Animated Particle Logo Reveal - #1 Creating the Base Animation (for Fusion DaVinci Resolve Beginner)

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hello my name is Noah and today we will be creating animations like these when I note % inside of fusion well this tutorial is quite long all individual parts of this animation are very simple and easy to understand on our way to run the ring we will be learning how to create a simple procedural 2d animation create an image particle emitter create interactive 3d volumetric godrays and composite all of that together here and there we will utilize some simple expressions and I will show you some handy shortcuts along the way now after this tutorial you will feel much more confident in creating motion graphics in fusion and working in fusion in general while I am using fusion stand-alone everything I am doing is possible inside of DaVinci Resolve including the free version I will try to explain everything we're doing while keeping this somewhat short but even if you don't understand everything we're doing the first time you will get to know many different facets of fusion before starting if you prefer a text tutorial there's a text version of this tutorial and composition available on my website let's start by adding an ellipse mask press controls baseball or whatever you are add to shortcut is press 1 or 2 to view this in your preferred viewer this will be the base of our animation and first of all we don't want to solid we want an outline so go into the inspector and uncheck solid we need to increase the border width to actually see an outline I will choose 0.005 let's make it easier first cos blind by opening this in our second view and disabling the controls by pressing ctrl K let's go back into the other viewer and grip the green control line to decrease the width I will be choosing 0.2 next I want to increase the resolution and change our aspect ratio from 16 by 9 to a square so go into the image type of us line and change the output size to custom I will choose 2000 by 2000 next we will add in a transform node fusion will automatically connect our lips mask node to our blue mask input of our transform but we want this to be an image so pipe the ellipse into the yellow background input everything we will do on this transform node is to move our lips slightly up so for organization reason let's rename this by hitting f2 our calls trends up and grab the handle and move our lips up there we go now we will use a new feature from fusion 16.2 animatable length of splines so go into the first tab of your ellipse node called controls if we move the slider of the length parameter we see what this does so go to the first frame yours will probably be 0 I changed my default first frame to 1 and set the length to 0 set a keyframe by hitting the little keyframe button next to your length parameter next I will go frame 160 and drag the slider to 1 fusion has automatically created a new keyframe and this is our animation right now if you are working in fusion standalone like I am you might want to change your composition length we won't need 1000 frames for this project and it will be easier to navigate if we decrease the global end time I said mine to 400 let's make our animation slightly more fancy we want to remap the animation to ease in and out open the spline editor in the right of a site click on length to see an animation path now we will use a series of shortcuts first we will use ctrl F to focus the view on our animation path then ctrl a to select all our keyframes and finally shift s to smooth our spline the default values are still too tame and these headers aren't particularly good at increasing the values it t to open a little window where we can more easily change our ease handles without messing with attendance like this we will crank both numbers up until we are happy this looks much but this is still only a single spline and we want us to open up so let's duplicate our animation by adding a duplicate node by default we won't see any change and this is because we are creating a duplicate of our image exactly in the same position in space and time so right now we have two copies that are exactly on top of each other we could simply increase the angle and there you could see there are a copy and I will increase the number of copies quickly to something like nine and then we see our problem if we ever want to change our copy number at the end of our animation this could be very problematic because this wouldn't update if we have to change the whole angular animation again so this is where we will use our first expression right click on angle and choose expression we will type in 360 divided use a slash for that and use this handy little whip next to expression and drag and drop it to our copies parameter now no matter how many copies we have this will always have the right angle I will quickly go back into the transform node and change the position slightly until I'm happy with the placement that's better if we look at our animation right now we see that all of our copies are animating at the same time and we still have no rotation we will deal with the rotation first the thing is we won't be able to animate our angle since it's already connected to the expression that's why we will have to create our own animation slider right click on your duplicate node and hit edit controls this new window will pop up I want to have a rotation multiplier so I will call it rot mouth of rotation multiplier for the type number will be fine and we want this to appear in our controls tab so I will choose controls for the default of value will choose one the range should be from zero to one like most parameters in fusion we can animate further than that except if we change the allowed value but we don't want to limit ourselves so just keep this blank for the type of control I will choose the slider control and the center should be 0.5 and the first step I will choose 0.005 but honestly this doesn't really change anything there we have our slider which right now it doesn't do anything and this is because it's not connected to anything so we will do that by typing in an aesthetics or multiply and type in rot ma for our rotation multiplier and if we move this slider now we can see that it's working and now we can animate our expression let's go back to our first frame said I was slider to zero and set a keyframe and now just like before we'll go further down in our timeline and we will set another keyframe with the slider at 1:00 now our animation is rotating and to keep this organized we will take our time to rename our notes this is the base of animation so we'll change my duplicate now to do base and my lips to base now to offset the animation will change the time of setting our duplicate base since I have already done this I know what numbers I like I will go to frame 110 and type in minus 80 and of course that a keyframe then I will go further down the timeline to frame 295 and I will set the time offset to its default value of 0 by pressing the little dot below the slider this is how you can reset all sliders in fusion to its default values speaking of dots we can already see the start of our animation before it's actually animating we will change this by animating the border width on our ellipse node which is now called base so go into your base and and made the ball with go to your first frame and set this to zero set a keyframe go to a later frame like 5 and setters to our initial value of 0.005 the dots are gone but we can't actually judge our animation that well because we can't see it in real time and this is because our playback speed is very low fix this by hitting the proxy button below the viewer this will scale down the image resolution only for viewing the final render will not be affected and now our animation is running in real-time now that we have real-time playback and our animation is pretty much done we should add some color create a new background note but default this will be the resolution of your project settings in my case full HD so we need to change this to be the same as our base we will do this exactly as before in the image type of our background node and changing the width and height to the same resolution in my case the depth is already set to a 32 bit you won't need 32 bit but I would advise it to at least 16-bit float for this and the color tip we will change this background type to gradient that is radial you can use whatever color you like but I will choose a nice blue and as the second color black I will position this to the top I will copy and paste this until I have three background nodes with a different colors in my case blue yellow and red now we will combine these three by grabbing the wire of our yellow background node and drag and drop it over the output of our blue background node fusion will automatically create a merge node and combine our backgrounds we want to do an ADD operation by dragging the alpha gain slider to zero we repeat the same with the third background but how do we get this color to animation what we want to do is to clear the pixels from our background except where animation is happening we can do that by taking a channel boolean node and setting its operation to clear right now it will clear away everything so we will take our animation and pipe that into the blue mask and put off the channel boolean we need to invert this there are several ways to do that but I chose to use another channel boolean with the operation set to negative I'll quickly rename this true to channel boolean clear and channel boolean negative looking at our animation I feel like we should add an Easter our rotation we do that exactly as before by selecting our duplicate base and opening the spline editor now we have several animated parameters to make it easier to find our rotation we click on the three dots on the upper right side of the spline editor and select show only select a tool in the list on the left we will deselect every parameter except rot mouth which is a rotation multiplier and now the same as before ctrl F control a shift s and we can increase both numbers again this looks much better next we want to bring this animation into 3d we do that by adding in an image plane 3d as you can see we are in the 3d workspace of fusional to combine this with a moving camera we will add in the merge 3d and a camera 3d to this merge since we have already done this I know that I will be having issues with the image plane clipping so I will go to my camera and change the near clipping to the lowest possible we definitely want to look through the camera while we are animating it so in one of our two viewers we will right-click on the perspective text on the bottom right corner and select our camera 3d let's drag the camera out a little bit and change the focal length I chose twenty-one but as everything else on this this is up to you we'll go to the transform tab and select use target this will control the rotation of our camera and will make it much more easier for us to animate it still in the transform tab we can right click on our translation text and select animated translate group this will activate keyframing on all three parameters we will do the same for the target now we can animate our camera just as we like I will speak the realist process a little bit this movement will probably look very janky so we will smooth this again just like before make sure all parameters are selected and in our favorite key combo control F control a and shift s I will select the last keyframe and increase the ease in this looks better but I want an even steeper curve so I select the second to last keyframe and increased the East out value now we have a much broader but stronger as Federation but now we need to render our 3d animation to a 2d image just as we would a 3d application like Houdini or blender for this we will use to render 3d node I will rename this to our 3d base the checkered background is irritating me and since I know that we will rend out the final animation or a dark background I will click on the three dots on the upper right side of the viewer and I will uncheck check around alais now we don't see our alpha as in checker but it is black and now we are done with our base animation due to the length of the tutorial I've decided to split this up into three parts and in the next part we'll be looking at the particles see you there
Channel: Noah Hähnel
Views: 4,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion, davinci, resolve, blackmagic, blackmagicdesign, animation, tutorial, motion graphics, mograph, particles, shape, simple, beginner, awesome, effect, logo
Id: lDNSLe80aII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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