AoE2 - The Most Annoying Strategy?

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alright guys welcome to another epic classic game and this one accident have a date for I'm guessing this is over ten years old but again just a guess just add some flavor to the cast I'm gonna say it's ten years old um these players I also don't know and I don't know what their skill level was either but this this indicates a very different skill level building a barracks right away um in the blue we have a szczepan matza pans playing as the Persians then in the red playing as the Vikings is Gib Murr Punk tey I might just call these guys red and blue but stick around this is a continental matchup from a long time ago and apparently this is a good one so let's quickly introduce the maps that the players have we have blue as main goal behind his TC which is going to be in a good position for other goals around as well by close up this board could be a little bit annoying I'm struggling to figure out what he's actually gonna do at the moment because he's actually building a militia at this point now this is on standard resources so he's gonna need wood for lumber camp he doesn't have that yet he's just on sheep this is new this is very new um but unique and that's what we want to see on these classic games a red has his town center here he is his main goal behind stone there as well you can see the scouts are now fighting boots gonna run away maybe try and steal these sheep no it's not gonna do that I'm more stone over here there's a boar for red does he have any forward bores because the militia are going to be coming in oh the bores back there's well this is going to be up pain-in-the-butt red to get food once he's out of sheep if the militia find his food but Continental just quickly normally action doesn't start so early ah the water is going to be important if you can find deep fish so you can see blue dock this back corner a red has a much better dock in his back corner so normally what you want to do is find water and fish but there's no way red is expecting this he hasn't scouted the guys base you don't do this I've actually never seen this and I've casted hundreds of games I've watched thousands of hours so this is what right can see by the way and blue found is for Soho umm yeah very interesting Persians again for last second yet Persians for blue and then we have Vikings for red but very odd right is going for dock in the back so you can tell these guys obviously blues doing something different but you can tell that red is experienced but now he sees the trust over here next to his boy he's got to be confused I am confused as well as other boards back here is not going to be easy he does have loom he's already trying to palisade wall off now I had to hand it to blue he still doesn't have a lumber camp he's been collecting straggler trees and his Ville count is not bad he's only down one villager in comparison he's forcing these Palisades from red as well and red still hasn't collected his boars the Scout form as apat needs to run he is running and no garrison from red which is weird but maybe his economies hit so much from all this I mean he is just long in this wood this is so different guys I love it okay so the militia are gonna help out in the Scout fight and red could lose the Scout will lose scout unbelievable so I don't know what you guys are thinking this far but I don't know what to think now the fish going to be extremely important for red if he can't find his boards or his other board he's getting one now then the fishing ship will help him out but he's not gonna be able to get this one unless he goes with ADD rush he is no scout there's two militia just camping on its board I'd be so pissed off I can't believe there's no chat here I would be so pissed off they said good luck have fun and have fun in the beginning so Mazza pan didn't give him good luck but I'd be so pissed if someone was doing this to me you need that boar for early food income the sheep's almost gone for red blue still messy over here he doesn't have a lumber camp yet he didn't even Scout that boar but I think he will if he goes for lumber camp there he may know it's there as well because the boar will move around sometimes look at this build order this should not work but sometimes when you're expecting the meta when you're expecting something you know you've seen time and time again it just catches you off guard and okay blue has his militia here Red's coming out to collect this boar and out there go the militia oh my gosh he's gonna shoot the boar as well which means his villager is probably gonna die well there's sexy two evils coming out this is smart this is really smart can the militia block the board the board's been blocked red is gonna have to try again is he gonna try again he's sending the full HP villager oh dude this is not gonna end well for you that villagers might kill the scalp not even could go down so soon Red's gonna have a messy eco he's gonna be out of sheep blue ten minutes in gonna have a lumber camp up so well done there for him he does know the boar is there he hasn't gone for it he's going full wood and again no dock or anything in the back for him so he's definitely still behind but this is different but the the problem for blue is he's going around a food income once he runs out of the the forage bush he hasn't gone for that boar yet no villagers underneath his TCS who's TCS pretty much useless here red going out for a lumber camp red has plenty of fish back here to take and red despite not having that boar and struggling with this villager seems to be in a better position cook up to the futile agent you might want to consider archers then but even scouts would work honestly you definitely want to go archers with these sips Appu just finding sheep going out here to collect the Sheep now I think he's running forward red is on his way the futile age blue is running forward oh he's he's Persians he's gonna Persian douching he's gonna Persian douching so okay fun fact Persians have 4,800 HP on their town centers other sips have 2400 so if 2 TC is are right next to one another and they're firing in a TC war Persians have the advantage oh man this is getting underneath my skin because this is a ballsy move and I would be so annoyed if this happened to me but the TC can go right here and luckily red will probably hit the feudal age but there's nothing you can do about this he doesn't have any villages in this TC blues going full Yolo guys this is one of the most Yolo games I've ever seen like you know like let's not even worry about playing normal let's just do whatever we want to do so if Fred doesn't have any daughters in this TC he can't send any more in this TC is too close this TC will go down where's red got a place at Town Center next he's gonna have to save the wood Wow now this strategy shouldn't work blue as 16 idle villagers out of his 29 right now doesn't have fishing ships red has 27 working bills and 11 fishing ships so there's the feudal age upgrade for red again nothing in the chat which is really disappointing I wanted to see some salt in the chat perfect decision from red just delete that TC and now build this one now um if you're wondering how blue got his up originally you got his CC up because he deleted his back at home and is he gonna do this again I easy scouting he's trying to figure out what's going on he's like okay red is placing a town center here he does have the wood he does have the stone as well he's gonna delete the tons let her go for another douche oh man and this would be a perfect spot to if he wins because he's right on top of the gold in the stone but he is in the Town Center's range this is different guys this is this is different he should be able to get this up believe it or not he has weak villagers here but he should be able to get this up red not gonna be able to stop it he's not gonna be able to collect wood on this side gold stone anything you like and now we have a TC war um one good thing for red is that he has a house here so every once in a while this TC is going to default and try and attack the closest thing which is the house but Red's not even trying to win this fight wow he's just giving up and running the light yeah again maybe not an awful decision because he could delete his Town Center again and just place it elsewhere but he places it out here he's not gonna have any wood blue is forever in the dark age at this point red has 16 fishing ships he has plenty of food coming in he's gonna want another town center of course because this one he's just leaving to die but where will he go he's trying to scout and he's like yeah not the best spot for Town Center he's going for a market he wants to castle age hopefully doesn't cook up with this town center he has the food he can sell some of that food and some of that wood to get to the castle age but he needs to choose a new town center a blue has 131 food oh he has docked back here stream cheating obviously and maybe he will have good income to to get to the feudal age eventually in this game but this is unique unique New York unique New York a militia coming across from Naza pan so he's gonna probably continue to drush if you know what movie that's from then well done you have good taste that town sin is gonna go down for red I don't know why he hasn't deleted it yet maybe he just wants a couple more villagers he's just gonna collect the gold and get the castle I guess I still feel like you should have build a TC because now he doesn't have the wood for a town center to pick up two castles this is a delay how now brown cow yeah you got it man how now brown cow but this is a crazy game this is so different red still in a good position though he doesn't have a town center and blue is just gonna try and collect wood over here because now these villagers are gonna be working again a roach is saying he shouldn't blue shouldn't win but red has made some bad decisions so far maybe he will panic too much well that's the idea the Persian douches to make your opponent panic to be honest I think red made the wise choice the leading is TC and building another one he's still in a commanding lead but he needs to somehow make his way into open spaces and he's doing that now boy I think his one bad decision is I'm not going for the TC because now he is resources to click the castle but he doesn't have a TC to do that he's placed two lumber camps that's an all Palumbo camp by the way which might indicate panic so he just needs to get to the castle age Blues is collecting resources blue still in the dark age 21 minutes in the one struggle for red if he wants to find open space is going to be in the middle of this map and there's nothing there for him except wood the only other gold and stone II can access besides of where he's at is going to be back at Blues old base which would just be hilarious but what red did I mean this has still been very good from red what he has done here has been wise he has plenty of resources plenty of fish why blue is gonna cook up to the castle eight soon eat arts art funeral age he needs a castle age upgrade well it was probably going to trust him blue is attacking what villagers at the moment so Fred needs a Town Center man blue is just the worst type of player I was at a town centre going up all right finally Reds going for that town center so he's gonna have gold unless this gets rushed red will not have any stone left to build counter towers his stone is being mined by blue and the other stones over here so this is not going to happen he's gonna have to buy some I assume he'll cook up the castle in a moment the Blue has 17 more villagers right now he also has eleven fishing ships so is this game closed while no red is final clicked up the castle and blue has not hit futile but he is definitely going to try and rush now what this blue no I knows there's no villagers over here anymore he knows that red was trying to take that stone oh wow this is actually smart if he gets galleys out and kills the fish that's a game changer you're gonna dock their mark it is he gonna fast castle right beneath this guy are you kidding me okay he knows there's wood collectors over here or Lumberjacks yeah gotta go with a watch tower which is expected from us I feel like he's trying to fast castle still if he gets a barracks up and uses the mark the bounce houses economy you could get to the castle eight yeah blacksmith market and here's a barracks from red these villagers are stranded over here meanwhile we actually have galleys from red this is really smart if red sits right next to the water's edge he might give him the stuff his villagers from running in so that's another good decision from red now what I would do if I'm ready I would go crossbow when I hit the castle age also build another town center why not I mean again this is pretty awkward because he's gonna he's gonna have to build tc's where there's a little gold and not a lot of flat land but blue is on its way to the castle eight guys and he has been collecting stone though not as much now looks like he's building galleys our bread is running his fishing ships right by those docks and he's going to run this corner so he's relocating his fish this is really smart he knows the importance of the fishing ships he knows the importance of water as well in these choke points and there's a stable so it looks like breads gonna go nights instead building a town center out here which is perfect right on that gold and you could use one more so rednecks Manning lead my opinion but wow look at the bill difference though there's a twenty bill weed for blue so I just don't know and it looks like red went down here to Blues fish and blues having to run them all away this is awful for blue what a weird game all right so two stable nights for red the problem with Persian douche is well there's many problems with it but the problem that blue has now is red knows where he is and blue is no way of defending himself because he's he's surrounded a red has expanded to other areas so he'll be fine for now he's going to kill some donors because they're not hopping into the tower peculiar game but red using his water advantage for sure the red team's have the advantage all round I just don't know what blue is gonna do with the Castle age upgrade he's collecting a lot of stone so let's think about this if he can somehow get a castle up here which I don't think he'll be able to do if he can get a castle up here he will deny two golds and the stables the tea see some of this water I mean that would be huge but he's gonna have to run this way that mean he is making camels this guy was built for the Yolo strategies he's on one TC he doesn't have fishing ships working or many of them I feel like that's what he needs to do then red would have gold down here but he hasn't oh yeah scouted it nice lumber camp I think blue is going with a castle when he gets a stone port what rating are these guys um back then does it say it I change the speed so many times I'm trying to show you uh yeah it didn't show it didn't show no it should have shown because they said good luck have fun probably that's just too long ago yeah this game is very old and obviously very different a blue sending a villagers forward can you repair this tower for a moment and kill some of these villagers oh man this is a mess Blue has villagers here red has filters here Knights coming out now camels are here from blue to clean up the Knights this tower is still up for now will it stay up blue might repair it nope not gonna happen [Music] red sending over the galleys he just needs to control this side blue still has ability blue actually has two score lead I don't know how that's possible probably units killed or scouting or something I mean this is just odd and now it was called pretty see back at home where he's completely safe so it was all to bait read into freaking out and to making these weird decisions that red has has been jebaited maybe into pre canal and wow we even have towers down here from blue and I did not see this but that's gonna do damage you see villagers forced to run to the right hand side I can't believe this game this is so weird the fishing count is actually in blues favor but he does have idle fish read lost a lot of his fishing ships but this is a perfect position to hold he can fish for days up here in fact if you can't build farms what you really can't because he doesn't have a lot of safe space he needs to hold on to the fish and that that would be what he'd want to do but blue no calm and collected just gonna build a town center close to where he had one originally when this game started Fred still behind in villagers he's struggling to get the food if blue would have sent his fires up fire ships in this direction that'd be perfect it was fishing ships quite a game here quite a game hope you guys are enjoying this one again I've never seen this before and Oh remember when red sent these villagers up here I can talk about that but I was thinking why would red send oh it was here but I think the problem is he needs wood but now these villagers are gonna go down and I think everyone except this guy will go down that was an awful decision for him he should have focused on this area and actually blue is going to continue to trust the wood so red is really having a wood problem he does have some gold here in some wood here but the towers continue and he is no defense and he can't defend because he doesn't have the resources then it's gonna be bad form I think his mistake was maybe Knights if he had crossbows crossbows could have done a lot more damage but maybe he didn't have the wood you know it's all down to resource management booooo going for another tower red does not have the food to make a knight and he's forced to run away again and it is going to get worse and worse if he's continuing to run villagers away idle them and build lumber camps wu has 18 more villagers three more fishing ships he has the main gold and the main stone from red and I am shocked I am shocked man um Red's finally sending out a knife but Knights coming over from blue now and all the walls around the stable this guy I don't think he's going to be able to stop the knight from coming out so he's gonna need to be careful but Knights are running down here and Red's gonna have to be very careful these are three nights I could kill all these villagers and oh I thought that was a tower I got real excited no not a tower on the water I don't know what you thought would have been to him anyway all these villagers running away this is I know it's weird to say this because you normally don't get map control with a Persian douche but this has been an excellent display of map awareness and any map control from blue because after the dew she's done everything right more nights coming in red is going to lose his Knights and probably all these villagers and look at the Ville difference now back over here blue is completely safe no problem here completely safe no problem [Music] war galleys not going to be good enough it lost far too many villagers and he will probably lose more as well and more Knights come in that night going down to the towers blue with a population difference now and this these are some Yolo plays and One Nights on full HP here as well so it's going to be devastating there has to be weak builders you imagined - oh man this hurts I feel so bad for red because he played it well in the beginning you know if it was any other map maybe if it wasn't a Highlands it would be much easier for him to deal with this but yeah this is disgusting and I'm a player this game I understand the frustration he hasn't given up hope but this is awful man blue is all over him and blue could go for a castle he has the stone for it and guess whose stone he collected well yeah that was Reds where will he place the castle again I think this would be a good spot deny that gold might be considering this area now because there's golden and would that Red's collecting a red has no safe economy at this point except his fish and the flu takes that out I think the game is his for sure well I feel bad for red but I'm also very impressed by blue the way this game started was so unique he went with the barracks like it was almost like deathmatch maybe you thought it was deathmatch or the barracks right away and these villages again running down to the shoreline to the protection the war galleys but there's not going to be many villas left and now we have a castle over here did he really send all these villagers from the tower just four villagers to build a castle here you ballsy man Japan and that just rhymes so it was meant to be I can't believe he's building a castle here normally you want a castle that covers a little bit more space but no casts is going to go up and the Reds gonna have to run away from me I mean the Knights are still coming over as well it's just a matter of time he can't even send villagers out of this town center on the right-hand side so these villagers well they can't run to the left either so they're completely screwed and blues just getting double bit ax which is the feudal age would upgrade but he's had other things on his mind I guess red has a larger military count that's a good point my friend but it's all on water and that military count is not much higher and these fire ships are blue if they get to the fish and they still haven't they get to the fish that's the only food economy at the moment for red I mean even these villagers idle because they can't collect anything except Shore fish there's no water gold here I don't know why he has an idol but maybe he just doesn't want to lose them to the Knights that are surrounding him what Rush tactic against you annoys you the most I'm pretty sure that subs can answer that with what a moat I have I don't even need to answer that question you'll find out in a second booming economy from a szczepan if you could call it that he's getting scale mail Armour the first upgrades for his Knights but he's living the dream right now so he can do whatever he wants yeah cape man knows cape man knows urban knows ultimate Joey knows tech knows you all know I will say I've gotten a lot better dealing with the trash in fact I'm pretty confident against it now but yeah that's definitely not my favorite strategy in the world Persian douche is on the trust level though it's maybe on another level all together because it just it causes messy games and I hate it I hate especially lose to it man the first time someone Persian douched me I was so confused like well hold on a second how is he building another Town Center hacker new cheater and of course I try a cheat I'm like lumberjack no it didn't work i dint get extra wood what is happening to me but red is screwed man he's screwed he can't collect this wood he just needs some resources there's towers here he probably should run out with these villagers and at least attack the towers oh stream is rip well that's great I definitely think um let's hope the stream comes back that stream will come back is it gonna come back I'll pause the game I should probably have paused it I'm gonna wait don't worry guys wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for word yeah you know what so I just heard my neighbor's car so they must have got home it let me know when you can all hear me again just refresh it I think we weathered the storm my neighbors just walked in their door like five ten minutes ago and naturally they're probably going to use internet right when they walk in the door so I wonder I mean that's that's pretty good evidence that I'm being throttled right it's back what lajiye should be fine now should be fine now I forgot it was a recording so I didn't pause for some of it but we're back um but yeah it's pretty good evidence that my knee I'm being throttled when my neighbor's walk in the door and then that happens let me exit that program is started to open and we'll restart the game now sorry about the complications I was what I was saying is that red is trying to collect wood and he cannot and we have a war elephant coming out from maza pan which is not metagame and what's he going to do raid the wood line yeah okay raiding the wood line with a war elephant and might even go for that TC kill what should be epic he's spending a TC over here at this point I don't think red come back oh he's even losing the fish and he says I guess no regain so maybe blue saying of course okay I just figured out what happened there blue is a savage and again the worst type of person the worst type of person when it comes to playing so I'll look again so red is asking for a read he wants to play this guy again and blue so he says I guess no REE and he's expecting blue to run off after this and blue says of course of course so um stream down again now it work we're here we're here just refresh just refresh come on guys refresh use your fingers to sit typing in the chat just click the refresh button on the the first time around sorry about that I'm just messing around with you I'm trying to make my complications less annoying but yeah that was a crazy game that was a crazy game indeed whoo doing something you've never seen before unless you've seen this game building two militia emitted into the game and somehow winning it in the end very unique very odd strategies you can see just red got massacred everywhere in this game even yeah that war elephant it was attacking the TC just what we wanted to see the legend of bloom as a pan exactly the legend of mazza pan indeed I mean as spectators we like to see personalities like that like you know this is literally the Ducie strategy you could do it's so douchey a drop in two different TCS on the guy at ours and oh it sucks as a player but as a spectator we can look back on this and laugh now and that's a classic game for a reason was this game pixiv dude I have no clue no clue this game is a years old I'm mad to know it's random Civ but I own a blue he had a plan a very weird plan and it wasn't a straight-line plan it was like a zig zag he got he got to the final goal in the end up there's unit skilled units lost yeah exactly that's the new meta game now we're going to see Viper Dow all these top players doing that strategy I'm sure as they're huge fans my stream we just dominated with map control there that's that's all was good old map control and he did a good job at that that was a great game up hopefully the dropped frames not cause too many issues for you guys if you're watching this on youtube check out the twitch stream below click follow and pay attention to schedule which is below my twitch stream as I like to see you here all right
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 1,067,348
Rating: 4.6276312 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, zeroempires, resonance22, bbqturkman, theviper, viper, theviperaoc, persians, vikings, funny, lol, AoE2
Id: n4DF099-DNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 26sec (2066 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2017
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