3D Layers in Apple Motion - Apple Motion Professional Training 9 by AV-Ultra

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra today we're going to be making something that looks a little like this. and what we're going to be covering today are: 3d layers in Apple Motion, lights, and simple camera movement behaviors. so let's go ahead and get started. When you first open up your AV ultra motion lesson 9 start it will be presented with a background. and what we're going to do is just create our text layer. once we created our text layer what we want to do is we want to move our text layer out of our background group into a new group and while we're at it let's go ahead and close our background and lock it. let's have a quick conversation about 3d layers as opposed to 2d layers in 2d, layers they work exactly like you imagine that they work in any other compositing program. We have one layer that is sitting on top of another layer. if I move this whole group and I use my command bracket left you can see I put it behind that other group right now we can't really see it because if its blend mode I'm going to put that back there's a couple special things that 3d layers can do that 2d layers can't do. let's go ahead and rename this group area one. and we're going to go ahead and shut that off. We're going to create just a couple circle shapes I'm going to go on to shift alt option to make a perfect circle and we're going to just color this circle a little bit. and I'm going to duplicate that circle and we're going to make this one a little bit lighter and we're going to go into its properties and we're going to scale it down and one last one. In our group here, we're going to also name this area 2. we're going to call this top mid and bottom so now we have our area 1 and our area 2. you'll notice that my area 2 is obviously sitting on top of my AV ultra tutorials, so let's talk about 3d layer space if I go to my specific layer stacks here you'll notice that I have this little icon. and this little icon will actually change them between a 2d or 3d layer. let's go ahead and click on both of these and you can see that this has changed our icons in our group settings that's also changed our type from 3d to 2d. so effectively that's what hitting this button is doing. Now that we have these in a 3d space let's go to our position and now in our position we have an XY and Z. so if I wanted to, I can kind of push this further back in space it doesn't look like it's doing very much other than just scaling and moving behind our text layer. let's add a couple things to our scene to make things a little bit more easier to work with. If we go to our add objects and we add a light we'll have something interesting happening. you'll notice that right away everything gets shaded and the reason for that is because our light can only affect 3d layers. so if I turn off this layer and this layer you can see our background isn't affected by this light because it's a two-dimensional object. but our text is absolutely affected by this light and so is our area 2. if we take this light and we select it you'll notice that we have an X and y and this little blue arrow is pointing straight at us that is our Z. if I move this to the left or to the right you can see it works exactly like you imagine a light bulb to work in fact this is a point light and we'll be talking about lights further in another lesson. so I'm going to go ahead and turn that off for right now one other thing that we can do with 3d layers is add a camera what camera will let us move through this virtual three-dimensional space if I selected my camera you'll notice a few things pop up on my screen I have this new window here that says active camera and I have this control over here it gives me a pan and orbit in a dolly if I click any one of these actually moving around this three-dimensional space and we can see a little bit more clearly what's happening here so if I pull to the side you can see here is my area one and here's my area two so let's go ahead and take this area two because I want to be animating this camera a little bit later I'm going to undo that and just go back flat what I want to do is I want to change my perspective here so I want to get out of my active camera so if I go to front back left right top and bottom you can see that we're viewing our canvas in a different way what I tend to do is I like to go into perspective and move around that way here you can clearly see our camera and what it's focusing on and our different layers so if I'm moving around here I'm not affecting the camera right now I'm just moving around the space so I can see what the camera is going to be looking at and if I turn my light back on we can see a little bit more clearly where that light is shining so if I take this light and I move this behind my text you'll notice that even though my text was white the light source is now technically behind it let's go ahead and build this a little bit further so I'm going to turn off my lights right now just so we're not distracted by everything else that's happening with our darkness and our light and mixing those things together and we're going to go to our area too and I'm going to go ahead and change the properties of this group and I'm going to rotate this negative 90 degrees so now what we've done is we've created this kind of plate for everything to sit on and I want to work with this a little bit further so I'm going to turn off my area 1 and we really just want to focus on this area here so if I open up my area - we've got our bottom or top in our middle and I'm going to take my middle I'm just going to move this up in the Z coordinates just about 10 pixels and I'm going to do the same thing with the top except I'm going to move this up 20 pixels so if I use my camera controls here and I kind of zoom in what we can see is we've stacked these different layers one on top of the other now I want to add a drop zone to this area so I'm going to go to my area - I'm going to go to add object and and right now it's just placed as flat along with everything else again and it's XY and z coordinates so I'm going to scale this down and I'm going to use our 3d gizmo which is down here and you'll notice that now that we have things in 3d space we've got this XY and Z as well as these three dots and these three dots let us rotate our object in three-dimensional space and when we're working with 3d objects like this you'll notice in this bottom right corner here our active camera and that's what our camera is seeing right now can be a little hard to rotate these items and get them exactly the way you want so if I hold on to shift as I start rotating them it locks them to 45-degree angles I was just a little beyond 0 degrees I'm just going to change that to 90 and I'm going to use this gizmo here to move this up and we're going to scale it down just a little bit further you'll notice in my scene it looks like I'm hanging off the edge here but when I'm working with my active camera view it doesn't necessarily look like that how can I tell what exactly is true and what exactly is happening because we're looking at 3d layer spaces in a two-dimensional scene on this canvas can be really hard to tell as far as perspectives we go to our top right corner we have our different views and if I kept this view you'll notice now that I have my perspective view and I have my right I can change this to a perspective as well and I can kind of rearrange this so I can see exactly how I want to position my items and it makes things a little bit easier when I'm working with them to be able to tell exactly where my items are in space I'm going to turn that light back on just to take a look at the scene I can see what's happening that's good right now I like a little bit of the shading in fact I'm going to go ahead and add something to my drop zone right away and so I've added just a little video to my drop zone and I'm going to change my view back to one view and we're going to reset our view to fit one more group that I want to add to this and that is going to be our floor so I'm going to go to my generators my image generators and we're going to go to radians and by default it gives us this blue gradient that's not necessarily what I want now we've got a floor for different layers and I'm going to drop it down just a wee bit so it's underneath all my different areas so we've got our background we've got our floor we've got our area one and our area two so let's start moving this in 3d space and giving it that reflection and that camera movement if you remember from my very first Apple motion tutorial if we went down to our 3d layer turned on our reflection it created this really nice instant reflection for whatever is above it in its own space I can open up my reflection tab we can blur that out a little bit and even add a bit of a fall-off so that creates a really nice soft blended reflection and I'm going to work with it reflects them a little bit more and actually apply that to my different circles so if I go to my bottom I'm going to turn the reflection you can see that's very harsh we're going to just turn up that blur and same with this reflection lure it out just a little bit less and then our top and really blur that as well so let's turn off our area too and turn on our area one and you can see there's our text and you'll notice that it's being cut off by our floor and that's not necessarily what I want so I'm going to take my area one move things in X & Y Z space and just move that and you'll notice that my camera is now in cut off because my floors right there and that's okay because I'm going to take my camera and move my active camera and we are going to can this up and right away we've got some really nice reflection going on our background is really nice and soft let's go ahead and start moving these in 3d space so if I turn on my area - you'll notice that it's sitting right there it's a little hard to see what's happening so I'm going to turn on my two views I'm going to change this to a top view and this is going to let me see everything so here's my area 1 and here's my area 2 I'm going to take my area to turn on my 3d gizmo and we're just going to push this back in space now we can see that that is scooting further back in fact I'm going to put it all the way over here we're going to rotate the whole group so our first text layer is right here and our second one is right here so I'm going to go back to my stereo one and I want to turn on that light and you'll notice that when I turn on that light everything else goes dark and the reason for that is because as soon as you have a single light source in your scene it's going to use that as its light as opposed to the ambient light that you would normally have if you didn't have a light in your scene it's just showing you what everything looks like but as soon as you add a light everything else can go a bit darker just like before I'm going to move this guy up I'm going to move him a little closer to me so we get a nice little shading it's great as you can see the reflection of that light right there I'm going to duplicate that light and I'm actually going to set it up over here and we're going to move this secondary light to our area - I want to be able to jump to our area - and see exactly what that looks like so what I can do is once I have things in a 3d layer space you'll notice that I have this little icon and this lets me focus just on that area or that specific layer to work with it so if I click this it is now showing me area to an only area - I'm going to move that light copy into area - just so I can work with it and I'm going to scoot this down just see what this looks like maybe I want this lit from the top a little bit more and a little bit pulled back all right and change it to a single screen now that we've got our layer set up and we've got our 3d space set up let's actually work with this camera I'm going to go ahead and close everything else just so that way they're just going to work with my camera layer here in my camera layer you'll notice that if I go under my properties I have my position x y&z my rotation XY and Z if I move my camera using my tools that's effectively changing my transformations in my inspector so if I wanted to I can actually set a keyframe and move forward and kind of hunt down that other layer and now if I play that back it's already not exactly what I was looking for so if I move this back here and we kind of twirl this around I've got to push and pull these keyframes quite a bit to get them to do what I want them to do and there's nothing wrong with using keyframes however it can get a little tedious especially when you're working in a 3d space so luckily for us we have some camera behaviors so if I go to my library and I go to my behaviors and I go to my camera you'll notice that I have dolly focus framing sweet zoom in and now and Zuma layer for our purposes today we're just going to be looking at the framing and the dolly as well as a sweep I'm going to drag this dolly onto my camera and you'll notice that it is taking up the entire length of my composition and that's fine actually I want that I usually put on a little dolly like this for a lot of my videos and if I go under my behavior inspector you'll notice that I have a distance and I have a speed by oldest back my dolly here as I believe this back it is going to be moving approximately a thousand 64 pixels by the time it reaches the end of the composition I don't want that that far so I'm going to just pull this in just a bit and instead of constant I like to use ease both and the reason for that is because it gives it that weight that it slowly kind of moves out speeds up a little bit and then it slows back down the second behavior that we're going to add is our framing and this is probably one of my favorite behaviors because it's instant gratification so I'm going to drag my framing into my camera and I don't want to take up the whole composition I just want it to go to about 60 frames and I don't want it to start right away I wanted to start at frame 30 and if I play this back nothing is happening and that's fine because we have to actually work with our behavior so if I click on my framing and I go to my inspector it's asking for a target and I'm going to drag my area to into this framing behavior so if I click and I drag this and I drop that on there now if I play this back you'll see that it's moving from one right to the other but it's not working exactly the way I want it's still framing it it's framing it actually perfectly you can see that it's hitting the very top and the very bottom of area 2 it's looking at it from the z+ axes and that's not what I want so if I come to my target face in my behavior you'll notice that I can specify different places for it to look on our purposes right here we're going to be looking at the bottom why it's still framing up that that's looking great however it's a it's not exactly where I want it to be I want to fine-tune this a little bit and that's what we have our framing offset for so if I take my framing offset I can twirl this down and I can actually work with this in the X and the y to get this a little bit more closer to what I'm looking for and maybe I want this a bit closer and now if I play this back we can see it is moving from my first area straight to my second area we have a few other things that we want to do to kind of clean things up maybe I want this dolly to end right around here so that's going to be creating that movement throughout but also you'll notice that we have this hard line back here if I go under my camera properties you'll notice that we have our near fade and our far fade so I can always hit my our plane here and drag this back and work with this just to soften out that background so I've adjusted this far plane pulled that back and I'm working the same way with this near fade and this far fade I pulled too far back with my far fade everything is faded out and that's not necessarily what I want it just want to create this nice gradiation back here the last behavior that we're going to look at here is our sweet and our sweet behavior creates this nice movement from point A to point B much like our framing but in a different manner so if I come back to my library we're going to go ahead and put our sweep on here and you'll notice that it says rotates a camera around an axis I'm gonna place that sweep right here and we don't want that taking up the whole thing so I can just select it and hit o and that will trim it out and I don't want it to start until the camera starts moving so we'll hit I and now you'll notice that it's kind of moving across there again not exactly what I want so I'm going to go to my inspector and you'll see that it starts at 0 degrees ends at 30 and we can set our speed so I'm going to ease both and instead of swiveling on the y axis I want to actually tilt this on the X and instead of 30 degrees we want maybe negative 15 and now you can see I might have to go back to my framing and adjust that a little bit more but now we've created a very complex camera movement in three-dimensional space with reflections and some lights if you're looking for more information about lights and cameras feel free to leave me a comment I want to do a lot more with lights and cameras because I feel like that's really powerful in Apple motion in our next lesson we're going to be taking a look at exports and getting things out of Apple motion so things with transparencies for lower thirds things that you want to edit very quickly or things for the web so we're just going to be taking a quick look at how to export things properly and maybe how to speed up some renders again my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra. Thanks a lot for watching and as always I hope you found this information useful
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 30,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AV ULTRA, Stanislaw Robert Luberda, Post Production, Apple Motion, Motion 5, Motion graphics, Mograph, VFX teacher, Professional Training, 3d layers, motion 3d, apple motion3d, apple motion 3d tutorial, 3d layers in motion, tutorial, motion, motion training 3d layers, apple motion professional training series, apple motion tutorial, apple motion 3d text, apple motion 3d tracking, apple motion 3d
Id: kzgwE8FW5SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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