Greatest Chess Games Ever Played || Anand vs Lautier (1997)

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hello everyone and welcome to a game that really needs to be shown but still wasn't shown on this channel while i was having the stream uh on friday uh during the friday arena someone asked in the chat have i ever covered uh anand versus laurier and i was like uh yeah i'm pretty sure i have but then i checked and it turns out i haven't uh so that's why i'm showing it now now this is a this is a true masterpiece it's a one of uh i i think anand's definitely one of one of the greatest games on par with that aaron vs anand in the 2013 tata still masters uh the the game for the aegis if you haven't seen it do check it out i will also put a link to that game in the description below uh first thing you will see uh but it was played in 1997 it was the 30th annual billy international uh chess festival and it was a six player uh double round rob and featured some of the the very strong grand masters like anand laudier uh anatoly karp of boris great fund uh and um well it's just uh a scandinavian master class well sort of an anti-scandinavian master class but uh without spoiling too much let's just check it out it's it's just an amazing game uh so anand with the white pieces opens with e4 with d5 by laurier uh it's the scandinavian defense of course e captures queen captures and knight to c3 and here you have some options you can go back with queen d8 you can go queen to d6 which is now very popular uh queen to a5 or even queen to e6 check if you want to you know joke around or if it's a blizz game or not a very important game but magnus has been known to play both queen d6 and queen to e6 in some less important games but here we have queen to a5 which was the norm in those days uh we have d for by island and now knight to f6 we have knight to f3 and c6 so this is all very standard making the an escape route for the queen if needed we have bishop to c4 anand continues developing and now bishop to f5 and this is uh even uh by today's standards the absolute mainist of the main line uh and here bishop to d2 is the most common move today but here anan goes knight to e5 already threatening uh captures on f7 so black needs to defend this either by bishop g6 which is odd because you kind of shifted the tension in favor of white white will always be the one who is able to capture so e6 makes more sense which laurier goes for we have g 4 by anand uh forcing the bishop to move back bishop to g6 and now h4 with the idea of just h5 and here knight b to d7 stopping h5 as now there's a a lot of pressure on the knight here if you try h5 here joel can just capture capture and captures with check and later after white blocks this you can simply move the bishop bishop to e4 and black is very happy grabbing that pawn so instead after knight bd7 with knight captures on d7 by anand uh you could also capture on g6 but again black would be very happy here he gets the semi-open file for his rook he will castle queen side and not much for for what has happened here uh so instead after this knight b to d7 anand captures on d7 uh we have knight captures on d7 and only now h5 we have bishop to e4 attacking the rook and now uh f3 is a possibility here castles is a possibility here but anand goes for this very nice rook lift rook to h3 and now uh there is actually a pretty big threat here and black needs to be very careful for example if you just continue playing like nothing is actually happening uh for example you castle true white still cannot capture the bishop because the the knight is pinned however bishop to d2 and all of a sudden what are you going to do with your bishop your bishop is trapped uh you no longer have the escape square d5 because white just captures it because the the knight will be defended there and you will have opened up an attack towards black's queen so here you'd have to go bishop g2 rook g3 attacked the bishop uh bishop to h1 and now rook to g1 and the bishop is trapped and if black wants to at least somehow uh not lose any material he will have to open up his king side b5 you're gonna go bishop b3 b4 attack the knight and only now uh will you capture the bishop captures captures and captures and we get this position where white is uh up upon he has the bishop pair black's position is completely busted and the white will have white should be able to win this game so uh it's uh it's a really tough position after this rook to h3 for black and black really needs to decide how he will tackle this so first uh lodi goes for bishop to g2 he attacks on under rook we have rook to e3 and only now knight to b6 you could now shift the bishop to d5 it's possible but he wants to get the knight over to the d5 to put more pressure on the on the knight and on the rook on e3 so knight to b6 attacking the bishop bishop d3 and now knight the knights the d5 attacking both the knight and the rook uh and well now there's just a double attack on the night the rook is under attack so it's not an easy uh thing for white to figure out what to play here uh but uh you know feel free to pause the video and try to find what anand played here is just a wonderful move so you know while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting that you can actually trap the dark the light square bishop and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show anand played f3 here and now uh it's it looks crazy because the rook is hanging you can capture the knight but none of this actually works for black because if knight captures rook and this was played in one game and white just won a very nice game uh bishop captures and now you're still gonna lose this uh bishop just king f2 and there is no way for this bishop to escape you're just gonna grab two pieces for the uh for the rook uh so even if a line like bishop to a3 is played which is the best uh for black uh with the idea that if captures then captures you're just going to play bishop c1 and you will claim your bishop whatever you play bishop h3 king f2 even if you try f5 to open up the position just king g3 captures captures and now the bishop is finally captured you will have to give it up for for for a pawn and now white will just be very happy he will play bishop g5 bring the rook into the game and even though his king is somewhat opened ah doesn't really matter because you're you're up material uh so this is what happens after this uh f3 move if uh joel goes for knight captures here there's also the possibility of capturing the knight and c3 and even this was played twice uh but in both in both instance instances uh white just one because after captures and captures with check just bishop d2 the rook is nicely protected queen captures on b4 and now you play king f2 you don't really mind bishop will have to capture you cannot capture with the queen because of just queen captures rook but then king captures and you're again very happy you have two rooks you have the bishop pair and well even though black has three pieces for uh three pawns for a piece it it will not be enough uh but uh you know it can be played definitely can be played so knight captures on c3 is an option but in practice uh black never really got anything from it so here after f3 we have bishop to b4 by joel and it is as of 15 that this position has never been reached again so what can anand do here anand just says okay i don't mind the triple attack here i'm just going to continue doing my thing king f2 i attacked the bishop and here joel find uh found a very interesting line bishop captures on c3 b captures and now uh not knight captures if knight captures queen e1 just wins because the knight cannot move bishop d2 is coming and that's just game so queen captures on c3 and now rook to b1 the rook is under attack so you have to move it and now queen captures on d4 and now there's a double attack on the rook so if you capture the bishop now you're gonna win the rook and the bishop so uh very very nicely played by joel uh and here the problem is uh you can't really do this if you go for it then just captures captures and captures you could go for b7 but black just castles here and uh well you're up the exchange and black will have a winning game so here after queen captures on d4 we have rook captures on b7 by anand and here anand says i don't mind if you capture here because you're not castling your king is staying in the center of the board point is that if castle is just the bishop captures an h7 and the queen the queen is lost after you capture this queen captures on d4 and white wins so here instead uh after this rook captures on b7 uh laurier played uh rook to d7 now after the knight moves the queen will be defended and also there's a lot more pressure on white's queen here on the d file uh but here anand has uh such a such a brilliancy that uh well i i must urge you to pause the video and try and find it while i again give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations not only if you spotted the move but also if you understood why the move is played and for those who just want to enjoy the show it's h6 and h6 is such a such a deep move that uh well once you see it you you finally believe it but uh you know playing playing it actually in an over the board game is just remarkable uh point is what anand wants to do here he wants to open up this diagonal for his light square bishop because the light square bishop has access to this diagonal but anand also needs to make sure he has access to this diagonal which we're going to show why so here what can you play here well you could just ignore it and now finally capture the rook because now your queen is defended there is no tricky business here for example bishop captures queen e5 again keeping an eye on the bishop so if king captures you can always capture here but now comes h captures on g7 rook g8 and queen to c1 defending the bishop and you're you're going after the light square bishop this is what this game about this entire game is is about this light square bishop being trapped here and it's one of well the main reason why all the tactics work in anand's favor and here the bishop is trapped you're gonna have to go after this but now bla white even doesn't have to capture first he can first just stray down into an in game here anand threatens checkmate and uh there's no good way to defend this you're gonna have to trade here and after captures captures you're just gonna capture the bishop and you're gonna enjoy this end game a winning endgame where you have two bishops so a bishop pair for for black's rook uh completely winning for white so here after h6 uh joel said all right i see you're planning some devious stuff here i'm just gonna capture this pawn and i'm gonna play knight captures on e3 next or depending on what you play but now comes a move that well you had to see if you found h6 but just in case you didn't for the last time pause the video and find the move you know while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on spotting uh well definitely one of the one of the greatest moves ever played and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's bishop the g6 that's right that's that's what it's all about bishop to g6 and white wins and now there are so many so many threats so many possibilities here so firstly anand's queen is now uh hanging so if joel wants joe can just pick up on un's queen but the problem is after queen captures queen now not bishop captures here this looks very interesting but then the king just moves and after the bishop delivers check the knight can block the bishop's check so there's an even stronger forced mating for rook captures on e6 check and now you don't really have a lot of options if king f8 now uh the opening of this diagonal makes sense and this is why anand had to play h6 bishop captures on h6 with check king g8 and now bishop captures on f7 is checkmate so this is the the good stuff and uh if rook captures an e7 after this on e6 uh joel just blocks with knight to e7 it doesn't really help you just capture it here and it's the the exact same checkmate captures king the g8 and bishop captures on f7 a very nice double bishop check checkmate so after this bishop to g6 joel of course saw okay it's not possible to capture the queen let's just uh play something but there there is nothing to play so here joel tried knight to e7 now okay blocking rook captures and e6 because it no longer comes with check but now anand finds the the absolute the absolute simplest way of how to win the game now that all of the tactics have worked for him uh the game uh once again turns around uh to this uh traps light square bishop here on g2 and anand plays the absolute simplest queen captures on d4 rook captures and now combining everything rook to d3 saying you either capture and my bishop gets out of harm's way or if you move the rook let's say rook c4 then just rugby to check and everything falls apart because you you no longer have the option of moving the king so you have to give up the knight after capture so you're going to have to give up the the rook and everything just falls apart rook captures on c2 you're going to block this and after captures you're finally going to capture this bishop on g2 and you are up a whole bishop and a rook so here after rook to d3 joel said all right uh well if i capture dangerous bishop capture so i will not i will not be capturing this bishop either way so i'm going to play rook to d8 but now nothing just works because rook captures on the eight we have king captures and now everything wins here bishop captures wins rook checks wins uh bishop back to d3 wins and it was in this position that uh joel lottie resigned the game as there is nothing more to be done here and once again we return to the trap the bishop on g2 uh who is trapped and there is no way for him to escape he will have to give up the bishop and after king captures uh anand will just be up a full piece in a completely winning endgame so yeah uh definitely a great one uh so thank you for for recommending uh that i show it uh there are you know uh games as epic as this one that i still haven't shown but you know i've only been doing this for a few years we're going to go through them all at some point so yeah a great game against joel odier he was born in canada but he's a french grandmaster he was a two times french champion i think in 2004 in 2006 and all in all a very strong grandmaster and uh cheating a game like this against uh such strong player i mean h6 followed by bishop to g6 and absolute masterpiece and uh you know again against the scandinavian so no no wonder you know scandinavian never never got its uh fair share of glory but we are we are still waiting to see the the scandinavian masterpiece and regarding the standings of the tournament even though and uh lost one uh game uh that was a bit of a uh you know a surprise to mill of uh he was still able to win the tournament half a point uh ahead of anatoly karpov and clinch first place uh first place in this uh 30th edition of the beale international chess festival so anand karp of gail van lordier milo and pelletier uh so these were the the final standings uh so yeah that's the game i do hope you enjoyed it like i said if you haven't uh watched uh aaron vs anand from the 2013 tata steel chess masters do check it out it will be the first link in the description below uh really a mind-blowing game also so do check it out i would like to thank santa sharp frank combs gunner lipka kevin cole and david kimura for contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world thank y'all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your sunday and i do hope this game improved it at least a little bit see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 954,353
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, viswanathan anand vs magnus carlsen, viswanathan anand best game, viswanathan anand interview, viswanathan anand chess tricks, viswanathan anand vs garry kasparov, viswanathan anand vs praggnanandhaa, viswanathan anand fastest checkmate, viswanathan anand vs abish mathew, viswanathan anand agadmator
Id: Sw4EtXkFx6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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