Upgrading my Survival Create World! [#4]

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this video is sponsored by Lego 2K Drive automatic State Farm Tree Farm sorted storage I've done a lot on my create mod survival world so far but this episode is different why I died and with that I lost all my tools and items but most importantly my poor XP and so I left the server and gave up but then I remembered the fluid tank so the create and Shout ready Mr addon we can finally store experience in fluid tanks and that is I'm making an experience bank but before we get into that I need to get some new tools because it's completely empty I don't even have a pickaxe nothing nothing and why are you here I need to go into the chest oh there's a there's a lineup hello diamonds and honestly business is not booming business is probably actually yeah it's the opposite this is the total profit from our State Farm I don't know why but no one's buying mistake and I need more than four diamonds to make a pickaxe ax sword you know the basic tools what stop it what what is why are you pickaxe boo nice that is now the thing is in the last episode I discovered Whispers little book thing villager trading Hall as I was thinking I could uh you know loan something from him he won't notice right we need Unbreaking and what's it called Fortune no all right I have all the books I need for a good pickaxe and don't worry I'll pay Whisper back I just need to go mine the diamonds first okay all right let's see yep already over well I guess the only thing I can do now is get some no [Music] all right six levels we're using JoJo's family or come on please mending boom [Applause] [Applause] the International Bank of experience is probably going to be my most complicated build yet and I need to find a good place to build it I mean Whispers base is kind of uh you know blocking off or I'm not gonna lie I'll probably move this someday I just have to figure out a way to do it but yeah the thing is I have my tree from here right and there is space behind it so we could build it there but I have a huge project plan for that space specifically so I can't build that there and I won't ah and I won't tell you what I'm gonna build because you'll just have to subscribe and watch the future episodes but what I could do is expand this street and then build the bank on the left hand side because I have nothing planned for this space over here let's do it pause it pause the time lapse I've been having a blast for the past couple days playing Lego 2K Drive the sponsor of today's video Lego 2K Drive is a massive open world racing adventure and yes I said open World the game is set in bricklandia a Lego world filled with things waiting to be discovered and the best part is you're not even forced to stay on the roads actually you're encouraged to drive off and explore if you see something you can drive there and your vehicle will even transform to help you get to your destination not even water will stop you and I mean if someone's driving a bit too slow for your taste everything's made out of Lego so just drive drive through I may or may not have spent 20 minutes just breaking things now I usually play more realistic racing games and I have to say it is incredibly fun to mix things up by jumping boosting and even shooting Rockets to claim the first place in the race it's a great mix of chaos speed and destruction now I'm a big Lego nerd and the best part about it has to be that I can build whatever I want and Lego 2K Drive is no different you can switch up between existing cars or even build a new one completely from scratch to create your perfect ride this is so cool as soon as I go to a garage I try to make the shell mobile but it seems I am not the greatest Lego builder you can customize everything on your car from the wheels to the horn but the huge selection of Lego bricks is what really allows your creativity to flow freely driving around bricklandia you'll find lots of different things to do with mini games challenges and different game mods to explore and enjoy the game is not just about racing and everyone can do it if you like playing alone you can go through the story mode but there's also an online mode and a couch Co-op so you can enjoy the chaotic Mayhem with friends and family Lego 2K Drive is available right now so check it out by clicking the link in the description and thank you so much for sponsoring the video this right here is the space for the bank it's probably going to be a big building but we'll figure that out I can do some terraforming and stuff I'll make it work but to make it work I have to understand how it works and to understand I need my creative world so this is where I design everything I build on the server this is the tree farm by the way train tracks wow railroad crossing got something what is this yeah most of the things that I built on the server I built here first but it is create enchantment industry time I love this add-on if you missed the video I made on it it basically allows you to automate enchanting and storage of experience this is the most important part for this episode so storing it and I actually already made a small design for a XP shower thing all right let me show you there it is so this thing allows you to take out experience by holding this here and then it should start yeah there you go 21 levels of XP we'll close this up again and then if I stand on this carpet it goes into the fluid tank again so this thing is very very simple it is I mean it's not complicated at all and for the bank we need something a bit more complicated but I'll figure something out and I did okay so let's say this is my fluid tank this is albin's and this is cactuses and when I come to the International Bank of experience and I want to drop off some XP I stand on this this enchanter here and it takes my level slowly but we only wanted to go into my tank I'd have some sort of item that identifies me and whenever I put that into a chest or whatever this happens this there we go see this is now on and the XP is going into my fluid tank and then when it's done it closes up this is what I have so far I'll stand on this enchanter and it takes my XP right so it doesn't go anywhere because all of these are closed now then let's say Spruce planks is my ID card I'll put it into here and it stays in the barrel until I turn on the deposit boom when I do that Spruce plank disappears and as you can see it flow out over here but it goes down onto this belt and on this belt we have content observers hell yeah so if I put Spruce planks as the filter on this content Observer it should send out a redstone signal whenever the spruce plank passes it deposit yeah it's identified me right because I have a spruce Plank and so basically instead of a note block here I want this Redstone signal to open up the valve into my tank that's it and we'll do that with Red Zone links it's not even hard this is this is good but before I keep working on the bank I have an unfinished project that I really need to take care of tree farm I started making this in the last episode and right now we're only forming oak logs as you can see we have 22 000 oak logs stored right now and then apparently only one oak sapling which is interesting so in today's episode I want to expand this place so we're getting all of the different wood types every single wood type I want to be farmed in here I don't know how we'll do it with the dark oak because I think we have to do two by two in the saplings but we'll figure something out [Music] thank you [Music] okay I think I've built everything on here I'm not sure but let's test it out oh no I need a wrench I have to wrench the Minecraft Contraption so it doesn't rotate when it's driving that happened to the other tree farm and if you haven't seen that that means you haven't watched the previous episodes why why are you watching the fourth episode first come on watch the other episodes before this boom give me sheets yeah oh that should be everything for a wrench boom now that we have this I should be able to tell you to look rotation and now maybe this moves though it it does oh tree first three oh we should have birch logs going into the birchlow Vault now six push logs so we have oak logs in here we have ten thousand oak logs in here and six Purge looks that's cool now that brings us one step closer to the tree Empire but we still have a bunch of forms left to do jungle Spruce dark oak there are way too many types of trees anyways I think the most important Farm is going to be the spruce Farm the rest of them are kind of just for fun so I'm gonna make that right here in the basement and then the rest of the tree farms will probably just be hidden away somewhere but that also means you have to finish building all of this and also remove this little Contraption I made but all right time to make a spruce farm and to spruce up the place [Music] there is absolutely no way how does this keep happening all right this is it so far I want the spruce Farm to be in here I want it to look like a cave or something kind of a weird oh oh kind of a weird idea now that I think of it why would you have a tree farm in a cave I don't know it looks cool okay I'm just gonna build it oh how are they spinning Farm like this one with sails but for some reason I decided I want to do it with water wheels and a mechanical bearing the thing is I found all the mobs I somehow tried to make some water wheels down here with aha I don't think we need more than one all right smack is that enough to power this here we go that's enough I don't need to do now is Place some chests on here for storage I need to light the place up and place out some saplings filter that's it Spruce Farm is up and running I need to light this place up fill in the dirt and then it's time to build the other farms in this little Corridor here that will lead up to the warehouse I'm gonna have a staircase somewhere around here and obviously over here we're gonna form all the other different types of wood let's go [Music] smack we have done it down here we now Farm Birch Oak Spruce dark oak jungle and Acacia now the only problem is I need to make a profit of this okay this has been a lot of work a bunch of time put into this and there is no way I can profit off this yet and so here is my plan up on the mountain over here on the left right up there I want to make a sawmill now a nice cool building maybe a water wheel on the side and in there I'm going to automate the crafting of every single wood type I don't know if I've said this before I probably have so I have a train here that picks up wood from the farm you see we have the storage room in here every single wood type stored and then they plop out here they go onto the Train the train drives it up to the mountain and up there you know it gets crafted into trapdoor signs stairs slabs everything and then people can go there and buy it and while I'm very excited to build that I think it's time to take a break from this project and start working on the XP farm because that is what this episode started off with okay the XP farm was the initial plan and now that I've made all the tree farms I think it's time we continue making this little Banky bank I had such a great idea I wanted to make the Green Goats Bank from Harry Potter but then I thought no wait I should look this up if someone's already built this then uh yeah this is my channel okay this is green there's there's a slight difference in the number here okay which I mean also if you want to you can subscribe it'll help good thing I looked this up because if I would have built this my comments would have been spammed you have copied green you have copy I've done that mistake before I won't be doing it it's okay so no green good spank I have to think of something else it's official I have no idea what I'm doing why does this look like an entrance to a theme park but then it says bank I would not enter a bank if the entrance looked like this why is it so big I don't know what I'm doing or you know what maybe I actually do this looks pretty okay I'm trying to make this build follow the theme of my other build so here's my base here's the tree farm you know this framework thing out here yep you know I kind of like this the only problem is the interior it is kind of small but I'll probably build the Vault and everything underground and you know big cool wow oh so there's one thing I want to do I had an idea how about an XP fountain at the front of the bank I mean hello here's my first test with a bunch of these enchanters here they pick up my XP when I stand on them and then hopefully it starts getting pumped out at the top oh it just stops there oh no oh okay so that how much xp is this oh what if we do it to the sides then that should make it go out I think oh that works okay we need a bigger Fountain though because it's going straight out like two blocks outside of it what if we expand this please stop I hate XP stop yes it's going straight back into the news enchanter look at that no right you know what the fountain isn't the most important part we'll save this for later because right now it's I mean it looks cool but I don't want to give out free XP to everyone I'm happy with this building let's build it on the server in a remarkable turn of events the International Bank of experience or ibe has sent shockwaves through our realm led by the Visionary entrepreneur Charles this groundbreaking financial institution is offering players an unprecedented opportunity to deposit and withdraw their hard-earned experience at will if proven to be true this technological breakthrough has the potential to revolutionize our existence as we know it stay tuned for more updates on this game-changing development [Music] foreign it's happening I've started on the interior in here and it is looking pretty okay I don't know I want there to be some villagers behind here probably some password thing that lets you pass through this door and then down into the Vault so I'm gonna build something down here but I'm not sure how I'm gonna build it yet or what it's going to look like but I do know one thing and that is the fact that I need concrete for the walls in here and I also need concrete for the floors in the tree farm and since I hate making concrete I think it's time to make a concrete creation Factory if that makes any sense you know normally been making concrete you put one of these powder things in water and boom concrete we all know that already right but doing this for Stacks and stacks and stacks of concrete is horrible so I was thinking there has to be a way to do it with create I wonder oh actually we could check that in the weekend bulk wash concrete that's insane like that is so overpowered I didn't even what wait I wanted to build something that places out the concrete powder in water and then breaks it with a drill apparently we can just bulk wash it bulk washing it's just we have a fan that blows into water and then the water particles blow onto the concrete powder and it becomes concrete okay wait let me show you this is an encased fan and we'll power it with a creative motor at full speed and as you can see but it's actually kind of hard to see because it's a white background wait let me you see the particles if I stand in this thing it will push me forwards and then we'll Place water in front of it and boom and then I guess we had a Depot and then the concrete powder okay let's see how long it takes for this thing to make one concrete powder into concrete three two one boom okay it's actually taking a bit longer than I thought it would up there we go so then I guess a stack would take a bit longer but it's still fast I mean it's you see this you don't have to place it out break it anything you just put it on here and then concrete maybe sometime in the future okay wait I want to say something else I always forget is it faster if you have several fans because I believe it is so let's test it we have four fans going into this Depot here right let's see how long it takes for it to make one concrete because it should be oh yes that's way faster and then I guess all we have to do is put this on a mechanical belt right okay here we go when I put the concrete powder inside of this Barrel it's going to go out onto this mechanical belt but there's a slight issue it's gonna go straight through I think we need to do two things to fix this first off we'll expand this so it goes all the way out with a wrench nice now we can only be on these two blocks and then we're gonna use something that I think is very cool that I've Barely Used before and it's the attribute filter this thing is powerful so I'll get some more concrete powder and then if we go into this filter here put the powder in here you see that we have different attributes here so is placeable can be washed it's in group building blocks whichever Minecraft is that these are the different attributes of one orange concrete powder now what we want is can be washed and then we add this attribute to the list and put it here this means that only things that can be washed will be going out of this funnel here so if we put smooth quartz book in here it's just gonna stay it's not going to go out but if we put the orange concrete powder it's going to go straight out but that also means it's going to go straight into here because we don't stop it so to make it not go through here we'll do the same thing again we'll put the orange cookie powder here to can be washed but we'll add the opposite attribute to the list and this means only blocks that cannot be washed will be going into here and that's it now the concrete powder will stay in here until it's washed there we go now the only issue here is that this is a very small thing to make it's probably going to be a bit bigger when I make it on the server but it's not huge this thing is not big enough to have its own building and so I have an idea a while ago I made this thing here my glass form and it's just standing on the server alone and so I already need to make a building for this why not have that building house the concrete washing machine place as well so that's the plan let's build something [Music] and there we go this looks pretty good the roof I need the roof to oxidize though yeah as soon as that happens this is I'm kind of sad now because this looks a lot better than the bank the back I don't know I might have to rebuild the bank now it looks very underwhelming for me for being a bank this thing on the other hand and what is that it's a glass Farm hello and right here I'm going to make the washing station the concrete hardening station yes starting with two double chests one here and one here all right here we go so do I put the coffee powder in this chest here it'll go down these shoots and land on this belt here this belt will transport it here and here and we will have three tunnels boom confused don't be it's very simple the concrete powder goes into here it splits up into these three belts here and then it gets washed I'm using three belts because I want it to be even faster that means we have one two three fifteen looks for Washings that's 15 Stacks at a time compared to five with only one belt now what I need to do is set up one of the fans connect this up to the windmill on the outside and we're ready to use it that should be it let's see three stacks of light gray concrete powder in the machine we should see the concrete on here now yup getting washed looking nice boom look at that oh that's so nice and cool and smooth that is some great stuff right there and it just pops up into the chest and then we just run across the street and use this for the floor or wait walls we've hardened this concrete by spraying water on it that's nice I had a chat with whisper and he told me there's a lack of wood on the server so we're losing diamonds this is not okay so the bank left away this is way more urgent it's time to make the Sawmill right up there right right [Music] that's my tree farm and behind me I have the Sawmill look at this place I'm very much not finished with it but I've made too many buildings now okay Bank last place this I don't want to build anymore I want to make machines I want this to work so before I finish the build I'm actually gonna make the crafting so this is where all the automatic crafting will occur every single wood item will be automatically crafted on this for here and then it will be sold in here so I'll have like a shop with things and you can buy you know kind of makes no sense I don't think anyone will actually go here and do it but who cares but I'm not sure how I'm going to automatically craft everything that's the problem right now so it's creative real time I know look at that here's the building but finished in Creative so I believe there are two ways to automate crafting with create number one is using mechanical Crafters which you know this is made for crafting just like a crafting grid you power it from the side and then things go together and boom bam but then you can also get a basin and a mixer I'm pretty sure and this is I might be wrong now but I think this is called shapeless crafting and I've never done it can see it right here recipe filter yes see this automated packing but then there's also automated shapeless crafting yeah this is it but I wonder let's just say we want to make Oak stars that can we only do it yep it has to be a mechanical crafter that's gonna take up a lot of space let's look at that wait boom this should now turn into yeah there you go oak Stars at the program is we need to load it into all of these do we have to have a oh this is complicated wait what if we wrenched the back I almost completely forgot about this okay I believe this means they'll use the same block yes that's really good that should mean we can make every single type of stare by just right clicking that Spruce stairs Birch stairs jungle Stars Boom automatically crafted that's great okay this is this is good you know what screw the bass in we don't need you anymore go away it's time this book right here contains everything needed to finish this entire build including Factory including shop everything so it's time to go through the pages and fill this chest up with everything needed to make the oh there it is that wasn't hard [Music] thank you I've been yes are you making a train uh yes what I'm building my Sawmill right now and the word on the street is you're creating a train yeah I'm trying to at least I have to see this you know I've I've almost made a train what happened to my train uh I borrowed it but because it just wasn't here I stole it I stole it you took okay so all right so you're making your first train but it's my train you're making it's just yeah every single item I've ever used in this train is like yours I'm at your base are you building it in your base no but in the cactus house oh behind cactus's house I'm actually gonna make a railway there where is it were you building it on the oh exactly because I want the thing is here's my plan I wanna have a railroad here that goes into town and then uh East over here and then I want to make a tunnel what's that what are you where I have my base like far away over there and when you say the tunnel I thought okay let's make a board oh so you're gonna make the tunnel did I tell you about that okay show me I want to see speedrun build nice Speed Run forgot to press the create train button oh look at that it's oh I love making trains is this up up failed again hanging out in front of the speed run it's can't you know I'd call this a slow run I'm gonna be honest with you this is prepared does this definitely classifies as a slower day 550 of waiting for Alvin train speed run it's it's a speed run it's yours your type of speed I'm running but it's not speed it's a slow run three two one start oh he's assembled no he's create new train all right Boogie out trying to place the underside casing I guess that's fine he looks like he's up he's choking oh God the Anderson getting out train controls out no seed it looks like but what is your deployer that is good that is good stuff deployer used for placing train tracks in front of the train ladies and gentlemen this is gonna be insane 20 seconds on the clock boom time two minutes and 30 seconds that was trash hey you know what it's working you're gonna run out of space really quickly though because you have one chest and it picks up every single item every single block that it breaks what really oh yeah but this is good this is solid okay bye ah the Sun is setting and I'm almost done with the factory part look at this place I just I love this so much you know you're building something and it just appears in front of well obviously it doesn't appear in front of you because you're building it but it just happens I have all the resources I need to build it and I can just build and it just happens and it's so quick and nice and smart but there is one important thing that I want to do right after I go to sleep because I can't build at night it's gonna be mobs so you see all of these mechanical belts right they look cool but weird because they're all floating above ground and that's where the andesite casing comes in we just right click everything oh look at that that is nice compare this to the other mechanical belts look at the difference it looks so much better so I want the belts in the ceiling to be brass in case and the ones down here to be and the site encased also did you notice there's display board here look at this I'm going to track every single crafted item on this display board it's gonna be very cool but I'll explain under that once I'm finished with everything because there's still a lot of things to do here and I just want to be finished it's fine the time I've powered everything up in here and it should work as you can see things are moving the mechanical Crafters are powered the belts are going forwards this is it okay so the cargo train will arrive right here and drop off the logs onto this belt so if I drop them here they should hopefully split up right here yeah so that's half a stack here Half Stack here nice and then they split up again because I want to have as much logs as possible for sale nice that's gonna go straight into the shop and then these logs are going to go into the mechanical Crafters when they reach so this is birch for example so when the Birch goes over here it should fall down and it did and now that should be crafted into planks automatically that should then appear on the Belt hopefully I've not powered these oh hey are you powered now yes oh here we go it has started crafting oh this is insane is it it should drop it down once it's finished all right and then it's gonna go down here into these tunnels where it gets split up into two different belts so hopefully we shouldn't see planks split up or not oh yep there you go and then it goes into the grafters obviously it's not filled now so we're gonna have to wait for this oh it's really slow I think it's crafting the slaps I can't really see it because it's built in so we should see them pop down here very soon and then they're gonna go into the shop I haven't fixed the filters over here though so they're just going to go into this chest here but that's fine there we go I mean obviously this isn't anything complicated this is all very simple but I'm trying to make it look good as well and that's taking some time that's good we just need to filter it so they're going to the correct chest because I don't want to mix them up in in one single chest you know all different looks and I don't have time with this place nice but that means we can start selling I mean honestly one stack of logs two diamonds now obviously I'm gonna have to manually bring the looks over here for now because I don't have the train yet it's kind of a pain to get up to the shop though which that is I guess a bit sad but okay so I made my creative world trying to design the system for the bank experience deposit withdrawal thing I think I showed this earlier but I just thought of something and one of my thumbnails I put an XP train in it because it looked cool apparently people thought that too because they got views but I'm gonna be honest with you I have not tried that out I don't know if it works can you put XP on a train no idea and I need to test it out because I thought about it and now it's stuck in my head and I never have to do it so the question is okay wait let's make a little train here nice the thing is if this works I have a billion more things I want to make on the server which I mean obviously we can already transport it with pipes we can pump it through pipes my trains are way cooler imagine an XP train driving pass it just contains the experience of players sucked out put into tanks and then on the let's see if this goes in it should yeah there you go it's filling up so this is all good but I wonder what happens when I assemble the drinks I've glued the fluid tank to the train now and when we assemble this I'm just hoping it holds it and it does it works we can transport experience on trains well I mean I guess that means it wasn't clickbait so now I can put that on the thumbnail of this video as well oh screw you did you kick because of the train no this is all you're gonna get but I think the rest of the bank Bill have to wait because I think it's been two months since I made the previous episode and I need to post this video now but we did a lot of progress this episode this was fun please subscribe and check out Lego 2K drive by the link in the description click it now I need to click you need to click [Music]
Channel: Shalz
Views: 382,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shalz, minecraft
Id: 4PFibeRjggs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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