Answering Your Questions on The Rapture | Ev. Tiff Shuttlesworth

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you you're gonna be one of those people that make a mark on your generation and be well rewarded at the judgment seat of Christ I see this world I see the shape it's in but I refuse to watch it go to hell I believe God has called me and anointed me to rescue my generation and the impact my nation with the gospel of Jesus Christ if you're one of those people clap those hands under God one more time with the voice of triumph come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] being religious is not what makes you a real Christian there's no such thing in heaven as a Protestant there's no such thing in heaven as a Catholic there's no such thing in heaven as a Baptist or presbyterian it's man who wants to divide us up into cliques and club [Music] but I'm here to tell you God loves people it doesn't matter whether you come from a religious background whether you're an atheist or agnostic or have no understanding of the Bible there's only one kind of person in heaven and it goes to a repetitive sin and made Jesus Christ the Lord of their life [Music] welcome to revival today we're so glad to have you joining us my name is tiffs evel's Worth and Jonathan Shuttlesworth is my son and it's a pleasure to be here in the studio's of revival today he had asked me if we would take time this entire week to speak to you on the subject of Bible prophecy which is one of my great passions always has been always will be today we're going to go back into the subject of the rapture of the church and we're going to be answering some of the most common questions that people have on this next major prophetic event in the scripture called the rapture of the church just before we begin let me invite you to do two things number one I want you to do a prayer and I want you to do a share will you take time on whatever form of social media that you have whatever type of social media that you engage in and let's multiply the effectiveness of this broadcast and send it on down the line we're gonna open in prayer in just a moment but before we do take time share this broadcast and then take time to pray that God will speak to hearts it is my sincere desire to help individuals find right relationship with God I know that's the same passion that my son Jonathan and his wife at Dallas have and their team it is their desire to make sure that the purity of the gospel of Jesus Christ is propagated in these last moments of time and that's one of the things that we're actually proving in addressing this week on revival today while I'm here I want to prove to you that the Bible is believable I want to prove to you that Bible prophecy is intellectual intellectually feasible and provable as well the Scriptures oftentimes concerning prophecy critics say Bible prophecy is general and it's vague in just a handful of moments I'm going to share with you some very specific prophecies and some very specific answers to those prophecies that dispel that accusation the Bible is believable the Bible is provable but most of all the Bible is transformational the power of God through his word can get into your heart and help you with where you're at and take you to where God wants you to be so get that on down the line and do the best you can to multiply this broadcast through your shares take time to pray and we're going to pray right now as I always do at the end of this broadcast if you're listening to me today and I don't know where you're at in your journey of faith I don't know where you're at concerning your belief with God or your disbelief with God well whether you accept the scripture or condemn the scripture I'm sure there's all kinds of people that are listening with all kinds of platforms from which they launch their beliefs but I do promise you this I'm not here to lecture you I'm here to help you and the Lord loves you God loves you this preacher loves you and if you'll be reasonable and intelligent I'm gonna give you some good meat that you can chew upon and digest and make up your own mind but I want to give you this warning right up front we are living in the final moments of human history and you need to get ready to meet the Lord some of the prophecies that we're going to be dealing with this week are considered final Bible prophecy and because we know that we're living in the final moments of human history as we know it you should be living every day ready to meet the Lord so as we begin today if you have a Bible get a Bible and a notebook and a pen I want you to write some things down I want you to learn with me you can interact with us and you can write in the comment section we'll go back and look at some of the questions and comments we're here with you for two more sessions and I want to invite you this week we're here we started on Monday we're going all the way through Friday and we're also going to be dealing in the days ahead I want to talk to you about the Great Tribulation I want to answer some of the questions that people have on the coming Antichrist I believe that you can prove from the Bible that the Antichrist is alive today you may wonder well what is the Antichrist I'm not familiar with that term the Bible prophesied that immediately after the rapture of the church that there would arise a one world leader who would establish a one-world government a one-world religion and a one-world economical system we already have one world economies that many people use an example of that would be PayPal PayPal is an economy whereby people from all over the world through eBay and other means of economic transfer and commerce can use one currency or use their currency which is then neutralized through that platform to whatever currency you may be exchanging with the seller and all of these things that were prophesied you have to understand when these things were prophesied in the Bible and none of these technologies were available the authors who wrote these prophecies down people must have thought them to be insane that's why there's so many questions that's why people oftentimes are curious even people who are non-believers and skeptics often times find themselves intrigued by Bible prophecy and I hope that's you today I hope you have an interest in Bible prophecy I've been preaching and teaching on this subject for almost 40 years in over 50 countries of the world and I don't call myself an expert I've learned in life usually when people call them selves experts that's one way of knowing that they're not an expert and people who are experts usually never make that claim I'm not claiming to be an expert but when you study a subject for 40 years hopefully you've learned a few things about that subject and I believe I have I'd love to share it with you today will you take the time sit down if you're able and join us and listen to this broadcast if you're in the middle of something that doesn't allow you to listen now go back and watch the replay but as we begin let's just take a moment to pray Heavenly Father we never open up the Bible without an awareness of our true dependence upon the help and the anointing of the Holy Spirit I humble my heart today not only in your holy presence but I humble my heart before every listener I pray that today you'd give me favor in the ears and the eyes of those who view and I pray that that which we've learned through the years concerning Sacred Scripture that you would allow us to communicate it in such a way that it would not come across as a lecture or just data but I pray that the power of the gospel would speak to people's hearts and lives because there are people that are listening to me right now that in their own life things are dysfunctional things are falling apart there are people going through tragedy there are people who have been diagnosed with illnesses that are suffering dealing with pain in their body hopelessness but I thank you Father that the power of the gospel changes lives thank you for the promise of the Bible that all who call upon your name shall be saved let that be so today we'll be careful to give you the praise and the honor for we ask it all in the mighty name of Jesus and all of you that believed said a big amen if you have your Bibles today I want you to open with me into the New Testament and into first Thessalonians chapter 4 first Thessalonians chapter form again today we're dealing with some of the most common and difficult questions on a subject called the rapture of the church now it's been my experience through the years that people oftentimes that are not familiar with the power and the integrity and the historicity of the Bible oftentimes are guilty of just saying you know the Bible is a book among many religious books but nothing could be further from the truth and that's why reasonable and intelligent people should have some discussions on the content of Bible prophecy because this book is almost and again scholars and theologians disagree percentage point wise but you can safely say that the Bible is approximately one-third prophecy if you're a new student of the Bible or perhaps you know little about the Bible the Bible is not actually a book but it is a compilation of 66 books written by 40-plus authors over a period of about 1,500 years written in three languages originally Hebrew Aramaic and Greek the manuscript evidence of the Bible is overwhelming between 22 to 24 thousand copies of manuscripts and scrolls and and pieces and in recent days with some new technology there are some that have said that that number is revised it's closer to 66 thousand eight hundred in some manuscript Scrolls and pieces well what does that mean to the average person what it means is important because it means that the content of the Bible is accurate and provable unlike any other book any other writing in all of history overwhelmingly Homer's Iliad is considered by many to be one of the most documented literary great pieces and there are approximately 1,800 manuscripts for Homer's Iliad compare that to the Bible sixty-six thousand eight hundred and some by new numbers manuscript Scrolls references what that translates to is that the Bible is accurate and the Bible is provable many times people have said to me well you know the Bible I'm not saying that the Bible doesn't have some things in it that are accurate or some things in it that are historical but you note if the Bible's been translated so many times that it would be impossible for it to still be accurate after all of these centuries in all these years well you see that's where manuscript evidence is so important to understand because yes the Bible has been translated in languages all over the world billions of copies of the Bible have been published and printed and distributed more than any other book they don't even put it on the bestsellers list because it is just every year the bestseller by far there's no book that publishes and propagates like the Bible it is a book that has stood the test of time but manuscript evidence for example Greek is and I know that there is a different Greek today than there was back in the days of manuscript Kanoa Greek but there are people that still are able to read that and there are over 20,000 copies of the New Testament that are available so it's inaccurate to say that it's been translated so many times that it's not accurate because the original mold the original manuscripts are still available to us today to interpret and those who copied them did so with great intent and will not get into how they did that but do some research on that I think you'll be absolutely blown away as to how cautious and how careful they were throughout history in dealing with original manuscripts not to mention in 1947 Shepherd's in the Middle East were tending their sheep and throwing rocks into a cave they heard a unique sound like the breaking of a jar or the breaking of a vessel and if you know the history of the caves of Qumran those young shepherds went in there and they found multiple scrolls the entire Book of Isaiah was one of the scrolls that they found in the caves of Qumran and do you know what they discovered this is 1947 by the way this is not you know ancient history 1947 some of you that are listening were alive in 1947 I wasn't but we're not talking about ancient history 1947 do you know what they found in that scroll in Isaiah it was word-for-word exactly like the Book of Isaiah in the Bible as were other things that were found in the caves of Qumran so if you ever hear anybody say that the Bible's not believable because it's too old or it's been translated too many times and that's a subject upon which volumes are built I'm not doing an exhaustive study on that today I'm just telling you that anyone who tells you that the Bible and the prophecies of the Bible are not believable or not trustworthy you're talking to someone who's had shallow education or misinformed education it is provable the Bible is provable through science the Bible is provable through archaeology the Bible is provable through the resurrection of Jesus Christ one of the most well documented facts in history not just said by Christians but non-christians as well the Bible is provable through prophecy because almost one third of the Bible is prophecy and over 80% of those prophecies have already come to pass with complete and total accuracy and the Bible is provable through manuscript evidence just to give you some ideas and you know I was talking to someone the other day they asked me that question they said what do you mean the Bible's provable through archaeology now most of you that are listening have heard of biblical archaeology but here's the misnomer about archeology most people say well yeah of course it's provable through biblical archaeology it's biblical archaeology they're all a bunch of Christians operating from a bias no that's not true and I know that it would seem to be true they only call it biblical archaeology because those digs are being carried out in the lands of the Bible most archaeologists are not Christians many of the finds many of the digs many of the great discoveries in biblical archaeology were done by scientists geologists archaeologists non-believers skeptics and Melissa goes on do you know how many digs there have been in the land of the Bible through archaeology over 26,000 do you know how many of those have disproved any of the content in the Bible not one single find in 26 thousand digs in archaeology do you know how many of those digs have proven the content of the scripture hundreds and thousands one quick example for many years one of the attacks and the critics attacks against the scripture was its reference to a people called the Hittites and there was nothing anywhere in the world about Hittites or a Hittite civilization so oftentimes in universities and in higher education this was one of the arguments leveled against the Bible say well you know the Bible speaks about Hittites and there is no record of Hittites and this is just proof that many of the things that in the Bible are inaccurate and they're fabrications you know several years ago in Turkey they uncovered many items that proved a Hittite civilization now evidence for the Hittite people and the Hittite civilization are almost innumerable when they uncovered that and began to dig I mean they just came across hundreds and thousands of articles and pieces and and verified and proved that culture so when it comes down to a bottom line it's not that you have to believe the Bible in blah fine faith it's not like you've got to throw yourself off the cliff of intellectual reason saying well you know if I'm gonna be a Christian I'm just gonna have to go it in the dark no the Bible stands any test of academic scrutiny it is the most provable documented book in world history in anybody that tells you different is coming from an academic bias and they're not telling you the truth so let's get into some of these prophecies fulfilled prophecy listen carefully fulfilled prophecy is what separates the Bible from all other religious books you know one of the questions that I often get on Bible prophecy is you know because those who have studied those who are intelligent there's really no ock they're there listen carefully there really is no argument that stands up to say well the Bible doesn't have prophecy because you know it's 1/3 prophecy that's not contested by any intelligent even the agnostics and the atheists will acknowledge yes the Bible does have prophetic content because one-third of the Bible is prophetic content so here is oftentimes the argument that they use yes the Bible is full of prophecy but it's general and it's vague and it's self-fulfilling well is that true is it true that the prophecies in the Bible we're gonna be talking in moments to come about the rapture of the church and answering your questions is it true that Bible prophecy is general and vague and so fulfilling let me give you just a couple of examples the Bible in prophecy contains hundreds of prophecies of towns cities nations empires and even individuals by name in contrast to that think about this there are no fulfilled prophecies no none zero nada there are no fulfilled prophecies in the Book of Mormon in the Quran in the Hindu writings in Buddha's writings in Confucius writings and we could go on down the line with many of the notable faith philosophies or religions in the world today none there's not one prophecy in any of their sacred writings this is what separates the Bible and this is an argument that if you consider yourself intelligent now I don't know where you went to school or college or university but I can promise you that if you went to a liberal arts school you probably heard a lot of accusations against the Bible but they all come from a playing field of bent and bias there's nothing wrong with that you know if you come from a certain field of study you typically are going to have a bias in that subject but intelligent people even though you may have a bent or an academic bias on a subject if you're intelligent an intelligent person just doesn't study one side of the equation or listen to one argument in the debate an intelligent person sits down and reasonably talks about those who are Pro and those who are calm even the Bible respects that did you know that the Bible said in Isaiah chapter 1 the scripture said come now this is God speaking on behalf of the Prophet come now let us reason together saith the Lord the Lord is reasonable and the scriptures are reasonable God invites you if you're a skeptic or an unbeliever God invites you pick it up he said let's reason together study it put some time and effort into it the sad thing is is that many people are gonna stand before God in eternity z' morning and they're going to be eternally lost because they listen to a handful of biased professors or educators that didn't give them the intellectual reasonable truth on both sides of the story for that student or that vulnerable mind to make up an intelligent decision I'm not gonna do that to you I'm gonna give you some actual evidences and proof no fulfilled prophecies in the Book of Mormon in the Quran in the Hindu Vadra in the sayings of Buddha Confucius but let me just give you something specific to chew upon now we have limited time when we get together like this it's a privilege to have all of you that are with us today on revival today and if you don't already follow or like this ministry this is my son's ministry his wife a Dallas I'm his father but I invite you to follow this ministry and learn from the Scriptures because you will I'd also like to invite you follow me on TIFF Shuttlesworth lost lamb Association on Facebook I do a one-hour teaching on Bible prophecy every Friday at noon Eastern Standard Time and follow us on social media follow Jonathan give time to people who understand these subjects and let us at least present to you truths that are factual let me give you one the book of Daniel it's an Old Testament book and the prophecies of Daniel to students of the Bible are well known the book of Daniel is the Old Testament mirrored equivalent to the last book in the New Testament which is the book of Revelation and people who study and teach on the subject of eschatology which is just a theological word that revolves around Bible prophecy but the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation are the two most important books in the Bible concerning understanding endtime prophecy now let me give you one specific example Daniel the prophet prophesied that in world history there would be four world empires that's pretty specific Daniel prophesied there would be four world empires he prophesied that there would be a Babylonian Empire he prophesied that the Babylonian Empire would be overthrown by the medo-persian Empire he prophesied that eventually the Greeks would overthrow the Persians and then he said the Romans are going to overthrow the Greeks you talk about a specific prophecy that's not general that's not vague that's not self-fulfilling because any of you that are students of history know that there have been four empires in world history in the exact order that Daniel gave them Babylonian Empire and as was prophesied they were overthrown by the medo-persian Empire the medo-persian Empire was overthrown by the Greeks and the Greek Empire was overthrown by the Roman Empire and to date there has never again been a world empire did you know that the Bible prophesies in the book of Revelation that there's going to be a revival of the Roman Empire and it gives many specific details we're not discussing that today and it's always difficult for me when I focus in on a subject of Bible prophecy to try to undergird the things that I'm talking about but we have to stay focused today because we're going to come back to I'm laying foundations for helping you to understand one of the most difficult prophecies in endtime prophecy that being the rapture of the church but I'm laying as a foundation for you number one the credibility of the scripture the authenticity of its content the authenticity of its historicity helping you to understand that you don't have to come to the Bible just through blind faith but you can bring your brain with you when you come to Christ and it stands the test of reason I'm answering the question often level about it's calm about it being copied and translated so many times it's not believable in the 21st century answering the question by skeptics often attacked because yeah prophecies in the Bible but it's self-fulfilling it's general in its vague if it's general and it's vague and its self-fulfilling how do you explain Daniel prophesying the four world empires in order in complete and accurate detail well I'll tell you how you define that it's not general it's not vague it's not self-fulfilling let me give you another example Jeremiah the Prophet prophesied that the captivity under the Babylonians of the Jewish people would last only seventy years well do your homework on that and you're going to find that their captivity Jewish captivity under the Babylonians lasted exactly 70 years how could he know that is that general is that vague is that self-fulfilling could the Jewish people go to the babylonian kings and and those that were their rulers and those that they were subservient to and say hey prophecy says you have to let us go after 70 years oh darn I didn't know that feel free help yourself out the door you go No it was fulfilled miraculously let me give you another Isaiah he's another prophet in the Old Testament Isaiah prophesied that a man by the name of Cyrus would become a king and that God would use Cyrus to deliver the children of Israel from Babylonian captivity well of course it's in the Bible but it's also reported in the anals of history do a little homework on that and you know what you're going to find that there was a king by the name of Cyrus who was the King responsible for allowing the children of Israel to be set free the only thing was Isaiah prophesied that before Cyrus was ever born that's not general that's not vague that's not self-fulfilling the prophet Isaiah knew the name of the baby a hundred and fifty years before his mother and father gave him that name say well you know there could have been a lot of kids named Cyrus it's like John or Jill a common name no you're missing the point he knew he was going to be born he knew what his name was and he knew he was going to become a Babylonian king and then he said that will be the king who will deliver the Jewish people that's exactly what happened a hundred and fifty years before Cyrus was ever born I'm just trying to lay down some information for you because many people approach the Bible from a bias of being told the Bible is not believable Bible prophecy is general and it's vague and it's so fulfilling and you can't trust it anyone who's making those arguments has not been a full student of the subject because it is specific it is detailed I mean I don't have time to get into it today but there was a professor a professor by the name of Peter stoner he was actually a PhD in mathematics and discovered many modern mathematical formulas and he did not as a believer at first just as a scientist just as an individual with an expertise in mathematical formulas he went through many of the prophecies of the Bible and did mathematical formulas or what are the odds of this being fulfilled in any human being what are the odds of these seven prophecies about Jesus in his birth etc etc and you should see and if I have time maybe during the week I'll give you a few examples of his mathematical equations and what they put out it is unreal we're not talking about odds of like 1 in 10 we're talking about odds of in ten to the seventy-first power one in ten to the 31st power and we'll go on tell you what I'll do is I'll include some of his mathematical equations on what are the odds of this being accidental in the scripture let's get into our text 1st Thessalonians 4 if you have a Bible open to it verse 13 the Apostle Paul wrote this he said I do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words this passage of scripture is where we find in the Bible and not be only there are several passages 1st Corinthians 15 Revelation chapter 4 there's two places in the Gospel of John but this is one of the most common passages that defines for us on event referred to as the rapture of the church now listen this is solid gold don't miss this this is tweetable the next major prophetic event in the Bible in the chronology of Bible prophecy but next major event on the schedule is this event called the rapture of the church now if you listen yesterday and I'm of course for the sake of time not going to recap all of it but many people it's the most common question that I get on the subject of the rapture I can't find the rapture in the Bible where in the Bible is the subject of the rapture well the answer to that first thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18 first Corinthians chapter 15 revelation 4 as I said many other passages but remember this one because this one covers that I believe probably as well as any of the other passages 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13 through 18 you say well I just read it with you and I still can't see the word rapture anywhere go down to verse 17 then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the Lord go back to those two words we which are alive and remain shall be caught up or highlight those two words caught up now you remember that I mentioned to you that the original manuscripts of the Bible were in three languages Hebrew Aramaic and Greek there was a man by the name of Jerome who translated the New Testament into Latin and caught up translated from the Latin the word wrapped us translated from the Latin into modern English they used caught up but it's the word wrapped us there's another version of that word repeal then in the Greek that word is harpazo all of these original languages in manuscripts translated into I'm holding an English Bible the Bible is available in languages all over the world but those words from the original texts were translated into the English language caught up so this is where we get the word rapture if no one's taken the time to explain that to you is it comes from the Latin Vulgate and the word rap yo or rap TISS or from the greek harpazo translated caught up but the word rapture comes from the Latin rap TISS so that's why in the world of theology and in the study of eschatology you'll hear the word rapture often but this is a stumbling block for many seekers and for many skeptics and from any born-again Christians who are new and they're just learning their Bible because they oftentimes just get a Bible then they go to the back of the Bible to the concordance and they try to look up a word and say hmm I was listening to a guy on faith USA or I was listening to a guy on Facebook live and he was talking about the rapture and you know what it's nowhere to be found in the Bible I guess he was a heretic so that's why I always take time to cover that as we begin a discussion on the rapture so if you're a new student of the Bible let's start there and move forward so that's why we know the word rapture is translated in the English language English version caught up now one of the arguments against the rapture there are many people that say well it's a brand new doctrine and it actually was invented by a man by the name of John Darby in 1836 1837 from a bit of sickness and he had this revelation and he created the doctrine of the rapture I won't even tell you how I feel about people that argue this point because as soon as somebody begins to give me the John Darby argument about the rapture being a relatively new doctrine it's like it's all through the Bible you'd have to tear out multiple pages from your Bible to say that the doctrine of the rapture was discovered by John Darby in 1836 but let just give you a little background and again we'd need an entire day or two just to discuss this one piece of the subject but if you study history first of all the rapture is all through the Bible when people say I don't believe in the rapture I say you may have difficulty in how you interpret the rapture but you can't intellectually say I don't believe in the rapture unless you're gonna tear out multiple chapters out of this book because the rapture is in the Bible not only that there are multiple raptures in the Bible and I'm gonna show you a few in just a few moments by the way we're going to conclude today's broadcast by taking you to I believe the most controversial question on the rapture of the church and you know what that question is can I be saved if I miss the rapture of the church and the answer to that and I'm gonna cover this at the very end I'm saying saving the most difficult passage for last today is if you've had an opportunity to be saved before the rapture no you can't be saved after the rapture if you've rejected salvation before the rapture it's also the most misquoted misunderstood thing that I've preached on in all of my years of ministry and it's not my view it's straight from the Bible many great scholars many great translators there are volumes that all support what I'm gonna show you it's not some new revelation that God gave me after having pizza and going to bed late it is straight out of the pages of the Bible but most people don't know it most people in the ministry pastors priests rabbis teachers very few people will show you what I'm gonna show you at the end of this broadcast either because they don't want to believe it or they just don't know that it's there but I'm going to conclude today's broadcast by showing you that if you've had an opportunity to make peace with God before the rapture you cannot be saved after the rapture we're gonna get to that in just the moments to come back to the question is the rapture relatively new doctrine well number one it's contained throughout the scripture there are multiple raptures in the Bible we'll get to a few in a moment but it was taught by the Shepherd of hermas in 150 AD taught by the bishop a peat towel in two 70 AD it was taught by Ephraim the Syrian in 350 and I'm not gonna bore you with all of the lists because it's a long list all throughout history of people that taught and explained the rapture in 400 AD Jerome who translated the original manuscripts into the Greek into the New Testament from Greek in latin jerome talked on the rapture of the church and I could go down through all of church history and give to you notable names and scholars that are in history all who taught the rapture of the church so that's why I actually have to kind of bite my lip a little bit when somebody comes up to me and my travels when I'm preaching on Bible prophecy you know I'm gonna tell you something you may not know John Darby invented the rapture in 1830 well actually invented it in 1836 1837 is when he completed those writings but you know that's one of those times in ministry where it's difficult where you just have to remember what the Bible said in first Peter the Bible said in first Peter 3 that you have to treat people with gentleness and respect you know I always taught my kids life is hard but it's much harder if you're stupid well God loves stupid people God loves unlearned people God loves ignorant people God loves intelligent people God loves everybody but I can't tell you how many times through the years I've had somebody come up to me as if they're gonna hit me with a great surprise you know I want to tell you something you maybe never heard of ever heard of a guy by the name of John Darby yeah I've heard of it and then they'll go on with this argument but when people tell you that the rapture is a relatively new idea let me just put it to you this way you know you're not talking to a scholar when they tell you that John Darby invented the rapture I'll behave myself I'll let it go at that let's move on one of the great questions on the rapture of the church is are there examples of the rapture in the Bible other than the final rapture which is the next major prophecy that's about to be fulfilled and the answer to that is absolutely yes now some people say well Jesus was raptured that's true but he was not the first the very first was a man by the name of Enoch and we find that in Genesis chapter 5 and verse 24 the Bible says in Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him in the book of Hebrews in the 11th chapter in the fifth verse Paul the Apostle said Enoch was translated by faith so that he should not see death Enoch was raptured now again what does the word raptured mean it means caught up it means suddenly taken away again remember what I taught you earlier from the original Greek practice or repeal that means caught up that's where we get the word rapture and then also we have from the Greek harpazo and that simply means a sudden taking away a sudden snatching away so this is exactly what happened to Enoch so the Christians that are going to be raptured in this next prophecy they're not going to be the first there are several raptures in the Bible Enoch was one of them the second documented rapture in the Bible is in 2nd Kings chapter 2 verse 11 and it was Elijah the Bible said that Elijah was caught up by a whirlwind into heaven he also never faced death he was caught up he was suddenly taken away and then of course in acts 1:9 Jesus was also raptured and when he had spoken these things while they beheld Jesus was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight so these are a few examples if we had time there's actually seven raptures in the Bible one of the types of the raptures in the Bible that's significant that you should know because Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Lord Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah that will be the condition of the world that will be the condition of humanity when these final events all unfold now Noah and the Ark is a type of the rapture you say I don't think I've ever heard that how do you explain that well let me just break it down briefly and again there's tremendous wealth of teaching in this first of all Paul said in the New Testament wrote to the Corinthians and he said that in the Old Testament God threw mystery and through divine revelation gave types and shadows of things that would be fulfilled in the New Testament and in the New Covenant so there are types and shadows in the Old Testament that as you study the Bible you'll uncover these things and the Bible said there's types and shadows in other words examples clues forensic evidence as it were that will help you to understand the case of the New Covenant and so the story of knowing the ark is a type of the rapture first of all his orders were given to him specifically by God just like prophecy is specifically given by God to help us and to warn us just as Noah the Bible said was a great preacher of righteousness in those last days before the judgment of flood came upon the earth and destroyed them so the Bible prophesized that in the last days the Gospel message just like Noah will be throughout the world as a warning to those who would listen and the Bible said that Noah preached for a hundred and twenty years now let me give you something that's quite interesting how many doors were than were there in the Ark one as a matter of fact God gave explicit detailed command to Noah one door who closed the door and sealed up the ark the Bible said God closed the door what did Jesus say in the New Testament God's son under the New Covenant what did Jesus say he said I am the door he said I am the way I am the truth I am the life and no one can come to the Father except through me that's a type of the door on the ark that's why God said to Noah explicitly and with detail Noah one door and I will close the door just like there was only one entrance into the ark there is only one entrance into right relationship with God Jesus said on that door in other words Jesus was saying if you want to be a part of the Ark of safety in the last days if you want to have right relationship with God you must come through me then God shut the door who do you thinks gonna close final Bible prophecy God Himself the Bible said no one knows the day nor the hour only my father it's God who's gonna shut the final door final prophecy and then what happened as judgment came a lot of people think well the world was flooded by great rain that's only partially true the Bible also says that the floods of the deep opened up but as the ark was raised up notice the sequence notice the timing of this as judgment came in the days of Noah Noah and his family were raised up above judgment and noticed that it happened simultaneously as judgment came they were taken up and preserved so shall it be in the rapture of the church those that are raptured are going to live to the final moment and as the judgment of God begins to touch this earth and the Antichrist is revealed the church simultaneously is going to be raptured great great teaching which we had some time to get into that let me close with this final passage and if you have your Bibles I'm gonna ask you to open with me to this passage open with me to this passage 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 and I'm gonna read through verse 12 let me give you just a second open to it I want you to see this with your own eye so please if you have a Bible open to it I want you to mark this 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 we're answering this last question today if I missed the rapture can I still be saved now all of you that are listening to me the answer is no because if you listen to me you've heard the gospel you've heard a preacher that loves you enough to tell you the truth you've heard somebody explain the gospel to you you've heard someone who told you I'm going to give you an invitation I'm going to pray with you and we're gonna do that in just a moment listen to this 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 this man now this is speaking of the Antichrist in the context I'm just reading a handful of verses here but again the context of this is defining the Antichrist in the age of lawlessness this man the Antichrist will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles he will use every kind of deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them so God will cause them to be greatly deceived and they will believe lies then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth now focus upon those words he will send them strong delusion now look at the verse again let me break it apart for you piece by piece this man the Antichrist will do the work of Satan the Antichrist will be a one-world political leader who will literally be puppeted by evil and by the powers of Satan himself and the Bible says that the Antichrist is going to have an incredible power of evil deception who would have thought that there would have been politicians that had capabilities and deceiving people who'd a thunk it then the Bible says that he's going to fool those now this identifies a group of people he's going to use this evil deception and he's gonna fool deceive those those it's a group who they're on their way to destruction this group we know number one this group of people who are going to be under this evil deception the Antichrist is fooled though they're on their way to destruction let's read on why because they refused to accept and to love the truth that would save them in the original text in the Greek this is past tense they had an opportunity don't miss this they had an opportunity to love and to accept the truth that would save them there's only one way to be saved acts 4:12 the Bible said neither is there salvation in any other for there's no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved these people had an opportunity to be saved but because they refused it because they rejected it when the Antichrist is revealed they will be put under the strong delusion of the Antichrist in one world system and I close with this this is the most common mistake that people make about getting right with God people think they can get right with God anytime they - and that's not the truth you can't get right with God when you want to you can only get right with God when he by divine calling gives you that opportunity John 15:16 the Bible says ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you God said I'm the one that chooses and God's choosing some of you right now if you listen to me today and you don't get right with God let me put an exclamation point on this as I close you cannot be saved after the rapture if you listen to TIFF Shuttlesworth and reject the gospel I say this with humility and I say this with sobering feeling because I present the gospel every time I speak anywhere in the world I go but anyone who listened to me speak is not gonna be able to stand before God and say no preacher loved me enough to tell me the truth no preacher ever loved me enough to tell me how to get right with God no preacher ever prayed with me when the rapture takes place you'll be left behind and the horrors and the apocalyptic events and the graphic graphic horror of that seven-year period you're gonna be a part of it and you can't make it to heaven if you've rejected the truth so I'm gonna ask you to pray with me right now I want you to do something when you pray because this prayer is important you can make peace with God right now see if I don't understand all of that that's all right get right with God and keep studying but the first thing you need to do is you need to get right with God I want you to pray this prayer with me right now from your heart just pray this prayer say Heavenly Father today as I listen to the Bible you were speaking to me I want to be ready to meet the Lord I want to live ready in these last days so god today I admit my sin and I ask for your forgiveness I am willing to repent to turn my back on sin and turn my heart to Christ right now I'm asking you Jesus have mercy upon me come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior from this day forward I vow I will serve the Lord in Jesus name Amen now if you prayed that prayer with me you might wonder TIFF is it really true that if I prayed that prayer with you and I meant business with God that God will forgive me and that I'm right with God is that really true I didn't say it the Bible said it it says all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved here's what I want you to do this is important I go back after the broadcast and I look at these and I'll pray for you if you prayed that prayer I want you to write right now in the comments section just type the word Amen when I go back and look at this broadcast I'll pray for you we want to follow up on you as well but if you prayed that prayer just type the word Amen and let us know that you were listening that you prayed that prayer and you want to serve the Lord I want you to do that go to revival today calm let them know that you prayed that prayer we want to help you don't forget tomorrow's broadcast we're going to be here with you we're gonna pick back up we're going into the Great Tribulation we're going to be talking about this coming Antichrist one world order one world economy going to be talking about the mark of the beast before you leave the broadcast I want to challenge you I want you to go to revival this is an incredible ministry and I want you to so now this isn't for everybody but if you're a follower of the Lord I want you to go to revival so a generous seed to support this ministry use hashtag donate right there in the comment section in the amount do something to help Jonathan or Dallas in this great team as the gospel goes out through all of the world and I promise you that when you sow seed into fertile soil that God will bless you when you honor God's house God will honor your house see you tomorrow we just want to say thank you to all of our partners that are standing with us and sending in the monthly donations or doing one time giving we just want you to know that we really appreciate you we love you and we pray for you every day we take time to bless you your family your health your finances your business it's it's we just wanted to let you know how much you mean to us and that you partnering with this ministry really helps us you know get the job done we for me know but you know we we do the radiance we have different women's ministries around the globe and you get to partner in with that and I just want to say thank you and remember 800 kids are gonna eat tomorrow morning because you sacrificially gave into the kingdom of God so we love you and just want to tell you that have the best day I've ever had we'll see you on tomorrow's broadcast coming back to you just for a little bit of time just to be a little more personal I'd like to talk to you I want to read some of your comments I'd like to see where you're from Jason good to have you on today Krystal kinghorn by the way Krystal thanks for sharing and caring for the ministry of revival today and well that's quite the name Premal antha I may be butchered that but we're glad you're on the broadcast Kathy Lopez Arnold I just saw a comment go by concerning the ark Noah in the ark I'm kind of reading these I know you're right here in the camera but my monitors right here where I'm reading those and the questions seem to ask about the Ark is that a type of the pre-tribulation rapture that's absolutely what no in the Ark is a type of it's a type of the pre-tribulation rapture if I have time this week I'd like to cover five of the arguments why I believe in the pre-tribulation rapture you say you have five arguments from the Bible to prove the pre-tribulation rapture actually in my notes I have over 50 but we don't have time to cover that in the sessions that we have here on social media Cherise Cunningham from Alberta good to have you Andy Baron from Alabama Maria Cintron Aponte thank you so much TIFF this is an amazing teaching and it's clarified so much a wealth of information that was kind Maria so glad you joined us today Kirk does oil mean to be prayed over before you anoint yourself to eliminate pain kind of unique question I don't know that god holds us to a legalistic set of standards I'm just going to give you my view on this I think that things that are sacred are things that are sacred and when we anoint with oil to pray for the sick this is found in James if you're a new Christian but the Bible says in James to anoint people with oil in the name of Jesus and to pray the prayer of faith that will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up and as a matter of fact since I'm answering this question I'm gonna take a moment to pray for some of you that are sick and suffering the same Christ that died on the cross for your sins died on the cross for your salvation the scripture says who forgiveth your sins and heals your diseases will pray in just a moment my advice to you would be this though I don't think God is legalistic if you were wanting to anoint your child as an example and pray for your child and all you had in the house with some olive oil over in the cupboard that you use to cook with go ahead and use it but I always encourage people take some oil and set it aside as holy unto the Lord and use that oil only for praying for the sick and again I'm not saying that if you run over to the cupboard and it's an act of faith and you're just acting in obedience to the Word of God I'm not saying that that's sir I'm just saying that if things in the Bible are written is sacred as much as his in our ability things that are sacred in the Bible let's make it an effort to keep them sacred and so I always feel like get yourself some oil put it in a special container ask God to use it and to bless it and then set it aside and use it as sacred again I'm not saying Wow now I've done that now the oil that I've prayed over is a hundred times more effective than the oil that I make my Italian dishes with no that's not what I'm saying it's the act of obedience that counts most it's your faith that counts most it's your belief in the things of God that's what counts that's where the power is that prayer fasting that's where the power is at but I'm just saying as much as is in our ability things that are sacred in the Bible let's keep them sacred let me take a moment I just feel led because I I've watched some of the comments in the programs after post-production and I've seen that there are some people that are sick and suffering and asking for prayer if you're listening to me and you need a touch in your body just wherever you're at let me pray for you father in the name of Jesus we believe the Bible is true from the first word in Genesis to the last word in the book of Revelation and because you said those who preach the gospel should heal the sick you would never ask us to do what cannot be done in the name of Jesus Christ I pray for every single person watching this broadcast who needs a miracle who needs a healing who needs a touch in their body by the power of the resurrected Christ I curse every spirit of sickness disease and infirmity and I pray that you would loose the people now and set them free father I ask you release the healing fire of God Almighty from the top of every head to the sole of every foot to the tip of everything and I thank you that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead quickens our mortal bodies I pray healing upon your people today and let there be great testimonies that come out of this act of agreement will be careful to give you the praise and the honor and the glory for we ask it in Jesus mighty name Janice Davis I see you've got Matthew 24 and 29 up there in the comments it says immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and then shall appear the sign and then the rest of it is under seymour but that verse of scripture by the way is actually a direct contrast and mirrored prophecy of Joel chapter 2 verses 28 29 30 31 and 32 now many charismatic s' many full gospel people many Christians oftentimes quote Joel chapter 2 concerning revival on the earth like right now and in the last days and they'll say it shall come to pass this is Joel chapter 2 it shall come to pass in the last saith day saith God I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and they go on to quote Joel chapter 2 verses 28 through 32 but that actually is out of context to be used in that manner and I'll tell you why and this comes from a background of Bible prophecy Joel chapter 2 and the prophecy contained in verses 28 through 32 is fulfilled during the Great Tribulation and the darting of the sky and and speaks of the stars and thus all of those things are in the book of Revelation during the Great Tribulation so Joel chapter 2 verses 28 through 32 Matthew chapter 24 that she just had up on this those things are all going to take place during the Great Tribulation Cathy bobwhite when we die I thought we would be absent in our bodies was to be present with the Lord then I always wonder at the rapture the dead in Christ shall rise so are we in heaven or somewhere outside the pearly gates before the rapture well you were on the right track when you said the Bible said when we die to be absent from the body is to be present with Christ now the Bible teaches us in 1st Thessalonians that we have a physical body but we also have a soul and a spirit it's called the trichotomy we are threefold in nature we were created in the image of God and God is in trichotomy God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit because we were created in His image we are trichotomy we have a body we have a soul we have a spirit as taught in 1st Thessalonians other portions of the scripture as well when you die your physical body Paul called it a tent he said this tent will be taken down your physical body goes to the grave your spirit goes to be with the Lord to be absent from the body the tent is to be present with Christ think of it like a tent at a campsite you go to bed you're sleeping in the tent when you die the tent remains here you get out of the 10 you're present with the Lord in your eternal spirit and so at the rapture all of those who died in faith their physical bodies are going to not their spirit their physical bodies are going to be raised to life immortal by the way if you'll go to TIFF Shuttlesworth - lost lamb Association that's our ministry page I actually I teach every Friday at noon live Eastern Standard Time and I actually just did two one-hour sessions on what happens five seconds after you die so rather than get into the details of that I'll recognize some others here that are up on the screen but go to TIFF Shuttlesworth - lost lamb Association that's our men three page by the way I hope all of you go there like that page and follow us every Friday at noon Eastern Standard Time we're teaching on Bible prophecy but go back in the videos and there's two one-hour teachings on what happens five seconds after you die that will really help you understand all of that I walk you through the scriptures the text and the doctrine of that in pretty good detail David gloy good to have you on Danny long Lucia Jeannette Fletcher from Kentucky I see you on almost every broadcast that I do Jeannette we love you and appreciate you hope you pray for us Erica ell well thank you so much can you give me scripture supporting and then I just see a question mark but I'm not sure what she's referring to go back and listen to our broadcasts because if you do you're gonna see that I start in the Bible I stay in the Bible I finish in the Bible I take time to break stuff apart in bite-sized pieces and to explain it to try to help you to understand it from original context but if you listen carefully with a notebook everything I do is saturated with the Bible but if you have specific questions on a scripture just contact me personally follow us on Instagram TIFF Shuttlesworth on Instagram follow us on Twitter follow us on Facebook stay with us on social media we'll do our best to answer those questions Kathy and bobwhite Lisa Robinson you're also on almost all of the broadcast Madi yeomen good to have you on Mike LaValle from Norwood Mass Susan good to have you thanks for putting our website up by the way I don't think I mentioned that our website's lost lamb dot-com we're here today from the revival today studios follow Jonathan at a Dallas at revival today calm if you're not already following them go to their social media pages stay in touch with them doing a great work for God I spoke to Jonathan yesterday he's flying in I don't know what he might we'll see how things work out he might actually be with me on the broadcast Friday which would be awesome if that if that works out Jesse and Rebecca good to have you as well casaba and Carolyn right where you're from and by the way if you prayed that prayer with us please type the word amen because when we go back after this we'd like to pray with you then if you prayed that salvation prayer whether you prayed it for the first time or you away from the Lord and coming back home please write revival today at their contact information send them an email and let them know that you did really important by the way for any gift and I forgot to mention this in the previous broadcast but for any amount that you donate to revival today I'm sending you my brand-new CD it's entitled timeless it has the great hymns of the church I'd rather have Jesus how great thou art Amazing Grace I know who holds tomorrow the old rugged cross the old gospel ship oh love of God and some great songs including the gospel I actually for the first time on this CD the last song I present the gospel I pray the sinner's prayer I just received an email from a woman whose husband was an over-the-road trucker and he took my CD after listening to it his wife had ordered it took it and was listening to it as he traveled in his in his job as a trucker and then came home and told his wife he said I want you to know that guy prayed a sinner's prayer at the end and he said I love the CD said but I want you to know I prayed the sinner's prayer and I gave my heart to the Lord that was why I put it there and that blessed my heart to know that people are coming to Christ so if you haven't already partnered with lost lamb I want to challenge especially business men in business women this isn't for everybody but if God has blessed your business and you want the favor of God on your business in a supernatural way partner your business with the work of God that's eternal if your business and the labor of your hands is only linked to things that are temporary you'll not have the full favor of God when you connect yourself with that which is God's work and that which is eternal it's one of the covenants of the scripture if you seek first Matthew 6:33 if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness all other things are added to you so when you connect your life and your work and your and your finances and your business with the kingdom of God you literally connect the Covenant of God's favor upon your business so I want to challenge some businesses that are listening to me right now businessmen businesswomen sow a seed of a significant amount I'm going to be dedicating the last few services that I have teachings that I have I want to focus on Jonathan and a Dallas in their teens festival of life Crusades they have several of these upcoming these Crusades are phenomenal he's been going into inner cities he's being invited in by mayors and dignitaries from cities to do these events and I can just tell you from being his father and being behind the scenes they so significant amounts of money into these festival of life Crusades they feed the people they provide rent for people they provide gifts they bless these people they don't take any offerings from these people in the inner city they so everything they do in festival of life in those areas that God has called them to target to do that they have to have the blessing of God which they have and you're a part of that so I'm asking everybody in the next few days I want you to pray about sowing a significant seed into revival today's festival of life you can even memo it if you'd like fol festival of life and let's get behind them I'm gonna saw a seed of a thousand dollars and I'm gonna challenge many of you to do that some of you have businesses we support them on an ongoing basis I want to I've already purposed in my heart this year I want to sow seed into every festival of Life crusade that they do and I've been trying to do that even in the past it's a great great work of God harvesting souls do something for revival today you can use hashtag donate your gift of any amount from your heart is under the Lord I know God will bless you for it if you're living right the Bible says in Psalm 84 no good thing does god withhold from them who walk uprightly you can't lay claim to the blessing of God if you're not walking uprightly but if you're following hard after God and you connect your finances to the kingdom of God you will have the favor of the Lord all the days of your life that's the guarantee of the Bible not my guarantee that's not slimy that's not charlatan that's not greasy that straight Bible truth I always love people enough these individuals on Christian television that promise you you're gonna be a millionaire if you saw into their ministry they're liars and they're charlatans if you're not living right with God God can't bless you no good thing does he withhold from them that walk uprightly it's when you have covenant with God and you're walking uprightly that the blessing of God and the favor of God will be upon you so do that today and I'll be happy we'll leave these here with the ministry but we're gonna send you our brand new album some of the great classic hymns of the church I hope it'll be a blessing to your heart thank you for joining us on Facebook today and thank you those that were on faith USA as well we'll see it tomorrow listen we'll see it tomorrow 10 o'clock Eastern Standard Time the next two days our last two times here on revival today sharing on Bible prophecy you're gonna enjoy it the Great Tribulation the mark of the beast the Antichrist we're going to be covering some of those hardcore subjects and you're gonna want to put it into your mobile phone and your tablet put it in your notifications in your calendar give yourself an alert be ready have your Bible notebook pen paper let's learn together god bless you today we'll see it tomorrow
Channel: Jonathan Shuttlesworth
Views: 4,842
Rating: 4.8780489 out of 5
Keywords: Revival today, Shuttleworth, Tiff, Jonathan, Ted, Revival, End times, Rapture, Bible, Bible prophecy
Id: ajiDd130kY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 14sec (4754 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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