Animal Crossing TikTok Memes That Are Actually FUNNY 2

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everybody are you where is it coming from where does the noise coming from I'm so scared okay I think it's time for some more animal crossing date that's the last time that I did it animal crossing tik-tok reaction video was like a month into quarantine I felt we all needed it and now it's June and things have not gotten better anything things have gotten so much worse but that's okay because there's animal crossing tic TOCs to watch so we can forget about everything for a little bit and also listen to this the greatest song of all time just like I said last time even if you don't own or play Animal Crossing you will still enjoy these tic TOCs I promise you animal crossing always has some good meme content for everybody alright let's check out my collection from the past like two months petrol is so good at singing sorry let's hear it let's hear it [Music] know what a lead-up beautiful tan attack oh yes and coffee real life shaking tree [Music] well she's not showing the times you've accidentally faced the wrong way not watering the flower that you want to water took so much effort so much oh my god I love the ending that's like me when I sit on anything though cuz I'm so sure for another month and I just got it i love strategy guys especially the new games because there is a lot of information out there about you okay incorrect i looked this up on it as like I wanted to buy it right after it's sold out cute just is so check it out and have a list of all of the different KK songs and them different moods of the each have all of the clothing and furniture that's currently in the game I mentioned about this at one of my live streams and a lot of people were telling me that some of the information is incorrect did it but I just want it for the checklist so like I don't care if some of the information is not right or needs to be updated like yeah I just want like that is so useful just to open the page and see it all at once I know it's all in line but so much easier just to see and it even shows you what they look like if you put them in your house what yeah I'm getting it anyway I don't care yeah I'm getting it so it makes me want to cry I love him so much oh my god there's another one that's when they were making the eyebrows oh god he's cake hey slider that's what I always do and they never catch me ain't nobody gonna catch me because you're too streetwise yo in all these holes laughing like so funny catch be streetwise you're all just watching okay Bell bang no Isabel is a belt what I feel like this had to have been done before but why have I never noticed that what does it mean conspiracy you know I had to make this video cuz I always see people talking about y'all sure don't be mean to your visitors but what is this my girl sprinkle was out here just vibing to take any bubble gum right but here comes Cleo talking to me my first of all why you getting up at her set like that you know she's trying to be a future pop star why is she sad now Cleo I will lit I've been trying to kick her out for two weeks look what she does to my villagers she brought up shopping you can't do that to sprinkle she brought up shopping you can't do that to sprinkle it just looks like sprinkles was singing Cleo walked over it was like you're really bad at singing it I just walked all day what was that conversation she just woke up and she was like I'm going shopping and you can't come and then sprinkles got too precious what do you play what do you play Kathy I relate to you every day too so hard all right in here I don't see animal crossing anywhere whoa oh my god that's amazing I really need to take a picture I want to take a picture magic by animal crossing character but my animal crossing character me don't really look alike because I like the bangs ponytail hair okay but not on me hold a my character expectations versus reality oh no I really so much look at these it's like perfect complete kitchens and then it just goes like my house my house is horrible attainable cross because I don't know I didn't decorate properly ah it's like jealousy this is what comparison looks like comparison is the thief of joy and animal crossing so at the April sisters you can actually display your custom designs and your villagers will begin to wear them which is so unbelievably cute until you realize you've made the biggest mistake of your life oh my god oh my god I'm gonna display the bikini outfit I have yes also who is this super cute RAM character I've never seen her she's so cute I want her whistling singing oh oh we got distracted you got to strike up it's like me when I try to do anything in life like just me working on my projects my hopes and dreams trying to concentrate on everything oh and there's the internet and this is me going down radical on the internet and abandoning all my goals dreams and aspirations oh damn Marshall Marshall try it on you don't feel about that using that text that animal crossing my friend who types with the controller oh my god yes please get the switch app if you don't have it already please it helps so much having conversations across it I hate when I'm like I like type it out then I just have to like stand there and wait for the other person to type out a response if you didn't know there's a free switch app download it you can type to win another an animal crossing like a thousand times easier you're welcome so the princess that you Claudia has to wake the Prince that's me with a kiss on the lips Oh God no with a kiss on the cheek still the ho no means no Raymond unless you'd like me to show you what a real princess does when pressured into a kiss oh yeah yeah girl Claudia puttin Raven in his place another reason Everybody Loves Raymond I don't get it I get that he's like a rare character to get but I don't understand the appeal of him look he doesn't know that no means no think about your animal crossing Villiers your choices okay this is rabbit just so you know he's terrible right Oh No okay writes did I hear that right wait first of all happy Pride Month by the way the shirts for you guys and so is this tick tock apparently gay rights I don't like that oh I love it oh this could've been a very very different conversation also there's a unicorn villager why did I not know there's a unicorn villager guys I don't think Hornsby is okay do you ever just feel like crying Oh No Hornsby he just needs a friend do you ever just feel like crying yes words pee all the time me watching YouTube watching tic TOCs texting my significant other and playing yeah boo crossing all at the same time because I cannot be left alone with my thoughts for more than two minutes I mean true I would really yeah I'll play animal crossing also while checking my phone also watching stuff on TV I mean at least I'm not alone with our very obvious problems that we should probably address but man just more animal crossing I already wanted Deva out of my town but then she has the nerve to spoil a book for my girl meringue look at how upset she is I have a spoiler for her I'm gonna tell her how our life is this happens with my villagers I'm trying remember who did it I think Fatih made meringue angry actually for the same reason I think we rang it's just overly sensitive with stories right Chua okay take a chill pill if you're always the one getting mad then maybe it's not the other villagers just a life lesson Brina heard me playing oh oh my god this is so wholesome Oh this is Sookie this is why this is why the world needs Animal Crossing tick-tocks at least once a month because it's just wholesome content for the book smart not all fixed turning an old Monopoly board into an animal what oh my god this is amazing now for the jail what oh it's red I want this sell it start selling it on Etsy I'll buy one oh my god speaking of this speaking of buying things what is the tiny amiibos what I need to look into this I need tiny amiibos I can't get regular sized amiibos they're all sold out for like months now coming in to able sisters would you like to wear out what you picked and I always usually say yes and I look like a crazy person my family secretly decorated the house made us for home it's an animal crossing birthday party there's balloons with little gifts on the ceiling no this is amazing wholesome I told you wholesome I feel so warm and fuzzy inside I got stung by wasps no goes back to the same tree this is like 2020 in a nutshell it's like oh well we got over that one hurdle let's just keep going oh another one another thing easy Anna I just want to keep buying things that's it's case why is everything becoming mini and why do I want all of it that is disgusting give it to me now oh my god it is blathers yeah every time I give him a butterflies like it's so disgusting look at it look how beautiful it is disgusting give it to me now I've never found a tic-tac that fits so well with a sound bite hope you like your new buys Coco I know what they're gonna make lattices yes yep it's weird keep your eyes oh my god I want Coco on my eyelids somebody find me Coco yeah dad hat freaks me out every time a far tipper deck what is this is this an official room for is it the middle of the night there so I got this Animal Crossing poster and I like this side because it showcases most of the characters but I actually like this side a little bit more because it tells more of a story so you got you actually doing all the hard manual labor of this and then you got this guy who's just carrying in sticks and an axe you got this mother who's watching you're not doing anything productive you got this who's literally just chilling this guy's - oh my god yeah you're really the only one doing where and Bill you for most of your money and these cute little will swindle you for the rest you got this guy who's fishing all the time you got this over here she's like hey the alien it's great and then this mother who's staying at your campsite he mr. Tom Nook is going to have you try to convince him to stay at the island for a house you have to pay for the bill yeah fair hi buddy what's that game got on the television Animal Crossing so what do you do is it like hunting or what do you mean you just do chores all game what's the point of that fine I'll look at it for a few seconds wait although that fish might be to tell me about no efficient every time I talk to a guy about this game they're like I kinda want to buy it to do the fishing that's it that's all I want to do I love it it transports me to a better time where it's not 2020 he's singing but he's only singing oh god he's broken low he's felt functioning he's broken he's blinking enjoying it he's singing but he's losing 100 so weird chopping down trees what the heck that scared me the first time that I saw it was not expecting it I kinda wanna do that I wanna hide creepy things behind trees of my Island scare people yes turn up volume and run it panda you had make me fear it's it's flooring oh and she walks it likes snow you're a star I approve of this panda send me teacups I love it just keeps escalating you dirty person friend is friend permission person trans no friends I love it it's just such a wholesome content oh my god I just said it was wholesome what are my favourite villagers left so we held a funeral for her oh my god it looks like the Roosters asleep during it look at him this she's like I don't care something is afoot in my copy of animal crossing i asked Gael to move in because she's perfect and I love her then this guy Drago moved in completely unprompted I then saw Ali on two different islands so I came and was like fine move in like she makes fun of this jerk lengua you must like alligators I live in Florida Animal Crossing knows they're like we want you to feel at home there here's all the alligators okay so I was just trying to give SH every attract out right and you know when I give it to her she gets you know she gets happy and she starts clapping but her hands aren't how every what do you tell you where is it coming from oh my god where is the noise coming from I'm so scared [Music] [Music] Wow they are a hundred percent worse [Music] much better okay I think that's about enough wholesomeness for us for today see look at where I'm smiling I hope you are too or else just stare my dumb goofy smiling face and you'll smile too I don't know what's happening there is just too much wholesome this thrown at me in a short amount of time I feel at peace that's what's happening if you do to that make sure to leave a like before you go subscribe if you're new to the channel and hit the notification bell so I don't get lost in the void that is now YouTube and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,247,662
Rating: 4.9432015 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, testing tiktok life hacks, testing sims tiktoks, tik tok, funny, funny moments, trying life hacks, gaming hacks, testing animal crossing life hacks, animal crossing tiktoks, animal crossing memes, animal crossing tips, part 2
Id: FfqCJvbS_VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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