Testing VIRAL ANIMAL CROSSING TikTok Life Hacks to See if They Actually Work

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look oh he's happy to see me hey big boy [Music] how do you fellow gamers not fellow kids cuz yes once again we're gonna be testing some gaming related viral life hacks last time was Sims and this time is animal crossing because Animal Crossing is one of the only things keeping me mentally sane right now well I'm trapped in my house and probably lots of you guys too also yes I'm aware that I'm wearing the same exact very iconic hoodie from my last video or possibly the video going out tomorrow whatever it doesn't matter I've been trapped in my house for over two weeks actually going on three weeks when you see this video I have not left but also I'm wearing this again today because it matches my animal crossing character wear that oh my god yes we're magic I'm matching my frickin character living my best life we're like twins anyway my tick-tock feed has been blowing up with Animal Crossing memes and hacks and I'm living for it and because this is also kind of an excuse for me to play Animal Crossing while I work I've decided to test some of these out and see if they're legit how to make eyebrows and Animal Crossing is it bad that I have not noticed until this moment that the characters have no eyebrows Wow put these shapes just above the dotted pink line okay erase everything else oh she was wearing face paint and now you have eyebrows oh guys now that I've noticed they don't have eyebrows I cannot unsee that they don't have eyebrows nose no eyebrows am I the only one that this is freaking out I followed other eyebrow tutorials but then had to get strawberry cheeks oh my god you can get eyebrows and cheeks what oh my god I'm so giving my girl Brent cheeks and Brad might be a little hard I'll see all right let's see how this works out okay so I took the time I made the cheeks and the eyebrows and I have a couple different variations too guys okay number one the eyebrows looks super weird I couldn't match the black of my eyes perfectly I think it came out really nice the little pixel purple hearts but the eyebrows really freaked me out this one not so great as you can see the stars look kind of weird on the sides yeah so not crazy about it definitely like the first one better and then lastly number three we have pieces of bread on my face which i think is great looks great so let me know in the comments below which what do you like better one two or three and if you guys are interested this is how I made them this is how you can make your eyebrows and stuff but I'm gonna go and take the eyebrows off because they're weird when you keep little cheeks oh I'm so freaking cute now trapping my villagers until they sing what they sing hello he's just standing there like sing sing oh I didn't know they did this oh [Music] my god I'm so excited for this I hope it works so I'm gonna cry about that point right now in the week this is all I need in my life my animal crossing characters this thing to me alright we'll make it happen I hope I'm out for a bit if you need me just try to find me Tammy Oh damnit Tammy you can't make things easy can you where is she seriously where is she oh my god I hate yourself oh there you are alright stay right there no don't get up nope nope nope nope yes she's not moving okay oh no no no no I don't wanna talk to you right digger nope get her head okay you are trapped place down the music there we go okay sing Tammy sing Tammy freakin sing come on ooh oh my god she's taking out her phone Tammy mind your business Campbell man he's like I didn't see anything definitely don't see you kidnapping somebody that's right you didn't see anything candy frickin sing kami I've been standing here forever uh uh forget it come back I found a secret way to clear your debts with Tom Nook without paying anything what first craft an axe make sure it's the sharpest most powerful one get in good practice swing then headed they want us to murder Tom Nook so obviously this is a joke why did you try it anyway cuz I'm broke as hell okay so this is the ax super sharp axe there we go Oh Tom Nook oh wait we have to practice practice there we go all right practice yeah there we go - yes there we go our muscles strong it one more yes all right let's take care of business Tom Nook oh hey oh I forgot I can't take it out I thought I could take it out of here oh I hope you know I have an axe you just can't see it he is not at all impressed we're scared this was a total failure all right I guess we're gonna have to figure out another way to clear our debt without actually having to pay it oh my god of course people are using the design feature to make bikini bodies that's amazing okay I'm gonna have to make I'm gonna have to make one of these cuz why not you guys ready for this booty oh my god I am bootylicious it's supposed to be like when you go to Atlantic City or one of those places and they have the novelty t-shirts that make you look really hot even though you're not underneath relatable that's me all about booty oh yeah see you don't need to work out just wear this shirt it's fine it's fine when having to pay that Bell loan is too much so you resort to alternatives oh my god face okay so I need to use my new bikini bod to try and convince Tom Nook that I don't need to pay him back all right Tom Nook oh my god when she crawls in oh hey oh he's happy to see me hey big boy do I still have to pay this little speck I'm supposed to pay you he is not impressed he's just drinking is this is this enough I'm hot though I'm hot though Tom Nook look at the booty look at the booty Tom Duke oh my god he doesn't care I hate you I hate you Tom I am freaking hot he must know it's a t-shirt darn it Tami hey why are you not singing Timmy Timmy why you're not singing oh hi Tammy you hi this is me being shocked cause you're still not singing all right I'll check in on you again later oh I'm gonna catch me a man I have something to give you today here take this what a portable radio oh is it because of my hot bod feel free to use this gift as you see fit okay double Radio Tammy I'm gonna play two totally different songs at the same time until you go insane you better be singing alright so I'm still really in debt this one says how to avoid paying your debts and animal crossing so head to the nook's cranny and lure Timmy and Tommy out cover your face and film a ransom video if he says no oh my god well I can't recreate that I don't even know how he did that but if anybody knows how then there you go animal crossing life hack for you animal crossing tip number one use holes so you don't slide backward while hitting rocks that way you can hit the rock all eight times oh why oh my god how am I not thought to do this you just dig holes behind you don't talk all right I'm gonna try this this is easy enough okay so we got a dig oh my god absolutely doing that we have to dig three holes behind this rock there we go and then we use the axe oh my god whoops I don't know why that happened all right let's try one more time maybe I had tried to hit that one oh my god why is this keep a bag hey oh my god I thought maybe because it was the axe but it's I'm doing something wrong I know I am see cuz it keeps happening I'm sure it works I'm just stupid okay so apparently if you don't like the bill of the Church in your town just keep hitting them with the net surrounding them with holes but really messed up get out signs in front of their house trap them in it and eventually they'll move now you guys might know you saw my animal crossing livestream but we got stuck with Tammy who's a bish and I want to make sure she knows oh damn oh hey hey dance-off Tammy he's singing doesn't look like it oh yeah hi hi Tammy I'm not letting him out sing shoot oh she likes me even though I have trapped her well I can tell you're probably not gonna sing so I'm gonna take this and for you oh god she left immediately she's like thanks well that's fine Tammy you go into your house cuz you're never gonna get to me ever again yeah Tammy you not gonna be able to leave alright we gotta put the signs up okay so I need these signs to tell her she needs to move and to sing or die you know neighborly things alright and I'm gonna hit her in the head with the finance oh my god I keep forgetting I can't take out my equipment in houses oh my god wait you're listening to music in here you better not be singing without me damn you Tammy okay well I'm gonna hit this guy with my net just cuz I need to hit ha ha ha he's hit somebody with my net and your your outside so he he hate him he mean it's fun oh stop it No oh it's not proper training oh he made it again so this little unweighted just moved to my island and he gave me a present for Selim so he said it was this western-style stone and I was like what is a western-style stone so I placed on me and it's a oh my god savage okay I can't really recreate this but I want this if somebody has a western-style stone could they please give it to me I want creepy things on my eyelids or I just put it outside of Tammy's house to send her a message okay this last one has to do with tarantulas which I have to do at night so that's why I left it to the end and because I think it's gonna be a pain to try and do but should make lots of money from it this is the one hack I've seen floating around the most how to catch tarantulas making ton of pills so basically you need these things as to be after 7:00 p.m. only bring essentials you need a note ticket you go to a random island chop down all the trees and remove the stumps remove all rocks by eating fruit pick all the flowers and weeds basically you have to like clear it all off dump a ball on the beach and then spiders will start spawning all over the place apparently and then you got to build this safe space which I also learned as a cool trick and then you like run around it jump in it and the spider can't get you I had no idea I had no idea about this and then like you go inside and you just catch them what so they can't attack you what okay I don't have flick on my island yet so either I'm gonna have to sell it to Timmy and Tommy or hang on to like a thousand spiders well let's see if this actually works does I've seen it all open please okay it's 7:00 p.m. I emptied my inventory we're gonna go to this island that we're gonna turn into a tarantula island just gonna give me severe anxiety alright oh please have lilies I need lilies it's roses and the animal that's here is not cute boom okay I have to chop down all the trees this is gonna be such a pain in the butt oh my god are you kidding I'm gonna have to buy a million of these now I didn't even bring materials unless I can get materials to make it a better axe yes perfect oh my god I can't even cut it down uh uh thank God I'll have to pick all the flowers get out of here get out of here it's better work this is so much effort crap oh great I look beautiful good thing I have medicine back tomorrow okay so no tarantulas I've done everything that they told me to do I did read that it seems totally work on single-level islands and this is a freaking double level island guys I don't think it's working ooh tarantula oh never mind okay I need to make a safe space I mean there's only one tarantula but I'll take it I don't want to have to do all this again stupid fireplaces in my way probably just get it I think it's stuck oh my god it forget is it are you kidding me I'm so bad right now what the heck tarantulas come on stupid bugs get out of here I want to read you list oh my god I'm gonna have to go do this to another Island wait nope not a stupid it's get out of here I mean your corner yeah it's to me all you want your quarter oh I'm so bad at catching tarantulas this is all your fault why'd you bring this stupid island oh that's a tarantula again oh my god I mean if I was better at catching spiders I would have caught two by now instead of zero I'm gonna have to go to another Island that's just what's gonna happen throw this island alright I'll come back once I find one and get it set up this day forever this is not a life hack this is a life ruiner okay guys this is the third friggin island I've been on all of them all of them have mountains or whatever the heck however so far on this one I did catch one tarantula and that was it so far that's it and it's a pain in the butt cuz I have to keep going up down like this yeah I cleared everything off again stupid bugs over here hold on get rid of all this is taking way longer than it needs to get out of here I think they always spawn on the bottom level though the first one I saw was over here but I haven't seen one since no spiders where our despisers there's like no bugs whatsoever and the spiders still not coming where despite ours do better just try to find them in my own Island screw this I've decimated the resources of length this is the third island screw this I'm going home alright guys well that's all of the animal crossing light axe that I found on tick tock for this episode if you want to see me do another one that makes sure to leave a like before you go and I will start trying to track down more there's actually a link to my discord down in the description it has an animal crossing chat room so if you find any other animal crossing life hacks or memes at it there and it'll help me a lot with the next episode as always guys if you're new to the channel make sure to hit the subscribe button before you go and turn on the little notification bell so I don't get lost in the void that is now you too and as always [Music] you [Music]
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 5,748,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, testing tiktok life hacks, testing sims tiktoks, tik tok, funny, funny moments, trying life hacks, gaming hacks, testing animal crossing life hacks, animal crossing tiktoks, animal crossing memes, animal crossing tips
Id: T2AEXvyPjdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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