They were DOOMED from the Start - The Ayleid Empire - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] in the caverns of law ugly and obscure shines the gold of truth the heartland high elves the splinter group of the Altima who had become enveloped in infamy the a lids few societies in Tamriel that history can boast the same potential as this race of Myr they were wise magically gifted and ambitious but their legacy was built on hubris if there's one lesson I've learned from studying the eyelids it is the following an empire built on stone and steel will succeed but an empire built on blood bones and brutality will break the nine Divine's say above all else be good to one another that simple precept is documented in the ten commands of the nine Divine's and it encompasses all of their teachings but why is it so important isn't that an obvious lesson what comes of neglecting the lessons of the aedra well the ancient aliens know full well the answer to those questions but when their prior to cease to obscure their vision it was already too late the aliens famously said where law is your armor but it seems that the wisdom of their law was overcome by their lofty aspirations and they resorted to cruelty and corruption to build their bloody Empire hey guys it's true here and welcome back to fudge Muppet in this video I'm going to tell you the story of the Ayla dolls of the Hartland the region we would now call Sarah dill if you've heard of the eyelids you'll know they were once a prosperous race and remnants of their magnificent structures still defy the elements in the countryside my aim is to delve into not only what made the Ale it's so great but also why they were destined to fail The Histories do not paint a pretty picture of the heartland Elves but their story might not be concluded as I believe the aliens are still out there influencing modern histories as yet unwritten pulling the strings of tamriel ik politics all from behind the masquerade of the other elven races don't worry I plan to back up all of these bold claims soon enough so let's get right into it the Clymer are famous for their pilgrimage across Tamriel becoming the changed ones on their journey to res Dayne or modern day morrowind but they are by no means the only group of elves to splinter from the early aldmer on the settles the a leads left a Leonor in the maratha error and chose Tamriel's Heartland is the location for their new Empire one major difference between the two sets of travelers is the fact that the aliens did not undergo a drastic physical transition they continue to look almost identical to the High Elves just with slightly darker skin another crucial difference is their respective Pantheon's while the Aldmeri elves were the first to worship the aedra they were also the first to venerate the Daedra the Kaymer followed boethiah Asura and mephala for example the climber actually cut ties with the Adria for the most part which the aliens did not do you'd think that that would bode worse for the climber but they were savvy enough to make the distinction between the good and the bad Daedra however subjective that may be they acknowledge how boëthius attitude could make them more resilient they fed Asura's vanity in exchange for her valuable domestic information and they studied my father's intricate web for secret strategies making them deadly to their rivals what they also did was isolate the four most malevolent Daedra in their estimation and they warned their people not to meddle with them these four Daedra became known as the house of troubles and consisted of Molag Bal mehrunes dagon Malakoff and Shia gorath so why is this relevant to the aliens well reverence for the Daedra amongst the aliens was not quite so pervasive initially but when it took hold it was insidious spreading like a silent sickness unlike the khaimah the aliens didn't play favorites with the Adria or the Daedra and it seems their veneration was focused on the entities who could best serve the interests of the alien Empire surprise surprise the reprehensible Daedra lords were the ones to capitalize on this arrangement even the most heinous princes were subsequently subjected to mass worship one such prince is Molech bowel the schema and the harvester of souls to clarify scarce little remains of the eyelids that isn't in ruin and I can't point you to definitive proof of bowels involvement in the form of shrines or statues but his fear was profuse in their culture the gradual corruption of the ayleid conscience across the Laettner epic era and the first era reeks of Molag Bal the aliens began cutting deals with the Daedra Lords acquiring blessings are natural advantages and greater power it is documented that they certainly worked with mehrunes dagon and given the nature of his sphere clavicus vile was likely involved as well fulfilling wishes and brokering wages all of their dealings with the Daedra helped them grow their empire but it was with Molag Bal's sphere that the aliens really excelled enforced with an iron fist with overwhelming numbers and the aid of Daedra armies the aliens preyed upon the vulnerable outnumbered needing human vagrants moving across the heartland they raided settlements killing the useless and making slaves of all those capable of working the a leads implemented slavery domination and cruelty and no doubt Molag Bal was satisfied to see it on the backs of countless human frawls the aliens created a booming society the subjugation of an entire race brought prosperity to the captives slaves were utilized for agricultural work for the building and maintaining of their empires glorious infrastructure and architecture but most egregious of all they would turn into sources of entertainment crossing the line into Daedra worship is a perilous endeavor without restraint it's easy to imagine how revering a sadistic prince could lead to the entire race becoming sadistic themselves as much as it pains me to dwell on the topic I will go into detail about their entertainment soon but it is no wonder that records of the aliens documented by their former victims portray them as monstrous bellicose tyrants when the Divine's say be good to one another it should be a given but they emphasized the importance of this tenet because they know how easily cruelty can be abused all it takes is one bad idea to cause suffering on a grand scale and as far as the culprits are concerned their crimes against mortality a bearing fruit with domination comes growth they built a wondrous Empire on the shoulders of innumerable needs and it was only a matter of time before the burden proved too heavy to bear all of this sprouted from one mistake allowing Daedra worship to go unregulated it really is a shame because as I hinted at earlier this race had so much potential the aliens were an innovative people with a unique outlook on mundis they were obsessed with the number eight and this played a big part in the foundation of the eight Divine's the dominant religion of Tamriel to this day magic was an enormous aspect of their society they revered Magnus the architect and meridia the Daedric prince and former member of the Magna gay they believed the world was composed of four elements earth water air and light not fire but light this element was the focal point for much of their culture and architecture they considered starlight to be the sublime element that linked the mortal realm of mundus to the realm of the aedra a furious this explains their a lead Wells forged from meteoric iron to harness the energy of the star light even now thousands of years after they were left to erode mages can replenish their Magica at these wells they cut meteoric glass into wellkind stones and varla stones which could store magical auras the aliens fell long before they could truly tap the potential of these magics but even in the early stages of development this starlight through these meteoric vessels could transmit memories directly to the Raider it is rumored that overuse of these crystals could cause a problem of capacity for mortals had the aliens not brought about their demise they could have achieved so much but instead these ancient sorcerers remain tragically untouched so when the aliens were consumed by avarice and turned to the Daedra for help it really was a shame had they been patient and honest in their advancements they surely would have reached the same heights eventually but instead with brutality their empire flourished at an alarming pace a pace not possible through honest means at this point it would seem like a fair argument to say that I'm being too harsh on the eyelids they're not the only ones to use slavery the economies of various Dunmurry regions revolve around slavery after all why the a lid so much worse well there are a number of answers to that question and a lot of the time history isn't fair the victors write the history and it just so happens that almost all we know about the aliens was written by the Imperials the elysian needs formerly owned by the eyelids they have every justification Under the Sun to exaggerate the malevolence of their disgraced masters also the dunmer still exists is not like the argonians annex morrowind into black marsh if they had done that and the Dark Elves were wiped out I'm sure the argonians would vilify them in their histories too regardless the main reason the aliens are perceived to be the worst the most arrogant and the most sadistic is because of that entertainment I spoke of before more a house the winged man Baal the demigod hero and consort of saint Alesia spoke of the horrors in his memoirs when recounting the sadistic art tortures created by the aliens the human slaves were so undeserving of basic mortal riots that butchering them did not evoke any remorse or empathy in the masses of elves Morehouse claimed that some men would become art tortures for strange pleasures as in the wailing wheels of in days all and the gut gardens of surcin and flesh sculpture which was everywhere among the slaves of the aliens in those days or worse the realms of the fire King HUD Hall where the be getting of drugs drawn from the admixture of day drones into living hosts let one inhale new visions of torment and children were set aflame for nighttime tiger sport the aliens were not content to simply use slaves for practical ends their brutality even / faded into the arts slaves would build their cultural hubs wherever it be courtyards or galleries or arenas and the slaves would also serve as the spectacles put through unthinkable Horrors for the amusement of the eyelids this demonstrates just how far their debauchery had festered cruelty for the good of advancement can be justified if you're willing to suppress your moral compass but cruelty for pleasure is where the cultural rot sets in above all else be good to one another just as the ten commands of the Divine's warn the a leads not to let their hubris overcome their compassion it also foretold their downfall heedless the wicked man turns away and forsaking the simple wisdoms granted to him by the all-wise and the all knowing 9 he lives in sin and ignorance all the days of his life he bears the awful burdens of his crimes and before men and God his wickedness is known and neither blessing nor comfort may he expect from the altars and shrines of the nine for a race so fond of remembering ones law it is ironic that the aliens couldn't scribe their destruction in the commands of their gods the harder the a leads pulled on the chains of their servants the more severe the reckoning would be when the links finally snapped and when it came it came in the form of Saint Alicia and her rebellion it also came in the form of Pellinore white streak a champion of shazar or walk on with the backing of the Divine's and the Nords and even some of the radical a live lords who grown disillusioned by the cultural hedonism the elysian rebellion toppled the ailich kingdoms and took the wild tower for the Imperials the Divine's had been patient with the a lids giving them ample opportunity to reform but when their tyranny remained malignant they were forced to intervene Alicia Morehouse Pellinore and the human rebels were sent to punish the elves for their crimes the Daedra had offered the aliens immediate advantages fulfilling their superficial desires helping them build an empire on an ersatz foundation it was destined to crumble from here the aliens began to fade into obscurity some ayleid Kings remained in power as vassals to Empress Alicia this proves that not all of the aliens were complicit to the horrors that define their culture either way there hasn't been a sighting of a living a lead in over a thousand years and many scholars would simply say that the aliens have gone extinct but this is where I want to leave you with one hypothetical it is well-documented that an elite diaspora occurred many of the Heartland elves sought refuge in other provinces some like the ones who went north were wiped out by the Nords but others were successful some made it to the Isle of Bal Fiera where the Dharini elves ruled and others made it to Valen wood and even back to Somerset as a result it is speculated that the aliens assimilated with the other elves and their nobility I said earlier that the aliens were almost identical in appearance to the High Elves and this slightly tanned skin could allow them to mingle into Baz merry society as well with this in mind it is quite possible that the aliens played a part in the politics of these societies take the Durrani dynasty defeating the Alicia ins at the Battle of Glen Umbra moors for example the Lori R and Diana asking of the aliens aided the Elise in rebellion and maintained control over Nana Lata when the tyrants were overthrown he was eventually forced to flee to High Rock where he became a tactician in the Dharini army Dinah was there when the Durrani triumphed over the Elise in order and his strategies played a part in their victory there is also a theory that man car Cameron could even be an alien he claims to have pure Bosma parentage yet he is an Altima with slightly tanned skin that would explain a lot of his motives and it would explain why his paradise coincidentally looks like an alien's idea of paradise it is a piece of a lead architecture that hasn't been destroyed by the years and by the revolting human slaves man Carr himself claims to have altered his biology by cutting himself with Mehrunes razor and if this happens to be true and not a fabrication it seems more likely that he turned himself into an a lid and finally if the alien successfully assimilated into the nobility of Somerset that could certainly explain a lot of the phallus subjugation of mankind and the suppression of their idols anywhere there are elves discriminating humans it is entirely possible that remnants of the old corrupt alien Empire are a part of the machinations they could very well be extinct but there is always a chance that they are hidden in plain sight plotting their revenge on the humans and there you have it guys my take on the alien Empire I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching my name is Drew and I shall see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 345,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, oblivion, cyrodiil, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, oblivion lore, ayleids lore, ayleids, fudgemuppet, alessia, daedra, aedra, elves
Id: E8Kca6JDoto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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