3D PHOTO/VIDEO EFFECT (Camera Tracker) - Davinci Resolve 17

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jamie_Fenn 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone hope all is well my name is jamie fenn and today i'm going to show you how to bring your 2d animations images and even videos to life in a 3d environment in davinci resolve and this is what it looks like check it out [Music] now this idea is inspired by a super creative guy i just started following on instagram i don't know how to pronounce his instagram tag but i'll link it down below so you guys can check out his profile but he has some really creative uploads i'm going to show you the exact tools to create this effect and then i'll leave the creative freedom up to you and if you make anything and post it to instagram feel free to tag me and i'll come check it out and let you know what i think and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button and hit that bell while you're at it and if you find this video helpful or you enjoyed the effect hit that like button as well that'd be awesome all right with that said let's get started all right time to get artsy so here i have a clip that i shot in 4k and over here on the left here i have a picture now this is a great photo to use for this example because it's really basic you can cut out the three main layers which is the sky the moon and the wolf and then you can add more layers in and i'll show you how to do that so let's go ahead and take this photo and make it the length of the clip underneath i'm going to highlight both of these by holding down command and selecting them right clicking on them and selecting new fusion clip let's go into fusion make sure the playhead is over this clip by the way then click on fusion and the first thing we want to do is just disconnect this merge node from these two median nodes i'm going to click on median one hold down shift and press spacebar and type in camera tracker scroll down and select camera tracker next we want to come up here to the inspector and select preview auto track locations then we can turn up the detection threshold and turn down the minimum feature selection then the next thing we want to do is select bi-directional tracking then select auto track great now once that has completed tracking let's move over to the second icon here and you want to select your focal length i know that i used a gh5 with an adapter and an 18-35 so i'm going to convert the math if you don't know what your focal length is google it real quick and so that was my focal length next i'm going to move on to the third tab here and this is where we have to narrow down our tracking points to make sure that our objects in our 3d scene will look like they're actually in the scene and they don't drift around and it's very accurate so the first thing i like to do is come down here to the solve weight and select that as 0 and select set next i like to turn this down a little bit this maximum track error and kind of just look at how many points i've i have a total of 4 380 tracks down here so i usually try to stick around a thousand tracking points i seem to get pretty far with that i've even gotten really good tracks with about 400 points you just have to have the correct kind of points i could explain into further detail but for now i'm just going to move on through the tutorial so now that i have these points selected down i'm looking down here i'm going to get rid of about half of the tracking markers and once you've selected a good amount of tracking points to get rid of you can select delete so now we can go through our scene and see what we have as far as tracking points you can also get rid of some tracking points like here i'm going to select these delete those i'm going to scroll throughout the scene get more points that i really don't need because this is tracking the floor and i don't need those and then also maybe turn up the minimum track length here to get rid of some points and i want to have a good amount of points like that so i'm going to click delete on those as well now that we have about 1500 tracking markers i'm going to select solve okay after our first solve we have an average solve error of 2.8 pixels you should try to get under one pixel so the next step we can do here is turn down our maximum solve error if you tried to adjust this parameter beforehand it wouldn't have done anything because we haven't solved yet so let's go ahead and turn this down and get rid of about 500 tracking points and i'm going to delete those and now that we have a thousand tracks i'm going to resolve all right great now you can see that i have a 0.6145 average solve error so now i'm going to move on to the fourth tab here now i'm going to select the 3d scene transform option and what we want to do is select some points and align our ground plane so the camera tracker lines up with what we want the ground to be so i'm going to select this aligned option and select unaligned and what we want to do is we want to select our orientation which is the ground plane so i'm going to select just a few points here i'm going to select something like a square i'm going to select these this these maybe even something up here that paper is pretty flush with the table so that point is okay all right now i'm going to set from selection now i want to set my origin point of where i want my media to come into the scene you don't have to do this but i tend to do it so i'm just going to select one of these points these three points here the face is a good area that i'm going to put the actual media which is that photo i'm going to set from selection now that we've aligned our points now we want to select aligned and then export this data that will automatically drop a node tree here in your node window and what we want to do now is get rid of this camera tracker i'm going to put this over here because you can use this again in the future if you'd like i'm going to disconnect that i'm going to connect the camera tracker to the media out and now if i drag this merge node into the viewer window you can see we have all of our tracking points here like this if you look closely here you can see that the points of the sketchbook are all lined up with the ground plane let's go ahead and drag our median out back into the viewer window let's take our picture which is our median two and add a image plane because in order to put this into a 3d space you have to put it into an image plane and then drag the image plane node into the merge 3d okay so now we have to separate this into layers put the playhead at the very beginning of the clip next we want to drag this median into the viewer window then with this media node selected select the polygon tool that will make the image disappear so come over here and select invert next you want to mask out your layers so for example i'm just going to do a really quick masking here and mask out the mountain and the wolf that's standing on top of it now if you do this please make sure to do this as precisely as possible as you don't want any overlapping of the image all right so once you've done that you want to come back over here and select invert all right so now we have the problem of having some white in between the legs so in order to fix that what we can do is select this polygon node come up here and add another polygon node now if you come in here and just select through the mask area that you want and then complete the mask nothing will happen but that's because you need to come over here to the paint mode select merge and then select subtract then repeat the process for every layer or hole that's maybe in your image or video and come over and just keep repeating that process of masking out those gaps next what you want to do is copy and paste this node tree right next to it let's go ahead and drag in this median into the viewer window and with our playhead at the very beginning still we want to come to our first polygon node and we want to expose the rest of the sky here so once you've done that we want to connect our image plane to the merge 3d so once you've done that now what we want to do is drag in our merge 3d and it's time to separate these layers so what i'm going to do is click on the image plane of our background which is our moon and our stars select the image plane come up here to the inspector select these arrows and let's go ahead and move this back on the z-axis and now you can see we're starting to get some layer separation i'm going to do the double windows select the median out and drag it into this viewer window and now i can kind of see what's going on in both realms both 3d worlds so let's go ahead and just drag this down a little bit so in my example i actually masked out the moon i'm going to go to the very beginning of the video bring my median into this viewer window here select the polygon node and instead of selecting a polygon node again to add to this tree i'm going to select the ellipse now we want to do the same technique as we did for the layers in between the wolf's legs come over here and select subtract and i'm going to basically just kind of bring these down and mask out the moon it's just going to be like a very rough mask but basically you get the idea like that make sure these numbers are exactly the same so the next thing i did was i added in some clouds so i'm just going to come up here to my media pool drag those in here then i have to add an image plane to the clouds because i need to put it in 3d space bring that into the merge node so if i want to look at the median i'm going to bring it in here i'm going to use a delta keyer to mask out the blue now i have something that looks like that and then next i'm going to look at my 3d space and see where i want to put it now i can use the merge node here and look at it in 3d space or i can just drag up the median out into this viewer window and move it in 3d space so again i'm going to come up here to the inspector move it up and down and maybe even rotate it so i need to flip this up a little bit so it has a little bit more perspective and maybe even bring it really close to the camera so i can see here's the camera here so if i want to bring it up really close to the camera i can do something like this so now i have some clouds in front of the wolf here now say i wanted to add more clouds all i have to do is just copy and paste those cloud node tree layers or nodes i guess i should say and then attach that to the merge node this is starting to get a little messy so what we can do is actually right click arrange tools to grid now hopefully that will clean everything up once you start moving nodes around and so now that i have two layers that are exactly the same i need to move this one back maybe in 3d space i can also bring up the scale make it super big and then move it back in 3d space one thing to also keep in mind that's very important is that you want to make sure that you don't have any layers kind of intersecting with one another you don't want to have anything like rotating into it another layer because then it starts to create weird artifacts and it looks all glitchy so make sure you keep these layers separated so i just dragged in a green screen shooting star here i'm also going to want to add a delta keyer in between those i'm going to look at this image plane and key out the green like that and then add the image plane to the merge node so now when i look at the media out and then i look at my 3d environment here i can see this is where my image plane is because i have it selected so in this situation i'm going to kind of just make sure this angle is at the same angle as these others so i'm going to rotate this back to be just right between the clouds and the wolf so now you guys are probably wondering how did you get the moon to be in the shot and have it look 3d so let's come over here select anywhere in the node area select a shape 3d node let's add a merge 3d and then also a render 3d alright so now we have our shape here let's go ahead and drag it in to the viewer window we have a plane let's select the sphere now we need to figure out a way to get an image around this sphere so if you actually go to nasa's website i'll put a link down in the description but there is a bunch of pictures of planets and the moon and i downloaded the moon so i'm just going to i'm just going to go ahead and drag it in and just attach this to the shape 3d and voila look at that we got a moon it's pretty sweet actually all right so the next thing we want to do is click on our shape 3d and if you look closely our moon is not exactly round you can see there's like some geometric edges and what we want to do is turn up the base subdivisions and also turn up the height subdivisions and now it rounds out our moon and it looks all nice and smooth so next we want to take our merge 3d and drag it down here to our merge 3d node here which now we've just attached it to our 3d scene let's go ahead and drag our median out in here and whoa that's a big moon so the next step we want to do is resize this so let's go ahead and click on our merge node here that's attached to our moon come up here to the inspector and bring this back into 3d space like so and also i'm going to scale this down to be much much smaller but i'm now looking at the side view i'm going to move this back to about right there now i'm going to find our wolf layer which was the first layer that we created and i'm going to bring it closer to the camera so let's go ahead and do that bring this up like so so the wolf is somewhat in the moon area and the cloud layer here is kind of weird so i'm going to come to our first cloud layer which is this guy right here and just move him up by the way check out this playlist right here it's awesome but you can import anything images videos hand-drawn animations which you can do in procreate and if you post anything to instagram please tag me i'd love to check it out and see what you guys are coming up with and thanks for watching and i'll catch you my next video
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 44,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie fenn, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve transition, davinci resolve 3d effects, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion effects, davinci resolve fusion camera tracker, davinci resolve 3d camera tracker, davinci resolve 3d animation, davinci resolve camera, davinci resolve camera tracking, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve effects tutorial, 3d effects davinci resolve, 3d objects davinci resolve
Id: Xu_J6uKpqI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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