Mark Suciu | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 196

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well we are back huh we're back at the nine club everybody today we have a very special special special guest mr mark suchu is with us how are you good thank you bro no no no thank you thank you of course we are so stoked that you're with us and um everything good how are you doing everything's good yeah you're in town for a little bit correct yeah i've been hanging out in la for a few weeks just came down from hanging out with my mom and skating with justin albert in san francisco oh cool cool and where are you currently residing in new york in manhattan got you got you how do you like it out there love it where are you born and raised near uh near san francisco where my mom still lives oh okay gotcha gotcha technically san jose or it's near san jose it's uh it's saratoga in santa clara valley and that's neighboring san jose okay cool yeah so it's one hour south of sf oh our south yeah got you why the move to new york and when did you move to new york i moved to new york in 2015 from philly where i was living for a few years before that okay why they moved to philly or do you anywhere before that where do we go don't worry about it we're getting there we're going backwards now like retracing the steps hey every episode is different uh philly yep why the move to philly i moved there to go to school oh yeah got you got you but before then i had been spending a lot of time in philly okay got skating philly's great city yeah you've been you've lived in a lot of different cities i feel like just i mean i've lived with my parents and then i moved to philly in new york so just oh you ever live in san francisco or i guess you were close to san francisco yeah yeah yeah never los angeles though huh yeah never yeah you should give it a try nevermind the way you say don't do it yeah never yeah i'm good it depends apart which part of it's taking i mean being from northern california it's taking me a long time to really warm up to southern california oh yeah okay okay but there's a lot of things to love about it so like i said there's so many different pockets you know it's like i could never live in hollywood ever 100 no you know but the west side you know beach life it's nice it's a lot slower you know so there's the pockets are different you know it just depends where you are for sure how's the valley i love it okay i'm not going anywhere man you're born and raised i mean you're you've been there moved all over the valley philly to new york and then you've been in new york since 2015 so you've been there quite a while yeah yeah new york's great great it's amazing yeah it's another place where i don't think i could actually move to great place to visit just not my speed you know and of course there's different places in new york too uh hamptons probably would be i would choose you look like a hamptons dude i feel like i have this big houses nice pools um so dude i'm so stoked you're here bro let's lay this to rest real quick mark suit you yep yeah suit you the reason i as i've heard it pronounced a lot of different ways yeah maybe not a lot but i hear a wrong pronunciation yes and we get to the bottom of name pronunciations here i've been calling a lot of my heroes the wrong names forever so i'm guilty as well mark sutu that's it that's all like where does that come from it's romanian my dad grew up in romania have you been to romania yeah we went uh one of my earliest memories is from there i went when i was three to meet uh some of my family there and then i went back when i was maybe 18 or 19. ah three is hard to remember 18 19 a little bit better yeah yeah yeah yeah that's cool how did you did you like it yeah it was cool yeah um we just did a little it was just me my mom my dad we did a road trip around it's maybe two and a half weeks and stayed in all these different cities okay yeah got a taste of the whole country i love that man do you speak romanian in any way no not at all i feel like for some reason you might know it no i tried to learn a little bit but i i didn't get it far at all it's a little tough on yeah yeah they borders on it it borders on the adriatic on the adriatic no trust me that's what it is with the headphones it feels like i'm in a dream this audio is making me feel like like i'm somewhere else i love hearing hearing this like random fact of geography is just like trying to grasp at it in reality and i'm just like up listen i try to keep i can try to keep our guests on their toes you know what i mean you know i mean but uh no it's awesome man listen i'm so stoked you're here dude we have a lot to talk about because you're a fascinating dude you know did you graduate college yeah i think there's very few that actually carry on and and have a profession skateboarding and do the college thing yeah i don't know to me it's very difficult you know community college i signed up couldn't find parking i left you know that was my it's just hard you're at that age where your things are happening or already happened yeah so how did you even balance that well yeah people ask me this a lot and um i feel like if that's the question they go for like how'd you balance it and i'm always like dude i don't have a good answer because i didn't balance it how so i was just over skating you just took almost four years off dude four years basically yeah i was just at that point so it was i turned pro right before i went to college okay but i had been like traveling a whole bunch for the i graduated when i was 17. just turned 18 and just started traveling all the time for habitat and got on adidas shortly after and was just like gone all the time and then on my own you know i would just do road trips with miguel valley okay right when you were at college did you just focus on college for a while and then go skate during the summer time yeah a little bit i mean which part of skating were you over were you over just the the act of skating or like the sponsorship part and i didn't take a break you don't know it was kind of the whole thing really it was just like it was i got burnt out and it was pretty hard for me to just to separate what really was at the root of it what i didn't like interesting interesting because i feel as we get older we find that it's you know you you go through these little phases of not skating as much you know you find the disinterest in it you have something new that pops up or something yeah a lot of things yeah yeah i feel like it's kind of kind of the opposite for me i just like i skated and traveled so much and i had i'd wanted to do that so badly right and then i did it for just i don't know i just had these uh i had these ideas of what it would be like and thinking that it was going to be extremely fulfilling and it was to a certain degree but not to the degree that i had envisioned do you think you got thrusted in it just too fast you think if it was maybe a span and i'm not discrediting going to college because i think that's [ __ ] phenomenal but i'm just trying to figure out what that i graduated high school and and just started skating all the time was like all right here we go this is what it is because i signed up for a csu fullerton got all my classes and everything and then uh i was offered to have a part in the upcoming transverse video from chris wray if i stayed in town okay so i told my dad and he blew up on me got so pissed wait so you were gonna move down south here yeah gotcha yeah almost did it almost did oh well you know that we all know that didn't happen yeah it didn't go down yeah your dad got upset with you because that skating was in the picture of you going to to school that's why you wanted to go no just because he wanted me to go to school he was bummed that i was not going to school oh okay like you were going to take a year off to do the training he was supportive of skating he felt that college was a definitely important and important college is what got him out of romania ah right yeah i feel like there's a lot to start beginning oh no no we're going to go back but since we're on this topic i just don't want to breeze through it you know i think you asked if it um if everything happened really if it was just that it happened so quickly that that's why i got burnt out and i think that is completely the case so i graduated high school started skating full-time okay and hurt my ankle and then all of a sudden boom i just like i'm doing nothing i'm living in my parents house they're working all the time my brother has gone to school he's in college now where he's out of college by that time and i'm just alone like all the time like trying to fill my time and all my old friends from school are away in whatever city they're in now going to college and my skate friends you know i see them like once every now and then but not all the time so it's just like so much loneliness i'd never been alone before that ever sure and then in the coming months when i can start skating again then it's just like only skating and only hanging out with skate friends and it's just like that happens so quickly and it's not even like being thrust into skating it's just like being thrust into my own life sure yeah and then you know i i saw clearly that i didn't want to just hang around i wanted to make the most of it right having that ankle injury like really made me not take skating for granted that whole time i was thinking like dude what what would i do if i could like imagine what i could do right now if i wasn't hurt yeah and so then i went out and just like tried to do everything and it was too much and i was gone for like three months at a time ever like every yeah be gone for like two months out of the summer come back home drive to philly stay there for like three months come back at thanksgiving right and then in january and february start going to like europe again yeah man i mean traveling is the best part about school it's amazing it's the perk that i truly like love but i mean that's it's a burnout man yeah i wish we could have started this by not talking about the burnout like just like the way that i lived through it where there was no thought of burnout because it's just this amazing adventure that you get to live every single day you wake up you're a [ __ ] sponsored skateboarder like this is it here we go yeah hit up your friend who's an amazing filmmaker or skater himself you know right you just get to do it from the ground up diy yeah absolutely and yeah there was no thought in my head of being burnt out at all well it sounds like when you were like 18 or something when you graduated high school like that sounds young but you went started skating really early i feel like yeah like i had seen you skating a lot so like by that time when 18 came around you'd already been skating for like heavily sponsored for a while at that point correct yeah i heard i saw you when you were like this big so i was doing the game of skates maybe that was when you saw me game skates when i was like 14. yeah you were young dude how'd you do yeah i would get to the i would win the local ones and then i i think the first time i got to the finals and from there i didn't do but you got on the main stage yeah yeah a couple a couple years in a row you skated with alex miserable and we just met up again in rome and had another had another game of skate oh you guys played yeah under the bridge at the diy amazing yeah who won who won we did two games he won the first i won the second no tiebreaker yeah i looked at him i'm like he's like i think that was good he was you know he's you don't want to lose amazing because it was all for we we had like a big crowd around us it was a rainy day under the okay so it was under the bridge it was like an actual game yeah there's a lot of people watching and everybody was just so stoked and for him to be like you know i was waiting for him to say tie breaker right for him to just be like no that was good it's like it's just okay yeah if you're continuing a good vibe and it was just like right there's no like competition here really it's just yeah it's a draw it's a cat both prove one more thing about the college thing do you think after four years of college you get actually got that passion back for skateboarding after you know kind of leaving it uh to the side for a little bit eventually but it didn't come right away oh interesting yeah huh it was difficult it had it took like some rewiring interesting yeah what'd you me what'd you uh major in literature and writing oh yeah damn you writing a book no oh so you went to college and this and we're just studying the whole time yeah but it's amazing though because here's the thing kelly and you know it as well as i do it's like you know there there's so much more to life than just skateboarding you know and we i mean it's just true you know we just uh we find these different interests and hobbies and you know it seems like you wanted to more of stimulate your your mind yeah a little bit you know for sure it was that was definitely the thing was you know traveling so much i got to see so many different cities and cultures and histories right in front of my eyes but i wasn't learning that much you know i thought i was going to and that was that was part of the the dream for me was like damn i get to go to these places and like learn or like soak up the history but i was just skating these amazing spots and having the best time of my life but not doing everything else i thought i would be doing sure so that's when it's kind of started to like just look a little bit less appealing and just or maybe not even maybe it wasn't even so readily visible to me but i just after a while that's kind of what led to the burnout interesting i wasn't stimulating that part of me hmm well i'm glad that you found that passion again i am finally glad i think skateboarding skateboarding needs you okay uh let's turn back the clock a little bit you know young suichu up in an hour south of san francisco growing up how did you even come about skateboarding did you see it in the street somebody doing yeah yeah uh probably saw it on tv first x games stuff oh saw some local kids doing it and then my cousin who we would go out to visit in doyletown pennsylvania where funny enough the first time i went to skate love park i stayed with aunt travis whose parents are from doylestown amazing but uh yeah so going out to doylestown my cousin had a skateboard and i learned how to ollie on that wait a minute wait a minute how long did it take you to learn how to ollie this was a vacation or something yeah you just like learned that ollie on a vacation yeah looking back it's like the board was in grass but i don't remember ever like yeah well i mean jesus christ you know how long it took me to ollie i mean listen the boards were different back then i'm not that old but listen it takes a long time some people just have the natural ability and i've i've seen this with fellow kids in my neighborhood i'd be like how long have you been skating every like two months and i'm like this kid's already kicked flipping like right well there's a lot more the learning curve look at the board though yeah from when you grew up in the learning curve as well it's readily accessible to anybody true you know so but you just saw it and you kind of knew what to do a little bit maybe i had a good teacher okay maybe my cousin had a mean ollie i can't remember okay okay so from there you're all in the grass and then what do you just go home and be like yo i need a board this is my [ __ ] and then it didn't really take off for me i remember like it plays in my mind like little little cuts like long just every now and then a periodic cut to what i'm doing with this board and it's not skating it's like destroying it in one way or another you know like a snapshot the snapshot of me and my friend like tossing it like as high as we can into the garbage can you're playing the the javelin with the board this was a board that you you got it was yeah it was a board that my parents got me and that i probably just left in the garage for a little while what kind of board was it do you remember the board i got when i got back i mean this is i'm pretty much just making up this story well we don't know the truth so you could be telling us yeah i'll just go take this on the journey the whole thing could be all made up made up he could leave here like i got those guys so good wow they don't they don't know what the hell is talking about no idea i'll put it in my book yeah but um i probably came back from pennsylvania and asked for a board and i think the first board i got i wanted a steve cab board something with dragons on it which i think would be steve cap sure and then they were like no that's too big for you you got to get a termite so i walked out of there with a termite and that's probably the board that i destroyed that i was throwing around with a friend right a little termite appropriate yeah yeah this thing what what uh that's cool austin gillette wrote for him yeah they had a lot of great people graduating daniel espinoza daniel yeah a lot of great people so how old were you at this point i was like six probably okay six and then when i finally really started trying to learn tricks and like skating every day i was probably like eight and now that was on an actual steve cat board that oh you eventually dragons it was wet blue with golden dragons okay so you actually got your your dragon board yeah it eventually yeah wow that's cool and then that's when i learned how to kick flip and that's kind of like the first memory where i can be like yeah i was eight that's kind of when i started skating there's always some defining moment where you're like this is when i started because i was always skating but you know knee boarding there was always a board around me my neighbor skated he gave me his old boards but i consider the first time i got my own board tried to learn out of ollie that was it you know yeah but i always had a board you know yeah growing up same for me actually yeah i think we we probably went to doyle's town like every summer and there's a photo of me like maybe two years old me and my mom on a board staying on board yeah amazing amazing wow yeah i think uh i think it's gonna be a habitat graphic soon classic classic childhood that man he loves seeing that hell yeah so you get so now you're so you learn to kick flip on another vacation and uh no actually at home at this time yeah okay okay because you're a quick learner you know um no that took a long time i always find it fascinating because a lot of people start off with like even a varial flip or something because it just it just goes right it seems like the kick flips are a little more difficult it's a big step it's a big step it's like for a first trick i mean all is one thing but the kick club is a really big it's a to use your brain and your feet at the same time your board finally stayed underneath you yeah you know you finally mastered that you know uh then from there what trey flips uh [Laughter] so that's fascinating so then from there you just kept skating with locals you just met uh like all your buddies yeah um i skated basically in front of my house for like two years yeah had a solid two-stare good driveway that's dope flat bar some ramps you had a little skate park yeah oh cool it was really good yeah and then uh the skate park mountain view skate park a metal ramp park oh prefab type [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah very fun to skate now is it one of those classics still there parks yeah first sponsor was it like a skate shop or yeah first sponsor was so i i was getting that metal ramp park and in front of my house and then like gradually in like seventh or eighth grade i met friends actually like sixth grade met friends who skated and started skating around my downtown with them all the time and uh then this new park opened up we were skating at the metal ramp park mountain view and somebody was like yo we're going to we're going to sunnyvale it's just down the road it's way better and yeah sunnyvale park the one that uh wasn't more like immortalized in the bag of suck videos yes oh yeah really good concrete park really big so you're just rolling with your friends now yeah and we're skating there all the time and a shop opens up across the street like maybe a year or two into it being there okay and uh yeah they they just like got on their feet enough to have a team and they asked me to ride for them wow who's that fish banks fish fish banks free boards or just like discounts discounts discounts yeah okay did you graduate to the free stuff every once in a while they would hook me up with a board probably like a a blank board sure but they were not like uh yeah it was kind of like sure you can you can take it were you filming like like homie videos and stuff at this point yeah i got i got started filming really early with uh local filmer richard devera rest in peace he was really killing it on like the local video front had the whole skate scene around him like peter raphael and john choi oh wow john newen yeah oh yeah a lot of really good dudes oh so use group did you grow up skating with those guys as well a little not not really i would maybe they would be on the session maybe when i was filming with richard and he would film them too but they were like three four years older than me and so like i mean peter and i at that age definitely knew each other but and peter peter was the one who told me to go up to richard and ask to ask for him to film me like hey i would love to film with you for your next video oh sick but peter wasn't like saying what's up to me every time i came to the park or anything he was like definitely the the really cool older brother he's not going to say what's up yeah yeah i got you gotcha got you yeah so you made your way in there though for his videos and then i started skating with richard like all the time so i think i started skating with him right when i turned 12 on my 12th birthday okay and then we put out a video part in like i think just one year of me skating and that was this video called mijos mios yeah wow that was a good a good time yeah yeah i love looking back on that part uh is it on youtube i don't think so now really yeah okay you should post some [ __ ] yeah that's your favorite upload videos uh yeah yeah nice before that my my brother or my parents were filming me skate out front sure dad cam yeah how at what point now you said you might be what 12 13 right now like yeah the skating just finished up that video i'm 13. okay we're starting to work on the next one and now that you got the skate shop thing going does it start to click like oh maybe i could start doing this and actually get sponsored and doing stuff well i mean i was really young right so it never didn't click i was like right when i started skating and started loving it i was like this is it you're gonna be [ __ ] you're gonna go pro everything's gonna be great i think actually before i was even like really walking around that much i was already i remember being in a shopping cart my mom was pushing me around the store i don't know if i was like sitting in there or just hanging out playing on it my guess is i was like six and the store clerk asked me like hey what do you want to be when you grow up and i was like pro skater and he was like [ __ ] laughing and supposed to feel like a six-year-old i know right skateboarder i was thinking fireman yeah wow but yeah so early that's early i never it would for most people you know they come into the knowledge or like they question themselves into the the idea that maybe this could be something that they would follow throughout their career sure but for me it was the opposite it was like i started with that desire dream passion and then it never it was it kind of started to like funnel down into seriousness right and when i was in like the later years of high school i was really you know i could tell my dad was really pushing me to go to college and i thought just from the normal trajectory of most skate careers that that was that you couldn't have a skate career and go to college at the same time so i was like okay this is a problem what do i do and i started getting really serious and like trying to motivate myself to do to skate better and like really stress myself out a lot but it's it's that time when things start happening you know that's why a lot of people aren't even graduated high school you know a lot of skateboarders it's a majority [ __ ] yeah for real so were you trying to then like in any way like have conversations with your dad or something like hey if skateboarding i may as a college i don't know i i think uh i think at that age i definitely wasn't capable of having like a like a business plan business any sort of i think it was just all angst and passive aggression and pent up desires that i didn't think he would take seriously okay yeah so there was no like hey look i know you really want me to do this but i want it was more like whenever i could show him that i had a distaste for school i would god and you know if i got a bad grade and he would ask me about it i'd be like i suck at that like i don't know you know right and he'd be like what what are you talking about wow you know just get really serious about it and so there was just this there was never it was never in it was never openly spoken about it was just totally under the surface this like i know you want me to go to school i know i want to be a pro skater and these two things are at odds so how was it was he supportive in any way of you skating yeah totally yeah but until i got to that point of deciding go to the college he would always let me bring my board on trips he would film me you know like he was excited about skateboarding he'd be like you know he would see he would watch some skate videos and just be like i can't believe what you can do in a fraction of a second yeah right right yeah but the whole lifestyle to him was not like he was like uh like these people are drinking smoking and like focusing boards and why are you watching this right yeah yeah yeah yeah i could see that from a parent's perspective like and just really with my dad too because he like grew up with the insecurity of was he gonna make it out of romania and so it was never like a guaranteed thing that you would just have a good life yeah so i think looking at me he probably thought like [ __ ] is he if he just skates all the time like what's he gonna do right yeah yeah how old was your dad when he uh left romania he was maybe 20 21 or something let's see he left uh during the student revolt of the czech republic okay it's a pretty crazy story so that was like 1968 or so and he was born in 49 so that's what 19. i'd have to get my calculator out i don't know yeah yeah it was insane he um because that's behind the iron curtain and yeah it wasn't yet 1989 right so sure he the dictator of romania at the time ceausescu he had this program set up for students there to do a transfer into poland and his his son was in school at the time and there was i think russia was invading poland or is it it might it's either poland or the czech republic okay with slovakia at that time and he was scared for his kid so he was like all right [ __ ] this we're not doing it there we're not doing it in eastern europe we're doing it in the u.s and so my dad just that year this just that year he gets uh he is a part of that and he gets the chance to go to the states and then boom right when he's there he declares political asylum and stays wow okay and he said he would have had to go back yeah so he's a refugee okay pretty rad amazing wow and so he just went into college and graduated and yep he went to berkeley and then uh yeah he got his phd there at bell labs okay does engineering did engineer your dad was an engineer right or like he helped with like auto focus or yeah with his study shot auto focus yeah he didn't help with it because he just invented it and then even better and then he never got credit really yeah somebody else invented it six years later or something and they did it for nikon but uh so he was he was on a team at berkeley i think working to get blind people to see they were trying to figure out how to like how to get these people to see and so they had this this weird contraption that would go on your head and like stimulate the electrodes in your brain to get you to see like light up the the map of vision in your eyes and it didn't work because the brain sloshes around in the head too much so all of those connections were they weren't like solid connections yeah yeah and so they disbanded that group or whatever but my dad took that idea and just applied it to a camera because it's it's it works similar it works similarly to the human site so and it's like this a similar kind of map of your vision gotcha and um so that doesn't move your this camera doesn't move the way a brain moves around in your head interesting so he did that and he that was auto focus he like ran a function where the camera would stop when it had the most number of dots which was when it was like most in focus but at that time early 70s i think or yeah probably late 70s somewhere around there um i think photography was like so advanced that he thought that was a random thing wow autofocus and that people were professionals and they wanted to professionally and focus on yeah so he kind of stopped so he just was like and then also if he patented it the patent would have gone to the university and not to him interesting because he was employed by the by the university damn you can't that's how they steal [ __ ] from it [Laughter] you're doing it on their money and their time and their their clocks i mean i get it so then somebody else came along which said six years later totally separately did it for nikon for nikon wow but it's already been invented so maybe there were there papers on it that your dad did or like was it documented you know certain things you get a paper on it i think i remember him showing it to me wow i didn't trust around 13 or so no because not that too many people were photographers back then it was very select like not everyone not everyone exactly it was more of a professional thing yeah so i understand what yeah what do you thought by that congratulations to pops yeah thank you that's incredible what kind of engineer was he uh computer chip engineering computer chip engineer my dad was an electrical engineer nice yeah worked for hughes aircraft company and stuff oh wow that's why you want to be a pilot jet propulsion yep yeah i don't know if i'd like to be a pilot i just think i'd be a good one yeah you're kind of a pilot of the show there they there you go yeah we take off and we land captain crop yeah so that's incredible so you had this passion in you six years old i'm gonna be a pro skateboarder you go you get the sponsorship from the shop what was the shop's name again fish bank fish banks uh then when did it come into play like a board did you start getting flowed by a company yeah powell powell yeah richard devera the filmer he sent my footage to deville i think deville noon sick was that of your knowledge that he sent it or yes yeah i remember him telling me okay vaguely wow and phil finds all the like the rattus dudes he does he's got his yeah he finds he's going to tell it yeah yeah devel kills it so you got flowed or did you flow for like three years and i would go i would come down here to la and skate for like a week at a time every couple months and try to get tricks for the for the pal video so you were filming for the video yeah okay i mean after a little while yeah at first you know it was kind of just like yeah go down skate with everybody but it was kind of brought to your attention that like hey we're making a video you could be in it yeah if you get since since we were all flow it was really only it was mostly the flow team staying there with deville and jared lucas got you it's like 10 flo dudes and then maybe like josh hawkins and audrey garcia who are on the team are you guys just live upstairs by the way yeah jared lucas used to live upstairs oh here yeah yeah were you guys battling for a spot if there were ten of you no no no no no okay okay i mean i guess technically but not like actually we're scared together you were terrified we were terrified man it was that's another reason why la has never really been on my radar because once i could leave i was like all right [ __ ] this place what was so terrible what was it the veil was taking probably the gnarliest spot dude deville was intense back then like and he was scary as [ __ ] i see him now it's like you know great vibes love the guy but back then he was so intimidating and he and you know i didn't really know too much about the culture behind already been done tricks and [ __ ] so he's just so ferocious about that like you can't do anything that's been done or anything close to anything that's been done it has to be well above the level of what tricks yeah what'd you say raj he's trying to push it yeah definitely and he did he did a lot of good work right right so what yeah so you'd leave just terrified every time you'd come the thing was it was like i had never before before then i was filming with richard and another friend mike thompson who made this video more tigi tempo we're all just kids and like richard was older and knew more about the skate scene but he was like a really great dude and just wanted to showcase your potential and your passion and it was not about abd's it was just about skating and deville is trying to you know run a company and uh he can't use the footage if it's already been done well no he can't right so that going down to coming here to la was like all of a sudden i have to commodify my skating and figure out what it is that i can do the very best like the most just like the point at which i can skate up to everybody else's level sure you know which at the time was not hand rails i wasn't good at skating handrails when i was 13. right right right and uh i could see how hard it could be so it was like all of a sudden i just have to all right i'm good at ledges and flat ground like i'll just like try to like combine this [ __ ] and do like oh there's a metal ledge off a loading dock i'll just try a backsmith 360 shove it for like four hours in the middle of the night just completely destroy my body and not be able to skate for a couple of days and it's not something that you wanted to do right you're trying to now figure out what is acceptable or can he confirm i mean i really want to do it so badly to get 600 other than that it's like but do you think yeah that push your technical skating to the next level did you feel like yeah definitely yeah because i remember seeing first time i saw you was a random sponsoring tape on youtube yeah that justin williams baby sent me um justin williams was a big a big proponent of my skating yeah but he didn't you did the hard flip back tail yeah i was like who's this kid oh in a sponsor how did justin williams come into the picture shortly after i got on fish banks i think and and flow for powell like he was always coming to sunnyvale park okay and everybody knew that he was the venture team manager right and it was and he had hubble wheels and it was like dude if you skate really hard maybe he'll notice you yeah every time he came into the park you know people would just like turn it on right oh really really sick i talked to him about this the other day oh really saw him in person like a week ago it was great did he knew that right like people would turn it on he laughed when i said that and was like what do you mean but i think he knew okay i think it was just joking he had to know yeah yeah or maybe i can see that when i pull up to a skate park to like sunnyvale park and the kids there who know me are like oh mark's here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no all the time bro when i pull up to [ __ ] i'm like god damn i can't even skate they're trying so hard uh amazing justin williams yeah great guy love that guy so were you you so you were trying to put it on also definitely get there yeah venture did it ever come to fruition i got on forced trucks forced trucks oh that's right okay so i think i was about 13 when i got on so same time as powell obviously right so so the pal thing you said three years almost got in the fun video what happened at that point i did get in the fun video just in the because we were flo so we could have tricks in other people's parts that was how it was oh and it was really funny the way they did it too i think it was jared really editing it mostly he was like all right we have to round this out so like aldrin skates mostly big gaps and like tall ollies and like forget a few skating rails at that point but like he was really hucking but because of that i was in his part because i was doing really tech stuff what a contrast yeah you could have done you can tell the difference you can't that's a yeah yeah did you have nate your name in there did it say a little [ __ ] i don't know i'm saying no i'm not sure he said little suit so you did get in fun just you had tricks in his part and then what happened after that um i think shortly after that i quit to ride to just like find another sponsor they they asked me if i wanted to be fully on the team they had a contract for me and i was like dude i'm gonna take a second to think about this why and how old were you at this point 15 16 16 okay 16. why at the 16 you you want to be a pro skater your whole life and then this opportunity comes around it's powell yeah legendary you can probably get health insurance i mean listen they do that i think you know when the only brand they do for all the skaters i don't know i think the pros maybe yeah you could have been up there with andy though no but so i mean just seems like an appropriate you know next step yeah well i had been on for a long time and i grew up a lot and i was hanging out with a lot more industry people okay and um they were like my my footage was getting out to places kelly saw it and i people were kind of letting me know that i could i could choose now like it was gonna work it's a matter of time but like i could do what i wanted and okay wow and uh you know i mean when you people are saying that that's good i mean that's that's a great feeling right there yeah it's a great feeling it was awesome so they were like dude you could be on whatever sponsor you want i'm like really like like greg carroll was telling me like dude choose whatever whatever board company you want to ride for like damn what happened to chocolate you never really really i wanted to ride for alien minefield just come out so it didn't really work though i wanted to ride for alien greg carol was like you could ride for anybody so healing was your that was yours i got it i got a box and then shortly afterwards i they weren't very enthusiastic like josh kalis hit me up and then he passed me over to chad bowers and and uh how did josh kayla hit you up by the way oh my god it was amazing yes because i mean this is josh bro yeah yeah like josh [ __ ] emailed me i think he just he heard through the grapevine that i was trying to get on alien maybe just from greg carroll okay and uh he emailed me and it was a great email how long was it a paragraph was it a couple sentences real short a lot of dot dot dots yep okay uh i think he said the rest is up to you mm-hmm it was very very good i love that wow you can see that i can i see that coming at its mouth this is up to you i can get you a box the rest is up to you oh okay like you make it happen yeah i mean great words coming from a great man yeah so okay so you got a box got a box and um got talked to chad bowers the team manager and then i think kind of just like not too much was going on i didn't i before i knew it brandon conroy the habitat team manager was like hey what's up would you be interested interested in riding for habitat and would you want to come skate with the team like he was just more excited or like had more opportunity to do stuff and here you are habitat's dope habitat's dope but i always liked habitat wanted to ride for alien but like we love mosaic i love inhabitants were they together at that point still or they still or are they okay sister company yeah yeah yeah yeah that was i was still in high school i think it was like 2009. did you respond to josh's email hell yeah what'd you write oh my god i don't know you don't know i mean at that point i i i sometimes people hit like i got an email i got a dm from danny way we talked about his part or whatever he's like yeah thank you so much and i'm sitting here i'm a grown man and i'm like i don't even know how to respond to danny way right now what do i say to danny way like thank you he wrote this whole nice thing and i'm like i don't know you know what i mean wait what did he dm you about we reviewed his um his video the welcome home the welcome home thing yeah right killed it bro and i just he was like he was just gracious yeah he said hey thank you so much man you guys are always dope and this and that and the other and brought this nice little thing i felt the same way you did the same thing to me and i'm like damn how the [ __ ] am i going to respond to danny like obviously i mean we're grown men right why am i in this like predicament it's weird to be able to just say [ __ ] yeah danny that was great yeah and have it flow out but like i'm sitting here like thinking about what the [ __ ] i'm gonna say yeah definitely so at 16 it's 16-ish yeah but he's right back to josh kayla's who knows thank you bro like y'all it's it i'll be working on it i'm sure he gave me some like info that i needed to um say that i had received or maybe i there was another question that needed to be asked so got you i'm sure i just thanked him profusely and yeah amazing yeah so now they're asking you to write for a habitat yeah and you're keen to it right you want to do it maybe but you want to go for alien was there how was that playing in your mind um i was just like you know it was greg carroll or whoever it was told me i could ride for anyone but i wasn't you know i wasn't saying to myself i have to ride for the right person it was like i'm still like just trying to be a sponsored skateboarder sure so i started getting hit up by habitat who i like just as much as alien and i'm like yeah [ __ ] yeah let's do this okay and so yeah i started skating with brennan conroy and daryl angel and stefan and silas oh you've never skated with them before daryl was uh san jose local so i would see him around a lot okay but with silas and stefan right did you become friends with them like instantly no okay yeah stefan was really easy to get along with stylists oh really okay okay yeah i think he was probably nice to me at first but then like as soon as we broke past the barrier of like politeness then he was like he was a dick it was amazing okay i just remember being like so i was 19 in finland with him on a rainy day he's playing cards i'm thinking about this hubba in cincinnati i'm like has it been kickflip front tailed and he just [ __ ] jumps up from the table slams the cards down shut the [ __ ] up no more talking about skating oh my god and where were you you were like we're in finland i'm just like man i wonder if we can unhop that hubba in cincinnati you said it was cincinnati that's amazing because your mind's just so focused on skating right yeah yeah and being around those guys too you know i'm like yeah the the skate culture and history that they have just floating about their aura you're like oh like right let's talk about yeah right stop talking about it yeah right no like let's get away from that really i'm playing right right how do you ever knob it though uh it got unknown okay i didn't do it no no you didn't okay you didn't do the trick no i didn't uh knob it did you get the what'd you say kick the front came from front tail the side the backside side for me was unknocked frankie spears eventually a cable front tail did oh yeah okay very nice did you have to like work your way up onto the team or did they just pretty much put you on the team you have to film some [ __ ] yeah totally so i just had to meet people and um and get the stamp yeah i just i hung out with with brennan a lot that summer this summer i graduated high school so i had been on for a year i've been getting boards for a year oh okay throughout that last year of high school and uh would see him like every now and then i think i skated i skated at tampa m that winter and did well in it writing for habitat and um and then the following summer was just me and miguel valley skating and filming and then all that footage eventually got used in uh origin got you okay were you at that point was the habitat shoe sting already going when i got on the on the the way for me to get on it was so i was riding for etnies i was writing for etnies since maybe like 16 or so okay and then the only way i was gonna get on a habitat was to do both the shoes and the boards after you got on how long did that happen because it didn't last that long right the show no yeah so i did it for a year okay joe castruzi hit me up and said you gotta you really gotta ride for the shoes like please if you want to ride for habitat just do the shoes and it can just be for a year but we got to do the shoes okay and so i did the year and i was like yeah i think i'm not really okay yeah they're great shoes they're really really well done right there's one shoe i can't remember what this exact should be there's one [ __ ] you skated the [ __ ] out of yeah i don't know what what that was called but yeah it was similar to the manchester the lakay manchester yes that's the more yeah right eel more right sleek like an eel it's tough when the skate companies try to do this you know the same name different division yeah you know it's tough it doesn't work a lot of the time it doesn't yeah you gotta you enter like a whole new uh competitive realm there yeah and also you're you know the people who skate for habitat and then skate for somebody else just using habitat as an example you know it gets confusing you know it got confusing with diamond it did huh oh yeah yeah yeah should have never yeah i've never done it was it did they offer you a good deal at that point too to like the shoes and the board yeah okay cool yeah totally because sometimes you know what just like hey you have to do this but you gotta ride the shoes but we're not gonna pay you all that much no or something like i don't know sometimes where'd you go from there after the habitat shoes was done did you go back to etnies or i went to adidas okay that was that was the point yeah it was kind of the same thing was like i think i quit i quit because the year was up and i was like yeah joe like thank you so much i love the shoes it's awesome i kind of just want to move on did uh adidas hit you up first or you know i so i i think i if i remember correctly i think i just wanted to like close that have have some closure there and then move on okay and just was kind of still in that realm of like trying to ride for whoever you want and tried to hit up as many people as i could about adidas okay oh so you had your eye on the prize yeah yeah yeah you knew who you wanted to skate for i mean i wasn't actively hitting people up but it was like by that time i was riding for atlas skate shop and i talked to them like is there any way that i could you know and then silas was my teammate for a year by that time so i don't know if i felt comfortable enough to ask him but i probably asked brennan conroy the habitat team manager and then he talked about it so it's just kind of like weird spread a little bit got you got you and you were already skating adidas yeah shoes because you wanted to skateboard i think so right yeah it's a way to do it actually i don't know about this anymore i think i made up this story too mark what the hell are you talking about across the cross uh nano cross continental that part came out you weren't sk were you skating adidas at that point no yeah that was 2011 it came out end of 2011. that was all i graduated 2010 so that would have been like that full year that i was on habitat shoes that part helped you kind of blow up a little bit more i wouldn't say yeah i kind of did it that's a big video for you i would say yeah sure for sure maybe that got on their radar yeah so i i remember on the i was with it was 2012. damn i don't know about this whole story anymore at all i love it dude i love it it seems like it slowly starts to come back to you but you're wait hold on yeah but but what you're saying though is it's making sense in the timeline though yeah but the time the part of the timeline that doesn't make sense to me is i was skating habitat shoes in 2012 which is a while after i signed the contract with habitat so i thought i just did a year but i guess it was more than that right maybe you said you were done with habitat shoes but maybe you just kept skating in them because those were the it could be that too but yeah it seems like once you leave a shoe company you kind of feel the freedom right you're like okay cool i could skate in this shoe i could skate in this shoe yeah you start trying all kinds of different shoes or adidas or whatever yeah and i don't know it's weird i think you're lying too yeah what's going on you know it's not making sense anymore did it feel funny to quit uh habitat shoes but still stay on advertising skateboards no because joe had made it such a easy yeah he made it clear from the start that it was just that it was separate and that he really wanted me to do the shoes for at least a year right got you yeah well whatever it is you ended up on adidas yeah and how did that i mean yeah that we know that we know so how did you end up uh how did that whole deal go down did you have to go fly to portland did you go to meet people yeah i think so i think so i remember that i was on the map masquerade with jake johnson and everyone and uh that was like a month long road trip across the us and we ended in we ended at tampa pro i think and i wasn't pro yet just hanging out there i had my flight back from miami and i think i met yasha muller yeah in nah dude i made this up [Laughter] no i talked to him on the phone when i was out there that's why i was like yeah yeah so i talked to him on the phone and that was the first call i had with him okay that was like spring maybe yes spring 2012 2012 and then that summer i hadn't signed a contract yet but i was going to i stayed by myself in barcelona for a month sick yeah so i'm like 19 at this point and uh just go out there to skate and i skated with barney page and sibo walker a bunch oh yeah and uh from there they flew me adidas flew me to the south of france to film with lucas puig for his pro shoe video why have you ever met lucas at this i mean i never met him bro yeah were you excited i was [ __ ] stoked that's still to this day one of the best trips i've been on amazing quick weekend trip to marseille in like some nice ass hotel room right by the mediterranean you're like this adidas thing is looking promising wow to go out and be filming that and not only that but just be a part of his little thing yeah wow it's incredible it was all his homies just driving around so sick skating amazing spots it was the first time skating in that spot um the one in marseille with all the banks and then the the cascading steps it's like a bunch of five stairs with really good ledges it's all red granite this the converse guy skated a lot yeah forget the [ __ ] name of that spot plaza type it it's a plaza spot i can't think of it outside yeah i can't think right now but uh let's see it's like marseille is amazing by the way yeah great and dangerous is it raj you had a bad experience there uh it's pretty dangerous place okay but uh that spot is [ __ ] and it's kind of like what set off the renaissance of marseille street skating i feel like because it always had the bowl you know but now these days it's got so many spots and it was i think that place this amazing plaza with huge banks and five stairs and ledges everywhere what was built around like 2010 or 2012 like right before i went and you were skating there and just exploded it was so sick wow amazing lucas i love that yeah lucas killed it on that trip dude that was his first shoe you guys get along right away it was a little different because he speaks french like come he's he was around his french friends too yeah okay so you were being left out of some conversation exactly i was trying to learn french back then and i was like successfully ordering food and they'd be like sick that was nice yeah yeah you know but it's that's not you're not really like called at that time yeah yeah that's tough and there was just like me matt irving we were the two fluent english speakers got you yeah got you yasha too wow so they fly you to marseille and do all this stuff and you're not even on the team not just yet yeah and then i flew to that same trip when i was staying in barcelona they flew me to stuttgart and i hung out with uh with lam villament and maybe even best dude maybe even benny fairfax was in town hell yeah i'm not sure that's a good definitely yeah lamb and benny yeah um almost the most perfect situation you being out in barcelona because they can then now you're out there they can fly you anywhere in europe yeah for you know really if you were in the states it might have been a little different you might have not had those opportunities yeah and it was just random i was like [ __ ] i'm sponsored i have a paycheck right and i got you why don't i go use it that's incredible is stud is that where adidas headquarters is yeah i think so i think it's like or maybe i think it's nuremberg um oh okay i've never been i was under the assumption that i was going to go to the warehouse or like the uh headquarters you never been to the building with a big shoe out in front in portland yeah yeah i've been to portland never until the german headquarters oh gotcha gotcha you got you gotcha yeah but yeah so that i thought i was going to stuttgart to be introduced to like the i don't know the the campus out there but it was just like this whole weekend i was like kind of too nervous to ask like when are we going to go or like what am i going to do but then eventually i was just like wait we're not going and they're like no that's in like a town thinking we're doing that uh so you go on these trips they fly you around a little bit um when was the actual call like hey you're on we want to give you this it was right it was right at the end of that summer like around august or september they were filming their new york campaign oh okay yeah so you're already back in the states yeah 2012 i'd gone on a cross-country trip and was going to stay on the east coast for a couple months again like i was doing every year back then and yeah i was just i was out there skating at the same time that they were filming their campaign so perfect yeah that was when i remember signing the contract on rivington street just like a couple a couple days there in new york and i mean that was my first time skating in the shoes so it was really like wait a minute wait a minute you didn't you weren't wait a minute wait a minute wait so this is really helping us this is no but this is the key to the life this is crazy though but they're sending you to these places they're sending people into habitat shoes oh i kind of i think that's respectable to to but no but habitat shoes is done it's not done no no but you're down here it's for you yeah but you're still like you go to me it's like wait a minute okay adidas is flying me out here like hey guys let me get some shoes so i can skate in your guys shoes yeah but they never offered you any shoes like hey let's get you some shoes while you're i don't know i guess i just had enough shoes like that's insane mate they're stealing them out they're trying to see what is vibe i mean i get it but listen to the guy some shoes no promises i guess okay listen just seeing if it works that's what lucas and his friends were talking about the guy with no adidas shoes man but did they know your deal going into it that like your your habitat deal was going away yeah let's see i don't i don't even know yeah i think it just seems odd to me that's all right i think it was kind of like i told i let's make this up okay the whole thing sounds like that i appreciated it but i wanted to do something else and i was going to start looking for other opt up i was going to start looking for other options gotchu and i was definitely going to do something else so now you're but you're still still skating the shoes and i remember adidas like trying out people a lot of people who didn't necessarily make it onto the team right they would be on these trips and i don't think they're always wearing adidas shoes so i think it's kind of just like so they were just kind of yeah yeah i see i see i see that's this is random i won't say the person's name but i heard the story back in the day of someone getting like hey we want this dude to ride for us let's get him out here to skate just flew him out there and he showed up riding that company's board when the guy rode for somebody else what like they were trying to introduce him like hey we want to see what this guy is like let's say this guy wrote for whatever company and they came out it's hard thing to explain without getting using names all right so he wrote for x company yeah wrote for x company and then a company was like we want we want to see what this guy's like they flew him out here to hang out with the a guys but he showed up writing to a guy's company's borah oh yeah he was already getting it and that was a bad taste and that was a bad taste in their mouth that's when they were like okay i don't know about this guy it's kind of weird that he's not repping x company oh when he already stated yeah yeah that's a little weird okay i could see that being strange yeah yeah yeah like he's already kind of come over there yeah we're just see but that's that's a really weird way to put it but i see the way that you went about it or that i might have went about yeah right it's yet to figure somebody will have to fact check all this i'll tell you guys who it is after okay actually involves you guys oh look at that you were the ones who didn't like it that he was skating the other boards i don't know man i always showed up riding uh habitat boards when i was going to chocolate no i'm just kidding um i did skate alien boards for a while though because i loved aliens they had this steep concrete yeah and i i would always get the alien boards and you know put chocolate take the graphic off i love that steep concave yeah oh i loved it so you signed the contract you might must have been over the moon man i was so stoked i mean jesus i mean look at it just look at the teammates that you just got a part of now dennis gonz benny lamb chewie bro nestor oh my god this is when they started to actually add more people onto the team yeah this is like starting that small yeah 2006 or whatever when it when it first started going it was just like gone dennis lim lem nester right yeah benny probably i do remember him too right tim yeah yeah yeah tim o'connor i do remember the explosion of adidas that you're talking about when all of a sudden boom boom boom boom they started stacking yeah rodrigo got on like right after me yeah we skated in madrid wow that was really good wow so you skated you finally skated the shoes at this point and i remember they hurt my feet because they just were like so well designed they had such a such a lot of arch support oh like a real running shoe you know what shoe did you skate at first the first one i put on is a shoe that i still love so much it's the booze nets adv i was gonna say that one's got the crazy it's almost like a soccer shoe it's a little bit like a soccer shoe yeah it's got a higher heel on it right no that's the booze and it's um the pro model and the business pro what about the one with the stitching on the toe um like it looks like a soccer shoe kind of it's got the the one with a raised heel i don't know raised heel is the booze and it's okay okay i thought that's maybe the one you were talking about so anyway it hurts your feet yeah and i kept skating and then i got used to got used to it you know you developed a little you know calluses and stuff yeah and then the first video for adidas officially when i was in it away days no or well it was though because they had those campaign videos that were coming out all the time once every year once every four months or so that's true that's true they introduced me with one of those it was just like four tricks in new york at the end of the at the end of the video oh okay i did some tricks on courthouse a bump to bar in brooklyn i think wait a minute which what did you do which courthouse yeah yeah i mean yeah into the bank i did uh fakie flip in a line and then i did a blunt 270 and back when aided off that was the that was the last three about the same lives the [ __ ] back blunt and then back blunt front 270 back 180 off the thing random i was just i did it i don't know i was having fun but you back when he'd off the freak yeah that's insane yeah i remember just doing that trick and then i came off feeling good and was like i'll just try this in that split second yeah and it worked it worked wow cause you have a lot of time to like look at this drop and know whether or not you're in but that's the thing though you can't cut it before the drop it drops a part of the trick i wouldn't [ __ ] it up if i realized that i was getting greedy like ah like i'll just go back for the ride off you know like the back when it is too hard i would have been down to do it another time but the back 180 worked how many tries did that take you i can't remember okay tall edge though is it yeah yeah well there's different levels to it right there it's hard to go from the lower one the lower ones like behind the ledge yeah that's right you would think a back blunt that would be perfect for that for a lower one i mean so what i mean by though so to skate it from a from the lower option is it's a higher step so you'd have to ollie over into like a front tail kind of thing right i've never it's weird like this lines up differently i guess when you go look at it wait i'm just confused sorry you said you did a fake you did it in a line did you fake you said fakie flip yeah so i like ollied over a corner of one of the pillars that are up there at the top of the stairs okay and then wally when aided over the next one kind of boom boom and then fakie flip damn into the thing into the bank and off yeah i mean fakie flip seems the most scariest trick hell yeah yeah but it's also a good one to uh plant your feet if you're not landing on the board right you i don't know to me just like fakey flip you see it all behind you and you can like grip the board in a weird way to be able to yeah steady yourself on the land it just seems like coming into it back like you know how bastion is just always going to back side flip every pyramid right it's just always going to land it like there's something about coming around backside in fakie when you flipped a kickflip that like it's easy to put down yeah i missed my flick on backside flips all the time so i can't do that but yeah for me a fakie flip like if i [ __ ] up i would be in the wrong position to bail out of that with that drop right there yeah that's right it drops hard yeah it's failing with a drop like you gotta you gotta fall right to the ground yeah second you hit the ground so you don't so you don't fall off yeah because that space is it's right there dude it's right there if you commit in a little bit and then yeah and then think about bailing remember the clip of huff doing the nose manny on the smaller side knows manny into the bank from the stairs the top knows when he comes in but right when he comes in he's like leaning too far forward and he tries to run down and he makes it he's got long enough legs but but now they have other people have flipped i've never been there but it just i can imagine the yeah i mean it's [ __ ] things big massive uh so adidas man wow great great great and listen how many um well you said oh they they did the videos for you the little intro video but that was only like you said four tricks or something right wasn't was away days like the first like video to be in like the major video to be involved with or was there anything there was only there was only one of those there was only one big video you know they weren't doing like actual videos because so in 2006 and seven and eight when it first started going it was like those problem those dvds and youtube videos yeah yeah that were like a precursor to these shorter city edits that were like eight minutes long and i thought they were doing a phenomenal job with all that stuff you know so there was never really like full videos except for that the diagonal video the europe one that's right but that was the european team right along with dennis right right right so there was never an american or international full length until away days and there hasn't been one since yeah yeah sure sure are we working on one what's going on uh i think we're working on something i'm not i'm not sure exactly what's going on let's see mulhern yeah milan had the had reverb come out at the end of 2019 which is an amazing video that was still it was like a full length but it didn't have everybody in there gotcha that's the one that got taken down for a little bit yeah that was such a bummer remember i think it was the music i think it was like that's right something with the music the copyright like actually didn't work or like they thought it weird because we talked about it on the experience show okay and super awesome video i'm not getting taken down though and then it got taken down four days after yeah really yeah i think yeah something about that that's something it was like gustav song was it oh was it just that one song yeah youtube's interesting in that manner like your blo your video could get blocked in like a certain countries and stuff like that yeah because like tom snape had a part in that we were all talking about it okay yeah yeah switch inward heel yeah pesos bumped the bar can yep talk about gustav thomason really quick can we talk about this man yes i skated with him in barcelona years ago before he was gustave to addison you know and he was doing i mean back somebody he was a little gusty he was a little gusto who anton he they looked so similar back then oh really yeah i that's what i my first impression of of seeing gustav's footage was like this dude's really talented but he looks just like anton oh i'm not sure how to say his last name looks like mirror hold mirhold okay uh but this man was doing crazy tricks and then when i you know i was like damn who is this dude and then later on he just explodes what's i mean i've only seen he's got a good man button i i've only you know seen him scared i didn't really know but what's it like skating with that guy in real life it's amazing it's so mean yeah i skated with him the most in probably like 2017. okay into 2018 when we were doing like smaller adidas trips before i started filming for a verso got you that was when i was just doing like a lot of solo stuff so i was going on these trips and like a lot of them went to europe so i would go with gustav to uh i think we went to mallorca together and then barcelona we went to argentina together the best part is skating flat ground with him right when he starts right when he steps on his board he just starts like he skates that thing in a different way like you've never seen anybody skate aboard just like using all the weird pockets like just does a bunch of fakey ollies to start off the day but like makes it look somehow like fakie yeah i've seen other people do that and it's like that's their warm-up but with him it was like he was figuring out his board like he was learning something about it wow super strange and then he does those little switch flips without popping the levitational switch flips that i do all the time now wow but when i first saw it i was like how does that even work like what are you [ __ ] doing i can't imagine you two skating with each other i know i learned a lot from that guy really yeah you guys have really creative minds yeah i was gonna say would you guys like i i've never spoken to him about skateboarding but does he really is he really detailed and kind of like um i don't know not not a nerd but like really uh you know like uh speaking on how to do tricks and this and that and technical like is bored he's really soft-spoken yeah he doesn't speak too much okay okay yeah i just i remember little things talking to him about small stuff that like he would he would just say one word and it would be like he'd spoken volumes like i remember i remember this one for example like god like you said one word everyone understands so backside the spanish spanish grind back when he knows grind back to straight yep he did that a lot okay you call it a spanish grind yeah i think that's what it's called i've never heard that but that's amazing that's a trick that i saw him try and switch backside flip out yeah he was doing that in barcelona years ago he pinched it so he would always pinch it so much that like when before i was before i was totally like convinced that this guy's talent and like his amazing perspective on skating which i am completely now before i was totally convinced i said something to him about like how he kind of made it look like a front nose and how that was a little bit underwhelming because it looks simpler than it is oh okay yeah said something he wasn't on top yeah i said something like i didn't say that i said oh you know i saw the sequence of anthony korea doing that trick back in the day where he like fully gets into a switchback 5.0 and he said to me why and that was it did you just walk away or whatever like i was like what can you say to that right what can you say like you're thinking thoughts like we are like oh you're not really standing up on top of it but he's like so much deeper than that he's like not even thinking about that trick he's thinking about switchbacks and flipping out or like right he does front 270 out too yeah so it's just i don't know like there's so much thought behind it and you don't get that much you don't get that much insight but you know it's all there i love how you tried to like you know divert it through another skater that's amazing i want to know what you what was your like what did you look like when you he said why i know i would love to because you wanted to see him go in the full on top because you think it was i still like i'll do that trick now and i don't know i like it fast i like it to just like brian brown just like how he would do it in like vicious cycle um i just like to see it quick at the end of the ledge and you know if you grind it for a long time i don't know interesting it would be i think if you grind it for a long time i kind of just want to see the full uyghur back when any nose ground and you're fully standing on top oh wow you're going to come back out that way of course you can't do the uyghur but like there's something about if you're on the ledge for a long time i want to see you be like fully on top it's interesting because and it just goes to show you that skateboarding's so individual and we all perceive it differently because i love it when i see a long back so in any nose grind whether it's on top or pinched yeah for sure it's like it just looks so good yeah having them stand up there for sure it's almost more impressive pinched because it i don't know well you see the the uh what's the best word for you so a degeneration of degeneration no no no the generation no the degeneration of vaccinations the generation of which like where that when that person grew up yeah like what what they saw like that's true you know what i mean like the younger kids now are seeing what's like you know jamie foyle you know these guys back when he knows guys they're pinching it yeah right when the old school guys that same with like the front crooks like back in the day you see people do front crooks and they were not they were not pins yeah you know but that's kind of what i was reacting to was like back like think about uyghur doing it over flushing mm-hmm back when your nose got fully stood on top like the if you pinch a background nose grind and grind it across the whole fleshing gap it's going to be easier yes and wieger did it that way and he also ate [ __ ] that way you know it's almost like if you're standing up on it you almost have to like readjust your body now to look forward when you're pinched you're just you can feel backwards the whole time yeah but also the lock is farther from the the deck so that you're not risking yeah slipping out on top which is i think what happened to you right right right interesting do you go through the stuff in your head about tricks and um like on a regular basis like how to properly execute stuff no you just skated i think i think i just like have the have the ideas in my mind like of you know who i've seen do what and how it looks it's just kind of like things i don't even question myself okay and then now that we're talking about it and and we're talking about the pinch versus the non i'm just thinking about how sick it is when you when you actually stand up on it and so weaker comes to mind even though i wasn't thinking about it yeah yeah absolutely it's interesting now i mean listen amazing skateboarder bro thank you kill it dude but definitely i was skating the beach the other day and i'm trying to you know i i'm you know i from board the curb you know it's fun i just like board slides front boards cool it's fun feels good but i'm like sitting there i'm like i gotta do it like costume like front board like look over the shoulder and you know what i mean like i'm i'm thinking about constant yeah you know and like there's other people out there that caught you know even raj was like oh yeah costs and learned it from cons and gonzo you know what i mean like but i'm thinking of costing is there's is there people that you think about when you're trying certain tricks like you want to do it and try to emulate them yeah in a certain sense i'm thinking about costing when i'm back knows wanting rails oh like the medic mariander okay so like your body position and how i just like how he kept his his tail high in the air yeah like he actually you know it's not like an ollie over front nose right because that can happen a lot on a rail so you're thinking you're back noseblind you're just like you thinking costing yeah yeah and miles silvas because i saw that he was doing him like that and i was like dude i don't know how you how it always he's like it's just like a ledge i'm like yeah but you don't have a deck for the thing to stand up on sure sure and so he said it and miles said that to me and like it didn't make sense but i know it's possible because miles just it happens for him yeah so then i just like think constant and try to work on it that's amazing i love it because i mean we all take from other people you know maybe not the certain tricks but the just the style in the body it's like i don't want to front board and just be like this exactly you know like i want to be like that like looking over my shoulder like switch front board it's um you find yourself just like this kind of but i want to be like that on the switch front board yeah you know so i'm thinking in my head costing i gotta [ __ ] boom you know it's interesting i love it i i always like you seem to this day it's hard to see people doing new tricks that no one's done before you seem to do that a lot especially recently with like nollie body burial the fakie five oh yeah the tony hawk tricks yeah i love that you asked them or called them out on that yeah that was awesome but like do you have a trick list for yourself like going like thinking of tricks and writing them down or they kind of naturally come to you yeah i mean there's tricks that i would that i would like to do that i just have in the back of my mind like i've never until recently i'd never done like a switchbacktail backside flip but it was something that you know i can do a lot of similar tricks so i probably would be able to do that and then the other day i like sat down and just learned that trick so there's tricks like that for sure and then and then uh with other stuff like with the tony hawk tricks i just saw that on his instagram and i was like dude that looked so sick i wonder if i could do that on a ledge and you did i love it did you tag tony yeah okay good yeah he like commented on it no because he didn't think the thing was you couldn't tell if it was nollie or regular oh it's right because he just body variables he just kind of jumps off oh got you got you so i did both and asked him like which one was the one he said i could only do it nollie nollie but then i go back and i look at it and it's like dude that's really not nollie so he's like he's literally standing on the bolts he's standing at both edges at both edges both ends i mean yeah and like he lands in a fakie 5-0 so the board kind of has to do a little nollie but like on the one when he comes out reaver right on that one he kind of just jumps and then like pushes his foot wow interesting so you did it i think i think it's regular but he thinks it's nollie it's called the magic dance i love that we got magic the magic dance i love that calling out tony hawk man so you did it both yeah you said that denali was way harder was it yeah regular one i couldn't imagine i mean you're talented but i mean like the tricks that you do i mean stan you know trying like i i went through my whole career trying you know tricks for seven eight hours yeah you know and it's just like i see you you know with the like the verso part and these tricks that you're talking about with tony hawk i'm like god damn it man like i think i i it just blows my mind you know like do you battle with tricks for that long definitely because some people say like oh if i don't get it within a certain amount of tries i know that it's over and maybe i'll come back in the next day and do it like i've heard p rod say that a few times you know but um yeah you have to really really know yourself yeah and you also have to like not be crazy to do that like p rod sounds like a pretty insane human being like i am you know i'm tired now i'm gonna stop trying yeah yeah i'm like i'm gonna [ __ ] do it yeah losing my [ __ ] like your your mental reality is distorted and you're just like it you got close on the first try and here you are four hours later and you're trying to convince yourself that it's gonna happen any try at least it happens to you man because that ver what what is it first try yeah it's always the closest one yeah and you're not even trying the battle is real and then you start trying i i wonder i got to ask uh andrew huberman about that bro oh yeah it's crazy the psychologist yeah the neurosciences oh craig we're gonna get him on the show yeah talk to him about stuff but uh i love yeah it isn't that weird that's the weirdest thing also blacking out yeah so you've been trying a trick for three four hours and that one trick you do black out you're rolling away yeah like what is that what is that you're so focused i love that yeah you're almost so focused you're so like lost and in like what you're doing then you're just like [ __ ] did it but you don't even remember it and it's crazy so crazy because you're just so in it you know pulling your hair out but you're still in it it's insane i don't know what it is yeah do you get that a lot do you do a lot of your tricks i mean it's i think it's hard for your brain to like comprehend this new reality of you riding away after having gotten into this this [ __ ] groundhog's day of that lasted four hours and you're like your brain is trying to learn something new or see something new but it just keeps seeing the same thing and you're trying to tell yourself well do this do this differently or but it's just not really happening and then somehow you're like i don't even know what why i landed that one what changed that one right there that happened to me the other day i was trying a trick for like it wasn't a it wasn't a huge battle it was like 30 minutes okay and uh it's good and i it was just really not working and the photographer dan z just watched me try for 30 minutes and then he told me like dude you're really trying to blah blah blah you should just think about look and i tried to wrap my head around what he was saying but i was kind of like um i don't know if you get the problem here okay and then all of a sudden i'm riding away that truck and it wasn't even long enough for me to really know if i had used what he said but it was just happening but he put something in your mind yeah he changed your mind a little bit or you look i mean yeah what you just thought about something different and then you maybe yeah i was just writing away i was like what did you do that i mean sometimes that all that's all it takes in skates right is that little mind change a little hiccup in his train of thought and then it just kind of brought him back to where he needed to be and then yeah this is a random thing do you think that your patience and skateboard trying tricks has gotten better over learning harder tricks i think it's gotten i mean i know that i'm gonna try a trick for about two hours like if it's something pretty technical or pretty scary um and so i'm not really gonna lose my mind and when i was a kid i think the main thing was that i would get really frustrated when i was a kid and i had never gotten that angry about anything frustrated so just that level of like of anger coming out of me really scared me and like [ __ ] me up a little bit yeah i'm just like what is wrong with me like why am i doing what's going on in my head is this okay and so it felt weird and now it's like i know that this is just what i what i care about most in the world right now and i can see it so clearly but it's not happening passion though that passion just wants it so bad and that's what you're willing to do is [ __ ] scream yeah well because i've seen some people that have gotten so good at skating but their patients have it hasn't gotten anything i know what you mean yeah you know what i mean so like they're trying to trick the harder and harder but they get mad just as fast and you're like dude you gotta learn the patience game but no you tried it three times dude yeah okay trying the hardest trick you've ever tried before like it's going to take something because i think in your mind you know you're progressing as a skateboarder and you know your boy you know you could do something and then all of a sudden it's just not and you melt down yeah you know yeah yeah yeah patience is tough man especially for the tech [ __ ] you know yeah annuals and the you know tony hawk grinds i don't really i don't really spend too long on manuals that's a funny one where manuals i just think like oh my god i'm never gonna make one like i don't really do manuals that much so yeah i've seen you at pier seven the other day [ __ ] doing some manuals which ones are you talking about but you did like a front shove manual oh no would you manny french have manny 180 yeah and for manual from bixman yeah that's tough so it's like i don't know when i was a kid doing manuals like i just couldn't do them so i just kind of gave up and then i progressed as a skater in other ways and now i come back to manuals every now and then and if it's something like i've never done a fakie manny fakie tray oh interesting okay but like i've just never because it's just like dude that's going to take me hours and like wait so you've never really even dove into trying it yeah but then there are these manual tricks that i want to do sometimes and i'm like could i do that and i'm not totally persuaded that that's the one i have to do like i am with ledge tricks like oh i've never seen this i want to do that but so with manuals it's like is this gonna work and then if it works boom i'm just riding away like pretty pretty quickly yes a lot of the manual tricks in verso were like solid solid clips for me that i was hyped on but they only took maybe like 15 minutes okay wow i mean manuals are a different beast they're weird they are weird and that's a different type of patience too it's crazy yeah they're not going back don't mind you i don't i don't mind when tricks take 15 minutes i don't know actually i loved on your on your instagram the other day when you did that line and you did a front either shove it heel flip manual front shove out just randomly going oh yeah yeah that was fun you did this line at the end you did a chevy heel flip it lands perfectly in manual on accident on accident yeah on flat yeah oh that was a shove out and i was like that only a really smart skateboarder could do that i mean especially yeah like it's like i'm just kind of trying to do it from line to line it was like i landed yeah i landed perfectly in the front shop so i was manuallying in a perfect front shop i was like trying to go yeah yeah it was pretty [ __ ] amazing yeah manuals are tough man manuals are tough but you know and i understand that because you almost know going into a manual that it can be a battle you know so you're already in that frame of mind where you're like and you want to try the hard [ __ ] right you're not just trying to do a nose willy-nilly heel you want to do some [ __ ] yeah like you're already going into it with this like almost like anger of like i know this is going to take a long time right yeah you know and for me i think man i think so much has been done with manuals that and i'm not really that much into that kind of skating like that's not my side of skating so i just don't have the like i'm sure for you is different like you clearly saw that you wanted to do a switch front three shove out of a manny like that had never been done yeah but for me i'm like i don't even remember half the man he's been down here you've never really stood out you never it's not attracted to you in that sense well it was but it was just like like all the pier seven footage i've seen in my life right like dude what i think manual tray flip knows man like yeah i think manuals are different though right i mean it depends on the spot though we're still talking about the spot it's like that's been done here that's been done there you know it's like you can i'm thinking about it in a more general sense where it's like with tech ledge tricks there's still some tricks that i would love to see yeah because i'm more of a ledge skater it's like it's just i that is a bigger part of my view of skating like i know i've never seen anyone do this is a random one but like backsmith front shove back 50. oh wow that's a random one but yeah random like i feel like you could that could look really bad but it could also look cool like any trick can look good yeah anything can look good it all depends on who's doing it when it comes to sure you do manuals but depending on the spot the way you use the spot you could you could do a more basic manual and that's when you do manuals usually yes but yeah i don't normally skate like just a manipulation yeah so that i think that's a big big part of it but like yeah what i'm saying is for me i i know the the gaps in ledge skating because that's like what i think about and what i dream about so but i just never like dreamt about it you don't know the gap in the manual it's like oh has this been done i don't know i'm more focused on the legends you're not paying attention to manual tricks as much as right attention to the ledge tricks what is there any male trick that you've done that you've been really stoked on yeah the ones which are you talking about uh like what video part going back to what you were just saying where it's like oh you you could skate the spot interestingly with a manual or like just a general like the general general one yeah um [ __ ] that's it's harder for me to think that way like i don't know big spin fakie manny was the hard one yeah that's a good one yeah yeah i mean you did it on a certain spot though i'm assuming probably right or is it just a manual i did it to fakie french shove out on pier seven recently oh sick yeah rob welsh oh shout out dude were you wearing baggy sweatpants no man i do the thing that's fun cool about you it's like where there's a lot of great things about you but like just talking about skating certain types of skating with you is always super fun for me with this when i see you just like not a lot of people talk the way you do about skating like even with this discussion we're having about the generalization of manual tricks compared to like manuals at spots yeah you know yeah yeah yeah i don't know yeah not a lot of people talk about that no it's true it's true but yeah like my brain just like kind of i can't think about the tricks that have been done on like straight manual pads right yeah whereas legends it works i think i talked to you the other day i was like a ledge trick i i'd like to see you do oh you told me the other day yeah yeah yeah yeah well like i don't know like okay you're going nollie at a ledge but it's front side for you you do nollie backside 270 to switch blunt yeah on a ledge yeah and i was like i think you could do that oh like i don't know but you were like i don't know wait say that again say it again nollie writing what like so the ledge is in front of you you're running nollie like yeah and you're goo let's say you're goofy okay i'm goofy yeah nollie backside 270. backside two seven yeah like right right right right right it's like the wedding how he does nollie back 180 switch 508 yes but you can turn a little bit more before oh yeah i've never seen i'm like i feel like maybe i could do that at the beginning of a of a small block on the whole block oh okay maybe yeah end to end yeah or yeah yeah because i've done the the winning a bunch right right right right it's a good one yeah well you know what i was like great to talk about since uh mark's actually here the verso part oh no no way we're trying to okay we are gonna get into that i mean before we get into the verso thing which you know i want to talk about and justin eldridge on our experience show got a lot of heat for it yeah we'll talk about that in a little bit but she was here i i wish it was here too you know i wish she was here too yeah um and we'll touch on that a little bit but i i i just think it's interesting who was your like like favorite skaters growing up so to this day probably buziness is my favorite skater who's knits yeah okay just i feel like uh having a favorite skater is just like a solid thing to do for yourself absolutely little tool you have in your pack sure no just to get you motivated to skate that day you're thinking costing on the front boards like yeah man you're not really skating by yourself almost yep yeah yeah yeah so that's kind of my go-to okay no questions asked this business it's always thinking about him is always gonna make me skate harder whether i'm skating a ledge something gnarly okay like well because he puts a lot of effort into it and he thinks creatively too he does yeah you gotta have somebody there to motivate you and make you feel like you could be a better skater right you know i get you so that's that's what business does for me but over the years like i don't know it's been so many different people and like lots of different kinds of skaters like i would go through like maybe month long periods where i would only watch one video part you know so those skaters have been like like tosh towning when i was really young said on scene was my first video okay sick um pj ladd was a huge one yes mike moe okay bobby puglio wow wow which part which parts are you talking about ronson lambert yeah transworld part yeah oh yeah okay same one you're in right now time to shine uh yeah yeah you probably watched my part over and over again was probably one of those months i did yeah no come on you start off with a fake nose grind shove you in with a fake nose very conceptual part you know i was thinking back then i was thinking i was thinking you know and people have you know they've tried to duplicate that you know in different video parts but have they done it we don't know we don't i have an idea but we'll talk about it um no i appreciate that i it was a you know it was a debacle for me for that video really yeah i starting that video was cool and then i got an achilles tendon injury and had to go through like a year of physical therapy and you know you only get so much time to film those videos like about a year or you know even less than that and it was just this really debilitating injury so that's why it was like not that many flip tricks because i physically couldn't flip my board yeah it was really i had to like revert to like shove it and i just kind of did whatever i could do you know just to get that part out of the way because they wanted to get me in the next one and i'm like dude i can't do another year of this let me just i'm just going to put out whatever i put out you know and it's cool i'm i'm cool with that cirrella part that's what i call it i call it this is my mellow part i know it had a really good vibe yeah it had a good size a lot of european spots i loved i mean people man we had great trips on there danny brady was on some trips uh it was great man dylan reader yeah you know it was amazing hanging out with that guy and uh it was really fun it was really fun to do but yeah it was a it kind of you know it wasn't the best experience for me on my part you know everybody involved is [ __ ] phenomenal john holland oh my god um um kelly i'm telling my story enough about we've heard about telling my story we've heard it every single episode every year i don't bring this up every episode bring up more just see my slappy clip by the way i'm just kidding but i wanted to ask though uh like a bobby polio part well it's like wha what's your favorite bobby pooley static 2 was the one i watched and i was like 14. i think i got uh that video on dvd when i was at phoenix am maybe probably 15. yeah i mean it's awesome part love it yeah i love here i'm sorry to cut you off again dude my bad uh i i was just i like hearing you're like oh for a month i was watching these certain parts but i'm like always and when you're saying these names i'm thinking about what which parts yeah are you and it's kind of all over the board you know it's not like one style of skateboarding it's kind of across the board it's just rad definitely yeah yeah for some people it was it was like just that part like for julio's just that part i didn't have any other videos that he was in and this was before youtube and uh for other people like mike mo i watched like every clip i could find because that was like 2009 maybe yeah or something yeah it was like up to fully flared yeah what year is that [Music] yeah it 2009 better i thought it was way earlier i know oh wait wait four nights yeah right it's 2003. sick no 2007 i think it's seven but it could be eight it's seven or eight yeah no you're on i think it's like 2007. fact checker yeah we gotta fight check this real quick yeah but we can continue on okay you let us know when you when we have the date you know yeah mike moe yeah thank you roger appreciate it yeah like so up to 2007 so i'm like 15. up until then i'm like i just can't wait for this video part to come out mike mo's and fully flavored yeah and i'm watching like everything i can find talented [ __ ] yeah so you you were already a fan of mikema before fully flared came out yeah that's rare because mike mo really made his debut in that forecast was amazing yeah i mean but not really you know have that whole intro memorized dude but forecast wasn't you know it wasn't a fully flared right it was it was a big video but it wasn't you know i mean yeah i guess it was it feels like a local video sure sure when kids were coming up i was like i never seen that video and like i could imagine a kid like your age are already seeing it being like oh dude this is a [ __ ] this this is a good video yeah in forecast because like you can you buy your vmware dude yeah i think it was a forecast too but like for an older skater looking at forecasts they're probably like oh that's just a random video does that make sense yeah like like know what like the older guys were looking at like the videos whatever but the younger kids they were singing like this is a [ __ ] video yeah mike most part was really similar to a lot of the trans world videos at the time like in blue it could have been apart from in bloom there you go where like kareem is introducing mikey taylor coston is introducing p-rod and now here's p-rod introducing mikema right yeah and then it really like he says these things about mike moe and they're like all incredible things and then he lives up to it and he does things you've never seen god mike knows a man just talked to him today nice that's a great guy definitely he's wristing that video broke his wrist oh dude podcast footage is in the video isn't it i think i think it's like the first thing in the video oh it's yeah it's hard anyways what about nowadays who do you i mean is there like young kids that you are like damn that kid's dope or is there a any skaters that you still or still look up to or are a fan of now yeah tons of people i love uh the booze nets as i said gilbert crockett um a lot of a lot of people i skate with like john perez okay oh good yeah confident yeah yeah yeah and yeah like gustav herman stenna okay herman's dinner dude his part it just came as amazing oh yeah yeah the real the real part okay back tail backside flip through down heavy wow a lot of that footage is really old too it took a long time for it to come out so i think i saw that part when i went to oslo in uh 2018. okay what yeah you saw the whole part it wasn't done but like yeah it was like probably seventy percent of the footage wow wow he's from out there isn't he's from yeah he's from near oslo yeah okay okay what about i heard you talking about a younger kid from in in new york that you really psyched on you're like oh he's like my son oh jiro yeah yeah jiro platt yeah he kills it really hard okay he's 15 now do you give advice to any of the kids or try to guide him in this in a little way or something cause sometimes it's nice though i probably do i mean like i'm really good friends with jiro okay he gets habitat flow oh sick yeah so i like i see him around all he his he lives like i don't know maybe half a mile from me oh perfect so i'll bump into him and his dad his mom having dinner you know yeah i'm sure i've given him advice but like that wasn't my first thought when i first saw this kid yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no but as you get to right as you get to know these kids and you start looking out for them and like their best interests and stuff like you don't want them just you know start you know like cooking it or you know whatever yeah you know what i mean like for sure but at the same time i think back to like me when i was i think back on how it was for me when i was that age and i asked myself like could i have actually learned if somebody had told me mm-hmm and a lot of times it doesn't feel like probably not but sometimes you you gotta just i don't know it's like on the one hand they might not learn on the other hand you might be a good influence but also some stuff that you're talking about they may not be taking it in right now but it's being implanted in their brain yeah some degree for sure i definitely try not to overdo it try to like let him do it be a person yeah for sure which is important you know for sure okay let's get into this bro oh [ __ ] let's get into this man verso should we call up justin put him on speaker i'll call him right i'll call his ass right now bro no but so for people that don't know we have another show nightclub experience it's kind of a round table we review video parts of course mark suchu's video part comes out verso we're reviewing it at the end eldridge is like you know what i didn't like his last trick 50 50. and i'm gonna end this last trick with the 50 50. the blowback he got was just incredible right because i don't even think i realized it at the time i mean a lot of people did but the way that you laid this video out was like the first trick and the last trick please explain to the people how conceptualize this video part yeah uh i just what i thought was funny was like so i i made it in a certain way with like a a pattern that was hard that was hard to see when you watch it just once yes but when you see the last trick it's so not what you expect that it like that's that's kind of why i made it that way so you watch and you're like what the [ __ ] why was that there like and that's what gets you thinking to make you look at it otherwise you wouldn't look at it deeply and i don't think we looked at it that because we we review videos here but we'll we'll you know i don't know if sometimes we have that much time to watch it multiple times we watch it once and you're watching a lot of stuff we watch a lot of stuff so yeah eldridge commented but the what was so great about it was like that was exactly what i was looking for okay like i needed that right but he was just like he was like i needed that needed to be part of the process of watching you needed to be like what the [ __ ] like why was it like that and then maybe like put more thought or like somebody else says something i don't know you don't have to do any of this like you could just [ __ ] a lot of people a lot of people don't watch video parts like that yeah oh this part so the fact that justin was just like completely embodied that one part of the response to me was like amazing oh you said you liked it you liked it you liked it for sure because he got a lot of dms and of course we got stuff in the comments of the youtube video yeah dude this dude he started off with this and he ended with this did you got to think about this called versa like i loved uh i loved chris cole's response too now justin what you meant was what you could say is you like the whole thing positive criticism might be that he would he could end on a stronger trick yeah but i thought it was like you could have just get into perspective yeah i was like justin did you see the trick he did before that it was a trick it's never been done before ever right like you forgot that part dude yeah but that makes you guys go back and watch like he had so many better tricks like district district district why did he end with that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so you doing that okay i guess my question is did you know that that trick was going to be your last trick and you wanted to get that 50 50 after that or did it work out that way were you like wow i can actually end it with this no yeah so that was the whole thing it was like i uh i started i had been doing i wasn't working on a project i was just doing like demos for adidas it was like 2017 and at some of those skate parks i had done some tricks that i was really stoked on and uh they were just at skateparks and i would write them down in my phone so i wouldn't forget like film this you know and then after after like four of those tricks i started realizing that they're kind of like pretzel flip-in tricks and i'm like oh like you know bored on a plane stuck in the window seat just my mind is going yeah trying to read a book or something but just thinking about like oh what if like what if like how would those go well together like what other tricks could i do and then on that flight i just had this [ __ ] thing that looks a lot like the video part the last section of the video part there's like seven lines two tricks in each one and then they all kind of correspond in their own way and the first trick's the last trick and then right right the second and the 13th are are like kind of inverted that's insane yes it was just like kind of a little puzzle piece that i was putting together like doing a little rubik's cube just because i was bored as [ __ ] on this flight you know and i was yeah i don't know why i why i thought of uh doing an easy trick second but i just it sounded like a funny thing to do and it hadn't been done so i was like all right [ __ ] it so i needed to do that 50 50. i needed to find a spot okay so that would stress it out if you didn't land that's what everybody said yeah that would be the worst but that's what i'm saying like it was first hey but you know what the the lat like in the video part when i take that push the very last frame you can't use any other frame like if you go one frame further i've fallen off my board because i pushed into this huge crack i was trying so hard to keep the board with me but i pushed into this crack that was at an angle and it took my board for me and i couldn't do anything so they had to cut it right before that yeah oh my god it's almost like the you you know doing this you know conceptualizing this it it almost like made it put more pressure on way more i tried that trick for like two years wow that line like you so to answer my question you knew that that was going to be your last clip it had to be yeah and then i thought i couldn't do it like i thought my body would just not do that [ __ ] and you put your that way before the you did the nollie back one eight where was the last what's the trick a nollie back heel to switch front side 5.0 okay back 780 outside it's like a nollie heel back nose but you turn a little bit right and then the 50 50 after yeah right so you were two years yeah and i would say that i was try i was trying it the most that last summer i probably tried it like like 15 times last summer and some of the like the worst day was like six hours long of trying it straight and you tried just that's why just there no at first i started trying uh i tried three times at this the plaza congressos okay in madrid because that has a is a good spot for back side then front side since the ledges are in different places but that one was downhill and had a crack in the ledge i was dude i ate a lot of [ __ ] i bet i thought i broke my wrist i [ __ ] up my foot really bad i'm sorry you put two years of trying that trick and then you finally landed and then you're like i have to do this 50 50 on the ledge that yeah i blacked out and i was i'm doing something that i've always done 50 a curve you know like i know i i just i couldn't think it was just like happening it's just like the most basic trick right but it's like almost like oh my god here i go there's no thought it was oh my god did that just [ __ ] happen am i alive because i tried for six hours right one of those days and i [ __ ] up my back and i couldn't skate for two weeks wait a minute what point what point in time was this was this i mean this was during the filming of it or like after like it was like right before the premiere oh wow the premiere was in july i think so if you didn't even get that trick in that line the whole video wouldn't make sense i mean something any sense yeah we were gonna we were just pressure bro yeah we were just gonna take out the entire pat last part that last section oh really and then it was going to have this name verso and it like would have just been a cool name and whatever it would have meant anything if i ever did that trick i would have released as a single thing a couple years down the road whenever i landed it wow just like a short so you had plans if you didn't land it yeah because we we had these two premieres like i tried as hard as i could for six hours straight one one time oh my god right before one of those premieres and it and uh i didn't do it and i [ __ ] up my back couldn't skate for a while and it was july and then i made it in september and the release date was october so it was like the very last day i could do it but uh did you [ __ ] up your back while falling on or because you twisted it so much i think because i was twisting it but just like skating so much that like six hours straight yeah straining my back but the day that i made it was five tries shut the you do it i was [ __ ] doing it that day did you skate anywhere before that no you just went straight to there yeah i just warmed up did maybe did a nollie backside 180 fakie nose ground revert just the thing without the heel flip and then i just went for it but i had like the amount of preparation and like the feeling of certainty that i was gonna do this is like i can't i've never felt that it was just like the stars aligning but i i saw everything like i knew i don't know there were there were a lot of steps there were a lot of just fortuitous circumstances that happened to me where i realized that the universe was fun and i knew that i was going to do it in the morning you ate your wheaties that morning that's insane though because like you said you never had that feeling or had that feeling ever since yeah like that's crazy but i mean i've never been put in a position like that but this is true this is true it's fi uh like fight or flight situation almost yeah i i mean you got to do it a position that you put yourself into yeah that's what it is of course but yeah it's real i mean it's the only time i've experienced something like that and it was a lot for me so i don't know if fight or flight because i've felt fight or flight a lot okay okay okay gotcha i think fight or flight is the reason why you can't remember tricks when you do them because you're like in this really intense like you're scared like you're grinding a big ass rail like can you really remember it no because you're like fighting with this thing and memory is not what you're supposed to be doing at that point true true true like you're supposed to be like in the moment and i i think it's something totally different this was just like me me coming to terms with the [ __ ] stakes of my life like this is going to work right now but you had but you almost had like a premonition the night before right you said i'm gonna this is tomorrow's a day in five tries yeah several things yeah for video parts i mean what was it three songs three song part or was it was it more yeah i think it's four songs four songs let's go you beat mj's right yeah you beat mj's record what why most skaters if they have that much footage i feel like oh i'm gonna i'm gonna put this over time let's have this out i have three i basically four songs basically four video parts well there were transitional songs too okay it's like two songs with a transitional song and then the last conceptual little section right right right you really wanted all this footage together like you didn't know the thing it was it was a whole so it was like i felt like i i liked in the video parts i put out before i liked cross-continental and that was its thing and and uh i liked i liked the one when i turned pro um what's it called search the horizon yeah but i felt like it was just too long and it had too many oh too many of the same tricks or something it just like wasn't it wasn't um we didn't edit it well enough okay so that was the thing it was like all right that was a solid part but i want to just do that same kind of thing like a big part that was a three song part like do something like that but just edit it better and like have more like perfection to you know if you can if you can muster it sure so we started off there okay i thought that part was 11 minutes long so i was like we'll aim for that ballpark or like get 11 minutes and then cut it down but that part was only like six minutes long so and i never like went back and watched it okay so we had 11 minutes and uh we cut it down and then we just had a lot more time to film and then it just like maybe we had 10 minutes and it started growing a little bit when we went to edit it like oh we need a little bit more footage here or there right and so then it's however long it is 11 and a half or something did you which is cry i've never had my own but listen um now the process of that because did you have multiple filmers or one filmer or was it it was go ahead mainly justin albert from the beginning to the end okay and then everything in new york was with match flyer got you so now you're telling these guys your concept right because they kind of got to be led into the world of what you want to do just indefinitely because he edited it okay so justin and did you have a lot of editing uh were you in the editing bay also trying to figure out where to put stuff he did he did like all the work and then there were just some things here and there that i that i had in mind you know like oh i feel like that doesn't need to be slow mode that's not hard enough you know okay and then the whole the the end of it the last section justin just wasn't on board what do you mean the whole verso section he just like thought i mean i told him this crazy weird idea for a of an ender to a video part where it ends on a 50 and he basically just nudged me yeah he's like straight up huh i know yeah he's he just got nervous he's like dude i really like this video part this is i've never put this much work into something and you're gonna do something that you're not sure that people are gonna [ __ ] get like why are we doing this yeah i tried to explain it to him and uh i think i just wasn't good at explaining the whole thing like now people have made websites where you can see it clearly and like yeah but when when did you decide you wanted during the part when did you decide you wanted to do the verso thing before it started or like when you had a bunch of footage before it started i think okay well because you said you're on the yeah on the planet 2017 yeah so i didn't know if you already had some footage lined up and you were like cool i'm thinking about this part i want to do this new thing and then you thought about that like while you already had this footage going already it was like i wanted to do a nice big part after i hadn't had any real footage come out okay i hadn't had a solid part since 2015 2016 with the weight days yep and so i'm getting out of school i want to have like something real good that i could just be stoked on and like all right i did that now i can go do other stuff gotcha and so i wanted to just put out something similar to search the horizon but more more um selective and then i had that idea at the same time and then kind of took a while probably to try to figure out how they would fit together right right well how long did that period was that period of time filming for that video it was from the first clip was like i think new year's day 2017 and uh the last one was was the last line which was like september 2019. wow wow that's amazing but i was still in school when i got that that clip at the beginning of 2017 and we didn't know what we were filming for yet it was just like another clip right right right right right yeah well congratulations on that bro when you released it right did you get the impression that nobody got it or were you getting people like hey i got that i know what you were doing there i see that like how was the reaction i felt like i felt like it was an awesome reaction so i i knew going into it like this is weird as [ __ ] like maybe this is a stupid idea like does does do skaters need to see this like do i need to put this together in this way well you can't explain anything either unless you post an instagram oh yeah i'm not i was not gonna explain it that's why i didn't want to do a nine clip like right after it came out because i didn't want to be like oh this is what yeah yeah yeah let me explain myself let that marinate for a living even now like i'm stoked that people will just watch it and like not really pay attention to it and still send me a dm saying like they love the videos right like i love that it doesn't have to be seen the way i made it either or right the last part is just a lot of like confusing tech [ __ ] that just like flits by really quick and for some people they don't they don't care about the 50 being the ender like it's still a lot of stuff right whoa that was so much [ __ ] right yeah and whatever they like the music or something like that it's just like the overall vibe i love that it could be watched that way but when it before i put out the part i thought maybe this is stupid because i know that such a small amount of such a small percentage of people are going to really see what i'm see what i'm putting down like i don't know if i would have seen it right yeah like i'm i'm behind the scenes i know the whole thing yeah but like would i get it i don't know but i was thinking like all right maybe like one percent of the people who watched it are gonna get it what i didn't realize was that once those once that one percent got it then they would like it was a riddle to be solved and then boom it's out and then everybody knows that there was a riddle there was an answer and then it's yeah it's out there and people talk about i mean there are obviously some people who don't who are not in like the skate world to that extent and we'll just watch this one video on youtube but for the skate world i felt like that was a cool response i was like oh [ __ ] i guess not everybody did need to get it i'd be nervous or something i was very nervous you were nervous when you first released it like oh god here we go like what if because you don't know what you're going to receive right yeah but i mean obviously amazing skateboarding but yeah at the same time i was like this is this is my best part like i'm putting all my best skating in here like i'm really proud of it and i know people are going to like it for some sure reason absolutely but just based off the standard of not it not ending how a typical video would end um i think that's actually pretty clever it is i think it is too oh my god yeah cause i do think the last clip when you did that last trick people were like holy [ __ ] it really got it like it kept climbing like yeah better better and better but and then at the end you see the 50 like what the [ __ ] yeah like still that was awesome it didn't matter i got a trip on the [ __ ] that i just did yeah yeah yeah yeah mark came out over two years ago we're still talking about it yeah 100 100 yeah and like i don't think anyone looks at that last trick and disregards everything that happened before justin i think i look at it as a roller coaster ending and then you're just like coming down oh yeah and you're like slowly stopping sh yeah yeah yeah that's what happens yeah it's true this is true it's true and it's hard to end obviously in the 50 50 but even ending on a ledge trick is doesn't happen too much these days yeah which was really radical yeah so you would say that's your best video part the one that you're most proud of yeah yeah i mean like if i were gonna recreate any of my video parts like that's the one i would definitely not want to do like sure yeah but you're proud of it because there's a lot of video parts that you know people come out with and they're like ah it's all right yeah like i don't i'm not proud of my away days part no yeah not at all interesting like like you were talking with the time to shine yeah it's like not a good time for me wow yeah interesting at least you're like your last video part is something that you can hang your head on you're like yeah yeah yeah i'm stoked that's just right yeah do you do the next project because that's it that's in it right now there you go yeah song wise too going to it's all the songs you wanted yet that prepared too yeah i mean justin justin suggested it a lot like we were going back and forth it took a long time to figure stuff out like what would work yeah cause imagine you know i've only had video parts for you just use one song and that's that's enough oh yeah so picking four songs definitely jesus christ i mean we'd work together justin and i on uh this is justin albert again not justin eldridge [Laughter] me and justin eldridge just choosing songs justin does love music he does it for sure no doubt no dog but uh yeah justin and i worked on away days and we worked on little local videos before that so like we you know and we're we're really good friends right hang out at his house all the time sleep over listening to music perfect yeah it's always nice to tr entrust with somebody you know what i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah man well congrats on that video man it was amazing dude and like i said we didn't get it at first because we watched it once and eldridge yeah he got some slack for it man he got some slag people were kind of beating him up a little bit but uh sorry to hear this before i was here so i didn't it was funny though oh it was funny and it was really actually awesome that chris cole was here for that episode that was true that was what you what you might say you liked everything but you were wondering about the last trick he's someone too like it's really fun to talk skating with him too yeah oh he's great with it for sure yeah i love it skate tricks we were talking about skate tricks earlier about you know stuff that you can do and you know people uh tell you to do and stuff like that i mean listen we got the sutu grind how did that even come to your attention that's this grind now was being called the sutu grind i've read it in thrasher that was it yeah you saw it and you're like what yeah who who was doing the trick was it you no it was don vandalin oh yeah and hollywood high 12. hollywood high 12 and they called it the sutu grind yeah were you were you like what i was hyped as [ __ ] i mean listen [Music] right right yeah okay thanks for answering that wait wait wait wait wait when did when is the first time you did that trick so the first time i did it was uh on the map masquerade but i went to fakie it was just like a bump to flat bar at a skate park oh so 2012 with jake johnson on the mat masquerade okay jimmy lennon was there like dude we're in gainesville florida where he's from oh people are listening right now what is the suture grind it's a backside 180 fakie nose grind reaver so at all you back 180 fakie knows around yeah yeah yeah so the first one you did was just the fakie yeah so you just so that was like a trick that i wanted to learn and i did it on that and it was just a bump to barter skate park and i thought like oh it'd be super sick to to come back to straight right and um i don't know like i think it was 20 yeah it was probably pretty soon after that i think i might have been wearing habitat shoes oh well could have been that fall or something guru khalsa around that time told me like if you if you ever have a trick in mind like don't wait don't be like oh i'm gonna do it later in my career oh don't do that because one day you're just gonna wake up and you're not really gonna care and you don't know when that day is gonna come interesting yeah i love that dude he's seriously the raddest dude i haven't seen that for so long yeah man well he was on dbs right yeah wow sick dude i've never met him but [ __ ] rad that resonated with you well i just believed him i don't know he was like he was he's a guru yeah that's right no so yeah he was just i was that was when i was getting on habitat i think i was probably on by that time and i was meeting him for the first time spending a week with him in houston texas and uh we were just getting into it every night and i was it was with him and brennan conroy and rodent yeah and these dudes were like all three of those guys are insane characters yeah especially is great and rhoden i was like dude dude knew everything i was like what are you like an encyclopedia yeah being 18 hanging out with him i was like holy [ __ ] and uh very intense yeah we were hanging out we're hanging out all night and skating these spots until super late and i'm like you know just with them all the time and guru says some deep [ __ ] to me and that stuck with me wow okay and uh it happened to me you know i got burned out on skating and i was like not really right sure yeah this was before yeah yeah i was like 18 when i was hanging out with guru and wrote in i mean i skated the road in forever i still skate going back to what we were talking about in the beginning of the episode you stopped skating going to uh college and everything how did your sponsors kind of feel did you have to tell everybody like hey this is what i plan on doing like right now blah blah blah let me get back to that in one second please great question please um but with with that yes the with guru saying that to me about tricks in general i did the backside 180 fakie nose grind in gainesville on a bump to bar at a skate park and then uh i think what guru said to me just stuck in my mind and i was like all right i gotta [ __ ] do this soon so i found the smallest rail i could that rail near philly that uh popolardo and winning skated yep little right by king of russia yeah king of prussia and uh that it's like knee-high but still very stackable okay okay jeremy rogers skated it naked yes ah yes yes yes yes yes yeah and uh i tried it one night on that and i think i think i got it the first night but it took me hours and hours and then i did it and wrote it shot the photos the cover of the skateboard mag for my year's best sam feature okay and uh he was like dude you [ __ ] did it you did it that's your trick now you're the first one to do it on a handrail like you gotta name that [ __ ] and i was so tired just like so excited and exhausted and i'm like you know rodent is just [ __ ] on one and i'm like dude whatever like i did this trick i'm so excited you gotta name it and i'm putting the generator in the trunk and my uh my honda that i was driving at the time a honda accord said the name of the dealership where i got it and said sunnyvale hopkins okay and so i said it's the hopkins you're like rodent enough dude it's uh hopkins yeah i like this place so that's what it ran as in the skateboard back ah they called it the hopkins yeah okay hopkins that's what i call it that's what you call it because it is a lot of words to say back alley back 780 fakie knows your underwear it is yeah yeah for sure for sure but i've never even heard anybody call it the hopkins grind he was the only one to call it that it didn't stick i like such a great random name i mean it would have been how i would i'd be able to suit your grind that would have been very odd that would have been a little egotistic i almost feel like rodent would have said that not you yeah they all suit you grind man yeah i don't know eric costan named the crooker guy after himself right the key ground someone else had to have done some yeah yeah very rare that you name it i always thought it was a turkey grind anyway oh yeah i never heard of that yeah i did you did oh you really i did yeah didn't you end up doing it on the ledge at at love as well too did you even i did it in ollie nolly that's what it was yeah in the sabotage three video well listen you have a trick trick named after you dude not that many people have that it's crazy yeah no for real don't think it's dude actually it's good but it sucks because you don't hear it that much because it's so hard it is at least i got doing it twist yes you have a smith grind you know what i mean like all these yeah barley grinds yeah yeah such a grind wow yeah amazing dude amazing congrats on that man got a trick named after you oh yeah what so saudi what's going on this year sure i don't even i have like one video park that's all you need bro you're gonna put it out late november you're good you never know you never know do you ever try to uh make a push you don't seem like that kind of guy i did i tried that year 2019. did you okay because it was kind of like they were they were talking about it i knew about it you know you were like the list we wanna we want you to come on trips this year they're gathering up yeah and so i was like at first i was like dude what nah like i can't but then i'm like wait hold on what if i was like what if we just start backwards and all of a sudden i am like how do i justify that to myself like how can i prove to myself that i earned it i like that you start you reverse engineer it yeah it was kind of like that though so it made that whole year really fun for me because i was like trying to trying to skate as hard as trying to live up to that and that's like how it feels kind of still when i have like a a good role model of a skater in my head where i'm like yeah skate like that so i just like made this thing right like every spot i'm like trying to skate it as hard as possible so that whole year was like really motivated and and it was super rough it's not like you put pressure on yourself but it made it fun no it was it was a lot of pressure still for sure okay because the video part was coming out and i was tripping on whether i would finish it in time okay a lot of variables yeah wow and then like there was other stuff going on too with uh i had done well in street league and then all of a sudden i was like in high i was like second for the olympics in the us but uh i was going there were these thrasher trips there was one thrasher trip at the same time as a contest as the contest gotcha wow so i had to make a decision like which one do i want to go for you gave up your olympic dreams man yeah well you didn't give up the dream you gave up your your your spot right there that's the dream but he could he tried to get back there but i did you come you came from a really hard spot to come out basically yeah which i thought was rad you were going to these contests yeah des moines and rome who won the 2019 skater of the year melton milton oh my god whatever well because that was the funny part right it was like those were it was it was you and milton going for it was like that was who everyone was looking at was you too when you guys are such different types of skateboarders yeah and i was like i really wonder how this is going to turn out right and then you had that part drop and then also the milton's coming out what did it what did that feel like being in the runnings and seeing another person's part come out be like oh [ __ ] that dude's definitely got it yeah it was it was wild i mean like that part was [ __ ] nuts yes it was it was nuts yes but your part was nuts as well yeah for sure yeah but it was kind of like you can tell kind of if that had thrasher written all over it it was on a shirt tough comparison like in there no yeah it was completely fine it felt cool to be a part of that yeah like to have these two totally different sides of skating because i didn't at the end of the day i didn't feel like you know that it was like once better than the other really yeah just because it's so different like what he's doing like yeah i could never do any of those things right so i it was if it was someone who was doing similar stuff but just like more or harder or more stylish or something then it might be a little different yeah it's like at the end of the day what am i gonna do like i don't i'm not gonna like change myself to skate yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah listen man i i you you're skater of the year in my book thanks my doctor yeah dude i'm gonna i'm gonna vote for you this year the name will be did you not vote for him that year did you not vote from that i never vote i just whoever wins wins dude okay i'm not really i would hate that i would hate that job i would hate to kick skater of the year i think that's the most burdenous thing if that's even a word like i just couldn't do that yeah i couldn't choose who that is yeah because people do so many different things it was like remember the louis lopez one uh just a year or two ago it was like louis lopez jamie i can't change i can't choose that yeah it's that i can't do it let me ask a question too when that year when i went down we found out milton won was there a conversation afterward that they reached out to like hey you know that you were really close but no i thought that was funny too really yeah there was no conversation yeah cause it was like we were talking a lot back and forth about like you know i put out verso and they were super supportive and really excited for me and uh and then i had other video parts come out after that that we were with that we had to schedule so we were talking a ton and then okay and then like i learned at the same time as everybody else on instagram you know and then i didn't talk to him for a couple months it just went silent yeah oh which was fine i did i didn't have that courtesy call or something follow-up conversation a little email or something just giving me space they you know they thought maybe i'm bummed or like it would be awkward if we talked like i said it's a hard thing to do to pick that you know man i couldn't do it i couldn't do it let the public decide you know but then they do a great job dude i mean to be honest they do phenomenal jobs i just can't i can't i couldn't do it but they don't let the public decide though do they they do politics rodney mullen every year i know that's what i'm saying if they did they they do polls but i don't think the polls matter i think they do i think i heard there was a there was definitely a year where it was like they wanted somebody to win and then the polls were like so much in someone else's favor that they're like that's a good way to do it too yeah like you have these people in mind and then the polls kind of put that over the edge a little bit yeah i've been trying dude i've tried to make a couple runs for it man dude i'd run in the wrong way dude i know but dude you got to get on the the when the people that are listed on there we're the con contenders i've never even been a contender i know i'm trying to make listen i start too late you know in the year you forget that you know you're hungover you're like ah well last year i kept saying late november right because i wanted to get right on the radar right before they chose you know but then i didn't put a clip out put a clip where did that slappy clip come out that's what i was hoping i was banking on this yeah you didn't put it out at the right time no that wasn't early january i should have waited because i i think about that too i'm like man like these skaters you know some people i mean what did mason silva do he put out like four or five parts in one year you know and it's like cool man like but if you start at a certain time in the year like are those parts forgotten about by the time you get to not at all it depends on the quality that's what i but that's what i think about though that's what i think about it well he puts out the ones that are not as amazing at the beginning of the year yeah they look back and like dude all these parts remember that part in the beginning of the year so they would have remembered my clip but you never put anything else out that's true they were weird you gotta see him on a ride dude mason's putting on something strong in the beginning and then you know i mean it's good in the middle and they're like at the end of the year puts out something bangered that spitfire part yeah and they're looking oh all the [ __ ] beforehand was amazing and that yeah covered anyone probably every trip they asked them to go on yeah oh of course of course i don't know things i think about you know i'm just it's funny too they're that thrasher they're all looking like listen to this if they are i don't know if they're just like they have no idea what it's like you know oh for sure for sure people talk about the nine club all the time i'm like you have no idea no clue dude uh but we're fans we're fans of thrasher and what they do over there they're [ __ ] amazing they're the best they're the best i do know tony patel listens to it because he texts me the other day uh uh dm no idea he sent me a link of the he hears us dan plunkett he hears us falling over the fort miley thing they did a skate mental thing and just for the caption they put like because it was a skit like he fell over and then there was a they acted like he fell over yeah he went down to get his board and then like brad asked him like to lay on the ground and they kind of like poked over like videotaping it and then like posted i was like he hears us pray for him yeah hashtag he hears us like there were some water companies saying something like that and they were donating money to like some sort of cause when they weren't donating the money to the cause yeah it was like a scandal there's like scandals they were making fun of that so yeah i i think that you know i think uh you'll you'll be skater of the year one of these days you know thank you no no for sure because i mean you're super talented you think about skating in a different way i think you know just the tricks that you do and the way that you go about stuff it's it's rad i i i could never think about skating like that you know i'm very um what do they call it like not hammer oriented hammer oriented yeah like big rails kind of just like one after another that's a trap well listen no not not like two dimensional i just think about it in a different way you know like very um i don't know the word i'm looking for man i need another coffee i don't know i just don't think of it in a different way like i hear about people like you talking about skateboarding and i'm like wow i wish i was that like critical thinking about skateboarding but i'm not i'm just thinking about this trick and this whatever you know i'm not really putting too much thought into all that stuff you know like having a video part that the the verso and all that stuff like i don't see it you know i don't see it that way i got to spend more time on airplanes you don't travel that much i don't not anymore not anymore well i wanted to ask something too because you were mentioning the olympic thing in the contest street league uh there is street leagues and contests going on now uh now that the world's about open back up yeah do you see yourself trying to be on the olympic team for usa for the next olympics no why not um because it's so far away and if three years it's really not that far yeah but like i don't know it's just that's a lot i normally when i skate i have one injury and then i skate around the injury okay and i feel like i would have to be i have to have no injuries for a quite a while until like [ __ ] train for it or something and it's just like it's too it's too him too much pressure to put on one goal like having been through the the the year when they told me hey you're in the running for sodium then like thought about that almost the whole year like consumes you yeah even if you're not really that caught up in it like oh i'm just going to put out good skating and then you go do other things when you're not skating like still just the whole year where you're kind of thinking well you've got one thought in your mind that's a lot and for three years and also i've never seen myself as a contest skater to begin with so i like to just like go to a contest and have a good time and if it works out it does like but you you saw that it works out right the last street leagues that you were skating you worked out very well yeah they were they were i got the hang of them but it's not always there too like the last two i did i wasn't feeling that good like i felt like my skating was there but all of a sudden my like just my mental my mental state i kind of i just wasn't i was you weren't feeling it i mean you know yourself if you if you're not feeling it you're not yeah but if you're getting ready for working that day that's amazing in the first street leagues i did it was like oh [ __ ] like what's going on here like don't get it then start to pay more attention and realize what's getting scored high and oh it's like this game and then and then practicing those tricks or whatever and then going for these and then it starts working out and through all throughout all of that i had this really positive interior voice that was super funny to hear because i'd never done a contest before that and all of a sudden i'm like skating this run that i'd been nervous about before and i'm in it and i'm so positive and there's this like little coach going off like do this and it was just like whoa what the [ __ ] like it was so vocal and and so loud weird i was like okay cool like huh i'm just in the zone i guess and i kind of inner coach yeah yeah it was super funny because there is a science to the street leagues and scoring and what tricks you need to do so it's kind of the you know you there's a lot of thought that gets put into that you know what tricks and how to get those points and that i can work with but the mental attitude that was like at the beginning just i was super positive about it all and really self-confident i kind of thought that was like just how it is for me but then all of a sudden i do these these um the one in des moines this may and the one in rome in june and it just wasn't there i was like coach took a vacation i was like talking [ __ ] on myself really the coach turned into an [ __ ] yeah the asshole's not making me work harder i was like don't [ __ ] this up oh no it was just totally different so i'm like okay like you know well did you some people have that some people have that all the time they're like they never question it and that's the part of skating contests that's really hard it's like it's like meditation you have to keep the one thought throughout the whole thing you have to think nothing but like positive thoughts and how you're gonna land this trick well listen i mean even in the streets you start second guessing yourself you know you're setting yourself up for disaster you know start getting all [ __ ] weird in this in the street leagues beforehand there was no pressure of that whole thing the olympic thing really at that point there was talks about it yeah but there was not like you but then there's so much pressure anyway there was because it was kind of your first that's a big crowds that you're especially in brazil was like psycho but going into the des moines and rome thing that's like okay i have to do this if i want to go yeah and i didn't even know if i wanted to be in the olympics yeah yeah you know it was always like before i before i considered being in them or realized that i had us some small chance to be in them i thought that's kind of whack the olympics being skating got you and then and then when the questions started getting floated around like would you do it if you could like [ __ ] yeah i guess so like represent your country you know that thought started playing out right and i was like yeah i'll try for this but then i still this those two sides of the same coin were in my head the whole way through it was never like oh i want to do this for sure this is what my life has been culminating towards like it was kind of just like uh i'm doing this because it would be crazy if i did it but that's not right i thought it would have been amazing as like the core skateboard scene to see someone like you on on the podium would have been like yes that's who we want representing us like that the people dude you tell everyone that's up there yeah love them great representation representatives of skateboarding you know but to see someone like yourself up there would have been like oh that's [ __ ] that make that makes sense right now mark if you were on the podium were you on jimmy kimmel jimmy camel this is hard enough as it is yes yeah i mean listen it could be a once-in-a-lifetime thing you you know i don't know man it's okay let me ask you this street league was there was there crowds in des moines there wasn't any crowd it was empty there was oh there was there was okay i was gonna say what you did you like better crowd or no crowd i think i think i like crowd more because it's interesting i think it just it made it i don't know made it more energy yeah energy you have to do what you're doing the performance becomes a reality right all of a sudden you are the pro skater like this is not like oh i'm a human and like this is what i do it's like no like you're here to to perform right and um yeah i just kind of like stepped into the performance and and um it just felt so not me that i could play it easily and then the whole thing came easier it's so interesting to me watching these like even the olympics and this and that it's like you know people are going for it right some prelims and whatever but the as soon as the finals come around like everybody's attitude and their trick i mean they're so on point it's like not that they weren't on point in the prelims but you could tell there's a there's a little no people are bumping it up there's a little give or take and then you get to the finals in like everybody's landing their [ __ ] and i'm like wow these guys are insane yeah and the the level that they're on it's like how are they doing this [ __ ] like first try yeah that's why they're in the finals but that's why i know raj but [ __ ] i thought it was awesome that you were in the finals especially the one in brazil the one with the big bump the flat bar the gap the flat bar when you did the front feeble front 180 yeah i was like oh i couldn't that's when i i'm like this guy really is [ __ ] going for it right i remember people giving a [ __ ] like i think we gave you a 9.3 no it was like a nine something i don't think you gave me a knife no cause you landed sketchy as [ __ ] dude but you gotta watch the clip i'm gonna have to check i actually you did landed a little sketchy if i landed a sketchy night i don't believe you i don't believe you either to be honest i can't remember what we gave you because that was a long time i know i remember i remember kelly coming up to me afterwards and saying it would have been cool to see you land it in the finals because you landed a little sketchy it would have been cool to see the full score and i was like huh oh what do you mean i landed it kelly this whole time you had you landed sketchy i remember that well i didn't know that yeah well i think everyone was just couldn't believe that you landed that trick on that obstacle can this clip just play yeah i want to see this clamp i don't know what they're talking about sketchy i've never seen mark suits you do a sketchy trick my my i land and i lean forward and my back wheels come off the ground a little bit okay but it's not a tic tac got you because it's the back wheels back wheels lift it up that's what you're talking about a lot of impact and i go we're talking about two back wheels sketchy yeah i have to see the clip again but i were on my board the whole time i've this guy this i've seen allies in the other room hey yeah you would have used that clip in the streets do you want us to send him home i don't know i'm sitting at home right now it's a big drop and like i take the impact and something happens when i do like sometimes that's what you want from a from a gnarly clip okay to add dramaticness yeah okay but it's a contest it's a contest atmosphere so i guess you guys are looking for a little bit something uh cleaner to be honest i can't remember what exactly we gave you you played it up in your head what this tic tac or whatever it was looking back at this afternoon listen people in the comments leave the comment if you remember the trick what score mark suits you got on that trick and was it sketchy we need to know we need this in brazil right yeah yeah i'm sweating over there a little bit huh i'm [ __ ] hot and yeah [Laughter] oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] maybe edit this conversation out a little bit we're good bro we're good it's all love here bro it's just skating this is a [ __ ] contract a little contest but like i said with the high level of skating i can't even imagine being in that position with a crowd there and it's like you're just hyper focused and yeah it's almost like some i don't know i'm just thinking about how i would feel like something just comes over you where you just are you land you're just determined or something it's more than just trying a trick in the streets it's like this other realm of like reality almost it is weird [ __ ] that happens in your brain that's for sure it's bizarre the first time that the first real contest that i that i did that i don't that i did where it like really came into my head was silas's contest the grotto lotto where you skate for like 15 minutes and that was like it was a real contest a real pro contest but it was just a lot of like insiders and no crowds really and basically home homies and uh it was this [ __ ] voice just kicked out of my head and i was like okay here we go isn't that weird because you're not hearing that voice on the streets right yeah not really because you're actually speaking a lot more true true you're talking to your friend you know you're saying am i good to go are there cars right right this try what do you think should i blah blah blah it's like more conversation yeah maybe the things that you're you're telling yourself in your head or what you would be saying to a friend but just the fact that they were so vocal and so audible in my head and they just came without me asking them to that was hilarious it's almost like it was quiet in there i mean you didn't have anybody to talk to so this other voice came in to your head to talk to you through talk you through it you know yeah do you have any pet peeves like it with skating do you have any madness like do you like if somebody's like in your peripherals and stuff like that do you need like a clear like do you have any weird like ticks and stuff like that um i mean that can be that can be difficult sometimes it just depends like if it's one person like you've been skating a spot for an hour and then all of a sudden one person comes and stares at you and it's like filming you or something i might ask them like hey i'm trying to focus would you might not film me right right could you stan if you want to watch like thank you could you stand over here so i guess you know sure sure sure so that would be hard but like skating in new york there's a lot of crowds all the time so it's kind of like you're skating in the street in between cars like it's it's hard to to like like cabbie can you back up a little bit right then they're like the [ __ ] are you talking about back up okay yeah the [ __ ] out of here you have a favorite city that you like to skate i love skating in new york i love skating in london london's red yeah london's got so many good spots i like the you know i i'm not a fan of it but though it's kind of like weathered london you know and it's it's kind of interesting it's kind of rugged you know and then randomly here and there you'll find like perfect granite perfect marble oh yeah what you you did in london was it switchback noseblend fakie flip is it yeah at that spot that doesn't look i didn't think that was in london until i went there over like the grass thing yeah yeah yeah like the first clip in the video it's a line was that i was going to say that was that was a line yeah wait what'd you do first i so i did the the single was switch back and i was like fakie flip and the line was ollie onto a ledge front side flip over a bench switch back nose blend the thing oh okay i got you oh so yeah yeah yeah the back nose button dog was a single mm-hmm yeah that spot is in london is really really good have you skated romania at all no i brought my board on that trip but we didn't really find anything to skate we were mostly going around to like rural towns and castles that's cool though yeah it's nice to be a tourist sometimes oh yeah you went to dracula's castle uh yeah i think we went to that one sometimes i feel like you know traveling the world i think we spoke on a little bit before but you know it's we we don't get to do a lot of the times of travel like the tourist stuff like i went to uh paris so many not so many but i went there a few times and never went to the eiffel tower never did like tourist stuff you know saw it from a distance but it's rare that you get to go out and you know experience the city yeah but it's also cool that we get to experience these cities and these countries through the eyes of like a local because we have the tour guides and here's the bars you go to so it's kind of you know a double-edged sword almost it is yeah sometimes if you can you know getting a nice a nice day to yourself if you can plan it you know maybe get the flight a day later or something or just like oh i'm sore like i really needed to take a rest day and go around and see the sights but uh yeah recently we were in we were in rome together for that contest and for that trip i was just like i'm not doing any sightseeing i'm not putting that pressure on myself sometimes it can be nice to not go to the eiffel tower you know that's true that's true you're still in paris you're still like having amazing food and like just experiencing the different street culture you have asked that you've had escargot before uh maybe when i was a kid it's delicious yeah i never thought i'd like that garlic and do the dip and butter oh my god bro i was scared to try it at first eating snails yeah delicious man oh i asked for seconds i was like i'll bring another thing over here you went to school in philly right yeah i went to temple university you went to tampa yeah because that's like a really dope school to escape yeah [ __ ] school as well yeah you know so you're so but you started skating with the sabotage jews buns a bunch at what point were you skating with them if you weren't really like towards the end of your college did you start skating in 2010 i went to philly for the first time that's the the year i graduated and uh graduated high school and i went there for two weeks stayed with aunt travis and was like this is the sickest place ever i gotta come back so then 2011 2012 i i drove across the country and stayed there for three months at a time and then would go on other little trips here and there and yeah i was just like this is the city i want to live in like if i'm going to move out of my parents house i want to go here but then at around the same time that's when i kind of got burnt out and wanted to see like all right can i do something else i want to go to school but do i really want to do this and so that being on the fence i was like i'll go to temple because it's right near love it's in this city that i already know pretty well and it's got skating and i can study at the same time so i can see if i don't like school i could just skate gotcha you have an out yeah so that's that's what i did and uh i was skating with the sabotage dudes like up until that time really okay when i was staying there for months at a time that's i was filming with penny oh okay he filmed that the hopkins grind and king of prussia the hopkins grind suture grind yeah that sabotage three came out in 2013 last year that i went to school okay and then i had a part in sabotage for when i was going to school but it was like just a couple clips here and there got you guys you could tell like oh i'm not escape it's not it's all ledges it's just like love park and muni basically that's pretty awesome you got to skate love when it was still yeah i was i went there once one of my biggest kind of regrets in skating not being able to skate there you know yeah iconic he skated the gap too shove it he'll flip the gap i loved all the footage they put out recently on thrash oh yeah the raw clips yeah that was super good something about the raw clips it's really fun to watch yeah i like that a lot i like that [ __ ] um going back to school really quick did you apply to a lot of schools and get accepted into a lot of schools i think i just applied to temple oh that's it yeah oh and you got in yeah perfect i went to school in philly because i was like dude i really want to go to school and then i went and i was like this is amazing i want to keep doing this okay so at the two-year mark and i kind of planned this out i was like if i really like it i'm gonna go to school somewhere else and do full time like in a place where you're not distracted whereas skateboarding where i'm not as stoked to skate okay and so i applied to schools in uh i applied to brown which is in rhode island right and uh and nyu and the new school where i went and then i applied to school in france so i got accepted to a school in france in lyon and i got accepted to the new school okay so between those two i was like [ __ ] should i go to school in france but that meant another year of school and because it would have been a full french undergraduate program instead of just uh two years okay so i was like i'll i'll do new york oh so you didn't go to leon yeah but you went to another i went to new york and then i from those two years in at the new school i did one study abroad semester in france in paris in paris got you leon's great you would have had a great time in young yeah damn wait so you did how many years at temple did you go two two years in the new york in france yeah did one semester in new york kept my apartment airbnb it one semester in paris came back to that apartment and finished up four years of school straight through wow and you finished you got everything yeah so now that you did all that and you just went back to skating then yeah what do you plan to to with your work that you did for school do you plan on anything working with that in any way i don't know maybe yeah yeah i have i have this thesis that i wrote that's pretty unfinished but it's like a lot of a whole lot of work and a really good bibliography to go back to if i wanted to write about that more and some ideas that i always wanted to publish in a literary journal and some of my teachers were stoked on but it would have meant a lot more work wow it would have that's to attain your master's no it would have just to publish the work you mean okay is that what you're asking yeah you would have just it's just like you're putting out a video part basically right it's like okay oh [ __ ] you you got work published in a literary magazine or a literary journal yeah that's gonna that's gonna help you get a professorship if that's what you want i mean you probably could have done that for your verso part you should have showed them that you know what i'm seeing what i'm doing here i see what i'm doing you know what she's gonna do right now with that is um at the at the moma or the met or whatever they have an artist discount and you have to go up in line and present your work to them while everybody else is waiting to get tickets behind you and you have to convince them you're an artist like show them your website or something wow is just go with like some pdf of like that would be my video part somehow and see if they think i'm an artist and that will be the final uh the final judgment skateboarders are artists at the end you will see once i go to the moment or they matter i'll go first and i'll bring my switch flip manny and the ipad and then you can go aft and then i'll probably get denied just a bunch of skaters yeah we'll all go right behind each other so going back really quick to the question that i presented earlier was um when you took that kind of break from skating to go to college what how did your sponsors react to that yeah that was that was a pretty crazy time i think uh i think like i had just turned pro i turned pro midway through june and then i went to school at the end of august okay so and then i had the search the horizon video part that came out that that winter that i had filmed the majority of already gotcha so i was like i've got footage coming out you know i just turned pro yeah it's like this is the wheels are rolling like i'm gonna go to school and i still didn't know if i was gonna like it so i was kind of just saying to my sponsors well you know i'm going to see how things go right but i think with yasha muller at adidas i think it was a little i think he and i got closer because he i just gotten on the team and we had been spending time in like europe and then in new york and stuff he's just really open awesome dude yeah super genuine dude that he was like talking me through a lot of just not talking me through things but just like being a friend and listening to where i was at and i was in a weird place as as i've said like really burnt out and stuff and and so i was talking about like quitting skating that was an idea in my head was like dude wouldn't it be sick if i just [ __ ] quit skating right now wouldn't it be sick wouldn't it be cool right like early on in your career you put out some stuff that you're really stoked on and then all of a sudden you're just you're gone right of choice not because of an injury right well it it would have i wouldn't have said like yeah i'm doing it just because i want my video parts it would have been more like because i honestly was stoked on just like doing something else yeah i wonder if you would look back if you like you didn't skate again if one of you will look back if like you were just a flesh in the pan yeah that's it could be that way too sure you know sure huh so he joshua was talking you through a lot of stuff or just like you said being a friend yeah and so i was talking about that and he was like ah you know like that sounds a little crazy i don't know if that's a good idea like you have a lot of potential and you could still do so much and i was like dude i already did what i wanted to do like thinking about what guru said to me okay guru khalsa you know like oh you might wake up one day and not want to skate so just do everything now it's like dude i did all the tricks that i really really wanted to do right or i thought i had at least sure and so i was like yeah i did a lot like i'm kind of done like that's it i'm just gonna go to school right and so yasha really could have kicked me off he really could have been like oh this kid's crazy to him yeah let's say it sounds like he was talking to you more as a friend than like a team manager or a person in the higher position right sure this reminds me of the sidebar because jeremy rogers and i'm not comparing you to anybody but jeremy rogers like i mean he was at the top of his game right yeah and he decided in his own mind like i'm gonna be a rapper yeah you know what i mean and like this is totally different because you're going for school and school is way different than trying to be a rapper you know what i'm saying so the the fashion still doesn't happen either way you're one thousand percent yeah the passion is both there on both sides sure but i i when jeremy was doing that i was like dude you're [ __ ] you're out of your mind yeah literally like you really think you could just quit skating and go be a rapper like all right good luck you know when at the end of the day like you said he's at the top of his game he's getting paid like a lot of money and like he's really killing it yeah yeah i was always questioning like why the [ __ ] would you do that you know what i'm saying yeah but this is like you and i can't comprehend that no not at all but in this situation i could see why i would be more understanding to your situation yeah you know what i mean just because i don't know it just it just seems more like of a reality i was burnt down skating i was excited about school i thought i had done i thought i had done all that i wanted to do in skating right and and then i also on top of that i had the idea like no it would be cool like that would be a cool career like think about [ __ ] um rob plywowski you know just like one like two really good video parts and that's it right right you know i [ __ ] love that guy's skating legend yeah and the fact that he didn't put out that much makes me wonder and like hearing stories these days about how it was back in the day i like love like i was talking to pete eldridge i think he said he filmed like one or two clips at love the whole time he lived there and he lived there for like i don't know [ __ ] 15 years right but do you think that's interesting do you think that you just got to a point where like i got a pro board that's like uh that's a really big thing to do for a skateboarder was your dream yeah it's kind of like the highest thing but then you don't realize that there's things above that as well but you get to that point you're like okay that's what i that's all i wanted there's nothing else above this that that was a that was a hard part too but i think it was really more about like envisioning tricks and then i really wanted to make a video part like cross-continental and then i did it and i was like okay from now on people are just gonna make me put out video parts like i'm gonna my sponsors are gonna be like yep here's a here's a video project like you gotta have your footage in and i'm not gonna like it that much because you're like treating it as like a machine like yeah there you go and a lot of times it does feel a little bit like that yeah and so i kind of knew like i i put all this passion and dedication into this one thing and it came out good and i'm stoked on it like and then i did these tricks that i hadn't seen done and i was really proud of him and like that's kind of what i wanted to do like should i just repeat this into infinity or should i go do something else that i actually love too that was the thought process but then i went to school and had a lot of time to think about it didn't wasn't totally forced to skate habitat was going through a weird point then too so they weren't like we need footage or anything okay they were joe was yeah he was going through a lot of stuff joking so he was like dude i get it if you don't want to ride for us anymore because we don't know if we'll be able to pay you for a couple months oh okay yeah and uh but you weren't quitting you didn't yeah i laughed at him it was like i just started school i'm like dude what i'm not gonna ride for somebody else yeah yeah yeah i don't even know if i'm gonna keep doing this right right i wasn't pressured and i kind of just skated when i felt like it and then in the summers i would skate and go on skate trips and it it kind of sucked because i had been on top of my game and then i focused on something else and and then people like adidas gets me back on trips and they expect me to put out footage and they weren't like asking for a certain level or anything they just wanted me to get a couple clips every trip yeah but for me i was expecting i would be able to do stuff that i was used to doing and then i kind of can't my body really can't take it that much anymore you're rusty yeah and that just like then going into a trip knowing that i was rusty and coming out of one knowing that i would have to go on another trip soon and like not being stoked like that's just takes such a toll totally plays on your mind so it was like the summers weren't good but then the when i was in school it was fun to just skate so that's when i kind of started realizing that i liked skating but i just didn't like the pro side of things right and that was kind of i think how it was throughout school and then near the end i started realizing how much how much work it would be to go to grad school right after and to keep doing school and i realized that i would have to take a gap year in order to do it really well to get into the best colleges and then i knew oh if i'm taking a gap year i'm definitely going to skate and then skating is going to wrap me up again and it's [ __ ] fun and i'll travel the world so i probably won't [ __ ] go back home hey but it's rad though in the sense of everybody seemed to have your back oh yeah right i mean like you said yasha could have kicked you off right there like you know habitats going through a weird thing they could have just been like yo just go do your thing dude like you know but they really had your back you know i mean and yasha was getting pressure from like a lot of industry heads i'm sure oh wow oh yeah okay some people hire up at adidas i'm sure and then let you go yeah they were like dude he's not he's in school like what this is not why we hired him yeah yeah right like they didn't see the big picture yeah well sometimes they even see the big picture it's almost like it's not like you gave him this plane like i'm gonna go to school and i'm gonna come back yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah joshua believed in this big picture that i wasn't telling him about i was saying something else and he was like dude i could see like he's a young talented skateboarder he's gonna just take time away and realize how much fun it is and how what a great opportunity this is sure just like what um he's gonna come to appreciate the side of his life hard question to answer don't even know if you know the answer people ask me you know whatever but how where do you think you'd be right now if you had let skateboarding go and you went on this other path do you know back then when i told yasha that i didn't want to skate say everything you went to college you did that we got out of college and you did the the gap year and you went on to do other things like where where would you be or want to be right now if you had put skateboarding down so i would have applied to masters programs and phd programs in literature okay and i also probably would have applied to fiction mfas in literature so masters of fiction in fiction okay or fine arts sure i hadn't decided whether i was gonna do the one or the other literature or writing but i would have made that decision and then i feel like at that time i probably would have been more my thesis was really technical on the literature side of things so that would have been really strong to use for an application i probably would have done that and so i would be maybe who knows maybe in like chapel hill in north carolina they have a good literature program might have been there for seven years professor or as a phd candidate because right now i'm 29 okay and i would be in like my fourth fifth year of the phd program in seven years and then i would be trying to become a professor we're talking just school yeah it's a long time it's a long time so you just were on that if you went that route you at the end of the day professor you just wanted to be a professor well i didn't know like i i i would love to be able to write novels and that's always in the back of my mind like is that something that you know i i want i want to have the life of an artist like i want to realize my dreams i want to like just put the way i see the world onto paper or whatever manifested in some way sure but i'm not sure if i if i have that and i and part of going to school was to figure that out and then near the end of school it was kind of like i hadn't figured that out yet and do i want to do i want to just focus on studying literature more as a kind of more like uh just really immersing myself in this art and see maybe one day if i can come out on the other side and make some of it on my own or yeah so that was the question but i think i would probably be going if i hadn't gotten back into skating i would probably be in a phd program thinking about writing a novel wow okay okay yeah not too many skateboarder i mean walker ryan yeah he wrote a great uh great great book yeah you know i still have yet to read it but mason dude very talented very talented carl watson kids book you know incredible personally off the like senior skate career and what you came back to and further down the line i think you could write a book about all just what you've been through and just i think it'd be interesting later on in like 10 years to see what you could write yeah i think that would be something you'd probably love to do that too because at some certain point you're going to be like okay skating a little older now your mind starts going somewhere else yeah maybe or maybe i just will have been i will have become fed up with it and won't want to think about it you know it could go either way it's interesting man it's interesting skateboarding is a great wonderful it's a blessing it is a blessing in this industry you know so uh but you know what at the end of the day you know it and people that are not in you know like not professionals and everything they it's tough for them to understand that it can be a job and it can be taxing and you're requested to do a lot of things you know and that fun gets taken out of the equation a lot of the time yes you know and that's tough for a skateboarder you know because we start skating because we love it yeah it's fun you know and that fun that fun always needs to be there it always needs to be because that's the product that you're making it's like those videos usually that you made when you were a kid coming up that was based off of fun yeah yeah and it's for other people to have fun watching it you know but i will say definitely now i still i i'm at a great point where i just like i have a lot of obligations from sponsors but none of it feels like work good yeah it only feels like work in the sense of personal work like what in the sense of healthy work like i need to be i need to be working on something in order to be focused and applied and really living out my potential or just like getting the most out of a day that's the kind of work it doesn't feel like oh i got to do my job for this company you know sure and i'm totally working on something where i have to like wear the right shoe and be a little a model for it right and then go skating and film tricks that i might not have filmed if i didn't have this project on the table yeah but still like just the project itself is so interesting to me i'm like oh i need this video part that's got to come out by the end of the year and it's got to be in this shoe or in shoes like it what do i want it to be what could it be like oh should it be all east coast [ __ ] should it be a mix like then nobody's telling me what it has to be and the project becomes my own and then it's like not work anymore yeah yeah yeah yeah and the skating is all fun even when i get pissed because i'm trying something that i really care about absolutely so yeah like back then when i was younger like it was all a job and work and and it became that really quickly all of a sudden out of nowhere i'm like what [ __ ] this yeah let me do something else like i wanted to just be a pro skater because i thought it looked amazing and then i got my name on the board and i'm like yeah but now it's like i went to school and knew that i that it took some work to to accustom myself to and get used to and and then i when i came out on the other side i was like i know i'm going back into it how can i make it fun right how can i look at it square and be like all right this is what it is just gotta appreciate it for what it is and you gotta take whatever's being thrown at you and kind of make it into your own that's the big thing yeah definitely definitely like you said it's just a project so what do i want it to be do i want it to be east coast what like i love that you know i love that you're thinking about that and not just being like oh i just go out and [ __ ] film you know like wherever i am yeah it's cool that you actually like take that and make it your own i love that so you said you have a project at the end of the year that you're working on yeah i have a certain shoe what yeah i have a gazelle coming out a gazelle colorway yes i love gazelles yeah it's a really good shoe for sure wow now okay colorway now gazelle shoe already exists you just pick in the colors you uh the gazelle skate came back onto the line and so it's it's revamped a little bit some some colorways are already out there yeah that's that's the skate wait let me throw that to me let's go kelly don't throw it you got it roll it on the ground he hit the light oh yeah here it is you just bought that thing yeah is this a skate one i'm wearing the skate one oh are you are you wearing your no oh i'm wearing a thrashed pant okay of another shoe but it's the gazelle right uh this you know that's might not be the skate okay it might be the original i don't know it's just one weed yeah i'm looking at the tongue i don't think this is a skateboard okay okay what's different no it is it is okay it is a gazelle adv okay i guess the one i'm skating just has a different tongue but uh yeah it's just if you get the the original like the the originals gazelle yeah that one doesn't have the padding in there and like yeah that's thinner it's way thinner and it's definitely harder to skate um but yeah they made they put this back on the line and then for my colorway they like looked at the shoe with me and they're like do you want to do anything different and i was like i want to make the tongue a little bit puffier and then they threw some uh they threw some like a vintage style um what's it called stitching on the side here that just like is from the original gazelle when it first came out and i'm like contrastion it's just a line i don't know if it's contrast stitching but they took this line out and they put another one in oh okay that's awesome dude but yeah and then we worked on a cool color and we got a little illustration for it sick so there's it's it's obviously there there's a theme to it if there's like an illustration and all this stuff you just didn't like oh yeah throw it blue yeah exactly right right right and it's cool that it's nice to know that adidas can alter the shoe for you like putting a thicker tongue in and stuff like that as well yeah that's really rad you know not that they're just like nope you can't do just a throw color yeah what color and it's it's still like it's it's still is a process it's not making a shoe from the ground up but it's like you know we got some samples where they didn't have this little heel ledge in the back that made it fit your foot snug so right now it's like oh we had to push back the manufacturing the release date because that didn't happen and so we've got to make sure that's in there when it comes out okay so they pushed back that it was supposed to be out sooner when is it going to come out it's coming out november like late november i think late november yeah i like late november yeah let me try to outshine my yeah i'm trying to outshine my [ __ ] wait so is this something you worked on with scott johnston scott and kyle irvin and um yeah scott was like he's killing it he's doing this dude legend that's amazing he did my second shoe and he really went in there and like made it sick oh really yeah i love it man he's good at what he does he is he's talented bro ever since uh it's got a big role over there big role man well that's amazing though don't don't spoil it the colors and all that stuff you said enough i can't wait and it's not white right but uh i can't wait to see it like i said love the gazelle yeah and no pressure can't wait to see the the project you put with it yeah so the project i put with it is uh is it so it's its own thing it's like all right we got to make the so the shoes coming out whether or not a video comes out oh okay nobody asked me for a review ah but i'm like yeah why why not yeah like i have this opportunity yes and also it's not like if i gave adidas apart randomly they would put it out it's kind of not really how it works you know they have their scheduling and whatever they are doing yeah so now this is scheduled in yeah i have this opportunity i'm like cool i'm gonna make a part for it okay and so i've been working with justin to to ju with justin albert on several different projects i thought for a second i thought for a second eldridge i don't know if you'd like it but i think you might yeah i'm sure it'd be good i'm sure you're good no i've been working with justin albert to like to we have this one project that's super ambitious that i don't know when it's going to be done okay another long video part with like some thought behind it i love that and uh and then i'm working on a spitfire video part with justin and with mac okay [ __ ] i gotta say his last name well it's like sharper sharper yeah mac sharp mac sharp so [ __ ] up he's my homie dude we got it we can't do this to him uh well you're jewish you're going i don't know listen last names are tough i'm actually trust me i go through it almost every experience episode dude and i get [ __ ] not hate but i get dm i love the generalization we do a lot of euro videos the generalization of last names are tough sorry mac this one's for you yeah there you go nice little pabst blue ribbon man um but yeah so we've so i'm working on a spitfire part with justin albert and max scharf red and and then i've got a i've got a floor episode with justin and that's the one that's going to be like a wet episode flora oh flora yeah it's the series that justin is doing for thrashers and then this gazelle part which is like on a shorter it's got an earlier deadline so i've gotta work i thought it was gonna come out actually even earlier than wait so you have all these parts coming out before the end of the year no no oh just the gazelle is that's okay yeah right so go ahead we're already like maybe three quarters done ah yeah perfect now you're skating your shoe in the your colorway in the piece we're trying to get it going but we have that manufacturing issue so right but you can still skate in gazelles exactly no yeah that's what the parts gonna be sure okay i think i have a clip in these oh amazing white ones those are fluttering dude the gazelles are [ __ ] tight dude i love the campus dude campus one looks good but there's something i think it's like the well this thing there was a couple the little tabs that stick out yeah yeah yeah yeah i've seen they've done a couple little iterations of that they've tried to do a couple different ones one was like really thick another one's like thin yeah when lamb got on around it was super thick super thick i still liked them though i liked them uh it always just reminds me of like mj or something you know gazelles congrats on that man thank you dude for real man that's uh you mentioned your other shoe was that i i can't remember was that a pro shoe or was it a colorway yeah it was a pro shoe i had two pro shoes for adidas one the first one came out in uh 2015. then the second one in like 2017. okay yeah it seems to me like nowadays it's the colorway is the way to go everybody's doing the colorways yeah there's only a few people out there with pro shoes right now yeah worlds yeah yeah it seems like boostness is going to have i mean that seems like that's here to stay that shoe yeah yeah him the janowski lucas yeah yeah lucas's last shoe was incredible yeah i love that the way that the heel looks on that you could just you know that's the exactly the lucas yeah dude it's so sick what's the royalties it's like 10 bucks a month it's perfect wow okay i do great i love that man you get one cocktail a month i try you know i try at a shitty bar is there anything that we miss well listen we you can always come back we have our stop and chat show we review clips on there we talk we don't have to go through the whole timeline and career stuff like that it's more laid back love to have you back on that show as well when you're back in town at some point because uh it's fascinating reviewing clips you know because like some skaters they forget about the clips we pull these clips and it brings them back to the moment i know it's pretty rough dude i think you're on point you know but it's rad though it's rad to see that person going through like damn oh [ __ ] like that day was crazy yeah super sick i love that but it was is there anything that we missed is there anything you'd like to touch on um that we didn't touch on before we uh hit the road out of here i don't know i mean we covered a lot of stuff yeah trick requests go ahead trick requests what do you got kelly maybe simple for you backsmith on a ledge front big spin out or front 360. i don't think i could manage the front three really you're a twister though dude uh not even into a bank no those spots like in philly there's two of them where the ledge goes and the bank's 90 degrees yep that's what i think about like the first time i did a back nosebleed front 270 was on one of those but even on that dude a little bit of a bench backsmith front 360 out not a bank to bench but could you do on big debt you think that would be even harder because you get momentum turning in i'm talking about one of those spots where you go straight at the ledge and then the bank goes down okay you can get a little pivot sometimes on those you can get a lot because you only have to turn it really 90 degrees right instead of the full right it would be like what what two seven for the backsmith front three that would be yeah almost 360 even with that so sure i don't think i got that just that twist and [ __ ] back around to try to do that [ __ ] out of that wild [ __ ] i mean what are you thinking kelly i mean dude if anyone could do it this guy could do it no but it's like i was talking with roger uh in the break real quick i was like dude there's like a certain people you could do this type of talk to she's like mark suchu gustav rodney yeah but it's like i really like uh what's the other one this is random it kind of almost not won't even look cool but just nollie front crook nollie inward heelflip out at the end of a ledge that could like work i've seen i don't know if it would look that cool definitely work because that's in that little like right as you get in people really pop out just like say it again no holy front crew yep i've seen a fakie that didn't really know maybe maybe into it thank you for watching thank you for watching fakie heel shove or fakie inward heel thinking i'm real yeah i don't think i've seen that one i'm gonna try that next time you could definitely see nally and radio working but i'm not that good at that trick i don't think i could do that one i'll have so many tricks i'm just gonna text you magic there's still a lot of [ __ ] that has not been done yeah gentlemen you got it you got in here now yeah no i don't know not right now no i'm gonna say something as far as like a trick that i can think of yeah i'm not saying sometimes out on the spot i'll dm you some [ __ ] back tail check my instagram back tail big spin the switch front crook say it again back tail that one's been done has it i don't know if i've seen that one back smith big spin back tail has been done and then no but back i know i know but i'm just thinking of similar tricks to shove your crooked ground tail slide big spin to switch crook oh yeah i feel like maybe jamie palmer has done back tail big since front crook that might be might be right i tried that and it didn't work [ __ ] did you know the switch could have been the one like the opposite of what my did oh i remember you saying you were trying and then mike moe got it you're like god damn it i know that's funny i just like thinking of random [ __ ] and saying it i want to see a fakie front crook half cab crook fakie front crook uh half cab crook yeah i thought about that trick you have i have i've thought about that trick because curb yes at the curb because it's so easy to get into a front crook that but it's hard because the front crook your body to be able to half cap out you have to be turning mid from crook the one you're talking about is like this right it's fl it's it's a square curve oh okay but it's been rounded yeah so there's it there's a little roundness to it but i know i would think i would think it would be easiest on a really sharp ledge yeah i i've just thought about i can't fall off of that thing yeah i just thought about that trick because it's even hard to do like a front crook half cab over yeah the other side you know because you it's the shoulders right you just got to get the shoulders going i could i've seen fakie five-o to to crook i think i mean i didn't do that walker did it regular nose grind 180 switch that was insane there's so there's a lot of tricks out i mean listen there's a i always find it interesting too because sometimes when i watch these skate videos and they're incredible man and the people are incredible but sometimes i i yearn for just a normal trick you know what i mean first you don't have to flip in and flip out of every trade yeah like let's just see a beautiful looking trick that gets me excited you know what i mean for sure how about you does it is it happens every day but no one's posted on instagram i'm just saying like video parts out there like i see it still yeah still appreciate it out there in the culture yeah it is good to see something new come up i just i just think like yeah since we're out since we're sitting here not skating what are we really thinking about are we thinking about the crooked grinds or are we like thinking about what hasn't been done like you know that's oh it's kind of where my brain goes totally i'm just saying that i do enjoy oh i love it a nice mellow trick you know you don't have to it just has to be done right the context has to be good like we can't be expecting like a really hard trick and then all we get is a crooked grinder else we're not going to appreciate it exactly exactly there's so many that's yeah there's a lot of a lot of skaters out there who i just see like you know you know that that's their [ __ ] and they're gonna do that and it's [ __ ] amazing yeah yeah that's true yeah yes i like i like watching your instagram because it's always something new it's some fun and i love your little road trips that you do oh yeah because it looks like you have a good time doing that yeah i love i love road trips driving across the country going to towns i've never been to yeah man finding random ass spots i did a three week one by myself last last year by yourself yeah it was so fun i just had no plan and the second plan might start forming in my head i was like nope oh wow really yeah so wait wait wait what month and what month yeah it was i was here for a week and i left around like september 10th or something okay a little bit after summer yeah when the fires were pretty bad so i drove out of the fires and like i think in arizona maybe the skies were all right so what would you do you did you go into a city would skate do whatever find the skate park skate spot go to the skate shop yeah like when i wanted to skate if it came over me then i would look up a skate park and i would look for like the shittier one oh you know the older one yeah the one that's going to have weirder angles or just like more random stuff less people that you no not so much that just like the stuff that you don't see every day right yeah that you're really like i'm out here for this not for like a street league park emulation right right interest but then would you just like then get up pet pack up and just like just drive or would you be driving next you know i had to get to new york okay okay but and i didn't know how long i wanted the road trip to be but i knew i wanted to meet up with mariah durant in albuquerque hell yeah and that was it that was like my first thing okay yeah so i i drove from la to the desert and like camped in the desert and skated a skatepark in gallup i think okay yeah and slowly made my way to albuquerque and then stayed there and then from there it's just like i'm here like what do i know around here and then my brother's friend was in taos new mexico and i stayed with her for a night and then i was looking at instagram and miles was going with a primitive team to uh dallas and i was like oh [ __ ] yo you guys are going to dallas i'll meet you there yeah and jake jake donnelly lives there now okay so i stayed there for a while i stayed at the primitive airbnb mansion and just skated just crashed this crash you'd film a bunch while you were there or you just like i rolled my ankle pretty bad in albuquerque oh [ __ ] so i was like just starting to skate again when i got to dallas hey i listen takes a lot of balls to go across country by yourself you know i'm not i i don't know if i would do it what kind of car we driving a honda accord wow but it's also that was like still pinned it was kind of pandemic yeah that's that's kind of why i didn't drive because i when i flew like i stayed in new york for the whole pandemic and then or i mean like the worst of it the first four months and then i flew out to california to see my mom since she was alone and like yeah i gotta go spend time with the family so on that flight out it was packed it was before they were doing the no middle seats okay yeah it was packed and i was so sketched out i was like trying to wear a visor it was fogging up i'm like [ __ ] you know oh wow like what am i doing sure and so i was like i'm not i'm not flying back i made it oh okay good drive gonna drive yeah yeah smart i wanted to drive anyway i like those crosstalk it's cool man it's cool i i've done a couple month long trips you know so fun with the well i mean this is with the boys yeah yeah the van and stuff so solo is so nice you got to do it i don't know yeah there's something it does sound fun to be honest it does suck i think i'm opposed i have a family so it'd be like okay i'm gonna go on this trip by myself [Laughter] how debbie got his groove back yeah i think it wouldn't work for me i think if i did it though it would have to be like a plan like you're saying you didn't run a plan yeah cause i'd done it with a plan before and it was like it's so much it's a it's the whole country and then you make this stupid little plan like what you're going to six cities in this whole country yeah so making like getting rid of a plan was my way to like feel like i was actually in the whole country at once okay okay wow i think for me at that time too i think just based on what was going on in the world me traveling as like a solo black man as a white dude in like yeah in like rural arizona you know like with my mask and going into a place like nobody's mouth everybody's looking at me like there's signs everywhere where your masks stand here everybody's like wow and i'm just sticking out like a sore thumb listen mark suits you bro man the man talented educated [Music] thank you so much for coming by thank you guys bro been a pleasure the pleasure is all ours man and like i said come back again and again don't hesitate if you're in town stop by we'll just chill have a little discussion a little pap spool ribbon have some coffee dubs will be back on his juice cleanse walk on in yeah let's walk on in hey kelly can we give you some nine club stuff to take home i know you're gonna be are you flying back are you uh i'm flying back yeah okay you got any room in your carry-on yeah yeah a little room yeah kelly could you grab that we do the honors bro grab mark we don't have that much stuff a lot of our stuff's over at mike mo's speaking of mike moe he ha he distributes our stuff yes uh through his glassy corporations or corporate or whatever distribution it's a distribution now the thing about mike mo that nobody knows i mean we talk about it here on the show but tech that guy is so tech yeah coding website oh really that guy oh my gosh he loves it i mean when we associate with our website i'll call him up be like hey dude what's going on you be like oh i don't know let me jump on real quick i'll like do some coding and stuff and i'll be fixed like he set up his whole glassy distribution with like ipads and like you know order comes in okay this is on shelf f row eight blah blah blah scan tremendous he logistics on point he's on point shopify question you got he's got that wired yeah yeah that's so it's just something that you know there's some people out there were you like mike moe you know what i mean smart dude smart guy smart guy thank you kelly what's that for oh yeah covet test thank you oh yeah i guess we're really out of [ __ ] if kelly's bringing covet tests and [ __ ] uh water bottles first of all bro mark thank you thank you bro you thank you man likewise you are the man thanks kelly thank you mark see you in salt lake well hopefully oh yeah are you going oh nice we're not sure yet am i going to hear you're going how sick yeah yeah they want me to do some color commentary there yeah a little sideline reporting you know they like what i did over there the other one and uh you know so i might have to pull you out of the out of the little skate tournament for an interview i don't know if i can do another no no no no no no when i do those street league it's not an interview bro i mean i have i was asking shane o'neill about the led lights you know and afterwards i was like the [ __ ] was that he's like oh yeah he you asked him like what do you think about the lights like i haven't thought anything about them i'm like how can you not think of any i would i would skate in an orange color that's orange is my color you know and then he's like i don't know i don't even know what you're talking about led lights at paul's park oh gotcha oh yeah the colors yeah you could you could change the colors and stuff shane was like moonlighting i don't know anything about the colors but those are the types of questions i ask nice because uh the the question the instructions the interviews interviews at contests are actually the hard ones this is like yeah like right talk about your life what interests you stuff like that be honest those ones are like i don't feel honest at all they're like what do you feel about the course i like try to make some [ __ ] up or like what does it mean to you to be here like like i don't know and you know what i i did throw some questions in there like that too but for the most part i listen skating's fun i want it to be fun you know i i i'm you know and nothing against street league like i love them too but a lot of it's like you know kind of stuffy a little bit they're kind of nbc-ish you know and like just uh stating the facts and this and that and whatever it's like hey let's lighten the mood a little bit you know let's have some fun you know and so maybe that's why street league wants me to do more stuff is because i'm kind of outside the box you know it's like i'm i got an interview with shane o'neill here but i'm not asking about the course i'm not asking about i'm asking about the led lights and what color he likes you know what's your favorite color yeah like but to me that's funny that's like interesting it's like you know when shane o'neil afterwards like what the [ __ ] was that you know colors yeah and i'm like dude that was great bro you killed it you know now that's the best part because you actually get to see even though it's not behind the scenes it feels like it yeah yeah it's like exactly there's like what oh i threw him check it out we have uh you give him a whole pack kelly i can give him half damn coming out of your check paid a lot of money for these i'm trying to get some photos he's going to get cut like thrash or covers and whatnot so yeah but you can't see this really in this okay yeah a server pack you can give him half you open the pack and you're going to give me all of them you're going to all fall in the trunk of my car get him a new pack here here's a sticker bro thank you so much listen put that on your board you get 20 bucks thrasher cover or if you're on the podium of the olympics in three years 40 bucks okay anything for street league if you get to the podium they have 15 bucks a cent we do candles here yeah so this is our ld how fitting the fairway candle smells like fresh cut grass it's part of his apology beautiful yeah on behalf of justin eldridge he is sorry no but you liked it though i i love that you loved it yeah yeah and listen he's just being himself he's just being honest of course so again here's our uh nine club mug thank you take home hope this isn't too much inky black on the uh around here around town if you ever need a covet test test thank you two of works the same way you showed me two of them listen better to be safe than sorry man yeah i'm saying appreciate you we care about our i'll give you a fresh pack after the show thanks i'll give you the round sticker because that's that's the [ __ ] but these are good too all jokes aside dude mark thank you so much for coming man this has been so much fun love chatting with you dude hey much success thank you so much definitely dude see you guys next time i can't wait to see the project oh yeah what did you say like late november probably okay late november chris you got to be make sure you put yours out run before his well no i have to after i have to put my clip out around i don't want to be outshined you know what i'm saying i think the decision goes through around early november so maybe you want to because i'm thinking about like putting it out later i've been talking late november this whole [ __ ] time nobody told me anything late october would be best mid-october mid-october a little early perfect what up mid-november it sounds like it's too late already you've done it by then they've already done it like they've chosen who's going to be saudi what yeah [ __ ] it you're right early october do you say earlier that's my birthday late yeah my birthday when early when's your birthday yeah october 2nd we'll do a late october [Laughter] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: The Nine Club
Views: 198,897
Rating: 4.8958335 out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, the 9 club, 9 club, skateboarding, skate, skating, podcast, history, interview, news, motivation, entertainment, funny, comedy, thrasher, berrics, transworld, nike sb, street skating, switch tre flip, boardslide, skateboarding 2020, firing line
Id: KumTOq3sO1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 51sec (12171 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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