Skyrim - SECRETS of the Snow Elves AKA The Falmer - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] and when the snow Prince fell to the ground the ice elves divided above and below now vanquished and brutally bound one moment had shattered all they did know the once cool wind on their skin now replaced with the heat of the flame and a pride once felt deep within forgotten along with their name torn from their home of ice and frost thrown into the pitch-black dread of night living in fear as their minds become lost as their eyes begin dimming the light chained and enslaved what once was light turned to blackness alone and betrayed sinking deeper into madness in the present day adventurers traversing the frigid expanses of skyrim will find information on the Falmer in there bestories the Falmer are a pest a deadly one no doubt but a pest nonetheless slumped in secluded caverns they subject their foes to the same weaknesses they possess for in the deep darkness your eyesight won't save you the Falmer are blind they have been for many centuries yet an arrow loosed from a Falmer bow will find its way between your temples even in the pitch-black their blades and axes crudely crafted from chorus chitin may not glide through flesh and bone like sky forged steel but it will still cut you limb from limb and as with Alma they still harness a knowledge of the arcane they are a living nightmare for looters and treasure seekers the text translated from the Falmer language by kal cell MO speaks of a pride once felt deep within forgotten along with their name and that is because the Falmer were once so much more than a cave dwelling Menace they were once a brilliant people and Tamriel's north was their historic home before the at morons came before is grimore and his companions took everything from them leaving no trace of their existence on the surface of skyrim hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet the race we're discussing today was once prosperous and compared to many of their neighbours rather peaceful had history panned out differently they would be just as well-known as the main races of Tamriel the ones you'll find wandering the continent in the third and fourth errors but there are some races who were not well loved by Sai the God of luck the Dwemer are one such race though their failures as a race can be chalked up to their own profane endeavors the a leads to were once glorious and like the Dwemer their legacy lives on in their architecture but the snow elves may just be the unluckiest of the lot for the god of luck himself fell in love with an Auton in Josiah and read a beautiful baby girl with silver hair and eyes of cornflower blue psy was obviously biased after this even if he didn't intend to be the god of luck brought prosperity to the Nords and calamity to the Falmer but sighs a god and his involvement in the lives of mortals is ambiguous it doesn't take a clairvoyant to see how the Falmer fell from grace in this video we're going to uncover the secrets of the snow elves we're going to tell their full story leaving no stone unturned and no caliginous cavern unexplored so let's start at the beginning in the time before man they were known as the snow elves they lived in the sunlight and had a very prosperous society when the Olaf a turned Tamriel into a battleground a great deal was destroyed and grudges were made which would linger for a thousand lifetimes and who created known from the remnants of 12 broken worlds the old Elna Fae the ancestors to the elven races arrived in this new world of nirn along with their homeland Tamriel they didn't need to venture from the safety of the familiar they fortified their borders from the chaos outside heed their pocket of calm and attempted to live on as before the wandering LFA the ancestors to the races of man were not so fortunate they arrived on urns scattered amid the confused jumble of the shattered worlds wandering and finding each other over the years eventually the wandering owner Fay found the hidden land of old LFA and were amazed and joyful to find their kin living amid the splendour of ages past the wandering owner Fay expected to be welcomed into the peaceful realm but the old LFA looked on them as degenerates fallen from their former glory war broke out and nirn was reshaped in the chaos much of the land sank beneath new oceans leaving for new continents where there was initially only one the old Elna fay despite all the devastation retained their homeland of Tamriel while The Wanderers were separated once again between the lands of yoku de akavir atmora these were the times before man when Tamriel was a place for elves the various elven races claimed their own portions of the new landmass and the pale skinned fowl merle acted in the north where the sun shone brightly without burning and the biting winds brought fresh mountain air down from the throat of the world this was their kingdom and it was beautiful the Dwemer seemed to have occupied some of Skyrim but almost all of their civilization was underground and this subterranean territory was not contested by the surface-dwelling snow elves eventually though the descendants of the wandering owner Fay the races of men would inevitably return as they had before the snow elves were the first to encounter these migrations the need except lers came from the distant north from atmora how exactly the two distinct cultures interacted is of course obscured by the passage of time but it seems as though the snow elves were not interested in a repeat of the owner Fay wall they lived relatively amicably alongside the new settlers at first so long as the needs did not bring trouble to snow elf territory they could expect to live freely many of these needs dispersed to other southern and western lands but tensions arose amid rumors that a new wave of settlers is grimore and his at morons began claiming that this land was their ancestral home it seems these proto Nords were emboldened by their proximity to atmora meaning that if they refused to submit to elven dominance they could call upon human reinforcements who were ready to sail south across the sea of ghosts still there was no catalyst for all-out war at least until the night of tears one of the first major nordic settlements in skyrim was a city named saffle and saffle was where this night of Tears took place but to this day the reason for the sudden Falmer hostility is debated the pocket guide to the empire suggests that the snow elves were intimidated by tsar Phil's growth it claims the elves saw that the vital young race would soon surpass their stagnant culture however the book titled night of tears asserts that the elves of the Maratha era along with their counterparts the early Dwemer possessed a degree of sophistication unparalleled in Tamriel they displayed power beyond what could be expected of the time in my opinion this claim is more plausible as it's actually substantiated by physical evidence we have no proof of envious snow elves but we do have omnipresent proof of elven sophistication technology found in eras old Dwemer ruins is still unrivaled to the modern day to Ameri a lid and Falmer architecture inspires or thousands of years after construction and the Falmer statue hidden deep underground gives us a small insight into the ingenuity of the snow elves had saffle been built in a different location the night of tears may never have happened and the snow else may have coexisted with the Nords but sorrowful stands where it does and deep underground the Atmore and settlers excavated an artifact of immense power the eye of Magnus the Falmer learned what the Nords had discovered and couldn't let such a powerful relic fall into the hands of men some say the snow elves coveted the eye for themselves and this was the catalyst for the brutal assault but whatever the case the snow elves came in the dead of night and massacred every soul in saffle the only human survivors were is grimore and his sons when the Nords returned from atmora they kept the eye buried deep below the earth and sealed away suggesting that the snow elves were the ones who wish to utilize the artifacts power not the app morons who found it either way the night of tears set in motion the fate of the Falmer raised his grimore returned to add morale with his sons and they scoured the frozen north for the greatest warriors mankind had to offer they were the 500 companions and they were galvanized by the desire to avenge the night of tears the Companions would go on to achieve a great deal paving the way for a prosperous Empire of Nords but this isn't their story as they tour across skyrim is grandma's warriors wiped out every elf they encountered it was systematic and unstoppable and eventually the snow elves were forced retreat to Seoul Stein where they gathered for one final stand against the overwhelming onslaught of at morons the war culminated with the Battle of the Moe's ring on the slopes of Seoul steams Moe's ring mountain range and here is where we learn about the leader of the snow elves the fabled snow prince who rode into battle on a brilliant steed of pallid white Locke I'm the scribe to a Nordic chieftain named in yalda white I documented the events of the battle and by his description the snow Prince was such an imposing presence that it sparked doubt in the confident Nords the Nords knew this battle would be bloody but they also knew their foes were doomed to extinction yet the snow Prince commanded the attention of both sides such was his mind lock I'm Wright's elf we called him for elf he was yet unlike any other of his kind we had ever seen before that day his spear and armor bore the radiant and terrible glow of unknown magic ax and so adorned this unknown rider seemed more white than warrior what troubled nay frightened us at that moment was the call that rose from the oven ranks it was not fear not wonder but an unabashed and unbridled joy the kind of felicity felt by a damned man who has been granted a second chance at life for at that time the elves were as damned and near death as ever they had been during the great skirmishes of solstein the Battle of the Moe's ring was to be the final stand between Norden elf on our fair island led by his grimore we had driven the oven scourge from skyrim and were intent on cleansing soul steam if their kind as well our warriors armed with the finest axes and swords nord craftsmen could Forge cut great swathes through the enemy ranks the slopes of the Moe's ring ran red with elf blood why then would our foe rejoice could one rider bring such hope to an army so hopeless in their elven tongue they were exclaiming the snow Prince's come doom is at hand like a sudden violent blizzard that rents travelers blind and threatens to tear loose the very foundations of the sturdiest hole the snow Prince did sweep into our numbers indeed the ice and snow did begin to swirl and churn about the elf as if called upon to serve his bidding the spinning of that gleaming spear whistled a dirge to all those who would stand in the way of the snow Prince and our mightiest fell before him that day for the first time that day it seemed the tide of battle would actually turned the elves spurred on by the deeds of the snow Prince rallied together for one last charge against our ranks it was then in a single instant that the Battle of the Moe's ring came to a sudden and unexpected end fina daughter of yah free or a lass of only 12 years and Squire to her mother watched as the snow Prince cut down her only parent in her rage and sorrow vena picked up yah free or sword and threw it savagely at her mother's killer when the elfs gleaming spear stopped its deadly dance the battlefield fell silent and all eyes turned to the snow Prince no one that day was more surprised than the elf himself at the sight that greeted them all for upon his great steed the snow Prince still sat the sword of yah free or buried deeply in his breast and then he fell from his horse from the battle from life the snow Prince lay dead slain by a child and just like that the unlikeliest of Heroes a twelve-year-old girl named Finn er saved the lives of many men while simultaneously condemning the film a race to extinction those who did not flee after the snow Prince was killed were cut down where they stood by the broad Nordic axes the fate of those who fled was arguably worse but we'll elaborate on that in a minute when the day was done all that remained was the carnage of the battlefield and from that battlefield came a dim reminder of valor and skill for the brilliant armor and spear of the snow Prince still Shawn even in death this mighty an unknown elf filled us with all perhaps the greatest testament to the snow princes valor was his burial it's clear so far that the Nords despised the snow elves they still do in the present day yet when the battle was done the victors brought the body of the snow Prince wrapped in fine silks to a freshly dug Barrow the gleaming armor and spear were presented on a pedestal of Honor and the tomb was arrayed with treasures worthy of royalty the snow elves would never again trouble the Nords who were now the rulers of skyrim surface but the story is over for those who fled the battle when the snow elf host was shattered on that fateful day it did not simply disperse it descended into the earth deep underground for the Falmer sought sanctuary in the most unlikely of places black reach far beneath the surface of Skyrim in the legendary realm of the Dwemer themselves it's true that the Falmer and Dwemer had coexisted long before the migrations of men but they'd never really gotten in each other's way the snow elves lived where they could feel the winter Sun on their porcelain skin while the Dwemer occupied the subterranean depths their mark on the surface was limited to lifts and great ornate entrance halls and these were hardly blemishes for they were extraordinarily beautiful and well-crafted there seems to have been a mutual respect between the two races but to call them allies wouldn't be accurate so when the snow elves who lived for the crisp Skyrim air and the sun's foring incandescent were forced to trade the light of day for Gaslight and the cool wind for scalding steam bellowed from pipes and Pistons it was not a welcome change kal cell know the high of Kandra and scholar of Dwemer technology translated many Falmer texts to the modern Tamriel like languages and thanks to his efforts we can get an insight into how some snow elves felt about seeking refuge with the dwarves Myrtle an goth a young Falmer who dreamed of becoming a great warrior had this to say about the rumors of finding asylum with the Dwemer in the night I overheard the old ones whispering secrets of the underground and the Dwemer who dwell there I fought back on stories father once told me of these dwarves heroic tales of honor and glory the old ones must know of these stories for has been decided that we will change course upon first light I feel hopeful that the Dwemer will help us to avenge our fallen and reclaim our land the accounts of another snow elf a female named Farah Gawain till a wholly different story for her story was told later after they descended in the night I find it difficult not to focus on times past there are moments in my rest when I still hear the laughter of the young ones at play in the valley other times I see the pale flicker of happy moe which were once so common in the land of the snow elves I try not to dwell on these memories too long often our surroundings make it impossible to dwell on any happiness we have been locked together in such close quarters for so long we grow tired of each other's company even the strongest of us have faltered with nothing to do but think on what is lost I wake each day to forlorn faces and am reminded of where we are and all we have left behind we are all yearning for a day when we can emerge from hiding and walk freely in the light once more but I fear we are losing all hope that such a day will ever come her melancholy tone is replaced with despair as their refuge gradually becomes a prison i tire of the tears of women and children my own have run dry and now in a time when our people should be banding together it feels we are drifting apart the Nords have truly won our once great pride and unity are shattered things would only get worse for the refugees and that much is clear to see in n we M a loss ominous verbs torn from their home of ice and frost thrown into the pitch-black tread of night living in fear as their minds become lost as their eyes begin dimming the light chained and enslaved what once was light turned to blackness alone and betrayed sinking deeper into madness the snow elves de generated in captivity it isn't unreasonable to come to the conclusion that a lack of sunlight and fresh air calls the once great snow elves to slowly transform into the blind hunched half-wit Falmer but such extreme defamations raise suspicions what follows isn't confirmed though official sources like Ursa oof racks his studies on the Falmer speculate that this degeneration was not entirely natural and physical evidence found in the depths of the Dwemer ruins like ancient torture chambers seemed to support IRS's claims the theory is that the Dwemer did not trust their guests and sought to turn them into subservient frawls the snow elves had hoped the brilliant dwarves would help them retake their land but instead the Dwemer dealt the killing blow to the enemies of the Nords they forced the snow else to consume the toxic fungi that once grew deep underground and this rendered them blind and without their eyesight the snow elves were completely at the mercy of the dwarves they made the fungi an essential part of the foul MERS diet this guaranteed the weakness of not only their current Falmer slaves but their offspring as well the snow elves for time eternal would be blind and it seems the fungi affected more than just their vision for their minds changed too once they'd been an enlightened folk they built a great civilization a complex nearly indecipherable language and were arguably the most prominent worshipers of Oriel but all that was gone now their elven God's Trinity urbane jeffra fine Astor were all forced to leave the north for the animal totem gods of atmora reign supreme in Skyrim now it is said that one secluded veil between high rock and skyrim still belongs to Oriel and the spirits of his devotees but we'll talk more on that very soon the Falmer disfigured and dull-witted fought back against their oppressive overlords in the war of the crag this conflict raged on for decades before coming to an abrupt end though the Falmer were unable to see it for themselves their foes vanished in the blink of an eye an entire race gone in an instant the Falmer inherited the Dwemer empire of subterranean skyrim so much ancient technology so many vast cities all theirs but the Falmer were forever stunted by their poison diets and their lack of faculties prevented them from taking advantage of what they required so the once great snow elves will forever dwell in savage tribal societies surrounded by the greatest feats of Technology and architecture known to Tamriel the glory days of the Falmer were long gone but in that solitary Valley known only to a few we can see the remnants of snow elven Society in the forgotten Vale where few would ever be able to find it the Falmer built the center of their civilizations worship behold the Chantry of Oriel among the frozen peaks of the druid arc mountains the snow elves built a remarkable sanctum to their chief deity and once again thanks to kal sell most translations we can hear about the Chantry from the perspective of the race responsible for building it Parma installed all rights many of the most dedicated snow elves once committed themselves to tireless journey through the chantry to the inner sanctum they carried with them the paramount desire to become one with their God Oriel though all set out with the determination to prove their worth few were prepared for the trials that lay ahead for the path to Oriel was not without its tribulations the pilgrims struggled not only against the natural elements of the treacherous veil but with a myriad of tests upon their faith and loyalty it is told that many simply could not continue on the path for long before turning back some argue that the rebuke they endured upon their return was crueler than any punishment that lay ahead of them in their failed attempt they were forced to live in the shadow of those who did continue on to achieve the great glory and honor of ascension into the light forever after their faith and loyalty in Oriel would be scrutinized and their remaining days filled with shame and regret tales of those who reach the inner sanctum and not without their share of woes it is said upon their arrival that many were mere shells of the person they had once been some were quite mad from sleeplessness and starved to the point of frailty by the end of their journey the marvel that they had strength yet to carry their vessel and ascend the stairs of the temple was the last true testament of their loyalty regardless of each individual's tale the final words remain eerily similar it is said that every pilgrim ascended bathed in light a look of relief and contentment on their face what could very likely be considered the most exceptional achievement of snow elven civilization endures to the present day of course it's in a state of disrepair and the halls of the sanctum a bizarrely quiet serving as an eternal reminder of the races fall from grace but the Chantry still stands and remarkably it is said that two snow elves untainted by the Dwemer treachery live on in this remote valley via fir is the arch curate of Oriel at the Chantry whose worship turned into resentment when he became infected with vampirism via fir blamed Oriel for allowing him to become afflicted by the disease and has sought vengeance against the God for millennia he hoped to sunder the Sun with Orioles bow severing the connection between Mundus a nefarious the tyranny of the Sun prophecy never came to fruition however and the arch curate became a martyr to his vengeful cause his brother night paladin gala ball was not a vampire yet intriguingly he too lived for thousands of years after his races betrayal perhaps he found some hidden magic similar in properties to the likes used by dive a fear and the civic monks or maybe Oriel rewarded gala boar for his enduring service to the time God he's duty as Knight paladin was to guard the way shrine at the Chantry and he carried out his duty by aiding in the downfall of his brother's scheme it is believed that Gala Ball lives on to the present day serving Oriel in solitude and he is the last of the snow elves to keep his true pure form the story of the snow elves is a tragic one their secrets bring only sorrow the foul man now may be little more than a pest but Gila bore and the Chantry of Oriel remain as a monument to the prosperity of their once great civilization so long as the Nords don't discover its existence and vow to desecrate it they will forever be a pocket of Tamriel dedicated to one of the realms most fascinating races and there you have it guys the secrets of the snow elves I hope you enjoyed the video thanks so much for watching my name is Drew this is fudge Muppet and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 211,673
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Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, skyrim lore, elder scrolls lore, skyrim secrets, snow elves lore, snow elves secrets, skyrim snow elves, skyrim falmer, skyrim falmer secrets, skyrim snow elf secrets
Id: jmvU9XcX1MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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