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that was a good video, ad was great

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LegoGunnar13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would immediately buy a ticket to ride the Sydney opera house river boat extravaganza . Keep us imagining a better world, my guy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TiredForDays πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Cutting a water channel through Australia sounds like a really really good idea. Are there any articles on it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BZRKr4zy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dorksenseofhumor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Add more thyme!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dorksenseofhumor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone know the name of the song at 11:14 I’ve been looking for a half hour and can’t find anything

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/imaberealwithyachief πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm from Chesterfield, and we have a similar thing to the Leaning Tower. The Crooked Spire, a 13th century church with a wonky top.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BillDaGuy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He totally forgot to mention the mighty black stump in Adelaide, the greatest building in Australia.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EzioGandalf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
this video is made possible by nord VPN architecture architecture what's the deal with architecture where do they call them buildings when they're no longer in construction they should be called built and why do they always use that blue paper for plans and why is nobody outside and why can't I get into this house and why are they calling the cops and why wait the voices in my head stop and who gave me this gun all this on this episode of in the quarantine do you hear about that building what had all the reflective bits on it and then it caused some files what the [ __ ] no ok here's how I remember the story guys there was a guy his name was Frank Gehry and he was commissioned to make like a new opera house I think it was as soon as you know what I'm gonna make this thing that actually looks like a big piece of [ __ ] this wall made out of glass stainless steel or concrete right right those are the three ingredients they know how to bake a cake with now right so you made this thing and it looks like a big crumpled up piece of paper what they didn't realize is they didn't take into account well there's this massive ball of plasma in the sky that seems to shine a lot the moon how many vending machines run the moon so much shut up over one purpose [ __ ] love vending machines it can reflect right those beams just shoot off in the other direction right and sometimes they strike other buildings so you know you'll be in the 20th floor and all of a sudden you're getting this big bright light in your eyes Oh God right it's Frank Gehry's buildings coming right through the the window and then sometimes it would concentrate array-like right down on someone's parked car right there's some good images with his like people's parked cars and they've just cut well here it looks like a death ray holy [ __ ] burnt right over the top that is interesting yeah I thought I hope I hope that's true I do too after the recording I looked into it and it was not [Music] it's in an Italian city called Pisa yet make sense Torah and Dante de Pisa hey the tower is situated behind the piece of Cathedral and is the third oldest structure in the city's Cathedral Square the tower began to lean during construction in the 12th century due to soft ground this is a weird one because it's one of those things that you're not actually allowed to fix so you've gotta stop it from falling over we have the technology to fix we could fix the Tower of Pisa we could lay down a concrete slab underneath it no problem right but you're not allowed to cuz that that ruins all words pristine nobody would ever visit exactly it's no longer the Leaning Tower of Pisa I'm gonna be the architect who built the leaning tower of pizza okay I come home to my mother played by you and reveal that it didn't go exactly as according to plan okay ma ma ma ma I'm back home from building my Tower of Pisa our commitment is dinner on the table Oh fantastic my favorite swaggity and meme balls listen ma ma I know you want to be proud of your son I know you want to be proud of your son but I got something to tell you oh yeah I know it's it's about the tower how how well it stands I know how much you like vertical towels and things to go straight up in the air listen ma ma it's not all about no I don't know I know your is talking about how things you go straight up and melts just like your personality straight up and down ma ma listen not all towers need to be straight up and down what are you what are you talking about Gilmer listen gotta be my own man ma we can't just keep doing what dad did my tower it's uh what's wrong with it it's leaning a little bit it's you know something something to the tune of maybe five degrees written on purpose whoa I mean when we built it I thought the ground was hard you know you put your foot down you hear the taps but listen they say they're gonna call it the Leaning Tower of Pisa mama I'm very disappointed in you son I'm gonna I'm taking this lasagna and I'm I'm putting it back in the pantry but mama the tomato sauce is perfect like imagine like you and me got into a fight right and I moved in next door mm-hmm and I knocked down whatever you know shed was there prior but and I tell them hey I'm gonna build myself in an apartment yeah but I have an architecture do it and it's just like a big reflective satellite dish just right into your [ __ ] bedroom just right where the head of your pillow is yeah could they stop me from doing that like it's my property right so what am i I have to worry about the Sun no [ __ ] that I'm just gonna build my house which is a satellite dish yeah you probably can you'd probably have a difficult time getting permission from the council well they wouldn't know they're gonna factor in the reflection of the Sun [ __ ] Disney didn't put big radioactive stickers all over right just submit you know just one giant bird feeder they have nothing but just pigeons within four miles this is swooping in and out of the [ __ ] yard yeah that's probably legal huh and you could just have like all of your neighbors and just hover them shakes zaha hadid right mother of Bella Hadid that's not true that's probably not true maybe maybe it didn't something a lot of these look I mean I think a lot of these are just different angles of the same building but her stuff looks pretty good from this initial Google search do you know difficult would be to clean some of this stuff yeah especially since they made it all white I know it kind of looks cool but at the same time I can't hate this stuff this looks to me whatever although it does look modern it looks to me like a matchbox racecar track yeah it looks like you could slide down the side of one of these yeah this is a fantastic design for say a luxury cruise ship yeah what is a building looks like [ __ ] how do I get in the front door I don't know just keep walking around and around around you find one gap no windows by the way are like little little peeking windows on the Sun this just seems like a bad haircut Johnny Bravo they've built it on top of this beautiful building down here yeah this isn't exactly what we meant by adding a modern addition to these rather old looking buildings people need to come to us for ideas man that's what I'm saying they do they do I'm tired you know I've got another idea as well have you ever seen the center of Australia I haven't seen Australia outside of Roadrunner cartoons this is outrageous livable livable livable livable livable uninhabitable wasteland nothing looks like Mars it basically is but like way hotter if you're stuck here you'd need to go underground why cause it's too hot on the surface yeah you didn't it with regularly 45 degree days quietly translates that to Fahrenheit oh wow that's crazy hot yeah it's a desert but you look at this right and there's an obvious solution to the problem skyscrapers you start digging a big fuck-off channel and you go like from there to there and then you just live water flow right through the middle and the only reason they don't do that because of all these people who are like well there's a desert lizard and it would be quite disturbed if you dug up some of the sand that's probably accurate we're all residing in like four cities right because they're the only places you can live in this desert continent but if you just made a big channel and made this arable land we could all spread out and we're the same size as the continental USA we could be the next USA we could fit another hundred million people it why didn't they do it the lizard's what do you reckon that would cost a geological distribution aside neither one of those were real words what do you reckon that would cause like a communal effort okay you should certainly compare it to the Panama Canal 375 million dollars that's cheap that's including 10 million paid to Panama and 40 million paid to the French company so assuming that Australia did this themselves you could actually knock 50 million off that price Australia logistically is a lot easier than Panama and you don't have to work through you know any of the corrupt government systems we have all of the machinery here we're a massive mining exporter oh so we can just dig these channels you know in my head I was picturing like a Call of Duty air strike through the entire so we would have done in like you know four days or something we definitely wouldn't be able to keep the lizard's after that I guess will overestimate right it's the three thousand divided by 80 which is kilometers for the Panama Canal thirty seven and a half times 375 million equals fourteen billion that is so cheap to think about the [ __ ] internet historian theme park we could [ __ ] put together with all this newly found in habitable land now it's a slide and it starts at 80 mile beach and it ends at the hospital why didn't they do it the lizards when are they gonna give this thing windows that's what I want to know what's it running currently I gotta stop making that joke so we'll give it some windows we could also add an octagon at the base for UFC fights it's already a giant cage the only rules are there are no rules if you added some curtains oh look at that and then it's like right 6:00 p.m. close the drapes right and then you know that the eiffel tower was shut yeah everyone inside can get some sleep mixed one Frank Gehry this guy hearing this is the one everybody would know yeah this isn't check I've seen it yeah yeah it's um it's kind of neat I mean his whole thing is just sort of like wonka-esque buildings right if you planned this in advance is it particularly tough to take a normal-looking building and just sort of give it italics I guess that one's kind of cool it's cool for the novelty I guess I mean if you stuck all these in the same city it would just kind of feel like an amusement park hmm hold on we can design one of these I reckon you could do a lot just by sharpening all the curves okay so if we took this and then maybe curved right get rid of the black and then another one right and we have right here the new Frank Gehry building I mean that's pretty spot-on is there anything you want to add to it let's get out of 5g antenna of course missile it's not modern without that you know 900 million that's a bargain if you think about it considering that it took four cars to make I think you should go to architecture school we can use you here in the States all of our buildings are boring and time on YouTube nor VPN is known as one of the most easygoing sponsors losing their spot is a real test of skill for the speedrunning community doing it the fastest is considered the ultimate challenge in April 2020 in new record will sit here is that run go herder it's me Nord VPN man I just had sex with your wife's Audrey lean is the best company ever the instance of dairy business I'm going to know what VPN to accomplish incognito because it gives 70 visit our three year plan and I tell everyone that I have a massive look I can be anywhere in the world oh my god he's listening Brazil captain UK captain now he's in Australia policy so fast is he teleporting captain he's inside the building off bug oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it got him again boys 70% off the three-year plan use code incognito there are sexy foxes in your area use it to look at international continent God knows there's nothing new on the main channel internet guru the problem $203 49 per month return three of 30 days of you hate it you're locked indoors with the virus and you need more stuff for get international catalogs of Netflix totally legally winged three BBC wink wink and get the free content I agree shadow mania frontal oh it's not that not today grand squad leader of China or VPN it's my only weakness fulfill your dreams get more content give me money by signing up to Gord behind penny getting a three year plan links below explosion explosion Fredrik Knutson explosion Lord be pain the thinking man's VPN time [Music] do I think my least favorite fact oh wow okay here we go is when bring up the topic of the Colosseum right and someone goes ahead and say you know they used to close up the whole Colosseum and then flooded and then have small ship battles in it right yeah everybody knows right shut up I knew this girl and she was a friend of friend we got into this sort of discussion and we're good sir very different views on the world right she was saying oh she just came back from this trip to Europe I went to the Colosseum and and it was just the most beautiful thing in the world she doesn't really understand irony right and so I just I just went to Colosseum [ __ ] um like like how many people can you even get in there maybe 5,000 have you seen like a regular stadium in Atlanta you can get 40,000 people in there and it's got a Jumbotron easily okay and she's like no well the point is like how old it is since it's like the more that she's honest about it the more I have to keep piling on it would you rather go to the Coliseum to watch the latest Mets game or would you rather stand around they had hot dogs I feel like you'd never have an option other than the double down in that situation it's like wow I'm not just gonna go oh I'm joking I haven't you're gonna get this eventually or we're both gonna die she's still convinced that that's my viewpoint let go boo CA okay so what'd he do this dude looks like he does homes again oh wait what do you think of that one with the colors on the front of it this one I think that is hideous look at the beautiful building in the background yeah and then look at this public toilet I think a splash of color on something that's otherwise just like steel and glass is kind of yeah fancy unique I guess is the one can appreciate the color but it looks like they've branded it with like a Tommy Hilfiger logo yeah and then the flag to some obscure country no one wants to visit yeah I mean honestly this looks like a busboy yeah yeah this looks like we stand waiting for a bus I've built this in Minecraft before 100% I built this craft before this exactly this is supposed to be the best examples of his work I mean architects only get so good right like what's the fanciest looking building you can think of Parliament House is pretty good Parliament House I've definitely also done this in Minecraft I like the clock towers on the edge of it mmm what a [ __ ] hand palace would like yeah yeah Parliament House looks way better than Buckingham Pell I mean say you become like super royalty of Australia yeah they become the queen of Australia yeah would you go with something like this I know what to do here's my palace okay I'm excited you take this right I think that's pretty good and then of course so foggy nice boom give it the Frank Gehry treatment just give it a slight just a little something Fran Gary nice legit though legitimately that looks like a Frank Gehry building who gets to live at the top of the pyramid the ghost of the dude that they buried at the bottom of the pyramid all right right that makes sense what do you reckon to this kind of architecture um simple simples one way to put it yeah we could do this in two weeks if we want this is easy as [ __ ] they like if you start from the top it would take no time oh yeah that would redo this but they didn't like being with hideous glass and steel it would literally be you and me and just like half a chopped down tree at the end of two weeks we've like holy [ __ ] we were way oh I bet this is really easy to build famous last words men with modern-day stuff yeah I get that it wasn't easy to build back then not even modern-day stuff you did let's say you me and we get like 30 thousand slaves because that's probably what they had then right you think we could figure it out I just have to predict the comments cuz they're gonna be actually there weren't slaves it was all done through paid labor and service to the though whatever at the time there are no way that's the Sun God Pharaoh yeah Pharaoh yeah okay so if we had 30,000 laborers do we get modern tool yeah I think we could definitely get it done with forklifts and 30,000 its yeah yeah exactly yeah I think I think would be just fine the real question is how do we fix this a pyramid you say boy ring yeah the pyramids boring what if we made it upside down done work upside down all the people fall off like a god towel ah there you go that's better yeah the ground floor of anything should have food right food yup maybe like solar panels ah that's a great idea I don't really know what they'd be powering but it just feel like you've got the surface area yeah yeah exactly it's like an angel out of a van Galliano yeah go Exodia there you go hey I feel like we could do some terraced rice patties yeah hey you go what I mean right yeah you can have it like running down everybody needs grain that the Egyptians really weren't idiots man they didn't think of a single one of these things alright no imagination what do you like triangle yeah big triangle dude with a lion on his face someone killed Tutankhamun triangle Yeah right I think that's pretty good maybe a lightning pole at the top of it oh yeah more electricity think of how much electricity they'll be producing what is that what lightning poles do oh look at that could you imagine looking at that and not saying that that was better than the original I mean I'm currently erect I mean look at it speaking of erect you ever noticed this building ah yeah I've been there it is enormous it is I had no idea how big it was wait I mean come compared to what the eye sword as this is like a 10 story house or something [ __ ] no no it's much bigger than that these things are actually really tall these poles yes I mean that's those those things are probably 10 of me yeah and then you compare that to that yeah it's a big I remember seeing it the first time and just going holy [ __ ] yeah it is just about the highest point in pretty much all of DC a philosophy he calls organic architecture he believes in designing structures that were in harmony with humanity and their environment right that's pretty good this was his house holy [ __ ] what do you think of that it looks like that's a nice house if you told me this was just a zoomed in picture of like a little thing that you would put on your desk that flows water I would believe you hmm problem with this is it's in between a whole bunch of trees in that right you're not gonna get any good 5g signal out here I think you'd want that like yeah I'm sure the architect might have something to say about it but you know what he had his go he's dead now don't worry about that there's got to be exactly at least one architect who would tribute his architectural career to Minecraft there has to be at least one you're not entirely wrong because now all right you go to the city and it's it's nothing but three building materials it's steel glass concrete right because those are the cheapest things the easiest things to work with so now in the virtual world we have the drouin reviving these beautiful classical styles and they do it in Minecraft right look at that wouldn't you be so proud to have that in the middle of your city and then compare that to like what an egg yeah who wants the egg happy easter everyone boo one of those things you ask Google - Oh a Google home or whatever yeah it looks like that kind of design yeah yeah that thing be loud as [ __ ] when the alarms go off on there are three events this doesn't look all that bad this almost looks like a little segment out of the Futurama intro that is gorgeous mind your manners by Emily Richardson why isn't her name showing up as the top architecture this thing shits on some things IRL hmm we got to play some minecraft by the way I feel like this would be an appropriate co-op let's see how well the radish boys can make a real radish farm you know well maybe maybe we could do that on Twitch yeah do you have a twitch I do have a twitch what which TV slash the Metro media streaming some days I think Twitter you do oh look at that amazing you know what I always kind of got jealous of is like like in America right the country is not all that old mm-hmm it's I mean as new as it gets really if you think about it when I watch travel videos and like food videos in like England they'll have like just squared up looking buildings or like castle looking build or just like a pub yes but it'll be like seven hundred years old or something stupidly old yeah cuz the country's just been around for so long as some zip people's houses sort of six six hundred year old so what happens is there are all these regulations like anytime anyone wants to do any sort of extension maintenance anything they have to go through like 18 levels of council approval that always takes so much time and ends up being so expensive you know these people who have old-school thatched roofs and they're not allowed to improve them and they have to get them like re thatched and they can't just get a regular roof and they're tired of it and they go you know what electrical fire as Australia have any famous buildings yeah we got one oh yeah yeah that one P Sherman 42 Wallaby Way said that's the address right you patronizing I've done appreciate this we've got a beautiful building it's called that one haha well here's a bit of you that one that is quite good-looking Sydney Opera House it's huge yeah it's pretty big and it's like right on the water too which is nice do they actually do opera there or is it just like a big like NASCAR circuit on the inside yeah they do opera there they do also stuff and then they can use that as like a generator and then boats can kind of come in there and people will just sort of jump off into the spinning wheel right yeah and on the platform and boom who would say that's not an improvement I mean yeah so they spin right yeah they spin and then they generate electricity and then that's what powers the opera and then it's in the water ah perfect you could probably show this to somebody who doesn't know what the Sydney Opera House looks like and they they probably just accept it although spin Oh interesting you see what I mean like this comes free and then they just drive this thing around the city right now maybe everyone just halts on the Sydney Opera House right and you just drive that around downtown you get some the Opera House downtown yeah the Sydney Opera boat yeah it's any aquabug okay this is architectural right it's rock yeah I mean this is a primitive architecture the problem with working out is your head doesn't actually get any bigger so your body gets enormous there aren't too many head exercises that's the issue yeah perfect it's like it's like a Gundam pilot but like the dudes actual head is at the top yeah he hops in yeah and he's like Go Go Gundam activate swoop it's crushing time pretty good animation right there oh sorry smeet oh I'm going into a tunnel this was I enjoyed goodbye sword VP
Channel: Internet Historian: Incognito Mode
Views: 3,869,224
Rating: 4.9374042 out of 5
Keywords: architecture, in the field, internet historian
Id: CwF8DYf5dDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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