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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adeptus ridiculous podcast my name is DK diamantes my co-host is bricky today is a super special episode but before we get into that if you enjoyed today's podcast head on over to adeptis ridiculous where you can support us uh there's a new poster uh there's uh Discord a bunch of really cool stuff adeptus ridiculous bricky tell them stuff yes good job very quick all right everyone we have a very special Advertiser for you roll the clip shy this video of adept is ridiculous is sponsored by Nikon in particular Warhammer 40 000 The Inquisitor martyr game now available on Console The Inquisitor martyr game allows you to explore the Caligari sector and Purge all of the chaos scum within either by yourself or with up to four players as an action RPG Style game it also has local co-op on the console versions which is kind of a rarity nowadays and nice to see and this Ultimate Edition is everything that it has four years of updates over 25 pieces of DLC it has native 4K supports higher resolution textures cross gen multiplayer as well as an upgrade path for owners of the previous console editions there are multiple classes multiple types of gear specializations etc etc Warhammer 40K Inquisitor martyr Ultimate Edition is now available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X Plus s and you can check out the game by clicking on the link in the video description thank you very much for sponsoring this video and let's get on with our topic thanks shy you definitely rolled that whole clip and we sat there and listened the whole time wow well done shy well done shy well done um yes and uh and also like you know our next book club is uh it's Bloodlines read that um it's even though we already rolled an ad just to mention we do the new poster of our course we did a short stack [ __ ] uh yep yep um it is for sale on the merch site as well done check out in the description I don't want to talk too much about it because we haven't had this episode yep but it is for sale if you want to grab it cool okay so that's that's the opening so Trice poison failed yeah it sure did she didn't she didn't manage to completely get us nope I'm still uh you know I got my I got so for those of you out of the loop me and DK just so happened to wake up with varying types of illnesses on the same day we did you uh did you did you know what happened to you you just have some nausea or yeah I just had some nausea wasn't really quite feeling right and uh yeah yeah I I got a sinus infection same day so shy is trying to do something tries she's trying to get us out of here size up to something try this or something and she's she obvi her Hitman is obviously like she must be spending too much money on on orc models because she didn't save enough finances to hire a good hit man who could really deal with us amateur amateur hours Amateur hour shy Jesus God damn anyway today is a special episode of a ridiculous something that we reached because of our excellent patreon goal thank you all so much we originally start with this then we add the blood angels my angels sealed the deal because it was the blangles and now we are talking about a fan Theory the uh the dornian heresy a a classic case of what would it be like if the Traders were loyalists still and the loyalists were Traders to we've we've gotten that we've this has been heavily requested so I'm kind of excited to see how this goes and how the uh how how the role reversal actually plays out according to a fan Theory because this isn't Canon this isn't something that actually uh exists in the Canon of 40K this is all just like fan fiction right yeah this is all just a uh yeah a fan Theory written up none of this is Canon it's just an idea um you know I'm always very skeptical when it comes to Fan stuff uh because a lot of the times fan Theory stuff likes to kind of jerk themselves off a lot yeah they like to play up the uh the the favorites you know and then you know yeah they tend to be a little too [ __ ] happy or something or a little more unrealistic than maybe you'd like and yeah which is an ironic thing to State because saying that things are unrealistic in in the world of 40K is uh that's a whole that's a whole can of worms but yeah like whatever you there's always the joke that whenever someone creates their own space brain leech and they make lore for them and they're like they've never lost a single battle all they're secretive and that no one knows they exist and they're so dark and edgy and unbeatable and unattainably awesome and it's all very very old school like playground kind of stuff yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah but for this one in particular it's actually not too bad um there's some work put in here there's some genuine thought processes and some good effort went into finding a good reason why some would be Traders some would stay loyal or say loyalist and the vice versa some are not as good as others but you know as far as fan theories go it's not bad good so I'm glad to hear it I'm excited then so most of the dornian heresy maintains its Canon style a lot of the the same events will unfold but they will have a slight twist to them that will allow it to make I add to different kinds of routes so the first one was the Council of Nakia which is something that you know I don't think we talked much about but it's basically the emperor being like psychers cringe oh yeah yeah yeah when I uh when I was really into thousand suns I vaguely remember that and Magnus was like what do you mean psychers are cringe like come on dad this is this is a resource that we could very easily use to help us and he's like no stop it it's bad yep that's basically what it was you he just kind of dunked on Magnus and was like no your your powers are stupid shut up despite him himself being like the most powerful psycher in the universe but yeah yeah we'll get to that um Instead This Time Around the decision was changed um this is the the probably the major difference that changed the entirety of the uh of the events overall is that instead of just you know three-pointing on Magnus he basically decided yeah um you that makes a lot of sense like okay you know you can do your sorcery stuff and that's fine be careful and all that stuff like be but he he decided like all right yeah this time around you actually went on the lines of being like okay sure well you can kind of do your thing a bit more um so so he's so he tells Magnus it's okay to to be a psycher and do psychic stuff and and all that he he says like definitely at least for Magnus yeah Magnus can kind of go ahead and do his own thing and be a little bit more still be cautious be careful be a thing but like you can you can practice your your path so to speak yeah okay so everything else from there how it goes around the same um Horus was still stabbed uh by poison infected nurgle [ __ ] on Gavin but this time he didn't entirely rely on Erebus to do is ritual heal him because Magnus actually was able to get there and use his psychic powers to ex excise the uh the rot gross nurgle power inside of him so chaos could not get his grip on Horus gotcha so arabis truly did get [ __ ] this time there's like there's an image of all the primarks reversed um oh here it is and I think arabis is like dead yeah there it is um if you look at the left hand side the ecclesiarchy looking dude is actually lorgar and I believe he has Erebus as a flaming effigy on his staff oh nice which is a little let me hear it glad to hear that Erebus is dead love it love love it the best possible to hear it yeah the best possible ending is Arab is getting absolutely owned also but I mean at the same time look at that [ __ ] look at that God damn um uh per tarabo in the back that guy is is a is a whole bunch of Beats wow yeah that is that is a stocky Beefcake yeah looks like an armored Core guy Metal Gear Rising Jesus um so uh with the excise of the rotter or nurgle infection of Horus Horus does not fall to chaos and Chaos gets pretty goddamn pissed off about this yeah I'm sure they do because they don't really have a foothold anymore so instead what happens is naturally they go after Dorne um but in between this uh this back and forth gilamim actually does a very interesting thing where he declares independence from the Imperium yep Gilman just takes his entirety of Ultramar and says I'm leaving huh he doesn't necessarily join traitor so to speak he just becomes his own sort of independent faction they succeeded from the Imperium alongside most of Ultima segmentum and made their own like yeah I don't want to be part of the Imperium but I'm not going to join chaos either I'm I'm leaving which is a pretty kiliman thing to do if I'm being totally honest yeah I guess so as far as things that Gilman would actually would actually do like him just leaving and being like this being in part of the Imperium does not logistically feasible I am going to do my own thing with my own laws and my own taxes oh Gilman oh Gilly or or gorilla man oh gorilla oh gorilla real man so uh adhesive secedes and in response to this rogal dorm took command of most of the legions to go deal with Gilman deal with him as a problem as if he was a traitor which I guess in terms of Imperium he kind of is but you know he's he's not isn't like a heretic he's a traitor but not a heretic yeah so to speak um but he led a bunch of Legions over there he had the salamanders the iron hands the Dark Angels Imperial fists and then the Emperor's Children Raven guard and world leaders all went over there to go fight Gilman and when they all landed to go do the big war big bloody bath war against gilamim this was actually the newest Von 5 Massacre and in stem the salamander's iron hands Imperial fists and Dark Angels turned on the world eaters Emperor's Children and I think the Raven guard which is bizarre because the Raven guard end up becoming traitor anyway huh the complete role reversal somewhat I mean the Raven guard are loyalists now but they they get they got turned on by the TR by the new Traders yet they became Trader I think they sold themselves some themselves to zinch in like a uh Magnus style thing where they had no choice uh okay so I think this may be the reason why but yeah so the reward verse was there I think that ingrown actually dies here oh no yeah he likes that maybe he likes glowing it going out in like glorious combat so maybe maybe that's the best case scenario for him well not quite so ingrown's lore is a bit different instead of getting the butcher's Nails he got like an aggression ship put in his head it's a lot less powerful and annoying but after he turned his guys onto the guards all of his Gladiators started running out and murdering civilians and he was like wow that's bad I don't like this yeah that's that's that's not good and instead of Big E just teleporting him back to the flagship biggie actually had Horus with him and Horus was like hey maybe don't teleport him alone he'll probably hate you that's probably a bad idea maybe we should all just go down there and help him and be he was like you know you know favorite son yeah that sounds like a good idea and so they help him instead of just watching his friends and family die so angron gets kind of the good uh he gets he gets dad's help Dad comes down to help him with Gilman surprisingly and and everything is great with them angron is takes the place of Ferris Madison here where I believe he goes in mega berserk mode to let all of his sons escape the the Betrayal but I believe dies in the process okay kind of an honorable ending a little bit yeah but I mean you know he's still betrayed and all that stuff yeah yeah yeah sucks but yeah yeah sucks but it do be what it is at least this home his Homeworld is still alive I guess or well I think that doesn't matter he saved his brothers whatever he he said he saved his sons yeah definitely um so yeah it's or on the other side of it oh yeah I guess this kind of adds to this because I was talking about uh how Lima Russ and Magnus kind of did like unlike the Prospero one Raven guard kind of got stuck into the whole zinchian vibe and all that well the actual leaving arrest of itself was none too pleased with the Council of nakia's new verdict he he saw him yeah he saw a Big E to be like what a traitorous act to allow these witches to be among us because you know I think that yeah because leaving Russ is leaving to Russ um so actually the burning of Prospero still happens oh the difference is that they did it because [ __ ] you Magnus and you're sorry Emperor told them to yeah and Horus didn't intercept it or anything it was literally just damn magnus's foul sorcery is going to betray the emperor one day so they did it out of a loyalist ideal but it ended up turning them later on and we'll talk about that later but but Magnus had Magnus never actually had to do the uh warp to the emperor and uh destroy the web way thing yes he never he never did the coup he never did a Kool-Aid man into the Imperial Palace and was like Dad watch out yeah he never did the big [ __ ] wucky yeah whoops sorry guys sorry guys I did something wrong it would appear yeah um but so the reason why Doran was actually the new chaos undivided Champion is because basically a combination of multiple factors but he was pissed at being sent back to Tara because when everyone else was going around doing glorious battle stuff he hated percharabo you know some things never change you know some things just stay the same uh and Horus getting War Master also annoyed him majorly which is why he started going more and more to his little pain glove as a way to been a cope and Seed I suppose yeah yeah um which slowly kind of weakened his mind a little mind a little bit allowing chaos to worm their way into him so chaos got to him because he was too reliant on the magic pain glove and it weakened his mind and he's and he just kind of flipped out and went to chaos they chose him as their new major traitorous Arch traitor of chaos undivided yeah okay so that was kind of the main way he wouldn't trade her before they sent and did this big old Massacre okay so of course normal naturally they go you know they go to Tara they have this giant old fight at the Gates of Terra but uh for the the roles all being reversed it was some bizarre bizarre stuff so the Space Wolves were quote unquote baptized in the blood of the Thousand Suns which actually made them succumb to corn so our new corn Legion are the Space Wolves that makes sense and here's a little bit of a fan art of that but they wow that's really cool yeah you get you get a pretty good little lemur rust Go full on demonic wolf form which you know I kind of thought they would go blood angels with that one but they didn't they chose Space Wolves but you know the murder of the Thousand Sons makes sense yeah I tell you if if that was an actual Chaos Faction I think I'd be on board with the Space Wolves because that's really dope DK being on board with the space Space Wolves no way no [ __ ] way and yes one way man while these slaughtered and murdered thousand sons are all over the ground oh my God I just realized he even has a tail does it oh yeah he does yep oh dear this is really cool like that sort of demonic wolf Vibe is really really nice it does look it does look pretty pretty Neato um I like it a lot so that's how the Space Wolves went down the blood angels actually were tricked as their genetic flaw had them drinking the blood of these nurgly infected people oh and they had a actually a pretty similar fall to the death guard where they kind of got tricked and they had their Legions to come instead as opposed because you know typhus was a douchey it was a complete douchebag and so the blood angels actually became the new nurgle faction Oh The Blood Angel became nurgle yeah sanguine has had this like this puss written wings and stuff and all these like gross distended all this stuff yeah the blood angels drinking infected blood basically uh I would not have expected the the blood angels to go nurgle that you'd think they would go corn right yeah you definitely do it well maybe that's part of the reason why it's somewhat interesting Maybe I don't know the perfect Prince becomes diseased you know that's the polar opposite the most beautiful uh the most beautiful oh speaking of beautiful Suns this this one's [ __ ] hilarious to me so full Grim is loyalist still right and basically what fulgrim does is instead of going into that um little Lair and picking up that sword that has the demon in it and [ __ ] and being corrupted yeah he just kind of destroys the place he's like oh God that's horrible just dude destroys him but ironically fulgrim is less likable in this world he never had this like he never has like Bromance with Ferris and so he's like this immensely pretentious douche but like no but like worse than normal oh poor guy poor guys he never he never gets the you know yeah nobody ever likes him well yeah the only one person well I don't know if only one person ever liked him there was the fairest Manus fulcrum Bromance but well besides that it was like fulcrum was always a pretentious douche but I guess he's even more unlikable which is hilarious he just he can't catch a break man vulcan's fall was weird Vulcan was like had like the curse treatment where nobody liked him and I guess he was like massively disfigured from something involving his home planet and so just no one wanted to be around hit the guy and so oh poor Vulcan yeah well that's the one I kind of think is a little bit meh um because it's like he just no one wants to be around him also here's another picture of him and it's pretty dope I won't lie he's got a big dragon the demon dragon thing oh yeah that's really dope whereas um kurs actually kind of did the role reversal of sanguineous he still was sneaky Terror tactics guy but he kind of went with the idea that yeah my future can be changed I can put some effort into adjusting the way my future is and so he put his effort to saving Big E um okay so the night Lords were one of the main Defenders on Terra as well as like some of the iron Warriors and few others and so the world eaters it was the um the Space Wolves that were the main or one of the main fighting forces along with of course Dorne and everyone there is is curs the one that ends up dying at Biggie's feet trying to defend him ah great question we will get there oh okay um the one thing that I I gotta be honest I'm shocked they did this they did them like this uh you know the thing we just talked about this before but sanguineous has that big fight with uh Cal Banda the gigantic corn demon well instead of that it's it's percharabo huh okay and then he fights per tarabo and then he [ __ ] breaks per tarabo's back flies him into the air really high drinks all of his blood and then sucks his corpse on the ground and so first of all just [ __ ] dies this gets float up in the air by sanguineas gets all of his blood shrank from him and gets chucked under the ground I'm like okay I guess for tarabo can't get a [ __ ] break I guess not but go sanguineous damn even even in the fake lore per trobo gets shafted yep yep I'm okay with sanguinous being that badass though I mean a lot that's even even in the dornian heresy uh sanguinius is still best boy I mean he does like break the back of Cal Banda fly him up in the air and throw him back down and then rip his wings off and [ __ ] so I mean it works good for you sanguineous good for you good job I'm proud of you sanguineous you're still crazy regardless hell yeah um but as Dorne was fighting his way in to there's a bit of a reverse ideology here thing where instead of Horus having a bit of a time restraint because all the ultramarines or the Dark Angels are coming they're coming they're going to be here soon I gotta hurry up um instead of that there have more of the oh my God the death guard oh wait no that's guarded good what's the death card I forget who I think it was basically the um I forget who but basically it seemed as if the um uh the loyalists were the ones in trouble as opposed to the Traders um but Dorne because Dorne helped create the Imperial Palace he was actually in a way able to trap the emperor and his custodians in his throne room uh which is the basically the way to make it so that instead of the emperor being stuck on the chair to hold back the demons because of Madness since there was no Magnus problem he was stuck there anyway because Doran basically rigged the palace because Thor and built the damn Palace of course of course that makes sense that makes sense this would know how to rig it yeah sure I thought that was a pretty interesting way to keep the uh Emperor stuck there mentality Vibe you know yeah yeah yeah yeah um but uh with that once he actually finally made his way into the throne room good old Emperor was gone uh oh because sneaky boy kurs whisked him away through all the various uh various parts of the palace and stuck them out let's go night Lords let's go kurs what a what a good boy he's he's been doing a good job also uh fan art version of curse actually does look pretty dope too man's got his uh he looks like night Lords already he doesn't look a whole lot different I was gonna say he looks exactly the same yep he is a loyalist version and he looks identical he is the same there's nothing different other than maybe he's using that uh spiked sickle thing yeah which I mean that's cool I guess very cool yeah so the final Gambit the classic teleport up to the vengeful Spirit thing that they hit is all about biggie making his way up there because they're running out of time as opposed to the opposites oh okay because you know Horus was running out of time and his Gambit was lower my Shields let the emperor teleport up so I can kill him because he doesn't know uh whereas the Loyalists are the opposite so what Conrad does is Conrad's like I got this don't you worry I have a plan and he just leaves he just leaves he's just like don't worry dad I got this goodbye I I've foreseen it kind of thing he has a very similar uh going to his demise that sanguineous has ah so he does take the place of sanguineous I just the bits so just a bit okay cool he makes his way onto the vengeful Spirits or no it's not a vengeful Spirit um it is the phalix Flagship which is a wonderful looking Flagship a gigantic circular Cathedral of Ridiculousness um yes so it would be doran's Flagship so uh he does go ahead and uh teleport on to doran's Flagship instead and with that he deactivates the shields therefore allowing the emperor to make his way up so instead of deactivating it from Doran Curry sneaks um deactivates the Shields and the emperor and Horus teleport up okay um the thing to note before this though is that before they teleport up the emperor hooks himself up to the astronomicon and does this gigantic like super mega death death punch um uh psychic pulse and that okay kills a shitload of the smaller demons and just big old psychic pulls basically like uh like a superhero Landing with a big shock wave and the yeah okay cool uh and so when he teleports up he makes it to the throne room and he sees Doran surrounded by a shitload of his dead bodyguards oh and he's and doran's like holy [ __ ] and he's he's backing his way back up into the pain glove and he's like that whatever you did down there like I can feel chaos is no longer in me anymore oh really that's like that's how you pull pulled their uh pulled their grasp from my mind away I'm trying to get into this pain glue before I hurt anyone else huh so he's he is is this is this a Gambit is he lying is he is he being super chaosian just trying to lure biggie in and then as as Horus goes to get him that biggie notices the uh dead corpse of Conrad underneath a bunch of rubble oh no Conrad and realizes that it's not true it is in fact a Gambit and right when they figured that out Doran takes this giant Flag Staff and Shanks horse in the heart with it oh no horror and [ __ ] kills Horus uh Horus no so you can't catch a break can you [ __ ] the Horus dies in both cannons and Kurt and I guess curves also dies in both cannons but he's not it's not just the sanguineous up there thing it's saying it's a curse and Horace style the flagship two loyalists die yep so what happens to Big E oh that's the usual they fight each other they they you know rogel dies gotcha so it's it's pretty much the same as if uh Doran had been uh Horus they they fight to The Bitter End uh Big E is left basically dead air quotes Dorne definitely dead type of thing door door yeah air quotes I guess post would be the uh yeah uh would be the the main thing severely incapacitated I'm actually kind of impressed with the the writing here is not bad so who who did who who started the Dorney and heresy exactly is it one specific author or like one specific fan that did it um well I mean there's still a bit more left but they create a it's from the Bolter and chain sort of his presence um it's like it's like a mini old school kind of uh codex slash like index for these kinds of various groups um most of them being doing originally um loyalists I'm not uh this is Aurelius Rex was the editor for this but I don't know how much of that is fan fluff and things oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I I gotta be honest re-learning a fan theory is [ __ ] hard it's like when you you don't it's like when you have bad technique in like a sport unlearning bad technique is so incredibly difficult oh yeah it's it's easier to teach someone that knows nothing than to unteach bad habits and bad techniques yeah it's really tough and I'm like okay so this guy's not is he's there this time instead and these guys on this thing instead but um regardless the most confusing thing in the world uh but instead of the Khan and Dorne originally taking the emperor back the astronomicum uh Abaddon loyalist Abaddon loyalist Abaddon there are some words I never thought I'd is he still called Abaddon to spoiler or is he just no he's not collab with another spoiler the the new Abaddon would be uh sigismund first captain of the Imperial fists okay um but abigon brought him back the astronomicon instead uh the emperor and Abaddon ended up changing from originally sons of Horus instead of the black Legion Abaddon became the black Templars oh I guess that makes sense it works out as far as like the the highest powerful group The the counterpart group that would kind of accept anybody ish yeah yeah sure uh whereas uh sigismund renamed the Imperial fists to the black Legion okay which makes sense there that also makes sense sure yeah uh and as far as all the the you know then of course they have the heresies over everyone segments themselves off that usual kind of stick or stick but each of the factions fell in their own way like we mentioned that the blood angels followed nurgle the Space Wolves fell to Corn which actually makes a little more sense than I think about it because Space Wolves hate psychers so much oh yeah space was falling to corn makes a lot of sense it's just blood angels and nurgle it's just like what I think maybe I think maybe the the overarching um fact that it's so different is one of the reasons why it works out as well because yeah I guess because that would be the 180 you know the the beautiful Suns into the decayed disease yeah yeah the the pretty perfect sun kind of thing yeah yep uh as for some of the others the actual slanesh Legion became the white scars wow really the white scars go to slanesh uh the con got really big off of his like own personal vanity and like egotistical thing as they didn't need to go to her fullgram anymore and when you think about it you know the thrill of speed is kind of a slingshi thing you know true excitement you know sure sure of a personal pleasure the um if you will yeah sure we know that the ultramarines did not fall to chaos but instead actually uh succeeding themselves and now their own little group um Raven guard fell to zinch uh with actually corvus korax himself having these like haunting visions of the future because that to you yep that that also makes sense I can see the Raven guard following to zinch the iron hands kinda got a little [ __ ] wucky with the necrons huh uh which was a big part of the reason why they turned Trader was also I think it was having to do with the void Dragon on Mars trying to get some of that Tech because like you know Ferris Manus has an iron hands yeah and it is a necron based like necrodermis kind of thing yeah so when you say they got [ __ ] wucky with the necrons like did they fight them or did they what what exactly do you mean no trying to take and man and get their Tech it would look like oh okay they were they were literally trying to steal their Tech it's not like they were going to war with them they were just trying to pull like a trays in and steal some some uh weapons information Tech and stuff that or possibly colluding with them just before that exact reason um oh so they were trying to align themselves possibly oh okay it's they got they the fairest Mass one is always weird because he he's a bizarre guy no matter again or not um but they had near necron stuff but there is the iron hands one is not very important the interesting one I like is the the Dark Angels um even in this one the lion is still loyal huh the difference is that um we haven't talked about Dark Angels yet uh but the main thing about the Dark Angels is the lion versus this guy called Luther um which is just so on the nose considering the naming sequences uh the very biblical naming sequences of the Dark Angels along with Azrael Belial Ezekiel Etc um but uh the main thing is that Luther and the Dark Angels fight each other and that's the that's why Luther and the successionist Dark Angels become the Fallen ah okay that's the the big the big twisting the dark Twisters okay uh where in this timeline Luther actually wins and he beats out the lion instead of the other way around which is why the lion stays loyal he's lost okay so lion got knocked down a couple pegs yeah he got dropped down a little bit he's he's like the new loyalist Fallen I suppose you could say yeah okay um on the now Imperial loyalist sign you actually had the word Bears this shouldn't surprise you at all lorgar became the new like ecclesiarchy wow what a surprise who would have thought he decided to go all like he actually did some weird [ __ ] um he he like the sisters of battle don't exist in this universe oh wow you must hate this universe well they're all killed by the word bearers back when they were like Brides of the emperor with goge Van Dyer oh so yeah not a big fan of that I imagine you're not a huge fan of this Canon of this uh this this dornian heresy anymore kind of [ __ ] not gonna lie no I'm not happy about that one that sucks even even in in fake Canon lorgar is a douche yep even in fake Cannon you can't like lordgar um Iron Warriors don't really change much they're just they're still Siege Masters they just don't have for trouble anymore okay um the sons of Horus became the black Templars we discussed that uh The Emperor's Children stayed with their perfectionist thing and fullgram was still an awfully annoying person um the Thousand Sons kind of became like the modern gray Knights super high highest uh like psychers Mega psycher fighting for the Imperium yep that makes sense um the world eaters became a little bit less frothy and just a little bit more like dour and serious a little less frogs what is what is that that clip of like is it Joe Rogan to the other guy and they're just like I have no idea no idea okay I gotta look up Joe Rogan growling I found it I imagine it probably wouldn't be that hard to find all right I'm sorry you have to watch this now this is this is a required clip this is this is my new Canon for world leaders [Laughter] have you ever been in DMT yeah that's that is definitely uh frothy World eaters have you ever you ever done DMT nope can't say him um the death guard actually became like the main part of the Inquisition just really bizarre that is super bizarre they became the Inquisition they became like the main core of it yeah really weird Choice there very strange um night Lords remain night Lords they just didn't go super over the edge and they didn't have the problem of uh of before um you know they keep it a little in check they don't go full on uh we're just gonna genocide you and Reign bodies on your on your sister Planet well I mean yeah well I suppose it depends depends on on the concepts depends on the crime right yeah yeah you know I mean I mean the custodians have the dread hosts and they're like literally Terror tactic custodians it's true okay okay be warned be warned citizen be warned citizen I may still skin your children um the alpha Legion are almost identical they're just okay they're just loyal now they still hate the ultramarines just like before they're still sneaky they're still weird they're just loyal they're just okay they are easily the one ones who needed no change yep I know it's fair the ones that could remains sort of gray neutral no it's exciting no dude you dumbass they're they're gray they're they're not gray they're turquoise anyway what's the next what's the next thing I I will say that the actual like the document is really fascinating with the amounts it's definitely an old school or old school codex style document from the way back in the days lots of the artwork reminds me of that um I like how the Battle Cry for the ultramarines is for Gilman and the greater glory of Ultramar they still have not changed because they're [ __ ] ultramarines and they're yeah of course not they're they're actually mainly fighting off the Tao the ultramarines are yeah they did with the towel at the moments the most okay they also have they also have a Gundam armor hell yeah Gundam armor well now now hey now I'm now I'm a little more on board they have a Mark 16 Damocles pattern power armor that they didn't look like they look like what Tau Space Marines like fan art look like kind of interesting looking um okay I know that they have they have uh oh sorry they have they have I think what's this one the word Bearer says the emperor protects but we must also protect the emperor best way to get me on your side is uh big jump Jets and Gundam armor [ __ ] word Bears the word bear is Battle Cry you don't have a single fixed Battle Cry instead inappropriate passage is chosen by the chaplain from amongst the books of lorgar he then leads the assemble Marines in a resuscitation of Faith before blessing them for the coming battle yeah lorgar has not changed nope lorgar is basically the same it's just he fights for the Imperium now he's such a um the white scars still still have for the con I I must admit there's a bit of a bizarre one for the Space Wolves their Battle Cry is for us for skulls for the wolf time and I'm like wolf time the wolf time it's I I believe it's supposed to be their final great battle and to reunite the legion I'm imagining a tree like Ragnarok but yeah I guess the wolf time of time you couldn't the wolf time wolf time maybe I'm not so sold on uh Dorney and heresy Space Wolves anymore they're shouting for the wolf time the wolf time it's Miller time I like how I like how the sanguineous Battle Cry is for blood and for sanguineous and I'm like that's not much different no that's about the same that is pretty much about the same yep I want I I don't check the Emperor's Children real quick I want to know if the Emperor's Children have have maintained their uh for the emperor I guess they could either way I mean if they're loyalist that works and uh if they're traitor it also works because you know the world leaders have four angron and for the emperor oh okay all right the interesting one's not too bad it's Children of the emperor death to his foes that's all right oh that's pretty good I like that it's pretty good what the what the Raven guard this is the last one that I'm missing here the Battle Cry Of The Chosen role in conducting ambushes assassinations and covert operations that ravengard referred to approach their prey silently instead Allegiance motto is simply Nemo May impugna Latin too much Latin Latin makes sense they wouldn't have much of a battle cry because they're more about uh stealthy assassinations and such though the Dougherty and heresy is kind of it's a neat concept I think that the actual writing in the document does a much better Justice than I can do covering it because it's easy to talk just about like here's what's different here's the difference but because of that I'm always comparing it to the main thing and when you when you read it like it starts off interestingly because it actually starts off from the point of view of an Eldar a dying Eldar farseer being murdered by um actual Canon death guard and they tried to go into their minds and try to find a future where this doesn't happen where the death guard were not chaos and they got sucked out and they they got what they wanted but a little different so this is yeah yeah it's like Multiverse theory in in this sense so the Eldar got pulled into a different few into a different timeline where the death guard were technically loyal technically yeah kind of needs that's a neat concept that's a cool concept I like that sure there was obviously a a solid amount of work that really went into this and it's quite impressive I know I don't love it I don't overly love it because when you're trying to change everything some things will falter a little bit um but it's also got a little bit of that uh obvious fan Theory jankward like all right well the emperor did for anger on was [ __ ] dumb I'm gonna hit I'm gonna fix it we're gonna fix it yeah yeah or ooh what if sanguineous and courage were reverse kind of like how they're this in the thing or what if Magnus didn't get told the [ __ ] off and ruin everything it's like all right all right you know pretty good pretty good I mean it sounds like an interesting concept you know um I don't hate it it's it's interesting it's interesting to hear these fan theories but uh yeah they do it does seem like it kind of tends to fall into the oh GW wrote this stupid let me fix it and write it the way it should have been the way uh a morally just Emperor would have actually treated his sons and stuff so yeah yeah I you know I always sometimes wonder if we should get more Emperor based content to maybe get some explanation on why he sucks um yeah yeah but nah we have not yet not yet no no so it is it is a good concept to see how certain things go but then ingrown dies anyway so like [ __ ] dude yeah and but at least he he goes out into Blaze the glory that's you know he doesn't he doesn't have to live suffering with the nails and everything he he gets to go out because if you're an angron fan that's probably how you want him to die in a blaze of Glorious combat fighting for his brothers right so you know and he mother and he [ __ ] killed percharabo anyways he killed pretty anyway what are you gonna do oh God damn it all right all right right that's that's it for us there thank you everyone for watching sorry that I'm sick and sound nasally and uh and DK is also a little under the weather as well chai tried to poison us but we survived and next episode we'll probably have a bit more energy hopefully hopefully unless she tries to kill us again which you know you know best of luck yeah yeah yeah in the words of my great grandfather who was stabbed to death by a Mugger try me [ __ ] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 168,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: yB17sIChd7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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