Helping My Friends as a DOCTOR In Minecraft!

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my friends are sick on our minecraft servers so it's up to me to become a doctor to help them out my job is to make sure everyone is safe and healthy from sick players to broken bones and even broken hearts it's time for their checkup taking care of my friends is so much fun and even better when i can heal them what is it like to be a minecraft doctor let's find out also i'm going to give you a prescription to subscribe to my channel because it'd be greatly appreciated thank you i am a doctor today and these are adorable patients they're my little dolls of course of my friends because i love them and i am taking care of them with some tea because their tummies are hurting look at that my little doll erin you got your tea and your tummy feels better zane doll's got your tea you're looking all good and in oh where's your tea oh i'm so sorry you know what how about you go pick out the best tea for yourself all right here i'm gonna pick you up there you go over here and uh here i'm gonna put you by the tea thing all right yeah you grab some tea i'm gonna go ahead and just be over here you'd be good okay he's gonna get his tv should be oh oh he got the exploding jasmine he is so lucky oh i'm so jealous where there you second let me back this up what are you doing in the emergency i'm a doctor all right what do you need what do you need i got it what yes what up here yes he's fighting off zombies he needs your help right now darn it i'm a doctor not a monster fighter okay oh wait you know what i am a watson there he is [Music] a little bit stuck down here anybody here's don't worry we got a doctor [Music] oh my goodness okay you know i'll take care of this with my medical arrows i got your pierced don't worry i hope you're okay down there okay let's come over here hopefully he's okay he's almost like he's oh right hey zombies go away go away all right perfect perfect all right oh my goodness there [Applause] oh no it's just pierced oh really really annoying thank you thanks for the help bud can you use that sword a little bit sooner than now this is a clear case of zombification exactly what that is i know cause i'm a doctor i didn't notice thanks no problem just chop his arm up what why chad we have to say the last brains on the server i was depending us against zombies i mean i've never really had a brain before so i don't know what that what that tastes like so i don't even know what to look okay don't worry peter i can have your arm fixed up in no time i'm just going to need a hand please fix this my god here here here look a little bit let me let me let me let me help you out all right here just goes over there here uh come over here up here somebody has to get you on the operating table there we go on the operating cable please that's not an operating table it's just a furnace that's like oh just get out of the way don't worry i have everything that you need oh look you made a little space for me thank you all right so uh let's get a band-aid let's get your arm all right we're gonna put the band-aid in your arm together all right ready here we go and uh no it's not gonna hurt just hold still okay there you go look at that see arm back so bad okay cool all right all right no just still a zombie though all right you will still kind of feel pretty zombie like kind of want your brains a little bit just all right let me let me hear you with the zombie from the sword ready hold still here we go let's hope this works okay that wasn't so bad all right all right now let's get back up there because i got to take you guys back let's go let's go how i can't believe you became a zombie okay that was dangerous you gotta you gotta be more careful oh i'm sorry i didn't realize that becoming a zombie was a dangerous thing at least i didn't get surrounded by chickens chicken tacos and all that you know my goodness oh you know what i should make you some chicken noodle stew oh that sounds pretty good yeah it'll keep the chicken pox away from the chickens okay half mel i'll be right back thank you thank you thank you thank you okay all right that's my medical thing pierce pierce pierce what first off first off you don't get chicken pox that easy okay wait no you you absolutely get from chickens that's what mama told me no i'm a doctor pierce i know that you get chicken box a different way it's contagious all right yeah contagious when you pick it up for the chickens that's what mama told me that is not true yes it is no it's not yes it is no it's not yes it is i'm a doctor right here yes it is my mom says she's a doctor and she says yeah pierce i am a doctor i know my doctor stuff and i'm giving you evidence that not oh how did this happen i was hanging out with my chickens you see and then [Laughter] you're not right this is not that that's impossible this is not the chickenpox noise what i need you to stand in front of my x-rays come on it looks like oh axe right open the door no i can't open the door i'm carrying i don't know what an x-ray is there you there you go i don't have to get a shot right this is the x-ray machine all right i need a doctor does it hurt no it does not hurt come on let's get out of here only one person at a time let's go oh whoa am i going through this doctor don't worry i got this pierced all right okay you better because i'm not a doctor these are my world famous x-rays and this is what a human looks like so i remember what it is so up here i've taken x-rays yeah i know that's what we're looking like inside i know crazy right hold on wait noise x-ray is coming through what is this okay what is this it looks like one of the guys with the arrows the bows and what all what this is noise x-ray oh wait that's not an x-ray that's a chicken i know that no no piss what this is his bones this means that noi was bitten by a rare chicken i don't know what that means that sounds scary [Applause] look i just became a zombie i i'm out of here i don't i don't want thanks pierce yeah white bears come here why no okay fine play this has no idea no that's not noi that's a chicken you silly goose became aware of chicken no you can talk you don't have to be a chicken oh you're right i can't still talk is he remembering i'm a chicken now he almost remembered the chicken oh no oh what is it like because i don't have to get a shot i don't care what you do [Music] for the chicken noodle soup and so i you know what this chick is perfect wait what [Music] that was me didn't drop chicken because that was no way perfect i could make the chicken noodle soup now no you can't okay you know what no i just respawned i'm gonna put you i'll fix you don't worry where are you i think i think the case is solved there is nobody the doctor says chicken i have some medicine i have somebody get in the bath there we go here we go yes all right and let me see two steps of the way there let me grab some bath bomb and it's gonna go in there uh wait there's no noodles in this box for one second put that in there and that should be good uh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] but you know oh yeah so you know what um i know you didn't want a shot earlier but the the chicken pocket shot so um wow you're actually looking pretty good yeah that picks you right up yeah see and the shot wasn't so crazy after all now was it no not too bad why do people say shots are so bad anyway because because yeah yeah you know we don't work for yourself scary looking yeah we get a lollipop later all right now i know [Applause] can i get chicken pox again so i can get two lollipops no two lollipops once per lifetime i'm gonna get bit by a zombie again yeah well i think i can relax now for a little bit i've cheered someone of being a zombie and fix their arm and cured someone from being aware chicken and their chicken pox so i think i've done some good doctoring for the day that i can finally relax and doctor's work is never done come on let's go don't worry i'm coming person i'll get up coming don't worry i'm almost there don't worry she might never lost the patient oh no i've lost the patient good job doc you really nailed that one anybody gonna help me out here oh my god no there you go i saved you are you okay oh okay i'll be fine i've got a bit of a poo poo but i mean i oh i'm fine i'm fine you know what are you a hundred percent okay all right it is my job as your doctor to make sure you're fine all right do you want to lie down on the grass and the dirt grass yeah okay okay i was just driving safely i was just driving around here and then all of a sudden this this rock came out of nowhere it just like rammed into me and then all that it's a tree it's not a rock well the rock caused me to crash into the trees what i'm saying you know i was just just saying all right how many how many fingers am i holding up how many fingers do i have [Music] zero you don't have fingers this is minecraft well if i had fingers how many would i be holding up i i don't know what good job oh yeah you're doing pretty good all right okay i think you're doing pretty good pierce maybe she's gonna lie down here a little bit i'm just gonna lie down you know what i always keep somebody just in hand just in case for one of these occasions so just gotta get stop jumping on that oh my goodness i told you no more jumping on that bed i why one was the knife all right that's it you know what i'm i'll walk you through my hair on my phone all right why am i flying now you're not flying pierce i'm taking care of you i'm super proud now i swear here there you go boy on the bed lie down boring fun hospital bed there you're safe jumping at amusement park it's gonna have the best turkey leg bro this is why we don't jump on the bed pierce all right you get some rest you'll be fine you just need to sleep for a little bit and i'll keep a monitor on you all right kylie says some cotton candy oh my goodness i'm gonna go find some more people all right pierce you just lie down okay okay there we go the guys have been getting all hurt but kawaii she has not all right i am so proud of her she's so beautiful and responsible i just i can't believe she's just the greatest [Music] [Music] and when he left [Music] oh my god he doesn't like me anymore no no no no no no no you don't need him girl if he can't overanalyze every single emotion into his text you don't need that in your life okay you know what i was not expecting this she's suffering from a broken heart the one thing a doctor is going to have the hardest time curing kauai chan i'm prescribing you a besties day out all right we're going to have the best time okay you and me we're gonna go cure some people okay we're gonna go find some people who may need some help okay all right cheer up you got this question come up with noise this will be your first shot don't worry ah are you okay oh my goodness sorry i thought you were cured yeah i was feeling much better but then i was working on my farm and it just started making me [Music] true oh my gosh sorry sorry question try to do something all right i'm gonna i'm gonna let you take it okay okay [Music] [Music] sorry she's laughing laughter is the best medicine for a broken heart that's right are you feeling better now question i am home i feel better yeah no crying right but i did somehow make you finally realize that you don't need to worry about zayn i mean kawaii chan after all you know it's all about you you don't need no zayn in your life kawaii channel right this just shows that laughter is the best medicine that's all you need what the hey kawaii all right wanna go for a ride come on wait what are you talking about no no come on smell your load around that's right uh okay yeah all right you know what you get a shot all right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop no shots no shots no more shots no more shots no more shots i don't want to be curious okay all right so i'm back kind of just being patient with my patients because i'm gonna have some tea and just relax because now i'm done taking care of everybody in the server i broke up i fixed a broken heart i fixed the chicken pox i fixed everything you know what i am so relaxing right now nothing will possibly ruin this okay from minecarts are you guys dumb dude i know how this was oh my god all right fine i'm a doctor all right i fix people i don't fix the dumb all right so watch look this is how you do it okay okay there you go whoa you're okay okay well that wasn't so bad oh thank you the day has been saved and you can't get out of here wait what no i'm stuck oh no you're not push shift and you will be fine oh that's ridiculous that never works and there you go done i solved the problem hey that's why you're the doc doc i swear you guys are a little uh you guys have a bad case of the dumb because i i don't know how to cure that i mean with a shot maybe but that's not good oh my gosh hold on i got you but uh okay this is a problem huh you know what it's fine guys i got this yeah then come here come help me out here just a little no that's not gonna work either huh that's quicksand [Music] hey feel like another miracle today you know what you know what now's the perfect time to approach you about uh basically um well your bills first off so uh let's look at that so we can no no no we can set you up with a payment plan that'll be fine yeah i think i'll just take the quick stand the sweet embrace of [Music] you'll figure out how to do it soon okay all right i've definitely tried to find out i'll make a cake with you afterwards i got your beers i gotcha i got you watching ugh thanks doctor what's up to pay the bills though guys i'll see you later you have a great one okay okay oh
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 14,302,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft doctor pranks, pranking my friends as a doctor in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, doctor pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a doctor in minecraft, pranking my friends as doctor, pranking my friends as doctor aphmau, doctor pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: -e_YZ9L4O2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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