AR500 Armor Torture Test

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welcome to motion ranch this is an AR 500 armor plate from AR 500 armor comm this is a chest piece also can go on your back and has cutouts here for your arms and this is rated for up to 308 which is the same as type 3 body armor and should not have any problems with up to 308 we're gonna do a torture test on it today I have some five five six rounds here I have some 308 rolls right here also have some 308 penetrator rounds also have some shots we have some buckshot some different size buckshot these are some slugs these are some sable rounds a little tiny round in that shotgun shell I also have some homemade stable rounds and we're gonna do everything we can to get through this today alright in this first test we're going to be shooting a pistol at this plate I have a plate in this chest rig and it'll stop up to 308 round so I'm not worried about it stopping pistol rounds it should have no problems so we're gonna go ahead and do a test right now and we'll see how it goes don't think that's a real pistol as an airsoft pistol so this plate has kind of like a rhino lining on it it's called line-x lining and it's supposed to reduce the spalling which is when a bullet hits this it'll fragment and the theory is that on the softer plates when a bullet hits them the theory is that on the softer plates when a bullet hits them it'll absorb that but on this hard solid steel plate when it hits it could throw fragments straight up into you or into your arms so it has this lining on here which is supposed to prevent that and a lot of videos are testing the lining I'm not gonna be testing lining today I don't think that's demolition ranch style we're just gonna be testing the plate and trying to get through it so I'm gonna set it up on this little stand over here and fire from round sight and see how it does these are two to three rounds these are full metal jackets firing out of my ACR let's go check it out perfectly smooth this is where it knocked off the Smalling this is just that kind of rubber coating that they spray on here and there pretty much I mean there's a little bit of a dent maybe I don't see any damage to the backside it did not Bend that out let's step it up something bigger so this is all the spalling in the wood all this dark color was not here before and you can see all the little chunks out of it and right here there's actually pieces of metal stuck in it all the way around this wood so we ended up doing a spalling test without even trying it's everywhere and this thing does only have the single layer of coating you can get these things double layered and a lot of these were hitting where we had already knocks them off but it's still through a lot a little shrapnel in this wood all right these are 308 they are 180 grain soft points gonna fire them at that target and I hope this gun isn't too tax free so check it out I spray-painted all this black before I shot that Hickox tile so I know which one was a 308 and it's obviously the giant dent there so that did make a pretty good a pretty good dent didn't go through at all and there is a small bulge I don't know if you all be able to see this but there is a very small bulge on the other side of this plate we're gonna fire a Full Metal Jacket at it now all right this is another 308 this is Full Metal Jacket and its 147 grain so it's lighter driving a lot faster and should have a harder point on it we'll see what kind of damage it does to that way all right that one put another good dent there this is the first 308 it made more of a hole this one kind of pushed down all around it and there is more of a dent I still don't think everybody will see it but there definitely is a better bigger dent from that 308 Full Metal Jacket all right let's try some shotgun rounds all right putting the stand back together just notice all this falling it just kind of dug a hole right here where that one hit I'm sure all that stuff went straight down there all right this is number four buckshot this is from ammo for sale calm they sent me all these shotgun rounds and I really appreciate it there's going to be a coupon code the end of the video to their website I don't think this is going to do anything let's do a plate there's no denting at all here just knock the linings coating off in the paint this is double-aught buck I don't think that's gonna do anything to it either good luck but shells did a lot of nothing all that coatings coming off you can see little pieces of metal all down here in the wood we're gonna try a slug at it now this is a one and a quarter ounce slug this is a big piece of lead but it's not moving very fast i I think it'll knock the plate over but I don't know if it'll din it or not I don't think it will that definitely had the most energy out of anything we've shot there is a slight bulge here it did din it and as you can see it had a ton of power totally knocked our stand apart this 2x4 is cracked that plate was right here and it just bent that 2x4 around it put that one in a quarter ounce slug that was a lot of energy transferred into this board so these are the horn of the SST shotgun slugs and they're Sabo slugs they have a smaller diameter projectile in there that has basically a cup or a wad around it and whenever it flies out of the barrel that wad comes off and you have this smaller lighter projectile movie at a much higher velocity so it's good for penetrating things we're going to try it in the armor and see how it does I also have these homemade Sabo slugs someone made these for me and sent them they have there they're solid stainless steel here and they have plastic fins on the back to keep them moving straight so with these Hornady slugs they need to be fired out of a rifled barrel basically the cup or wad that's behind it will spin along the rifling and once it gets out of the barrel the couple fall off and the projectile will still be spinning due to that rifling and that'll keep it true flying true in the air not tumbling end over end I don't have a rifled barrel shotgun so I'm going to be putting the shotgun a couple feet from this plate so it'll have no time for that that bullet to spin end over in and should go in straight safety off this is the horn of the Sabo slug pretty obvious that it hit right here this thing is getting a nice Bend to it all across here now after being shot so many times at one side I still don't think you guys gonna be able to see it not really any chunk taken out but there is a a good valley here let's try it with the homemade sable slug holy cow and this thing's broken all right this is the sable round that a youtuber made for me I'm gonna put a link to his channel right here because I really appreciate him spending the time to make these rounds for me and this one does not need a rifle barrel since it has the fins the fins will keep it going straight so I can fire this one from a distance all right we have a hit right there it did not scratch the metal at all let's try something else all right I forgot I had this and I'm not exactly sure what it is I bought it when I got this shotgun the guy sold me a bunch of weird rounds he told me this is an armor-piercing incendiary round so we're gonna see there was some flame there's a dent on the back here no scratch in the metal though and I'm not sure if there was a flash or not the other guys think there may have been a flash but I'm eyes closed the whole time I was shooting rusty nails check this is not the most ghetto thing we've ever done yeah we thought about walking all the way up to the shop and hitting a hammer and then we thought a piece of metal right there this is a hand loaded 308 round it's a 150 grade polymer ballistic tip Hornady that made the best dent yet huge dent there and there's a big bulge that you probably can see on camera that might be the first one that actually shows up on camera right there but man that thing was moving fast what do we have left just penetrate around right yeah these are the armor piercing three or eight rounds 7.62 NATO you can see how they spell armor over in Europe that says Belgian manufacturer so we'll see I assume this has a steel core not confident because these were bought about 20 years ago probably but what if I see what happens we have a victory over this plate err 500 armor it went straight through there you go not a whole lot of deformation around it burnt a jagged hole or through the middle pretty much all right we have one more test alright in this last test we're going to be simulating the man jumping on a grenade to save his buddy so he is wearing a a AR 500 steel armor plate this da 5 is gonna act as our grenade and this log is just to simulate a body weight of a man pushing down on that plate we're gonna scoot back about 100 yards and shoot it with a 308 round to shoot the explosives with Rob and try to find this plate yep I saw that plate it almost came down on top of the cup yeah all right here's the crater the top of the grass off around here nice hole in the ground and the plate landed about this thing bowed out it knocked all of the line-x coating off this plate yeah I don't know if I'll be able to see this but it is bowed I see it on that mic yeah I think you can even tell it bent that plate that was a big blast [ __ ] up all of our coating on this side thanks watching this video this plate was pretty cool and stopped everything including the explosive the only thing that made it through was the penetrator round which can't really blend for that anyway thanks for watching this video check the end of the video for coupon codes to ammo for sale comm and also last man net and I'm also gonna have a Sabo video coming up so be sure to check back for that thanks for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,163,039
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Keywords: Explosion, Armor, Plate, Ar500, Steel, Bullet, Proof, Vest, Tannerite, Explosive, Armour, Vehicle, Chest, Back, Demolition, Ranch, Torture, Test, .308, 308, .223, 223, 5.56, Piercing, Piercer, Tracer, Incendiary, Penetrator, Penetrate
Id: duxeXrz6Pvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2013
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