I Was Wrong About Angron...

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oh jesus get a guys and gal i'll be the first one to admit i don't really like angeron i even gave him the title the walking abortion he was despised by his sons failed to conquer his home planet and lacked a deeper thought process or a level of self-awareness that even the most deprived of his brothers had as such i labelled him as a bad character and the worst of the primarks and whilst i do still stand by that in my brutalizing of him i ignored the shining gem amongst the feces the tale of the tragedy of angron see while i do give anger on a lot of smack much of it i've come to realize is just straight up noddy's fault and despite his very grim situation there are moments of lucidity where we get to see the honorable courageous man that angrin was supposed to be after all his designated purpose was an empath a moral anchor for the primarchs yet he ended up as their most vicious berserker not even doing that particularly well as that wasn't his natural role before we get started do you like sci-fi rts with huge battles unrestricted base building and big boy mechs the answer is obviously yes those things are awesome so today's your lucky day as crossfire legion has all those features and more drawing inspiration from all the classic beloved rts's from our childhood combined with their own original flair crossfire legion doesn't believe in pay to win with 51 different units and a variety of special abilities that you can deploy all of which are unlocked through gameplay with this many options there are countless strategies to employ to get the w you want to zerg rush the enemy lines with an army of ninja samurai robots no worries you want to smash through their front lines with a titan legion easy as you want to build so many turrets that the enemy fears even looking at your base done deal set in the universe of crossfire a franchise with one billion players worldwide crossfire legion isn't just restricted to the classic yet very awesome traditional versus mode there is also a payload mode where you gotta push the truck into the enemy base a co-op mode where you try to survive waves of enemy ai attacks as well as multiple single player modes such as a fully voice actor campaign with multiple cinematics and 15 narrative driven missions so whether you're a casual player wanting to sit back and enjoy the fireworks or a sweaty nerd who wants to climb the ladder and even compete in upcoming esports events crossfire legion has something for everyone she's the crossfire legion for sponsoring this video today we'll go over the tragedy of angron pinpointing the key highlights in his life that show how hard he actually had it this won't just be like a lore retelling of angron more so a snapshot of why he's actually a good character despite his many faults let's get into it [Music] from day one anger on had it harder than a hooker with a torn [ __ ] when he landed on the shitty backwater planet of nikiriya he was instantly beset upon by an elder ambush even in his infant form he was a mighty warrior killing the elder but suffering massive wounds in the process it's believed those elders were sent by a farcia who foresaw that angron would become a galactic menace hence they sought to kill him before he could cause too much harm ironically anger on being wounded allowed the slave masters of neucria to easily kidnap him and enslave him as a gladiator they also saw his fighting potential hence they chose to enslave him rather than adopt him like so many of his primark brothers were if the elder had not attacked him angron would have either been able to fight his way through the slavers or been seen as special enough for adoption once again the elder [ __ ] themselves over by trying to manipulate fate in the arena angron wasn't this bloodthirsty monster he hated it being forced the kill to survive in his first ever bout with his rapidly growing body impressive primark aura and power he was sold to a gladiator house that then transferred him to the most popular arena on the planet he was then forced to fight other gladiators always winning because you know he was a literal [ __ ] demigod and the other gladiators were just dudes even with how much he had suffered been fighting since he was literally a toddler he still had a strict code of honor sparing those who fought well and never relishing the kills or letting his opponents suffer angron would try to escape on numerous occasions but he just wasn't built for it he hadn't grown to the full size and power yet so he couldn't just bust his way out he had absolutely no stealth powers like corvus or psychopowers like magnus he didn't have the charisma of horus or logar nor the brilliance of perturbo he was just very ill-suited to his own situation his tragedy approaches the first of its many crescendos with the fact that he had an adoptive gladiator father called oenomas that is just not how it's pronounced but bear with me an honourable man who helped shape anger on and encouraged his growth into the hero he was born to be it was around this time that anger and also discovered one of his primark powers a power that would later be stolen from him he was able to take away the suffering of others as he did with his gladiator brethren so that they may rest peacefully it's likely he had a whole plethora of abilities that he would never uncover like this after all there was no healer primark a role that you would think would be fulfilled so it's likely angrin was supposed to be this tanky support rather than the hardcore dps we all know and don't really love when angron and his daddy won a legendary match against berserker ogre and with the butcher's nails and planted in them the slave masters told them to fight to the death angran was like yeah nah how about you lick my [ __ ] this probably wasn't the best answer as the masters sedated angron and then implanted the butcher's nails within him this completely [ __ ] up angron's life the butcher's nails were complicated devices that selectively pricked a human's brain to bring out aggression and award them for violence whilst deadening their other emotions it was basically known for turning warriors into berserkers however it wasn't a crude basic piece of [ __ ] those with nails could live a full life the issue with anger on however was that his brain wasn't human it was significantly more complex as such when the slave masters tried to implant it it wasn't compatible and it didn't fit so they made it fit removing parts of his brain and inserting it in a much cruder and crueler fashion when angeran awoke he was in a blind frenzy and he killed his father when he came to his senses he had not only lost his mentor but also his primark abilities the nails had literally taken away his special primax source from him leaving him with a fuck-off massive headache angron would go on to escape and lead a rebellion pretty much cosplaying as spartacus however his brain was so fried from the nails that he wasn't able to coordinate a proper rebellion and he soon found himself outnumbered outgunned and about to be slaughtered this is where the emperor finds him and contributes to the tragedy the emperor was like alright buddy let's go and angry is like can we save my gladiator brothers and sisters and take them with us and the emperor is like uh no [ __ ] you an engron is like why and the biggie is like because i said so angra then refuses the emperor's offer and he chooses to fight and die with his army the emperor in his infinite wisdom then kidnaps angron leaving his army legalist to be slaughtered this was pretty shitty by the big e and it pretty much guaranteed angron would resent him for life like when angeren came aboard he tried to kill the emperor and even killed a custodies before the emperor knocked him out he was then given the world eaters but he didn't want to replace his dead gladiator family even if the replacement was bigger and shinier he just wanted to die on the plains of nakria so for angron he was already dead inside which goes on to justify a lot of his future actions he didn't care about anything and he was in constant pain from the nails no wonder why he was a [ __ ] prick eventually through the bravery of khan angeron leads his legion as they tear apart across the galaxy now whilst angron was dead inside and treated everyone like [ __ ] there was still a part of him the noble courageous warrior that wanted to live and thrive he fought an internal battle between giving up and overcoming his situation to compound this battle angron was actually dying the nails were tearing his brain apart even as his primark regeneration was stitching it back together so over the course of the great crusade he slipped deeper and deeper into insanity one of his infamously [ __ ] calls was getting the butcher's nails remade and compatible for a starter use this might seem unforgivable and unjustifiable but when you remember that anger was trying to overcome his inner deadness and live again it actually begins to make sense after all his gladiator brothers and sisters all had the butcher's nails so if his sons had them as well it should make them closer and bring anger on back to the memory of his glory days obviously this did not work if your dog dies you can't just colour in your cat to look like your dog and bam all fixed but it was angrian's attempt at trying to live again despite how misguided it was most of anger and sons hated him and you can't blame them he asked too much of them expecting almost hoping that they would fail so that he could justify his own resentment towards them he could claim that his gladiator brothers and sisters were more worthy despite the fact that the challenges he gave to his world eater sons were rigged from the start he would punish them order decimations and pitch them against each other to make this worse for angron his deteriorated brain removed his primark aura and connection to the warp meaning that his sons barely felt that overwhelming loyalty that the other legions felt towards their own gene fathers here is an example of just how much the world eaters hated angron when he tried to decimate them again they knocked him out there was then a rebellion against the butcher's nails and angron that was violently put down despite that rebellion being put down and despite the world eaters now all having the nails and being berserkers they had the highest share of astartes who remained loyalists when the heresy broke out let that sink in not only does it show how much they despise their father but it also shows what the legion could have been paragons of loyalty and honour being used by the emperor as anchors for the other legions the fact that so many remain loyal despite their father twisting the legion's spirit and giving them all anger management issues is just such a massive testament to them angron's tragedy would continue as he chooses to side with horus against the emperor he doesn't do this because he believes in horus or the cause he doesn't even necessarily do it because he hates the emperor it's because nothing he has tried has fixed the deadness inside of him and going scorch earth in a galaxy white civil war might just give him the glorious death he has been seeking whilst he wouldn't get that he would gain something else entirely unexpected the power of friendship angron and lorga teamed up and tore a bloody [ __ ] across ultramar during this time they struck an unlikely friendship lorga saw the hidden glorious warlord within angron whilst angren appreciated lorga's brotherhood despite his funny way of showing it when angeren was buried in debris during a battle lorger frantically dug him out as he was digging he wasn't focused on the battle and he got hit with a warhound titan's plasma cannon as he lay dying the warhound went to step on him to crush him andron runs in and stops the leg cracking every bone splitting every ligament and definitely popping the mother of all hemorrhoids all to save lorger's life lorger in turn would try coax the real anger on out speaking to him of lessons and parts of his life for example when lehman and angron fought lehman technically won as he baited angran into a kill zone to teach him a lesson however angrin wouldn't accept the lesson and he believed himself to be the victor as more spacefuls died than world eaters lorger tries to show anger on the folly of that thought process if anger could understand that then he would show that he still had access to higher thinking but this video is the tragedy of angeron not the wholesome redemption arc of angron because you know that doesn't exist so when anger and lorgo were fighting against gilean on nikiria angron had a full meltdown as the last of his brain was blended away he began to hallucinate that he was fighting side by side with his old gladiators even recovering their bones and wearing it on his armor so that they could taste battle once again he was enraged to discover that the entire planet thought he was a coward for abandoning his warriors despite it not being his fault like he literally killed everyone on the planet then he had his final hemorrhage and begun to die he was ready for this death it was like a second chance he was on nucuria surrounded by battle and his gladiator brothers and sisters it was almost perfect but lorga would not let anger on rest as angeron was dying lorga invoked a ritual to turn angron into a demon prince the last remaining world eater psychists tried to stop lorga from damning their father but the ritual was complete angron's first actions as a demon prince was to kill those psychics that had just tried to save his soul he was no longer dying but the nails the pain the anger it all followed him with his ascension and it burned hotter than ever before the internal battle he had been fighting since the day the emperor kidnapped him was finally lost the last of his character was crushed and all that remained was a one-dimensional big-ass angry demon a literal wrecking ball with no redeeming qualities his brotherhood with lorger evaporated his traitor brothers beat him into submission so that they could use him as a pokemon tier weapon his scant few appearances since have ended in banishment and humiliation the tragedy of angran was complete time and time again he just wanted to [ __ ] die yet each time death was stolen from him and his life was ruined even further i see now that nothing he really did was his own fault he beat those elder as a baby awesome he refused to kill his father and tried to escape the slavers at every opportunity awesome he led a rebellion and escaped the slavers awesome he literally tried to kill the emperor for completely [ __ ] him over and leaving his family to die awesome his rage and resentment compounded by nails in his [ __ ] brain was totally justified any one of us would have followed a similar path everyone he got close to either died or betrayed him leading to an eternity of suffering such is the tragedy of anger on the red angel even his nickname is a tragic parody of sanguinius if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be we're only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of smexy lexi art hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more tragic content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 209,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: 7Cy7t-vzz7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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