Aphmau Sick | MyStreet Lover's Lane [S3 Ep.19 Minecraft Roleplay]

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Hmmmm. [giggles] Hehehehehe! It's chore day for Aaron, but I am going to surprise him with the complete day off. [laughs] It'll be the perfect day for him! [POOF CLEAN] [POOF CLEAN] [POOF CLEAN] [POOF CLEAN] [POOF CLEAN] [POOF CLEAN] Niiice! Huh? Uhhhhhh, It's only 7:15 A.M? Uhhhhh That means I only have 45 minutes till Aaron wakes up! Uhhhhhh, how can I make this day even more perfect for him!? mmmmmmm Ah! I know! (sing song voice) Breakfast in bed! (Celestia)*Ruff Ruff Ruff* *Meow* Hey, don't think I forgot about you guys too! Here! *Mario sounds Mushroom sounds* (Celestia) *Ruff Ruff Ruff*i (Eli) *Meow* (Eli)*Longer Meow* [creepy giggle] [cute giggle] Now time to wake him up. With my most angelic voice! [giggles again] (Aphmau) HEY LOSER WAKE YOUR FACE UP! (Aaron) OOOAH! YOUR SUCH A-! Brat??? Heheh~ SURPRISE! You- made this for me? Yup! Aw, babe, this is so sweet! You didn't have too! No! I insist! Honestly today, I wanted to spend with you instead of you having to do chores and stuff. That's disgustingly romantic. I know. I'd say I love you now but that would be WAY to sweet. As sweet as your smile? We don't have any mouths. You're ruining the moment! (Aaron) Ahhaha (Aaron) But really, this is awesome! (Aaron) Thank you! (Aphmau) Eeheheh (Aphmau)*Breathes in Loudly* Your welcome! Now- (Aphmau) I want the day to be perfect for you and I! (Aphmau) So sit back, relax and- (Aphmau) ahaha (Aphmau) Ahh (Aphmau) AHHCHOO! (Aaron) Bless you! (Aphmau) Whoo! Thank you! ~Aphmau Sniffs~ (Aphmau)Sorry something must of gotten into my- ~Aphmau Sneezes~ (Aaron) Are you okay? (Aphmau) uhh? Yeah, sorry oh I'm sorry, hay fever must just be really- [Oh no, why didn't you tell me that??] *Aphmau Breathes in loudly* ~Aphmau Sneezes~ ~Aphmau Sneezes~ ~Aphmau Sneezes~ *Aphmau Faints* (Aaron) Aph! ~Aphmau Groans~ Aph, you're burning up. Uuuh, Are you saying that I am hot? NO! I mean, uh, your sick! Nooooo, I can't be sick! Today is perfecttt. Aha, Lets get you some rest. *Winey Voice* Noooooooooooo At least eat your pancakes first! (Aaron) Uh, you just sneezed all over them..... (Aphmau) No, no I didn't. Jus, jus, jus give 'em a try! (Aaron) Mmm nom nom nom (Aaron) Oh they were delicious! (Aphmau Weakly) Yaaaaaay! (Travis) DANTE! LOOK! FREE PANCAKES! (Dante) Aw Travis! Thats gross! Those have been on the ground! We can't film that for our vid! (Travis) *Silly Voice* Awwwwwww I am just hungrys... I'll make you some pancakes when we get home! We'll cure your hungrys *Random Nosies* Fine. *Singer Breathes in* *(This will all be sung by the singer)* (Singer) Wearing light shoes Walking down the shore Diving head first down to the ocean floor You got brown eyes reflect fireflies *Song fades out* 101. Aph, you're burning up, No!! You need rest today! But I have so much to do! And *sniff* and then there's today, was supposed to be perfect! (Aaron) Today IS perfect. (Aaron) For resting. (Aphmau) But... (Aphmau) But (Aaron) No buts. (Aaron) I am taking care of you today. (Aphmau) But today is your day off and I wanted to make sure of that! (Aaron) I'm fine! (Aaron) Besides I am spending today taking care of you! (Aaron) I'm happy I can! Uhuhh Stop being so nice! *Groans* Theres no need to be shy about it. But.... Im not at my full power. Did you really just say that? Aaron You are the only one who can..... save..... the planet.... Okay Aph you are delusional right now Ive.... been defeated... All I wanted was to be the best. Alright babe, I'm going to leave you here to sleep Its bad enough that your trying to act like a defeated animè hero *Breathes in loudly* Its worse that i have to see you do it Aaron... don't... let me... sleep. Get some rest. I love ya. *Kiss Noise* (Aphmau) Aaron...... (Aphmau) No.... I can't.... its true.... he is real super saiyan legend *Groans* *Falls Asleep* *Snores* (Garroth) Laurance!! (Zane) *Groans* Here we go again. (Garroth) Laurance? (Garroth) Laurance? (Laurance) What?! (Garroth) *Mad* You put your red shirt in my laundry! (Laurance) No I didn't. (Garroth) You obviously did! Look my shirt is red! That's Pink. (Garroth) What ever its red because i'm seeing red right now! (Garroth) All my clothes are red. (Zane) You mean pink? (Garroth) Those were expensive clothes! (Laurance) Well maybe you should have sorted through your laundry before you washed it! (Garroth) I did! (Garroth) But what i want to know is how your shirts got in there! Like I said I have no idea. (Garroth) You have a nasty habit of just throwing your clothes around in the laundry room! (Laurance) Well you have a nasty habit of not cleaning the kitchen! *Groans* Im going outside. *Leaves* (Garroth) well you have a nasty habit of not doing the dishes! (Laurance) Ae you're right it's totally not because I'm always the one cooking SO THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS WASH THE PLATES! (Zane's Thoughts) *scoffs* Those to fight like an old married couple. (Zane's Thoughts) I really need to save up for my own place. (Zane's Thoughts) *Sighs In Head* Well.... (Zane's Thoughts) Might as well see what Aph is up to today. *'Pen Pineapple Apple Pen' Starts Playing* *Groans* Hello? Is this Death calling to put me outta my misery? Well I'm not Death, but I'm the next best thing. Aph. Are.... You okay? You sound off. Oh it's just you Zane for a second there, I thought it was the Reaper. What?! *Coughs* *inhales* I'm really sick. YOU'RE SICK?! *Sniffs* Yeaaa IS AARON THERE WITH YOU?! No he's downstairs letting me rest because... HOLD ON APHMAU DAD IS ON THE WAY! Zane? Zaaane? Uhhh, your not my dad. *Sneezes* *Groans* Lets see, just a little bit of broth and... *Door Bell* Hmmm Who could that be? (Aaron) Zane? (Aaron) What are you doing here? (Zane) NO TIME WHERE IS SHE!? Aph? She's sick, so you really shouldn't be- WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING CARE OF HER?! YOU SHOULD BE AT HER BEDSIDE! DON'T WORRY APH I'M COMING! (Aaron) *Whisper Yelling* Zane, She need her rest! (Zane) APH?! (Zane) Are you okay?! (Aphmau) Zane, i am fine.... *Aphmau Sneezes* (Zane) we need to take her to the hospital! (Aaron) Zane... (Aaron) She's fine. (Aaron) She just needs to sleep for now. (Zane) WHAT IF SHE DIES?! (Aphmau) NooooOooooo She's not going to die Zane. She's just got a fever (Aphmau) I'm cold i'll get you another blanket (Zane) I GOT THIS! (Zane) There. *Aphmau Sneezes* (Zane) Its getting worse. (Zane) We need to take her to the hospital, NOW! (Aphmau) Am i gonna die? (Aaron) Aph no you're not. (Aaron) Zane! (Aaron) Can I see you downstairs? (Zane) To call the ambulamce? (Zane) Perfect. (Zane) He right back Aphmau. (Aaron) Zane (Aaron) Aphmau is really out of it right now (Aaron) She's very delusional for her fever (Aaron) Making her scared, isn't gonna help her get the rest she needs. (Zane) Then what else can we do?! [no freaking puns] (Zane) I need to help! (Aaron) I'm making her soup right now, so- (Zane) Soup! (Zane) I'll go get some! (Aaron) *Whispers* ZANE! (Aaron) MMMMMM! well... at least... That'll keep him busy. Back to what I was doing. *'Pen Pineapple Apple Pen' Starts Playing* *Groans* *Music continues* *Wakes up* Hello? Hija! Hey I wanted to let you know girl, i got tickets to see Beyonce in concert! *Sniff* That's great mom Hija? What's wrong? I heard that sniffle, Wha- are you crying? Did that boy leave you? Oh praise Irene No mom I'm still with Aaron Aww Mom? I'm sick and YOUR SICK?! SAY NO MORE IM ON MY WAY! *Sniff* Mom hold on, I got another call. *Sniff* Hello? (Gene) Aphmau? (Gene) Hey wanted to see if you- *Sneezes* Are you sick? *Sniffs?* Yes. (Gene) Does this mean we have work tomorrow? Are you a sick? (Gene) Yes. Then you don't have to come in. I gotta go Gene, I'm tired. (Gene) See ya *Gene Chuckles* *Gene Groans* (Gene) Now i feel bad, (Gene) Might as well go see her. Ugh This recipe is a lot more complicated than i thought. *Door Bell* UGH! Now what? (Sylvana) YOU DID THIS! (Sylvana) HIJA, I'M COMING! (Aaron) *Very Annoyed* Not again (Sylvana) Here you go hija, (Sylvana) I brought you a Poopsi! *Aaron Groans* (Aaron) How is that... (Aaron) Going to help her? (Sylvana) She always had a Poopsi when she was sick. (Sylvana) That's what i used to give her. (Sylvana) It's an old remedy (Aaron) *Annoyed* It's a soda. (Sylvana) Hija, do you want to spend the night at mommy's house? (Sylvana) I'll read you a bedtime story No mom, I'm a big girl. (Aaron) Sylvana please (Aaron) I can take care of her. *Sylvana's MOMster Noise* *Aaron Groans* I like a story mommy. (Sylvana) You would?! (Sylvana) Oh my! (Sylvana) Of course! Hang on i need to get my story book! (Aaron) She just (Aaron) Needs some rest! *Aaron Groans* (Laurance) We came as soon as we heard. (Garroth) Zane told us you were sick Aphmau. (Aaron) Seriously? (Aphmau) Am i going to die doctor? (Laurance) Let me take a look. (Laurance) I'm sorry, (Laurance) but she's gone, *Aaron laughs hysterically* Has everyone Gone mad today?! You need to operate on her Doctor. (Laurance) ANNND CUT! (Laurance) Did you get that Garroth? (Garroth) I sure did. (Aaron) What are you guys doing? (Garroth) Laurance and i are making a YouTube video (Garroth) On random things we do. (Laurance) Yeah, Dante and Travis are doing the same same thing to so were have a little competition between ourselves. (Aaron) NOW ISN'T THE TIME! (Aaron) Aphmau is really sick *Aphmau Coughs* *Aphmau Weezes* *Aphmau Groans (Garroth) Wait she is? (laurance) Haaaa-I'm sorry, we didn't think it was that bad. (laurance) Aph, are you okay? *Aphmau Groans* (Aaron) JUST GET OUT! [door slams] *Aaron Groans* Now, I'm not- *Door Bell* *Aaron Groans* WHAT! NOW! (Gene) Hey Aaron I heard Aph was sick. Well that was rude. I am not answering this door no matter what! I'm just going to finish making the soup and let her rest! *Mad* JEEZ! (Sylvana) *Sing Song Voice* I got the book! (Zane) I GOT THE SOUP! (Gene)I'm just here for moral support! (laurance) I'M A DOCTOR (Aaron) WHY?! *Indistinct Chatter* *Aphmau Makes Weird Noises* (Sylvana) My poor baby! (Aaron) Alright that's it! (Aaron) I've had it up to here, with everyone trying to take care of Aph! (Aaron) I'm sure you all mean well, (Aaron) But she needs her rest right now! (Aaron) She isn't going to get any better if you all keep her up. (Aaron) I know you want to help (Aaron) And i appreciate that, but... *Aphmau Sneezes* (Aaron) Bless you. (Aaron) by the way everyone (Aaron) She could be contagious (Zane) HA! Impossible. (Zane) My scarf wa- (Zane) Weh- (Zane) Heh *Zane Sneezes* (Aaron) You were saying? Ha! Serves you ri- *Gene Sneezes* (Sylvana) Oh right, I forgot that can happen. (Sylvana) Well Aphmau here is you story book (Sylvana) Mommies gonna get going *Sylvana Sneezes* (Garroth) Oh No (Laurance) Don't worry Garroth we're dressed as doctors we can't ge- (laurance) eh *Laurance Sneezes* *Garroth Sneezes* *Aaron Growls* (Aaron) Great. (Aaron) Aph? Wake up. (Aphmau) Huh? (Aaron) I've got you some soup. (Aphmau) Thank you Aaron (Aaron) How are you feeling? Better with some rest But I had this crazy dream There were a lot a people in our house and they wanted to take care of me but then but then They all Turned into bees an stung you. *Aaron Laughs* *Whispers* Sounds about right. Thank you Aaron, for taking care of me. I'm sorry if I caused you any problems. I was no problem. Now here Eat your soup and get some more rest. *Aphmau Giggles* (Aphmau) I will. (Aphmau) Still... (Aphmau) Bees. (Aphmau) kehehe... (Aphmau) Can you imagine? (Aaron) Yes! (Aaron) Yes I can. *Yelling* Eric! I need Poopsi! Coming right up! *Zane Sniffs* (Zane) I don't understand why he had to have Gene here (Laurance) Because I'm to sick to care *Garroth Makes Weird Noises* (Garroth) Me too. (Gene) I'm to sick to walk home. *Zane Groans* (Zane) I'm to sick to argue. (Laurance) Garroth turn on Netflix. (Garroth) But the remote is so far! (Laurance) We're doomed. (Laurance) DOOMED!!! *Zanes Sneezes* Aphmau is Telling to check out Shirts to her maid cafe Aphmau thanking you for support Configured by Herobrine The Chosen One
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,913,886
Rating: 4.897439 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, aphmau, aph, no swearing, no cursing, diaries, minecraft diaries, garroth, zane, app, minecraft roleplay
Id: TQkigs2vaLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2016
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