronounce it or yes something like that um a lids and they're ones that left and they ended up in black marsh later on and they've got some cool connections but we'll um we'll sort of get to that but we can kind of like talk about their society a little bit like their magic so let's we don't know enough about like or before they were sort of like you know age sort of elephant but let's talk about when it gets interesting which is basically around the first era because i'm pretty sure um this that division we were talking about just then where some of them kept to their aedra uh the bar say big eilids it was yeah in 198 there's the scouring of wendelbeck and there's basically pro daedra ailids versus against the the traditionalist ones so then there's a bit of conflict there but so it is sort of in the in the first centuries of the first era where the daedric worship is kind of becoming a thing and they're going you know a little bit i don't know how they viewed meridia either because meridia's got like different significance because magna gee stuff and then also their obsession with light and so on but yeah let's just one of you guys can take over and start talking a bit about um their technology culture because they've got some cool technology well i mean as you just said about light so they they believed in the four elements rather than earth water air and fire it was earth water air and light so they were obsessed with light and starlight and you can see it in their technology with the the welkin stones the valar stones the aylid wells and things like that they were obsessed with kind of harnessing that magic and it seems like almost ahead of their time they were aware of the fact that starlight and the sun is what brings magic into the mortal realm yeah well you know like so i was gonna say we'll have to go into another episode on this so you guys can if you want are keen for it but the idea that um back in the day the further you go back in history the more magical and advanced everything is and the further you go in the timeline the the less like magic sort of seeping out of the world or there aren't daedra roaming and there aren't all this cool like crazy feats like in many ways the um like not technology magical technology of the ancients was um far better and talking about the the light and um welcome stones and so on so they use this meteoric glass to make the vilestones and the welcome stones and what's interesting there is that someone actually pointed out i'll find the question in a second but it was basically that they wouldn't need soul gems it's kind of a revolutionary technology and that the valor stones they can use just magic from aetherius and capture it in the vial of stones and then um recharge their weapons as much as they want which is also powerful on the battlefield like them with their um basically unlimited i mean they mean they need the valor stones but it's like solar energy it's like unlimited like they can just keep using their alid wells it's basically like a battery you know that they can carry around with them and more than that though if you think about instead of them attacking but defending their cities if they've got wells like you know you can just have mages standing around kind of just you know pulling unlimited magicker in for defense for killing people like you know well that's what's written with those uh if you remember in oblivion like one of the things you needed for the big portal to guyalata was um a greater welcome stone and apparently these were these giant um well welcome stones like huge versions of them but they stored they often like powered the magical systems of all the ruins and and like so they they basically hoarded these massive sources of them and a lot of them got pillaged later on that's why you can only find the one in i forget which ailed ruins specifically it is but um yeah like it's kind of cool it's like this magical power source for their entire um ruins but that's like revolutionary too like the way that they could just restore magicka with welcome stones and so on and and they were i guess we may as well like kind of see we can start exploring i guess how they would get into the daydream one of the easiest ways would be through meridia because she um is associated a lot with the light she was imac nagy she's right into and she's sort of like like we like we said in the previous episode her realm is a reflection of um aetherius's light into around the colored rooms or whatever and then like so she's sort of got this big obsession for it and so the aylids and so they have these sort of like um united goals in a way in that kind of research and then also they're enslaving all the needy people so that they need some daedric armies to help them do and i guess we can start moving into that like it's also not just meridia but um there was also i think like molag bao and marin's day gone and hermaeus mora is another one i think therefore that are mentioned specifically but um uh there are more but uh yeah yeah i mean like you know if you if you look at their descent into worshipping daedra i i find it really interesting i mean obviously the pool there is to get more and more power and it's a shame though because eventually it kind of turned into cruelty it wasn't just power for the sake of advancement i mean a lot of these ancient civilizations were the most advanced and could have been great if they didn't you know disappear like the dwemer or kind of bring their downfall upon themselves by defaulting into kind of i mean if you throw away your moral com compass you can justify you know using the needed people to kind of do your work for you not it's not a good thing but obviously it's effective and it works to do that but when you get to the stage where you know they're doing torture and they have their gut gardens and they have the wailing wheels of vin darcel or vin diesel however you want to say it things get a lot more i guess wasteful yeah well that that's like i guess it sort of coincides with them sort of worship starting to worship the daedra and bringing those elements in is that they're kind of like that uh archetype of an ancient society that got too hedonistic and that that elements i guess that's kind of their pitfall as they just they sort of thought they were so great they could just harvest as much magic from the starlight as they want they've got all these super powerful enchanted swords and daedric armies at their command there's these powerful sorcerer kings so yeah they're just like burning children alive for sport and so on and like you know all these hedonistic pleasures and um i'm sure there's some substance abuse and like all kinds of stuff going on but uh and that really is a big reflection on their like treatment of the needy people as needed slaves but obviously not all of them were like pro slavery because some of them um come and help but um i think we will get to uh we may as well start talking about like the biggest of all ailed events like this is where we know we where all of the writings of this time is where we get the most information about the aylids which also does mean there can be some inherent bias like some people speculate that with all these gut gardens and wailing wheels of diesel stuff like that that it is just like bias but i'm pretty sure there's even a scene in eso it's like flashback of ghosts or something or yeah yeah i can explain it so i believe it's actually in shadowfen in blackmarsh and they're kind of talking about their slaves and their ghosts saying to each other oh you know what do you think of my slaves and the other ones like yeah their skin will you know be great texture and color for you know your flesh sculpture stuff that you're working on this kind of torture daedra inspired arts as they were called and you know it's like yeah it'll rival the wailing wheels of vindas or hahaha you know uh yeah so we have a little more first-hand confirmation but it depends who you listen to i mean i'm not the biggest fan of lady cinnabar nor uh frastus of ellen here you can find them both in the evan heart packed bass arguing with each other and dissing each other but she says you know if you cherry pick kind of yeah the ayleid sound so bad and and so on um but yeah i think there's truth to the idea that a lot of them weren't but i still think plenty were i mean you know plenty especially if you're believing like some of the sort of songs of paranormal kind of stuff he's he goes on there's a lot of elves to massacre that he although to be fair fellainal also just kind of massacred anything that remotely looked like an elf including a whole bunch of khajiit but uh yes so the setup um basically uh alicia the slave queen alicia um gets help from akatosh to um basically doing the aylids and then also get some demi-god sort of champions maura house son of kind and um who is their man bull or like an actual bull with wings or like there's a few sort of different interpretations um but then also pelina white strike so drew you do you wanna well before we get into the rebellion i did want to say that like it the aliens is the perfect example of why the good daedra was so important to the kaima because having the good daedra to guide them meant that they it wasn't just outright daedra worship so they were told no these are bad daedra don't worship these guys use them to you you know learn from them but do not venerate them and the aliens didn't really have rules like that they would just follow whoever they felt like following and and i think that's a big part of where it all went wrong so yeah well i think that's the other thing is they had like the karma from the get-go with the sigic endeavor and they have this like really sort of like tight philosophy that kind of you know involved the good deirdre house of trouble so on but because there was such a small group to begin with when they left and went to resdayne it allowed them to sort of keep that mono culture sort of very like sort of and they were very zealous about their religion whereas the aylids were actually black we said a more of a sort of coalition of multiple kingdoms so it's kind of up to the specific kings that that you know they might decide i want to worship this one and then because this particular king you know authorizes it and says it's cool then a lot more people gather on and basically they weren't as politically unified as the kymer i guess well a problem can arise from that as well because if you allow some kings to worship certain daedra for example it's clear that molag bao was very important to a lot of the kings especially in the most prosperous kingdoms because if you think about it the kingdoms that went that did the best were the ones who enslaved dominated turned to cruelty and there and all it takes is one kingdom to incite the rebellion um which is it saad is that the city that alicia was in or i can't remember exactly which city she was it but she was in one where it was really bad yeah you know one rebellion starts like sad it used to be called sat of our lead or something yeah that and then it shortened assad or something but basically yeah so it's like if you have unrestricted daedra worship all it takes is a few bad apples a few kings to take it too far you got your rebellion if you look at the songs of pelham like one of my favorite i always love like just these like cool little descriptions of some of the the kings like pelinal fighting haramir of copper and tea into a duel at tour eighties neck veins while screaming praised in riemann or but like uh i think it would be pronounced gordhau the shaper's head or like um smashed upon the goat-faced altar of uh ninandava or something i think pele like even eating the neck veins that's so intense and then and then shouting a name that hasn't even been known of yet you know from the future i i just think that's so cool oh by the way by the way sorry sorry to interrupt but everyone check out all in all uh animated opera oh yeah helena that is really really that's really cool um but yeah he he did like we if we talk about the ayleids through the lens of pelano we actually get a little bit of information on a whole bunch of them and then like oh pretty much all our information is going to be through the lens of like the rebellion and so on but um there's i love my one of my favorites um is fire king head who i just think it's such a like cool thing and he taught he's a he's an example of a particularly cruel slave master where the slaves were subjected to tormenting drugs and children were set aflame for nighttime tiger sport but um yeah he gets killed by uh by pelinol as well and rightfully so but you know it's kind of i love the titles and so on and they said i'm a big fan of a lot of those sort of more poetic um texts in in the elder scrolls books that sort of they kind of feel like you're reading some epic mythology or some epic you know um like the poetic editors of viking mythology and stuff like that it's like an epic song kind of vibe versus just the informational um ones but then again there's uh they're more likely to be embellished but um yeah so what's interesting too is that their whole thing goes under in basically inside of a year elysium's alicia's rebellion is really quick but she also has the help from a whole bunch of other uh ayleids who don't want to like one example is the aylids of nenellata which is one of the the known future vassals of the elysian kingdom at least for a little bit but yeah not all of the elves agreed and they wanted to get rid of the dage worship and that and that is why by the way this is important because the uh they were using daedric armies which was a massive problem for the rebellion whereas um in addition to their obviously elven armies but that's why the the pact with akatosh blocks um blocks out oblivion like closes off the gates of oblivion basically so that they can't just summon upon these huge armies and it's a big so yeah that's basically why that pact is so important and it exists so that basically humans can't be cheat coded by a bunch of daedric summons daedra you know and i mean what did they expect worshipping aedra who you know many of them talk about are be good to one another be kind to one another and they're all like yay let's worship them and then also worship daedra who would completely fly in the face of those teachings yeah um but i mean drew do you have any other things that you really want to mention about pell and all the songs of helena because we don't want to go make the whole episode about pelino because there's a lot of cool stuff there but i mean most most of it will come up when we talk about umaril well that's what i was about to say before we get to umaril i was like are there any last like notes like you like let's also talk about like we could just briefly mention the whole like demi god kind of thing and there's these ideas that he's a cesarean or like kind of shaw aka lorkhan sort of reborn taking these different forms and starting all these human kingdoms and and this is one particular incarnation and then there's all the cyborg from the future stuff i i think you could just watch our videos on that if we i mean i can safely say i don't think he's mortal no he's definitely not um but so out of all of the sorcerer kings there's plenty of cool ones but obviously the one that stands out the most is umaril the unfeathered um and what's interesting is is that he supposedly has a divine father but that divine father is meridia like and an alien mother so basically well that's how it's been interpreted like i guess there's other ways you could interpret like his alliance with meridia kind of imply like like the divine father could also not be daedric but the way that um people have sort of put it together is that he is a child of of meridia because um he looks like the aurorans and stuff as well um which i'm already as daedric servants and um yeah they're obviously like interlinked but there are some other interesting i'll have to find it but one one thing is from i don't want to go too far ahead so i won't spoil anything but um umaril specifically says this about his father um he listed his bloodline in the aye lagoon and spoke of his father a god of the previous calpers world river and taking great delight in the heavy ugliness which oh wait taking i'm getting mixed okay i just read past a line but basically talks about how his father came from the previous calpers world river yeah yeah there's lots of like we'll have to do a calper episode at one point because i know that's a very like strange outfit but look basically he's got some like cool demi-god status stuff going on and that's part of the reason why he can kind of come back in the the third era when you do the knights the nine dlc and um you know you go and fight umaril in the sky which is it's like a cool set piece but it's actually not like the best battle like some people are even saying and from what i remember he wasn't that hard it was it was at least at the point maybe because i'd played so much oblivion you kind of have like a god character because to be fair you know the gatekeeper of the shivering isles in the law the gatekeeper is meant to be like unkillable you have to go get real mena the creator's tears and poison your weapon with it and all this but if you come in at a high level you can just shoot him down with like three arrows and not even do that part of the quest so you have to keep those kind of things in mind yeah it's kind of design because i mean um's pretty short as well he's not the tallest he's like high off height whereas you'd imagine being a bit more like when you see some of the artworks he's like towering over pelinol right yeah yeah yeah which is much cooler i wish he was towering but um yeah so what's interesting too is he's responsible for pelinol being like decapitated and being split in different he beat pelinal beat umaril but the other i have to find i think it's the other sorcerer yeah the other alien kings came and they killed him and then they dismembered him into eight separate pieces because they were obsessed with this number eight the eight and we'll get to that in a second and but um and then that's where uh moro house has a little chat with pelinal's head as well but um whereas will actually jump into that their obsession with the number eight and the significance of ailids on on all culture so you've got to understand at that time like the needs were slaves for for quite a while like for generations they knew nothing else so their gods were also the ayleid gods so the elysian rebellion had a lot of help from the nords who were basically just conquering all of the north at this time so this is in the second 200s uh year 242 was the elysian rebellion and the skyrim conquest started well actually not started but um were said to have finished was swallowed up morrowind in high rock by 240. so basically the nords are widespread as hell and they've got stuff under control and then they also helped but um to sort of create this new culture this new cyredilic culture of of men um alicia had to make a pantheon that both agreed with the sort of um ailid kind of aldmeri kind of religion that all of the slaves and the elves believed in as well as the nord stuff and that's where and i think like alert obsession with the number eight is also why there are the eight divines like that they only chose eight because theoretically like you could have picked more there's more to pick from from both sides but they sort of she just sort of made them into the to the eight of them you know which we know as you know your classic imperial cult divines that have lasted for a for a long long time cool man yeah yeah said well yeah so so what i think is we can talk about now is so so so that happens new culture starts but what we have is a first couple of i don't even think it's um yeah it doesn't even last for more than a hundred years but there is this period where um for a hundred years after alicia's death so so all the or there's a bunch of ailid vassal kingdoms that are all working such as netherlander that are all going along fine but um i bet it's less than a hundred years after alicia's death either which was supposedly present at after he died yes yes but um basically they ended up telling all of the the aylids you're no longer lords anymore you're going to get out and um and otherwise will massacre massacre you all and and they did whoever stayed got massacred and this is all because after alicia's death there was the prophet marook who who came up with the idea of of the one true god and and you know was visited supposedly by by alicia's spirit with all of these new laws and so on and basically the elysian order they became like this big sort of theocracy almost that basically was um indistinguishable from the from the empire's power structure so that all of so it became this really like zealous nut case kind of place pretty after so so like the little golden age of elysian rebellion it's like really if you look at like the good it did maybe during alicia's death and her minotaur son balaz balhazar or whatever for um however long that lasted but as soon as the elysian order started kicking up things went downhill at least if you just weren't a human i guess if you're a human it's all right well it is interesting that they chose to have the aylids there i mean the ayleids had actually run an empire whereas the slaves had just been slaves so you know regardless of your natural ability there's a lot of experience still you know well i think i think that's kind of part of the reason they did yeah and then the second they figured out how to run things themselves see you later yeah like you're out um i guess two while we're here because we will in in a little bit we'll talk about the late alien periods like the ayleids that then disperse and go elsewhere and left cereal and ailers throughout the rest of history um but let's talk about white gold tower which was supposedly built by the aylids to reflect the um adamantine tower which is um in high rock but um there there's some interesting uh there's some interesting sort of speculation with the ayleid so in this regard so at that time i mean is there anything you guys want to drop in and before i keep running my mouth oh not particularly i think i'd get started on a tangent about the whole towers theory and it's not oh yeah not to go into the into the towers too much but there's the whole um someone was asking about this actually i keep saying a bit like look i read your questions and and i've tried to incorporate this into the into the talk but um white gold tower sometimes is attributed to the reason why cyrodiil isn't a jungle anymore that somehow the aylids kind of built it and then the the warm tropical environment suited them so white gold tower sort of changes the territory of cyrodiil and then when the men you know took over and they're sitting on the ruby throne and so on it all becomes temperate like like you know like the more northern people the needs and and the nords um would be accustomed to and that it sort of explains that i don't know if i buy that to me honestly i think the most the most even though it's already a little contrived the most airtight explanation is that thailand became a thing and just went click done it's not a jungle anymore and retroactively changed it i know that one yeah um because there's already that kind of retroactive time breaking stuff multiple times throughout like it makes um especially with like the tribunal and so on so there's already a precedent for it in the universe so just do that the transcription error is the weakest thing that's like comical i'm glad at least because that was introduced in eso i think from the frastus of ellen here guy but then there's lady cinnabar who who says the the tower one saying that the tower transforms the land but i don't even know how like there's a few there's an interesting discussion on the towers to have at some point but i don't want to like derail it too far there isn't really other examples of towers changing the landscape dramatically really i don't know that one right as far as i can think of anyway yeah i can't think of anything off the top of my head and the other thing too with that whole towers theory is it's not quite sure how it worked or or if they kind of did even build it like like i could you could even theorize that they didn't just because i feel like you know red mountain is there already adamantine towers there already if high froth gar is like snow mountain or whatever they if that's the other tower isn't it or like the brass elementary yeah that's considered one of the towers too so of it there's a few like created towers but look we don't know how exactly this works but there's the idea too that like each tower that was built kind of like cements reality more and that's why like magic kind of isn't as loosey-goosey as it was in the early more ethical era like the earliest earliest dawn marathika at times because they kept building towers that are metaphysical look it's kind of a whack theory and it'll get it will start getting derailed it's kind of involved in elder scrolls online as well with the white gold tower and the telvas stones which are basically like you know they're saying they made the towers from these and they have magical powers and that the daedra are kind of chipping away at the tower and removing these stones for some kind of purpose um so there's that as well yeah um i will just have a quicker i'm just gonna have a quick scan of some questions there's one here's a funny one it's like gal mere five why don't the aylids have mer in their name i have no idea why there is no just i guess they um it's just out of their classification i feel like in early law they have another name like um uh it's like celia uh uh sally archer or something who knows they were called back then i mean but people said that was so different names back then like even at least had a different name yeah well yeah it's not a real yeah because she's got what her real name's unknown no wasn't it alesh or something she just had a slave that's her slave name yeah yeah she she yeah it's not they're all like because i'm pretty sure um alicia even means one of them they translate to something divine the high high is what means yeah um but what i mean is this cell at celiac was like um like they're descripted or it's probably got some better pronunciation than that but there was also a few names for like dunmer or high elf like equivalent of the ending in the che so like it's basically before the mur thing i feel like it's an earlier law thing like from daggerfall that's sort of been left over so i forget whether let me let me see it is kind of just weird in general because you don't have to have men on the end of every race name for humans i mean i think they know you know they know what they are they don't really need elf written on the end yeah yeah and it might also be a little bit more because a bit more of like a a cultural distinction as opposed to sort of like a genetic kind of one like you know they might have identified more with like old mirror or ultima or whatever but they are still like they would call themselves alids but it's not the same kind of difference as like awesomer or something like that or or the dunmer even but yeah it kind of all becomes semantic kind of stuff we're just going to like go down um but glacier was asking i'd really love to hear the law about behind alid architecture and the logic behind it in oblivion they are dungeons and they're supposed to feel well dungeon-like but is there any law about them honestly any any kind of a led architecture talk would be cool you know the most honest of honest-to-god answers i think is it looks so cool cause it's modelled mostly off lord of the rings which was the hot topic at the time back in that in those days and that's why oblivion as a whole has a big tone shift from morrowind and looks it really takes like it's lord of the rings but in a fantasy sort of things there's a lot more of those sort of like that's why orcs in oblivion look as creepy and scary as lord of the rings lord of the rings orcs a bit bit more green though well shrek also came out what 2001 yeah that was a heavy inspiration yeah but um i mean obviously there's partly and this is going to be with like everything but like the dungeon feel and look for the most part is just to accommodate gameplay like yeah it's not always going to be the most like perfect actual livable structure but i mean a lot of the torture devices and so on that they had in there or like you know the big like spiked gates and stuff that would come and fling at you and traps like that could easily be explained by like we're having fun by sending slaves but they weren't exactly practical i mean some of them is just the main hallway will fall down into a spiked floor like you'd have to dance around that if you were living there all the time there's not exactly beds or rooms to sleep everywhere either if you think about it but i mean that's more like a limitation of game design than it is like a law thing for example if you go and visit cersei or vin darcel in um oblivion they're quite small and underwhelming one of them is the one where the uh lady corrupted by umbra is and it's like there's not much in it and the other one there's some traps and or bandits and stuff but there's not they could have also once like because their ruins like spread further on the exterior and so on because they're thousands of thousands of years old so they could have been great and so on like another thing too is like i think this is in reference to the dwemer stuff actually but in the dwemer ruins but like um you see the structure and the stone and the metal left behind but like fabric degrades and all of these like biodegradable things or wooden chairs and stuff like that like they might have had plenty of wood and chairs and furniture and all this kind of stuff but it's just not there anymore because it's degraded and been eaten so yeah you're left with a plain stone room so it looks so yeah there's a lot um a lot of other stuff that could be going on but yeah ultimately it's it's very cool like i appreciate the architecture now but it's very like lord of the rings elven like if you look at the every single ayla door you remember in like the fellowship of the ring with the minds of moria like that it's like literally looks exactly like that kind of thing so um but yeah it's cool it's cool i i do um i do appreciate but if you go to if you go to morrowind sort of law um originally originally um the interpretation of of glass armor that spiky sort of alien stuff that was supposed to be like a high elven kind of armor that they um made and also that sort of goes in with like you know they're like glass cities and stuff like that with the crystal tower and all that kind of stuff in the summerset aisles that was supposed to be sort of like this you know more alien sort of crystalline aesthetic kind of thing less you know yeah well the way eleanor used to be described was very very like alien as opposed to rivendell or florian yeah exactly like they've just ripped that's fine like i still like that um but i i'm i'm usually a fan of the more exotic kind of stuff oh for sure for sure if you play elder scrolls online like i was running around there the other day and it almost feels like as you were saying before shrek i feel like i'm going into like the princess's kind of like you know domain it's very fairy tale like it doesn't feel like any edgy alien elder scrolls like kind of stuff too it's it's still very cool but but um yeah just different vibes to some of the the books and old law and all the all the bretton kings are basically just lord farquaad as well so yeah here's another question actually relating um from bastion night sab or something um what's the connection between aylids and the dwemer both extremely advanced murr races that live in underground megapolis uh megalopolis or whatever anyway anyway i mean i'd say none but it says one manipulates light and the other manipulates sound both achieve extreme power fall victim to it and vanish i think he explained the similarities in the first sentence anyway they're both there it's a poetic connection i like the idea of the mini one manipulates light and the other manipulates sound but ultimately not really and to be honest dwemer heyday was um i think later than the elites a little bit and um yeah i don't know i don't know if there's much of a connection mostly just the hubris you know they get really powerful and and excel and then eventually it's their own downfall which is pretty much you could say the same for most empires in general you know they just expand so much until they till they die off yeah they need to consume so uh and if there's nothing left to consume they consume themselves but um another question is there's a few more umural questions before we get to some of the later because i kind of break it up a bit just deal with everything we can alert first um the aurora and heritage of um feathered and why is he called the unfeathered i wonder if it is some sort of like because of his armor or daedric connection like the the lack of feathers because because ailids were often described as using feathers and stuff in there sort of like whereas the aurora armor is very pristine sleek and maybe because of that heritage that's why that's why he's called the unfeathered because he didn't like have the same maybe i don't know if that arm is born on to him or what but if he doesn't um it's kind of like distinguishing him from the from the rest of them he's he's unfettered he's not like one of the normal ailerborn um exceptions but yeah i don't think there is that much um real such a cool car but i think all of these cool characters it's like when you actually talk about them there's not as much to say as you think but like palin all it's cool cause powell's just killing them all but they're usually just like they're they're just basically like um what do you call them like you know just crosses off on his hit list yeah but they're cool but i think your imagination does most of the work for you when you read such a poetic kind of story like that yeah you know you kind of create your own idea of who these people were in your head outside of just what you would see for example in oblivion when you kill him yeah absolutely well let's then get on to the late aylid period and some of that stuff so so there's the hundred years so less than a hundred years after alicia's death you're basically all of the aliens are either told get out of cereal or we're gonna massacre those who who stay behind get all killed and um there's a bunch that have fled to all these different kinds of areas like i mean you know into black marsh valenwood higher rock um and basically they they often went to other elven populations and and the the boring really boring answer to it is a lot of them just probably assimilated and got absorbed by the local elven populations whether that's the durani in high rock or the bosmer in valenwood or if they went to the somerset isles potentially you never even know but maybe but some particular ones went to um uh the kaima and the dwemer or even the falmer i don't know if that fits in with the timeline as well but not really i don't think so maybe but what i'm saying is they could have gone and um with any sort of number of elven populations because a lot of them you you think too it's not it's not always going to be a case of a king in a full like political faction just upping and moving a lot of it's just going to be just a few sprinkles here and there one particular family just some children or whatever so they'll probably integrate pretty pretty well whereas there is the case of does someone want to take the pronunciation again of you talking about laurier yes well he kind of puts a name and a face to the idea that the aliens could still be operating because really yeah as you just said the idea is their names would be bred out they're you know they'd kind of just turn into whatever culture they go to but with la laurier and dinar the last king of the ayleids he's actually involved in the downfall of the elysian empire which is kind of cool yeah and um well he he goes to uh first he goes to build a city doesn't he founded the city of bisn in high rock which was supposed to be a bit of an imitation of of um of nelata but they lose that to uh a cult devoted to hermaeus morrick or the primeval seekers but then later he goes off and becomes a general in um the uh the durani army who were teaming up with the nords even um and the bretons to fight against the elysian order who were going nuts in their um expansion at that time yeah i mean that's the good thing about elder scrolls online it actually did offer some clarification on the specific daedra that the aliens are said to have been making deals and working with and stuff because before elder scrolls online there weren't that many specific mentions yeah like oh they definitely worked with you know molag bao and this and that it's just heavily implied and this diana guy he got caught in cold harbor and remains there for 3000 years so a bit of a mirac kind of situation like slowly living in oblivion um and then he's obviously involved in the in the events of uh eso but there's also i'm pretty i forget her name it's like something that starts with a t um she's a she's a sage or something that was living in valenwood who was said to be an alid or trying to yeah there are rumors that there are other aliens still out and around but like you know it's all unconfirmed and and mystery yeah the alex yeah um we can get started while i find this on uh mancar cameron he's one of the potential potential you'll have to show that meme i posted on uh on twitter about um what like the the connection between mancar cameron and the alids but um basically you can be like mancar cameron claims to be a bosma yet his skin is lightly tanned like an a-lid and his paradise looks exactly like an alien city the surviving elite supposedly assimilated into ultimate nobility on somerset which means mancar could have met the foul more the aliens hate men and the empire and so do the foul more could the ayleids be plotting the downfall of mankind by weakening the empire that wiped out the aliens it's good it's like it is stretch in some areas oh yeah yeah but like it's a it's a fun theory um wasn't much of a meme though was that the meme what it's i like i literally made a meme where it's like it's like a woman and a man sleeping in bed together and she's like what is he thinking about and then and then he's he literally is thinking all that yeah like explaining the meme makes it completely unfunny no i get it now but yeah but yeah that's what's that like that kind of makes mankind cameron a bit more interesting as well rather than just being a random wood elf who for some reason was drawn to mehrunes dagon like he's interesting obviously because of his commentaries but giving him that extra motivation kind of like really makes both the aylids and mancar cameron more excited they talk about didn't doesn't mankar cameron talk about like kind of remaking himself with mehrunes razor or something hmm yeah he literally does say that maybe he made himself an alien i don't know yeah he's he's a by the way just a quick reference to who i was talking about indeed uh this is from the book the wild elves indeed one of the finest sages of the university of guillem was a civilized ayled elf t-j-u-r-h-a-n-e [ __ ] um but basically she was born in according to this little time thing here in the really late first era 2790 um and then lived until year 227 of the second era so one of the very whose published work in the wild elves suggests a lively vibrant culture fire is one of the few very few aliens to speak freely on his people and religion i always thought it was a chick oh there you go it's upon his people and religion and he himself said the nature of the ayleid tribes is multihue their personality is often wildly different from their neighboring tribes um but yeah so basically there were some up in like throughout the first era but to be honest i i feel like they're kind of gone i feel like some might be it's the kind of thing where it's like that person might be like oh i've got like i'm actually i'm one-eighth uh viking you know like one-eighth of my like you know or you know five percent of my my i did ancestry dna and five percent from norway or something they're like i'm a viking i feel like that's the kind of thing where like some bosma or ultima or or do any or whatever might be able to trace it back to a sort of concentrated amount of like a little blood in there no then they'll get what happened to me where it says i'm 25 scandinavian and next week i'm zero percent and then the next year i'm five percent but um but yeah like i mean they're not doing dna tests but they're like just in the lineage but yeah so ultimately i i don't think they're not around anymore it's the same as the dwemer everything it's sort of like a bit of a hopeful stretch most of the time and they're cool but i mean some of them are around us i mean you can look into the like laurier and you can you can be like oh he actively took part in getting revenge against the elysians but then you know you can then say oh ayleid's integrated in the nobility of the high elves and the durani and whatnot so they could be involved anytime the elves do something against men but it's like elves are going to do that [ __ ] to elves are going to do bad stuff to men anyway so you know it's hard to say it's the aliens it's just kind of a romantic idea that they're still doing something yeah same with the dw you know people are the same with the dwemos that the idea that they're not completely gone yeah and i'm honestly i'm so at peace with the idea that they're gone like they're cool but a lot of things in history are are cooler too because they're history as well you know it's the same as even our real world stuff like heaps of the the the romantic idea of them you know but i don't actually want to know about like or maybe i do but i understand it's not everyone wants to know about like alex crops or like aliens like do you know what i mean it's the same as pelinol like pelinol sounds way cooler in these stories that you know yeah inspire imagination if you actually went back and like learned the truth and learned of the embellishments perhaps it just wouldn't be as interesting maybe but people say that a lot with a lot of those the embellishment which is obviously part of you know partly true but the thing is too it's like you are living in this hyper magical world like it's very possible in regards to the thing elder scrolls things that um so you're saying that riemann's conception might be exaggerated or embellished oh i think it's spot on to be honest the king making love to a hillock yeah i mean you know he just sort of carves out a little bit of stuff i mean who hasn't done that yeah and then he got um some little shepherd woman grabbed him put him on the ruby throne and then he spoke in a fully fully grown man's voice and says i am cyridil come what up that's pretty bad dude rheem first era law is the best the second you enter the second era it gets incredibly boring really fast well not boring but like it gets incredibly well documented and realistic and you know compared to the first ever at least but then again i'm like they're sort of mythological ideas for us about in our world about things that are only like 2 000 years old whereas they like even the second era is is a really long time away from um the fourth era you got like 200 years back then you've got back another like 433 or something like that so you're looking like 630 years then you've got like i think it's nearly 900 it's like 896 or something years of the second era yeah so like you're looking at a decent amount of time and that's how crazy how like far back the first era kind of stuff is um but um one thing we can also talk about just talking about like people claiming descendants and so on um i'm pretty sure i might just have to look it up hold on nenellata the you know the quest in when you're going around getting the aylid statues in oblivion for that dude um he uh doesn't he claim some sort of ancestry or something is like um yeah i remember him or is he just uh he's just uh ultimate mage and suspected ailid revivalist revivalist could just mean the culture it doesn't mean he has anything to do with it like pagans nowadays yeah um yeah and the crown said yeah so yeah i think it's just he's just enthusiastic about it which is cool but it'd actually be a dangerous sentiment to have in the um like that would be very controversial like an alied revivalist because it's like you know how like this things with a big like um you know historical bad guys like you can't be oh i mean he becomes a bad guy spoilers but he tries to kill you he goes down into the ayleid ruin sits on the throne and and says you know i'm reviving the aliens you're about to witness the glorious rebirth of ayleid civilization and then summons a bunch of undead saying arrives my people and and turns on you he's just role-playing man it's fine but yeah to be fair they were pretty distracted at that time in history anyway that's true what with the oblivion crisis yeah i don't um ayla's are actually that's what makes them kind of interesting i guess and you have to fill in a lot more but there is a lot less to talk about than you'd think i mean a lot of it does end up being speculation you can talk about their magic i mean they were very very good at magic they were said to have invented the alteration school of magic as it is known and categorized today and shape-shifting and and all this kind of stuff actually yeah isn't the creation of alteration a pretty cool story and that they were hiding from the elysians and they used the levitate spell is am i remember i don't know if you would i don't know if it was the creation of alteration in that moment but i do believe that i can't i can't think if it was you might it might be an alert story or that might be a thing with the verb oh i read it i read it recently i don't think that's the verb i'm actually going to find it now um there's a there's a few interesting things but um yeah ayled society it is cool but it's over and they're probably powerful necromancers as well given like if we're saying the liches are them there's plenty of liches around and they also had you know in skyrim uh calixto's trying to uh bring his sister back from the dead the blood on the ice quest i've been dealing with this quest way too much recently for the flesh magic video and he's got in his journal this um a lid transcribed text about kind of reviving a body with all the ingredients you need and and stuff like this you know yeah isn't there a cool quote there that was a translation from an 800 uh i'll i'll get it for you i'll find it something about like sprying the edge of the ice yeah yeah it's pretty cool so while you find that i found the source as well so the idea was that um it was the siege of bravo or breville breville breville the siege of bravil where um an elysian general tasis um got into the city four different times to to take out the aliens inside but they were just not there and it turned out that some of them had been levitating up to the high walls while others were using water breathing underwater and that was kind of the founding of alteration spells you know obviously the like putting them into schools is kind of weird in general but like those spells were kind of founded there yeah but that's a that's a cool story yeah so so here's here's the the butcher journal too you've got the ingredients which i won't bother to list but then it says stars crying to the edge of the ice mind look to the lights where the souls dance revealing the time when a spark will revive when the rotted united under most skillful hands yeah i don't know if they've got a typo here i'm pretty isn't it rotted unites under anyway but it says translation from ultima text as interpreted by the ayleids and first transcribed by ultima providence and authority are known to be fair there are a lot of spelling mistakes i mean the the source i was just reading had eyelids instead of aliens so yeah um unfeathered time yeah it's unites yeah i feel like as a whole they just sort of uh don't cry because they're gone smile because it happened because daedric loving enslaving elves i've been doing too much of this smile cause it happened stuff recently what like just having a social life and leaving the house in 2020 ah smile because it happens oh yeah but also you know like things like like um series and stuff that you like that kind of like you know reducing quality over time and you just like don't cry because it's over smile because it happened i mean yeah there's the witcher tv show which oh you love watching you love it come on sing it sing the song i i didn't get far enough to hear the song i've never heard the song i don't want to hear it but um it's a shame because that would have been great for a witcher series on the channel i think i'll still watch it i mean let me know what you think but i watched one ep to be fair i only watched one episode and then gave up it does get better it's just it does get better but it will never it's hard now it couldn't get worse yeah it'll never be what you wanted yeah yeah it gets better halfway like i'd watch the next were there any were there any questions that we didn't quite answer that you've still got there or is it pretty much it's largely everything it's pretty much covered like there's you know the law behind like there's some people asking for like specific like what's the law behind the vial of stones the welcome stones and the ayleid wells well it's like pretty much they used meteoric iron to build these ailid wells which could absorb magicka from the from the um sun and stars like the light like there is no there's there's nothing really else to say like about them and then they used these little cheat codes called welcome stones and file stones just to restore their um their weapons and their it is interesting that the faller stones do it's because the vilestones are a little bit different in the way that we don't quite understand it because traditionally enchantments we only use like they're powered by souls but viola stones using just light like that's a pretty um i mean you can store their memories in them as well like that have you heard about let me i need to find the exact sauce because it's been so long since i wrote it down i mean i believe it's different from the memory stones of like using hammerfell right yeah yeah it's definitely different but there was a it's something about they could they could store their thoughts in it and then it was actually a problem it could be a problem for mortals to to read it because it was a problem of capacity i need to find the exact source now remember this you can open up welkind and viola stones and try and find it so we may need to and so i mean there's a picture here of an alien memory crystal in elder scrolls online that might be associated um i don't know how yeah like when you need the information that you can easily find it it vanishes yeah so just like the dwemer yeah so so the cradle of imerus holds the vault of memories a library of secret knowledge possessed by the wooded eye and a shrine to hermes mora the cradle also contains at least one ayleid memory crystal which encapsulates memories or information on the ayleid king's gordha the shaper the fire king harul haramir of copper and tea the flower king nilichi and um the unfeathered yeah so there's it says uh overuse of these crystals can cause a problem of capacity for mortals apparently according to the events of eso which this particular one i'm not familiar with but they go i know i can throw another little fun fact out there is uh they have their own language they lagoon if anyone was interested yeah which is that a derivative of eln effects as well yeah they pretty much all are except hist i'm pretty sure yeah they look they all look similar when you look at the alphabet but the interesting thing though is there is um ayla dune is one of the only elven languages that has an influence on your typical cyrodiilic language because the slaves spoke similar language to the aylids their overlords for generations so like if you cyridillic um had a i mean this is according to like multiple like breakdowns and stuff but um also like obviously needic so a mix of needic ayla dune nordic and then there's also some akaviri influence because of the second era or the first and second era but the second empire right yeah yeah well everything i was going to say from here is like a tangent i was going to say it's interesting that the slowed derived their language from ellen effects as well but these are not conversation topics to be having in our ayleid videos another little piece about um this is kind of talking about aldmeris um uh unfeathered wings broken off with sword strokes delivered while pelinal stood frothing above him insulting his ancestry and anyone else that took ship from old elna faye which is aldmeris which is the name of aldmeris um and that angered the other elvish kings and drove them to a madness of their own but that's a kind of like interesting kind of thing like insulting them for leaving altamaras i mean i he he's pelinal's a an interesting fellow he's hard to understand but you know one thing for sure and that's that he hates the elves and always has yeah well pelinol himself was a um it's said to be a few different people well that's that as well but maybe we'll save that for a pelinal podcast what one day yeah i'm just i i mean i think we're pretty much done but i'm just trying to think of anything that we've like missed or we've because yeah there it just isn't as much as we wish we could tell you like we covered the the vala stones and the all that stuff we covered the elements we covered the flesh sculptures and art torches oh the other thing i guess is um and once again it's varying stories on the origin of the amulet of kings the kimmel adibal the the stone was said to be the crystallized blood of the heart of lorkhan and they made that into the towers founding stone for the white gold tower but you know there's also their little ten ancestors the statues sacred to the aliens that you went around collecting for that bloke in oblivion ah yeah i don't i don't think um well i think that brings us to the end it's it's been it's been an hour it's been a good chat about the ayleids yeah all right i i think that's a that's about it um i've run out of it let us know what topic you want next yeah actually let us do let us know what you do want to see topics on next like we might actually try next time to to pick a topic with like a little bit more of like a subjective interpretation or like like deeper discussion you know what i mean just because like the aylids are actually kind of rather just they are what they are there isn't really and there is no like it's not like the dwemer where there's like oh how did they disappear like all this stuff this you know what i mean it's just they just died out that's about it but yeah all right ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for watching and uh we'll be back to nerd out with you again next time
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 104,300
Rating: 4.9410801 out of 5
Keywords: elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, elder scrolls podcast, skyrim, oblivion, morrowind, oblivion lore, ayleids, ayleids lore, umaril the unfeathered, pelinal whitestrake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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