AoE2 Hidden Cup | Semifinal #2

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ok ladies and gentlemen here we are we have game number 1 in the second semi-final of the first Age of Empires hidden Cup in the blue we have hidden Cup number 3 we will call him blue he's playing as the Mayans and then in the red we have Berbers which Dave and I did not expect hidden Cup number 2 this is this is a player who was really good yesterday this is the guy who he thought was MBL Dave so he well him and I think he was playing against 10 they were both like that was by far the best set of the of the day yesterday yeah so if you're gonna go back and watch one set make sure you go back and watch that because that was ridiculous and Dave and I made the bold claim that this was MBL and MBL beat Viper and I rewatched it yesterday Dave and I started scratching my head like why did I say that because I can't know for sure it's so tough it is so tough to know oh guess we will know in a few hours right yeah and hidden Cup 3 set wasn't that bad either he remember on he tried to go Malay on yes like I think yeah he went he went Indians on Bedouins so that's why I think he was tattoo anyone as Indians on on Bedouins yep yep so I think if we do another hidden Cup and it's been successful so far we might give them actual names like like I don't know maybe we'll go with different flavours so there'd be a chocolate vanilla sherbert whatever whatever just something that'd be a little bit more memorable than just another I don't know I don't know exactly what the names would be but I think that it is slightly difficult to remember everything and so I might be getting confused with games but we also another idea was that we would reveal the players that lose but then it becomes very easy to guess who players are early on so I don't I'm not on board with that but we'll cross that road when we come to it later on there's been no laymen here at the start so perhaps there is no MBL here but he was coming forward to attempt it at least for a moment and now he's going back to his base Dave yeah the one thing that makes me doubt MBL I can't see them picking Berbers yeah yeah I think he'd Gomez oh I think you go with an eagle I don't know man I'm excited to find out I think that the finals would be sick but finding out who the players are after the finals will be just as sick and I am gonna bring in how what was that what was that sorry that's the only reason you're here yeah Dave told Dave we had to cast the games if you wanted to be here for the final part so I am gonna have so I've asked two pro players to stop by players that have played in the event to stop by at the end to give their thoughts on everything and to even guess along with us also the winner the way the winner will be revealed is he will just come into discord with us so I'm gonna have everything minimized I won't see the name we'll have to wait to hear the voice and then we will slowly reveal all the players when they're in here with us it'll be a lot of fun Mayans first Berbers Oh Dave we should probably talk about how this plays out what are your thoughts on the mine should do verse Berbers I mean it do you go archers into eventually plumes or plumed archers well might be the player I mean probably on maps - it all depends on the maps like nothing is really forward for either player well they both have pretty safe basis so I don't know if you can justify like a man in arms kind of push it's either Russian two archers or men-at-arms into archers for mines I think has you have to go into archers I think that the general key is you have to stop Berbers from getting to their knight spam and using that mobility Mayans are a slower civilization and Berbers they excel with their speedy units right it's just hard to get to them which is why meso sips normally are really successful because they can snowball quickly on you with forwards and towers and all that so Reds gone men-at-arms yeah seems like they think blue is gonna do the same seems like it as well so men and arms opening for red makes sense to cancel out the opening abandon arms from blue if it is indeed the choice I don't know what they're gonna hit here though like there maybe yeah it's not much exposed res for either player other than the berries for blue red space is really compact isn't it yeah really compact the berries can easily be walled in very close to the TC blue has a back Gold's I think the extra resources will be tough for players like red for example as the second and third gold on the left that's awkward and then blue has his second and third gold forward so that's probably gonna be the main focus of this game yeah blue already walling on the left side so he's basically secured his entire base now if he walls between the like the mill and the lumber camp or even the wood to his TC he should be yeah be fine against anything and wow the way this wood is structured on the Left Dave is one two three four five six Palisades and half his bases wall that's it's beautiful if he if he needs food to just drop a mil there take all this dear it's beautiful yeah and the stone as Mayans that's that's wonderful he had bugged berries last time so it's almost good yet bugged berries because now he has a wonderful map and he's watching the four soon to be man-at-arms from red coming across ah let's see that yeah he saw that and then he added a fourth militia of his own that's a smart decision and he's gonna play this defensive instead of going offensive so good for red but he needs to take advantage of this time and he has lots of hills on the front I don't know if he can wall up but he's milled the berries I like that I mean not the berries the deer I like that decision there's the range from blue so a few archers will be on the way but for now it's just about the man-at-arms and the scouts and red is tempted to kill this villagers trying to block it off and he's having a lot of hits though taking a lot of hits on his men-at-arms he lost him and an arm for that was it worth it his scout is gonna be stronger than the Eagle in this scenario but the Scout dies and blue we'll be down to two men in arms and that's pretty good for blue I'd say that's better for blue because he can pressure red right back he could have avoided losing that villager very easily you knew that was coming in he probably didn't expect his opponent would go for the Vil though because when red went for the Vil he then lost his army because he took those hits so possibly just expected it'd be a straight-up fight with units blue doesn't have the best scouting and the army he does have right now will not be able to hurt red all that much but Reds range is a bit late I noticed he added farms early of course yet at the mill Robo says t90 you still have team colors on oh well too late too late too late oh shoot I switched the colors well fix the next game Robo thank you for being helpful though so I guess who is blue is gonna mill the deer as well nice it's gonna be nice for you yeah well mines are certainly stronger here because they're going into their ideal unit comp which is the the archers whereas Berbers how do they get tonight's they they have to wait a while yeah and look at blue space now almost wall use oh so viper confirmed with a base like this right what the map hacks but as berries were bugged this is true this is true but it's a special kind of hacks cuz it was it was it was bugged so he could read he's accountable Micro really good Ville micro from red to save two of them yeah and to still kill a man in arm and that Eagle Scout is really weak he could trap these units in here and not lose a single villager on his woodland that's really well done man and that's also a benefit of Berbers we didn't think of the faster villagers I like it I like it a lot I don't like how pass if the walls are from red he could have easily walled a bit further out on the left he could easily be walling on the front it's weird how he's not but he is chasing blue back I do feel like this is good for blue though because you knows exactly what Reds going for he knows exactly where Red's army is more numbers a wolf is gonna snipe that Archer look at them always you could get both actually there's two old normal we're gonna get a double T 90 whoo dave is the one who's noticed oh there's another one down there I'm gonna let you take it away when it happens then unless that's how can i it's not gonna happen yeah the dream is dead the dream is dead oh wait the archers dead and now the wolves will be able to close in yeah I wonder if Blu will go after the wolves at all or maybe he'll go after the archers here yeah we make it wolves are gonna kill the minute now ah come on I'm no longer rooting for this blue player how dare you man how dare you have a heart let your guy die for us jeez so I don't think you go on stone here yet if your minds I think you got to stick with crossbows boomed archers will happen later on what is that wall from red he sees the gap he sees the gap why don't wallow the stone in oh right I wonder if this is a nervous wall he must assume there's some sort of army around well I guess blues our piece right there so it's a good thing he did wall there I like how blue is scouting scouting with the one HP minute arm knows where Reds army is now distracting that entire army with 1 HP yep well done really well done actually especially if he gets benefit from that you know this one palisade wall from red is only 21 percent all the way up and that's going forward oh god this is not good for him he could be really surprised it's good only if he can get some way to defend this but I think he might be forced into a tower if blue ends up getting crew yeah and he's only got one Archer range so the reinforcements aren't gonna be enough to deal with this yeah Mayans so good with her eco we could see two click up soon from red and I mean from blue rather and red is forward he sees the walls now and he's forced to come back I think he hurt the attack noise it's weird how blue didn't try and go in maybe he felt like he'd be trapped here blue hit the house by accident yeah but he's gonna get trapped in yes the skirmishers are coming back and that's kind of indecisive from him I would I would like to see him just go through that wall and try and kill as many bills as possible I know obviously he doesn't know what we know yeah he doesn't he also might he might try and hide in that little nook back there and then red goes past and he like sneaks out again I think at this point in red knows for sure I think red knows for sure that his opponent has not left this area but no nook hiding and this could be bad for blue who does have the advantage he'll be faster to castle age but it'll lose his military at this rate grey micro from ready he left his archers behind great stuff from him to find this and that's probably a bit of a Miss play from blue oh my god that's a big miss play yeah man lose all that for free this is called the hidden cup don't attack the houses hide back there come on now keep it secret keep it safe we don't have a secret player here obviously sorry guys see it like this is the problem with casting with you you don't even get the lauder references like I'll be a lot of references [ __ ] it makes it it makes it worse when you point out that I don't know a lot of references because then people didn't people that didn't realize that it was a lot of reference then then realized and then they they make fun of me afterwards I like I like red situation now man he can make those cheap nights he has tons of sperms and if you go for elites curve and Knights can beat these archers blue could be in trouble he should go for janitors good joke good joke you'll see all right well blue mixed in his own elite skirm so he has lead scrubs and crossbows and that actually makes it much better for red because Reds Knights will do more damage think red we'll have just enough time here to get a few nights but it's up to blue now to harass and such such a good position if he hadn't thrown away that army yeah short was unfortunate that he attacked his opponents house there and gave him the signal but he should have known that right he's gonna do the same thing again he's gonna trap himself in on a side Reds gonna loop around from the top side once he sees this okay it's gonna toss another army away well he could just run into the corner then and he'll have reinforcements coming out of three ranges but it's weird he's making a lot of skirm see much must not expect his opponent to make Knights because if he expected his opponent be going into Knights as heavily he wouldn't be making scurbs even making crossbows here we go I think red should keep the Knights at the back and loop around the topside with de skirmishers you think skirmish should go into the base or awhile around around it doesn't matter now cuz blue is just blue is go way too deep here man well just make the most of it at this point make the most of it kill as many bills as possible oh we got the gates we got the gates and the house walls that's gonna be enough man well played from red well freakin played he's gonna kill all this army look at this he's making sure this army will not be able to escape I love it I love it that's crazy dude that that was a Miss play by blue but you know he can still he could still come back from it because his face is so secure yeah we can you can kind of afford to toss away army like that but still yeah it's tough now though because to TCS are ready for red he's blue yeah he'll have a castle soon yeah red needs to branch out a little bit take advantage of this situation and blue has gone to that stone and he'll go for plumes but Dave he's on one TC and I think that's the problem you will fall behind in bills with this well he's making a second one at the back yeah okay and a third one now - Wow so he's gonna delay his castle even more just stick with skirmish and crossbows you saw red second TC and maybe he felt like he'd be pretty far behind in eco if he didn't add something now stop it chat my hats famine t90 farms these are good farms okay those are actually all so far awful farms he needs a mill he needs a mill their goodness Fred you have like four farms here which aren't even been taken from what happened there that's worse than me let's be honest that's worse than me oh boy but he is going for a third TC and he's on the front with his knights and he's going forward with this each workshop at blue is in big trouble here Dave that's a lot of nights with +2 I don't know if blue has enough crossbows here oh that's a lot of army from blue though you see takes about three shots from the crossbows to kill the Knights there's only three nights remaining what red needs to do is use his scrubs first across but I love the micro there from both players and for its each workshop from red and nothing coming out okay Maggie no coming out for blue now he built that siege workshop at the back really early yeah and just now making the first Maggie no I think this goes back to him expecting his opponent to go crossbows because you an elite skirm and he went for siege workshop and now red tossing away a lot of skirmishers and blue has enough stone for a castle now does he yeah there we go he's gonna force it down yeah good castle because it's more villagers brigs some Orville's oh there's one more villager coming he's also creating bills out of that TC a red sees the castles going up a nice microphone blue to trade versus scurbs it's too far oh there but here gonna light those wall in those fills right now oh god oh god people did say this could be doubt Reds micro is really good he can fight underneath his TC there's not a lot of bills in it Dave and the Magno from red oh my goodness thus Kermes are gonna take it though oh no it's a 1 hp 2 HP this castle is going to be denied this could be the game this could be the game what a play from red 75 population only 56 for blue it's over it's over it is over blue with a couple weird decisions first of all to go elite skirm this was after the fact he threw away archers in the north and Berbers proving to be the the good pick I guess it was also the gameplay he's building the castle dude I mean the Mackinaw is repaired now there's gonna be a battering ram coming more nights except the castles at 60% let's go oh oh he cares a bit too that's a hero ville this I mean this is exactly what delt would do honestly he would still try but it is a semi final of a big tournament look he's gonna go for sit down oh my god here we go it might go up but when it gets up it's gonna be on fire and the RAM could finish it off let's see oh God 80% red needs to attack the bills there we go it Reds all up and blues eco so I don't think this matters too much a 95% oh my god oh how did it come to this twenty bills and he just waited till it went up and then called the ggm that that's like when there's a couple of instances where that happens where you're on your way to imp and you know you're dead but you just wait for him to finish and then there's one where you know that you're gonna die but you want to finish the castle at least that I had to say sloppy from blue to give away his archers blue obviously didn't expect his opponent to go sperms and Knights which is a bit weird because elite scrim was complete waste for him but sick play from red to recognize where he needed the pressure that's each workshop looks brilliant now but it that's after the fact right so for him to prioritize those golds that early really big move from him also the quick walls on his base to ensure that he cleaned up his opponent was good though I will say just look at Red's eco a bit sloppy so he's obviously focusing a lot on that pressure at least I made a mil on those farms but I don't I think blue blue threw it at the window of crossbows and the bedrooms there was no read there was no reason to go in like that yeah he couldn't even see like he couldn't even see a wood line when he went in all I could see was a couple far and a bunch of walls behind him in front of them yeah don't do that man well 100 kills 100 kills for whoever hidden cup 2 is and not the best start for hidden cup 3 we're gonna move right through to game number 2 everybody we're getting close we're getting dangerously close to a new viewer record if we get 900 more viewers here today will break the channels viewer record thank you everybody for stopping by to be a part of this this has been crazy it's a pretty hype tournament dude I like it yeah it's been good I mean I'm biased obviously because it's my event but I think it's been pretty good and I think people have been enjoying it in the chat let's see where this goes so now I'll show you the map fool hidden cup three who was blue in the last game he gets to choose from any of those maps that will be his home map here and he cannot choose Mayans he lost with Mayans which is really rare for this tournament really rare to lose with Mayans so he cannot reuse that if he chooses a water map like Baltic it wouldn't surprise me we've seen a lot of that and it'd probably be an Italian war however if he's not a player that's comfortable on that he has other options there on the screen he picked Malloy yes he did you're right you're definitely right man and there's the prize pool split as well so getting to the semi-finals secures you some cash getting to the finals though secures you a whole lot more I think this series is going to be a bit closer Dave I really do but blue has to be wiser with his army cop Oh Robo says Mayans are eight wins four losses so far okay cool that's a lot of games though yeah Mayans are just a standard pick on the Saturn and and red saved it that's the wonderful thing he essentially saved it we do a vote on who you guys might think the players are we will reveal all these players here on the bracket after the final which be coming up after this semi final the final is scheduled to happen in two and a half hours so yeah hopefully that these games will last that long and there are the 12 players who are participating stop with the copypasta you'll get banned yep let's do this man let's get into the game oh we got a better winds pick men we got a better winds oh what a on again hidden cup three Indians again Wow it's Santa this this is a tell that it could beat a toe so I'm gonna bring this back to what I talked about yesterday I was playing in a tournament called the USA cup and there's a map called better wins what's this map in the tournament and I was gonna play and I said hey tato should I choose Chinese or should I choose Indians I also asked VIPRE I also asked some other Pro players and most pro players said Chinese is the best tattoo said no no no no no go Indians Indians is like a shore win on Veterans so he chose Indians here and the other player chose Chinese which is really interesting so they've chose different civilizations I'm excited for this Dave I'm excited for this it was a good bad ones game yesterday yeah Red's got a Reds got a pretty nice TC spot unfortunately for him the woods a bit awkward to take so he's gonna have to go out to the edge earlier yeah but tons of fish there yep is it possible that you could explain the map to these people here because a lot of people are probably wondering why on earth are these guys collecting shore fish so better wins you start like Nomad right you have enough res to build a TC but you don't start with one sure fish oh they're calling everyone I'll get to it yeah get back to it we have a restart from blue that possibly because he didn't like his TC location and honestly I like the restart because he doesn't have a ton of shore fish okay let's just go back we'll save our thoughts that way we don't sound like a broken record and that's the only restart that blue can use in this best-of-five semi-final wanna bet tatto told Locker to stream everyone's egg tattoos streaming I know sister laka he probably told her to stream just now tat-tat Oh sister is streaming right now that was happy thing to do yeah yeah definitely sounds like something tatah would do not tattoo alert he is streaming right now no guys I appreciate you detectives sherlock holmes's of the chat i appreciate it it's it's tattoos sister it's tat those sister streaming on a different pc also thank you as well chat but i did check for team colors they're still rolling with with red and blue so I checked that immediately when I got into the game I know it sounds like I'm a fool sometimes but I was on top of it ok so they stuck with red and blue so it still has the loot it still has to be Indians and Chinese so yeah when there's a restart you there's a new map Jen but you stick with the same civilizations you cannot change that you I don't know if there's many other players that would pick better ones as a home map we did have we had the one guy yesterday do it actually the winner of the last semi-final did it yesterday so hidden cup for the undefeated player he went with that was who I thought was fire and he played Chinese versus Indians yeah hmm I'm excited to find out who the players are alright ladies and gentlemen welcome to game number two in the hidden cup hidden cup is a tournament that has 12 pro players however we do not know who they are until after the event concludes and they do not know who they are playing against in the blue we have hidden cup 3 he is chosen Indians Indians is a really big pick here as most players would go with Chinese and then in the red we have hidden cup 2 and there's his TC Dave is gonna take it away and explain this map it's really different all right so you start Nomad start you have a villagers spaced around the map but no TC of enough res to drop a TC immediately what you want to do is drop it on the shore fish because that's the fastest collection method of food so you can get your villas pumping out pretty early eventually you will start going out to the wood line on the edge but they won't do that for a while and it's really re it's really fortunate that red saw the TC placement from yeah really early I don't think he likes how late his TC was and how far apart his bills were yep so both players understanding how important the TC locations are we've gotten the restarts out of the way so if they have a bad start in future games they cannot call re let's go back and we're really getting some practice in we're really getting some practice in guys when you have Chinese because you start with no food and basically you're forced to do loom which is like a villager and a half immediately when you put it up you want your TC to be up faster than your opponent and his TC was super slow that's why I called three chat I love you I love you I'm getting slightly triggered because I just said two minutes ago they're using red and blue okay team colors are off team colors are off okay everybody good team colors are off there's no yellow so no one has chosen yellow so if Viper is out there and he was out there he did not choose yellow you sound like a disappointed parent like I just said it man I just said it like twice to stop it but now I know everyone's trolling so it's fine he's already turned off he's already turned off thank you guys your record on the stream is 4697 I remember the exact numbers so maybe we'll reach that today we're not even at the final I'm just messing with you guys Thank You Joan 94 donated $5 he said say what you want player 3 is doubts ok so he thinks player 3 is doubt a demolition goat and the bloody nine thank you for the brand-new prime subs and Niva de no no never the is not the case ID is our it and rheticus thank you guys for the resub scape man thank you for what is essentially 2 years bro I'm gonna get to everyone else in between the games as you know the games that their priority here and I really not explaining better once again ok I can do it I can do it ok so you introduce the players then because that's the order man someone has to introduce and then someone has to explain alright this is game 2 read this this is game 2 yes we have hidden cup number two hidden cup number three hidden coot hidden cup number two is up by one game it's Indians and Chinese you can do this welcome everyone to Game two of us hold on wait a second but you didn't come restart welcome everyone to game 2 of our semi finals between him cup 2 and head cup 3 this will be played on Beda wins and these SIVs are Indians for hidden cup 3 and Chinese for hidden cup 2 so Tristan you want to tell us a little bit about the map and what makes it so different this just doesn't feel the same this just doesn't feel the same but yes your Dave I love to so this map the priority is Shore fish and fun fact of the day Indian villagers collecting shore fish is the fastest way to bring in food in Age of Empires 2 the second fastest is Mangal Hunt and then the third fastest is any other villager collecting shore fish so Indians have a cool little bonus where they collect the fish faster and they also carry more Chinese they start with more villagers so on a nomad start it's normally a good sieve and I'm really excited to see how Indians and Chinese face off because there's there's going to be a different approach now this is weird because this is normally where I would say stuff but it's on you we've ruined the whole order man but go ahead the thing that I noticed right now is and one of the benefits of having six villagers is you can find more sheep yeah having sheep on this map early gives you that extra scouting yeah red can figure out where the stones are where the golds are where the extra pawns are and most importantly where his enemy is sitting and blue doesn't have any sheep right now good point looks like he's he's sending his village road to house or to make houses to kind of like look for extra sheep yeah and and blue is the one who chose this as a home map he's the one who went for the Indians could be seen as a gamble for many if they don't find the Sheep if they get a bad TC spot I like Reds TC a lot better Dave he has two ponds with Shore fish right there he's also slightly closer to the edge of the map where you can collect woods safer blue I mean he has pawns to the back side but he's definitely looking for sheep and he's not going to find any nope and he can tell that red has a ton to look at the score yeah yeah also fun fact 10% of the map scouted equals 100 score hmm I will say that the last time we saw this blue player choose Indians on Bedouins see played really well so we there is that and all of these players should know how to handle these situations even if they're frustrating I think blue might be looking for like stone and gold this is see he doesn't see any good point he does have gold to the south dude this is this is why calling your REE can be risky if you have to make sure that you flat-out cannot play in the situation you call your restart because he has one goal than one stone that's it in this whole corner it's bad go up does he go up super early like earlier than usual make a few scouts just to explore yes yes I think you goes scouts if the players are bit closer together you see scouts and towers I don't know if we'll see that's how follow-up but I think going up to feudal faster here would like a play look it he's got two villagers wandering around this is like a nomad game he said yeah he's trying to find something and he's not gonna get over to those sheep oh he found one he found one but that's that's obviously not a lot compared Reds point of view guys look at that red has 50% of this map scouted he knows where his opponent is that's probably how he lost his sheep he probably sent it over to blue I think blue could still do it keep in mind that his Vil count is where it should be and his villagers I'll bring up the tech tree for you they work 15% faster and they carry +15 so they are gonna bring in food faster than Chinese VLEs can for sure and he sees he sees that stone so that must be a relief to him to know that there's a stone nearby he just needs a gold now yeah and honestly unless he is going for early tower stone isn't a huge priority for Indians until Imperial age for trebs so I don't think he'll be too worried about that where is red red if you get to to canoe in this matchup it's going to be good for you and Chinese generally we'll wall up more and boom more and look at these walls from red man is this fat slob or is this hidden company happy this is wrong he's gonna dress the legend of long I tricked you guys I gave Quang a spot and the hidden cupped ornament okay it's smart though it's what you have to do because Indians will advance faster to the next stage normally and blue has already clicked up 18 villagers yeah so I like it from red and he's far enough away where he should be able to safely pull this off he's walling in some gold wall though like if there's one hole and he gets a couple Scouts in there it's lighting me up way faster Daffy well no I guess reg is clicked 40 seconds players are a bit closer to each other than I thought as well look where blues baricza's just needs one unit to block the wall here it just sucks blue doesn't know where red is you know if he knew her red was he might consider sending a Vil mouth block the wall off so when he builds Scouts he could get through oh god he's making walls of his own oh geez all right but this is operable force against the movable object the problem is his walls are not protecting anything except the fish while the fish are good he's going to need that gold in the south that's the only gold he sees it's really unfortunate I think red will just time this yeah he's gonna get the walls up Dave he's gonna get the walls up he'll force him down once he sees blue and futile so what do you do here if you're blue you see the stone you're gonna see the walls so you think you dropped some towers and start pushing in I think so like if he scouts the entire wall system from red here like that's just so much exposed space you have to push it right the problem with walling like red has is it's very hard to wall behind so I mean there's plenty of examples here if Lou were to arrive with Scouts on this piece of wall then red would have to send a villager all that way to wall behind so the trick is is to build the Tower and then they have to build a second layer of wall ten to fifteen tiles back so let's see what blue responds with Jay sees the walls it might take him some time to decide on what to do oh god he's gonna see this and be like oh here we go I think I think it really matters how quickly he decides because if he waits red will be in fuel H well Reds already there red could be in Castle age then too so it seems like at the moment he's actually walled out his gold Dave and he's not going to tower push so he's gonna go to his gold if he feels secure in the fact that he's got his base mostly walled and he's got these Scouts to all figure out if Reds pushing forward as sheep the Sheep the Sheep form ed what's you going to see it's gonna see the gold wow that could be big man I wonder if red comes over here now the walls kind of forced him to go over there anyway nice stuff man nice stuff I think with his scouting and he has so much of it he'll know blue needs gold and I need to pressure there and and blue might go into a defensive tower there yeah Reds coming over with Spearman now blue needs to get that that wall down yeah that forced that down put a gate there you might put one now well there we go nice job from blue he's getting scale yeah you got scale barding on his Scouts red just kills the Sheep there it found his gold man he's not but uh but anyway blue gets the gold I wonder what reg responds to this will be I still think they can make a few Scouts and be in the castle age in no time with how fast the food comes in it's very important that blue got that wall up if he didn't get that wall up he couldn't defend because it was two Spears and three Scouts for his just three Scouts so well done so market for market for red dude blues making a lot of scouts he has four Scouts soon to be five in that stable on top of the three he already has and he got scale barding that's that's a lot when your opponent's fully walt Reds going for a castle drop red is going for a castle drop I think so already on stone oh wow he is on stone and he's going up he's gonna drop that castle right on that stone probably yeah which he could build it within his walls as well that'd be a perfect place very safe - yeah yeah see now now you see the tower from blue this is what I was talking about now for me this is way too late and he's getting forging I mean he needs to get through the walls and he's to kill a lot of ills that tower does stop a castle from coming down there though if he puts it up yeah but it's it's weird one villager doesn't see what's a lot of scouts oh my god I know that's what I'm saying man Reds probably happy to see this that Spears aren't happy to see it of course cuz they're dead but uh that's probably happy to see this well Reds gotta be careful he doesn't let these into early it's got a lot of exposed eco around his base and he'll Stonewall I like the decision to to use some stone here but imagine if there's a hole there is there not to the north no there's not imagine if blue would have built this tower immediately when he had fuel age this whole game would have played out a bit differently I think I mean I sound like mr. know-it-all over here I'd probably died both of them but just my thought and it's very easy when we're watching as a spectator of course okay so I I love Reds position where does he build that castle now Dave does he build it next to the stone walls or does he build it more towards where the scouts are now because that's fullness he built it in front of the gold I think right in front of that gate whoa interesting so it's like he wants to take his opponents stone maybe yeah I guess that's weird that's gonna have some ugly pathing I know like it's fine though I mean he has other goals in here his base is beautiful he has three other gold piles in here to take from and he immediately adds town centers and these Scouts from blue have done nothing guys they've done nothing except killed two spearmen which red wouldn't have even needed for this game oh man I thought the scouts were gonna get in we got two stone gates I'm this red player and it's up the blue now to really make a decision what do you do against this because you can't out boom the guy he's gonna have a big villain against you you can't really pressure against the walls it's almost as if red his plate is perfectly siege workshops for red though not sure about that one probably in defense maybe I think you should add a TC on the left or the scouts are just protect all the vulnerable areas of your base I love how blue is forcing red into more stone walls and houses that's good and he keeps splitting them up yep keep splitting up his scope keV if Chinese don't have their castle they don't do very well in this matchup so I think that maybe blue could consider going up to emphasis as possible and you can't go on a stone now but maybe go for chemistry bombard cannons hand cannons in the Imperial age or a long way off from that though we was already behind by eight villagers and his rezzed not looking fantastic you can only drop one TC Joey gets like calves like Kevin chain parting it's a weird upgrade when you can't get through the walls but we've seen was it him yesterday he went like keV yeah he went like Cathy yeah so he used them yesterday and he GG the guy you played against oh okay and does he add town centres behind this yes he adds a second TC so it will have a little bit more in the way of eco also keep in mind that blues villagers ten of them are fishermen which were much much faster than any other food source in the game so he has that going for him but Reds making shoe canoe seat workshop necessary for blue if he expects that you canoe so I like that move and possibly that's why red went for his own mat canals so they could have a bit of a Mac and L wore red is on three Town Center's I will be on three town centres has the castle securing him there's a bit of a gamble to go for better ones I think Dave cuz it has not worked out for blue so far ice dropping his third TC now on the gold I like it yeah I mean if he if he buys himself enough time he could get back into this it's just he can't really push red at all right now also it Blue has wheel barrel and I don't think red does so there is a difference there these Indian villagers can oftentimes be deceivingly fast you don't think they're much faster because once you know farms come out and everything it's less of a focus but trust me they're still bringing in that fish also have to consider the next available gold for blue way far away to the south yeah oh he hasn't even scouted that yes he sees he sees the one to the left yeah good point so bodkin arrow pikemen now i like the unit come from red he's going for two canoes and he's made a few Spears and he'll go pikemen because he knows the light cap could be a threat well done big investment though blue my ketchup and villas here yeah good point he's investing into pikemen but is that what he wants long-term or does he want the slate on his em time can he really push here like you think about the investment for blue to defend against this it's a couple Mangano's yeah investment for red to push with this is a lot yes a lot more well blue needs more Macan else he just has one and he's out here on this stone which is vulnerable that villager will die too the two canoes she's vulnerable and oh we have a forward monastery from red so he's going to push this with more pikes more to canoe more siege even has a battering ram so he wants to end this in castle age it's putting a lot of effort into this yes but he does know that blue doesn't have access to a lot of it here's the manga dolls from blue a couple good shots can change this entire game here the red wanted to take that out and wow look he backed up with the two cannon went in with the mag Annelle killed a villager this is this is really interesting now east you can do do these two canoe two manga Nels near these two canoe and like from red that's lit was really good he kills the Mackay no he doesn't even lose a Jupiter there or maybe he lost one epic split against two mangoes that is not easy to do wow what a play-doh cow in blues favor now yeah but red putting a lot of pressure down yeah it's all about the Manganiello traits i think red needs to go for another castle at some stage on the front here to solidify his position red might be thinking about going up soon yeah go up second castle on the front go for trebs GG it but he only has 400 food right now and these like ever looking to sneak in here to pick off the maggot else in the monks it'll be pretty important he's done a really nice job saving those and he's dropping a castle right there okay stropping a castle on that site but the outposts from red I'm pretty sure he Wow he God see that and here comes his army oh oh he immediately reacts to this the Lightcap need to buy blue a little bit more time Blue has a maganet on the other side of the berries to the north blue he needs to get his castle up one per one with the Magglio again not two games in a row man and then attack run from red there's no way that this castles going up Lucca Reds micro it is insane and again that attack round who is this man who is hidden cup - who is hidden cup - some insane trades from him bro some insane trades for him crazy that's got to be the game now red can build his own castle forward he can click up to em faster what a play what a play okay so this is we've been here before we have been you all owe that maggot OSHA my word the gee-gees called okay blue won't even try and get the castle up this time we have two games in a row in the second semi-final of hidden cup words hassle fells and there's one player who's known for that and his name is doubt is that enough to tell us who it is I think that could be anyone easily I'm impressed with red though like we were looking at blue and we're saying haha this guy really slipped up but that's not really know what happened both games both games forwards each workshop amazing Mac and El micro do you remember in Game one where that Mackinaw was on 2h a little bit of luck but better microphone him and here he had a few attack rounds and I'm still thinking because our prediction was MBL with those attack rounds could be MBL because I think he's one of the best players with Magga no micro in the game also could be literally anyone else but whatever you have to say hidden cup to is probably the best player I've seen in this tournament I agree I really really well and he's now up two games hidden cup three chose that math and now the leading player gets to choose what he wants to play on next there's the KD here's a quick look at the economy stats I need to ask the players to hold on because we're gonna do a poll on who the viewers on the stream who think these players are dominant described man they've got a two and a half minutes spectrally will be okay cool alright sweet well they can just start then as well all right guys so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to a poll mal and I'm going to allow everyone here watching the stream to vote on who you think the players are obviously it's very difficult to know for sure but we have hidden cap - we have hidden Cup three playing these games and well there's been a few doubt castles so so we're gonna start with hidden Cup three the player who had the castle mishap they're the player who's lost two games let me get the system up and running boom okay there should be it you can get your votes in the chat just by typing a number associated with each player so there's option 1 through 12 there this might be a landslide this might be a landslide vote some people still sticking with tatto though I like that because remember before the game we were thinking it was tatto at the end of the game everyone's thinking doubt okay okay while still 20 seconds for anyone else who wants to get involved and vote in the twitch chat thank you everybody for the brand-new subs today so many new subs as m69 mms thank you very much guys ml zk with 16 months he said jose out oh boy don't want to talk about that right now joke's on us man it's gonna come down to the final and all the sudden we're gonna be talking about or with Miguel intake speak I know and like everyone's gonna be like okay I know it's impossible to know it'll be funny it'll be funny the reveal will be more exciting than the games even all right guys so for hidden cup number two you can vote now so please type a number on who you think the winning player is people are still typing numbers I believe from the last poll so it might mix it up a little bit but lots of MBL votes coming in lots of MBL votes coming in we have the VIPRE because he's winning games okay that makes sense we have Leary we have doubt so this is a pretty closed poll here of course it doesn't mean anything but we can look back at this later on get your votes in everybody that chat is just crazy man the chat is crazy non-stop so MBL's winning this one but it's not a landslide victory is it 130 votes for him 80 some votes for vipre 70 some votes for Leary you have yo you have Miguel behind there slam even okay well thank you for the input everybody and perfect timing because we're going to be going into the next game so if it's MBL what map does he pick Dave I don't know uh he goes for like Ross maybe cross or goldrush maybe hmm okay I can't see him going for Baltic or land of lakes if he yeah if he goes for a water map I might change my pick on who it is good point Arabia this Arabia Mayans could be anybody again because Mayans is the shore pick on Arabian Ala days but he chose his home math as Arabia again could easily be MBL in the red we have hidden cup number two he's winning two nil right now he's been very dominant David I think he's been the best player in the tournament and then in the blue in the north we have Slavs for a player who needs three victories now to stay alive in this and move on to the finals what do you think of this laughs pick Dave I mean slaps are good on him any map basically at the moment not as good as Mayans but if you get to the point in Castle age where you're spamming out Knights and you can support like two or three stables and two or three TCS yeah same time they get pretty pretty dicey he's lucky he's got the deer so close to his TC as well he's already pushing in his second one and speaking of lucky look how close the sheep were to Reds TC normally it's a risk to go forward too lame early but when you find all your sheep that early this is heaven for Lions player he's going forward to Lane here comes MBL I mean hidden Cup to take that boar yeah well I love the deer push as you said Dave get that food boost I think Slavs can have an advantage here if they up to feudal on 20 population get up real quick before the maiden arms get there well I mean even like he knows his opponent his mind's as well so yeah if you push in three deer that's like a boar and a half right there yep he's gonna take this you can say goodbye to his boar blue like he's probably already accepted as I'm wonderful chase or foe push in the last year and not even care he's gonna chase but it's not worth it yeah it doesn't matter now he doesn't know because he's pushing dear he doesn't know his other bores over here to the north so he might need to go back oh my goodness with the cliff can he get in front here this could be a dead equal oh there's no way that Eagle lives now if this is if this is MBL he's gonna find a way to get that boar back all right this is a good test blue is going for the approach of attacking all people locked it he blocked it that's nice great defense here from hidden cut freeze played well he needs a result now can he steal that board from red wouldn't that be something oh sorry I was on reds point of view I'm I'm a new caster I was kind of thinking how on earth did he know that that boar was there when he was luring deer well because it wasn't him that's how so man in Arms probably for Mayans in two arches we've seen that a lot this tournament red has the deer here he can push this in so it's not the end of the world he still has his boar so blue blue has deer right nearby as well he's Easter all pushing yeah and he knows where red is and red basically knows where he is cuz he saw where the Eagle was running yep wait what coloured you what what card you the slab player has red blue right that's right we got this we're just testing the stream that's all making sure they're paying attention if you guys got confused that means you guys have been on the ball well played it's risky to go scouts in the current meta it's really risky to go Scouts in the current meta but I think that's what you have to do here is laughs because if you go man-at-arms into archers and scrubs you're playing right into Mayans hand so scouts and thus Kermes to count two they're their man-at-arms and their archers that can work and think back to Game one that's exactly what red did but he was Berbers at the time huh all right well there's a lot of hills in the center for both players there's resources beneath the hills so map control will be even more important than usual and blue clicks up on 20 population so this is kind of what I expected with all this extra food well played from him to push in those deer and to stop the boar from being stolen hmm you know Fred walls correctly you could wall off like half the map here yeah to the South looks like he's gonna do it he's already walling to the east yeah and it looks like he might drop a couple walls and those choke points to the west and suddenly he's got a secure wood line he's got his stone in the back extra golds everything I would say the downside is he doesn't have a full HP Eagle so blue will be in futile age soon if blue keeps an eye on this he should be able to stop a full wall off either on the left or on the right but blue gorilla Center ceiling is eagle up come on now it's it's honestly so dumb how you can lame easier with an eagle and then you can heal it come on it's 2018 why can't Scouts get into T season heal after lame come on where's the equality goodness so red is going for man-at-arms I think yes yes into archers into walls yeah into walls first oh my goodness all day that's a bad wall in this South yeah he should have just gone to the edge of the map but instead he'll wall more and secure there's a hole there's a hole on the right he has outed it though okay this there are players who will gamble with their walls and they won't fully scout but there are also players who Scout every inch to make sure they won't miss a gap and they patrol with their Eagles and the gaps in everything this is a good player here and in the red he's making sure that there are no mistakes very good player he'll be fully Walt so Red's gonna find blue sable here there's nowhere to go on this side but if he if he positions correctly he might be able to get a villager on the berries if he goes that way yeah yes can't get too close to the town center fire of course he also doesn't know where the berries are because he blamed so he didn't Scout his opponents pace didn't want to run forward because he would lose that Scout before words fear actually coming forward now and he noticed how he canceled the man-at-arms upgrade because he knew that there were walls I'd like that too this is a smart guy Scouts takes a long time to do any type of damage to your opponent and it's almost impossible to do damage if they're fully Walt red doesn't even have an archery range he's not even on gold does he oh is he just gonna boom to Castle age use this stone in the back and go plumed archers old strategy I think so this approach is all about economy he wants to hit Castle age faster but the problem is he's not making military numbers and Mayans do well when they get large numbers of crossbows so he does have less numbers than I would like to see from him but he is he gonna balls his way through the TC no he loses a spear for free I feel like all the military on the map right now is pretty useless though I mean I shouldn't say that blue of course can scout with his Scouts and forces opponent to wall behind but yeah we'll see they're not doing all that much damage this is just the semi-finals guys this is just the semi-finals high-quality play here blue needs a result he has the fast slab farmers farming away right now so red saw the archery range coming down from from blue yep and is he gonna go into scurbs yes labs yeah it's gonna be Scouts and scurbs in two nights and squirms and that's something that mezzo-soprano read was Berbers against blues mayans he went with night he went with that composition it completely wrecked blue really what you need there is you need to have a big ball of crossbows and a blues going to stone Dave blue red I have the right colors I just misspoke I'm sorry no it is red I misspoke my bad just messing with Dave's head here okay I like how active blue is he knows he can't kill anything right now but he does know that Reds likely not building archers because he doesn't see the ranges so that gives him a bigger time window honestly because red can't build any military until he gets to a castle later on red might actually catch these scams coming across dude Tom and Jerry keep showing up this entire series man look at that Tom and Jerry and and Larry so it is but yet blue he'll finish off Tom Jerry and Larry and that spear will have to run away killed a scalp he did something now he's selling res to he's going up he's going up now and he's gonna have enough stone for a castle once he gets there too now villagers on stone that both players will be up look at the time difference look at the time difference pretty much identical castle times with completely different strategies in different Maps this is high-level stuff right here and I'm living blues position I'll be honest to stable slave nights with skirmishers can be really strong but it could also be strong for mines to have a big ball plumes you see if red were at the time weirdest red put his castle is it in front of the gold there it is he delete the palisade walls or does he go on the right side I like in front of the gold but it depends on how much presents blue has with skirmishers oh yeah he's putting it there he already deleted yeah if blue were to have elite skirm with bodkin and I don't think he'll research bodkin error for the scrims I think he'd rather go for the defense upgrades on the Knights but uh if you were to have that there he could at least push the castle back further and that's what you want to try a new blue can see that he deleted a building I think - yeah he knows he's right where the castles going yeah he knows where they need to be on the right or the left exactly yeah what he can do though is he'll have a large amount of time - boom he can go immediately to three Town Center's and get a huge ville lead I think the hills on the front is really unfortunate for blue but what he could do is he could t see the wood right to the south of the Gold's and then T see the other side of the wood line he's currently taking so that would secure that whole area because the TC would be the first thing that red would run into and yeah he's gonna do that Dave look at this the villagers now running from the wood and TC there might not want TC so close to one another so I don't know where his third will be but I like it and there's the castle from red yeah that's thought the one thing he has to secure his would cuz he only has those two wood lines there yeah plumed archers running around you can't you can't afford to have exposed lines I know I'm nitpicking here but I think that this TC should be further to the left right where this yep so my chat that can see this right here because that would secure the wood line now plumed archers can still run around behind and rain sees bills so I'm not a huge fan of that TC placement and red going for a siege workshop right away I guess he thinks there's going to be a ton of scams coming weird well he's completely blind now the strategy from blue is hidden this is the hidden Cup he doesn't know what his opponent going for he wants to go Pikes and he wants to go for plumes and he realizes that if his opponent has skirmishers that would counter both of those I guess so that'll slow down read to eco slightly this is gonna be an interesting game because I don't think either player can really push in yeah to the other space I think this will go late so in Age of Empires 2 you start with three golds you have your main gold then you have to foretell goals which were yours one of those is up on the hill for red so blue could currently keep readily from that at the other one for red is back here which is well then a blue he has his main gold he has a secondary gold witchetty seed his third is exposed on the right so both players have an exposed extra gold and then there's neutral golds and there's one on the hill on the Left there's one Oh actually yeah in the left corner which neither player has scouted so if this does go late-game Dave that's what you have to focus on mm-hmm I think red should also start stonewalling on the left side if he wants to play it safe yes yeah stone wall both areas I agree he could get away with stone walling on the right side - there's a choke point there between those two wood lines and suddenly he's got that entire side of the map this entire edge yeah if he knew this gold was here I think he does that stone wall soon but there's an approach you can do here where instead of going for straight 3tc boom as blue is doing you go to town centers he's actually going three but anyway you go for town centers and then you get a mass of units and then you build your second castle somewhere that can secure your resources so I think for red he probably wants to castle that hill first and foremost is that weird yeah it's so weird that he's like he's got the castle but he's like ah blues man I just can't go fully upgraded castle aged pikemen well it nights are a lot stronger in low numbers and if you want to make bloom strong you need lots of upgrades and I think that he knows that it's too risky to invest fully into blooms so he's gone for the town centers and the pills so I get that does he even have bodkin yeah say he doesn't have bodkin arrow so he's saving all that food and gold for his economy and then eventually he'll be a to have a real force here there we go now he's coming out to that hill he's gonna drop the castle with a hundred more stone second barracks actually bit weird from blue to not be at least scouting that area he is scouting the other areas of the map but I think it's weird how he doesn't have something keeping an eye on red strategy because this Hill is gonna be huge I think blue needs to castle this area that hill next to the relic at some point read at 649 stone that's a lot of Pikes and I think this is the first time that blue will see pikes it's probably not a fan of this probably wishes he had skirmishers can he fight this day I don't think you fight this if you're blue I like the pikemen choice and maybe now you build your castle more forward day but right next to where Red's army is that's where he's going forward with the barracks does he put it in that choke point because that's a really nice position that would be so good is this the fat dragon no yeah delete it get rid it no get out of here don't place it there he's gonna do it are you kidding me dude blue has a maggot oh here is this the series is this the semi-final of failed castles who can do it better oh oh what a fight here I don't think Reds getting this castle up well the magazine the pikemen are gonna die to the Knights the Knights have a lot of upgrades the plumed archers have nothing to protect them now nor do the villagers and these villagers they're like why did you send me here I was a lumberjack I enjoyed my life why did you send me forward for that and the plumed archers have to run I mean goodness gracious how do you throw a game you do that Wow this bill survived I don't know he might be able to get that up eventually but it's not going up right now all blue is putting a castle right beside it you got to delete that now honestly I think blue should build that castle on the hill because of the position he's in currently all the micro from blue are you kidding me yeah well you you are kidding me apparently remember Reds Micra was really good last time a blue sends the Knights in to finish off those mangoes well done wow that was dude I thought okay right here next to the goal great position maybe right here in this choke point great position man delete it he went a step further and he did delete it but he doesn't have the stone to build one now and he's sending pikes forward losing to two conversions not killing any Knights and running into Castle fire blue he could take this game yeah blues gonna have a huge lead to because red invested in so many pikemen somebody pikemen upgrades he doesn't have the food to click up to the Imperial age the one thing I really like from red is how he's built his buildings on this on this hill yeah he's right in that choke point so it's a really awkward fight for blue to take blue has to loop around yeah to get there and red has the reinforcements buildings right nearby the funny thing is though if he wants to build a castle here and again he's kind of lacking the stone where's he gonna build it he has to build it back where I wanted up on that hill and now blue he's done a great job with only Knights I have to say he'll go elite skirmish ring Cavalier and this is where you have the mobility as slaves you need to take advantage of it get the relics get these extra gold piles hit from the sides red only has palisade walls you could really do damage you if you're blue in fact maybe you just go forward and al Dave yeah maybe he's he's got to be careful not to lose all this Knights here yeah for sure but on the way to Imperial I think soon yeah finally gets the stone and there's the castle yeah there's the castle Lucy's the the Pyke's he should run here and he does that's the benefit of knights mics are normally better in fights but nights can just run away from it all fantastic stuff though I mean that kind of made it a game not that it wasn't a game but I made it a series I guess gives blue a real opportunity to get back into this one conversion for red but he loses the mag Annelle and blue wants to kill this siege workshop build a second castle and go into trebuchet I like it that's that's amazing I don't know about that but what when you're against Mayans what do you do you want to kill their castles so they can't make clues so take control the hill before red does that and you'll have two castles to make trebs he's already has one treble on the way do you think red can stop this is that what you're thinking I'm thinking red can delay it enough where he gets his own traps out as possible as possible yeah this castle is not going up just yet the plumed archers do have vodka narrow the Pikes and the plumes are right next to skirts oh no don't lose the trebuchet I think this red I'll be okay yeah I get your point now I get your point but blue has a lot of sperms though let's see he really has delayed it hasn't he red really working out for him blue has two trebuchet as he can't use yet this isn't great again convert the Knights ooh yeah why it's the delay as long as I think he has to abandon this now that's too many skirmishers right it's too many skirmishers right well finally the traps come forward for blue it will be really hard for red to engage this he is two tribes of his own coming he needs to go for the four blue strips before he goes for blues castle I think because it's important he keeps his castles up and this is gonna be tough you know he doesn't have a lot of stone Dave he doesn't even have a lot of gold to buy stone so how is he gonna repair this blue gets his castle up cavaliers on the way he has a mess of skirmishers here [Music] this is the point where you can't decide whether you go for the castle or the trips yes are you doing a castle yeah it's always good to be the first person because you can you know then to go for your opponent's castles I think it's especially important if you're blue to go for Red's castles anyway because without plumed archers his opponent can't do all that much versum and the castles gonna die and that's where Red's gold and stone is Wow blues doing this man 20 population lead and auditors on the way Dave yeah on ature might be might be the final nail in the coffin here yeah I do love how blue is taking that gold I focus I mentioned earlier so he has so many resources coming in can he slightly cut the trees here so he can get in close well look at that he's gonna cut the trees and then he can come in close to kill the trebuchet brilliant move or not he's not yeah but I could have worked it worked it could have worked yeah and he lost the ology but still the engagements are so good with the squirms so good with the scurbs 50 population lead for blue we're gonna see a game for here yep they're Reds castles there's only one of them he doesn't have the gold the plumed archers they don't have any defence upgrades the house they're not gonna be enough and the Slav pick will work here this would be the second time in this series Mayans will not be the answer for a player so Dave do you see that you see the capital of GG from hidden cup three yeah does that mean he's a Chinese player that's three games in a row he's done that man yeah does that mean is the Chinese player chat what do you think maybe maybe in the last semi-final both of the players we're talking Chinese in the game room though so there can't be three they're only two Chinese players in this event I think that some players are using mind games because they know that we don't know but I'm so pumped that we're having a game for man I'm so pumped we're having a game for let's go let's do this 96 kills for blue a lot more economy for him I really question the plumed archers from from red or at least not making military because he did go for the TCS right maybe you got to make more plumes so you can do more there you think that was maybe it red couldn't get a foothold on Lance to build a forward castle I just think the cast was it's just too far forward yeah just way to unnecessarily ballsy yeah possible it was it was kind of funny though man like there were two obvious places for it and he goes no I'm not the King game I'm up to games this is what he expects I'm building it here I was just awful with like it what if I didn't know the players in this tournament I'd say that was like mentalist or something so to everybody on the stream hope you guys are enjoying the show today game 4 is on the way and this will be from the map back so that means at random these maps will be chosen or one of these maps will be chosen they cannot choose civilizations that they have already used in the first three games so we could have any of those Maps I think you have to go for a safe hick here and Malians is the first one that comes to mind Malians or any meso Civ could possibly work on all maps so that's what I'm thinking Dave do you have any other ideas possibly god I'm done trying to guess SIVs okay Dave do anything yeah yeah that Castle broken man that castle broke him we predicted the castle placement and he just has ruined it Oh Kobe thank you very much for gifting 10 lucky people subs man thank you for all the gifts at sub Scobie this month Island on thank you for gifting 3 Mike Oh drew thank you everybody for all the resub sand subs I will catch up with everybody when I have the time but for now it is game 4 of the hidden cup we have another gold rush Dave so let's go and it is a Malians were so I was I was correct on one and the rest see Balian crossbows again maybe you know it actually worked yesterday didn't it might be different if it's a Malian mirror match up in the red we have in Cup two in the blue we've hidden Cup three and blue needs to win this game to take it to game 5 red and either win this game or the next game to move on to our final so Dave I don't think anyone has ever seen Gold Rush before I need you to tell the people what Gold Rush is all about all right so you see this big giant Hill in the middle of the map guys with all the gold on it that is 99.9% of the gold on the map players try to secure that they usually fight over that in castle age and castles in imperial age and whatnot and if you secure that your opponent doesn't have access to it they're done yeah very important to focus on that however you don't want to just go towards Castle age immediately because they could overwhelm you at your base still I see that red has two forward stones that one's kind of bugged out on the other side there if a tower rush were to happen he could be in trouble the wood lines could be arranged by towers all the wood lines actually the Gold's could be arranged by towers but it's not necessarily a common strategy here I think in a Malians mirror matchup ad rush fast castle could work we could see the crossbows as Dave suggested we could also easily see Knights and camels this is a versatile civilization so the players are gonna have options if they want to try out different strategies there's also yesterday we saw a gold rush strategy of taking one spearmen and luring all the jaguars on the map to your opponent's base yeah and someone I forget who it was but someone lost two villagers to that well that was so that was two verse ten so the red player was the one who did that yesterday look at him bringing in this boar now oh look at how far away that boar is oh my god I didn't realize that he's gonna do it with no loom to no loom pro strategies he'll use the Scout to block yeah that's that's pro stuff right there to the lure this in without loom is very difficult but look at him blocking that boar off the yeah Dave it was this guy right here he did it and look at blue two hanging around near his boar he doesn't want his boar to be stolen they were really far forward yes well as his second gold yeah super far forward on that hill blue is also further from the center gold but he can t see that one edge which is right smack in the middle so as long as you get a piece of it you'll be good not I'm impressed with that boiler from blue didn't panic they don't have any restart to remember they used their restarts earlier it also doesn't know his other boards back here I think he's gonna look for it and hopefully he finds it we predicted that this blue player was MBA this red player sorry was MBL yesterday and I don't know if I've seen too many MBL things from him today we could be could be way off wait did I say red or blue did did Dave get something wrong did I get a color wrong chat now Red's hidden cup too yes I think they're just looking out for me come on is yeah we got this oh oh look at that Scout going in there and the quick gate from red you are wrong okay gotcha so if you know I'm wrong you still know what I'm talking about you just want to say that I'm wrong that's what it is right gotcha understood understood I see how it goes I see how it goes why did the Jaguars never spawn on the gold I want to see them like completely surrounding the gold well look what Red's about the Scout man oh please see them cuz the guy who did it last time who one tile one tile he's looking for him too I think yeah he's probably is that was the big tell when I saw that spear and this Kermes I was thinking this must be MDL but it's obviously a very small thing and a pretty big event so it's hard to say hard so what do you think what do you think the strat is from him from blue I think they're both gonna go Scouts I think they're both gonna go Scouts I think Scouts into probably camels because you don't want to make nice well blue is going to gold so do you still think I think that you asked me at the worst possible time little late he would have waited 30 seconds I would have been able to give you a short answer but you had to ask me at that time so now I look like an idiot thanks Dave thanks man you're welcome he's going mad at arms okay well you better scout the Jags if he goes to the left he's in trouble [Laughter] yeah he's fine blues map is definitely more open on the front but he does have one gold to work with which is still a lot of gold's but you know I made it already so just Rhett see those now he does if I was blue I wouldn't show that to red but you know well Reds look story where I guess yeah red red saw that barracks a while back as well so he probably expected it oh my goodness the back of reds base is open Dave it is wide open oh there's a nice little hole and if he gets through there with men-at-arms he can block those villagers from get back to the TC I'm wondering you're gonna go to the front side yeah he's gonna go to the front he assumes it's full wall doesn't he yeah now if he were to click here his villagers would go around this way but it's a pretty big gamble to go that direction to just find your opponent has Walt owed offensive militia now so men and arms first men in arms and then maybe into archers blue hasn't even done the men-at-arms upgrade I wouldn't he's just yeah oh well I was just gonna say it depends on if he can wall at home because if he's not Walt he should probably get the upgrade and trade here oh he cancelled it yeah you see stop trying to get me to miss predict things here yeah you could still run around as well just distract red as much as possible what you can do is is run in and act like you're gonna fight with the militia and then run away so he's going for double range as Malians so is this the guy that did the crossbows yesterday I think it was it's deceiving because yesterday it was blue for the guy who went who went cross post yesterday Dave blue blue yeah for the player number - I don't remember the player number either I'd have to look at the bracket but possibly I mean they're both gonna do that probably unless red goes for the other option which is man-at-arms in tonight's which is super slow and you give up a lot of map control Oh blue got the Scout I like that and he should be walled up here so yesterday for anyone who didn't see it we were talking about Malian crossbows basically what happened is the guy who was Malians of my crossbows secure it the middle really early and the other guy couldn't come back from it yeah and just like last game if you think back how did red lose last game he didn't have the army numbers at least in my opinion he didn't have the plume numbers right so what he's doing now is he's going 1 range and a bunch of scams if he doesn't whittle down the numbers of blue once they're in Castle age blue will have full reign over the center and then once he gets like a TC down there it becomes even harder for red to come back and secure it and then eventually he'll want to get a castle down and once the castles down you could just kind of build off of that and the other player is gonna have a really tough time pushing into the middle blues looking for these scurbs that are coming out of the range one just past there he's gonna try and snag these things as they walk in to reinforce yeah it's forcing red to garrison well-played blue getting some use out of those things Dave Robo confirmed that our blue player here was the blue player in that set you mentioned yesterday where he went Malian crossbows and launched Oh a lot of people expect Stables from aliens right so sometimes it's not a bad idea yeah to just cross things up a bit I see what you did there I see what you did there but I now you said cross things up when you're talking about crossbows Oh oh wow yeah well done man well done I'm just congratulating them on that joke well played it is awkward now for blue because you can't he doesn't know that he can get into red space he assumes it's Walt and he's making archers versus opponents skirmishers so while I needs a few archers for the man-at-arms he could lose all these archers to the squirms of red Mike RZA's properly and that's why he's holding to the hill so he can receive a little bit less damage and dish out a little bit more I'd rather have blues army in this situation for sure yeah yep and both players distracting with the melee so the men-at-arms were a distraction his Scout will be a distraction good stuff good stuff it's just I remember those men-at-arms in militia both have the armor upgrades correct yeah yep tough to take down yeah I it all depends on the archer numbers at the end of the day and blue is doing a decent job now he's lost two archers lose three archers yeah I like this for red man I like this a lot Fred even the man in the arm is still alive another one's coming in it's a decent trade decent trade I guess 50/50 maybe can't lose those archers to man-at-arms dude you cannot afford to do that how many was that five maybe yeah there's nothing saying that red can't now add his own archers when he goes up to the next stage right so you start with scurbs you you then kill your opponent's archers and then go for archers yourself I think that's the play sometimes you should send that like should send one of his units over to those jaguars and lure him into Reds army and then just delete it you know another play is how you get to Castle age we salt some players sell their stone and then buy food to advance quicker and that means you won't have the stone 40 C's later on or Castle but you advance quicker he's selling wood he's not sound stone yeah both players using the market actually are we gonna have identical times it is close but blues economy bit further behind Willie yeah I think he'll be okay it's it's tight but I think he'll be okay does he go out with a TC right away or does he go for a siege workshop he saw the saw the skirmishers but siege workshop is really risky against Malians cuz it might be going in tonight's hmm yeah he has to he has to see this stable I don't like that stable from read if you would have built that stable in the back of his base it would have hid the decision from his opponent blue could see this but it is important for red now to trade versus archers yet again because if there's not a lot of archers for blue then whatever Knights red creates well completely destroy blue should split up as skirmishers and archers and just get them out of there and fight with the scurbs yeah Oh gets the hill nice monstro yeah okay look at this dance here and Jaguar even joins in blue did not see that stable it will be two stables as well oh good split its cozy though man it's awesome and they're dancing look at them who is this guy look at this boy look at the micro this is leery micro this is leery micros skirmishers uphill look at that oh that's sick that was sick precision micro is two in a row but I still think he's gone a bit too far with it oh can he stop the stable he will not stop the stable now he'll kill the villager at least he sees them now at least though the villager escapes he sees them all days he's been he's gone for the wrong strategy is a lot of skirts made too many skirts yeah yeah he didn't go for archers cuz he expected this to be just archers and scurbs and now he's been caught off guard red with an instant advantage interesting he went for town watch red away a castle aged what's also really interesting to me is how mm-hmm blue went to stone rather early so he went to stone before he clicked up to castle age so he wants to collect a lot of that to build a castle in the center for sure you know with elite skirm and these crossbows and maybe always getting pikemen now he should be able to defend for a while anyway but siege workshop coming up from red now this is amazing play because now red knows okay he'll have some pikes he'll have skirmishers and crossbows Knights might be an issue so let's add siege this is sick and they're both going close to the center you got to commit you have to pressure the sensor it's so big and gold rush so um blue as well do you really want a stable unless he knows there's monks coming out and he wants Scouts like wouldn't you drop another barracks rather um no I I don't I don't agree with that dropping a barracks because the skirmishers that the enemy has or the siege that the enemy has can kill your pikes so I don't like that but I think that this could work it also could be a pretty big gamble I think if he went to stable to range initially like he had the state was prepared he would be in a much better situation but he didn't have the stables prepared it seems like a lot of investment and now hidden cup two is getting long swords whoa next level right there we're gonna see AI armies here every single unit on the map so flashback my friends to the best-of-five yesterday in the quarter-final where hidden cup to one in game number five by going long sorts into champions as Malians so he likes this if he knows this he's done this before in this tournament and if blue was watching the games yesterday he wouldn't know about that as well Oh blue sees the maginot no he didn't see the manga no he sees the rax though he sees the racks so he knows that his opponent might be going for that and here come the Knights don't give your opponent at night here blue wow wow this is this is tough to call man this is tough to call the mag an L it goes down the split away from blue can you get enough pikes and nights and maybe conversions here this is so close I think blues taking this though he's gonna have enough stone for a castle now he has enough oh and here he comes here we go here we go again good for game number four we have another aggressive Castle red has a Magon L on the way at 90% he has to react now the longsword on the other side no don't fight with villagers the Knights are very weak Knights day but there's still three or four full HP ones the villagers should go back here red his time this to perfection the maggot on the way the castle is low HP as well lose trying to micro this I don't think he can Dave but he kills the Mac and L he kills the Mac no I think he needs to delete the castle he's still in this game just build it more passively like right we're not Darnell he's gonna go for it man he's gonna go for it and my word oh my word this is insane the long swords are really working out well though I have to say with their high Pierce I can't call this it's so close I cannot call this by the blue moves to the crossbows foundation yeah he's thinking about it and he's dropping a town center in the middle he that cap yeah he deleted it and blue will not kill that Mac and L blue needs to oh he's gonna build it really defensively now that's - oh boy what a game here 47 villagers for blue 48 for red you could tell they both have idle farms here they're focusing so much on that micro red has more map control over the center but blue is very close to all of this and Dave what can blue make as Malians out of the castle give a dose gabay dose and the gabay dose could kill the long swords could kill the Knights could kill the Mac and Ellis could kill everything that red has out on the map now it was another example of just being too ballsy with yesl yeah this whole set every single game there's one that just doesn't go down can we really complain though No complain entertai oh my oh boy yeah a bit too ballsy indeed blue didn't know that red was sitting on the hill nice shot from red to be there but in fact of the matter is with the Gepetto's now I think that this could all change I think you only need three or four Geppetto's to one shot mango so this puts a lot of pressure on Reds micro red Dave right it's not on stone at all he's not on stone at all so he can not secure the centre with the castle at least not anytime soon yeah and his stones are pretty exposed now now he's finally making a TCO Don that forward stone but it's gonna take him a long time to get a castle down here I think you have to make mac & L's and hope for the best cuz I like blues close to a second Castle sorry yeah yep you're fine oh it is blue gonna show up at the stone at the stone are you kidding me rent in the centre blue knows his opponent might win a castle and he loops around what a clutch what a clutch arrival time from blue that sucks for red he really needs stone he does to secure the middle somehow yeah and what will this do this will pool some of Reds attention away from the center and maybe blue can they make a push there the counts are so even - like this don't cross the board this this series deserves a blue victory so we can get to the final game that's all I have to say because both these players are really good oh man the micro from blue has been really good he's been to ballsy I agree but Dave look a blues resources where's he going man he's going to the Imperial age oh boy any he couldn't have two castles shortly Red's not anywhere near clicking up to the next age so while the Ville counts are somewhat even Blues economy management has been way better wow that's a big difference huh so what do you gain from MPR you gain trebuchet sure unit upgrades not all that much right not no not that much it's just Reb you just have treads it's important he gets a second castle up there I think oh man did you better split away look at the my so micro let's go all right micro could have been better actually he really tried he really tried he's done that quite a few times but blue take a seat yeah just filled that castle and he's gonna build it on the hill I like this I would like to see it a like within range of that goal well I was thinking maybe in front of his current castle yeah because it would arrange the gold but what he's thinking is this is going into a TREB war and if it goes into a TREB war want the hill and here come the mag notes potential for a good attack round here or potential to lose all three for free he's gonna lose him isn't he look at blues splits oh you know I think it's a wise move from blue to back up there he's just stalling red so he can get his castle up does what it does loose getting chainmail armor is that for the gabay dos or is yakavetta's get better see oh oh you mean yeah I mean it's gonna affect the good betos I think it's he's really stretched at the moment I don't know if he could go into two-handed swordsmen and champions right now so maybe just to better sand traps to start and then in the future yeah definitely infantry and Dave look what red wants to build in the center look where red is going red wants to build a castle he does not know about blues on this hill and he's gonna plop it in the center there isn't he yeah and blue is gonna have trebs so maybe oh that's that's a better position from red a little bit farther back yeah instead of like right on top there what's interesting is that red has 10 more VLEs and red does not know about blues castle there and blue will tell me he sees this because okay he sees two fills for a split second he saw the fills building a must known al but he's going for the TC instead as he loop around getting chemistry and he's going around with those capitals look at that little gate village the stone village from red yep will they get in there which blue does not know about and Geppetto's are pretty weak so the T sees there yeah one dies I don't think they've really accomplished anything on this journey and we have a stone gate coming up probably yeah wow this is high level stuff from both players and now blue knows there's a castle there you know it's all about trebs nowadays and blues trebuchet they went to the wrong side it's just because he didn't recognize that red head castles there or a castle there so red still has all the gold in the center blues running out he needs this now and red needs to stall for a long time oh my god of course it had to happen it had to happen this is you know what just send the jacks to your opponent at this rate who cares about the Gepetto's bombard cannons and trebuchet 'he's from blue can read get connections with these maggin ELLs and killed the trebs I don't think he can the Gepetto's are still running I think some of them will die to the jags this is hilarious man because he's not losing on this blue might be in trouble here man if if or sorry red if yo gathers enough kobato's red it's gonna have some serious issues possibly a game-changing move look at the upgrade Redemption and block printing now completed for red he's going to attempt to convert these bombard cannons yeah and he's getting chemistry of his own as well but risky and the bombard cannon will be converted I don't think that blue expected that upgrade to be coming in from red and he finds out the hard way he loses to Gepetto's and he loses that bomb art cannon this is amazing split micro finally that you betos get the mac and ELLs and red is losing a lot of control in the center but he's still collecting gold he has the monks he'll go for his own bombard cannons so how's your micro guys how's your micro I think he's throwing away too many good metals to be honest there's like yeah with those manga knows he couldn't snap them with treads and stuff I think he's just he needs to build up his army of good betos so he can strike the bombard canons look red has one right there go for blue I thinks twice about it and he loses two more two betters to the monks Wow and blue needs a castle at some point yeah I I don't even feel comfortable looking at the economies to see if they are on stone because this is so intense as red is losing t sees but he has his own bomb art cannons to kill blues trebuchet 's kobato's here we go great job here man Red's done such a great job with the conversions but he loses the bombard cannon okay as he kills the trebuchet this is wild man the monks from man are really saving his ass right now the red is more pop 109 verse 110 both players sharing the center in gold rush do you think monks change this do you think red is holding on because of the monks we'll see all it takes is one bad all it takes one bad engagement and game shifts blue and kill both able to bomb our cannons down yeah that's a big investment Wow so tough to control these units Spencer everything is so costly on gold here guys and both players are sharing the golds on the map that's so heavily focused on it I agree blue is running in too often and red he's killed virtually all to treppie Shaye's this is insane red is somehow holding this and I think he's gonna kill this rep blue runs out of gold to repair the trebuchet he's selling some food and go Dave he has no gold left he has no gold left Wow and res building a castle oh my god this is so everyone to play Wow how did he hold on he was a couple minutes behind to the imperial age the monks were so smart unbelievable unbelievable and blue needs every engagement to go right for him now and I don't think a trebuchet is gonna do it I don't know if he has a bombard came out on the way he doesn't know red he's making skirts he's going into trash which of course is not good against the champions that red will be able to afford now with all this gold sick gameplay I'm most impressed with the monks from red because he had so many conversions we will see in the achievements afterwards win or lose that is what kept him alive in this situation and even that look noticing the trebuchet is their mic room away from it playing this extremely safe look at look at Blues wrists oh man not good and he can't get any gold unless he kills Reds castle and he's currently spending his time trying to TREB the bombard cannons that are killing his castle he needs a lot of skirmishers to make me think that he can come back here a lot of skirmishers I want his traps dead all my goodness the tribe is dead that's not the position for it and is this some arena player with these monks goodness gracious the skirmishers have coming in the presence of mind to go with monks I know if you ate so good let's lose him again yeah blues coming in he's killing as many monks as possible he kills the bombard canons he's still fighting underneath the castle and he loses his castle though and that's the biggest issue for him now red welcome any conversions he has man it's insane well if blue is MBL is probably pissed off you know the arena clip who the Lulu Lulu Wow I think the game is probably done and dusted now as long as you could you can tell red Zico is a bit off because he was he was so distracted but as long as he gets some more food I think you go champion and you win the game if you're red and obviously continued to tread bush it's a hundred percent once this castles down yeah and it cup is getting capped cram and he just or a hidden cup three sorry they're both hidden cup yeah yeah this doesn't want to give up awesome stuff awesome stuff I mean he's played well as I said I think these these players deserve to make it to Game five blue might live to regret not going for stables early castle age right because the skirmishers didn't offer much form in castle age the red got that momentum to get to the center and then once he got here he never was able to be pushed out red can afford to lose the bomber can but it's obviously not ideal they lose that I think skirm like calves Pike just any any unit you can create if you're blue just get it out make as much as possible losing us ranges now fighting for his tournament life and look at the upgrade at the top right from from red to hand swordsman that those skirmishers can't do event anything against them yep that's that's probably gonna be it their Blues gonna hold on this score is close he probably feels like bread doesn't have a lot of eco when in reality red has more economy red has control of the center and he has some of the best champions in the game incoming he just could take his time man he can take his time and get prepared for the finals and also red building the defensive castle knowing that blue could possibly hit him there there's so many things that read it right here and he'll lose some monks but he doesn't need them now there's no response to this from Gloup Gloup can not kill these two hands or twin without gold good luck next Nernst can we get the good luck next in the chat all right well we are gonna have hidden kept two in the finals the finals are scheduled to go on in actually one hour from now we'll see if we can contact the other semifinalist winner what a series though man what a fight from glue and that was probably the most impressive game that I've seen today because the presence of mind as you said to go monks to save your ass when you're later to the Imperial age he was listen to this read was on one castle verse two castles so he was immediately going to be behind it in treadmore he was later to the imperial age so that means he would be later to bombard cannons and here we are and read has more trips and more bombard cannons that's because of the brilliance to think I need monks well that's crazy the only the only resource that he had lots of was gold because that's what he had access to yeah yeah it kind of I don't know it just it fit in so many ways but I think blue definitely threw the match with that forward Castle angle he could have placed it more passively if he had put that in the middle like think about how well he did even after he lost that one imagine he put that safely in the middle Thanks I agree with that here just one mistake one miss play and you're out I think that castle that save castle we're talking about would have been where the barracks are currently for red on the front and that would have changed the entire game I agree also blue / microd a little bit I'd say with the Geppetto's with the skirmishers with the archers red outplayed him with a strategy choice in the transition in the castle age because the Knights packed a lot more of a punch for red then all blues choices did remember he went for two ranges a barracks a monastery a stable he had to invest a lot more into trying to get to the middle and he didn't even end up securing that so let's look to the achievements now more kills for red look at the conversions 30 conversions yeah it's same it's not like those were slow units right those were very fast Gepetto's and he was able to click them all individually I know many people here they might not play the game frequently you have to click your monk click the unit click back to your monks and then you're going through eco and everything else it gives me carpal tunnel thinking about all the clicking that would require that was sick that was sick and that there is what one hand the game and imp you can see the resources collected big difference in the gold for hidden Cup - well played from him man and I cannot be more excited for the finals I'll take you all over to the brackets now and show you what we have coming up next of course it is the finals but I want to show you the path that the players have taken so funny enough we gave four and to that by in round one and they've won pretty comfortably ever since they got into the tournament and I was given to them at random so it's not given to Viper and Leary because they they got their based off their rankings or something I was given to them a random so we don't still don't know which player they are three Oh victory for hidden Cup four in the quarterfinals three Oh victory in the semifinals oh he's going into the finals of hidden Cup undefeated and obviously you can see the results there for the other player three two yesterday we were thinking it was possibly MBL yesterday and then he went one three one today but whoever they are they're in a great position to win a ton of cash in front of a lot of people and get a lot of bragging rights Dave Robo says asking other finalists to come hoping to start in 15 to 25 minutes okay so I think we should acknowledge that we've hit a viewer record for the stream the record I I didn't expect this today guys I didn't expect this today I expected 3000 today after yesterday initially before the tournament started I told someone if we hit 2,000 I'm happy but yesterday we hit high numbers and I was hoping it's really hoping that we would hit 3000 today and we're almost at 5,000 people so I this is crazy this is crazy a Yui 2 is an amazing game you guys are amazing people and we have two amazing players that will play in the final soon thank you all for being here I'm a bit mind-blowing by all this okay so I'm trying to soak it in but this is a lot can we get some
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 39,365
Rating: 4.964222 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: DtfSiQlkPPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 58sec (6718 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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