Intro to Replicators - Apple Motion Professional Training 8 by AV-Ultra

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV ultra and today we're going to be taking a look at replicators in Apple motion in this lesson we're going to be talking about what is a replicator how it's different than emitters, how to make them and work with them, and we're also going to be creating a background using replicator shapes. Then finally we're going to be taking a look at the sequence replicator behavior. So let's go ahead and get started I'm going to go ahead and just take my Bezier tool here and I'm just going to make a line. so I'm going to zoom this out just a little bit here and I'm going to choose that tool and just draw a solid line across and I'm just going to make sure that that's at the beginning of my time line and now that I have this line, let's talk about our replicator. To make a replicator I just want to choose whatever I want to replicate, in this case I want to replicate my bezier line. To actually turn this into a replicator, I can come up to my replicate tab in the top right corner or I can hit the shortcut key of L. As soon as I do that two things happen. If you remember my lesson from emitters, the way that the emitter works is, as soon as you create that it will turn off the source layer and then turn that into a cell for that emitter. In our case since we've created a replicator that is referencing that original Bezier as our cell, and we've created a replicator layer. The main difference between a replicator and an emitter is that an emitter will continuously emit more of these particles across time, where a replicator doesn't do that. It just makes static copies of these since they're individual images. If this was a movie or let's say a video that you want to replicate it then those would be replicated through here too. So let's take a look and see exactly what has been created through this replicator. So you can see that I'm dragging out this square that I have and if I go to my replicator layer and I view my inspector you'll notice that I have my replicator controls underneath that I have my cell controls my cell controls are referencing this individual cell so if I clicked on this cell here, you'll notice that I have just these controls. Let's go back to our replicator you can take a look at this. By default it will create a rectangular replicator shape. We also have our arrangement. We can set it to outline, which means it is only placing these replicated points on the outline of this particular rectangle, or we can set it to tile fill, which is what we've had before. And then lastly we can hit random fill so you can see these different X's are where it's being replicated from. Currently right now there are five points being replicated but I can crank that up and if I change this back to tile fill you'll notice I have columns and rows. Now that we're in our tile fill we want to go ahead and we just want to change these rows to one. If I change this number to let's say 20, you can see that I have 20 individual copies of that one replicated line. You'll notice that I have these handles that lets me rearrange this. And this is effectively changing my size here so you'll notice I have a height and a width that lets me specify this size. Now that we have our replicator setup, let's take a look at our Cell control. Our Cells let us manage the individual cells that we have in our replicator. Since we have one right now that's all we're going to be working with. If I change the angle this is going to change the start angle of my replicator. If I change this to zero and I go to my angle end, this is going to offset throughout my replication. Now that I have my angle end set to negative 30 degrees what this means is, because my origin here is set to the center, this Center is going to be at zero degrees from my start angle- and my angle end, which is the end of my replication, is going to be negative 30 degrees. I can also set an angle randomness and what this is going to do is set in a randomized angle for each of my replications. So this is going to be based on both of these numbers so if this is set to zero each one is now going to be a random 194 degrees. I also have an additive blend mode. Additive blend is only going to work if these were colored, so right now because they're not colored, we're not seeing any change. So let's come back to that one. Underneath that, we have our color mode. What our color mode will do is actually let us colorize our individual replicant. So I can go ahead and pick a color; let's say red, or I can colorize this over a pattern. And so what this will do is from one point to the end point it will colorize them across the entire replication. So currently it's coming from the center on its way out. Again if I change this origin by the wa,y from let's say Center, to LEFT, now that color is going to transfer from green to this blue color as it's moving across there. In fact, if I add another color by just clicking in here, and let's say let's make this one purple, now we have our color moving from green to purple to blue across this gradient. Lastly we have: picked from color range. What this will do is it will pick a random color across this range to colorize each of our different replicants. If we move further down here we have our scale. And just like our angle we have our scale start and then we have our scale end. So we can have our original ones start at say zero or even 5% and we can have that Traverse across to eight hundred percent. Now why isn't that 800 percent of the origina? It is because it's exponential based on the first scale. so if this went up to fifty now you'll notice that each of them are getting much thicker so it's exponential based on the original value. because I have that additive blend mode on you can see as they're overlapping that it is adding those two colors together. so if I turn that off you'll see that they're just the colors of their individual values. I'm going to change these back to 100 and let's move down we also have our scale randomness. So our scale randomness is going to assign a random scale value again based on what our original scale is. So if this was set to 200 percent and our scale randomness is say a thousand, it's going to range from this 197 up or down a 1027% We also have our random Seed down here so if I'm clicking on my random seed you'll notice that it is changing our scale based on these different numbers. So again let's go ahead and make this 100%t and I'm going to change the scale randomness down to zero let's also go ahead and just change this to colorize, and we're going to make this red right now. I'm going to spread this out and now that we have this let's go ahead and take this replicator... and I'm going to go to my properties and I'm going to change the blend mode to an overlay. Now I have a quick and easy background for my different videos. in fact if I wanted to, I could even drop this opacity down and make it a little bit more subtle. Now let's go ahead and something just a little bit more complex. I'm just going to create a new group and I'm going to grab my circle we're just going to draw a series of four circles in fact there's my one circle I'm going to duplicate it we're going to move this guy over here and we're going to make this one a slightly different color and I take both of those duplicate them move them down and let's make each of those a different color as well so now that I have my group I'm going to go ahead and collapse that I'm just going to name this Base and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to replicate that and now that I have my replicator we can specify our replication so I'm just going to keep this as tile fill I'm going to change the color mode to over pattern and we're going to change this pattern here a little bit first thing I'm going to do is change my colors now that I've changed a color I also want to change the origin so I'm going to go from the top this time so that's going to color its way down in fact you know also what I want to do is I want this to be fairly translucent so I'm going to come up to my same color bar and I'm going to adjust my opacity stop so we have our color stops down here and on top we have our opacity stops so I can set this guy to let's say 20% and I'm going to set another one over here to say 10% so now that I've got my opacity set I'm also going to go ahead and I'm going to change that we're going to change the blend mode to screen and this is just going to let the color in the background show up a little bit I want this to fill my screen going from largest to smallest so we're going to come down to our scale end and make that quite a bit smaller you'll notice though what's happening with my replicators is that they're kind of scooting over to the side and the reason why they're not scaling proportionately from the center has to do with my original Anchor Point so if I turn off my replicator right now and I turn on just my base you'll notice that my Anchor Point is sitting outside of the four of these so if I wanted to I can go into my anchor point and we're just going to set this towards the center so now if I turn on my replicator and I turn this guy off you'll notice that they're scaling proportionally all the way down to get back into my replicator settings I'm just going to change this to just item and here I can specify exactly where I want this I want this right down the center and I'm going to want a few more of these so I'm going to set a few more columns and a few more rows so that's another way that we can create another background very very quickly in Apple motion let's take a look at creating a replicator from a replicator so what do I mean by that well I'm going to go back and I'm just going to draw another shape so we've got just our bezier here and I'm just going to think that as centered as possible and I'm going to turn off the fill mode and we just want that out and what I'm going to do with this guy now is now that we have this Bezier, I'm going to replicate him and I'm just going to change him to a line and so now he's just going to be repeated across here so now I've got my replication right here and we're going to colorize this one and we're just going to make him say dark purple so now I've got my original replicator here we're going to call this one replicator one and I'm going to move him to the top of my section here now that I've got that I'm going to go ahead I'm going to take this replicator and I'm going to replicate him again so effectively what I'm doing is I'm making a replicator of a replicator here is our original that's been replicated across and now I'm taking that whole copy and copying it again this time again I'm going to choose a line and I'm going to go to my adjust item and just pull him down we're going to make him pretty close now that I've got this replicator here I'm going to go to its opacity gradient and I'm going to change this from 100% opaque down quite a bit so what this is doing is that from the top to the bottom is going from a hundred percent opacity to 20% opacity in fact what we can do is we can actually colorize this over a pattern now so now we're placing a secondary color on top of the original one so if I choose this and I make this let's say white that's going to be that original purple I go ahead and make this one make it a little bit more red now that's moving from that purple all the way down to that red across here one last time I'm going to take this replicator and replicate it again and one more time I'm going to change this into a line and move this all the way down so now effectively I've created this repeating pattern that is based on several different patterns and I can choose more points so if I really want to bump this up quite a bit we can go ahead and scale this down and you'll notice what's happening is we're losing some of this original and that's okay we can come to our original replicator here and say we want more points so I can spread this out to say 10 and we can change that so effectively we can add more points whenever in wherever we need them so now I can move this across here and we can have that moving all the way across and add some more points and now we have a scale tessellated background moving all the way down here the last thing I want to talk about here is the sequence replicator which again is a very powerful function that is in Apple motion so now that I have a single square here we're also going to replicate this and this time let's choose a different mode we have our point which is just a single point which doesn't really do anything for us we have our line which we saw earlier that lets us replicate across a line we have our rectangle which we've already looked at our circle lets us replicate across a circle pattern and again we have our tile or our outline and our random fill which will put it in or around our circle we have our burst which does this kind of three-pronged approach what's interesting about this though in our burst is we can choose how many points per arm how many numbers of arms so in this case we can have let's say 4 and if I scale this down we can take a look and see what that's doing a radius we can pull down quite a bit we also have our spiral which is very similar to our burst but this lets us specify how much of a twist we want so for example I can really twist this up pull the radius down quite a bit and you can see these kinds of patterns that we can create here I can also adjust this offset which really changes the shape of those twists we also have a wave which lets us change a wave and we also have something called geometry and image and we're going to skip over those for this lesson for right now I'm going to go back to my rectangle and I'm going to change this to tile fill and I want to make sure that my scale is at 100 again we just want to fill this canvas so I might go ahead and actually change the scale just a little bit to fill that up so now that we have this what we want to do is we want to change each of these individual items across time so if I go into my library and I go under behaviors under replicator we have a sequence replicator and if I drag that on to my replicator and I hit play you'll notice nothing happens right away if I take a look at my window up here though my preview window whatever I'm going to be putting on it will automatically animate different parameters sequentially through replicated objects so that's really interesting so let's go into our inspector and you'll notice I have my sequence replicator we have our parameter of what we actually want to sequence we're going to change our opacity to 0% and we're going to change our scale to 0% we're going to add one more which is going to be a color if we come down to our sequence control we can see what exactly it's going to do if I play this back right now you can see what's happening is across the behavior timeline we are actually going from a hundred percent scale to zero we're also going from a hundred percent opacity to zero and we're changing we're also changing from that white color to that blue color so that's what that means here is this is changing to these different parameters if we want to change from those different parameters what that is going to do is it is going to change from blue to white and is going to change from zero to 100% and a zero scale to 100% you'll notice that we also have our unit size which could be object or all which means all of them are going to come in at once we also have custom which lets me specify the start and end so this just gives me a little bit more control maybe I just want these outer and what's great about this sequence replicator is I can change the timing of it very quickly and I can change the parameters of it so for example maybe I don't necessarily want this to be white I want the color mode to be colorized and I'm going to go ahead and make this red so now this is going to be first starting off of that blue and then moving into that red perhaps I don't want a hundred percent opacity I just want that down to maybe say thirty or forty percent so if I go back into my sequence replicator I'm just going to change this back from custom to object if I go into my replicator the way that this is animating through this sequence is dependent on how the origin is set up so for example if I set this to upper-left now it's going to replicate from this top left all the way down to the bottom we can also specify by row and by column so now that we understand replicators let's make a little something out of it I put together this quick little animation here that has just a couple layers it has a single text layer of one two three four five and then we also have a replicator layer based on a single rectangle so you can see over time this just kind of builds in and we've got some nice little 3d --mess that's happening to this as well so let's go ahead and put this together so first things first I've just drawn out this rectangle here and what I'm going to do is hit replicate again by default it's going to choose rectangle and I'm going to come back to that in a minute but I want to change the color mode to over pattern and if I go to my color gradient I have this nice little drop-down that lets me pick my different gradients now to get that same one that we had before I'm going to pick rainbow and you can see we have our red orange yellow green blue purple and I might go over to my shape and I'm just going to pick line again I'm going to adjust my item so it fills my canvas and I'm also going to go ahead and go into my library and I have something called extrude under my filters and I'm just going to place that right on my replicator as well I'm going to go into my replicator and sequence replicator and I'm going to drag that right onto my replicator I'm going to trim back how long that's going to take I wanted to take about 45 frames we'll go into the inspector and I want to change the position now I've got my position I want to move from certain area to this position so I'm going to go to the beginning of my sequence replicator and I'm just going to drag this up until it is no longer in my canvas so now if I come back to my canvas you'll notice that that is building in one at a time so far so good now I'm going to go to my text layer and my text isn't a replicant this is clearly one two three four five I don't necessarily need to go into my replicator to sequence my text all I have to do is go under my text animation sequence text and drag that onto my text layer so now that I have my sequence text what I want to do is I want to move to this position from up on top here so if I just grab this drag this up here and I want to trim back my sequence text so it lines up with this here you'll notice that right now it's going in the opposite direction well that's okay because I want to change the sequencing from two to from so now across time two three four and five so you can see that our text sequence works very similar to our sequence replicator we're just changing our different parameters and then adjusting them over time so that is a quick way and getting started with replicators there's a lot more that you can do with replicators and we're going to go deeper into replicators in a further lesson but I just want to give you enough to get started creating things with replicators creating backgrounds and animating them as fast as possible again my name is Sansa Robert Liberto with a V ultra thanks lab for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 24,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AV ULTRA, Stanislaw Robert Luberda, Stanislaw, Post Production, Apple Motion, Motion 5, Motion graphics, Professional Training, Apple motion tutorials, Motion Replicators, Apple motion Replicators, Replicators in Motion, Replicator cells, Replicator, Sequence replicator, replicator sequence, sequence replicator behavior, motion behaviors, motion graphics, apple motion replicator, replicators
Id: usXgBOsVPik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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