Arby's Roast Beef and Cheddar Sandwich the Ultimate Remake!

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you know we've done a lot of remakes and we recently asked y'all what fast food remakes would y'all like to see us do Arby's beef and cheddar we are going to deconstruct theirs and construct it The Cowboy Way [Music] see the sign up there Mage yes my mind like two beef and cheddar sandwiches and some Arby's sauce and that'll do me thank you Mel the stuff they got on the menu buffalo chicken chicken you talking about beef not chicken how are you ma'am I'm doing good how about you I'd even better I'd quit I'm fitting to have my first ever Arby's beef and cheddar sandwich what ever yes you want some Arby's with that yes ma'am and if you'll be watching YouTube in maybe like a couple weeks you'll see this video all right just wave we probably won't get to come back here oh Meiji look at that cheesy goodness Meiji I don't have no slicer and I would say that's pretty thin but the meat looks good to me the meat is just a tad dry but other than that hey my first ever Arby's roast beef and cheddar so let's take a look at the Arby's let's just go ahead and get all the players out here and uh Shen you owe me 7.69 okay I I would probably toast this bun because when you don't toast a bun and you've got I think it gets soggy if you can see what I'm talking about let's take some meat off here and I'm really shocked that look at all this now they didn't scrimp on the meat for sure it's still coming out here so hey I tip my hats at Arby's folks I will really commend them for the amount of meat that they put on the sandwich for the price that it is so hey I think they did all right and I got to looking at Arby's beef and cheddar and all the different ways that everybody fixed it but the number one thing that everyone had in common was they go to the store and they buy some thinly sliced roast beef in a little package then they just take the beef and they put it in a skillet or something or a crock pot pour some beef broth over and they call it Arby's beef and cheddar I'm going to start out with real beef I'm going to use a bottom round roast probably about three and a half pounds and you see me when I trim this thing up trim that bottom Kappa fat off right there but if you look on one side there's always going to be just a little line of fat right there and a little piece of gristle on that outside corner you know what that is for that is dog treats so you just slice that piece off put it over there to the side now we have a very good lean piece of meat now to get this thing to where it is the maximizing of the tenderness is that a word maximizing yes Max Maximilian maximizing tenderizing yes you want to put it in a crock pot so let's get that bottom round out here and let's season it well now I'm going to use some garlic powder some smoked paprika I'm going to use some of our Mesquite seasoning I'm going to mix it really well all together with some coarse ground pepper and a little bit of salt and we're just going to rub it generously over the whole thing I mean make sure that you have that thing covered well with this seasoning because this is three and a half to four pounds of meat so it needs to be seasoned well you got that crock pot out go ahead and turn it on high right now pour that beef broth in there and we're going to give it time for that beef broth to get hot I want you to break out the cast iron skillet in a big white onion and I want you to chop That Thing Up Now Skillets over medium heat go ahead and have you one half of a stick of butter and go ahead and put it in there with a tablespoon of avocado oil or you can use olive oil because that's going to keep that butter from burning put them onions in there and we're just going to let them caramelize a little and cook all in that butter and get really good and flavorful and tender now while that's doing that let's go ahead and take what one more stick of butter lay in that crock pot I like to break it in half put it both ends it can just melt and Float across there I mean it looks so pretty as it's just swimming and all that beef broth we can go ahead and set that roast in there gingerly let's go back over there that onions give them another stir and something that I've seen in all these recipes that everybody was using they was putting either white sugar or brown sugar in there this probably gonna blow your mind right here too but we're going to use some honey let it cook down for maybe two to three minutes till it where it's really sort of not like jelly but it thickens them onions up and then you take that Skillet and you pour that right over the top of that roast and oh my gosh the flavor is coming out now why did we do that with them onions because you say there's no onions in this well folks a lot of times when you look at an Arby's copycat recipe they'll be saying use Lipton Onion Soup mix and I guarantee you the broth that comes off this thing you're going to be thinking is the best thing in the world we're going to let it cook on high four hours and then we're going to turn it down we're going to let it go probably an hour to an hour and a half till you can reach that fork in there I don't want it to fall apart because this roast has to be sliced so just get it to where it's fork tender to where you can get that fork in there really good now due to the magic of TV a Dodge truck and a portable crock pot hey we got it all here now when you take that thing out of there and like I say it has to be fork tender I need you to just set it somewhere cover it let it cool off enough to where you can slice it because we don't have a meat slicer out here like Arby's one of them yeah I like the meat slicing meat slicing and they get it like paper thin to where you can lay it here and you can see the map that says take Highway 62 42 miles to gender section of 39 and 64 and then turn left but it's so tender when you bite into it that way so we're going to let this cool get you a sharp knife and I need you to go just as thin as you can be and just slice however it wants to fall off you got to have plenty of meat what does Arby say we got the meat we got the meats I hope that Arby's takes a look at this and think this is the way we need to make our roast beef sandwiches from now on the cowboy Kent weigh right back in the broth it goes because folks I really you heard me say I thought their meat was just a little bit dry so we're just going to lay them in here and put the main character back in here so he can stay warm and look who it is when you talked about meat somebody showed up it is the number one culinary Hound in all of the world let me introduce you to bonehead the Beagle thank you buddy for being where's mage he must be gone everybody is in somewhere else land now we're going to put this in there and folks we just unplugged that not long ago so I'm not going to heat it up that stuff is still warm it is leave it in there probably close to five to ten minutes really it depends on how fast can Kent make the cowboy cheese sauce that goes on there so we'll let it sit till we get all that done Dr them buns up and um well it wouldn't be Arby's without the Arby's sauce see here Arby's sauce a lot of vinegar in there oh my gosh so we're going to doctor that up quite a bit we are first we're going to start with some ketchup and anything that we use today will be listed down there in the little link below to where you can get this copycat recipe and we're going to use about a cup about probably pretty close to a tablespoon of mayonnaise I need you to be breaking out your favorite hot sauce the good folks in the Southeastern in the Southern United States turn me on to this Crystal's hot sauce when we did what the shrimp po boy sandwich and oh my gosh this stuff is good give her a Shaker too Liquid Smoke remember me telling you about this stuff I love to use a Mesquite flavor I'm just going to pour a little in a capful and I'm going to tell you a tip right now that not many of you will know if you're ever going to put this directly on me don't just put it on there and think I'm gonna brush it around mix it in and dilute it down with water that way it will spread evenly on whatever you're trying to put it on remember they had some vinegar we're going to have some we're just not going to have as much as they did let me just go ahead and get me one of these capfuls we're going to add a little garlic powder and we're going to add a little smoked paprika because I really do be loving this stuff a little bit of onion powder foreign we gotta have a little bit of sugar to combat all the ingredients that we've put in there so we're going to add about whoa that was nearly too much but it come out just right get her mixed up really well I'm just going to tell you right now Arby's will be trying to get this into the sack I I know that for sure well you've seen that two tablespoons of butter go in there and then we had two tablespoons of flour on that let that butter melt put that flour in there incorporate it well then we're going to use about a cup and a fourth of milk I like to start out on the cup side before I go to the fourth side get that to in there to where that milk can go to warm it up milk is warm simmering right along eight ounces of cheese is going in there finally grated it is that are all in there that's technically what'd I say it's pretty close to that they had to grade it to get it in that shape right and when you go to stirring and folks remember I told you about that cup and a fourth of milk if we need it we'll put it in there but I really don't want this cheese sauce two run all over the sandwich I want it to sort of stay in there so we're going to go pretty thick we are now I think something that this needs that I sure didn't taste in theirs is a little bit of smoked paprika so we're going to give it a Shaker two or six and if you really want to tune this up a little and since this is Shannon's favorite sandwich she won't let me do it I put me some red pepper flakes in there I would now Shannon you're a cheese sauce connoisseur I would think that was pretty close to what we're after now folks when it comes time and you're using this stuff and say you got through and you got cheese sauce left let it cool put a nice box bring it back out you can always reheat it and thin it with just a little milk to get it back warm so we've had to move on and assemble us some Arby's beef and cheddar [Music] foreign [Music] has been created yes it has and you could see us as we layered that meat on there first go ahead and take that bottom bun after you get it good and toasted in that butter and then just layer there get that meat out of that crock pot because it's got that good what you call that word shin are you is that what it's called I just call it broth meat is so tender pile it on there as much as you want and let's look we get it down here and measure well I would say we are a good one and three-eighths of an inch taller there so I think right there be a good place to start don't you Shane napkins are required hello Arby's you ain't got to meet I got it over here I just cooked it you'll be wanting the recipe because it'll make you want to do what the RB Shuffle [Music] I'm talking about this might become a favorite sandwich of mine it could be so tender not any dryness to it because it was tender when it come out soaked back in that crock pot a minute lay up on there can't go wrong with it folks it is a winner well folks right off the bat I want to tell you something that I really think is very very important I am not making fun of these people or their food that they make at these places because think of the millions of folks that get fed by going up to a drive up window these folks is actually doing a job they are and I'm proud of them now I also tell them we're going to Cowboy up every one of them that we see and we get a chance to but as always and with great privilege and honor I salute all our service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying no matter where we may be or where they're at we bless you all and hey we just hope you have the happiest day ever come on in here now y'all know what time it is time for that big hug couldn't get by without it squeeze it tight it's a hug for you all it is God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the remake of the Arby's roast beef and cheddar I made it better Trail [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 370,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arby's, arbys, fast food, Arby’s Beef and Cheddar, Arby’s Roast Beef Sandwich, Roast Beef and Cheddar Sandwich, Making Arby’s Beef and Cheddar recipe, Roast Beef Sandwich, Tender Roast Beef, Best Roast Beef Recipe, Arby’s Beef and Cheddar Copycat, Arby’s Beef and Homemade cheese sauce, Crockpot Roast Beef, Crockpot Recipe, Best Sandwich Ever, arby's we have the meats, arby's roast beef, arby's roast beef sandwich, roast beef slow cooker, roast beef sandwich, cowboy kent rollins
Id: hE4NeSw_bIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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