Animating 2D Elements in 3D Space - Blackmagic Fusion Tutorial [DaVinci Resolve]

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[Music] hey guys casey ferris here i make videos on davinci resolve make sure to subscribe for more of that today we're talking about transforming 2d layers in 3d space you know if you want something that's flat to kind of move around in 3d and things like that this is something i know many of us like to do in after effects and there is a way to do it in fusion let's check it out so here i have a timeline with just a still screenshot let's say we want to do something fancy like i don't know have this thing kind of flip down or something well there are a few things that you can do in the edit page that kind of almost do it like if i zoom out and i mess with pitch that sorta does it but it's not you know it's it's not the same it kind of stretches it out and a little bit weird with the camera distortion and stuff and it's not quite what we want i want this thing to kind of like start flat and just go floof and flip into place you know that's a technical term so how do we do such things i don't know i'm just kidding we use a fusion composition by the way if you don't know much about fusion click here this is where you click to learn about the basics of fusion so you aren't so lost and now i'm going to make this into a fusion clip by right clicking and selecting new fusion clip that's going to turn this into a fusion clip and then i can hit fusion with my playhead over that clip and boom it's brought down into fusion neato right so to make this into a 3d kind of flat layer we're going to use a couple of different nodes here the first one is this node right here the image plane 3d grab that and then i'm also going to grab renderer 3d and i'll just connect these both together and i'll select render a 3d and hit number two on the keyboard really what we're doing here is we're making a plane in 3d space and then we're putting it through a renderer so that we can actually see it now to map an image to this plane we just have to connect our nodes in the right way so i'm going to do a couple little fancy things i'll undo media in for media out and i'll connect media in which is our screenshot into image plane 3d and that will map that to the image now i'm going to grab a background node just to keep things sized right and i'll connect it to our media out this just sets our composition to a black background and make sure it's sized and everything just right and with that background node selected i'll go up to the inspector and scroll down to where it says alpha and just turn the alpha all the way down this just makes a clear background that's sized correctly for our composition and it's just good practice i'll bring up this render in our left viewer now that we have this going on we want to actually be able to see it so down in our nodes i'm going to take this output and merge it over our background now if i hit number two on the keyboard with our media out selected we can see that's what we'll actually see so now we have all of our fancy node work done now we just need to tweak this to look how we want so i'm going to select image plane 3d that adjusts the shape and size of the image in 3d space and i'll go over here to the inspector and we have all kinds of different controls for 3d a lot of this for this specific purpose you don't need to mess with just the translation rotation on this third tab is where we want one thing i'll do is bring this closer to the camera by moving it up in z space so i don't know something like that i like to say z space because you can kind of pretend like you have an accent and move it up into space get it okay people who say zed space are like dude that's not even a joke i'll teach you how to do stuff okay so rotation if we want this to flip down we're going to be all about the x rotation so if i grab this x rotation you can see it rotates this and it looks a lot better than that pitch in yaw controls in the edit page but the problem is that it's swinging from the middle i mean if that's what we want that's okay but i was thinking it would swing down from the top so how do we fix that i'll just double click on that x to reset it so down under rotation we have something called pivot and you can roll that down if we move this pivot point it will adjust where this rotates from and the easiest way to actually set that let's just reset our rotation here is to go into image plane 3d i'll just hit one on the keyboard and we can move that around and we can actually see the pivot point in 3d space here and so what we want to do is just move this to the very top with our controls here so i'm going to grab this y control and just move it so it's about the top of this node and there we have it right there pretty much at the top of that bar which is what we want so now when we rotate this on the x-axis we'll see it kind of flips down now we got a little swinging thing it's a little swing so now for our animation we can just set our keyframes let's say this swings down at like 12 frames go over to our rotation hit the keyframe diamond here on our x rotation then i'll move back to zero and i'll push this up to 90. i could maybe even push it farther if i just want it to be flat in perspective you know something like that just swings out of nothing so for me that's 106.6 let's see what it looks like now yeah so it swings out of nothing that's cool but let's adjust this i'm gonna go up here and open our spline panel which will show up down here and i'll click on x rotation we'll just move this out so we have a little bit of room here and i'll hit this button zoom to fit and now we have a graph of how this is rotating back into place the cool thing is not only can we adjust how this animates by grabbing all of these and hitting f on the keyboard to flatten out that animation making it kind of ease in like that but if we want to we can actually adjust a little bit more of this animation i'm just holding middle mouse button to move around in here and i can just grab points on here and move them around and i can have this kind of swing back and forth a little bit again i'll just box select these and hit f for flatten and now we have kind of a swinging motion here let's see what it looks like swings in really fast and we can adjust this but that's basically how you would make something like that and now we have our cool little you know 2d layer swinging down animation and you can use this for like literally anything and the cool thing is since we've already animated all of this stuff we can just switch this out with a different image you know i could make like you know just like text merged over a background and we'll make the background i don't know it's kind of green we can just swap this out with our media in and all of our animation will still work pretty cool so there you go moving 2d layers in 3d space it's a ton of fun i would say by the way if you're into uh doing motion graphics we have a new pack out called fusion titles for editors volume two it's a huge collection of graphics assets and templates for resolve and it'll get you making beautiful stuff in no time it's true hey thanks for hanging out with me today that's just nice of you this isn't coffee it's water
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 34,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects 3D layers in Fusion, tutorial, after effects, 3d, motion graphics, how to, adobe, fusion, effects, animation, davinci resolve, vfx, adobe after effects, compositing, after effects tutorial, layers, blackmagic fusion, photoshop, nodes, after, video, fusion 9, blackmagic, training, filmmaking, 2d, davinci resolve 16, visual effects, logo, 3d layers, premiere pro, adobe 3d, 3d layers in after effects, tutorials, adobe premiere, camera, software, blender, davinci resolve tutorial, c4d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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