This Easy Dutch Oven Pot Roast is the Perfect Family Sunday Dinner!

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whether you're cooking this inside or cooking it outside folks we're talking about that classic dish pot roast it is going to Grace your table and everybody around it is going to want second and thirds [Music] it graced our table so many Sundays it did and people would come over and they'd think my mother makes the Box the best pot roast ever really when you get to thinking about it the price of beef this four and a half pound chuck roast cost me twenty four dollars all right so you figure that in with the carrots of potatoes and the onions and the beef broth and we're going to serve six to seven people we're looking at maybe four dollars a plate that's pretty cheap eating especially when you can gather the family around there and bless it and have a good time now I'm going to show you how to cook this in a dutch oven because I've had a lot of people been asking me hey can you do a chuck roast or a pot roast in the oven we're going to walk you through the method to show you how really simple it is it's a low and slow cook and we're going to figure that out for you but for you folks that want to cook it in the house hey I'm going to have it broke down to where you can cook it in a crock pot or you can cook it in the oven the star of the show that chuck roast has got that good marbling in there but it's got enough fat content to it too that it's going to be oh so tender and juicy like I say this one's weighing about 4.7 pounds and you can tell by the thickness of this this is a pretty good sized roast that's why I'm thinking folks we're going to get six to eight servings time we mix all them veggies in there with it so I like to just bring it out about maybe 20 30 minutes ahead of time but 45 minutes before that guess what if you're cooking this in a crock pot go ahead and get that thing out turn it on high put in two and a half cups of beef broth and just let it go to warming but like I told you we didn't always have chuck roast we had arm roast which is up here we had a sirloin roast which is back here but we also I used to make what was called a rolled roast it was cut off that neck and pulled down and then they would lay it out there and roll it up and tie it now my mother would get them things unroll it go ahead and see using it all really good on the inside roll it back up tie it with that butcher's twine you can stick that thing in the oven it was good eating now for you elk hunters and you deer hunters out there I do like to make me a good elk roaster a deer roast out of that neck meat because you can just peel it off first season it like that tie it up oh it is oh so good remember this chuck roast is coming off the front half of there not too far back as that chuck eye steak and all that stuff so this is a good tender piece of meat to start out with so if I was going to say I want to buy the best roast if you can't buy that rib roast that prime rib you know what I'm talking about by chuck roast hey it is Sunday dinner all together now for a big roast like that we're going to add pretty close to a third of a cup of our original seasoning and to that we're going to put in a tablespoon of smoked paprika but also minced dried garlic and I want you to season it well don't think well I'm just going to put a little on there folks it's a big honking piece of roast meat right here it is I mean this thing needs to have some seasoning on it go ahead and let's turn it over and look what come with it a little cushion so it could take a nap get this other size seasoned and be sure that you go ahead and get all this that you got laying everywhere so we don't waste nothing I like to turn him back over here give him a sprinkling down this side and I think we have company coming he's over on a tractor that young fella is hauling round bales of hay getting ready for winter and folks this old country is so dry if it don't rain or snow this winter they're going to feed a lot of hay they are so you see what we got left here don't think that we're not going to use that when we get all this stuff in there we're just going to go ahead and sprinkle all that around there too now remember I told you if y'all was doing it in a crock pot what to do but let's talk about the vessel we're going to use okay now when I told you I was going to cook it in a dutch oven and remember there's so many kinds of Dutch ovens from eights tens 12s 14s and if you're lucky you might even still have a 16 but there's a shallow 14 and a deep 14. this is a deep in a deep 12 it's going to be a pretty tight fit everywhere you could probably do it if the roast was a little smaller if you've got a 12 inch deep just get them to cut you a little smaller roast and I think you'll be all right you got to have you some coals already going okay don't be thinking you're going to start all this and you ain't even got the fire built get you some hardwood lump which is charcoal or get you some wood and burn it down to where you got enough coals cook this thing because we're going to need them but I like to start out with and I'm gonna go ahead and tell you folks if you want to really see this how I used to cook it on ranches so many times check out our Turkey Video to where we cooked a turkey breast in the ground about the same cook time but you're going to realize that hey we need something for that to rest on and what is it called onion bumpers uh-huh they make them all around the world they do so get you two onion and just cut them up to where they're pretty even in size the reason them are in there folks is to keep that roast from sitting right there on that bottom of that Dutch oven because if we have to really put some heat directly under to get this thing just like we want it I don't want that roast to burn because I want to cook it slow so we're going to have some beef broth we are and I like to use about oh I'd say two and a half cups here comes the next thing this beautiful piece of beef is going to lay right in here and you can see look how them onions have give it buoyancy Shan that is a big word for the cowboy onion life jackets that's what we're talking about you'll be wondering to yourself ain't we gonna have no veggies in there so we're talking about adding carrots and potatoes to this but think near as big as this roast if we put it all in there at the same time them things is going to disintegrate and fall apart we have the W sauce I ain't even going to try to pronounce it I'm not but I like to give it a generous shaking all the way across here and then they go ahead and feel generous and put a little more in there too you can buy a dried bay leaf you can but folks to me because my mother always told me you put a bay leaf in something be sure you remember how many you put in there because you got to take them out have you ever ate a bite Leaf Shan you know I haven't I haven't either so I really don't know what the problem is like I know everybody's stressed about eating so maybe we'll learn in the comments from this video about why you don't need a bay leaf I think it's just because they're like kind of bitter dried and they're just real real brittle yeah these are fresh so I'm going to put about four in there if they're the big size so I love me some time let's take time to figure it out you want two Shin so I like to put some around the outside edges and you'll see me here in a minute we'll go ahead and put some directly on top that roast too and folks there is a secret ingredient that has to go in here because you just gotta have it what is that a whole stick of butter I'll meet you all over at the Kohl's because we are fixing to fire this Rascal up Let it cook an hour and then add us some veggies now y'all have seen me cook a lot of things in the Dutch oven last 10 or 11 years that y'all been watching YouTube but folks this is a little different method here this is what I call the low and slow we're going to build a moat and a bumper method now you've seen me where all them old coals were because this old ground is so hard it is and I use them cold sort of as a buffer to where I'm not going to start any fire in some of this grass because it's pretty dry underneath so I pull them way back out of the way and I try to dig me a Ledge in there about that deep all the way around that way I can load more coals up in there and you can see we're probably six to eight inches away from the sides everywhere around that Dutch oven now go ahead and fill that moat Plum up because we're going to have to add some coals to it as we go along but go ahead and cover that top up good and heavy because we can check it we can see it if it begins to Brown too quick we can take some of that off now you could sure do this in the ground and it really a foolproof method you know dig your hole so deep watch that turkey video go and you pile them coals in there about that thick and then you go ahead and put that many more on top cover it back up with dirt let it cook three hours you're not going to burn nothing in there because you've shut all the oxygen off of it but when I do it this way I'd be on a ranch and if I was doing it like this I might start it at 7 30 8 o'clock in the morning that way I was going to let it cook probably about three four hours if I had to to get that thing good and tender to where it fell apart I've cooked brisket in a dutch oven the same way as this you just got to be sure that you watch your colds make sure you have plenty of them because you're going to need them in the low and slow method now this is something too that you're going to have to have plenty of hot coals for when you get them first ones out sure you'll have time to burn some little stuff down or start some hardwood lump over it's probably going to take I would say close to a normal sack three-fourths of a sack now if you're using them Biggins like that Fogo that we got there it'll probably take pretty close to a half but I couldn't tell you how much exactly wood it's going to take this much around there but go ahead and have plenty because you use it and if you ain't got it you got to wait to make it we're going to go one hour and then we're going to add the veggie [Music] we've been on about 25-30 minutes and about every 20-30 minutes I need you to do a heat check go ahead and look at the knob and see what temperature it says okay folks really there ain't no knob people I've been telling people for years there's never been a knob on the Dutch oven it's all by really a handling here away from there put your hand on there can you leave it for more than five seconds it's not hot enough I want to make sure that we check all the way around every side and if it's not the even Heat go ahead get you some more coals pile them up that's why we put this moat in there remember it's where we could hold more heat [Music] been on one hour exactly in half remember I told you it was going to add the veggies guess what I got a secret for y'all them red potatoes is back down there at the house it take me about 20 minutes to go ahead and get them so I'm gonna put these carrots in there I'll hurry and go get them taters meet y'all back in here I'll throw them in there and we'll see what happens but see that trivet laying there on the ground always have you two when you're cooking all right because when we take this off though I don't want you to set it on the ground okay it's keeping Ash keeping dirt keeping cow manure everything in the world out of it to where when we put the lid back on it it falls in there so I have me exactly one pound of them organic baby carrots and if you had them potatoes on hand right now and I would use six eight of them medium sized red potatoes and quarter them and I would put them around the outside edge too or dump them up there on top and remember that leftover seasoning just go ahead and let's give her a good sprinkling right there one more handful and then we'll put the lid on it and folks I'm gonna hurry and go get some taters probably I'm thinking we're looking at three and a half to four and a half hours depending on how the wood goes what's going on in there because I wrote that roast for tender to where it falls Plum apart now to start you know we put them colds out there I figure maybe with good hardwood lump or good hard wood that you're probably going to have to do maybe three more additions to it to get this thing done because leave yourself plenty of time get up eight o'clock you're gonna have it you know for two o'clock meal stuff like that but give yourself plenty of time and make sure you don't run out of heat [Music] thank you foreign [Music] for all them times you put it on our table Lord how I miss you I do you were a great teacher oh how I loved you about 30 minutes before that got done that brown that top had browned just right so I went ahead and got rid of them colds now remember when you're doing this check that heat every about 20 25 minutes because you're going to have to add some more to it as my daddy used to say the sun it is a set so it's time we be sitting down too at the table and get some of this on now I don't know where the rest of the help is today I ain't got a clue but the little Mage the little Mages here and the little Mages got come here the little major got his winter haircut on yes go ahead on Mage add a boy he said boy dad I do like it and I do love a red skin potato sorry I had to go get some at town but it was a quick trip it was let me have a bite of them hmm and now the piece de La Resistance chuck roast um [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on we heard me say that gray star table many a Sunday noon meal after church but mostly a Sunday night meal uh grandma and grandpa will come over sometimes aunt and uncles we'd all gather around the table and everybody would join hands and folks that what that's what I'm reaching out to y'all for is to join hands with you because we're going to bless you all too because y'all are such a blessing to me and Shannon uh because y'all watch our Channel y'all are good honest caring kind Americans and people all over the world and we just love you so much and thank you so if you don't mind I think well let's go ahead and bless it for Mama and only all too our most gracious Heavenly Father Lord we just come before you very humbly thanking you that for the many many blessings Lord that we have oftentimes Lord we Overlook them and we take them for granted Sunrise the sunset the people around us at a table Lord let's ask you to make us ever mindful of them folks that are sitting next to us Lord that we just squeeze that hand a little harder make sure we give them a hug before they go to bed make sure we tell them we love them make sure we care for them in Jesus name I ask these things amen well I hope you all enjoyed this pot roast in a dutch oven don't get no better than that it was a one pot meal it was and as always I tip my hat to all our service men and women and all the veterans that have kept that old flag of flying over camp we just appreciate you one and all please be safe and we'll keep all of y'all in our prayers as well rest of you come on in here it's family hug time I'm not going to squeeze your tackle somebody said I broke some ribs last week so it's going to give you a little bitty one there you go God bless you each and every one and I'll see you down at Classic Comfort meal pot roast in a dutch oven Trail you see me right there about oh 30 minutes before it was done and the reason I was looking off is because when you go to mentioning food the crew come back come on come on I don't want y'all to get left out come on let's have a bite let's have a bite says does that mean I get two bites beats as I am ready good job big duker say come on I'll make you bit my finger white big weight because you know you got manners show the people no you wait you wait okay good boy you just keep waiting thank you so much
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 470,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pot roast recipe, how to make pot roast, easy pot roast, crock pot recipe, crockpot pot roast with potatoes and carrots, pot roast dutch oven, pot roast beef, oven pot roast, roast recipe, dutch oven pot roast, dutch oven potatoes, slow cooker pot roast, slow cooker pot roast recipe with potatoes and carrots, cowboy cooking, kent rollins, kent rollins cast iron, cowboy kent rollins, campfire cooking, camp cooking, dutch oven campfire cooking, dutch oven recipes
Id: pAKz-JPIuss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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