Roast Beef & Cheddar Sandwich

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what's up you know that silly mood that you get into sometimes where you want to take half of a weekend day and about 60 to 70 bucks and exchange it for a good tasting sandwich you know that mood today I'm gonna show you how to capitalize on it by showing you how to make one of the world's most hyper palatable sandwiches the roast beef and cheddar to get started we'll need to make the salty sweet caramelized onion roll for that I'll combine 100 grams of warm water 6 grams of instant yeast 35 grams of sugar one large egg yolk 35 grams of melted butter 75 grams of mashed potato 7 grams of dough conditioner for more details on why I'm using this I'll link to my perfect bun video in the description along with a link to buy this dough conditioner if you need it next in goes 315 grams of all-purpose flour and then 6 grams of salt next the dough hook goes on and I'll mix this on medium speed for about eight minutes and Once the dough is strengthened and clearing the bowl like this I'll flip it into a medium bowl and then round it into a ball with a little bit of tension by the way this is a six roll batch and it's easily doubled if you want to make 12 and free some for future use sandwich Pleasures next a lid goes on the bowl and I'll ferment this for 90 minutes in a warm spot for me that's usually my oven I turned it on for two minutes and then killed the Heat and now it's about 90 F in there 90 minutes later this dough has grown by about two and a half times and it's looking nice and buoyant so I'll divide it into six pieces that are about a hundred grams a piece then I'll shape it to do that I'll Degas it then fold in the sides and then roll on to those seams from there I'll use my fingertips and palm to round it into a tiny little ball with some tension in it once I've got all six of these pieces balled up I'll cover the whole lot with another half sheet tray and then proof it in a warm place again that's my oven because today it's like 66 degrees in my house and that really slows down east activity next let's make the caramelized onions to go on top of these things for that I'll small dice one medium sweet onion I'm using Vidalia here because I find that those caramelize the fastest then into a medium heat saute pan I'll add a little squiggle of olive oil the onions a pinch of salt a pinch of sugar and then about a quarter cup of water I'm first gonna simmer these onions to soften them a little bit that's going to help them caramelize faster and a lot more evenly two to three minutes later after a hard simmer and the water is cooked off I'll come back and scrape these up and then saute them for four to five more minutes over medium heat or until the onions are taken on some light Browning like this from there I'll deglaze this with a little bit more water maybe three tablespoons worth that's going to help me get any of the brown bits that are stuck to the pan into the onions and once that water is reduced I'm going to stir and saute this for another four to five while keeping the onions moving constantly that way they won't burn or get over caramelized and after about 15 minutes in total I've got some medium level caramelization going on and I'll call these good for now I'm going to set these aside to cool and check back on my proofing buns it's been about 45 to 60 Minutes at this point and as you can see these are well proofed and have more than doubled in size the combo of dough conditioner and the eight minute long mix gave us plenty of strength to allow an aggressive proof here don't be shy on letting these gas up next I'll give all six of these little BBS a quick brush with some egg wash and then I'll top them with about a tablespoon of my cooled caramelized onions do your best to spread these out on top without degassing it too much that can be kind of tricky next I'll add on a strong pinch of poppy seeds and then a two to three finger pinch of flaky sea salt this combo is going to give these buns bialy Vibes by the way should I make up a yali video let me know in the comments next I'll load these into a 400 F oven and bake them for 15 to 17 minutes time laps and after 15 minutes these are looking good so I'll pull them out as you can see these are well browned but very soft they've got an oniony sweetness pops of salty and they got that hot dog bun poppy seed thing that I like for now I'm gonna set them aside and then preheat my oven to its highest setting that's like 550 F but 475 or 500 would also work then I'll grab some beef today I've got an eight pound top round roast it's from the top half of of the back half of the cow it tastes pretty beefy and it's semi-lean to prep it for the oven I'll drizzle both sides liberally with some olive oil and then wipe that all over next I'll lay down a sheet of foil under the wire rack to both make cleanup easier and prevent smoking during the roast and then finally I'll very liberally salt and pepper both sides of this roast do not be shy with the salt this meat is only being seasoned on the outside and that salty crust is going to help season the interior of the meat once it's all sliced up and piled high on the sandwich once I've got this roast crusted up with salt and pepper I'll load it into my ripping hot oven to sear the outside for 15 to 20 minutes by the way if you've got convection on your oven that would be very useful here that hot dry circulating air makes for an even better sear 20 minutes later this beef is all sizzled up on the outside so I'll take it out of the oven to cool it off and then I'll turn my oven down to 275 F and then I'll prop the door for a while so that it drops more quickly in total I'll give the roast and the oven about 10 minutes chill out next I load this meat back into the lower temp oven to slow roast it for another two hours or so plenty of time for me to brush up on my espanol from the sponsor of this video Babel one of the top language learning apps in the world later this year Lauren and I are going to Spain to eat all their food and drink their spicy wines but unfortunately since I left the restaurant industry a few years ago my conversational Spanish has really taken a hit so I've been using Babel over the last couple weeks to brush up and learn some new phrases there's also fun games in the App like phrase maze oh baby it's basically Zelda but instead of solving puzzles you're answering questions in Spanish the thing that I love about Babel is that the lessons are designed by real language teachers and you learn in real world conversations so you're actually equipped to have practical convos kind of like the way I learned in the restaurant just with less focus on swearing and people's penis size so to start speaking new language in as little as three weeks or to brush up on a language that you already know click the link in my description or scan this QR code to get 60 off your subscription thank you Babble let's quickly make a Tangy Zippy sauce to bring some acidity to this very rich sandwich it's Arby's sauce we're making Arby sauce to make it I'll combine 100 grams of water 125 grams of the mother sauce ketchup then 15 grams of steak sauce 10 grams of brown sugar 10 grams of hot sauce 15 grams of white distilled vinegar 2 grams of onion powder 2 grams of garlic powder 2 grams of black pepper and then 3 grams of salt next I'll drop in my immersion blender and then spin everything to combine of course a whisk or a spoon would also do here but I like to use a blender to make sure that the onion and garlic powders are evenly dissolved they can get kind of clumpy when you just stir them and that's a perfect sauce to pair with Juicy beef and gooey cheese sauce it brings a little bit of sweet with some acidity and it's got a little bite from the black pepper and the steak sauce obviously making your own is going to be way better than using the stuff that comes in the packet that stuff is mainly corn syrup and tomato paste back at the oven it's been about two hours and now it's time to check this beef's internal temp I like to shoot for a low medium or high medium rare So 129 to 130 f is my ideal temp next I'll pull this out and rest it for at least 30 minutes before I cut it this meat is still very much in its cooking phase and if we cut into it now we'd have an overcooked Edge and an undercooked middle resting allows the internal temp to equalize so I'm going to set this off to the side to let this roast do just that while I make my gooey cheese sauce for that I'll grab a medium bowl and into it combine 225 grams of cheddar cheese I'm using a medium sharp cheddar here by the way and I opted to grate it myself on the largest holes in my box grater to avoid any weird anti-caking agents that might screw up the thickening of my sauce extra sharp Cheddars can work but for this recipe I think the result would be too sharp and too flavorful and cover up the beef flavor on top of that I'll add an 8 gram of cornstarch and then toss everything to combined this cornstarch is going to act as a buffer between liquid and cheese during the melting phase and help keep the proteins and the cheese from linking up and coagulating making a grainy broken sauce next up my dusted cheese goes into a medium saute pan then I'll add in 250 grams of evaporated milk from there I'll move this over to the stove and heat it over very low heat if you go too hot here this cheese will Brown in the pan and that will make a lumpy yucky sauce now I'll just jump in and stir that to combine and then slowly melt it for about five minutes this method is way easier and faster in my opinion than making a roux and a bechamel and it tends to be more concentrated in terms of cheese flavor the one downside here is that it firms up pretty quickly once it cools so you'll need to keep it warm and once this mixture hits a low simmer the starch in it will start to swell and thicken things even more so we'll need to give it a stir here to make sure that it's not too thick and that nothing scorches and we'll need to assess whether or not we need to add a few more splashes of evap to thin it out mine has a pretty thick viscosity but it's still pourable and Saucy so I'll call it good now to build this sandwich I'll give my Onion Roll a quick fry in butter to make sure that it's crispy and toasty on the inside and then I'll cut into that roast beef for that I'm using my sharpest knife this is technically called a slicer because it's designed to cut things as thin as possible which is actually the main challenge of making a sandwich like this at home oh my God look at this roast beef it's so Rosy and so juicy that's thanks to that long rest to cut it or should I say to shave it I'm going to gently press the blade of this knife against the flat of the roast and take off whatever comes off I'm not trying to create perfectly thin slices top to bottom here because by hand that is literally impossible this roast is soft and tall and putting pressure on it deforms it making slicing it very difficult what's important here is not the size or shape of the pieces but the thickness this sandwich just doesn't work with thick steaky beef because this cut of beef is too chewy once it's over about an eighth of an inch thick and if you're not confident that you can approximate this shaving move another option is to cut the roast into smaller pieces that aren't so tall or thick and slice it like you would a steak but as thin as you can this minimizes the squishiness that deforms the meat making the slicing so much harder but these slices will be thicker on average than the shave stuff so you probably don't want a whole sandwich made up of them to compare both methods I've got the shave stuff on the left and the steaky sliced stuff on the right again whatever you decide thinness is by far the most important factor now to put it all together I'll take my Toasted Bun and then add a little squizzle of my Tangy sauce on the bottom behind that I'll drop on four to five ounces of my tissue paper thin shaved hot beef and then a few of the steaky slices to bring some more of that salty crusty exterior and I'll finish with a few large spoonfuls of my gooey melty cheddar cheese sauce I'll top it with a toasty buttery bun and then give it all a squish you guys this sandwich is the definition of hyper palatable the beef is so freaking juicy and soft and Luscious and the cheese sauce is sharp fatty and Lubes everything up and oh my God the bun that's the best part it pops you with salt then sweet Savory onion and it's so squishy if you guys want a fun food project with a mucho rewarding result please treat yourself to this sometime soon [Music] oh
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 350,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef & cheddar, beef n cheddar, roast beef and cheddar, arbys beef n cheddar, how to make roast beef, cheese sauce, arbys sauce, beef and cheddar, beef sandwich recipe, onion roll, onion bun, onion roll recipe, Brian Lagerstrom, weeds and sardines, beef sandwich
Id: LBN7Dy8RqWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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