The Secret to Mouthwatering Grilled Chicken

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after looking at that thumbnail I know why you're here look today I'm gonna show you how to make the best grilled chicken thighs ever now let's get into it now I want you guys to come in here and take a look at this right here look these are actually just regular chicken thighs if you look down here you can see I started peeling some of the skin off of there right so I'ma still use the bone if you guys can find the uh you know the skinless boneless kind those work too again just to give you guys a recap right no skin and then you can clean up some of this fat and some of the skin that's on there too it depends on the quality of the you know you know the meat that you guys get right so I just take it I peel this off then I just clean it up right take that and then you see this right here I like using these little fillet knives because it makes it a little bit easier it's a little flexible on the blade let you get in there now I'm not gonna bore you guys I'm just going to cut some of this off then we're gonna move on to the next step because look the next step is going to be crucial it's going to give it that color and that flavor folks now what I did was I took some parsley and I just went ahead and just chopped this up this is more like a little fine little Mist mince right so this right here is good I'll just set that off to the side now you want to get yourself four you know look four garlic cloves right so I'm just going to take them smash them like that I'm gonna give it another we wanted yeah we want them like that she had juice but we want to keep it all in the inside I already did the garlic right we didn't chop down you know minced up you know our parsley now if you guys take a look right here look we got paprika that's a black pepper and then we got salt right and if you really want to know what the level of is I'll just put it right here that's this right here I'm gonna add my AP to it listen it's already a low sodium product along with this little bit of salt right here for the amount of chicken that we're doing it's gonna be fire so I'm just gonna go ahead and add some here and before I even get to my whisk we want to go ahead and use some olive oil right so we use about a third cup you know I mean because don't forget we making a marinade right so we just get it like this I'll take it now I'll go ahead and just bring some of the parsley into the game what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to take the chicken and we'll just start adding it in here I know that I put the garlic in there and you guys can put it on the top but I like it to be in the bag I love the way it smells and listen it's going to be real nice and fragrant you know once I take it out I mean once I mix everything in here right we got that in here and now we'll take our marinade you know I'm gonna hit it one more time because the parsley's starting to settle the tries are thick enough if you feel like it's thickening up a little bit you can always add yourself just a little bit more olive oil okay so once we got it in there and you got to admit having a zip quicker makes it so much easier right so I just take a lot of the air out that I can I close it up right and then I take it like this and I just massage it because what we're going to do is we're gonna put this in the refrigerator now listen to me folks at a bare minimum 30 minutes you know what I mean but if you can do up to four hours and you know what if you really got some insight overnight works best now I want you to pay attention to the color of this bag look at look at the uh chicken and now you know once we hit it on that Grill and we put that smoke to it it's gonna be fire folks foreign [Music] look at this right here look you see my temperature I'm a little bit above 350 but I'm still in between 400 and the 350 Mark right and it's rising now remember I'm using the kettle grill right so anytime I use these type of grills everything is controlled as far as the temperature by the vent now I can vent these I'm gonna come around so you guys can see I control that if I want it to be hotter I'll open it all the way up if I wanted to slow down a little bit I'd do it here right this is for the this is where it pulls out and then if you guys look down here on the bottom when you come down here look there's vents on the bottom of here because it's pulling everything this way you know what I mean so I vent this way okay so look this is the cool part I've already marinated not quite as long as I would like you know what I mean but I did do my minimum over 30 minutes you guys just saw the grill you know everything was cool there I got everything set up and ready to go so if you take a look down here inside of my grill look my grill is divided into two sides there's really three things going on in here we got a big area over here I call that this is my cooking zone right this is where I'm gonna put all of the chicken at this is non-direct or indirect right then right here you can see I have a little water trough in there that should keep moisture in there you know what I mean just to try to keep everything nice and moist and then over here look at that right there that right there that's the charcoal you know what I mean so that's where we're gonna get our flavor from that's where we're getting all of that deep smokiness from that side and then we put it on the top it's going to cook real fast now I'm gonna do them like this check it out we'll just start putting them down right here then we got to get our temperature back up so the longer I you know stay here and I talk you know the longer you know we just letting we heating up the world right so we just want to stop then I want to go ahead and just be quiet for a second to pay Amish to the color of these look at that right there [Music] okay so when you put the lid on here look the ultimate goal is to be around 375 you know what I mean we can go up to 400 but we got to stay on top of it right listen and then you I know you guys are going to ask like to Tom it really depends I'm really trying to get this to back back down you know it's on his way coming back down to 350 degrees I like that that'll be nice and slow with that color and I got to show you this you got to get yourself one of these meat thermometers right because listen this is chicken we only want it to be 165. so we want to stay on top of it we don't want to burn the bottom we want to just check it and flip it and don't forget if we looking we ain't cooking so we got to find that you know that happy medium all right so look notice I put the chicken over here on the direct zone right so when you do it like that that's how you get that color like that so I'll just flip these over we look at it again this is what we want to get folks look at that then I want you to pay attention to that color that's a combination you know my seasoning right and then we put that Paprika in there it's just a combination of it all the salt the pepper and all of that and then look on my grill you know I'm using a spin grate so I'm able to just spin this around like this you know I mean if I want to put it over there on that side I do then I just adjust right so we'll do it like this so if you guys got any type of fajita you want to put this in man you could do however you want to do it but this right here gets you that color on the bottom you know I mean and then you cook it then we're going to Temp it and what temperature are we looking for folks I'm gonna be looking down in that comment section below to see if you know that's right 165. okay I want you guys to take a look at this right here look 164.3 they say 165 we good that's it right there and I'll come over here I'm gonna test this one over here let's find that don't forget we got that bone in here and this one right here 160 it's working this way up by the time I get these off of here they'll be ready I got them on a direct heat because I want to put a little Char on them just under the bottom that one's a little bit over that's ready to come off but 165 is that sweet spot look at this right here 163. let me go ahead and start pulling these off so only thing left to do is to take these babies off right that being a little thicker I'll just hold that one over there we'll just start loading these up like this the objective is to get them all off at that 165 right so I take the thin ones off you know first oh yeah when they get to popping and doing all of that that tell me look that bone in the inside that's the advantage of having that bone that bone get nice and hot and cook it real nice that's some flavor right there folks look at that right there oh [Music] okay folks so look ain't no need to talk about it build no hype up or nothing like that you see this right here that's what we want to have right so you want to know is it good look I can ah look at that I don't know why I'm screaming look it just goes right in the inside so I'm just going to go ahead and just give it a cut you know right there let's do that I mean you see that right there oh you see that flavor you know what I mean uh you want to know is it cooked right look I'll just pull it off of this right here cheers y'all okay folks look this is really like a tutorial just to show you you know especially the new people out here everybody can't get on the kettle Grill and you know work like that right it's super easy know your zones you got to know how to vent and you got to take the time to get out here and practice and guess what folks happy summer because listen it just started hey with that being said listen if you're new to my channel let me take this time to say hey thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and tell everybody out here listen there's a channel out here they're simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking and you know what folks I'm gonna do something a little different this time it's about me you know what I'm going to be selfish and guess what folks I'm out peace thank you [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 2,056,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, The Secret to Mouthwatering Grilled Chicken, smokin and grillin with ab, grilled chicken, grilled chicken recipe, how to make grilled chicken, grilled chicken marinade, best grilled chicken, grilled chicken recipe healthy, easy grilled chicken recipe, best ever grilled chicken, cooking grilled chicken, chicken, how to make grilled chicken at home, grilled chicken breast, grilling chicken, chicken marinade recipe, juicy chicken breast, grill chicken recipe
Id: 2qH9ZSj5FIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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