Sonic High School | Sundance Rejects

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/CharlestonKSP 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
nor Laura Laura Laura Laura VPN sure you could see the new Sonic movie or you could watch Fredrik Knutson emperor lemon cynical reviews Java Slovakia 59 sift it scene tech Jesus and music by - mad in dark tomb fire masters epic fanfiction sonic high school [Music] kept the one solid workup and looked at the clock seven o'clock it said and sonic screamed I am late for school I have to get to school now since sonic jumping out of bed sonic put on his clothes really fast and ran out of his room because he is fast no time for breakfast said Sonic as he ran past Sonic's mum you will regret this said Sonic's mum leering at him from the kitchen stove wearing aprons and oven mitts on her hands so did not care he was late sonic ran outside and ran to the bus stop where people would get him on the bus amazing did sonic as he ran towards the bus hey knuckles it's Sonic Sid tails - knuckles at the bus stop he is late Sid Knuckles details before getting on the bus sonic ran so fast to the bus and he got on the bus after tails just enzyme said sonic huffing and puffing like he was doing the cupid shuffle for the first time Sonic sat down next to Tails and Knuckles set behind them taking up both seats I'm Sol Bird said knuckles laughing because he set with two people could sit knuckles did this every day and no one bothered him but they all knew that it was against the rules the bus started and drove at the school and parked and they got out we're at school now SIB tails it is time to go to class sonic was also at the school so he went to his first class of the day English class sonic did not like English very much but he did not like any class very much that was not about running and going fast which is what sonic does best sonic got to his class and sat down in his seat it is since Sonic's English teacher mrs. lesson your journal entries to the class Sonic took out his blue journal course it was bleak and ran out in front of everyone quickly and put his journal on a disk and ran back to his desk with all with his head down and not talking or looking at anyone Sonic was so fast that he did it first everyone else did it afterwards and slower misses lesson grabbed a journal from the pile and Sonic knew it was his because it looked like Sonic spin-off sonic knew this because he had written in it so many times it was crazy mrs. listen opened up a totally random page and it was the worst one she could have picked she began to read I called the doctor today about a problem I have a problem with my balls they are itchy and it is difficult to sit still with them because they are so itchy I have to back up against stucco surfaces and rub up and down on them to relieve the itchiness no dreams have worked creams only make my ball sweat smell like the breath of a thoroughbred and I think Amy my girlfriend noticed I hope my doctor calls love sonic no stop reading since sonic but he reacted too late because it was already read all of it everyone in the class laughed and sonic felt like an idiot [ __ ] because now everyone knew all about his ball problems Sonic felt his rage build up inside of him like a pool of lava and a volcano shattered sonic but everyone was laughing so loud that they did not hear him in Sonic was just so embarrassed and mad and sad but more embarrassed so he ran out of the class fast corseted sonic ran to his lock and opened it and screamed into it he screamed this sucks and other curse words to shoot what is the problem sir tails are you mad Sid tails sonic was mad so he noted you should tell everyone that it is okay to have problems with your balls and that they probably have problems that they do not want everyone to know about - so stop laughing at me sonic Thor tails was right because tails was smart knuckles was there too so he said sonic what's wrong with your penis and balls no sonic was so mad again so he punched knuckles and then he ran away where sonic ran to was his next class it is now second period so it was okay hey Amy said sonic Jack meow and sonic did a dance move Wow cool let's kiss said Amy and the Sonic and Amy kissed right there in the class and some of the other people in the class watched but the teacher wasn't there yet so they didn't get in trouble and who's gonna tell Sonic that he can't kiss his girl in class Sonic kissed back really hard and it was sexy to everyone the teacher arrived and they did class but Sonic just looked at Amy the whole time who is sitting next to Rouge Amy Andrews talk and they looked at Sonic some times and laughed and Sonic thought amy was telling her about how awesome Sonic kissed her but it was not Ruth was telling Amy about Sonic's gave all problems if and Amy was sonics girlfriend but she thought it was the funniest thing ever oh no class ended in Sonic winter Amy quick and did not stop on the way hey Amy why don't you go telling Rouge about how hard we kiss : close parentheses since Sonic with a smile on his face that means that he did not care that Amy did this but really wanted her to because it made him look cooler actually bridge was telling me about the problems with your balls and penis and puzzle that everyone found out sports in your English class Wow was Sonic surprised he did not know what to say end of chapter one chapter 2 mrs. DISA sad man as yourself the rest of the day for Sonic is awful so bad it was that Sonic went home and went right to the bathroom and took a big poop it was a mad poop because it went if I'm fast it shooted out of his butthole so fast that it was like it gonna shoot his poop stung so much that it that even the neighbors kept that the neighbors could even smell it and they had a meeting at night about what to do about it and they decided that they would just put fans on outside and if it really started to smell again they would do something else so is Sonic pooped and wind up to his room and shouted into his pillow I hate Sonic shouted loud any heard a knock at the door What's Wrong Sonic asked Sonic's mum nothing said Sonic since Sonic okay just keep it down because I'm trying to watch the TV said Sonic's mum to Sonic and lift without saying anything else Sonic was in his room still so he looked out of the window and saw tails flying there with his flying tails Sonic are you okay asked tails I was worried about you Sonic Sonic was less mad because tails was always nice and smart and didn't care that Sonic lifts his pawns around his room see so he could think about kissing and doing sex on Amy please be happy said tails are you there Sonic went to the window and opened the window Sonic grabbed hills and put him on the bed because Sonic is strong too this day was the worst SID Sonic everyone thinks I am a gay loser all because I gave them my journal sonic cried a little and Tails put his hand under his face to catch the tears tears can stain the carpet but button tails hugs want to consume I am always here for you the promise tonight also Wow I forgot Sid sonic sonic ran to his closet fast and pulled out his prom uniform it's a truck scener and put it on Bob limo you yet tails said Sonic while looking at tails yes Sid tails right back let's go and Sonic went outside with tails who was also in prom clothing and they wind outside and got in the limo the limo is broken said the limo driver who looked like well jeez ok I'm changing that ok Sonic and Tails got out of the limo and asked the limo driver if they could fix it nope the limo is broken eternally said the limo driver have to get here so he sort of grabbed tails his hand and said let's go and run all the way to the prom which was on an island called goose Ireland this place is scary Sid tails ghost island was really scary he was shaped like a skull and everything looked like it was dead Sonic looked at tails yeah it is Sid Sonic why would they put the prom on this island Sid tails I don't see anyone else from the school here tails and sonic were both worried about at all Sonic and Tails walked forward and there was a haunted house Sonic and Tails went into the haunted house and it was spooky Sonic's or coast entails sore mummy it was a man laughing to Sonic and Tails now you are both here and fallen right into my trap said the man laughing it was Eggman you're here ah Sonic and sheltered it Eggman are you here for the Chaos Emeralds sonic shook his visit Eggman and Tails ran at him but what an idiot he was because a cage fell down on top of the sky and traps tails when you are doomed now said Eggman welcome to the graveyard of you sonic was shocked but did not run forward because he did not want to get caught - but what if Eggman did not have another cage sunk did not know so he went to the side into a different room this room was smaller and had carpets and wallpaper it was still scary though sonic said I need to find a way out and to save tails Eggman law and pointed at Sonic I kissed Amy and now you can never date her again because I am going to do sex to her tonight no this cannot be real sit Sonic Sonic knew that he had to do something but what add time we now pronounce you ideal candidate for 20 President of the United States of a man wait wait what is this hold the inauguration I have right here the president elects internet search history give it here well this is bad I hereby declare you not the president and instead sentence you to live on virgin island now your opponent loves to smoke crack 666 will be in charge oh no what have I done is this the future you really want if only he had used Nord VPN Nord VPN keeps your web traffic safe unless you view region-locked content look at all these channels Wow now I don't have to go to the theater wait stop that but Internet Astoria I am but a humble gamer I cannot afford a VPN that has unlimited bandwidth and works in such places as China that's where you're wrong go to North VP slash internet historian and use the code internet historian to get 75 percent off plus a free month when you use code internet historian okay I'm convinced wow it worked and now I'm the president also it made me 75% more attractive and my parents are no longer getting a divorce god bless Nord VPN dot-com / Internet a story ad / chapter 3 sonic ran the fastest write to dr. Eggman right through his traps and jumped at the floating Eggman with Stanley I'm coming for you said Sonic and he jumped up up right to the platform and got so close but fell because it was just too high to reach even for Sonic Sonic said damn and ran up the staircase that was in the middle of the big room that were under Eggman Sonic ranch at the top and at the top he jumped again from a harness plug and this time reached the platform because it was easier to get to now you are mine shouted Sonic right into Eggman's Here I am not going to follow this easily said Eggman who then grabbed a crystal remote control out of his pocket and pressed a button on it that made a dome of lasers around Eggman get out of here yelled Eggman I am Eggman and I will have my way with the treasures of this island so Eggman Eggman flew up higher on his platform and Sonic had already fell from the lasers that were on the floated planet so Sonic didn't get to go to Eggman disappeared into a purple and black portal at the top of the ceiling and Sonic was left at the bottom of the room on the middle of the stairs he still has to be here somewhere and I need to get tails out of that locked cage SID sonic thinking about what he should do next sonic ran up the stairs really fast and down the hallway at the top of the stairs on the second floor sonic picked a door and ran into the door the room sonic ran into had a big picture of an old man on it and he looked just so old that it looked like seeing a skeleton right there sonic said this man probably died ages ago and left all his buddy from being in real estate to his sons who built this place Sonic thought this was not the right room to be in so he lifted and went into the next room this was the right room to be in Sonic knew immediately there was a big red bed and Amy was tied with rope around her feet and hands and there was another rope around her head with a lock in her mouth so she couldn't open it or say anything at all sonic ran right to the bed and untied Amy with his sonic speed I'm so glad you're here said aiming this prom is not turning out like I hoped it would when I bought this dress amy was wearing a pretty red dress that was like but she normally wears but longer and there were two flowers on the shoulders Amy's dress also made her group look bigger Sonic notice so I thought for a moment that this was the perfect moment to kiss her to give sex to him but he did not do it because tails still needed help where is the key to open tails cage SID sonic - Amy we need to open tails cage he can't get out the cage I saw Eggman putting a key in a safe behind the picture in the room you were just in said Amy so let's go get it Amy in sonic ran into the next room and sonic got there first circles did sonic punched his big strong hand right hand painting like a bodybuilder and found a safe behind the painting this safe needs a password said sonic what could it be sonic thought long and hard about everything he knew about Eggman sonic knew it wasn't gay us whoo Oh whoo he's ruined Sonic's plans to be a hero and now he ruined Sonic's prom sonic tapped on his brain and thought harder maybe the password is his name said Amy it was not and sonic knew that before sonic put it into the lock yeah I love her for her body bullet sonic sonic thought harder and had an idea what if the password is Sao HC s dla REM e finally shouted sonic at Amy next to him Amy who was there Sid what does that mean Amy sonics girlfriend just to clarify was confused it is Chaos Emeralds backwards but he really wants but messed up so we would not guess it scream Sonic's so happy Sonic type the password into the safe and would you know it it popped open and there was this big key so sonic took him sonnig ran down the stairs and then amy did and sonic open tails his cage and Tails got out I am so glad to be safe once again thanks to you Sonic the day is saved tails was smiling bigger than a crocodile having a silly dream but sonic was not huh what is wrong Sonic everything is right now since sonic no it isn't Sid sonic so mad and sad Eggman got away without a real punishment for what he did sonic shook his face at the sky thinking about how Eggman slipped away like a slippery balloon that Sonic let go of but we are all safe Amy said that is what really matters sonic figured out right then that Amy's superpower must have been being nice because like he knew before it wasn't being smart which Tails was best at and Sonic is also good at too but sonic did not think about how his day at school was bad anymore because his balls did not even really itchy anymore sonic laughed tails laughed amy laughed and they went home ready for the next day of high school what he can do song English Sonic
Channel: Incognito Mode
Views: 3,000,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sonic movie, sonic, sonic high school, bad fanfiction, sanic, sonic movie trailer, sonic official
Id: Q11jwThxBBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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