Stylize and Animate Font In DaVinci Resolve 15

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there's a lot of things you can do with text that's probably right under your nose that you don't know about so let's jump into it [Music] so in my last video I recreated a overlay that Formula One is using as you can see here and I had a question that was sent to me asking how do you make 2 different font styles within one font node so let's jump into that it's actually pretty simple I didn't go over it there because I only had one name to put in here but if you have like multiple names or you want to have a couple of different letters that are stylized differently that's why you would use something like this so let's just grab some some text here or some text some video here just so we have something to work with later in this project I'll get rid of the audio let's jump over to fusion and now in fusion let's just grab a background so we have something to look at let's actually look at this over here so let's just grab like a blue and then on this side another blue but like maybe lighter and we can change this to like radial so we just have like a spot a little circle okay actually let's flip these around because that's the actual spot alrighty so now let's add a text layer and if we would connect these so we have our text layer over now I just put in here JR TV um and we look at this normally when I have this text layer you would have you know the ability to change fonts here and that would change the font entirely so the font layer is just a you know that well this control is for the whole node that's the control the whole node and the same way with the color if I was to change the color it would change it for the whole thing so if you wanted to let's say take the TV and maybe change the color of it or maybe the and the and the a4j are maybe you want to change those or change the font you could simply do that it's not anywhere in here that you normally can access if you don't know about it you probably won't be able to find this but within this area if you right-click there's a ton of different options you can do and these options that you are adding here what they'll do is they'll it add a modifier and if you see over here the modifier is currently grayed out so let's click in here and then let's do character level styling and now we come over now we have a modifier if we take a look at our actual font here if we're actually clicked on it you can highlight and you'll see like the boxes around different things so let's just highlight the J and then I can come in and change that particular letter to whatever I want change the size of it and if you come over here you can change the color of that particular a but you can still in the tools you can still manipulate the whole thing it's not like that is a standalone character you can manipulate the whole thing and change and with everything that you ever see it has a little star here you can let me highlight that one letter you can manipulate and add a keyframe to the different things so the next thing that I want to show you here is to let's actually have these two together all right so let's grab another text layer and we'll just connect this up here quick and we'll play this one over here let me just add in the next thing that I want to show you is adding more style to your font itself so if you come over here to like where we would change the color and you know the the way it looks the outline and so on you can click right here and you can add more elements to the particular font so if you wanted to you could click on and there's some defaults that are here like this just says red outline and if you enable it that's what it's gonna have right away but you could change this is just text just so that you so if someone else is working on the project they know what's going on with that particular node but you could change it to whatever you want and you know do all the different parameters but it's under a different element so there's a lot of different customization that you can do and we can add in a bunch of different things like you can now add a drop shadow and let's change the drop shadow color and you know you could come down here and manipulate that drop shadow to something that could look differently so there's a ton of different things that you can add to a font to spice it up they're just referred to as elements so you just add an element and then add something extra to it and all of these things that I'm talking about you can manipulate one piece of font or one text node to do all these different things with adding all these different colors with changing the font type and the color of the font so let's jump into another one here I'll just connect this up so the next one that I want to show you is if you were to actually let's just use this one here if we were to use this font here and here this node is our this node is our current video one cool thing that you could do is you could take this video and make it a and use the font as a mask so let me show you that quick if we take this and then bring this in here you could take or actually let's grab a background node just so this is like the background and that we're going to be doing and I just took the Alpha and moved it down so this particular node if we play it it's just invisible I'll bring it in here but I'm going to switch these two so this is the background node so it's see through its transparent and then the foreground is that video clip so if I play this over here it's the the video clip so now if I take this particular node that had the different sizing and stuff and font and I bring this over to here now where you can see is this video is in here so this is acting as a mask and that this video is what's inside that mask so if I wanted to I could take this particular node and we could I don't know do something like this where we see that the font in here and then we have this and you could take any of these and you could bring them in in here and act as that if you wanted to it gets kind of wonky when you have this here because it's just taking the Alpha values as you can see we have checkering throughout this whole thing and it has that weird background so if we were just to take this and just put in some JR TV and then add this onto this particular node I know this is getting a bit messy so we have this here this is what this node currently is going to be a plate on this side and this is showing it's plate over here so now one what we could do is we could just take the size of this text and scale it up and then in the background we have that we have this guy with the cutout so you know just something else that you could do the next thing that we could do and we'll just use this layer here as if we wanted to have this size manipulated and other things that was referred to as like a wiggle you could just add a modifier to something so in here there's a ton of different expressions you can get and that's a whole nother animal but you could just add in like a shake and then what this will do is it'll wig it'll do like a wiggle like you can see these values it'll just switch and you can add this to just about anything the next thing I want to show you is if we were to let's just add another text note in here and I will add in a merge quick and I like this background a little bit better this little connect whoops I'll connect this into here and then our text into here so we have this just sighs this up again and add in a text now there are tons of different ways that you could animate your your text and this I think is like one of the most powerful things that you can do compared to like working with a lot of other editors because the customization is on a whole nother level and having an animation working with what's referred to as they follow and will follow is you could make a keyframe for an adjustment to happen and you could state that that keyframe everything else after that will have a delay of something so you could have a delay on Billy whatever it may be but you can have it the light so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to do the size so we're gonna have the first letter get real big and then all of the others are going to join in and get big as well so let's do that so currently here's all my text and I'm just going to come in I'm gonna pick our first layer and then do a follow over into modifiers we'll open this up and now we can say you know how long is the delay we can make the delay of let's just do a delay of one come over into our text and let's say right here we're on this particular node or we're on this particular letter so we just have this one highlighted that's the one that we're going to affect I'm gonna zoom in a little bit on here and we're just going to come up a couple of frames and then I'm just going to make this really big and as you can see already the others are following suit so if I come here and let's do fit now the others all come in so you know you could do that and then add in other Corrections that happen as well where you know it starts out with a low transparency and then by the time it gets here or actually let's go back to that come here drop all of this down okay and then by the time it gets here then we take all of this let me just go one so now it all comes in and you know that particular thing happens so additionally we could come down to softness and we could say okay our x and y will first keyframe this to zero come over here actually we'll go the other way around so we'll come over and we'll make it very blurry and then by the time it gets here it'll be unblurred right we could do that and then click on our y connect with and then we'll have it connect with the other one so now they're both connected so comes in blurry and then it comes like into focus there's really a ton of different things that you could do with this it's just kind of taking the time to understand what each thing does and how you can manipulate it to get really cool effects out of everything so the other thing that I want to show you if you I don't know if you've ever seen this effect like where the letters are changing and then we have like a white that turns into a green I want to show you how to how you could get one of these effects just one of the other little tools that you can do okay so to do this is we'd first get our text layer and we could just type in a bunch of stuff let's add this just to a black background for now okay play it and then we could just turn this to okay the color really doesn't matter at this point and then we'll just change the direction top down and we could change the size of this a little bit so in their video they were they had like all different types of weird characters but now I'm just going to to use what I have here the cool thing that you can do now with this text let's add a little bit more to fill it up is we could right click here and then go to text scramble and I'll add another modifier and now in the modifier currently it just has all the letters and numbers but you could you know changes to whatever you want it so if you want to just like binary like ones and zeros and have it switch back and forth you could do that but right now if we just look at this let's change the randomization one but if we look at this while we play it it's just changing like rapidly all of the let's add some space in here just changing everything really quickly you see that alright so now we need to add in the the white line and then like almost like a reveal sort of thing so to do that I'm going to grab another node here and we'll play it over in this window so we can see this and I'm going to take this node and give a gradient and half it's white and half of its going to be green okay and I'm actually going to switch this up so it goes this way right and I kind of want to make that amount really short okay so now we have that but we want to be able to manipulate this from top down so what I'm going to do is first going to add this in here I'm going to change the length and width and then feather out the edges the reason why I feather out the edges is cuz in the video the the the text like disappears a little bit and we can actually bring this in let's not have a feather in so high so like that would be good so now we have that node we're going to add in another node we're going to add in a mask or excuse me emerge and now this is going to go into the foreground and then in here our background is just going to go into the background so currently this is what we have and what we want to do now is take this text that we have this text that just changes crazy colors we want to connect this text let's disconnect it from here but we want to connect this into the mask so now if we play this we have the coloring from this node over that that text here and the cool thing I can do is we can then manipulate this and we can kind of have it like you know go down like that one of the things I think I want to change here just change this up a little bit so we have something that might actually drag all of this down to the edge because I think I want to have it like a hard edge here you just manipulate this down so it's a bit of a harder edge there like where they're actually showing up okay so now we can just have this come down and we'll have that raining text effect so if I wish to keyframe here zoom out a bit and bring this down oops let's actually come back to like here keyframe it there and then like here we'll just have it drop all the way down and I'll get rid of that keyframe now if I play this let me make this an output here so we can look at it at full screen now if I was to play this it has that effect where it's where the letters are changing and we have a you know the white that turns into the green and now you could just duplicate this and add a bunch of different if you wanted different letters to come you know they come out or different colors or whatever it may be but it's just one of the things that you can do with a text node things unless you knew that it existed you want to know what you're looking for but um yeah with that being said that's pretty much all I have for how to manipulate text nodes and stylize them a bit better and add some animations and so on but yeah with that being said let me know in the comments what you think about this one if you have any ideas or suggestions let me know down there as well again my name is jr. thanks for watching [Music] [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 58,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, font+, animate, stylize, multiple color, drop shadow, DaVinci Resolve 15, text, font, animating text, stylizing text, text+
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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