The Rapture of the Church - Evangelist Tiff Shuttlesworth

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I'm speaking tonight on the subject of questions about the rapture in my 40 years of ministry and by the way last year 2019 Judy and I celebrated 40 years of marriage and 40 years of missions in evangelism and God has been so good to us but of all of the subjects that I preached on concerning Bible prophecy hands down I get more questions about the subject of the rapture more than any other subject in Bible prophecy I'm reading out of first Thessalonians chapter 4 and I want you to go down to verse 13 first thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 13 i'm reading out of the New King James Version tonight and by the way bring your Bibles to every service I'm one of those old-school evangelists that starts in the Bible stays in the Bible and finishes in the Bible I'll have covered probably somewhere between 45 and 55 passages of scripture before I'm done tonight and I want you to get this into your heart and bring a notebook or however you keep notes and let's get the Word of God deep in our hearts so that we'll be ready to meet the Lord when it comes first Thessalonians 4 verse 13 if you're sitting next to someone that does not have a Bible if you'd be kind enough to share but I do not want you to be ignorant brethren Paul's right there that's offensive to our culture it seems like the author and the author of first Thessalonians is the Apostle Paul but it seems like he's a little harsh on these people by calling them ignorant in this chapter but the word ignorant in the original text simply means uninformed or uneducated on a subject matter so Paul's not being rude Paul's not being abrasive he to the people I don't want you to be unlearn it on what I'm about to show you he said I do not want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope now when Paul is talking about falling asleep he's talking about death but the early Christians didn't refer to death as the normal culture or the various languages often did because they had the hope of eternal life in Jesus Christ the Bible says in the book of Hebrews it is appointed unto men once to die but after that the judgment the Bible tells us and teaches us that death is not the end of the road when you are born the Bible says you will forever be once you are born you have an eternal existence and when your physical body dies the Bible says one day like a tenth the physical body like a tent is going to be taken down but the Bible says you have a spirit and that your spirit is going to live forever that's what Paul meant in another passage when he said to be absent from the body and he was speaking to Christians to be absent from the body is to be present with Christ when you've made peace with God and repented of sin and know that you have right relationship with God there is no fear of death Oh death where is your sting the Bible said Jesus through his resurrection gave to us the promised hope that those who die in Christ will live again in an eternal state praise God and Hebrews tells us in the ninth chapter and the 27th verse it is appointed unto men once to die but after that the judgment focus upon after that after what after death it is appointed unto men and women wants to die but after that after death so death is not a period at the end of your life death is not an exclamation point at the end of your life death is not the last sentence in the last chapter of the book of your life but the Bible tells us that death is a comma it is a brief transaction between life temporary and life eternal and once you are born you forever will be where are you going to spend your eternity are you going to spend eternity in heaven or are you going to spend eternity in hell and I'll cover it another night and so I'll not preach on it now but we're not going to die and wear robes and be handed harps and sit on fluffy clouds the Bible says in 2nd Peter that God is going to establish a new heaven and a new earth where everyone is right with God and during and after the Millennium there is going to be a new earth so you don't have to worry about plastic bottles you don't have to worry about spotted owls you don't have to worry about the fires in Australia and I'm not minimizing natural disasters or problems I'm just telling you man wasn't big enough to create it and man's not big enough to destroy it God is still in control and he's going to make a new heaven and a new earth you need to be right with God and in the moments to come I'm going to give an invitation tonight and if you're not right with God boy are you intelligent you picked the most important place in all of Texas to be right now because I don't know who else in Texas is going to make this any clearer than I am but I can tell you this for an absolute fact there may be some tonight that'll make the gospel as clear but I can promise you that none will make it any clearer we're gonna give you an opportunity to make peace with God tonight I'm not in any way shape or form working for a denomination I'm not here trying to get people more religious I'm trying to help you to understand the sobriety of the hour in which we live the soon coming of the Lord the apocalyptic events that Bible prophecy has already forecasted and the birth pains have already started and when you leave here tonight I want you to be able to go home I want you to be able to lay your head on the pillow and I want you to have maybe for the first time in your life a peace in knowing that if the Lord comes tonight I'm ready to go how many want to be ready to meet the Lord when that time comes so Paul's talking about falling asleep because as a believer we don't die and become worm food the Bible says concerning those who have fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope verse 14 for if we believe or the Greek could have been equally translated since we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so God will bring with him those who sleep now remember it simply means from the Greek death is a separation from your physical body where your eternal spirit is in Jesus and I want you to highlight those two were even so God will bring with him those who sleep in Jesus because all through Bible prophecy we find these two words in Jesus not in church not in Protestantism not in Catholicism not in denominationalism but in Jesus now this is going to make a lot of religious people mad at me but listen carefully what I'm going to say before you need a church you need a change and a lot of people go to church but they've never had a change but the church will never mean to you what it should mean to you until you've had a changed heart Billy Graham used to say when he was a little boy from time to time his parents drugged him to church and he used to tell his parents at Sunday lunch Pastor so-and-so was the most boring man I've ever met in my life I almost feel like I'm dying when that man preaches I just wish it get over but he got saved in a tenth crusade listening to an evangelist preach the following Sunday he went to church and he said when I came home and sat down to the lunch table with my family he said I don't know what happened to Pastor so-and-so but that was the most incredible message I've ever heard him speak he was fascinating you see before Billy Graham needed a church he needed a change on until you repent of your sin and make peace with God and have a genuine functional relationship with the Lord with his word and with prayer you can never have a changed heart remember it's in Jesus verse 15 for this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord will I know means precede those who are asleep for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first the Bible says Christians those who were in Christ who have already died will rise first around Christmastime my mother sent a picture to my phone and she had been at my father's grave just before Christmas and she had put Christmas flowers and Christmas decorations on my father's tombstone and she wanted me to see what she had done for my father I wrote her back and it's not important what I said to my mother it's private but you see what a blessed hope I miss my dad I wish you could have met my dad you would have loved him well some of you would have loved him some of you wouldn't have been able to handle his straightforward preaching but let me tell you something when my mother sent me that picture I thought of this very verse the dead in Christ will soon rise first because I don't have to grieve I miss my dad my dad's been gone almost eight years I still have not had the ability to delete his phone from my cell phone maybe never will about a month after he passed away I pulled his number up and I thought I guess I can delete that but I've never had the ability to delete that I loved my father I'm not dishonouring my father but my father's body is in that grave but when he passed to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord but in the rapture something supernatural is going to take place and the Bible tells me the body that was mortal is going to rise immortal and eternal I heard that a Baptist and a Presbyterian were arguing over who God was going to take first in the rapture the Baptist awful obviously believe that the Baptist would be taken first the presbyterian said no we're older we'll be taken first and given honor the Baptist finally conceded he said you're right the Bible says the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the Lord therefore comfort one another with these words you will hear me say it many many times if you listen to me preach Bible prophecy is not given to scare us Bible prophecy is given to prepare us and the Bible says that when the rapture takes place the thought of that should bring comfort to our hearts so can I ask you a question at this point in the message if you were to go home tonight and fall asleep and in the middle of the night let's just say somewhere around 3:30 a.m. you were to be awakened to the sound of a trumpet unlike any you had ever heard before and in the twinkling of the eye the rapture were to take place would you wake up traumatized and fearful or would you wake up with joy and expectation knowing that you were right with God knowing that all of your accounts with God were paid in full if you don't have the ability to say I would wake up with joy I would wake up with expectation perhaps you need to prepare your heart to pray with me tonight because I love you and I want you to be ready for the rapture because I believe it's going to happen much sooner than the average Christian realizes as you're going to learn tonight there's nothing holding it back it could take place now in light of what's been going on in America and around the world and in Israel and in Jerusalem I'm actually quite shocked that the rapture has not already taken place knowing what I know about Bible prophecy but yet I know God said that he had wait until the final moment because he said I don't want anyone to perish so I'm giving more time for people to repent and when I give the invitation tonight and you meet me at this altar we're going to pray a sinner's prayer we're going to help you if you've never been to church it's okay if you've never prayed before it's okay I'm here to help you that's my job my job is to help you find right relationship with God and I'm pretty good at my job after 40 years and if you'll work with me and trust me I can help you get from where you're sitting to where God wants you to be does the thought of the rapture bring satisfying comfort or does it bring sobering concern I read recently I was actually shocked at this it was in Newsweek which is not a religious publication it's a liberal publication but they had some articles about the Bible and prophecy and end times and they said in that article in their survey that 55 percent of Americans believe that the faithful will be taken up to heaven in the rapture that's a direct quote straight out of Newsweek quote 55 percent of Americans believe that the faithful will be taken up to heaven in the rapture with all of the craziness that's going on in our society with all of the attack against the Bible and the church and evangelicals they can't take the eternal truths of God out of the hearts of men and women more than half of Americans believe in an event called the rapture of the church I'm going to ask a few of the most common questions that I get on the rapture I'm going to answer them from the Bible and then I'm going to give the invitation and I want you to be sure do not leave this service tonight unless you know that your heart is ready and right with God and by the way just in case you're the worst heathen in all of Dallas Fort Worth Arlington I'm not here to judge or to beat you up with the Bible tonight I'm your best friend if you're the worst sinner in Texas I'm your best friend I want to introduce you to a gob that's bigger than your past bigger than your sin bigger than your failure bigger than everything you've done wrong the Bible still says and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all unrighteousness give him a mighty hand to praise for those of you that like to take notes and learn number one what is the rapture let's start with the basics not according to me not according to denominational Creed but straight out of proper exegesis of Holy Scripture and original text what is the rapture the rapture refers to the sudden catching up of the church or believers here on earth to meet the Lord in the air I read that in my text to you but here's something that I want you to grasp in all of the chronology of Bible prophecy the next major end time prophetic event on the calendar of God is the rapture of the church and if you haven't figured out by now by the announcing of my messages this week I'm actually going to walk you through the chronology of what I would call the mountaintops of endtime prophecy because we're starting tonight with the rapture tomorrow night we're going to be talking about the Antichrist and the world system that's unveiling after that the Bible tells us there's coming a one world economy and we're going to talk about the mark of the beast and some of you are going to be a little shocked to find out how far down that end time rolled financially we already are in the United States of America it's not a technology that's coming it's a technology that has been around for a long time and it's a technology that keeps evolving and evolving and it could happen at any time China is already implementing a system that I believe is a part of that last day system they're calling it social status and they do it by a numeric system assigned to the citizens of China India pulled all of their money in one night people went to bed having money using money and woke up the next morning to find that the president of India had completely taken all of the currency out of India and now they have what would be the equivalent of one dollar bills and change and everything they're doing in India was converted to a one-world currency system and done digitally and I'll stop right there because we're headed there and other messages but I want to be clear in my preaching we are not talking about the rapture as if it's something that could happen 10 years or 20 years or 50 years I want you to see that we should be amazed that we're still here by the truth of the Bible I sometimes refer to the rapture as the real separation of church and state [Music] there's a lot of talk about separation and church and state but the rapture will be the most prolific separation of church and state the world will ever see there are three main passages in the New Testament that address the rapture of the church this is important and I hope that you'll learn them and write them down in mark them in your Bible three main passages in the New Testament that address the event called the rapture of the church we're answering the question what is the rapture first in John chapter 14 verses 1 through 3 the Bible said don't let your hearts be troubled trust in God and Trust also in me there is more than enough room in my father's home if this were not so I would have told you I am going to prepare a place for you when everything is ready I will come and get you so that you will always be with me where I am classic scripture number 2 in the New Testament on the rapture is 1st Corinthians 15 verses 50 through 57 the Bible says what I am saying dear brothers and sisters is that our physical bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God these dying bodies cannot inherit what will last forever but let me reveal to you a wonderful secret we will not all die but we will all be transformed it will happen in a moment that word moment in the Greek is además where we get the word Adam it's the twinkling of an eye scholars debate whether it's the actual twinkling of the eye or the light reflection off of the pupil those are people that have way too much free time on their hands but we do know that it's less than 1 12 thousandths of a second and the Bible tells me this is important don't miss this when the rapture takes place it'll take place in about 1 12 thousandths of a second what does that mean practically to you and to me it means there's not going to be enough time to pray there's not going to be enough time to repent there's not going to be enough time to pull up a YouTube video there's not going to be enough time to call a pastor and any pastor that picks up the phone and answers it not worth talking to anyway can I get a big amen is that alright to be that honest in Texas what I want every young person to know and I am so happy to see all of these young men and young women college students teenagers you brought your children man you're wise and doing that some places I go they leave their children home when they preach on prophecy because they're afraid it'll disturb their rest let me tell you what will disturb their life eternity in Hell without Christ it's alright to scare the hell out of your kids from time to time it's in the Bible the Bible says in some saved by fear and we literally should be willing to say whatever hell is in our house get out in Jesus name I want my kids ready for heaven amen that's why they take the offering first or actually you do it last year doesn't bode well for me does it when the last trumpet is blown for when the trumpet sounds those who have died will be raised to live forever praise God I have that circled in my Bible live forever God said in the most memorized verse in the Bible John 3:16 that you shouldn't perish but have everlasting life over and over in the Bible we are told that those who have made peace with God do not have to fear death for death has no ability upon our eternal address we are fixed as the children of God and prepared to live forever and I thank God for that how about you we who are living will also be transformed for our dying bodies must be transformed two bodies that will never die our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies then when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die this scripture will be fulfilled death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is your victory Oh death where is your sting for sin is the sting that results in death and the law gives sin its power but thank God he gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ I sense it in my spirit that there are some older people that are listening to me now and I've hit that age you know when you get a little older it dawns on you how many years do I have left I've asked the Lord in fasting and prayer to supernaturally give me strength so that I can be an evangelist and be involved in missions for a minimum of 25 more years you will never hear about me retiring you retire from a job but you don't retire from a holy mission you will never hear tif Shuttlesworth retired I will never move to Florida buy polyester shorts and plays shuffleboard with people eating lime jell-o it's never gonna happen I'm gonna preach the gospel of Jesus Christ under the coming of the Lord I can't imagine doing anything else I have no greater joy than seeing men and women and boys and girls and young people find Christ and find change and find hope I want you to be ready to meet the Lord will rest after the rapture until then I'm gonna run and fight for the cause of the gospel of Jesus Christ thank you for helping me do that 1st Thessalonians 4 verses 13 through 18 I've already read this as a text but I want you to look again at 16 and 17 for the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet God and the dead in Christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus shall we always be with the Lord here's one of the grandiose and most glorious things about the rapture of the church is if you live faithful if you remain true to Christ if you live holy if you remain obedient if you persevere in this lost world in which we live and keep your heart focused on faith and focused on righteousness when the trumpet of God sounds if you are in Christ you are not only going to be taken with the Lord but the Bible says it's a forever deal it cannot be reversed no one can take it from you your mansion and all of the blessings of the Lord are debt free and paid for and forever will be yours it is a forever deal when you make peace with God and the devil and no power in heaven no power on earth can ever take it from you after the rapture I'm trying to behave myself but I'm about to get Pentecostal the weight of biblical scholarship rests upon the teaching in the second coming of Christ taking place in two phases you know I always try to be honest with people and I'll be honest enough to tell you there are scholars that teach a lot of weird things about the rapture or not even that there will be a rapture and I'll walk you through that in just a moment but I want to be honest enough to tell you there are some people who have some unique teachings on prophecy the rapture the Second Coming that's why I pledge to you at the beginning of this message at the beginning of these meetings that I'll start in the Bible stay in the Bible and finish in the Bible I told you when I began that before I'm done we'll probably cover as 50 scriptures I know that I'm already past that pace it'll probably be closer to 60 but you'll not be able to walk out of here and say he didn't read the scriptures carefully walk us through it and show us not his opinion nor his commentary nor his bias on it he just read the Bible and stated it as it was written we don't believe in two second comings and those who attack the position that the scripture teaches a lot of times that's what they'll say oh you believe in two second comings no let me clarify that we believe in one second coming of Christ that takes place in two phases phase one is the rapture and the reason why it's one event in two phases is that in the rapture Jesus does not come back to this earth the Bible says we rise to meet him in the air and since there is no time with God you can't enter in to the doctrinal explanation the seven-year window of the Great Tribulation that I'll speak on in the final service because with God there is no time it's a process a chronology of a chronological unfolding of final endtime events as prophesied in the scripture so remember it this way the rapture is Christ coming for the church and the Bible says in the twinkling of an eye the dead in Christ rise first we which are alive and remain are caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord and so shall we ever live with the Lord the second coming of Christ that second phase happens at the end of the seven year tribulation but that's totally different because Christ comes back to this earth as a matter of fact the Bible tells us exactly where the address is the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem and then Christ comes back with the church so if you're taking notes this is important in the rapture it's Christ's coming or the church the second coming is Christ coming with the church and we will rule and reign forever and forever if it helps you as far as the visual goes think of the rapture and the second coming like bookends with the Great Tribulation that seven-year span in between the rapture before a Great Tribulation and it's the second coming that ends the Great Tribulation now one of the things that you're going to learn when I preach on the Great Tribulation which is a solid doctrinal explanation as to why we have this position interpreting Scripture is we know the exact day of the second coming the reason we know the exact day of the second coming is the Bible tells us the exact day of the Antichrist signing the peace treaty with Israel now not the exact day in the sense of Wednesday at three o'clock in the afternoon in Jerusalem but I'll cover that in detail and unfold it but the Bible in Daniel the Book of Daniel tells us that the Antichrist in Jerusalem with the eyes of the world watching and now we know that we've lived long enough that when John wrote that that was impossible technology didn't allow the people of the world to see an event they must have thought he was insane when Daniel wrote his prophecies that was not possible they must have thought Daniel and his prophecies to be insane but now because of smartphones anything that happens in the world can be captured and instantly uploaded and the eyes of the world can view but it's not going to happen because somebody had a cell phone I promise you that every major network in the world will be there for that politician whoever he may be the Bible calls in the Antichrist we'll come back to that tomorrow night but when he sits down in Jerusalem to sign an experimental peace treaty we know it's experimental because he says let's try it for seven years and we know that the experiment fails because he violates it in three-and-a-half again don't worry about this we're gonna cover it clearly in the other messages but don't miss this the very moment that the Antichrist signs that peace treaty in Jerusalem seven years to the day not by our calendar but by the Jewish calendar the Second Coming will take place if you're still with me say men question number two why isn't the word rapture found in the Bible one of the most common questions that I entertain people ask I went through my Bible concordance and the word rapture is nowhere under our I can't find the word rapture anywhere in my Bible not long ago I was preaching on prophecy in one of our lost lamb events and afterwards this man was coming down the aisle and I could tell by the look on his face that he was upset and he was and he came up to me and he had his big old Bible and pointed his finger at me and says you preached heresy and my first thought was Lord helped me not to strangle him here in church because I don't take well to people calling me a heretic I handled this very carefully and prayerfully but I was gracious there are very few people in my family that are gracious but I'm one of them they call me the diplomatic Shuttlesworth I don't know if I should be proud of that or not I said sir when did I preach heresy he said you preached on the rapture of the church and it's nowhere in the Bible and if it's not in the Bible you're an endtime false prophet and a heretic he was ticked I was able with the help of God to maintain my composure I said so your problem is the word rapture is not in the Bible there or you don't believe in it yes he handed me his Bible he said show me the word rapture in the Bible and I'll believe it I said do you believe in the Bible well of course I believe in the Bible I said show me the word Bible in your Bible I'm not gonna insult the man I think you get the gist of it the word Bible is nowhere to be found in the Bible but we believe in the Bible the word Trinity is nowhere in the Bible but we see the theological term of Trinity one example would be the baptism of Jesus Jesus was being baptized of John Jesus is present the father in heaven speaks this is my son in whom I am well-pleased and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended father's son Holy Ghost given a theological term Trinity so let me help you because it's a valid question and I don't have problems with people asking questions I have problems when people call me a heretic and I have people who have IQs lower than the room temperature Lord I apologize for that and I ask you to forgive me that was my dad there are many teachings in the Bible that can't be found by theological terms if you're taking notes let's just start at square one there was a very notable scholar around 400 AD his name was Jerome Jerome was the first scholar that translated the Bible from the Greek manuscripts into Latin and in the word Latin the word is rappy oh the word repeal means caught up or caught away that's the term that you find in 1st Thessalonians 4 that when the rapture takes place the dead in Christ will rise first we which are alive and remain shall be caught up so from the original Greek text that word wrap EO is translated caught up but because the word wrap EO is there in the original Greek it's where the word rapture comes from so when they begin to write down the theology and doctrine and begin to teach the scriptures from the Latin word to the Greek word of her pods Oh her pods Oh is in verse 17 it means caught up that word her pods Oh in the Greek is used 14 times throughout the New Testament in all of those 14 times it means to be caught up to be caught away to be suddenly removed or to be snatched away immediately so if the word rapture offends you just refer to it as the great catching up or referred to it as suddenly removed but just know that the word rapture is not in the Bible but it's taken from the original Greek manuscript from repeal which is where we get the word rapture in the English language and that's where the theological term rapture comes from and so the word rapture is not in the Bible but I read to you the three classic passages that show us that they have the exact same meaning question number three what are the signs of the rapture commonly asked what prophecies need to be fulfilled before the rapture what prophecies help me to identify the rapture this is very simple and it won't take any time at all the rapture in the world of eschatology or endtime prophecy is referred to as a sign 'less event there are no prophecies that specifically point to the rapture of the church that's why Jesus said in Matthew chapter 24 and verse 36 no man knows the day nor the hour that son a man will return no not the angels in heaven but my father only Jesus if we take him literally some scholars would say Jesus does not know or some would say well Jesus did not know prior to his ascension but jesus said my father only and so the timing of the rapture is signless there are no prophecies that need to be fulfilled in the Bible for the rapture to take place look at Matthew chapter 24 verse 37 when the Son of Man returns it will be like it was in Noah's day in those days before the flood the people were enjoying banquets parties and weddings right up into the time Noah entered the boat people did not realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away I touched on that this morning but I want you to see it in the context of the rapture tonight people didn't realize what was going to happen until it took place that is the rapture you will not know there are no prophecies if you're ever in some charismatic event and somebody stands up and begins to prophesy that the Lord is revealed to them that the rapture is going to take place on Friday the 13th or on Halloween or on Christmas or any other date you'll know that you're listening to a false prophet because the Bible says it's going to come upon people without warning and it's going to happen when our world is involved in business as usual and I believe that includes the church I believe most churches will be doing religious business as usual that's why the Bible said that many will say Lord Lord but his response will be I never knew you one last question and then we'll pray when will the rapture take place are you aware of the fact that like no other generation no other generation in the past 1900 to 25 years has seen the fulfillment of Bible prophecies pointing to the soon second coming of Christ and the Great Tribulation and the arrival of the Antichrist like we have in recent years could it be that those who are alive on the earth today represent the final generation before the rapture of the church one of the reasons that I point this out to you is because the Bible said when you see Israel is reborn as a nation the generation that witnesses that will not perish until all of these things are fulfilled one of the most incredible prophecies in the Bible is that when Israel is reborn as a nation a time clock in prophecy starts clicking we've all seen the movies and I don't know why they use it but they use it in movies ad nauseam a timer clicking and the hero stops it with one second left on the clock there must be thousands of movies that have been made with the timer result but when Israel was reborn as a nation May 14 1948 you need to know this before we pray it started the final prophetic clock because that prophecy had attached to it this promise of God the generation that witnesses that cannot pass until all things are fulfilled let me give you another major prophecy that took place our current president kept a promise in his inauguration speech he said I will be Israel's best friend and America will be Israel's greatest ally now I don't think he's a scholar by any means and I'm not in the politic and so don't get your panties in a wad just listen to what I'm gonna say when he said that whether he knows it or not he laid his hands upon on unconditional Bible prophecy because God prophetically said I'll bless those who bless Israel and I'll curse those who curse Israel I believe that's the reason why the stock market has broken a hundred records in recent months I believe that's the reason why unemployment's the lowest it's ever been in history and all of the accolades that a lot of people would like to give to a man in the white house I can't do that because I know exactly where that blessing comes from it is the blessing of God he said I'll bless everybody that blesses Israel and I'll curse everybody that curses Israel now at least give him credit for saying I'm gonna be Israel's best friend and keeping his word and I pray that he does that and you need to pray that every politician that's elected between now and the rapture keeps that promise because the moment we have a president who does not keep that promise you'll see America fall to hell in a handbasket overnight because our wickedness and our sins are piled too high our corruption and our lies in our deceit are piled too high it's an unconditional promise from God but do you remember the date that he officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the Allies of the world and the news of the world watched do you remember the date it took place on May 14th 2018 70 years to the day after Israel was reborn as a nation we'll get to it later but if I had time to talk of the 70 year prophecies in the Book of Daniel you have lived long enough to witness some of the most significant end time events fulfilled and I close by simply telling you the rapture is clearly taught in the Bible I'd explained it to you in detail with at least 50 or more passages of Scripture and it is the next major prophetic event I want you to remember that it's signless we need no prophecies to be fulfilled the last clicking clock of prophecy started in May of 1948 when Israel was reborn as a nation I do this just as a quick illustration and then we'll pray musicians would you come now it's gonna take humility for some of you older folks to help me here but please do I want the young people in the house to see this visibly if you were alive in 1948 and I asked that one time and one guy said I was only seven days old do I have to stand yeah if you weren't alive true story if you were alive in 1948 would you just please stand up for a moment and remain standing until I ask you to sit down if you were alive in 1948 stand up now every young person I want you to look around to every person that's standing up take a good look now let's honor them and our elderly and give them a hand you can be seated I asked in the closing moment of this message for that to be done as an illustration visually for our young people because I heard recently at a major youth convention I'll not mention this gospel celebrity of the month but he was telling the young people you're the last generation perhaps but he's wrong you're a subsequent generation but you're not the last generation the last generation was the people who just stood up the generation that witnesses the rebirth of the nation of Israel shall not past and I don't want to be theologically legalistic or pound upon the drum of semantics but this is important the people that stood up are the last generation every generation born after that as a subsequent generation but not the last the last were on their feet moments ago so let me ask you a question do you think any of those people will be alive in 50 years you think any of those people will be alive in 40 years think any of those people be alive in 30 years and I'll stop right there unless this message gets really depressing really quick young people I want you to keep that visual in your eye that these precious older and elderly people that stood to their feet that were alive in 1948 according to the promise of God they're the last generation and they cannot pass until all of these things are to be fulfilled so that leads to one last grandiose statement if we are this close to the Great Tribulation if we are this close to the second coming of Christ how much closer must we be to the rapture of Church if you believe and receive God's Word tonight give God a mighty hand to praise thank you lord [Applause]
Channel: Faith Christian Center
Views: 115,285
Rating: 4.7425017 out of 5
Keywords: Faith Christian Center, great worship, positive message, Austin Lingerfelt, Dr. Gene Lingerfelt, Gene Lingerfelt, churches mansfield tx, churches arlington tx, arlington texas churches, mansfield texas churches, @FCCArington, #livelovelead, faith, healing, success, prosperity, Full Gospel, Holy Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
Id: YP2fqWE5yEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 27sec (3087 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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