Cities Skylines 2, but every road is a roundabout!

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hello fellow Engineers this is the magic roundabout in Swindon United Kingdom and in the eyes of a highway engineer it is the Holy Grail of Road layouts it's perfect in almost every way with its easy to navigate layouts occupying a minimal footprint however if you're an American watching this you're probably thinking no God please no no so today I'm going to prove their superiority to you by engineering a city using only roundabouts in cities guy lines too so I've started a brand new map and we're going to be engineering City using just roundabouts now to start with we don't actually have that many roundabouts unlocked and to be honest I don't even know if I should be using roundabouts like that yeah cuz look can you see the these like grids where you can build your buildings I don't think they actually work around roundabout so I may have to do manually drawn roundabout uh but but that's that's fine that will surely be fine now one thing it's important to do we're making oh my goodness look at the mess I've made not only are there like huge steps but just oh my goodness okay this looks like the magic roundabout has melted so yeah I think using roundabouts like that you can see the grids like they don't appear so I'm going to have to do them myself which is fine cuz that's that's pretty much how roundabouts worked back in City skylines 1 now the thing with doing it manually is I'm going to have to make sure I just use oneway roads and I think as this is where the traffic comes in from our Highway we probably want to start with like the most lanes and then as we sort of spread out we can we can reduce it down to like one one lane motorways but yeah for now let's grab this bring it over there and then let's try and work out how to actually build a roundabout by hand uh okay that's not going to light that looks like a a Friday afternoon designed roundabout that one right we can do better we can do better right okay that is that is much better that's actually circular and the good thing about this layout is look if I press the zoning we can Zone all of this up so we can actually make a city finally so yeah to start do I start with like the magic roundabout as like the entrance as it is the superior roundabout layout I think I might so basically how the magic roundabout works is there there needs to be five of these all around like a central round about going in the opposite direction now the trouble with this game at the moment there's no mods so I can't just copy this layout like to the to the five corners of the Pentagon so what I may try and do is draw a pentagon so to the middle is 24 let's turn off 24 M so if I go to 48 M then go a little bit further then Mark 24 okay so then now I think I just do my circle from here all right so I've got two now and Center to Center is is 69 M nice so then from those two I want to go in 120° angle 69 M like that oh wait no I just did 360 divided by 6 not divided by 5 I'm doing a hexagonal oh maybe a hexagonal magic round roundabout that could be the best diagonal roundabout I didn't think I could improve on Perfection but I think I've come up with something that will allow me to anyway let me just finish this quick all right okay so after a bit of fiddling we have our six roundabouts now we just need to make a circuitry roundabout in the middle and this turns it from six separate roundabouts into one magic roundabout and the reason why this is important is say this is uh this is our coming on road so you can see they go left they go around the roundabout like that and then if they want to go back off the roundabout they can do that now what having this allows us to do is basically have these arms on every single road so this is where we come on let's say we want to head down that road all we do is sort of combine these so we say do a curve from there and connect down that way so now you can see if you're driving on from here rather than going all the way around the roundabout and coming back you can just take the first exit and then first exit you're off that way but if you want to go to the second one we just do the same thing we go from here curve that way lovely jly then we can get to that arm then if we just make our way around doing that the whole way we've then linked all of our roundabouts sort of into like a like a mega roundabout but that's not how the magic roundabout becomes magic the way the magic roundabout becomes magic is by adding another Circ Tre in the middle that's made up of all of these inside edges because say you're coming down our coming down our road like this maybe you didn't want to go left first maybe you wanted to go to that one to the right at the moment you'd have to go all the way around the outside proper M&M Style just to get to that road whereas if we added an extra road then suddenly as you're coming up here you don't need to go all the way to the left you can just you can use this middle one as a roundabout then you're on to this roundabout and then you're down there nice and simple and so basically what we need to do is add this link Road between all the other internals so you end up with this so hopefully you can see it's not as complicated as it looks cuz I will say it does look complicated but yeah adding all those little RADS is basically just added an extra roundabout in the middle going the opposite direction so as long as you've got enough Lanes it should be pretty simple to use just Beware of the odd tear in the space time continuum it I guess it is a little bit more complicated than I first thought and then from here we can just Branch out in roundabout goodness so we'll come along to this road and we don't just have to add like little roundabouts we can add big ones okay but maybe this one is a little bit too big it it exceeds the city limits if we just make that angle 180 this distance oh always the same when we come down here that angle wants to be 90° the distance the same then I can't see how you can ever mess this up so let's start adding some Residential Properties so plunk all those down there we'll keep roundabout oh no but look I forgot about that I got to get all the way over there except I don't we don't actually need a water pumping station we can just build water towers and I feel like the fact that we've got circular Islands everywhere they probably lend themselves to putting these water towers just like in the middle of course we got to make sure they're connected to the main network but that's fine let's have a look at the old wind direction okay it's going it's going that way so I don't really want to put my my industrial stuff around here probably want it to be like over that way so let's get some roundabouts over in this direction now I don't think there's really anywhere to put windmills yeah wind speed too low we'd have to go like way over to the mountains which I cannot afford to go over there something I could do I could I could Nick power from over over those pylons to be honest but I think I'd rather be self-sufficient just to show that roundabouts really are superior so let's shove a big old Coal Power Plant there now I say big old it's actually a small Coal Power Plant but whatever details I think is that where the electricity comes out I should probably grab an electric cable and just connect those to our Network all right nice that is now cooking on gas or coal to be more precise ah but yes it cannot poo it's got a back top sewer as does everyone over there now I could do a sewage Outlet the trouble is I'd either have to do like a roundabout way down to the sea I mean alternatively since I'm using roundabouts I'm thinking like a proper engineer why don't I just do another roundabout out this direction why don't I put my sewage Outlet there become a tiny village and get a load of money but then use the landscaping tools which are completely free to create a very very small little depression like that and then take the slope to rain to and start down here I should be able to do like a channel and that will allow me to safely dump all my poo into the river without without affecting anyone without to do roundabouts taking up vital space so when we press play we should see this thing start to sputter out some poo yes there it goes and then all that liquid turd should just flow down into the river where then it's someone else's problem nice now whilst we're over here I sort of want to make the most out of the space so let's get another roundabout in here like that then we can start to make this area area our nice little industrial Zone this is where people will be working where are be polluting this is where the magic happens well one thing I need to do I just need to make sure people they don't build in my my sewer Canal that is reserved for poo only right okay so that's good meanwhile over this way so this person's house hasn't even been built they're already complaining about the rent no one's even moved in yet how am I oh no one person's moved in how am I a tiny village with only one person I have no idea all I do know is now I can buy this adjacent tile 11 Grand B I should be able to finish this roundabout I was building oh no those houses I think you're in roundabout range you may get destroyed yeah this was 100 m radius where does that put us over here yeah we're going to destroy these houses sorry about that greater good and all that though cuz look at all this all this real estate we have it's free real estate so I think up here I probably want to put some medium density roow houses yeah what I might do I might shove these around the outside and then put commercial on the inside cuz that's going to get a lot of traffic cuz he's a medium density there's going to be quite a lot of people living there which means lots of people to go shopping lovely what I may want to do as well is start connecting some of these yeah actually before you build your houses guys I'm just going to go from there up that way like that and from this one back that way like that we want everything connected via roundabouts if possible yeah then I should probably put some like health care and death care stuff in so have some Health Care on the outside cemetry up that place and then let's just start painting in that we got a lot of demand for low density so we may as well fill in like all the gaps we got then in the meantime I just keep building roundabouts this is literally like a dream come true for me just like whil I'm partly just recreating Swindon now I do sort of see the appeal to be honest all right so got another roundabout up this way not going to do anything over there for now though I think I've got to keep my medium density going over this way with the commercial in the middle all right and then with my progression Point unlocked I should probably unlock the roundabouts I'm not actually sure they're going to be worthwhile though as I said before I think even the big ones yeah they don't allow me to build houses around them at all they have no building plots so basically absolutely pointless although look there's a big space in the middle I'm wondering could I do something like that and then shove big roundabout in Middle yeah cuz then I can build on these arms so if I want to make this industrial yeah look I've now got little squares on The Middle that I didn't have before right in the meantime demand is ramping up again I think I'm going to do the same thing over this side with the medium density and the commercial build another roundabout up this way ends up looking like that lovely perfect spot for some low density housing all right and then this place is progressing quite nicely I'm loving this middle by the way also check out the traffic hardly any you could say that's because people aren't really moving here but the population is pretty much doubling per hour at the moment I mean look how much poo they're producing that is a steady flow all right so I've just some more roundabouts over this way that's so I can satisfy my industrial needs I am just realizing though I'm not actually connected to that roundabout so I'm probably going to have to destroy one of these houses well they're not houses it's a Timber yard oh it's called chipper Stein that's actually quite a cool name still you are going to have to go I think I'll just use a medium road to try and limit the damage to one building oh no that one's decided okay that one's gone it's turned into trees Return To Nature all right this place is this place is actually looking pretty decent I've still got a mean arm off the off the mean magic roundabout that I haven't actually haven't roundabout it up yet so better build another one of these now remember you always want to go clockwise with a roundabout at least if you're doing left hand drive I think if you're doing right hand drive you do do the opposite right anticlockwise probably although if you do if you do drive rightand drive you probably don't even know what a roundabout is but hopefully after watching this video you'll bug your local Council and say o Council we want roundabouts Matt built an entire city around the IDE that's how we want our city to run and if you want to say that to them I'm completely comfortable with that I'll just take a 5% cut of all profits in the in the city oh speaking of which I've just made 700 Grand in game I'm a small village o which means we've actually unlocked the decent medium density housing rather than the crappy roow houses sorry if you did move in there guys but let's get some decent ones in there there we go we'll commercialize the middle I'm tempted cuz there's so much space here is that like a good spot for like a yeah like a school perhaps so if I were to do that and weang a school in how easy is it to get a road I can put that in can I put a roundabout at the end I can yes I didn't know I could do could I do that for like cie sacks getting ideas for Utopia now right decent we have education I should probably try and get a high school in somewhere they are oh they are really big though that would like take a whole big boy roundabout don't know if I can afford that yet um I should probably link up some of these roads while I'm here oh my God look at the amount of parking on on my streets that's no good what I may want to do can I unlock parking areas yes two points unlock that please then we got parking spots we can shove in the question is can I shove one at the end of this roundabout yes I can oh but loads loads of warnings no pedestrian access I mean really it's it's on a foot path mate how is there no pedestrian access right okay there we go it just had to be on its own little stub arm oh look our first customers tell you what before they Park before they Park get an extra F out of them all right decent this is going this is going really really well I feel like all my like random ideas actually work perfectly I mean this one was intended to work perfectly it's a silly base on roundabouts but uh you can never be too sure now I'm just looking at like how everything's linked I think I need another roundabout here so I can link that and that together cuz I want these people to be able to get to school easily I want like any orphans that attend they want to go to the graveyard Etc at the moment they got to navigate the magic roundabout not ideal by the way imagine imagine being this couple here like literally sat on a bench on your front lawn you lost your legs during during the war and so you you've sort of retired you're like I just want to enjoy life and you look out and literally you are you are completely surrounded like you literally you live on a on a road moat I mean technically you're you're a king if that happens so you're living in a castle but still I am starting to doubt the roundabout approach in some aspects I mean for traffic incredible for War veterans oh that were that were Faking It Like That guy is standing now perhaps not so good all right so I just spent a few minutes adding a Lo more roundabouts which means we can then safely add a load more coloring in my favorite thing to do in this game and of course at our high school now I've added like a huge roundabout here with like two two little eyes in there I think the high school will be the mouth it can Bo going in there nice large Village completed all right so that's in the downside with these is because our roundabouts are on the inside of a roundabout they actually need to they need to spin the opposite direction so if I come to to the two-lane oneway road which is what I built these with I can then if I just click and hold and then just move my mouse can you see the arrows change direction so if we just go around doing that then we've made a roundabout for a completely different country than Britain it's suitable for right hand Journeys or it's just suitable for being inside a giant roundabout so it means I can do my arm like that and shove that one on you can then connect these two roundabouts together like that and then the same over here you go that way you go that way wa sorted uh the the downside with where I've just placed this I've just realized it's completely Downstream of all that pollution so kids going to school uh hold your breath cuz air pollution anyway we'll just do the final connections cuz I didn't quite finish it so we'll go up to there come from this one down to there and what I was thinking as well perhaps I should lose like this High weight like how far back I can delete it all the way back to there oh boy and i' I've just done that yeah but I still wanted like this to be like the center so I was thinking rather than doing a highway if I have just a roundabout there maybe just maybe if I do lots of like sharp corners and stuff like that can I then round about all of these up I think I can I can even round about I can round about this up yes this is beautiful yes oh look at all the XP I'm getting for building all these roundabouts this game knows what to reward oh the trouble is though I've just realized I've done this all with one way roads can I replace with two we just so people can get back oh yes I can yes I can okay nice now our city has the perfect entrance round about heaven yeah and then that just gives me time to continue what I was doing building load of houses building load of commercial adding stuff like firehouses police station so Architects don't get in and a load more industrial and then realizing I haven't done any garbage management now I can only do a landfill at the moment but if you check out how big the the radius for the landfill area is it's actually quite large and it's circular which means if I use a two lane road and just take it down here then I can draw a landfill area complete to the edge of all this which means two birds one stone we we've put that in a roundabout sort of I mean it's it's not really a roundabout but it is round so shut up oh nice look everyone's actually using my my roundabout roundabout roundabout roundabout ey I don't know whatever the plural for roundabout is they are driving to my city where they then get to the the Swindon inspired magic roundabout all right okay honestly this place is a bit of a dream if I'm honest there are roundabouts everywhere the poo is Flowing down into the sea where it's being washed away oh a bridge we never have to think about it again unfortunately the air pollution it's not great for the people downwind yeah these people I did say if you're going to live down here you got you got to hold your breath cuz those things they are blowing constantly in your face get people still went ahead and brought their umbrellas and their hammocks and their play pits and oh what is what is in there how much detail does this game need it's got like little Skittles like plastic Skittles in there is that really needed maybe that's why the game runs so badly like look if we zoom out there's you can see the detail of the Skittles I I can literally still see them can still see them can still see them now remember I can see the entire city and each one of these houses probably has its own little sand pit with its own Skittles in I ha to berate again for having too much detail but slightly too much detail okay not going to lie the entrance to this is absolutely it's genius I don't want to toot my own horn or anything but like the traffic's really good roundabouts fix everything actually how's this Lorry going to get around this roundabout it oh oh okay it did actually it did run over the the Middle Island if we just hit pause yeah not ideal I mean ideally Wheels should be like on the time I mean generally when we do roundabouts like this we would actually do this flush like there wouldn't be like a step there there but there would sometimes be like a like a little overrun area to make like a smaller Island and basically this is like it's for like lores to actually drive around the reason like you keep like a big island is so that cars are like deflected more cuz if they have to like turn more they have to slow down more you want cars to go slow and roundabouts in real life but we do just put like any bits where we think like trailers might overrun we would do that however this this is overrunning a bit too much because you can see the grass is being flattened so yeah not working exactly as intended but working very very well so hopefully if you are American or you just dislike roundabouts for whatever reason hopefully this video has changed your mind and it's open your eyes to the magic of roundabouts because honestly as always when I do these stupid challenges is performing better than my normal City layouts so yeah I hope you've enjoyed I'll say peace love and mega magic roundabouts which I've now actually realized it's it's completely clogged up with traffic but that's the trouble if you build a really popular city bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 429,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, rce, real civil engineer city skylines 2, real civil engineer, city skyline 2, cities skyline 2, city skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines 2 reaction, cs2, cities: skylies 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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