Close The Door To Worry | Nancy Dufresne | Wednesday PM | Campmeeting 2021

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a joy to be here are you excited to be here together in the house of the lord amen psalm 35 27 says let them shout for joy who favor my righteous cause let them continually say i said let them continually save let the lord be magnified let the lord be magnified let the lord be magnified hallelujah we magnify you we bless you tonight god hallelujah come on everybody let's put our hands together glory i'm so glad that the lord saved me i'm so glad that the lord saved me if it had not been for jesus where would i be i'm so glad that the lord saved me oh i'm so glad that the lord i'm so glad that the lord saved me it had not been for jesus where would i be i'm so glad that the lord saved me [Music] he turned my life around saved me i'm so glad that the lord saved me if it had not been to jesus where would i be i'm so glad that the lord where would i be the lord saved me i'm so glad that the lord healed me if it had not been for [Music] i'm so glad that the lord healed me oh hallelujah i just want to encourage everybody tonight you are all part of the choir okay the lord is the audience we're singing to him we're excited about what he's done for us so would you all join me and be in the choir he saved me oh [Music] he me in the hallelujah rejoice in the lord and again i say rejoice tonight he's so good just think about all that he's done all the things he's brought you from hallelujah [Music] one day when i was lost jesus died upon the cross and i knew it was the bug for me come on oh i know it was the blood [Music] i know it was the black one day when i was lost jesus died upon the cross i [Music] thank you lord for the blood thank you lord the blood at the mercy seat right now we get to come boldly to the throne of grace and we have paid mercy and grace to help we bless you lord come on thank the lord i knew [Music] he's coming back again he's coming back again he's coming back again one day when i was lost jesus died upon the cross i knew it was the blood for me one more time here he's coming back again he's coming back that's our hope please come back again for me and one day when i was lost jesus died upon the cross me where would i be [Music] thank you lord bless you lord hallelujah we bless you lord come on let's rejoice tonight thank you lord come on [Music] is joy wonder working joy there is [Music] one more time there is is we worship you lord we bless you come on let's lift our voices and bless the lord thank you father he is our peace here's our strength we worship you father we bless your name tonight you're so good to us thank you lord jesus there's power in the name of jesus begin to change but jesus is power in the name of jesus whenever you say his name [Music] whenever you say his name is everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus you delivered me oh you rescued my life [Music] [Music] of jesus [Music] begins to change [Music] deliberately [Music] we bless you we worship come on worship the lord we bless you lord we worship you [Music] father we praise you tonight thank you for the mighty name of jesus that name that is above every name that we can speak to any circumstance any situation and your power begins to move to show up to make changes to bring the deliverance father we thank you for the name we've come tonight to worship you to honor you and to receive from your word we give you all the praise and all the glory and all of us will say amen turn to somebody before you're seated give them a god bless you tell them it's good to be together tonight [Music] we invite you to go ahead and silence your phones and electronic devices just a reminder for that service times are going to be tomorrow and friday 10 am 7 pm you don't want to miss any service amen and we'll have double up offering tomorrow night ministry to the sick on friday night so whatever you would bring tomorrow you double it uh not it and a quarter it and a half it's a double if it's 50 cents it's a dollar not 75. so uh we're doubling tomorrow ministry this week but be here at every service that you can because every impartation it aids in the receiving from god and and the hearing building our faith as we hear the word so that when hands are laid on those who need to receive that impartation of healing you're you're prepared for that so be here tomorrow as well prayer school with pastor noel and pastor ruby so you can join them tomorrow at one and then tonight's the last night to order your cd or dvd set of camp meeting if you want to take it home ministers this is for you if you want to take it home on friday order it by tonight otherwise you can order the sets anytime this week and they will be shipped to you but that's both cd and dvd and then uh we want to let you know that we've got our ladies conference october 5th through the 7th for this year we didn't have a ladies conference last year i believe we were in the park uh having service at that point uh but uh we get to have our ladies conference and we love having our ladies conference all are welcome to come and and join us for that but uh especially you ladies making plans and arrangements to be here and then we have brother copeland we'll be here starting off uh january 7th for our holy ghost meeting that goes through a friday through a thursday and then we have those dates already so you can write those down and our miracle crusades fredonia and georgetown fredonia new york august 5th 15th through the 19th in georgetown texas november 28th through december the second uh make sure you register not just ministers but if you're coming make sure for the miracle crusades you register for those because we uh use that information we need that information for these churches these are our meetings and we our ministry to frame ministries has a lot of planning and things to organize before we go and your the numbers help tremendously to have those uh so we have our uh highlighted uh branch of the ministry tonight and that is world harvest bible training center the bible school is such a precious assignment from god and we're so honored that god would assign us to have students come from all over the world we've had them from other countries to come here it is a full-time bible school for two years with a third year internship fourth year for some they they've been able to do a fourth year internship those who have felt led but really a three-year bible school we could say and we there's a class beginning of the classes is this for this year september 7th how many students do we have in here in the bible have graduated the bible school are gone attended because some have yet to graduate hold them up high there we go there we go a lot of them uh two are serving in departments uh so we have [Music] that's right i did too eternal we were the original uh the mentoring class never ending forever a student pastor debbie right and uh this school we have also if i can do this all the instructors both the guests and the regular instructors stand up if you come to the school as an instructor zoom in whatever stand up these are [Applause] instructors praise god thank you all so we have regular instructors but we have a rotation of guest instructors that come to impart they come at their own expense if that doesn't tell you the caliber of the bible school and the importance to god when he moves on ministers who have their own assignments their own schedules their own churches at their own expense to come here and in part to the bible school students what a testimony that speaks volumes for how important this school is to god and uh we are offering 50 off registration uh through july 15th but i believe do we have a video brother mark giving a little bit more insight for the the god's vision with the bible school world harvest bible training center shall come to pass it shall be a delight and a thrill yes the fulfillment of that will be a delight and thrill to the father for it is his plan it is his will and it will flourish and it will grow and in your word and spirit it will flow it will not fit the plans of others but it will fit god's plan it won't be as others thought it would be but it will be as god planned it to be it won't be like other schools but it will be like god's plan and the fruit of it shall be great adding and enhancing and reaping the father's harvest and it'll be easy the bible school will be easy there will be a flow getting in the flow causes it to move along easily in the plan of god and it shall flow along in the plan of god and the will of god easily and it will be a place of refreshing but also a place of reviving for those who have missteps it will cause them to be revived in their race and it will help them to find their place so that they can run their race accurately and all the help will come all the funds will come and all the buildings will come for all that the father has given us shall come to us it won't be a duplication or an imitation of other schools but it will be a place of impartation a place of demonstration a place of manifestation and those who are sent to it and those who are faithful to the place they are sent and faithful to that season they will leave that place differently and with impartations and they will receive equipping that they need for the long haul of their race equipped for the journey so that they can complete it and even those who will be instructors will be enhanced in their offices and their anointings the school shall fulfill the plan of god it will be a place of equipping for some but it will be a place of rescue for others it will be a place of impartation and a place of revelation of revelation that will come to help them walk accurately and live accurately i'm so thrilled in my spirit father i'm so thrilled in my spirit for it will not always stay in its infancy but it will grow it will grow and mature and reach full measure of fruit herein is my father glorified in the bearing of much fruit it will bear much fruit and the father will be glorified we will not be the same but what a divine addition bringing about divine multiplication we thank you for it father yes we'll do it we will do it amen uh you could see from that video that it's all ages anyone welcome to come if you are even the least bit interested and again we go back to that we don't always hear a voice god's audible voice don't look for an audible voice don't look for a prophecy that was the prophecy given regarding the vision of the bible school and if when that video was playing something on the inside of you that's still uh leading and something excites you then that is your your leading to go get some information talk to somebody our dean and deanette brother graves dean graves and miss janine right here they can help you with any questions you may have as well as some of the former students ask around but we want to help you with whatever we can if you are interested in coming there's enough time to make plans get your application in we already now have one of the largest classes we have ever had everything signed seal delivered and they are are getting ready to be here and so we're so grateful i mean it's such a joy to house these students here at this home for a time and that pastors would send their people here to be trained and to be educated and developed in the leadings of the spirit and the moving of the spirit you don't just learn bible truths you learn how to move with the spirit and yielding and obeying those bible truths how to apply it in everyday life it's not about gaining knowledge it's about using the knowledge that you gain and so we teach them how to use that knowledge and how to walk in those truths and be bold about it so if you are interested we do have more information on the dm table we also have a scholarship fund if you know i i don't sense a leading or a calling to go to bible school but i sure love what god is doing through that bible school we have a mitch morgan scholarship fund that you can give to we take and we look at all the students and we give these funds out as the spirit leads as as we are directed to the students as we see them coming here being obedient using their faith and mitch morgan scholarship fund that's the total 2600 for tuition and book fees but you can you don't have to give that total amount you can sponsor a particular student if you see somebody around here that stands out to you and you know they're a bible school student and they just bless your life i'm sure it would be a blessing for you not to just have wonderful thoughts about them but you can do something about that we will receive a blessing from uh from from your life into their life into their future and really into the pastors lives that send them here you're investing in an entire local body when you invest in a suit when you sow into a student you're sowing into theirs and everyone else that they're affecting that has assigned them to come and sent them to come and so we invite you to think about that pray about that you can sponsor a student for a year 233 a month for nine months uh but again if you're interested in that let somebody know you can go to the dm table and we will get you that information we have a few items out at the book table in the bookstore visitations from god by pastor nancy this book has gotten into the hands of so many churches and pastors and absolutely changed their lives change that church family because it's how we respond and how we receive and how we think about and uh yield to the office of our pastor that determines where our life goes and what it looks like because responding to god and yielding to god means you're gonna yield and respond to a god-filled man you're gonna honor a god-filled man or woman and this book visitations god revealed to pastor nancy that divine connection between a pastor and the congregation so visitations from god look like a man or a woman sent by god into your life to speak to you there are things that you will only hear through your pastor from god and every i know in the greatest tests and trials in my life it was just everything to get into a service with my pastor it meant everything it meant more than money it meant more than the manifestation because if i got my answer then i could have uh not just one manifestation but multiple it would those answers would carry me through and that's god talking to me amen it's not just my pastor every single week when you come in and you hear their voice you say oh isn't that nice now when can we get out there is a set aside time that god has ordained called us together and called you underneath their mantle and that anointing and he has so many wonderful gifts for you to receive but you have to first know you're being visited by him jesus isn't here so he sent gifts in his place and the pastor is the number one most important gift in your life that god's going to minister to you through that that uh that man or woman so we need to be skillful this really this book is about being skillful i mean i i can learn how to be skillful i thought we're supposed to be skillful in faith if you'll be skillful in receiving every time you go to hear being skillful in faith will come much easier if we can't receive from someone standing in the pulpit how do we receive from someone we can't see i want to be skillful with the ones he's put in front of me first amen and then we have this victory over grief and sorrow and most controversial material out there even over the prosperity items victory the the emphasis is on victory most people emphasize grief but the emphasis is on victory can you say amen victory many hold on to the grief they like uh the attention or they don't think they could ever get out of you know what they're they're dealing with what's come on pastor jay talked about it the heaviness you can have heaviness over any situation you can deal with grief not just over a loved one going home but you can have grief over a financial situation the devil brings grief over symptoms or things you're dealing with failures things that he makes you think you failed in and people get into grief and they don't emphasize victory they emphasize what they're feeling and the heaviness the emphasis is on victory and that's what pastor nancy does she takes and guides us into victory staying in victory over any kind of sorrow any kind of turmoil anything that would try to come on you to pull you out of the goodness the peace the joy the blessing that god has for your life so uh you'll want to have that many of our folks they use that book like a track because what do people do when they meet somebody that the people that don't have god they're the quickest to tell you about how bad you know you hear it on the airplane you hear it you know at the grocery store you have to check out lady how are you doing well you know what i got something be bold be bold about it but this has been a wonderful book to put in people's hands and then this cd series faith and confession the flow of faith has right words and right actions and she talks about in this series how your confession is the flow of faith and it keeps you in the flow of faith right words will even keep you where you're supposed to be daddies talk about that all the time say it you know write it on your heart right if it's not in there you write it on there we're not trying to talk ourselves into anything we're talking the way god talks so we want to always be stirring ourselves up on our confession our right confession so that we can talk like god so that our lives will look like he's authored for them to look amen we're going to go ahead and receive pastor craig the offering amen before i take the offering i just wanted to thank all the churches 19 of them this year our highest ever that participated in dm day and we also had the largest amount ever if you look on the screen there forty eight thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars uh that is glorious praise god amen so thank you so much for those ministers whether you're traveling ministers or pastors that participated thank you and of course if there's anybody that didn't but you say i want to get in on that even though the deadline has passed don't let that stop you it's a soft deadline it's not a real deadline so if you want to add something just call the office here and thank you for all the 19 churches that did that praise god it's going to just keep growing every year isn't it turn with me quickly please i don't want to take any time away from our pastor in what she has in her heart to share this evening but i just want to read you just two scriptures very quickly second kings chapter four verse nine no pastor debbie simons did not write second kings chapter four and verse nine but in my bible i've got pastor debbie every bible it says pastor debbie pastor that'd be pastor debbie so uh anyway second pastor debbie chapter four and verse nine and it says uh well you know verse eight it fell in a day that elisha elisha passed a shunem where there was a great woman and she trained him to eat bread and so it was that often he passed by he turned into there to eat bread and i watched verse 9 and she said unto her husband behold now i perceive that this is a holy man of god which passes by us continually now that word perceive in the original language means to know by seeing know by seeing it means careful observation and it means to recognize that means she watched him for a while until she got it something perceived in her heart she recognized something that nobody else recognized that this man has something for me and really what we are whether you're watching and you couldn't come or whether you're here i believe this company we call it a company remember peter went to his own company so it's scriptural to talk about companies uh i believe this company recognizes whether laity or ministers that there's something that this ministry and this individual has for us we've recognized it it makes it because there's a lot of voices there's a there's more ministers today than probably ever in the history of humanity and now you can just go online and for 4.99 you can print yourself out something that says you're a minister there are so many voices half of them are illegitimate there are so many people calling but we have to recognize with all the noise there's so many and many of them wonderful voices in the body of christ but they're not for me they're not for me they might be wonderful for somebody else but i want the right person for me and the lord said to me i want you to look back at this verse recently and that's why i wanted to share it notice it says he's a holy man of god that means consecrated or separated but i've always looked at that like he's just she recognized he's he's holy he's a minister he's a you know he's a professional preacher he's god's man he's a prophet but the holy ghost said to me it's not just that she recognized that the minister was separated by god to the ministry she recognized god separated that minister for me god has done something in that person's life to help me and notice it says that he's a holy man of god which passes by us he's separated for us i want you to understand that when god sets you with somebody god separates you to them and them to you it's a two-way street god has in this company god has given us a gift it really is a gift and he and we have to recognize that because there's so much noise we got to recognize that gift and we've got to recognize that she's not just separated to the ministry in general but god has actually separated her for our benefit if if we're in that company and i believe we do recognize praise god now if you would if you would be so gracious and patient if you just quickly look please at nehemiah because pastor jay messed me up a little bit because he said something and i thought i got to see if he's making that up so i looked that up about oh no and sure enough he's told the truth nehemiah 6 verse 2 then san ballot and geshem sent unto me nehemiah is saying come let us meet together in some of the villages in the plain of ono [Music] but they thought to do me mischief now watch verse three it's powerful and i sent messengers unto them saying i am doing a great work so that i cannot come down to you why should the work cease while i leave it and come on down to you nehemiah recognized by distracting himself from the work the work would suffer but but i i just want you to i want you to recognize something nehemiah was the man of god and he said i'm doing a great work i'm not gonna let it suffer by by being distracted with other things and that word is an interesting word great work because it doesn't just mean great but it's the same hebrew word that used when it says that abraham it also speaks of isaac and jacob in the same way where it says they waxed great it's the hebrew word gedal and it means to uh to spin or to twist like a festoon or or you know those things you hang and you keep spinning and as you spin it gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger it means to gradually increase that's why waxing great is that word that's that word used here what he's saying is i'm doing a great work and it keeps getting greater why because the wall keeps getting higher and i heard the holy ghost of the wise say to me your nehemiah is doing a great work and it keeps getting greater praise god now real quick just turn back two chapters to chapter four and look at this please down now here in verse uh [Music] praise god and verse 18 for the builders everyone had a sword girded by his side and so he builded and he that sounded the trumpet was by me and i said to the nobles and the rulers and to the rest of the people the work is great and large but we are separated upon the wall one far from another in what place therefore you hear the sound of the trumpet resort ye fither unto us for our god shall fight for us we're all separated far from each other but nehemiah takes the trumpet and he blows it and when you hear the call you're supposed to come there is danger when you hear your nehemiah call and you stay home i'm telling you something about it there is danger when you stay separated when your nehemiah calls and says come because look when you come god fight for us when you come power is going to be manifested when you come god's going to show up we need you to come we need you to gather we need unity and our nehemiah is doing a great work that keeps getting greater and i perceive and recognize that and she's called this camp meeting the trumpet sounded in the spirit and we heard it and we have gathered god's power is manifesting for us but did you notice that all the people that gathered were holding a trial because they were building the wall and holding a sword to fight off the enemy because there's things that will try to separate us so we got to be careful we got to have that sword out but we're building a work you know it's not just about my church pastor jay or your church or your church pastor keys we all have ministries but it's about we're building the kingdom but but i got my eye on the nehemiah because i want to make sure that the thing that god's doing through her because i recognize she's for me i want to make sure that i'm building the wall that god's doing through her because it's a great wall you said it this minister you said it by the spirit you said this ministry is just we're positioned we're on ground level we're watching it just increase increase the years to come are going to be so exciting to see what god does in this ministry the work is great and it just keeps getting greater and the call has gone and we have answered it but let us not come and not build the wall when we've come we got to build the wall with pastor and make sure that her her ministry is well taken care of and we've done it on the first night but now all of this is all of this is just paying for tbn all of this is helping oh we're really doing damage now i'm telling you we're doing damage now with these offerings so let's not hold back let's charge for it father i thank you for a nehemiah oh it feels so good to be connected it feels so good to be safe it feels so good to be in the company that you have divinely authored for me and for these ones and the ones watching i know many cannot come for legitimate reasons but they're part of this company they're part of this flow and they hear the call and they're saying i may not be there in person but i'm sending my supply i'm building the wall with pastor nancy it is a great wall and it keeps getting greater lord i thank you that we've heard the trumpet call whether we're here in person or watching we hear the call that has gone forth and we recognize and perceive that this woman of god is a holy woman of god that she has been separated to the work of the ministry and separated for our lives we recognize it and we build the wall with her tonight i thank you father we give gr generously we give graciously we give happily wholeheartedly and we do damage now father the budget's done now we can really get some stuff done so let us not hold back let us build faster with her in the mighty mighty name of jesus and bless every giver and every live stream giver lord those that you're touching hearts people watching right this moment god's touching your heart you don't have to be in person you can text to give you can call in a credit card you can support the wall the work is great and it keeps getting greater in jesus mighty name amen and amen and amen [Music] time [Music] we've heard that there is no way through we've heard the tide will never change they haven't seen what you can do there is power in your name [Music] so much power in your name both the immovable break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe glory from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe [Music] we know that hope is never lost yes lord god we believe no matter what there is [Applause] [Music] break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe from the impossible we'll see a miracle god we believe god we believe [Music] you are the way when there seems to be no way we trust in you god your word is what we say you are the way when there seems to be no way [Music] is [Music] break the unbreakable god we believe god we believe foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god we believe god we [Music] we believe [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah praise the lord father we've come to bring our part tonight and this is the work of god that you believe this is the work of god that you believe so father we believe we choose to believe and we thank you father for what your power accomplishes when we believe we give you praise and glory and honor and thanks [Music] we thank you for your word [Music] thank you for your word tonight thank you for your word [Music] hallelujah we give you glory and honor and thanks and everybody said amen give someone around you a great big god bless you then you can be seated tonight dad hagen would make a statement to us he would say it's when you get thrilled with the word that it works for you amen when you get thrilled not when the preacher thrills you [Music] but you're thrilled at the word [Music] that's when it works and so many times people are waiting for the word to work and god's wait waiting for them to be thrilled with it amen amen thank god for the word you know tonight we're going to tag on to what prev the flow of that's been happening in previous services but i appreciate that paul in his writing in the amplified said he said it is not grievous for me to write to you the same thing again but it is a precaution for your safety so notice this you're not safe with one hearing aid [Music] and so i so appreciate that dad hagin taught us the value of hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing so if that's going to happen we're going to have to preach the same thing over and over and over and when someone says i've heard that before they've lost their thrill the three your thrill is gone baby and you better get your thrill back because the word never loses its thrill but if we veer from off the word we can uh we can diminish what that word will do so i'm i'm thrilled to be able to tell you and teach you some of the same things again because it's a precaution it's a precaution for our safety amen romans chapter 14 romans chapter 14 and verse 17. this sounds hollow to me it's mid-heavy romans 14 and verse 17 [Music] and paul in writing says for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but the kingdom of god is righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost and we could say it this way this is the flow of the holy ghost this is what being in the flow of the holy ghost will produce in your life amen and no matter how much we read the bible no matter thank god for the reading of the bible no matter how much we pray in tongues confess the word and give or even serve in our local church if we aren't living daily joy and peace we are out of the flow of the holy ghost and we're not walking in the spirit these are these are flows that we can measure in our life and know really our spiritual temperature amen and we can't permit anything to steal our peace and joy or as p or as pastor jay talked about we'll leave the easy flow and get into the hard flow and uh so the direction i'm going to minister tonight is in something in keeping with something that dad hagan said he was still saying it in his 80s after almost 70 years of ministry he was saying the greatest temptation i've ever faced is the temptation to worry now if he's saying that in his 80s after almost 70 years of ministry we need to pay attention to that and make sure we're fortified because that's where uh that's where things can get in through that that flow of worry well pastor nancy i've heard all this well it's not irksome to me [Music] to preach to you the same thing again it's a precaution for your safety amen [Music] amen because you it's so easy to slip into worry and not even realize you're there [Music] praise the lord a greater degree of power that's already beginning in this era is going to call for great skill at recognizing and staying out of worry many don't even recognize the flow of worry and fear in their life because it has become such a flow of their life and a way of thinking that they don't even recognize that they're in it because to them it's just living matthew 25 and verse 21 matthew 25 and verse 21. the master was in this passage was leaving and he left his servants with certain amounts of talents that he distributed and then he came back with him and there was a reckoning and in verse 21 matthew 25 21 the the one had caused there to be increase with the talents he had received from his master and in verse 21 his lord said unto him well done thou good and faithful servant thou hast been faithful over a few things i will make the ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord notice what the lor what the lord said to him well done thou good and faithful servant there were two things that were recognized good and faithful and so much of the time we focus on faithful and that's right but he said good first what's the word mean good skillful you're good at what you did you're you were good at what you were entrusted with you you gained in skill amen so to be successful we have to be skillful and success requires skill and i want you to to know to please your boss you have to be good at your job or you lose it [Music] god can give you a job he can open the door and make a way for you to get a job but if you don't grow in skill you can lose the job god gave you because lack of being good this good is not talking about behavior it's talking about success through skill so we see this to be promoted we must grow beyond our current skill level if we stay at our current skill level we stay where we're at but for our to be promoted our skill level has to increase amen and i would say this it's it's fitting when we need to point this out well done thou good and faithful servant that has been faithful over a few things i will make the ruler over many things enter enter so there's an entrance that's available to the ones who are good and skillful of more of the blessing amen hallelujah so if we're going to be good and skillful servants in this era is going to call for us to be skillful at living worry-free i so appreciate the story um mom and dad hagin there their their two children were younger and they young enough they were both being carried and standing on the doorstep and they were getting ready to go in and mom hagan said to dad says i don't think you would worry if me and both the kids drop dead right now what a great observation your family could make about you amen it doesn't kind of sound very romantic but and he said well wouldn't i be a fool to start worrying then [Music] if you're dead it wouldn't do any worrying about you wouldn't bring you back and he said i think it made her madder than ever when he said that what's he saying he he practiced early on having skill regarding staying in peace staying in joy because worry is an attack on your peace and it's an attack on your joy and if we open the door to worry and let it in then we're out of the flow of the holy ghost i want to remind and read again a few statements that jesus said to me in saint petersburg russia when he talked to me about the price of the double portion anointing i'm not going to read the whole passage but just a few that relate to this tonight and jesus said to me that night he said when elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing that was upon elijah elijah told him he asked a hard thing and jesus said to me that night it was not hard for god but it would call for a hardness of elisha toward his mind and toward his flesh meaning you can't be tolerant you just can't give in to what other people yield to you won't be able to yield to a way of thinking that other people are quite permissive toward you can't allow your body to take a place in your life that other people just let their body run loose it's going to put a demand on you to have a hardness toward your mind and toward your flesh how many of you know that's a safe place [Music] to not be permissive well i'm human well you've got divine power to help you live above what's human and we can't dismiss ourselves well you know that's you you just know jesus that's the way i was raised well you know you know what culture i'm out of i mean we we are fighting people all the permissions that we give ourselves if we're going to walk in a double portion in a greater degree of the anointing we cannot allow what other people call normal amen amen amen and so jesus said to me it was not hard for god but it would call for a hardness of elisha toward his mind and toward his flesh he could not be tolerant toward weakness of his mind and flesh if he was to carry a double portion of the anointing then jesus went on and said my yoke is light and easy and then he said walking in the spirit can be accomplished with lightness and ease as you give yourself to focusing on two things continually feeding and meditating on the word and continual prayer and fellowship with the father doing these two things will help you keep the door closed to the mind and the flesh how many of you know worry comes to the mind doing these two things will help you keep the door closed to the mind and the flesh through which satan and his strategies gain entrance satan can't gain entrance through your spirit he can only gain interest through your mind and your body now you can let things into your spirit but it came through your mind or your body that's right amen doing wrong things with your mind doing wrong things with your body amen amen then jesus went on and said to me meditate often and much on the lightness and the ease of my yoke listen to that meditate often and much on the likeness and ease of my yoke what's that mean that when something hard comes you have to you have to go back to thinking about the likeness and thinking about the ease you can't process things allow your mind to process things the way other people process it what other others call hard you can't call hard amen oh my gosh it's hard building a new business not for me it's not oh my gosh it's hard getting along not for me it's not you have to counter hardness all the time you have to meditate much on the lightness and the ease of what we're yoked up with amen he said meditate often and much on the likeness and the ease of my yoke that you think right toward these things and the things he was referring to towards being hard and disciplined toward your mind in your flesh walking in the spirit a lifestyle of living in the word and in fellowship with god then he went on and said in my presence is fullness of joy carry out my plan in my presence then you will hold yourself in the joy of this flow where the mind and the body are always kept under the dominion of your spirit through the continual intake of the word and prayer then he said this there is no burden to the responsibilities of the anointing now there are responsibilities but they're not a burdensome response they're a joyful responsibility he said as you take up your cross to follow me it will lift you into the likeness and ease of my flow then i so loved this he said i never conducted my earthly life as being under a burden of the price i was to pay life for me was a great joy and delight now see you look at all that opposed him it never it never touched him he kept it out here he kept it out because if we read and you paid attention to all the things that opposed him all the things said against him all the plans made against him you would think oh my goodness he was every day something was something was challenging him but he said my earthly life it was i never conducted my earthly life as being under a burden of the price i was to pay life was a great joy and delight he said i only experienced being a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief for a few brief moments on the cross but i carried sorrows and griefs so that you would never experience it for a moment in my bearing it i freed you from it so that you would only live your life under that which is light and easy if we're living something less than light and easy we're living the wrong life this is really walking in the spirit jesus appeared to dad hagin and these are things we have to keep telling and talking about so these things are not as pastor jay said they aren't thrown away because of a past generation not on the earth but jesus appeared to dad hagin on one occasion said when i was on the earth i was the power of god if people needed something from god they had to get to me that's why the multitudes thronged me to touch me but now that the holy ghost is on the earth he is the power of god and he is present everywhere that's why power is present everywhere and jesus went on and said to dad hagin there is enough power in every sick room and in every hospital room to raise up that sick one if they only knew it was present and would give it action so notice in connection with the power of god that's already present it's in you it's around you it's everywhere you are but there's two things you have to know it's present and give it action what gives it action words of faith bring it into manifestation amen now since we can do something to bring the power of god into manifestation then we can also do something that keeps it from coming into manifestation power is ours for every situation power is already available to address every situation we're ever going to face so we can open the door to that power so that's brought in the manifestation or we can close the door to that power keeping it from coming into manifestation if someone if you had ordered a package online and they come to deliver it even though you ordered it even though you paid for it on your credit card even though it has your number if you do not open the door to your house what you ordered cannot reach you it can sit right on the threshold of your door where you can actually look through the peephole or look out a window and see it but without an open door you can't have it that's right even though it's got your name on it you could leave it out there for a year and if a thief doesn't come by and get it it will stay out there waiting for a door to open to it amen the power of god is the same way the help of god is the same way that it's all about what are we going to do with the access to our life we're going to open the door close the door um there was a pastor that dad hagen held a um one of his crusades in his church and i so appreciate that this pastor is in heaven now but i'm so appreciative that i got to hear a question he asked dad hagen he said dad in all my years of pastoring he said there would be at times someone who from some kind of physical condition would end up falling into a coma and said anytime i ministered to someone that was in a coma they've always died they've never recovered and regained health and he said is there something i need to know about ministering to someone in a coma that's different than ministering to others brother copeland brother hagin said yes there is something you need to know he said you have to know did they open the door or close the door to god before they went into the coma because what they said before they went into the coma either closed the door or opened the door and if they close the door you can't open it they are the only ones that can open it and they're in a coma and unavailable to open it [Music] amen and then dad hagan made this statement not at that not at that time but in connection with this he said when somebody has set a spiritual law in motion you don't change it in a day you can't say something once and change what they said in in motion for years he said that's why many of them don't live long enough to change change the direction back the spiritual momentum in the other direction and so he said you have to know did they speak words of doubt did they speak words of fear before they went into that coma because if they did the doors closed and no one can help them not even god because they have closed him out amen he said but if they spoke faith so he said if you can talk to someone near to them if you can talk to a family member or somebody that would have been there then you know what their words were then you know how much you can help them so what we see is this power can be available but it can be shut out amen worry is a door shutting out the power of god you can pray you can confess but if you're going to worry no answer no help can come through the door that's closed we are to be door openers to the right thing and door closers to the wrong thing but so much of the time we're worrying and closing god out and we're letting the devil's challenge and opposition in by taking the worry and going i don't know why my mind is having problems praise the lord so we could say this power can be short-circuited the power that is available the holy ghost can be short-circuited and worry is one of the primary things that will short-circuit the power of god whenever you have a region that a storm comes through and there may be a a big tree that falls on a power line they have to locate where the breakage is or they can't restore power they can't just fail to go down that one section of the street where there are lines that are falling and just say we're going to fix them over here it's the power's still not going to reach over there until you find out where the outage is you have to get off that line what broke the line worry worry affects the line amen praise the lord worry is nothing but fear panic attacks anxiety all these things are nothing but the spirit of fear and we have to recognize that fear is not simply a feeling it is a spirit that we have authority over but you have to talk to it you know brother copeland talked about uh he talked about how years ago he fell behind six and a half million dollars and it was he didn't really recognize it he thought the whole ministry was behind and when he was reading the annual reports they brought to him and he was reading through it and god spoke to him and says do you recognize the only department you worry about which is the television department is the only department that's in the red what's that mean you can have faith flowing to one department and worry flowing to another department you can have faith flowing to your finances and worry flowing to your body the different departments or arenas of your life have they each have their own door and how we treat that door determines what happens within that room amen and so he repented for worrying about the finances and within just weeks that amount was paid off amen now go with me to matthew 6 matthew chapter 6 and we've got to uh give a nod here that this is where ed took us all the time if you were in any of his services i mean he would bring us back to this one the last several years i mean he preached little else matthew 6 verse 25 jesus was preaching and he said therefore i say unto you take no thought this is called worry don't worry take no thought for your life and then he starts lining it out for what you shall eat or what you shall drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body than raiment and people say well i'm not worried about what i eat i'm not worried about what i drink i'm talking about my mortgage i'm talking about my insurance i'm talking about my kids god is jesus here if he's saying i don't want you to worry about the things you do every day the least of the things you do every day is eat you might not think it's the least the foodies it's not the least but drinking what you put on it's something you do every day so if he doesn't want us worrying about the least of the things we do every day he certainly doesn't want us worrying about the bigger things that come once every six months or once every year amen amen dad hagin used to say to us how do you know if you're worrying if you're thinking about it that just nails hides to the wall it just if you're thinking about it if you think back about when dad hagan was raised up off of his death bed he got saved the day he ended up on his deathbed as a 15 and a half year old the first day he was bed fast he was born again and he had him to bring him the bible and he started in the new testament reading started with the book of matthew and it didn't take him too many chapters before he hit matthew 6. and this passage right here we just read he came up to that passage and he says take no thought for your life well he said i was certainly taking thought from my life he says i didn't know what was the matter with me no doctor had told me what was the matter and he says i was worried about worried myself to death trying to figure out what was the matter with me and he said i got there to matthew 6 and i i said to god if i have to stop worrying i can't be a christian because he says i've been taught to worry my whole life said my mom my grandmother they were world champion warriors remember world champion boy that's another level world champion warriors and so he kind of tried to skim over that verse and kept going to the next passages and next chapters and he said when i read on past matthew 6 he said the mess the bible became dark to me he said i didn't get anything out of it and he said because god was dealing with me about matthew 6 and i was trying to get past it and not deal with that and he said you want to know why the bible is dark to so many of you because you're not you're not doing the part that you've already been the parts you've already read and god's dealt with you about and he said until you deal with what he's dealing with you about the bible will be dark to you and he said i kept reading but i got nothing out of it and he said finally after a period of time he said i said okay god it took him a while but he said okay i repent for worrying and he said i promise you i'll never worry another day as long as i live now when god began dealing with brother hagin that he couldn't worry anymore he at that time did not even know there were healing verses in the bible he didn't know he could be healed and even when he thought he had to die god was still dealing with him you can't worry now you think you're good at not worrying what if you didn't know healing was available you thought you had to die but you were not permitted to worry thinking that and he committed to not worry dad hagan said during that time he was bedfast he was having three to five heart attacks every day and he would hold on to the wooden bed posts he'd grab hold the headboard that had the wooden bed posts in it and he said he'd hold on holding on to life to try to keep from dying and he said after he committed to god he he said he had held on so much he wore the varnish off the headboard and he said after he committed to god that he never would worry again he said one of those heart attacks came and he went and grabbed hold of the headboard and in the middle of that heart attack it dawned on him that's worry see most people don't recognize what worry is holding on to that money that god told you gave that's worry [Music] calling your child nine times a day that's worry calling your husband all the time where is he doing what's that's worry and it's just a matter of life for some people but it's worry in the eyes of the word talking about having certain conversations about your finances at the dinner table most of the time it's worried and then wondering why that that arena's not getting any help because you got the door closed where he closed it power can't reach it even though power's in the room even though power belongs to you worry short circuits the power of god when you need the power of god amen you better make sure there's no worry happening amen praise the lord so dad hagin said right in the middle of that heart attack he said it dawned on me that's worry i'm worried about dying and he said i thought to myself well if i die i go to i go to heaven and he said so i just let go and i said just let her go amen and he said from that day forward i never had another heart attack why worry getting rid of that worry refusing to cooperate with worry open the door to the power to deal with what he wouldn't worry about anymore which was the heart attacks now the power can reach that amen why did god you would think god would have dealt with dad hagen first about being healed because that's what occupied his thought life yeah sure but god wasn't catering to his thought life he was catering to his word if he would have taught him about healing first but worry is still in place the door still would have been closed to healing power or if god would have moved supernaturally by power and healed him without having any faith or understanding about healing he'd lost it due to worry so he was dealing with what would destroy his victory and he dealt with that first and we have to realize that sometimes when we're having a certain need that needs to be met and we're praying for god to help us he might look like he's going on a rabbit trail and start dealing with something else and you go no no no no god i'm i need help over here he says i know that's why i'm i'm over there because he knows what's connected you start praying about your finances and he starts talking to you about your marriage you go no no no you don't understand my marriage is fine well is it that might be the problem because you're calling it fine and everybody's not calling it fine amen though the strategies of the enemy are very subtle and once you become skillful at staying in peace and shutting the door to worry the devil's going to bring a subtle a subtle way of [Music] working baiting you yes baiting you and uh something that happened more recently to me and i'm trying to say how to address it so i don't spill everything but something regarding a financial situation and i i had been thinking about a certain financial decision and i thought i would like to do that that would be a blessing i would like to do that and in the process of thinking about that there came uh several days after that a thought you better do this you better do this there came a push with that because if you don't do this it could cost you something and i i had been thinking about doing it just because it would have been a blessing to do but now the words came about doing it but with a different spirit behind it it's about the thing with that that girl with the spirit of divination remember paul they they come to the city and she follows them around she said these are servants of the most high god who show unto us the way of salvation she's saying true words but it's an evil spirit working speaking through her right words wise so that that spirit would have an influence over the work being done by paul and after many days it says she did this for many days and then paul recognizes and the anointing comes on him he might have recognized it earlier but he had to be under the anointing to deal with it or maybe he didn't recognize it at first it said many days she did this and then he turned to her and cast a spirit out and then paul and silas were given a hotel state at the local jail and a massage deep tissue massage [Music] the words were correct the spirit sang them was wrong i was thinking of doing something and the devil got in on that later not that time later i said you better do this but there was a there was a bit of a push with it and it wasn't troubling it was if you don't this is going to happen which was a fear if you don't do this this is going to happen let me tell you what i did i thought well i've just been too slow acting on this so i called and i said made a decision i made a phone call to the office i said do such and such the moment i hung up the phone fear gripped me and i said no you don't no you don't no you don't the finances will be there for that and i answer that fear you wouldn't leave they didn't leave and i'm not used to it not leaving i've had too much experience with what works and what doesn't work and i know the authority and when you deal with fear and it doesn't leave there's it's got permission somehow to stay i've got to find what's giving it permission because i resisted it it didn't leave i went to bed that night it didn't leave i woke up the next morning i'm still addressing it didn't leave so i quit talking to it and i started talking to god [Music] and i said god there's permission for that to be here i've opened the door somewhere where did i open the door and he said think back of the threat that came with those words if you don't do this this will happen he said i don't lead that way i don't tag a threat onto any leading amen amen how subtle it was and it was not a when when the enemy said the same words that were really in line with my desire a desire of my heart said the same word said like words but then tagged on the threat to it subtle but it was not a threat that was uh troubling when it was stated why because he the devil just wants you to hear the words not feel them yet he waits till you act on him because he's not in until you act the door's not open till you act so while he's standing on the outside of the door you don't feel right all you're going to feel if you act on that amen so god said to me think back there was a threat connected with though that instruction it wasn't just you or it wasn't my spirit because i don't attach a threat to my instructions to my leadings and i said got it by acting on those words that sounded like something i would have done yes i had still failed to check the source why did i fail to check the source i acted too fast when it came i just thought yeah i've been thinking about that in times past i'm going to do it and i was in the middle of meetings and i did not give it time i'm a slow mover normally i'm a slow mover and uh i came back immediately after that thought came and i put that in place and i didn't give it time come on what's it talk to uh in james try the spirits try the spirits it takes time to try the spirits if the holy ghost tells you to do something the holy ghost can pass the test of trying the spirits that's why god will never push you on a timeline you better do it you better do it you better do it because that's a spirit an evil spirit can't pass the test of trying the spirit amen because it takes time some when you're if you're not clear give it time sometimes you know in a moment i know i need to do that you know but sometimes you have to take time amen to try what is it that spoke to you because i know this not everything that speaks to you is spooky-sounding and doesn't sound creepy and that was my big miss i didn't take time to evaluate wait a minute not mentally evaluate but in here what was going on when that came so once the holy ghost showed me where i missed it i go i see it i see it and i said all right all right you're caught now you get out you see once i saw it repented for missing it now i got i got the door closed i'm so grateful i'm so grateful to learn where i opened the door and said just say you just agree with me in prayer you know you agree with me you just lay hands on me no that's not what it needs we got to find what short circuit the power what short circuited my peace what short circuit in my joy and so many people just mindlessly go through they're they're having fear over their marriage and fear over their children and they just keep living that way find out where the access is this is part of the skill that we're going to have to have amen and i said god i said i repent for missing that and i said uh you know because money money was involved in that thing god said it's not about the money he said it was about you moving too quickly that's where the correction needs to come it's not about the money amen amen but once i repented and then i turned to that spirit and i said now you now now you leave in a moment it's just gone why because it was caught amen worry tries to lead you to action so that you're calling your husband nine times a day finding out where he's at calling your wife all the time calling the children all the time what's motivating that you better stop that that's why the fear stays there because you're leaving you act on what that fear suggests and you're opening the door wider and wider every time praise the lord and we we know this and job and we won't take time to turn there job 3 25. he says for the thing which i greatly feared has come upon me and that which i was afraid of is come unto me i was not in safety neither had i rest neither was i quiet guess what no peace you're yielding to something no joy you're opening the door to something don't just try to don't just try to deal with that thing till you know where the access is the holy ghost will help you i um there was this this was years ago an employee was at the office and they became ill while they were at the office they told another employee i'm going to go home i don't feel well that second employee thought to themselves because they told me the testimony later they thought to themself oh they're getting sick i hope i don't get sick well when that thought came they said no by his stripes i'm healed i resist sickness i receive healing and the next day they got sick and you go well if they took a stand against sickness why did they get sick because it wasn't sickness talking to them it was fear talking to them it was fear that suggested they were going to get sick they should have said fear i resist you but when they prayed sick not they started praying healing scriptures they believed what fear suggested and they opened the door to fear and they got sick this is part of the skill that we have to have with worry we have to pay attention [Music] the devil would love for you to resist the wrong thing so you opened the door to everything praise the lord i said praise the lord um years ago i heard the testimony of a minister's wife she was having physical issues and went to the hospital and they said for the first time she had gone to the hospital with this physical condition they said you got three weeks you have three weeks to live she had the very worst kind of cancer there was and it was aggressive and she was in the final stages of it and she this happened in the early no this happened in the late 70s early 80s somewhere around in there she's still alive today still alive today and um but when she gave her testimony i was listening to her give her testimony and she said uh the biggest thing i had to stand against was not the sickness it was the fear and she said this she said i was thinking as i was listening i thought i wonder and this is where i even met married ed so this was well over 30 years ago and uh she was telling her testimony and i just thought to myself i wonder where the open door was and i just thought that to myself and then the very next statement on the cassette she answered and she says i don't know how this cancer ever got in because i prayed against it every day for 10 years then i heard her give her testimony later in person and she actually she was giving a not she didn't give it publicly we were in the back room with her and her husband and she said i don't tell people this she said it took 15 years for every symptom to leave and i go i know why because she doesn't know where the door is she never identified it because of her own testimony she says i don't know how it came on me i prayed against it every day for 10 years praying fear is still fear still fear the devil wants you to pray fear thoughts he wants you to pray worried thoughts because you keep the door open to him and putting these thoughts and words in the guise of a prayer does not move them into faith if there are worried thoughts they're still worried thoughts no matter how long you talk to god about it amen that's right know this with our actions and with our words we're opening doors and we're closing doors we're opening doors and we're closing doors and we have to be skillful because so many people are asking god to do something and he can't get through their closed door now i i love hearing dad hagin talk about the testimony when he had the hospital visitor remember in the i believe in visions book the chapter called the hospital visitor and he had been preaching one night he stepped outside it was icy outside he slipped and failed or was this when he was jumping over the recorder jumped over the crow recorder thank you ma'am a woman had put a big recorder right there at the edge of the platform to record the service for her and he almost stepped on it and didn't want to step on it and so he shifted his weight and ended up on his elbow and dislocated his elbow so they had to take him to the hospital the pastor's taking him to the hospital and while they're in the car the word of the lord comes to him and because he thought he had broken his arm and said you did not break your arm you only dislocated it and then he said don't worry about it and i'll talk to you about it later so he goes to the hospital they tell him they confirm what god said he didn't break it they only dislocated it which was still a bit of an issue they had to knock him out to put it back into place so they wanted to keep him a couple days for observation about the second day that he's there he hears footsteps coming down the corridor of the ho the hospital he looks up and thinking it's a nurse it's jesus that walks into the room pulls up a chair and sits down good hospital visit and in the course of that he talks to him for an hour and a half and in the course of that he told him where he had opened the door and that is is that he was putting his teaching ministry in front of the prophet's office that he was out of order with his call so jesus the first thing he did he didn't just deal with his physical condition he dealt with the open door god wants to help you but the best way he can help you is help you find the open door instead of fixing the problem of why the of the door having been open amen amen but notice what the holy ghost said to him in the car on the way to the hospital he told him it wasn't broken he said don't worry about it and i'll speak to you about it later the first thing jesus said to dad hagin when he sat down in the room was i told you about it in the car my spirit spoke to you i told you not to worry about it and he said and you're to be commended for not worrying and brother hagin said i've been just having a good time just having a high time sitting there in the hospital reading my bible and resting and and he says and i had not worried about it why do you think jesus commended him for not worrying i firmly believe if he would have worried jesus couldn't come to the room why because worry closes the door to the power of god he was telling him in the car don't close the door to me don't worry why now see brother hagin missed it isn't that right when it says in the word do not fret they amplify do not fret or have any anxiety about anything philippians chapter 4 verse 6 do not fret or have any any any do not have it that's right it's good haven't you ever said your children i will not have that in this household that's the same emphasis the same intent do not have do not fret or have any anxiety about anything so much of the time what we fret about or have anxiety about is self-imposed [Music] we missed it we know we missed it we did it wrong but notice you can't even fret or have any anxiety even when you miss it amen amen you don't have to accept a measure of defeat just because you missed it and you kind of get in this we we kind of get into this thing that if we missed it we have to pay you know we have to suffer at least a little bit for it because we missed it yes we missed it but do not fret or have any anxiety about anything then jesus said to dad hagin in the car do not worry about it why because he needs power amen when you miss it you need power more than ever so do not fret or have any anxiety even when you miss it because god has power to fix what you missed i'm the one that missed it in that hotel room acting too fast not weighing that voice not taking the time to put that voice to the test acted too fast because it was so similar to what my own intent was i just thought the holy ghost was just prompting me to move quicker than i was moving but it if i would have just checked in here but it sounded so similar the enemy is going to do things in this era he's got always another level he's got another level yeah yeah and uh because dad hagen didn't worry jesus could step in manifested form and sit and talk to him and we're still reaping the benefits from that instruction it's a it's a safety to us it's an instruction to he spoke to him but he really spoke for us too my husband uh i don't i don't really remember what year this happened probably about two thousand maybe eight 2008 somewhere around in there he had a um he had bone spurs on the back of his heels and so he had a procedure done to deal with that and uh when he was after he had had that and it's it was a surgery you know um and they had him on medications and stuff and i don't know if the medications because these pain relievers can really do things up here right and i was gone one afternoon from the house and i came home and he said uh i mean the devil really took advantage to attack his mind during that time that time of recovery and he said to me he said i was sitting in the chair and he said an angel came in and stood in front of me and said you have run a good race it's time for you to go home and he said it did not feel evil it did not look evil he looked light he did not look dark he said the words didn't make me feel creepy or anything nothing of that he said but i just recognized i'm not satisfied and he says with long life he'll satisfy you and show you his salvation and he said not because it felt creepy not because it felt oppressive it did not why because the devil will disguise as an angel of light and with that light will come everything that seems like and he said i looked at that thing then i considered us and he said i answer it says no with long life he'll satisfy me and show me his salvation now you leave in jesus name he said that thing left but what if the influence of those words would have gotten him considering something different than what the word said because when we're talking about a hundred percent potential of the gifts of the spirit manifestation the devil's not going to apply 20 percent deception 20 subtlety amen skill nothing to be afraid of but skill and one of the keys to having skill is move slow enough to be taught because if you're in the habit of being impatient and moved too quickly then when something happens you won't give yourself time to be a student in that situation to be instructed by the holy spirit praise the lord i said praise the lord and do not fret or have any anxiety about anything then what are we to do well the word tells us casting all your care on him for he cares for you in other words what you put in his hands is what he works on if we don't put in in his hands he can't work on it even though he knows we need his help only when it comes to his hands worry is a sign that you're trying to fix it you're trying to fix it up here uh i love something that pastor jay told i wrote i wrote down something that he said he was teaching in healing school at rhema years ago and bef i believe is before you got up to teach you were staying i don't know if you were uh just preparing to teach or if you might have been in the back room i think you were there in the in the room with those you were teaching and you had a vision and you saw them sitting with their arms you saw everyone in there right they had their arms wrapped around them tight several people wrapped with their arms wrapped close around them and god spoke to you and said this to you he said they are holding on to their sickness and pastor jay spoke back and said well god they're not in healing school to hold on to their sickness they're here because they want to receive healing what do you mean they're holding on to their sickness and god said this what they've got their minds on is what they're attending to and what they're attending to is what they're embracing [Music] what you have your mind on what you have your mind on is what's being held into your life amen god was letting him know that their minds and their attention was on their sickness they were they were thinking about their bodies they were thinking about their condition you can't have worried thoughts and have power flow because worry closes the door to the power of god worried thoughts are dangerous thoughts they're not just troubling they're dangerous because what you worry about power can't touch you power has no access to the things that you worry about praise the lord until they let go of their sickness out of their thought life they could not receive healing until you quit thinking about the financial problem power can't help your financial problem it can't reach it just know this worry it worry closes off god amen amen amen and the good thing is we're authorized to never worry again amen if you want to be free from something you have to get it out of your thought life you have to quit thinking about it you say well how do i do that that's why proverbs 4 20 so important my son attend to my words because your mind is always attending to something it can be attending to your business problems your house problems your marriage problems but what you're attending to is either opening the door or closing the door to god's power and we have to be skillful in the face of this amen praise the lord i said praise the lord fill your thoughts with what you want but in all honesty a lot of people just don't pay attention to what they're thinking about they just don't pay attention and our lives every year should be more peaceful than they were last year if our peace isn't growing our joy isn't increasing amen we're doing it wrong and it's all because of here it's not because the devil attacked praise the praise the lord many are depressed fearful worried anxious panic attacks and anxiety for one reason what they're thinking about what they're tending to in their thought life worried that worried over their ministry worried over not fulfilling their call you're not going to fulfill your call worrying about it enjoy the ride what did ed say go fishing you know what are you talking about nancy i'm sorry you just should have been here no he would say when you start getting entrenched in this what am i going to do what am i going to do just go fishing quit trying quit trying there was a man a pastor who lived in a community in a farming community and uh he needed fifty thousand dollars i mean within a week or so or i mean they were going to be in some serious problems and he says i was just trying you know and praying because you're trying not praying because you're believing praying because you're trying we've all done that confessing not because you're believing because you're trying that trying confessions didn't work and ed had just come to his church and preached and it had said go fishing and so he had been trying for weeks to get that fifty thousand dollars he needed and he said forget it he says i can't i've done everything i can to get it i can't get he told his wife forget it i'm going fishing he said literally i'm going fishing and he said he got in his little boat and went out on some piece of water somewhere and he said i was out fishing and got a phone call my wife said we just received a check for fifty thousand dollars he said while i was fishing what's that mean when he finally quit worrying power could assist when he quit thinking about it you're not going to get your house thinking about it the more you can keep your mind in neutral off that situation it's a practice it's a training to do practice what are you doing up here we're going to be so skillful and that's not a threat that's a joy to grow in the skill of this praise the lord i don't know if people just thought i was rude or not caring or what but my husband went home on the friday and on monday i went into francine's office the financial office and i said tell me where we're at financially she said well pastor today's payday she said we miss last payday i said we did you say well didn't you know that no cause she handles my she handles my personal so i have no idea and all the financial people on the front row laugh yes and so i had no idea whether we got paid or not and uh so she said so today is the second payday and i said how much money do we have in the account and she said twelve hundred dollars for twenty-something salaries so you know if we're behind in salaries we're behind in some bills somewhere and with all the other stuff i just stood there and started laughing i i don't know i don't know where there's money i don't know how to get money i don't know this is like oh well oh well and i told her i don't know what to do i can't get it in here by 4 o'clock 4 30 today if i could have it already been in so i said i'm gonna go home polish my nails why i don't want to go fishing but i do like nail stuff whether you know it or not i have a nail fetish i have a nail addiction from the time i would little bitty i love nail polish i love i would put it on and then take it off and put on the next color and take it off and i always had short nails because they're playing the piano you know you just beat them off but i thought if i get the right color they're going to look long and i i cannot begin to tell you about my nail fetishes i am still that way i am still that way i don't care if i got a sermon to preach if there's a chip on my nail we changing nail polish you have no idea and jesus likes that while i was polishing my nail while i was polishing my nails while i was polishing my nails francine texted me or called me i don't know contacted me and said pastor a check for a hundred thousand dollars just arrived yeah so i said francine you get to tell the staff because she had gotten to tell him you don't get a paycheck this week you know so i thought it's only right to get let her tell some good news and so we called ever i said i'll be down to the i'll be down there in a few minutes you call all the sepia and i don't know if they thought they were getting laid off or what you know this isn't bad doctor just went home and we haven't gotten a paycheck and it's payday today oh who's saying who's going [Music] it was important to jesus that with that announcement my nails look good oh he's got to be ready oh he's got to be ready so she starts she announced it to the staff and they took off a shout and then a run and i should and i calmed him down and said wait a minute wait a minute don't you think this was your face [Music] that you released from friday to monday i said i guarantee you ed had to talk with jesus once he got there so i said this is still his hit the momentum of his faith that he was releasing amen but what am i trying to say worry and fix is nothing it it breaks everything but it fixes nothing that's right we should not tolerate the sin of worry anymore we'd tolerate the sin of thieving amen any more than we would tolerate the sin of drug addiction or any other thing we shouldn't tolerate the sin of worry it's a sin it's a sin it's a sin and the greatest reason it's a sin number one jesus said take no thought but another thing is is it shuts god out and he wants in he wants into your situation with his power amen are you helped tonight stand with me to your feet father we thank you we're so glad to know worry free is our life worry free is what you plan for us and that's what we're taking that's what we're choosing to live that's the way we live worry free worry free worry free not thinking about it anymore not thinking about it anymore not thinking about it anymore what you've been thinking about quit it quit it if you're a man go fishing if you're a woman do your nails whatever it is to keep your mind out of that amen praise the lord [Music] when worried thoughts come what you're going to do number one answer it answer it specifically if the thought comes you don't have enough money to meet your mortgage you're going to lose your house say i will not lose my house don't pray to god talk to the thought i will not lose my house because no weapon formed against me will prosper number two can i tell you this it's more than likely the spirit of fear talking to you so speak to the spirit don't let it stay in your room and in your house to just keep saying stuff over and over talk to the spirit that spoke to you to get out and then number three put your attention on god and the best way to do that is worshipping and hold your attention on god and off of what the fear suggested amen hallelujah let's sing something [Music] and i'm laughing all the way [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hi [Music] all the we laugh all the days victory all the way victory every day [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] joe [Music] fear free that's me fear free that's me when circumstances come to bring defeat i say fear free that's me um fear free [Applause] fear free fear free that's me when circumstances come to bring defeat fear free free that's me fear free be free [Music] when circumstances come to bring defeat fear free fear free that's me singing everyone fear free [Music] when the circumstances come to bring defeat fear free fear free [Music] circumstances come to bring there's something in the bible called easy and light but the devil he don't like that he wants to bring you a fight to where you're you're always concerned always worried about things you just can't stop you just can't find peace but i'm telling you if you learn to take your cares like a fishing line and just cast them far away you won't have the feelings of fear anymore you'll just have that easy and light life cause you're fearful that's me when circumstances come to bring defeat say fear freedom that's me sing it again when those circumstances come to bring defeat fear free you think you're free from all those worries but then something comes up and you realize like that sticky fly paper that brother hagin would talk about it's it's stuck and that when you try to cast it off and there it is and you try to cast it off and there it is huh but you catch it i said you catch yourself and you say i don't take that i won't have that i cast it it's not mine here's what we do one two three fear free here that's me fear free hey that's me when those circumstances come to bring defeat fear free everything singing now fear free that's me when those circumstances come to bring defeat fear free that's me here's your verse [Music] i'm risen with christ i'm seated in heavenly places where there's no more fear there's no more doubt i'm just gonna lift my voice and shout and fill my mouth with a heart and a hall and a hallelujah as i go cause i'm fearfully [Music] when those circumstances come to bring deep fear free that's me now listen listen y'all you go into a club or something like that and you think back to those old jazz clubs when they have a beat like this the folk ain't just standing there going huh i'm telling you and you know i i know i i never took dancing lessons but i'm telling you they grabbed him a partner [Applause] there's some folks need to grab your partner yeah [Applause] when those circumstances come to bring this when those circumstances come to bring deep feet stay fearful when the circumstances come to bring defeat fear free fever all i have inside is a laugh i can't get away from that because when i've emptied out of fear i've been filled with the holy ghost there's no room for fear to move just the holy ghost to take up a room so i'm gonna yield to the highway dear friends there are no impossibilities they're free that's me they're free that's [Music] one last time make up your own song hey [Music] [Music] can you help [Music] hey no problemo you just leaned back in the overflow [Music] uh me there are no impossibilities [Music] when those circumstances if you had no fear in your life would you be dragging around like you're carrying a big load or would you be real happy like a calf release from the stall that's all [Music] what would you do when you say would you have a smile on your face [Music] i need to see some free people in the place hey fear-free [Applause] fear when the circumstances come to bring deep fear free that's that's me that's me that's me that's me three three three three three three hey breathe breathe free free uninhibited uninhibited just no more change no more bondage just freedom free free free free free free free free free free free free huh brother joel was talking about was it a nightclub you said nightclub or a club or something and if you found someone that was the one drinking and they got drunk they say set everybody up you never found the one not drinking sitting back in the corner say set everybody up it's always the one drinking that wants everybody else like them right so i saw some of these people drinking janine i saw you drinking a beer [Music] so i want you just go down the aisle and set everybody up with [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] whew [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah praise the lord now sister sister janine let this be a sign to you that you entered the next phase you entered the next phase and what i was what was coming to me when we were when all that if worry closes doors that's one way of getting to your seat worry closes doors when you get rid of doors doors uh when you get rid of worry doors open [Music] when you make a decision i'm done with the flow of worry then you can enter into things and i believe that some people have been kept out of the next thing god had for them even in their ministries because the door was closed through worry and you deal with that and you call it wrong and you say i'm not doing it anymore the holy ghost will help you catch that but i believe i want all i want all those in full-time fivefold ministry come up here or line up some way orderly orderly and i want there's three pastor chris pastor jay pastor craig those three come up here come up here and i want y'all to lay hands there's impartations for these ministers and god said to me these three because not to say that others haven't but these have received impartations from my husband and there's something to be imparted from those impartations that you've received into these hallelujah full-time fivefold hallelujah currently in ministry so i need ushers with all three make sure that certain ushers watch each man and pastor craig won't you start down that end [Music] [Music] oh [Music] praise the lord [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] praise hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hand me the microphone would you [Music] now pastor jay you got something for me come here say whatever god has for you these enhancement of the enemy in this era these elevated deceptions that comes in to try to get this error off this move of the spirit off to redirect it get it flow in the wrong direction that strategy will not work because of the discipline and the consecration and the hunger in your heart to seek god and get the answers to give to all the rest of the body of christ so the strategies of the enemy enhanced in this era and in this time will not work in this era like they worked in the past for those that will heed your voice and that voice will be given greater and greater amplification and the voice will bring order and bring divine impetus to what god wanted to continue to go until jesus comes those that heed your voice they will stay on track and stay on course and the era will not be aborted because those that heed this voice your voice by the spirit they will be brought to order and kept in order and the glory of god will continue to advance and increase until the end and the heart of the father will be pleased because you have sought him and you have been humble before him and you have consecrated yourself to get your answers and yea you even said in your heart and in your with your own mouth father if you give me the answers i'll give it to the others that need the answers and so the heart of the father is pleased that you looked uh not just through your own need but look to the need of his people for his people are precious to him praise the lord thank you father hallelujah hallelujah we've glorified you for what you've received tonight amen for what you've received tonight father we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you father we thank you father we glorify you we praise the lord we praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we thank you we thank you we thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] haha father we thank you for that angel assigned to assist those who hook up with this message [Music] who hook up to the flow ah and all the many multitudes of ranking on angels under that one going out and assisting your people your men your women that stand at the forefront ah divine assistance strengthened as those ain't that angel assigns and speaks for the ranking angels under him to come and assist and stand by and bring equipment bring supplies bring resources bring other help ah for those for those who say i want the highest flow those who say those who say i will not leave the message there is divine assistance that belongs to the message and as they stay with the message they become partakers of that divine assistance we thank you that angel that high high-ranking angel is dispatched ah we receive of that help we recognize and we acknowledge the hosts that assist ah we thank you [Music] ah sticky guy we thank you yes i remember that dad hagan spoke about he had a messenger angel that worked with him an angel that worked with the message brought him messages but also went with the message he preached i thank you that he's still working he didn't leave with dad he's still here working with the message [Music] and he's working with this company who who regard and honor the message whether they're in this room or not no just if they move with the message we thank you so we acknowledge that angel we recognize and we receive of the assistance and of the multitudes under that angel [Music] and we agree to their cooperation in the plan of god we thank you so i say to you by the spirit those who embrace the message move with the message don't neglect that angelic divine help that belongs and moves with the message employ them [Music] hallelujah hallelujah we thank you father we thank you father yeah i got it i got it that same that same angel that same messenger angel working [Music] i had forgotten about that father i had forgotten about that thank you thank you for reminding [Music] so that we receive their working we thank you we thank you father we thank you father we thank you praise the lord [Music] one of the things i believe it was pastor chris when he was preaching talking about preparing for where you're headed not just preparing for today but preparing for where you're headed what was preached tonight has to be skillfully lived because it's part of the preparation to get where you're headed because until we're prepared we're not safe going there it's unsafe for the father to promote us and advance us into phases that we're not prepared to meet and this is part of it what we do with this part of the preparation the renewing of the mind amen and know this what you tend to worry about what tends to be a tripping place of worry in your thought life is a flag to you this is where to renew your mind it's in it's an indicator of what what to further renew your mind in amen that's part of our preparation amen we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you that messenger angel we thank you we thank you [Music] praise the lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah we glorify you yes and we'll give place to their assistance we give place to that assistance praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah let's just stand to our feet and worship him before we leave father we glorify you for the greatness of your plan thank you for the greatness of your plan thank you [Music] we thank you we worship you and glorify you we worship you [Music] thank you for your word thank you for the impartations thank you for the light for the clarity for the answers [Music] we seek first what your kingdom is doing in this hour we seek first that's our priority your plan thank you for it thank you for it hallelujah we glorify you we glorify you magnify you my sticky let's just lift up our hands and worship him in the spirit worship him with other tongues [Music] [Music] hey [Music] praise the lord praise the lord we glorify you hallelujah well i'm so glad i'm here this week what about you so glad glad i'm here hallelujah well you don't want to miss the other services and we don't know what's going to happen but we know it's going to be good because his plan is always good amen hallelujah hallelujah let's just sing a song of thanksgiving whatever [Music] whatever [Music] thank you [Music] i just want to thank [Music] you [Music] i just want to thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord praise the lord praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah well turn to somebody before you're dismissed and say i'm so glad i was here and you can be dismissed god bless you you
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 11,184
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Id: CNIxr0MW8wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 40sec (11140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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