AR500 Body Armor Test!

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I'm assuming this thread is what you're talking about?

As weird as it may sound, that guy's sort of right, just not exactly right about the actual Class 3 armors (all of which are explicitly rifle-rated for up to 5.45 7N6/7N6M/PS). The PACA is currently over-performing in-game, going by the penetration charts made by /u/NoFoodAfterMidnight. Or certain rounds are under-performing, hard to say with absolute certainty.

The real-world PACA vest (Edit: Thanks to /u/JimtheSpacekitty for finding the right one :3) is only handgun-rated up to .44 Magnum JHPs and might be good against 12 gauge slugs depending on which exact variant you order (highest rating offered is NIJ IIIA, explicitly proofed against .44 Magnum JHP). And yet in-game, rounds that were specifically designed to defeat that type of soft handgun-rated armor (e.g 9x19 Pst, which is Russia's 7N21 steel-core offering) with the first shot every time struggle to do so, and rifle rounds that should tear through it like it isn't even there (e.g 5.45 PRS, SP, FMJ and JHP) have anywhere from a pretty damn good to slightly mediocre chance at being stopped dead in their tracks.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/WhiskeyRiver223 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Who freaking cares? Im bored of the whole realism talk, the game should be realistic when it comes to GAMEPLAY, when it comes to weapons, ammo and armor it should fit in a video game, imagine Fort being realistic it should take NO DAMAGE AT ALL from most bullets even if u hit it 200 times but how fun would that be? Same with helmets, a lot of the helmets shouldnt withstand more than a 9mm bullet but then who the fuck would spend a 100k on a helmet that does nothing in game? Realism is fine and dandy until it turns things useless in game, For example some guys were whining about gun prices, why would i pay more money for an MPX that does jackshit vs armor when i can buy an AK?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Bl1ndVe 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ljdljd0311 📅︎︎ Aug 27 2018 🗫︎ replies
hello my friends is FPSRussia again and we're doing something a little bit different today normally we focus on the weapons we see how powerful they are what they can do today it's kind of the opposite side instead of the sort it's the shield we're looking at AR 500 body armor we're going to look at their soft body armor and their plate by the armor first we're starting with the level 3a stuff this is the soft body armor it's very lightweight and we got it strapped to our ballistics-gel friend here we're going to back up try a few different handgun calibers on it and when we finally defeat this we're going to step things up a few notches so let's get to it [Music] ok so we're going to go through this kind of fast I don't want it to get too boring to slow pace so first we're going to start to have the 38 special move our way up okay now 9 millimeter 45 ACP 357 Magnum 44 Magnum okay let's go take a look see what we did alright so I'm actually pretty surprised you can see this is the front of the vest where he put all of that all that ammo and it tore in the back of course and we've got some tearing on this guys front but we don't have any bullets going through him and that's what this body armor is supposed to do it's supposed to make sure no bullets go through you and it definitely did its job against all of those around so let's step things up one more notch see if we can't shoot through this ok so we put a brand new Kevlar plate in there got after 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum and we got some special loads in here today these are 500 gram projectiles traveling at over 1,600 feet per second so even if that Kevlar does stop its he would have some serious rib damage see how this goes the ton of recoil I know it hurt me and I pressured hurting even more let's see how he did ok so this actually surprised us all this armor is rated for 44 Magnum up to a belief 1,400 feet per second and that was 500 Smith and Wesson Magnum going much faster than that but it caught a projectile somewhere in here so there's the round that's just really impressive I'm really surprised by this I didn't think this would stop but I thought this would go clean through I do think you'd have tons of internal damage but a bullet wouldn't go in you 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum let's step things up a few more notches let's actually shoot through this stuff ok so we step things up a few notches this is AR 500 plate steel so you've got one of these in the front of that vest you got one of these in the back and you've got two smaller ones covering your rib cage now this will stop virtually anything all the way up to 308 we're going to test a variety of calibers different types of bullets and let me see what we do one of the key features about their armor the anti spalling coating now basically what thus when the bullet hits here obviously it's going to splatter because it's not penetrating the coating here prevents that shrapnel from coming up hitting you in the chin anywhere like that it's a really effective system so let's torture this stuff okay so first things first get my SBR here this is 5.56 Full Metal Jacket it's pretty standard round you're gonna run into this a lot see what that time we can do get some more FMJ here this is 7.62 by 39 obviously coming out to par a kick now we got 7.62 by 51 millimeter as most of you know at 308 this is a serious round when you stop something like this you've really done something this is a 458 SOCOM one of the biggest scariest rounds out there it's not really meant to penetrate but it's just fun to shoot so let's test this - okay now this is a little different this is 5.56 again but this time it's green tip ss109 now instead of using lead and copper against steel armor we're using a steel penetrator against it so let's see the results okay we're going to go downrange see our friends doing I think you did pretty well through all of that okay so like I said this is a really impressive varmint it's topped all of those rounds defeated every single one of them and I was talking about that anti spalling coating earlier and maybe some of you don't understand but it's a very thick coat and you can see it here peeling back those bullets are contained between the armor on the back which as you can see is pristine nothing punched through there and and this coating right here so you would get splattered by any copper jackets you wouldn't get hurt by anything I think you would just take that and go on about your day so I'm really impressed with ar500 armor it looks like you could trust your life with this stuff okay so I just wanted to make sure you guys knew how much I believed in this armor initially I was going to wear the vest it's going to get my body to shoot me it's going to show that I really believed in the armor but everyone thought that was a bad idea I asked on Twitter you guys thought it was a bad idea my agent thought it was a bad idea my network YouTube and most of my friends they all thought it was a bad idea but let me show you why I have so much confidence in the armor check this out this is 30 rounds five five six let's go for a closer look see how that plate looks so this was actually pretty cool because of this anti spalling coating here what it's doing the rounds are penetrating through this which is the coating as I said and they're being stopped by the steel plate on the back so we got absolutely nothing coming through but we just dumped an entire magazine into this thing all of those rounds all of those projectiles are encased in there it catches them like catcher's mitt that way you're not getting any little pieces coming up hitting in the neck the chin ricocheting off this contains everything really impressive let's move on okay so one last thing got a 50 BMG here right I didn't even bother putting an optic on that we're so close so let's do this so let's see how bad that was okay so that was absolutely devastating let's take this guy apart so we can see what we did so we definitely pierced the armor you can see that not only with the bullet go through the first armor plate but it's probably on fire and in the middle of exploding when it pierced the collarbone area here then it pierced the other plate in the back and exited here and then I probably shot a tree down somewhere in the forest so ar500 body armor is excellent armor it will defeat just about any small arms but you've got to deal the 50 BMG probably not going to make it if you're more interested in them I put a link down the description below you can actually buy this body armor believe it or not so hope you guys enjoyed the video and as always have a nice there [Music]
Channel: FPSRussia
Views: 7,839,960
Rating: 4.9280767 out of 5
Id: nlwlKEeJ0vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 14 2015
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