avengers cast roast each other | part 2

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yeah that is smashed over there like a little flaw that's truly marble it doesn't end that well somebody always plays oh it gets really badly wait till you see this next one everybody talk to do do not everybody know that hi Chris Pratt I have I have a question for mr. Chris Pratt yes I'm go right ahead so my question for you is of all the actors in the world of all of the actors who who is who is your favorite actor these are people he worked with you're talking about just anyone okay all of them all the actors in the world go ahead Denzel Denzel Washington yeah he does all the odds to win back to me look : and then the now I've told you it is my little cool dessert because you know that I've actually do it don't do done you almost done I did I did my stunts because I thought that that's everyone did okay Tom Cruise over here no I'll be the first mean on the next Tom Cruise thank you very much no I don't we all do stunts yeah but there's certain things that are like oh my gosh I'm like he really does you were you were shooting so you finished Infinity Ward kind of shooting that yes okay yes and then now I understand that you spent the better part of a month making fun of in war co-star tom hollie okay you complain about his squeaky voice it's just a problem he's a wildly annoying person all right tom is it is yen nice to meet you thank you just tom hiddleston yeah what okay sure Tom we've been told that your M you're quite baddest given away they're the kind of secrets in the films and stuff so they give you the same here to filter yeah everything before he says it I have that ability so I can just go like that can we rewind that part yeah can we will cut that that's right Oh is there anybody in infinity war do you get to meet that you're excited to be am I in trouble a little anybody said anyone called Tom or Chris hasn't read it is not allowed to read I tried for about five minutes I tried for about five minutes to get the script and just gave up so quickly I'm feeling that I was never gonna win I'm sorry okay yes cool like then so - I'm okay how do i okay what about how about an actor whose name begins with Tom OH how about that Tom Cruise he's great he's good dude I don't I just move on I would I would like to meet it's it's really interesting cuz we call success fine the American version of that even though we love your Britishness is snitches get stitches right it's impressive what is annoying that's his soup everything she's so little he's like he's like a shih tzu William doing [Music] Tom who's your favorite doctor in the whole world liam hemsworth he's up there man he's great he's great it's really good would you like to explain Who I am I'm trying explaining Who I am you're a bad guy bad guy to the core rocky thanks to you I'll fight for you again what if his second name began with an H Tom H oh thanks beautiful day in the neighborhood so they give you they give you the script but really as late as possible is that right no they don't give anyone the scripts I did read the script did you yes because I wanted to give you this go walk up you know he's just like it's like hey Mike huh just stop take off the spandex stop it's just it's too much man it's too much how did he take it uh well you know he's one of those kids when you tell him to shut up you shut up but when you leave he start right back talking so but you're gone so yeah and you're leaving he's texting you hey where'd you go any other Hemsworth's knew Kem's was so super talented yeah super secret is there for him so if any would there be I think would start with a see India Hemsworth has potential should grow up to be a great actress movie I'm sure okay let's move on do you actually know now how this all ends or you still look kind of in the dark he doesn't know no I actually asked my agent last I think so do you know how this ends he was like yeah I was like tell me he's like nope so everybody knows but you everybody knows how is that not killing you know cuz I get to enjoy the film as a fan you know I can go and see the film knowing nothing about it and just enjoy it like I would have enjoyed the first Avengers or so he thinks but he's actually going off on another Chucky Chucky's Brian or something that you were horrifying about it yeah well you might have shot it at the time spider-man film well you were doing this that you don't even know no I've just been filming me using black pepper because oh yeah who do you guys think will be the worst at this game spoiled game yeah that was good till it's good yeah real good he's British oh he's British no he's no mate British come on we know oh I see where this is going okay we've got him now I'm Hardy he played Benham yeah it was very you was great warrior great movie yeah okay it can answer your question you are known for actually dropping spoilers or actually revealing things that maybe shouldn't get out there and are you like babysitting if is this what's going on I wouldn't say babies I'm gonna give you a chance sure the next time we do an interview okay the next time we do an interview if you could bring me everything I've ever spoiled if you could do the research cuz I don't actually like probably family I actually think I've spoiled a lot of footage I don't think I'm actually challenge accepted oh okay I wanna be told Tom's not actually going to the premiere that's gonna be a separate little red carpet he does your first and last live interview awesome all right exactly try young gun but still with the still with the tow mate you still went to Tom H oh wow Hiddleston oh yeah and I'm like yeah we beat the system honey one of them and then it drops and she's like screaming the whole way down like like maybe there's a reason that there's a just got hit over there an infinity war are you a freelancer I mean do you go back to the Avengers and that's a good question I come on sir it is Tom I'm bad at keeping a secret Tom H is that true and that producers went to extreme lengths to keep you from knowing what actually happens in the film I'm very stressed right now cuz this is live so I'm really trying it's just a kid taking fold over who among you is least trustworthy when it comes to the secrets so you must know him for pretty well I know him very well do well yeah sure I mean everything that he's gonna do he's hiding real guns comes out cool so you can pop off the title loses good well I'm gonna tell him about our previous interview oh no don't tell him about that what did I say was that rude about Darrin II know we were just talking about your character and and who would win he said he would destroy Iron Man he kick Iron Man's ass destroy everybody except for Scarlet Witch that's called that's called being magnanimous knows I'm above I'm a politician now oh yeah yeah I made some what else in the race where I'm the governor of Marvel seeing as how I created him you know I'm doing him a solid I mean he should be doing my dishes right now [Music]
Channel: venomax
Views: 6,349,233
Rating: 4.9598155 out of 5
Keywords: marvel, avengers, tom holland, robert downey jr, chris hemsworth, chris evans, chris pratt, scarlett johansson, infinity war, endgame, movie, spider-man, iron man, tho, black widow, captain america, funny, moments, clips, interview, talk show, insult, tease, roast, avengers cast roast each other, marvel cast roast each other, part 2, edit, venomax, VENOMAX, heart been broke so many times
Id: U5VgJf2QM80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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