Proof that you can turn ANY sound into ANYTHING

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ladies and gentlemen today i am going to prove to you that you can literally turn any sound into literally any other sound that means you can turn a snare into a piano or you can turn a white noise into a synthesizer you can turn whatever the sound you pick into a vocal because all the sounds is just the same thing so first thing let's understand what an audio file is so what's that what is a snare i just put the snare here what is that so if you zoom in real close you will see these little dots here so these are all individual samples of a sound and this is simply speaking an audio data that a computer is reading and then reproducing it through the speakers into sound waves in the air and that goes to your ear and that's how you hear stuff so this is nothing else than just a combination of these little samples that is creating this sound so technically you could have a generator and you could literally generate the same sound as you could generate an acapella like a symphony the reason you can hear it is because this long and complex sound has a right combination and the right sequence of little samples that when they are connected together they create a vocal that's the magic of this so by going into this direction you can literally have a computer generate the same vocal you can literally make this vocal from scratch using the method that i'll show you but like the more complex the sound is the more time it's gonna take to recreate it so if you want to recreate the vocal make certain phrases in it and make actually sound really good you can literally just sit for like i don't know maybe 10 years and just like sample by sample like piece by piece make this vocal identically the same but like that's gonna take so much time that makes no sense to do this right that's how for example google translator works it creates an audio data and then it's being played back by by a computer so for example you have these ai websites that literally just generate vocals so the reason the computer is able to do this is because i think they used an ai like a deep learning system that analyzed many vocals and understood what samples have to be one after another in order to create a vocal so human would be able to do this but it's just like understanding a computer data and the computer is much better on doing so right by the way smoke weed every dude it even rhymes so boom a manifestation your dig made by hey by the way smoke weed every day hell yeah so if we download this put into ableton well you know what's going to happen well this is this audio file it has to have samples right this is nothing other than other data you can have a computer generate any sound literally any sound if it understands what makes a certain sound it can literally just make the sound generate the audio data and make this sound real and audible so now once you understand what the audio is i'm going to show you how you can turn any sound into any sound so as an example we're gonna be using a white noise because it's like most messy sound it has no tonal information if you have just a little bit of the audio data you can create any sound the easiest sounds are gonna be synths and glitches and noises but hardest ones are going to be real life instruments let's take a look at whiteness so in order to turn it into an actual sound we gotta find like an element that will allow us to have a base of that sound right maybe let's cut that noise here we have this part this is still really high if we take a look at eq you can see that there's just a click basically if you've been using serum or any other wave table synthesizer this is what you're looking at actually just the way for me as you can hear this is really high pitched so in physics length equals pitch so the longer the sound is the lower its pitch and the faster the sound is the higher its pitch pitches down and as you can see it's slowing down so now as you can see we got more like a lower sound we got more like uh away from that kind of makes sense a little bit right here like that because it kind of reminds of a sine wave and sine wave is a really good basis for any sound take this white noise and slap it into a sampler as you can see it's just like a small tiny bit of that noise sample i think it's even in stereo create a new audio file turn a resampling put utility on this and just leave one of these stereo channels only we get this waveform we have this wave into the sampler and what you can do right now is you can play it as a synthesizer first of all you gotta loop this and you can play it as a synthesizer [Music] this is some sort of wave from right and because it's looping if you play a higher pitch it's going to be looping faster and when you play a lower pitch flipping really low so i found the oscilloscope and as you can see this is literally the this this wave so the waveform in order for it to loop nicely you need to position that on this middle line here so it loops right here and not here because it's going to create clicks here that clicks what is actually a sound like if you take a look at eq what is this you can see these kind of like spikes right what are these spikes are sine waves every single spike is a cyanide so we can do like a brick wall cut it here and isolate this [Music] sine wave take that further you're just gonna have higher pitched sine waves if we take a look at a oscilloscope right now you can see that this is a cyanide boom i want to use this sine wave and put it into the sampler we need to somehow get that sine wave be playable simple thing play it back and record so now what you get is a really long nice sine wave you need to have one cycle of it and one cycle is from zero crossing to zero crossing that's a one cycle and that's a sign let's just consolidate that and let's put that into the sampler let's just make sure it does a click so as you move this guy into different samples [Applause] you got more of a sine wave right from this point you have just a sine wave and you can keep adding effects to create different instruments yeah such as i'm adding erosion a cassette simulation somewhere [Music] to make different instruments you need to have different waveforms now we have a sine wave only to change the waveform of the sound you can use a distortion so if i start adding distortion you can hear more of a square wave and then we have a wave shaper so you can literally just shape the waveform of the sound check this out i can resample it and just put it back into the sampler to play with it i would recommend using the sine wave if you're making a sound instead of resampling and then putting this resampled sound into the sampler it depends on the scenario but basically what happens that this sound right now let's say you make a scent block so this synth plug is gonna sound better and cleaner on different pitches inside the synthesizer rather than after it's being resampled and put into the assembler because of how performance are changing tune it check this out let's say you want to make a sick 808 you can slap a distortion your g sub bass will turn into a sub bass with more harmonics and that's also gonna change what the wave from looks like right remember that sound is a combination of sine waves so what you literally can do is you can create a group duplicate the chain so now we have just just a low g note what you do is you basically detune it up that works as a harmony you can cite the volume so we are adding an octave right now so duplicator once again add another octave duplicate it once again so we are adding fifth here so now we have added harmonics manually we can even add one more octave up and we get kind of like an organ wrote sound so that is an idea is really cool if you have a synthesizer use a synthesizer don't waste time for this but this is like really interesting concept so maybe let's make a little melody [Music] a little bit of a delay maybe [Music] you can make kicks you can make all sorts of different stuff if you want to learn how to exactly make a kick and snare and other sounds inside the synthesizer you can check out the the drum sound design tutorial it's really popular i don't know why in here basically go pitch envelope add some distortion copy this there [Music] get down what are you waiting for so check this out i'm gonna add a new instrument and that instrument is going to be piano i'm going to go into for example alicious keys dry preset let's actually make sure there's no reverb on it [Music] make sure this is the same note make sure this is the same octave as well the other way to get audio data is through the sine waves so as you can see those are all the sine waves and what you can do and we'll just experiment a little bit with that is you can so as you can see the envelope of it goes down like that so we got to make sure that our sine wave has a similar envelope so so we match the envelope right now right the piano is going to be on the right the synth is going to be on the left this is one of the sine waves of the piano the fundamental one i'm just gonna keep duplicating them the sino is and i'm gonna build a piano keynote so check this out so i'm gonna duplicate that i'm gonna start off setting it and make sure this is the same note which we can do by just hovering 5 23 5 20 yeah the same one if we solo these we have the same thing there's a little bit of the room difference but uh let's keep going so next one is here and that's 786. why did it fail is it because it's in the room i don't think so oh my god whoa wait a sec oh my god the piano sounds better but what the okay wait this is all this stuff is turned off it does sound really similar but it's not the same so wait let me it's not only the sine waves then this one is more defined kind of now you can hear that this is kind of like um an issue with performance right now when i'm picking this up can i actually wait can i actually do this if i go here in complex pro formats hundred percent my cpu is dying okay but we did it let's see okay it's kind of cool see a midi file okay so ladies and gentlemen here's the deal i didn't add high frequencies because i was like well there's like 20 frequencies i'm not gonna add this it's just gonna take a million ages and like i don't really care that much i think that's it if you have any questions let me know in the comments section below if you learned something well i guess you did that's cool this is one of the most interesting and fascinating topics check out why why haven't you check out oversample.js yet what are you waiting for there's like cinematic drum kit right now you see this see how awesome this is damn slubhouse sample pack oh my god future bass toolkit what look at this are you looking at this loops one shots midi is acapella why haven't you checked this out yet what are you waiting for you're missing out you're clearly missing out i don't understand i don't know what you're waiting for dude look how beautiful this artwork is people say it's obs see obs people say this artwork is obs this artwork is bananas what are you waiting for if you're looking for plugins plugins at over sample.yes punch the best transient shaper on the planet ocs the best cassette simulation on the planet okay have a good day
Channel: Oversampled
Views: 22,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music production tutorial, how to make music, ableton live tutorial, music production, future bass tutorial, trap tutorial, sound design, sound design tutorial, how to sound design, beatmaking, how to make beats, making a beat, ableton live, edm tutorial, making future bass, making trap, making music, audio data, ai audio, ai music production, ai vocals
Id: 5xBII8NWk1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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