Stan Mackie Press/Panel Hilarity 2

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sometimes I just want to punch you in your perfect teeth I asked Robert Downey jr. specifically if he had a message your mom oh we have a message for him oh my god well I know him to take his gingko biloba so we can remember what his viagra be remember to take you go to the zoo we're just young hot guys just hanging out lifting weights you know just try to protect the world you don't have to tell me my friend teamironman a bunch old dudes waiting for the AARP to kick me they were like how can we make a very attractive team and how do we make a old sleepy chaps bed times they have to eat oatmeal in the morning to start their system the work isn't as important to them they allow other people like stuntman and stand-ins to do their work so the hard work was with me on the second night working when I Here I am I really am I work really hard on his movie he also works the people that he works with but the chick got the chick got the chick let's see he's cocaine perfect of Trash Can magic marker and bring chi'lan car tires who has the cool ability but he just has the arm so I quit now I'll rip off the road you're out of your mind no I can fly a drone could I could at least it must be great to see a group of superheroes around no I did laugh at him like you know when Sebastian stand on my head I got stupid he looks good his arm was Dripping like out of his it was the it was the don't know that it was a word is a lovely truth the worst thing I ever seen in my life hmm between you two who would be better that's Captain America well he can grow this whole five o'clock shadow thing so I think he would be a better but I don't know how that would work for the habit is described as having a bird street pathologist is quite what I am n is wearing say there one more time [Music] but I'm hoping that person that referred to my students birds who is doing the one-on-one when they come in here i'ma punch him in the face wrong people I just I just walk behind the wall I saw you John my pan have like literally ripped in there oh my god movie is the one downfall this one people are listening up to go to Mars so you know things with Marvel don't work out and you can people create for chubby dumpling that's the truth it is the pronunciation of my name in Chinese I said bastard yes so they just called Freeport and Charlie down just natural yeah so when you jump okay now you're going is up no matter what strong out of Milan ya know I have you both are friends of CAP you ever have like a little bit of a bro off to see who the who's the better friend but I think we do that about every day 75 minutes of the movie yeah this is memorize the lyrics to the songs from what Disney musical frozen No Oh Little Mermaid well that affected it was saying frozen all the time I think I'm much more handsome than Bucky I think I have better skills and a better costume Bucky's the troubled friend you always have to get him out of jail or something like that whereas I'm the faithful friend I'm always there to help my friendship far outweighs the the burden of Bucky's friendship I heard some rivalry going on here sometimes you have a car and it runs really great for a long time but after a while you got to trade it in for new technology I'm talking about is like the iPhone the new software falls apart quickly and then you have to go back to the old way of doing things that is more religious a rotary phone or a cell phone Sebastian started in the first cap and easy volved exponentially to having his name be the title of one of the movies and now Stu but only being in the movie for a quarter of the time hence it was a good movie your Grandad's but I don't the thing is you got to let them get go through what we're going to use this press conference actually to announce that Anthony Mackie will no longer be with some how do you work with a man like you know Anthony Mackie is either distracting human beings when Warner Brothers decided to move that film they moved it to the made 8 so you know I can see where Kevin said one I'm not moving off it Waldo yes right over there so I don't think there'll be anything on the Marvel Oprah [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got it just area online that uh yeah 30 Q and Orion sides again three Jenny wasn't wrapping you and I made the choice to total this himself and given his family faculty sorcerer phone and dad's footsteps which of those have been in arms there for me kind of given that exit can be I'm sure they're not going to be there Oh [Laughter] actually I think the idea of civil liberties is really important for you in the speech and the government kind of running the show sometimes it's not I don't know I don't know how good I feel about that I think that's because he's a young man see when I was his age I felt the same way give me my own civil liberties I want to do that myself not that I'm old I'm like just let the government handle it and leave me alone dude tell me where to go yr9 eviscerated for Black Widow on a Honda just tell me what to do not to talk to jizz I just want the government to tell me what to do my knees were pretty banged up my ankles as well so many hours of me riding him like a mechanical bull I actually think one of my shoulders at some point was hurting if I want to go out with an ex-russian spy working for shield and has a name with something with the spider in it use those kneepads yeah are you gonna need them yeah maybe those handcuffs - yo can't be a friend to cap he's an enemy to the Winter Soldier he's a love interest for Black Widow he's our Hawkeye is on the lock for Black Widow all the time and we're just waiting to hear back Thank You Val B team of Black Widow come Mary Black Widow kids Black Widow all day we are willing to give up Renner judge Meghan know that oh you should all right I will my little black widow on a soldier story they just want a pick on because I don't talk I like that take on it is that what it is take that which actor in Captain America Civil War would you trust most with a secret sebastian stand up really yes he's very quiet sebastian since we haven't heard from you truth within your respective characters I'll take this one doesn't understand me doesn't listen to me every time I trying to drive every time I try to open up and express to him what I'm feeling shuts down and he shuts me down what is going is a really good listener cuz usually doesn't have the words I want so much from him and he's not a giver not a share no it's not a thing no I don't know that were you who's the most quiet that are you acquiring Paul he does they're British I mean hello how are you visions here what are we shifting today exactly the Earth Wind & Fire in convincing the Christian it was literally a year ago you got so mad I don't have to walk away I'm done okay see who is the greatest bad earth when the fire great fan by the way of our time or the Beatles [Applause] I love you I'm Barry got a minute he's gonna happen English you can't hide this car happen exactly [Applause] [Music] I would love to take when devar badly oh no I'm never understand what he's saying lay it down I know yes I realize oh jeez what hap it's really weird you're the problem so spider-man's a problem Tom's a problem can I go straight to 92 Australian welcomes down car engine trying to say God congratulations on a few British accent Anthony as a I've got a sample of it earlier any chance I could hear them all well I've been told by the chaps and it's pretty good that's pretty that was pretty good right we do these movies hoping one day we could be in a Bollywood movie you know it's like we love iane culture I would be amazing but American actors don't have that opportunity one of the biggest Indian stars in Bollywood is now a huge success on American TV right yeah and we want the same opportunity we could do a Bollywood we could do a Bollywood movie yeah see that I always wanted to join shield well first we don't accept Italian um cut to the chase I can't come on let me let me hear you're Italian actor got the check please look at ataxia movie please by the Italian fans to go watch the movie no please wriggles wriggles wriggles me realize you rather be Iron Man or Justin Bieber Iron Man why is that did anyone say Justin Bieber's Oh Justin beef every day of the week would you rather always walk around wearing a superhero costume or always walk around actually we make it super yoga completely naked confident in yourself don't make me unleash the Falcon there's a room go go doll I actually thought when I came in that you like fighting inside no I'll put my penis in your face later on if they don't either but yeah that should have really come in I can do a black eye yeah new superhero calls like Pantera that you there is that's actually - it has an air column in the hood how you know that so suck it to read out Internet dammit people talk too much Fagin is the black pad - - and that the winter is over and the winters really was it religious ha ha ha ha so how makes you understand what's going on with me - my body [Music] must have had some great head shots come on back [Applause] that's a normal question like hasn't Gammage does like a on strong yeah I'm sure you've heard that before but you settle in there oh no I have been no here if you from east to the west it's the necklace the the map of Indonesia congratulations to you in a blue carpet we watch out learning say I bet immediately hi Indonesia yeah their reviews come out and they're awesome is that just the best feeling in the world well we don't read reviews no yes we already know we read scripts we have a lot going on one two three four I declare a thumb war already wanted this the other day damn it you don't cheat right I had them fanned and he let it go finger was tickling my fault so yeah it is we don't really read reviews Steve Anthony are you confident with that one whoa where are you guys off cam well I mean I don't could also go with Max ten Mexican next ten we most likely last during a death scene survivors you're most likely a chronic kidney fill bamboo most likely to binge watch their own movies wow that is most likely to retire and start a rap career so bad [Laughter] most likely to wake up on a beach not remembering how they got there Chris Evans but that is you could inherit any celebrity hairstyle who would you take really look at the coop on the real man look at that look and he goes right back into place look I'm curious how many takes had to be redone because Bucky's hair wasn't perfectly set those are the only two hijacked by Sebastian terrible it deserves a few minutes the veteran everyone says look there was a couple things where I was like man we've got it move on but I was like if we're worrying about the hair that I might as well just be fired that's what you're paying attention to the most accomplished people in the business and working with us on a song I'd like to go back to Sebastian staying here for a moment we did explore the idea of cutting his hair shorter for this movie you're not kidding you want to go back to the bath and look I'm upset with this hair yeah I like that you're into eyeliner it's black camouflage war paint okay she's cute that's you of course are we talking about you you're in shreelane Antonacci I'm sorry she really was I mean it's beautiful to see two men getting along like that uh yeah you guys have a similar kind of relationship that Batman and Robin did right and we all know what that relationship was about probably she was Rob Lowe about year 2025 the rights of every man woman and child in this country and around the world so then free free from tyranny men free from a praying winter soldiers how does it feel being a traitor to Captain America penis near best friend thank you so glad to play super villain [Music] [Applause] [Music] birthday took 48 hours to write them all I got thanks laughter the bad boys 30 seconds was it difficult not to want to stick jokes in every once in a while were they being removed maybe in the editing process it would these guys could still a couple DVDs you have to wait and then there's other guys that hold back away on him Nikki she has Max and know we all behind you know this is a nice - - too much so just like - really loud and keeps going divas are the ones that just like you know what somebody please get this dude some great house so we can shoot he loves great
Channel: Aynn Tale
Views: 1,169,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Panel, Press, Junket, Con, Wizard World, Civil War, Captain America, Winter Soldier, Bucky, Bucky Barnes, Sam, Sam Wilson, Marvel, Funny, hilarious
Id: 5FSLKYm7fkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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