Spiritual Gifts // With Special Guest Ev Ted Shuttlesworth // Session 3

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what's up everybody from our revival today broadcast studios in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania brand-new we acquired and outfitted this in less than 14 days so that we didn't have to do it in our old workspace so we've got two office suites here now in Pittsburgh and we have this one just for television and for Facebook live so we're glad that you're here if you were not here yesterday then we have those available on replay but we're taking this whole week to focus on the gifts of the Spirit the gifts of the Holy Ghost spiritual things and there's a great hunger as you could see yesterday was our most viewed broadcast that we've ever done that people get saved and there's something on the inside of them that realizes you were meant for more than natural living God has for you to be someone that demonstrates his power to your generation I read it yesterday Isaiah 818 I and the sons I and the children that you have given me we are for signs and for wonders Isaiah 818 I am the children that you have given me we are for signs and wonders you're not created to struggle with sin or with the problems of life and God doesn't anoint you to just get by in life the Bible says when you get saved you're now created to be a sign in a wonder you're not like everybody else you don't have to live like everybody else but if you're going to realize that then it's going to take the power of God's Spirit not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord and as you know you live in a generation as do I that knows very well how to lean on the arm of flesh how to get a loan for everything they do how to go to the doctor and get healed when they're sick but there's not many supernatural testimonies because there hasn't been teaching along these lines we have a very special guest with us again today my uncle evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth that's preached for over 40 years and demonstrated the power of God some of the greatest things I've ever seen in my life as a Christian have been in his meetings and so I'm not only going to have him teach but he'll tell stories and if you watched yesterday that I don't need to tell you again we had up in the second session every the person operating a camera or working in the studio was crying with their hands lifted the anointing was strong so not only do I want you to watch and take this in number two I want you to get set to receive an impartation and number three if you would share it right now because we have everybody's prayer requests that we're going to take to the Lord in prayer and as we saw in the comments people are sick people are struggling you don't have to struggle you're only one prayer away from the power of God coming down and changing everything and that's what we've set this for this isn't just a broadcast and put something on Facebook this is to give you a platform to receive the power of God and change your life and I know God did that for many people yesterday and I know he's doing it for many now so Gloria Mike Jan Margie Missy good morning to everybody Lisa I saw you say hello Andreea we see all your comments I got them right next to the camera there on a big screen so write us share it and let's get a massive audience to get ready to get impacted by the power of God now without further ado I'm going to swing it to a great man of God and somebody that God has put on the earth to bless our generation and I know this week's going to play a great part in that that these things that were acquired by evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth concerning spiritual gifts are not going to die with him and be lost to that generation God's going to use this week to impart it to a new generation of on fire Holy Ghost people that are going to take America so welcome Vangelis Ted all yours now I'm I really feel because I was praying this morning that I am being propelled by the anointing into a level of the things of God like never before now if you believe in some don't and that's fine that a man can impart to you by the precious Holy Spirit these things and think about what we're talking about when we talk about impartation today the Bible says you shall lay hands on the sick and the sick shall recover what was it that went from those that laid hands on the sick that it got in the sick and they recovered if it an impartation of the anointing the holy spirit but notice it was the hands of the believer praying there's three parts to healing as far as the area of administration or ministering healing first of all there's the part of the person that's sick the Bible says is there any sick among you let him call upon the elders of the church and so the sick man needs to get in contact with another man so if impartation is not real and if a man cannot impart the healing power of God in this case then why would the word of the Lord tell the sick man to contact another man unless there is the ability to impart the healing anointing I could take some of the goofy stuff coming out a lot of these young preachers that are writing papers they went to college but they've never pastured never healed the sick never cast out Devils we need to model that form so I'm not upset I'm I just call them the sonic man that's what they are it's the generation that they have a lot of head knowledge but they've never worked the works of God now here's a definition for you today I want to get into a little bit more of the depth of the area of the gifts of the Spirit than we were able to yesterday but here's a thought the book of Acts the Bible says and by the hands of the Apostles God wrought or worked mighty signs and wonders God had to use men to impart the anointing to other men and women so that signs and wonders could be accomplished now that's God's choice and not man's I have a simple explanation someone said why aren't more people used of God years ago well my father pastured out in Wisconsin we had a precious family in the church that had a big farm a dairy farm and they also kept sheep as well so my dad thought it would be good for me and my brother Tim to go out and work on the farm I didn't know they got up or o'clock in the morning as sister Hartnell bless her heart the first morning I was there she had eggs and bacon and slices of ham and green beans and mashed potatoes and homemade bread and I thought who the world eats this in the morning the first day I made a mistake I didn't eat what I should have but by the end of the day after Haines and running the tractors and all we did I ate everything in sight I mean I was starved the next morning when they had breakfast I took something of every plate I mean I ate because it gave me the strength I needed well brother Hartnell took me to where they watered the cattle and he said this is a spring it was an artesian well just sprung right up out of the ground clear cold I mean pure wonderful and then we went to cross the road he channeled the water under the road through a pipe and into the trough where the cattle would come and drink and when we got there the water was rusty and dirty and I looked I said brother Hartnell what happened to the water he said there's nothing wrong with the water but he said it's the pipe that carried it here to the cattle it's I got to put a new pipe in it's all rusty and dirty and filled with debris this is how God has to work one time my dad said to me said poor God I said we made poor God he said we're the only ones he's got to work with when the purity of the anointing flows through a vessel sometimes that junk that's in the vessel gets on the water but that doesn't define who the Holy Spirit is God is working on us and impartation is not only real I don't know God got me on this yesterday after talking with you and could it be that because we have not desired spiritual gifts that there is not a push in the in the body of Christ to be used of the Lord now in Amos the Bible says there's going to come a day when there's going to be a famine not a famine of bread but I'm hearing the words of the Lord at the same time Amos prophesied he said in the last days he said I want you to understand that when those last days come here's what the Lord says the ploughman shall over take the Reaper in other words as quick as you can so let's talk about what evangelist brother Jonathan just said as quick as you can so while you're sewing the ploughman the Reaper is reaping but it's happening so quick acceleration everybody say acceleration there's an acceleration on the law of seedtime and harvest I believe the closer you get to the coming of Christ the less time there is left to reap a harvest so of necessity and of course of the area of the natural increase it has to come quicker because there's not as much time between the coming of the Lord and you're sowing we're living in the day that Amos prophesied of increase in every area I believe prayers will be answered quicker I believe miracles will come quicker God is doing a quick work I'll tell this story about impartation I was in a meeting in Tampa Florida and minister was raising monies to go to Soweto or Soweto in Africa South Africa to preach now I knew brother Tim Ajala he used to be the mayor of Soweto and I met him in Dallas Texas when I was with brother schambach and he invited us to come there and that part of South Africa and Joe Berger Johannesburg it's the poorest part of the nation Ceretto and brother temple holly was at one time the mayor he said brother Shuttlesworth please come you know he said bring the gifts bring the move of God well I don't think a man carries the move of God in his briefcase but you can carry it in your spirit well I didn't go but this man of God who was a friend of mine he felt to go so he was receiving an offer he said I need at least four people tonight to give $10,000 Susie said it I knew ice to be one of the four so I leaned over to my wife brother John and I said Bonnie do we have $10,000 she said not in our checking account we got about seven or eight dollars I tell people I spend to save I spend all my money to save souls she said that's all I got seven dollars I said all right what about in the ministry account and I think and she's here she can correct me it was about ten thousand thirty ten thousand forty dollars that we had at the end of the month after paying our TV bill and everything I said we'll give that ten thousand I said you got a ministry check no I said what about the ministry credit card we'll put it on that okay so I filled out the envelope and I went down and I'll never forget there was a wonderful ministers name was or is he still alive David Engels from Oklahoma preached for him nice man so he comes down and I said to him God get you two he says if brother did said I wasn't going to let you outdo me and here in I understand and a few others came and the the man of God stopped and looked at me said have you ever had a hundred thousand dollar offerings where you've ministered I think maybe at that time my wife can correct me maybe the most we ever had come in in a week was seven or eight thousand dollars and when I said to him no he said well the Lord says now you're going to begin to have a hundred thousand dollar offerings wow that sounded good to me I was excited now I'm talking about the gifts of the Spirit today and I'm talking about how God uses natural hands how God uses the hands of the Apostles to work signs and wonders but if you think that you don't have a responsibility or you don't have a part to play in releasing the gifts of the Spirit through you as a vessel though you may have dirt in the pipe God has chosen to use earthly vessels to bring his power his our to the world well I went back and sat down I told my wife I said he said we're gonna have $100,000 offer she gets happy I'm trying to figure out my natural my house God's going to pull this off but you see God will do his part when we do our part you cannot expect a move of God you cannot expect revival in your personal life until you give God something to bless that's right you got to give him something and I'm not talking about an offering it was deal Moody and Chicago they drew a circle with a piece of chalk and when they said what are you going to give God he drew the circle stood in a circle he said I give god me the L moody gave himself to God he was selling shoes and within two years he had a thousand children in a Sunday School in Chicago God needs something to work with we are vessels Bible says they're vessels of Honor there's vessels of dishonor now I went to my next meeting and at the end of the week the pastor come to me said I had brother Hagin here and I wanted to do this for brother Hagin but he said I wasn't able to give you more than fifty thousand so when he said that my ears perked up because I was the one doing the preaching now I'm trying to figure out what's my offering gonna be he said brother Ted I don't even have to add to this the people have given over 100 thousand dollars this week in the biggest offering I had my entire ministry you want to know the rest of the story the next week the check was over a hundred thousand the next week the check was over a hundred thousand the next week the check was over a hundred thousand and the Lord showed me what to do with it and we used it to preach the gospel on television and I set some aside because the Lord kome said in the fall of 2008 now we're talking about money I know that but we're also talking about the gifts of the Spirit and one of the gifts of the Spirit is the word of knowledge the Lord said to me in the fall of 2008 there's going to be a financial problem and he said it's a manipulation by the bankers but if you put some of this money aside and trim this in your ministry you'll never feel this financial problem that's coming well i even wrote to all my partners because i didn't want to keep the blessing to myself and told them in fact i knew a man he had over a million dollars when he read the letter he said what brother Shuttlesworth is going to do that I'm taking my money out of the bank and he did and never lost a dime then when things recovered he put his money back in and doubled it and God gave him 2 million he told me that himself my cousin who had just retired took all of his money and he put it in a safety deposit box and when it was over he reinvested and he doubled his money and I've had many tell me that now how did that happen it came by the Holy Spirit through a gift of the Spirit when that preacher prophesied to me the gift of prophecy is real he was releasing in those words and never forget this our words are the vehicles that bring the supernatural power of God to our lives right that's why the Prophet brother John said set a watch at your mouth you don't say every thought that goes through your head and I mentioned that yesterday but we speak the words of life we speak the Word of God we speak that the Holy Spirit is able to do anything and everything we speak that our God cannot fail we speak and say that God is our partner we speak and we declare that nothing can happen to us that God can't do something about it and these wonderful marvelous gifts of the Spirit help us to partner with God like the early apostles so that by the hands of the apostles God work the gifts of the Spirit and signs and wonders were wrought now in your Bible if you have your Bible this morning I'm wanting to read to you something that I believe will help all of us again first Corinthians 12 where we're introduced to the gifts of the Spirit the Bible says verse 12 for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is Christ when you get these CDs for your gift of a hundred meters are watching I want you to get it because this is some of the best nuggets God's given me over the years I'm not holding back I'm giving you what God gave to me as it came to me over the years of doing it many days of fasting many days of prayer many days of reading the Bible getting up early before the chickens were up and studying the word teaching it twice a day three times a day the most ever did overseas was five times a day in India this is my life see this is my life's work and you need to have it by impartation now the Bible says verse 17 if the whole body were an eye where were the hearing if the whole we're hearing where were the smelling he's talking about the five senses I want to introduce this thought to you there is a sixth sense I call it faith we walk by faith and not by sight sight being one of the natural senses referred to here by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul's writing five senses sight hearing smell he talks about it touch taste five senses but there's a sixth sense we walk by faith and not by sight I made a comment yesterday and I I could feel some of you didn't get it so I'm going to go back over it a little bit either were watching I said to you that in the anointing that when we walk that is a part of the utterance gifts or what we would say brother John confession some said I don't understand it well we walk by faith so you're walking how does faith come faith comes by the hearing Romans 10 but what's a fit the word of faith is naívi even in thy mouth we walk by what we hear and so I talk to you about the priests the blood on the right ear the right thumb the right toe the oil of anointing comes over the blood which means you're saved then you receive the Holy Spirit and then the remainder of the oil is poured down over his head and his beard and his garments and it is the anointing that makes the difference we know that I talked about the ear this area here I talked about the fact that when we receive it we hear it from God that it is the area of Revelation now there's 3 ways that God works with I believe everybody and I know he works with me this way and the gifts I've either seen it in a vision I've heard it and sometimes audibly and there's a knowing now the Bible says we see through a glass darkly these gifts at best are imperfect in the believer that's why I told you the story of the rusty pipe even with the greatest Ananya you'll ever have you still see through a glass darkly but thank God you see something and then God used the gifts and he would speak and Paul saw the Macedonian vision heard the cry of the Macedonian come over here bring the gospel to us and so there is that area of seeing but at best it is not as clear as we'd like it let me put it that way now let me help you with this three of the gifts that God operates in these get wonderful gifts of the Spirit for the body of Christ our revelation now it's only a fragment I'm going to give you a general definition of each of the three categories the revelation gifts it's only a fragment of the knowledge of the mind of God if God showed you everything then you wouldn't need to walk by faith because you'd already know it and just do what you knew now I've had God showed me things for a meeting you have to I'm sure I figure out what birthday it was but it was coming up on my birthday and I decided I was going fast Bonnie you'll remember this we were out in Terre Haute and I used to have these cassette tapes of Shirley seizure hold my meal while I shout you I used to laugh and get blessed listening to her and she's still going strong god bless Shirley but Bonnie said where are you going my wife calls me the floor creature I slid under the bed because we're in the parsonage and there's kids and noise and I said I'm going under here and I'm going to fast and pray all day I slid under that bed I had that little cassette player I put them headphones on and I listened to Shirley Caesar and then I pray in tongues and I mean I wasn't eating and I remember the pastor's wife Kathy knocked on the door and she told me this big breakfast she had ready I said tell her Bonnie I'm not eating today and I mean I was just hearing from God now somewhere in the afternoon doing this the Lord said write this down I'm going to tell you what's going to happen in the service tonight never had this before and it was like the first time so I got a yellow pad like this pad and he said here are the songs they're going to sing so I wrote down all four songs wrote the title song as I grew up on he said then you're going to preach from this text so I wrote down the text he said then the first person you're going to pray for is a man in the right on your right back in the audience on the left of course facing the platform he's deaf in his one year you're going to pray for him I'm going to heal him I wrote it down he said then there's a young girl on the second row in front of him who's scheduled for surgery and she has fibroid tumors I wrote it down you remember this dear then he said there'll be a lady on the back row on this side and she is battling diabetes and today in the laundromat she almost passed out I wrote it down and then he said you'll call the people forward this is how many will be saved in other words you can pray souls into heaven this appointment making here and he said you'll close with this song you lay hands on everybody I had it written down from the first of the four songs to my text to the word of knowledge that God had given me in prayer that day and fasting the altar call had the whole thing this happened get to that night pastor was Jim Palmer wasn't my dear friend Jim gets up and he sings the first song and I had a pen I reached over checked it off I said Oh Jim hears from God because the Lord told me what the songs were that didn't mean that brother Jim didn't have to hear and get the right songs right sang the second when I checked that off he sang the third one I checked that off I'm waiting for him to sing the fourth and he said it now brother Ted's coming so I lived the fourth song myself because it was in the mind of God the first three are right why wouldn't the fourth be right so you see sometimes God will show you something and you use somebody else to bring it to pass but sometimes when God shows you something he wants you to have a part in it too that's right and so the yield of the Holy Ghost is very very important and I think one reason why many people don't operate in the gifts of the Spirit they're afraid they might miss it you hear what I'm saying so what if you miss it you still have another opportunity God's not going to get me he's not in heaven saying let's see when you stumped the students today no he wants these things to be manifest the body of Christ members in particular maybe you're not the part that hears but you might be the part that smells and they say stinks I said smells everybody has a part to play well I got to the part where he gave me these words brother John and I said to this old guy he was a farmer in the church there in Terre Haute I said you can't hear out of one ear he goes what everybody laughs they know him I don't know I've never met him I go down I pray for him and his deaf ear comes open everybody's happy oh no worried that God so I go to walk back there's a young girl I said you're scheduled for surgery her eyes get big she was not too old was she on maybe 18 to 20 range she said i am i said you have fibroid tumors that are causing problems in your body excessive bleeding yeah I said I'm gonna pray for you and when I pray for you you're gonna pass him and you can go back to that bathroom I prayed for she jumped up ran back came back she said this pains gone something came out of me Oh hallelujah her mother's there and gets mad remember this one her mom gets mad she goes I had five boy tumors how come God didn't heal me I told her the truth I don't know and then I went to the lady on the back row I said you were in a laundromat today she starts crying yes now as these gifts are manifesting there is a anointing that starts filling the auditorium right for conviction of sin see I believe that the gifts of the Spirit work in a redemptive context absolutely brother John I do not believe that the gifts are just so you can know somebody's name show me one place in the Bible including Jesus's ministry where a name was revealed even in the New Testament now he knew the spirit of Nathaniel John chapter one we talked about that yesterday I think sometimes we need to understand there's a difference that hear me I'm going to help you there's a difference between the Holy Spirit and a familiar spirit and I personally have good godly men of God that are my friends but they've had people in their churches that have a familiar spirit great I have a friend if I mention his name everybody listening with knowing he had this guy in they had a good meeting he said man you know the guy who knew people's names and he knew on the the details and so forth I knew who this young man was and I knew that he lived an adulterous life he was a fornicator finds me the story Lester some will ever tell you whether summer I was eaten and a Frank some roles watch it he can confirm this and this guy come over suppose some role I always wanted to meet you where the Sun will stop to eat looked up and said you're an adulterer and kept on heat and everybody hit the tables fun they're going oh Lord put me under the blood anything I've ever done wrong so these are the kind of preachers that I grew up around and I was blessed to have their kind impartation so when we were talking yesterday about how some denominations I think I mentioned the Assemblies of God but you see there are good people in the Assemblies of God opal reading taught at Central Bible College and for she died she sent me an email she said brother Ted what you're doing is what we did in the early days of the Assemblies I said God leads a life I want to actually dealing with impartation day more than I did yesterday because the gifts literally you have to model them to the next generation right do you know I knew Fred Volk rocked the German Pentecostal preacher some sir whose friend VOC ROTC there's the problem we have not honored our older men like we should have Fred VOC rot was in Azusa Street with Frank Bardhaman he was in then in the Assemblies and what they call the Eastern District nothing is called the pending or something like that and the Eastern District Penn Dells always had great leaders brother buns are no I love that man in fact in one of my meetings he had a tumor disappear out of his hand God just healed him and he loved the prophecy brother bin journal and he's his wife died and he's remarried he's a great man of God so when I say these things we're talking about those that are not great men of God get it straight sonic men you'll know them and they don't know what they're doing why it was never modeled - but I would I got blessed so I leave viable schooled brother John and I meant preaching in Lancaster for Bobby Dearborn and who comes but Fred Vockrodt the oldest at that time living assembly God ministry was 96 and I prayed for people and so forth and he come up to me said sit down sit down that German accent i sat down he said when I was in Azusa Street God showed me how to heal the death you have that gift well I did he said I see him as little green frogs some think of who in a world is this guy he sees green frogs he said when they come out of the ears of the people then when I found out his ministry and the endurance of the years of ministry and was in Azusa Street by the Holy Ghost the spirit led him to that old wheelwrights barn he and Frank Myrtle and so forth so what I'm saying is it's easy to drift away from where we came from and the reason is not what some of your going to think Amos said there will come a time when there'll be a famine not a famine for bread but of hearing the word of the Lord and in that same season there is some kind of increase on the law of seedtime and harvest now if I am preaching according to mark 4 and teaching the word that word is seen Jesus told the disciples and it falls on four kinds of ground and interesting to me interestingly enough there are four manifestations of each of the nine gifts only one of the ground brought forth fruit so we're working with a twenty five percent margin here seventy five seventy five the people who hear the word Jesus said they don't keep it or get it or even endure when the fliction comes but notice all four grounds receive the seed of the word the one common denominator of all four grounds that Jesus mentions in mark 4 was they receive the Word of God now how how does a group of people drift away from their foundation if it is not the famine of hearing the Word of God right the gifts of the Spirit II said I would not have you to be ignorant God wants these things to be taught to every single generation that's right every generation you that are watching now I felt the anointing right there we got a bottle of oil that we're going to anoint these prayer requests I got it right here I forget who got it my brother over here and we have your request they told me over 1200 already just from yesterday now right here we can see when you make a comment here's the comment I want you to make the first appeal that I want to give you right now is not selfish but it's for you I want every one of you that would like God to use you in these mighty gifts of the Spirit I want you to put on that screen these words and I know that they'll bring them to us and I'll anoint this and I'll pray for you and it'll be powerful but here's what I want you to do I know the devil doesn't like this but see what we're doing brother John we're raising up a new generation it's going to work in the gifts and that that's the whole purpose of this week that's what I felt to do and when you called me in Alaska oh yeah yeah I felt like you know as much as that bless me you talking to me for an hour about that stuff most people don't have anybody like that in their life or ever come to their church so but now God gave us this tool where everybody that hungry can log on for free and it will change their life I brought a book with me while I'm thinking about it published by gospel publishing how similar God by a man named Donald G concerning spiritual gifts I've had this my library for years and some of the things that you know my son told me about these new position papers and so forth they fly directly in conflict with the early teachings of the Assemblies of God even when you look at the papers on the 16 fundamental truths which are the 16 fundamental truths of almost all Pentecostal denominations like for on divine healing they'll have what PC Nelson wrote right and then it'll say amended 2001 and then they'll add to it and the stuff that's added to it is not scriptural this actually happened to me while you're on that I was down at Southwestern somebody got Bible College in Texas good people and they had a big warehouse full of books and my dad had an original copy of PC Nelson's look called Bible doctrines yeah dad said if you can ever get it son that's the foundation of the Pentecostal preaching right so I went in there and I found a copy and I go up and this is wengie raymond carlson was the general superintendent I say this because after I taught yesterday I got a few calls from people said are you anti Assemblies of God no I'm anti stupidity and there are people that are not bright in every group you know they're not going to become a lightbulb is what I'm trying to tell you so anyhow I go up to buy the book and I lay it down and a retired assembly God the preacher was working there now gee Raymond Carlson before his general superintendent he my dad used to preach Kant means Green Lane different places and some of the first Christian books I had as a young boy brother Carlson bought me one time you should come back to the bookstore in Green Lane there and there were books called Sugar Creek Gang and how Halloway boys and just Christian books and he bought me like 20 bucks he said Ted if you if you'll study God will use you if you'll learn to read about the things of God God will use you so that dear man what my first Christian books I still have them in my library never throw away well but I lay the book down to buy it the guy said his words not mine we don't believe this anymore he took it and threw it I said I'm gonna buy it no you're not he was not and was I ever tempted to get on my phone and call brother Carlson in Springfield and say this not that you got down here won't let me buy a book I felt like saying it felt like doing it but I didn't you got to walk in love but he said we rewrote that book well first of all PC Nelson wrote it PC Nelson knew 44 languages read and spoke was brilliant did his morning devotions in a Greek Bible he understood the Greek how you gonna rewrite a man's book though you're not as bright as you know so any had a powerful Minister that that's the thing it's like you read the thing written by a guy that had a ministry to the sick in a ministry and power then amended by who are you and you know and it's not and let me just say it's because they don't understand their position in the body right that's the point of making today I you know on the point of what you're talking about I don't understand why people can't listen and understand that a group isn't being attacked if there was no care for the Assemblies of God then then we want to care won't even discuss it it's from people that grew up and knew what it was and then now seeing it hijacked by people that don't believe in the things of God let me say one more thing on the point of what you said about miracles work through the hands of the Apostles that position that gets taken by those denominations it actually leads to the things being said like this well how many of you know it's not about brother Ted it's about God it's not a it's not about a man don't listen to brother Ted listen listen to God well when you do that and don't understand that God works through people people are important it's not if it's just about God why book a speaker in the first place because people say father let no man be seen tonight let no man be heard well then I'll just go home you know and as they teach and that's a religious prayer that's not a Bible prayer right in them doing that is it that in the hour of the greatest need of evangelism and pastoral work that they're all the Bible colleges have had to go liberal arts for lack of demand because there's they malign the need for spiritual gifts and impartation and God working through men okay let God do it Lord send a revival no no one gives themself to leave everything go to Bible School and launch out to bless their generation so this isn't about just some kind of random attack oh you know just so the I will calls it correction that's right and reproof because you can review because you see the result if it's not corrected and rebuked right you have the lowest amount of ministers in the hour of the greatest need because of this dumb doctrine that just says all you know you know these not important it's not about him know people matter not only do lost people matter once people get saved God has a desire you know the eyes of the Lord search continually through the whole earth second chronicles 16:9 looking for one whose heart is fully given to him that he might show himself stronger they that know their God shall become strong and then do exploit so it's not just knowing God that in both scriptures there's a strengthening of God's Spirit that has to come on somebody's mind on their body and in their spirit to impact their generation then you would have been lion poop in the Lions Den if it wasn't for the gift of God it wasn't him just being holy it was him having angelic divine intervention we cannot destroy the work of the devil against our generation because we have a good heart or you know our boy isn't it a shame what's going on no somebody has to make up their mind that they're going to get the fire of God and learn these things about how they manifest before I swing it back to my uncle you know the Bible says in Joshua if you will observe it to observe and to do to observe and to do great success comes from yeah that's what impartation is I never knew how to pray for the debt they never prayed for the Deaf in the churches I grew up in and then they'd pray just general prayers for the sick but when I saw my uncle Ted take a deaf person I remember I was 19 I was in Bible School he was preaching in Seekonk Massachusetts I want to see him and he took an offering plate and took a collection of everyone's hearing aids and then everybody that put a hearing aid in the offering plate prayed for him and 33 people had their ears open I had never seen the death prayed for like that so in observing and saw that it got results one after another crying I can hear now I observed and now I knew how to do you'll always be confused in life and confused in ministry you there's a lot of people they'll feel the unction of the Holy Ghost come on them but they don't know what to do with it because they've never studied on these nine ways the Spirit manifests himself so that it praise God what God's in the healing business how you know but they don't know how to how to focus it in a way that drives the devil outer heals people are wind souls so this is vitally important because in receiving this impartation it's a strengthening of the Holy Spirit to not only make heaven but to forgot to use you the remainder of your days to make the devil sorry he didn't kill you when you were in the womb or when you were born or whatever that's why it God's drawn you to this broadcast that's why God put it in my heart to have the broadcast and have him live in-studio so you can hear if the devil is trying to take these things out of our generation and have just everybody with a coffee and a bottled water watching a speaker on a stool on the stage no altar service no move of the Holy Ghost then it's high time to go in the opposite direction of what the devil is doing and put the fire of God in people so they can be used in the gifts of the Spirit and what we're saying really is the scripture and God sought for a man not a denomination not a group a man to stand in the gap that's right all we're saying is we need some people to stand in the gap now I gave you this instruction a moment ago I want you to keep doing it because we're going to anoint with oil I believe in the anointing and when you get it in I want you to make a commitment by a comment on Facebook today I will be used of God now you may know a particular you desire to be used because the Bible says desire spiritual gifts I'll get into that in a moment and you may have a certain thing that you feel that you want to do for God but it is important to verbalize to publicly commit yourself to do something that God has a record in heaven on June the 27th as a few minutes before 10 a.m. on the East Coast Mary and Maria and Ruth and Missy and Steve Hurlbut I don't know Steve the Lord will use you I believe he will Steve Hurlburt he's my niece's husband Aaron Dana see the comments are coming I will be used of God I confess I say publicly I will be used of God let me tell you how strong God is he says here verse 18 but now hath God said in the body members every one of them as it hath pleased him now Circle that word pleased in 1st Corinthians 12 verse 18 remember it the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 but without faith and is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you cannot please God without faith and then in Romans I know you notice it says so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God which means faith has nothing to do with the flesh and what we've done is we've trained we've educated we've subsidized we have regulated faith to a degree if you learn this lesson you'll have faith if you'll do this God will use you I'm telling you it's the opposite if you do nothing but just seek to please God he'll use you man may never give you his approval man may never lay his hands on you and say I recognize you and this is the truth everybody wants to be cognized by that I mean feel like that they have some importance to it I'm sure when I was younger my dad used to have in his home great men of God as I said my father was similarly God preacher Johnson's grandfather and Morris plotz came back from Africa he was in our home Oana temple big strong man from Louisiana powerful and he tells stories we'd believe him he told the story of how he got a word of knowledge and see that's why impartation is important because the word of knowledge he got in Africa later God gave me one and helped me in the similar way he passing it on right that's how the world calls it were passing it on passing it forward he needed going to a village but he didn't have transportation he had an interpreter the village were known to kill the lightning if they came so a Russian circus had broken down in this town where brother Platz was and they had a Jeep for sale it was an old red circus jeep but the plot said I didn't want to read circus Jeep but I bought it so he and his interpreter go back through the bush back to this tribe that they wanted to reach for Christ and when they pull out onto the veldt out onto the plain the tribe rushes forward hundreds of warriors and people and bow down around the jeep brother Platz said to the interpreter what do you think's going on are they praying before they eat us a flood bless his meal the interpreter spoke and it turned out he spoke to the chief what are you doing and this is what brother plotz told me as a young boy that set me on fire for the supernatural he said the chief said yesterday a man came out of the sky dressed in white robes and said I want you to know who I am so I'm sending a man and a red chariot when you see the red chariot he'll tell you who I am and then that man went back up into the sky and village sawed and that assembly God work was birthed out of a word of knowledge that Morris plots receive he came in the Russian circus red Jeep and the whole village in one afternoon gave their hearts to Christ that had come out of the sky to tell them I'm sending my man in a red chariot he's gone and he will tell you who I am and of course brother plotz was used to God to build up great Bible schools these are the people came to our home cm ward you probably remember him dad would bring him anybody to Bangor brother Ward he said I'm going to give you some advice my boy I used to talk about he was like the WC Fields of Pentecost that's what way of talking so as a young boy G Raymond Carlson I mentioned him brother Trask we love him these leaders but I'm telling you that kind of strengths lacking right now see so as you say we're not taking shots because my friends in the Church of God tell me the same thing yeah in the Foursquare some of my friends tell me the same thing you see it is a symptom in the Pentecostal world and the word of faith world that when you lose the generals if you've not exchanged the baton if you've not laid the foundation and what I'm contending today is the foundation is the gifts of the Spirit then a whole generation suffers that's right by these people they have a diploma they've never cast out a devil they have a diploma but they've never healed the sick they have a diploma but they've never stood on the streets of our inner cities of American preach the gospel there are some people just get this in your heart and I'm headed towards demonstrations today but there are some people I wouldn't follow them to the bathroom let alone hell and back because they have no spiritual backbone and they need to get their hat and go home because they're doing no service to the body of Christ if they're not in the body of Christ and I contend you're not a part of the body unless you've been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ confess your sins and turn from your sin we have preachers that drink we have preachers that watch porno movies one group I won't mention them by name because that's not the purpose of this their youth convention it was the largest rental of pornographic movies that ever took place and my friend was the head of their youth department for their whole denomination I went to Bible School with him he was heartbroken then a few years later he had an affair with a woman you see impartation is real whether you believe it or not where do you think all of that unclean spirits was coming from leadership that was living a double life I'm teaching right now I'm preaching better than your shouting I'm listening I don't hear the shouts but I'm telling you if you will make a public commitment to Jesus Christ and say we still when I was a boy and we had youth rallies we'd sing to be used of God to sing to speak to pray to be used of God hallelujah to show someone the way I longed so much to feel his touch of his consuming fire to be used of God is my desire and I weep to feel it even now I do we put those holders and I'd say publicly I want to be used of God I never knew God would use me in his wonderful gifts of the Spirit but you see it starts out and I'll read it to you it starts out in first Corinthians 14 follow after love and desire spiritual gifts everything that God will ever do for you everything God will ever do for you starts with a holy desire in your spirit to be used to God I want you to keep the comments coming I will be used of God say it type it in the comment make this today that you say I will be used of God in whatever way he chooses to use you never forget God will never change you for the worse he always changes you for the better John some people I think they're just afraid to step out and say use me Lord you're afraid use me Lord now I want to talk to you about the area of manifestation a little bit more today the word in the Greek fanner OSIS or fanner OSIS means a shining forth of the light and it's the word used for manifestation in 1st Corinthians 12 verse 7 so when you see manifestation it's almost better to use a word picture here it's like you've got a flashlight you turn the flashlight on I think yesterday I said it'd be like an old-fashioned slide and the projector light goes through but it blows up this tremendous image that is the word picture for the word manifestation here 1st Corinthians 12 verse 7 the part I didn't mention yesterday that I want to get into today the Bible says these manifestations of the Spirit they're given so it's a part of the gifts to ever man everybody qualifies that desires and covets but it says then and he quoted Joshua 1:8 if you meditate and observe to do all that is written in the word God said I'll cause you to have great success so he told Joshua as he was with Moses so he was with Joshua this thing's generational and so I did I talked about opal reading I meant to tell her story she sent me an email opal reading taught at Central Bible College and she used to watch me on television and I knew her brother-in-law Bob McCutcheon these are all wonderful people I believe opals in heaven now she sent me an email that was the point I wanted to give and she had heard me preach on healing preach on the gifts preach on the things of God and she said to me that's how it was in the early days of Pentecost and then I told you about Fred Volk right at that time the oldest ordained Assembly got minister in his 90s but what happened I believe groups begin to fight the manifestation after World War two of healing I heard brother Oral Roberts say it was the easiest thing to get people healed after the Second World War it's like God just showed up was powerful well certain people's within certain groups and it's always the money it's always about the money they saw their missions dollars going to world evangelism brother Alan brother Osbourne so forth brother Osborne did more with God's work see God looks for a man with the gifts of the Spirit from 19 and 59 till no 1954 to 1961 brother Osborne saw more people converted to Christ than all of the major Pentecostal denominations put together that's amazing I have the materials I can prove what I'm saying no it's true I have a volume that was given to me of every faith digest that was his magazine chronicling the miracle revivals where he operated in the gifts and he told me he said you have to learn how to release them through a prayer a mass prayer because you said the crowds would get so big you can't lay hands on every one of them now laying on our hands is only one of the six ways that the gifts of healing are released someone commented yesterday say aren't they the gifts of healings they are over as you read over into the 28th verse of 1st Corinthians 2 it says then give some healings plural because there's more than one kind of sickness or disease but in the listing of the gifts it just says the gifts of healing in the first reference which is found in the ninth verse so whoever sent that comment yesterday as I read it I thought they're confused over the letter s in other words my dear friend whoever you were focus on what matters the thing that matters is God heals that's right and there's many ways he heals I found six there may be more and I'm sure there is he sent his word and he healed them fentons translation of that scripture in Psalm 103 he sent His Word and it healed them there's healing in the word of God you one time money and I were in breezewood Pennsylvania holding meeting and I was just reading my text about how the Lord healed the deaf man and all of a sudden I see these two women talking in the front row I was taught as someone else is talking you don't talk so I stopped this is everything all right ladies they were Lutheran's remember that dear and she said we don't know what happened my friend was born deaf and this year and as you're reading the Bible her deaf ear came open and hundreds saw it well there's enough power in the Word of God to release the gifts just by reading about it that's right I mean that's how much God wants to work the works that he declared that he wanted to work just read it and the powers in the word itself they came to hear and to be healed as he stood on the plains of generic hallelujah is here but you see if you're not preaching anything that people aren't hearing anything right I mean we got you know sermonettes for Christian it's and they're bassinets that's the day we're living in preachers that are watching get in that Bible get your nose in the word get a revelation let the Holy Spirit confirm it with the gifts and by signs following God worked by the hands of the Apostles Oh hallelujah he's working today he's never changed I am the Lord God I changed not he verse 13 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Oh hallelujah he'll be healing people after I go to heaven he'll be healing people before I was born he heals people now while I'm living he never never changes and these manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit the shining forth John one he's the light he wants to shine in front of this generation in but he's not going to use just anybody but he will use everybody who desires these spiritual gifts Emma you have to have a desire for and so if there's ignorance as he started out in the teaching of the gifts I will not have you to be ignorant it's only because people haven't heard it we have not so much as heard whether there be a Holy Ghost right we didn't know that but they knew it after Paul was done preaching ladies hands-on they were all baptized in the Holy Ghost and prophesied hallelujah somebody's got to get and stand in the gap and sometimes it's one man like a Billy Sunday who was playing baseball in Chicago and stealing bases but he heard God say this generation is going to hell and he laid down his ball glove in his back and he started preaching the gospel he had a saying that he said God I'm reading Randy cooks thing here it was me brother Ted thanks for helping I don't know what it was Randy but I'm glad you got help to hear me I think some people think I make these things up these stories are real but what I must say is God looks for a man one person sometimes Lily will get early Sunday got ready to say 23 skidoo he said I'm gonna give the devil 23 skidoo that's like you and I saying I'm gonna suck the devil in the nose and so he was using popular language one of the preachers say God's not using that man Billy Sunday newspaper said he said 23 skidoo it was like the biggest gas that a person could make you're a minister and you're saying you're giving the devil 23 skidoo if you like leather Johnson said I'm gonna slap the devil upside his head now Billy Sonny would preach you get hot heat take his tie off big no-no then in the newspaper Sunday preaches without a bowtie Wow the Bible says you should wear bowties and then you shall be witnesses unto me it's in the scripture no it isn't then in one meeting he got so hot that he took his shirt off and dropped his suspenders down by his waist and I've got a picture Billy suddenly preaching I know the young kids call him wifebeaters that's not a nice name but in a sleeveless t-shirt Billy Sunday preaching with his fists up like this in a t-shirt someone said I can't believe he did it you know what 1 million people were converted to Christ in his ministry that hadn't happened since Finney right when Charles Finney was raised up by God and saw a million conversions without television radio magazine that's incredible he got out and he fish where the fish work now this is the thought for today we need to get in our heart the gifts of the Spirit are to help bring in the harvest not only quicker but the gifts of the Spirit are to bring in the harvest in large numbers right can I say that again is going to refuse me the gifts of the Spirit are not only use to get people saved but they're also used by God to bring the people in in large numbers in other words he's willing that none should perish but that all should come to repentance and in 1st Corinthians 31 of the 12th chapter I want to read this if I could while you're with me and God has set some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps government's diversities of tongues there's more than one kind of tongue there's tongues of men tongues of angels the unknown tongue and then there is that area of a heavenly language see an unknown tongue can be an actual language like on the day of Pentecost how do we all hear them speak in our language it was unknown to the speaker but it was an actual language right but an unknown tongue and a heavenly tongue or glossolalia or the area of a heavenly language that could be the language of God Oral Roberts believe that I think I do too as I've gotten older are all apostles are all prophets we're all teachers are all workers and miracles brother Hagin told me something one time he said there's always been a dynamic tension between pastors and evangelists he said I think it'd be good if every evangelist had to pastor for a couple of years to learn how to treat pastors right and he said I think every pastor should be an evangelist for a couple of years just so they know how to treat evangelists right so being young and ignorant and stupid I said to him well brother Hagin you don't have to drink poison to know it'll kill you and he gave me a look I've had that look for my dad I knew what it meant good point but you shouldn't have brought it up in front of everybody else but he was right I think we need to be so are all teachers or all workers of miracles do you know I believe these people that write these position papers and acts so high and mighty it's because they don't understand it may not be their call right why fight those that are called right just stand your Bull your jets relax and learn God uses everybody as he will now have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret I say everybody can operate the gifts of healing everybody can speak with tongues everybody can interpret but some don't so Paul was addressing that right he understood that these things come by the level of your desire and whether you're coveting them you wanting them to happen now I have a verse of scripture that I learned in Sunday school it's in Matthew's Gospel the Bible said blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled the promise is if you're hungry enough if you're thirsty enough and Amos referred to the hunger not a famine for bread nor a thirst for water goes perfectly with Matthew's Gospel the Sermon on the Mount but if you're hungry enough and thirsty enough God will fill you so the potential is every man every woman can be used of God there's somebody that's dealing with stage 4 cancer you're watching right now if you will I want you to let us know who you are where you're at and at the end of this particular Facebook we're going to pray and in fact if you're sick in any way in Sarnia my wife like three weeks ago and we're there and then in Atlanta and we were there a couple weeks ago I said how many in this church you're sick or you're on medication to maintain or to help you with sickness my wife will tell you in both churches three-fourths of the crowd raised oh yeah yeah sure I couldn't believe it I said well I know what my works cut out I'm going to teach people how to get healed and stay healed amen and at the end of the meeting and sorry I said how many God's healed you this week and I would say at least 1/2 to 3/4 lifted their hands they just had to hear it right they had to have the gift manifested we prayed for the sick the blind the crippled the death and God healed the blind and healed the crippled and healed the death tumors disappeared oh so many things I can't remember at all same thing in Atlanta and I saw a lady the other day she said those Ellsworth I was healed in your meetings in Atlanta but if you need a miracle right now I want you to type what it is you're badly if you're on some kind of medication what is it for we're going to believe God we got these requests here they tell me over 1200 and then more that are coming in I've got me a bottle of oil when I work with brothers schambach he had an anointing night he poured the whole bottle of oil in a bowl stick his hand in Slappy's he came through the prayer line one lady she said just a minute brother sham but she pulled her wig back she said hit me ah he put the oil on her head he looked at me said she didn't want that wig messed up I said yeah I know one lady come she said brother schambach I gossip she put her tongue out an ointment tongue he said I don't know if I got that much oil yeah all we had a wonderful time working in the things of the Spirit casting out Devils healing the sick it's beautiful to be used of God now covet earnestly the best gifts let me get back to this case today I just feel so many thoughts going through my spirit covet earnestly the best gifts now the best gift obvious is the one you need at the moment and I thought of this when I was praying yesterday and I didn't have a chance to tell it and I didn't forget the one with the brain tumor like an octopus I'm saving it share right now what you need to be doing is sharing with all your friends I'm going to tell you a story that is so powerful that I believe if you had cancer or knock the cancer right out of you but we're talking today about demonstration and manifestation manifestation demonstration in fact let's look how Paul started for in thien's just to give us a little bit of a foundation and I'm so glad brother John you're gonna be able to get this teaching to the people because there's so much you've got to go back and listen to it for sure you've got to do it now in first Corinthians chapter 2 Paul said brethren when I came to you I came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God for I determine a variant is the will of man determines these things God doesn't determine it for example in giving God does not determine your next harvest of money you do by what you give today right you've got to make up your mind you're going to be a giver well he said I've determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified we dealt yesterday the communion table it's the relationship with Jesus before the manifestation of the demonstration is given now look at the people that want to be healed diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol humor in the breasts now all get ready the tumor is going to go today in Jesus name hallelujah total healing some people just need an overhaul ok shop on dirty and aha hallelujah Paul said I was with you in weakness and in fear the word fear when you look it up means reverential awe come on bring those requests over brother it's alright today's a day of prayer and deliverance for you in the name of Jesus in that wonderful brother Jonathan very wonder and there's Judy Shuttlesworth we love her she's your mother praise God I know a Judy shows her um Jews on Facebook oh you don't know Judy okay well we'll help you I told my mom to make a fake name cuz she didn't want everybody contacting her but she wanted to watch it so she made Judy Shuttlesworth oh so if you see everybody else you'll be Shuttlesworth on Facebook that we may not be his mother who have no idea who this yeah we don't know now look at this John here it means reverential awe because see God has not given us the spirit of fear sometimes people read it as blind drunk is he what Paul had fears no reverential awe he then says verse for my speech of my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom see some men and women that preach wow I feel I saw the saltshaker this morning and when I saw that saltshaker I thought of purification I put it on my stake I put it on my eggs I thank God for the salt there are people priests like that and they don't say one thing that builds faith just a bunch of words they sound like you're anointed they just learned a religious spirit right if I just whisper it'll work praise God now my speech of my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom I noticed brother John but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God the foundation for faith is not education the foundation for faith is the demonstration of the power of God that's powerful and that is why we're seeing these position papers and and see that I saw a movie one time your true enemy has not yet shown himself but the true enemy are these folks that believe that the power of God and demonstration is a simple gospel that will not touch this generation but I tell you I've had bankers in my older calls I've had professors I've had graduates from Harvard in my older calls I've had alcoholics and drunks from the streets this Ghazi or such an every spectrum of society because God has chosen I didn't choose it you didn't choose it God has chosen the foolish nurse of preaching God chose that I was with I think one of the greatest preachers of our time RW schambach no question traveled with him drove his car shined his shoes bought him doughnuts Don if you're listening you didn't hear that I did whatever I could to help the man of God but when I go to his room the afternoon when we come back from lunch he put them glasses on rock back in the chair put that Bible said now I got to get out of here I get ready for tonight when he preached every service was like a masterpiece it's true you know why because he believed the power of preaching could change the world I know presidents that listened to him and sending messages right and said to him if you want to use the Astrodome in Houston it's yours free of charge I mean to tell you it touches every spectrum of society from painters and hard-working men and women to politicians to sports figures we're getting ready doing this big crusade in Atlanta in August and some of the Atlanta Falcons want to come and help me in the meet and I said come on we'll buy a bunch of NFL footballs and give them to the kids and will bless the neighborhood it touches every sphere and spectrum of society amen and what's happening can I say this what you're saying is a manifestation of unbelief that is in religious circles correct the true enemy is revealing himself but I love it because you know why I have divine credentials right every time I give an altar call God backs me up divine credentials every time I pray for the sick he heals them divine credentials the Bible says and the Lord worked with them confirming the word with signs following but here's the thought get this right now wherever you're watching this your faith cannot stand in the words the teachings the education of men your faith can only have a foundation and stand in the power and the demonstration of God the Holy Spirit told Paul to say it right Who am I tired you with the Holy Spirit he knows what we have need of now covet earnestly the best gifts I believe I said to you the best gift is the one that you need at the moment now here's the first story I want you to share it right now I hope Carolyn Bonney make sure Carolyn Sharon guar so I get the people over here because I don't just do this every day here's the deal my wife and I go back to Terre Haute put atena had a great meet you heard about when I fasted God showed me how to minister when you get a breakthrough in a meeting then go to the next level in that area if you can if you can either travel is an evangelist if you have a great meeting in the church they're fired up all right let's go for the town now let's go for the city always take it up the next level if you can it takes faith that will give you the faith he'll I had a guy call me today worked with Reinhard Bonnke and Joel Osteen who else they told me and he's heard about our outdoor Crusades and so forth he said it's in my heart to help you now brother Ted we've got to take America Emma he calls for me I don't think I am anybody I'm a squirrel hunter from the hills of West Virginia I preach in the inner cities of this nation and other nations see God takes those that desire him I am determined Paul said I am determined not to know anything but Jesus Christ among you and him crucified we determine these things so I put the tent up I preach and there's this young girl Bonnie remembers this she's still a partner with us today and I laid hands on her and God baptized her with the Holy Ghost pastor leaned over said you know who that girl is I said no as Larry Bird the basketball players daughter from French Lick really yep she goes back and tells her dad brother bird by faith I call him that what happened first he wasn't too thrilled about it so I had given her all these preaching CDs and sent her some stuff she's playing him for her dad knows in the house so they're here in the gospel and then what does the Lord do he gets a hold of Magic Johnson magic gets saved and healed and Bishop Blake's Church in Los Angeles and his friends with Larry Bird his daughter now his best buddy Magic Johnson the Gospels come and see Arashi Quinta Bongo robos aha Monday kale about two whole rindy hey your family shall be same declares the Lord for I have positioned people around them that they may know Christ and me crucified and be saved Alleluia amen praise God hallelujah hallelujah so we got the 10 up she's there people are there we had great meetings now we're in the tent so the opening Sunday I started on Friday night and a man his wife come and said our brother the man said he's my brother he's in the Indiana deaf school if I bring him brother Shuttlesworth would you pray for him on Sunday I said a would my wife and I agreed God with healing well some becomes here they are they here's the Deaf man looking around can't hear distracted well trying to make noises I preached and I gave the call for the young man first when I was in India they told me they said I preached for brother Jairaj assembly God in India great Crusades there they said now in India we give all the calls differently first we pray for miracles and then we tell the people because of this miracle it proves jesus is alive come and serving because India they have millions of God's everything's a god Arak see God so I learned that in India to believe for miracles before I gave the altar call so I get ready to pray for the deaf boy they brought from the deaf school and a woman down here at the end of the altar starts speaking in tongues headed Baba need but no and I believe in tongues but that wasn't the best gift needed the boy needed to work any miracles not tongues right so I said sister could you hold that gift for a little bit later huh she goes boom everybody could hear it so I start to pray for the boy again here she goes again by the dot it out it does no wonder some of our friends and other denominations think tongues is not of God because we have vessels that have dirty pipes right so I walk over and I stand in front of it I said I told you to be quiet and I want you to be quiet this is a good test people to think they're gifted how they receive correction lets you know what spirit their what spirit they have huh I'm not staying here she stomped out of the tent now she's gone you see tongues was not the best gift the best gift was what would get the deaf ears over working Americans and I believe the gift of faith so I go over and pray for the boy and instantly brother John his deaf ears come open I lay my finger on his lips I command the dumb spirit as the Bible refers to them it keeps you from talking come out yeah he lets out an exclamation first word I caught him was Bible my wife was there but the palmer was sponsoring pastor he's still alive first word is that boy's had rainbow everybody said what's the big deal he's never spoken a word before he's never heard before very big deal and God healed him well after the service I had some people not pastors people come up you don't believe in speaking in tongues oh I do but it wasn't the best gift right the gift needed was not tongues it was working miracles instantaneous see well I got chewed out but it was alright and the tent filled up and God save hundreds in that tent crusade so his Bonnie and I were leavin town we went out past was at the IGA store and leaning against the pop machine was that boy that had been deaf and dumb drinking a soda and I said watch this and I hit the horn he looked up and waved at us as we left town that's how you want to leave town those that used to be deaf are hearing the horn on your car drinking a soda we've been at hang on and waving with a smile see these gifts they are for number one the evangelization of the world these signs shall follow them that believe in my name in my name shall they cast out Devils in my name shall they speak with new tongues and they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover and if they eat or drink any deadly thing it shall not harm them friend I'm telling you these gifts are for the evangelization of the world and then the Bible says in Mark's Gospel and the Lord worked with them confirming the word with signs following they are the divine credentials that are needed to evangelize the world secondly the Bible teaches is there to edify the body of Christ both the gifts of the Spirit and the ministry gifts the word edify means to charge up some church services our debtor than two o'clock in the morning why there's no manifestation of the Holy Ghost we need to be charged so the gifts they edify the body of Christ the gifts of the Spirit are needed to deliver people from Devils to break the shackle of the devil off of people the handcuff if you will these gifts are very very very very important now let me stay with this covet earnestly the best gifts in the utterance gifts you have tongues the interpretation of tongues and prophecy but the Bible tells us and Paul said I would that you all speak with tongues and he says this and I want you to get this in your heart when you speak with an unknown tongue it does charge up yourself Jude speaks of building up your most holy faith when you pray in tongues when you prophesy it builds up the church so the greater scope of the utterance gifts is prophecy in that it charges up more people to just you and if we're saying Lord I'm not going to be selfish about it then you'll want to prophesy and he said that in another passage he said to you I would rather that you would prophesy but then he says this when it comes to tongues except he interpret verse 5 that the church may receive edify in other words the interpretation will do it but notice it takes both tongues and the interpretation to do what just prophecy does by itself may prophesy is usually given in a known language of the people so heading up the gifts under the utterance gifts the number one gift that we would call the best gift in the utterance gifts if the prophecy I want you to share I'm going to tell you the story about the woman who had the tumor in her brain and I see people that have had cancer have said pray for me I'm dealing with cancer get ready I'm see we're building to something don't don't let this moment pass you by well brother John there are three revelation gifts word of wisdom word of knowledge and discerning of spirits the word of knowledge is limited in that it speaks only to the future whereas the word of excuse me word of wisdom speaks only the future whereas the word of knowledge covers present and past it has a two-fold operation you remember that Jesus by the word of knowledge knew that Nathaniel was under a tree previously before he came there so that means that gift goes over to the past it can operate and I'm not giving definitions in this teaching what you could do that if you feel - I'm just trying to show you functions and manifestations and demonstrations but the word of knowledge is stronger than the word of wisdom in that it touches two realms past and present whereas the word of wisdom only touches one realm future discerning of spirits this is a little different and you think about what I'm going to tell you deserting of spirits covers four realms that we operate in knowing what Jesus taught to the woman at the well God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth isn't that right yes ma'am so the spirit realm the word of knowledge can go over into the spirit realm and Paul saw the woman had that spirit of Python a demon so through discerning of spirits but then revelation he knew though she fouled them for days and he didn't know in the natural when the gifts kicked in it revealed what he was dealing with in that woman's spirit was a demon spirit fortune-telling spirit and so sometimes these gifts work together but notice that the revelation brought delivers to the woman right so discerning of spirits had to operate first before the revelation came as to what it was he was dealing with he saw as a spirit like a snake so discerning of spirits because it covers all four realms then the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge do not they have limitations I believe and also I could though the Summerall believed in a few other men I'm studied after the discerning of spirits heads up the list as the best gift in the area of Revelation so the gift of prophecy is the best gift in utterance discerning of spirits is the best gift in the area of revelation brings us now to the power gifts the gifts that help us to act like God working miracles gifts of healing we gift of faith now the gift of healing is not instantaneous the function and the laws that regulate it is once you receive healing you get better from that moment and as they went they were healed the nobleman son amended from that our healing is progressive whereas miracles is instantaneous which means that the working of miracles has a higher release than the gifts of healing so miracles would be stronger and everybody wants to see a miracle then just the gifts of healing that leaves us with the gift of faith what is the gift of faith I'm going to say something to you your study will prove it out eight of the gifts are for others only one of the nine gifts is for you eight of the gifts God flows through us to touch others but the gift of faith is for you that gives you the ability like the launching pad that launches you into these other manifestations the gift of faith is for you Paul had it in the storm your rock Ladon because he started out and say y'all going to die but he got the gift of faith working he went to pray an angel appeared there should be no loss of life so he went from saying in Acts everyone was going to perish but once that kicked in he said you're all going to come safe to land and so some on broken boards and pieces of the ship they escaped safe to land what changed Paul from him saying if you had hearkened unto me and not loosed from Crete you wouldn't experience all this loss and damage and now you're all going to perish now he changes his tune not a hair on your head will be what changed his tone now the gift of faith angels work with it it's the story let me give you this Bible definition from the Old Testament Samson dealt with a lion Daniel dealt with Lions Samson when the lion came out of Timnath the vineyards of Timnath he took the lion as if it were a kiddin torn apart working in miracles powerful Daniel he just laid down went to sleep in the Mane's of the Lions and an angel was there angels worked with the gift of faith are they not all ministering spirits sent forth under the heirs of salvation bring those prayer requests brother amen well the gift of faith is passive whereas the working of miracles is active Daniel didn't take those lines and throw them up and spin them around and juggling and rip them apart like Samson no you know what he did he just laid down use the mane of the lion as a pillow so the gift of faith is passive and it's for you working in miracles is active and it's through you to accomplish something else we'll say that again the gift of faith of the nine gifts the manifestation of the gift of faith is the only one of the nine that is for you the other eight are God working through the pipe through you to bless others so the gift of faith if it is like a launching pad and all these gifts are supernatural they work spontaneously they're of the Spirit McDonald G great man of God but he kind of inferred in his book that wisdom came from education but that would mean that you accumulated through much study whereas all these gifts have a spontaneity to them they happen at that moment so I understood what he was saying but the word of wisdom is not natural wisdom it really isn't it's supernatural all of these gifts newel Tico's the things of the Spirit all nine gifts are supernatural and will work through you if you let God use them so don't let anybody tell you God can't use you that's why I asked you a moment ago I want you to say God use me put that witness out in the atmosphere before God in heaven and he'll use it to bless you because he's not gonna force you to do use you have to yield Paul said I'm determined you have to determine that now the gift of faith Daniel goes back in the lion's den he's asleep he's not trying to do anything why because it's already working for him and the angel is there stopped the mouths of the Lions Hebrews 11 I love all that they without us they are not made perfect or mature we needed the Daniel to have the David to have the deliverance through men and women in this day thank God there you go now the gift of faith then would be even stronger if you will then the working of miracles were the gifts of healing in that it functions for you and not just to bless others God can use the gift of faith to use the working of miracles to bless bless others but we need to get this in our spirit that God wants us to enjoy the blessings and the overflow of the wonderful Holy Spirit and so the gift of faith God starts with you he starts with me I saw fella yesterday I was reading the quest you said I'm back slidden I need to be saved could I stop right here and say every one of you that are watching that there's one thing in your life it's not right and you know it's sinful you know it's wrong the Holy Spirit today puts his finger on that thing you need to determine to know Jesus Christ I want you to pray this right now this is the time to do it with this thought the gift of faith is for you dear Jesus take out this sin take out this wrong take out the thing that I'm doing that does not please you and forgive me of my sin I turn from my sin come on pray it you know you need to do it that's sin that crept in and it's trying to keep you from fulfilling your destiny get rid of your sin today before your sin gets rid of you Oh Lord forgive me of my sin set me free in the name of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ and when you pray that now that sin and the nature Dominion that sin had is broken off of you and you are free in Jesus name now Texas if you prayed that prayer and that was you that gave your heart to Christ in a new way a special way do it right now well manifestations the Bible says these things prophet with all Holy Spirit put them in the body of Christ to cause us to have success here's the story now as we close of the woman that had a brain tumor in Lexington Kentucky and her friend hears of the meeting we're in the tent the deaf or hearing cancers are disappearing and that was what brought him over that tent when they pray for cancer the people are coming back into this clinic and the cancers are gone so the closing Sunday afternoon of the first weekend here comes a lady they turn the lights off in the tent I'm up on the platform with my wife Stephanie Dalton jr. Dalton used to work with rod parsley and we're just talking getting ready to go home and I hear is it too late to be healed is it too late to be healed and here comes a woman pushing another woman in a wheelchair the other woman slumped over and she has when the MOL fashion tennis hats like a mr. Magoo hat here they come I said no we'll pray and I helped her bring the wheelchair up on the ramp even though nobody was there I figured the altars anointed still well she said my friend has a brain tumor and there are tentacles that come out of that tumor that wrap around the lobes of the brain and the doctors at the Baptist Hospital here in Lexington could not operate so you know what they did they took and they laid a piece where they call that deer radiation off they opened her skull and laid it and let it just started burning down through the tumor that's the best man can do can't operate let's burn her brain out but when they did it her eyes went blind optic nerves were destroyed her ears lost the hearing now she's dying Dan and this is how she breathed it sounded the money not her but I mean if you just feel the spirit of death as what I'm saying sure well the Lord said to me if she's going to be healed she's going to hear something so the first thing I want you to do is pray that I open her deaf ears so I said to the lady can I pray the way the Lord shows me yes sir Hospice is waiting for her in her house they're getting ready preparing her for death I said we're going to change it the gift of faith came to me I know what it is the gifts of faith now of the three gifts in categories of utterance revelation and power what good does it do to have revelation brother John if you can't do what you need to do when it's time to do it so instead of Revelation you got frustration Lord shows we have this in this praise God next you need to have the manifestation God's not going to reveal it unless he's going to heal it so that bumps the revelation gifts down underneath the power gifts when I went to pray for that deaf boy and Tara hope we didn't need tongues we needed the working of miracles right and so speaking in tongues may not necessarily bring the miracle the deliverance the healing what you need from the Lord why because tongues edifies the believer so it doesn't reach out to others right and even with interpretation it takes the gift of prophecy identify the whole church but notice it's the church and not the lost so that brings tongues interpretation and tongues and the gift of prophecy it's limited in that is for the believer in the church whereas the word of wisdom word of knowledge discerning spirits is for all which puts that above the utterance gifts but what good is it do to have revelation if you don't have the power to bring it to pass right so that means the power gifts are greater in manifestation than just revelation or utterance and if what I've taught you is true the gift of face stands at the top because gifts of healing in measure is progressive working in miracles is instantaneous but in the comparing Samson with Daniel we see the gift of faith is the launching pad and it's for you then of the nine gifts I personally believe the gift of faith is the great his gift so when we say covered earnestly the best gift I believe the best gift is the gift of faith and I have a whole I think it's 20 hours now series on the gift of faith Lord had me preach it everywhere I went last year on the gift of faith now let me just say this because I can't get into the depth I want I knew suddenly that gift being offered I knew that when I prayed for her her deaf ears would come open brain tumor not a concern blindness not a concern she had to hear the word of God bonnie was their brother Dalton his wife I cursed the deaf spirits in the name of Jesus when I did she goes uh I I hear I hear her throats still dry the death rattle is in it she got the first part of what God had for her so I began to tell her now when your blind eyes come open see now I can say something she can hear it I said that'll mean the tumor has gone out of your brain I said did you hear me yes when you're blind eyes come open it means the tumor is gone I linked the two we sped up the work I'm not going to stay there all Sunday afternoon because God wanted her healed more than I did that's right God wanted her friend to see it more than I did I didn't know them well Bonnie can tell you I put my handkerchief over her eyes and I begin to curse blindness I said because her friend said the radiation is what made her go blind in death I cursed it their legs are weak because of the burning of the chemotherapy or whether they call a radiation treatment she's in a wheelchair comes death comes blind dying of a tumor hospices at her home ready for but God this is why I don't understand why people would even fight the fact you can impart a gift into someone else when you see the wonderful results just because they've never done it right or they don't understand it I wouldn't that you not be ignorant or they don't have compassion it's got to be one of the three ignorance lack of compassion or they don't know how to do it so take the handkerchief off her eyes she had blue eyes she looks she said I see you I remember what I said means the tumor is gone now in the name of Jesus get out of that wheelchair and I know her nerves were burned out and legs I understand all that but you see you gotta show God some faith so I lift it up and I said that's my wife Bonnie and Stephanie gone down the foot of the rim so that's my wife down there I said walk down the ramp down the naturalizer walked her down I figured if God had spoken to me he can strengthen her legs in her going she's took tentative steps and started going down that ramp and then hugged my wife and they left that was the first sundae first weekend of the 10th meeting we didn't see him the rest of the week Bonnie said oh I said I wonder where that girl went so I don't know hospice was scheduled to be in her house I said maybe someone talked her out of her miracle and that happened you know oh yeah who you surround yourself with for Jesus to raise the dead grill and mark-5 and to throw the people out and so on the closing Sunday here comes that redheaded woman high-heeled shoes dress on completely different two little daughters in tow you remember that dear to Loretta girls I said to Bonnie that's why the Lord is healed he's not gonna let them girls grow up without a mama and she gave the testimony brother schambach took the testimony of God's Amazing Grace healed and she went back the reason she hadn't come she went back to the Baptist Hospital they kept her they could not find the tumor the tentacles nothing and couldn't believe she's seeing and hearing and walking even though the miracles sitting in front of them they still didn't believe ya still didn't believe what was it dear a few months ago my wife on face look what they call that a message or it's the lady all these years later those two girls grew up and both of them are married one of our children the woman still alive she said I never let you and brother Shuttlesworth know but she said I was healed that day by God's power what if I didn't believe in the gifts she's dead what if I didn't understand the things concerning spiritual gifts that others have gone on before let me just encourage you right now I'm going to pray this prayer we've got your prayer request for your son we've got your prayer here Tammy healed by the blood of Jesus we got this now I saw the cancer when go by I'm going to pray first for cancer like this girl but here it is these gifts will cause you to succeed in life you know they're profitable in every area with all are you ready first other Roberts taught me to pray for cancer people this way I pray for a preacher had a cancerous tumor in his throat God healed him here's how brother Robert said cancer is caused by a spirit of infirmity you that are watching they have tumors and cancer I bind it notice what I'm doing with my hands i bind it in the name of jesus the spirit of infirmity that causes cancer and tumors I cast you out into the deep Jesus did the devil's in mark 5 at Ghaderi I cast you out and I command you never to come back on these people in Jesus name go and report to your master Satan you failed in your mission to use cancer and disease and tumors to kill these people and now I command you to be healed in the name of Jesus Christ every one of you that are watching be free here's one old God drugs and alcohol sister I bind the lust for alcohol and drugs in your body I command it to Liu Xuan to come out in the name of Jesus for if I cast out Devils Jesus said the kingdom of God is come unto you and I tell you this day every one of you that are watching the kingdom of God has come unto you Oh Cap'n Dori boshy Caleb aha another delivered from drugs migraine headaches cancer yes ma'am in Jesus name and we will anoint feast this afternoon and when we finish up one o'clock I want to talk to you about what could be possibly the tenth gift but now I pray healing and deliverance on every one of you and you that said I want to be used of God right through these camera lenses comes the anointing of the precious Holy Spirit he touches you now he fills you with his power God lays his hands upon you you receive it you believe it it will fill your spirit the Bible says that the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord and so we have this light these lights in our spirit that's why James says he's the father of lights talking about he's the head of all the spirits God is a spirit praise God today praise God this afternoon I'm going to talk about what could be a tenth gift Paul seemed to hint it what is it do you know what it is don't miss one o'clock one o'clock is going to be great thanks evangelist head and I know I'm going to be a stupid question and say did that bless you today that's why we have so many people watching yesterday and then even more today and I'm glad you did from all over the world listen if you know as I know that this type of ministry is going to be what changes America and then now God's open this channel to 69 for us on Dish Network to take it into 12 million homes take these kinds of meetings live where it's not just on Facebook but now people that don't know anything about this will understand that god then it start a religion called Christianity that Christianity is a living power with the strength to dominate every work of the devil in somebody's life everywhere heroin alcohol cancer whatever the devil's done to somebody it's the power of God that'll cure it in 24 hours or less that's what America needs they're on enough medication now methadone clinic trips there's a lot of money to be made off of keeping people sick and poor and bound but Jesus came for people to be set free and that's what we work to do I want to challenge you like Aaron I guess already is in the spirit and beat me to the punch you see as Aaron Kittel did if you put hashtag donate we made an easy way for you to give watching I've been clearing a week of our month to do these meetings because we reach more people than when were in church and they're productive meetings and so I'm going to challenge everybody even if you gave last month it's a new month learn to consistently so to get the gospel out to shake the nations of the world and watch what God does for your finances Jesus said anybody that gives up houses or property or possession for my sake and the sake of the gospel so think of that Jesus equated giving for the gospel to go out to putting it in his hand personally anyone that does that will receive now and in this life 100 times as much as what they've given God doesn't lie and so you saw last month we're believing for a hundred people to sow a thousand dollars 10 ministries to sow ten thousand dollars and ten businesses to sow $10,000 as we get ready to launch this channel July 6th in the nation's capital Washington DC so I see people given right now Selina Aaron Christine Desiree Thank You Daniel thank you and remember when you hit hash tag donate that kicks the link up click on that or we have the link if you don't want to go back and find your title you can click on it in the title of this broadcast so thank you everyone that does that I'll give you a little more time for more to respond Thank You Kim and thank you so big to help stand with us to reach a big a big harvest of souls in Jesus name we're going to break for less than two hours and then we'll come back at one o'clock Eastern Time us and brother Ted will finish on what God's laid on his heart over 40 years of study and working and demonstration of the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit thanks so much thank you all of you who have watched and thank you so much for giving to stand with us to see the nations of the world shaken one more time by the power of God before Jesus comes back
Channel: Jonathan Shuttlesworth
Views: 7,087
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Jonathan Shuttlesworth, Shuttlesworth, Ted Shuttlesworth, Ted Sr., Revival Today, Faith Alive, Faith, Revival, Holy Ghost
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 52sec (6772 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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