Using SIZE PORTALS For MEGA Pranks In Minecraft!

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get ready to see minecraft portals like you've never seen before these are size portals on one side you're completely normal but go through and you could be giant or even small and if you master these portals you can find some hilarious ways to use them just like me and since i'm a master at this i decided to see what my friends would do if they saw their minecraft world grow big or small around them will they discover my secret portal let's find out oh and be sure to leave a little like and a big subscribe thanks all right let's get this done all right more potatoes why did i decide to go eat stay outside stay outside i don't need you anymore okay okay okay fine fine but um hey do you do you have any gold that i can have uh no i don't have any gold you can have look can you see i'm busy oh sorry hang on ew potatoes it doesn't matter you don't need potatoes but you know what i do need more gold and more gold oh my god you're destroying okay you know what fine fine you know what if you're so happy destroying my potatoes uh i'll make you even happier i i will take you to the gold dimension what the one with the gold dimension that exists yeah i'm gonna build you your portal to the gold dimension do you want to see it it's really cool it is incredible i wanna i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see i wanna see you wanna see all right don't worry don't worry i've got this one let me it is the best dimension ever trust me you're going to i i believe you the gold dimension obviously it's going to be the best okay all right let me put uh maybe right here all right i only have one shot to build this all right this is total look you're going to love this ian it's the best i'm excited keep making this there we go like this and then uh let's see dirt no you know where this is i'm getting attention let me just get rid of this let me get rid of that okay perfect all right ready ready wait is there more gold than what you used to make this no no no no no watch watch this all right i'm going to activate this using potatoes i'm gonna throw it through ready three on three oh this is amazing such big gold right big gains huh oh big gold gains i'm gonna mine this all and get all the gold do you need help do you realize how big this guy wait wait a minute some something's different what's different why are you oh why are you in that sword so big you're in the gold dimension things are so big in the gold dimension right hang on what since when did the gold dimension look like your house um you know i'm not entirely sure no i'll help you out there i gotta escape gotta escape why am i small am i small is this world big doggy take me take uh a ride ride away for safety doggy doggy doggy doesn't like me move little put this here legs going on over here what what is this [Applause] gold portal to gold dimension oh i better hide this for me and he's gonna he's gonna get so much gold out of this so i better i thought he'd just start working on myself here he goes hi pierre just just hi apple i did you know there's a gold dimensional this service is ridiculous pierce pierce literally did you fall for the gold dimension thing what do you mean foul it's a gold dimension oh you're yes why are you so big oh okay why are you going to no you're big i'm the same size i always was i'm sure of it although this grass is pretty big i'll admit seeing things from a new perspective are you uh actually i think wait wait wait i am small huh wait is this how you usually see the world no i'm gonna go because ben's for that burn really quick be right back okay see ya [Laughter] oh you're so big how are you bigger than we were before well almost up on you now bye pierce what now as you guys can see these are my portals that can change anything in size i wonder what other things i can do with them let's go find out let's see pierce pierce what is he up to hmm if i can let his sheep go okay angelica and pedro and mozzarella and everybody else coming in all right it's time for you guys to go out and graze the old trail all right but you got to be back home by 7 30 p.m i'll be keeping an eye out you know me you know me oh don't give me that are you letting your sheep go pierce whoa oh hey about no no no no no i'm letting them graze a little bit you know just get a little bit beyond the yeah stretch the old sheet muscles if you will okay there's true where's this here what what what [Music] do you have any gold that i can have oh no why because i mean if you see my house i am not a man of beans i can't just be heading up like gold to any old uh top dick and larry i'll be right back guys don't worry about it [Applause] [Music] we're having a badly discussion about wealth all right all right let's see uh you guys i'm gonna leave you guys right here guys what are you gonna do with all your gold huh yeah important to work over here i actually set up a portal this portal right here there we go [Music] well then if you don't have any gold how can you afford the sheep i grow them myself sir through the sweat of my brow you grow them well they're not doing much growing right now okay well they're big enough they're working on it and i have a chance to share them yet you know they got some toy fine i mean i mean sure you got one big sheep there the rest of them still have final ways to go also wait wait how did where did another one come from oh they fought they're finally starting to grow into their full adult form see hang on that's not how sheep grow they don't get that big no no i'm pretty sure that's how big they grow i haven't had one oh i got another one okay but no no i don't think you realize this isn't natural sheep aren't supposed to get this big they're colossal but if they're not supposed to get this big then oh god what is happening there's what did you do i don't know what did you do you do anything i just wanted to be gold by sheep for perfectly normal size until you came over wait a minute wait a minute pierce why pierce think about this think about it what if we shear the giant sheep and then sell it for gold how much we could get i'm sure we could get a lot out of it but like i i don't know i don't know this seems like a pretty dangerous plugin i don't know i mean i mean i'm just such a good [Music] you know just use a pair of shears hold on before you go around murdering all of my new genuinely powerful sheep i feel like i need to at least get one of them back come on come on sir come on come on with me okay i have a new plan this is weird this is definitely weird what what's your what's your big brain plan my big brain plan is to uh big brain these sheep what here's the plan if we blow up the giant sheep it'll give us even more wool right blown up now that's out all right what are you doing [Music] at least you don't have a giant chicken oh wait why evie guys i guess that chicken the sheep break was fun oh too bad they got rid of all the sheep but you know what it's fine because piercing sheep were just spread everywhere and oh wait there's actually a big one over there all right so i got plenty of other things for more uh you know lovely pranks with my friends but let me grab some diamonds because i think i can do something oh yeah doesn't that spell [Music] where's your hiding spot where is your hiding spot ian where where did you go from where did you go ian are you die okay you stopped so focused on getting that giant sheep corral then why and how could you shoot pierce's sheep you know it's fine i didn't it's fine i'm fine ian all right so look why did you take my diamonds i know you ian and i know that you know that i know that you would take my diamonds just so you could use them against me so you can get my gold that's a great idea why didn't i think of that oh my god i mean uh uh jesse you'll never know it's listen listen i'm sorry uh you you'll let me go right fine but you know what i you have to go like play in the field for a little bit how about that yes i uh i will go help pierce with his uh with this giant chorale how about that you know yeah you know what you could do that i think that you'd be great at that okay all right so see ian right there okay finally got the second big sheep this is the last one though we can't we gotta make this one count back but if you look over there giant arrows yeah yeah i'm helping you right wait a second why why are there giant arrows falling from the sky i don't know but i'm gonna take you down first hang on hang on everyone stop everyone step back nope this is mine back oh oh i feel i i don't know ian i think that would actually be perfect compensation for my two lost giant sheep what do you mean what is that what is i don't know things get a little bit weird here i mean first they're a giant sheep now they're a giant oh that's a very big figure so look up don't look up that's really big what else i could do oh giant gold and giant tnt okay i got there i got the silverfish i feel like we need to step away from the sea and i think this is only going to get us into a lot of trouble here i want it i want it i want it i want it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i know i knew this was bad oh oh oh oh no no no i need carrots i need carrots please don't kill me before i could get them guys what are you doing with the summer fish what happened i'm stuck in my house there's giant silverfish oh no i only had someone who could help you have no fear i'm on my way it's probably not a silver fish i'm coming i'm trying to fight the silverfish over here with my little arrows yeah i don't know where these giant errors are coming from oh there's another one i wonder if i could chop these zeroes down oh there's so many of them why where are they coming from i feel like i've been hit by a truck okay so now i have to find out who took my diamonds who could it be i mean hi bobby no no no no yes you okay do you need help i i think i got it to be baby no there's a lot of them oh no oh okay okay okay uh they'll never follow me through here okay well he's fine wait maybe pierce took my diamonds hmm you know what i better go check pierce's house okay all right let's see um oh there's some more zombies over there wow nice uh wait a minute those look like really big zombies oh those are big oh my god did they go to the portal in the back of my house oh no oh no oh no this isn't good this isn't good um let's see uh i have ender pearls [Music] who left giant zombies in front of my house and i'm coming oh gosh there's so many giant zombies okay how are we going to get away from these zombies out the alarm wait the what the portal dimension that's been on your house right here whoa look at that okay okay but like why on my house because it's just fire okay we're trying to save everybody oh no these zombies okay okay [Music] i'm gonna help you don't worry i got you i got you i got you all right let's see i'm gonna head over there uh i'm gonna play hello [Music] oh i think it's working this oh [Music] my house it's okay everyone's having a rough day your house is blowing up i didn't get any gold for everyone yeah someone took my diamonds oh who appears your gold is not the same as the crater that was once my house okay well you know boys boys how about this how about this you both seem to be super super tense so how about i treat no i'm not how about i treat you guys to a spa day uh i like to spa also yes pierce needs to calm down he's getting i am gold okay okay there's a free hot tub inside this bar this is my spot welcome stop it um are you guys ready to go inside fine yes yes thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good it's the biggest one you've ever seen this is just a little shack yeah it seems pretty tidy i don't know if i'm gonna get really relaxed here unless it's like one of those like steam saunas that'd be kind of nice that's because you don't believe and let your mind expand to the spot of intent you ready watch this the spot the bet it's so warm [Music] what's going on here she's so good i can't wait to share my vegetable soup with everything yes [Applause] cheese in there are you making some soup yeah i'm making vegetable soup do you want some um you know what yeah oh i think you got some bugs in there though bugs not in my soup are you kidding me this is all organic uh mac i really think you need to take a look you may you may want to break that cake wait a second i think we got a problem look there's peace i don't like this spot anymore hey i don't like the spider yeah i'm silver fish what my business i'm just gonna go back over here roasted carrots roasted potatoes all right see you back ow ow ow ow wait wait don't leave oh this isn't good this isn't good somebody stole my diamonds i don't know what to do about this [Music] oh hey do you have my diamonds are you ready to confess no no no no no no no no no this is more important than diamonds i don't have your diamonds look that's not important mac tell her what's going on what's happening uh we don't know where pierce is we haven't seen him anywhere i mean last time i saw him he had a bunch of creeper eggs and he was thinking about how he's gonna yeah you know he's he's been really weird and stressed out did he say that he was going to level the playing field oh he did say that i thought it was kind of weird because you know we don't really have a playing field yeah but but what teeny sports here another level pierce pierce deputy die just make them what was that about here to the sky those are big creepers oh hey hey guys hi hi hi don't you dare don't you dare what are you doing i just uh i just found this hole and i found out that if you drop creeper tanks into it it will uh pierce you were the one who destroyed our world i just wanted to enjoy my nice day with sheep and all of a sudden everybody had to wrote it with these name portals so i just gotta keep putting them in you can't stop it there's more creepers [Applause] [Laughter] wait a minute that gives me an idea get rid of giant creepers we need giant warriors back creepers oh no deer how about even bigger than before oh my gosh i am amazing i've got this it's okay i guess we do need giant warriors i will become a giant warrior whoa whoa whoa that's so cool all right creepers where are you wow this is so cool have you guys been playing with this all day oh no she's big again all right i'm just gonna fix up your house a little bit remodel you know just a little bitty wait wait wait wait what we're gonna light this tnt to the golden and whoa wait a minute well you know if it is gonna go to the gold dimension maybe we can
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,616,994
Rating: 4.8598766 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau size portals, immersive portals mod, aphmau funny moments, aphmau portals funny, aphmau family friendly, aphmau portals, minecraft mod 1.16, minecraft portal, aphmau portal, aphmau pranks her friends, minecraft pranks, Minecraft portal, playing portal in minecraft, minecraft portal gun, minecraft portal aphmau, minecraft portal pranks, minecraft portal mod, funny minecraft pranks, minecraft no swears
Id: ATn2tutWnGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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