Can't Stop, Won't Stop || Dubov vs Firouzja || World Blitz Championship (2021)

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hello everyone and welcome to another fun game from the world blitz championship we still have like uh a week uh before the start of the tata still chess tournament so if you guys have any of your own favorites from the world rapid and blitz do use hashtag suggestion i will do my best to cover them uh so it's a daniel dubo versus alireza furuja uh it's always enjoyable watching games by either of them but when they play together uh that's always uh a treat and this game it's like uh there's one moment in the game where you have to do something but you don't and then just everything falls apart so uh let's check it out uh duplo with the white pieces opens with d4 we have knight to f6 knight to f3 g6 we have g3 and bishop to g7 both players fiance their darks uh their king side bishops uh we have castles uh and castles we have d6 and now a4 it's a bit uh well more standard to go see for here but a4 is not uh not an unknown idea you want to grab more space on the queen side uh we have knight beat to d7 and a5 we have c6 now uh and b3 and here yeah there are some games where queen to c7 was played but uh alireza plays queen he plays e5 and it is now as of move a that we have a completely new game so let's see how dubo deals with as he captures on e5 we have d captures and now knight f to d2 he wants to play e4 but he also needs some support for that e4 square so alireza plays e for himself he doesn't allow it and it seems like he's giving up a pawn but not really as well if you play knight captures an e4 knight captures and then the rook is hanging as well so uh this is uh the moment that i've mentioned before the game started it's that one little moment where you have to play rook to a2 you just move the rook out of the way and then the game continues and then you know no problems uh maybe gets to play e3 he messes up a dubose spawn structure but uh well well he's down a pawn uh but dubo played knight to c4 instead and he doesn't care about this bishop being able to attack the rook and so alireza goes for it he plays knights to d5 first uh we have now an attack on the rook here rook to a4 and now knight to c5 going after the rook and now rogue goes back all the way to a2 uh where he uh well should have been placed from the start so knight's the b4 again attacking the rook here and now what do you play here uh it's uh well it's hard to say if you play rook to a3 then we simply capture the queen queen captures and see one rook captures and knight captures on c2 again attacking the rook uh white's entire position just falls apart so adobo instead decides to give up the exchange he plays a bishop to a3 we have queen capture sunday one rook captures and now knight captures an a2 uh we have bishop captures on c5 and now rook to e8 guarding that e for pawn uh but just the bishop captures an e4 because if the bishop is captured then you're going to play rook to d8 check and well only move his bishop to f8 uh if you if you don't want to give up the rook and after bishop captures it would be completely winning for white all sorts of nasty discoveries like bishop to h6 checkmate is being threatened so very very tough for black but instead after bishop captures an e4 of course alireza played bishop to h3 now the rooks are connected the other rook is ready to get into the game bishop to g2 and now bishop to g4 even though alireza could just trade and pick up the e2 pawn he plays bishop to g4 first we have a6 and now b6 chasing away the dark square bishop bishop back to e3 and now bishop captures an a2 uh we have rook to d2 attacking the bishop and bishop captures on c for now we have b captures on c4 and rook a to c8 we have c3 uh trying to keep this knight here if uh if this type can be captured then obviously that's going to be very good so knight captures in c3 and black has a way out knight captures and the bishop captures on c3 attacking the rook and rook to d7 so this is the position uh for his sacrificed exchange dubo has the bishop pair and he has a very active rook on d7 going after that a7 pawn uh but uh it it's not going to be easy alireza plays rook c to d8 he gives up the a7 pawn which could be dangerous the a6 pawn now becomes a past pawn uh but rook to d1 check bishop to f1 and not rook to a1 we have to put our rook behind the passport as well king to g2 now the bishop can come back into play and now c5 so we don't have to worry about this bishop here bishop to d3 and now rook to a2 now threatening rook captures on uh e3 as the f2 pawn is pinned so king to f3 and now the ship to d4 of course all it is that wants to trade down as much as possible as he's up material so bishop captures we have c captures and now bishop to e4 by do both a very tricky move uh guarding the a8 square so if this pawn ever comes to a7 then white has nothing to worry about but it's not going to be easy to get the rook away from here as soon as you move the rook uh the a6 pawn will fall but this also means that black will have to keep the rook on a2 for a very long time uh but uh just to give you an example it's it's very easy for black to make some sort of a mistake here for example if f5 we can just play bishop to d5 check and now our rook and bishop combo is excellent here also you could bring the king over to h6 for example king h8 now even c5 you you attack the rook and also the b6 pawn so there are there are some ideas here uh but um alireza has to make some sort of a faulty move in a better position of course he doesn't he just plays rook to a3 check now he wants to get the king away from the defense of the bishop and hopefully win it king to f4 and now he plays uh well he plays d3 he starts advancing his own pass pawn even though g5 is just deadly now i'm gonna show it but it's a three minute blizz game so of course you can see everything rook to a5 uh sorry rook day five check uh and that's it you have to move the king away from the defense of the bishop uh sorry my interface is uh is some is uh uh messing around so i just have to rewind this real quick uh so yeah after this uh king to f4 move uh he didn't go for this um g5 check instead he went for d3 and now okay now we have uh bishop to d5 uh also maybe maybe interesting was rook to d7 uh but still g5 is just very strong uh after king to f5 we're gonna play rook to a5 check but now you can play bishop to d5 as the rook on d7 guards the bishop so maybe this was one way to do it uh as white would have some counter play if black doesn't play perfectly for example if d2 you want to bring a queen into the game you can play king f6 and already white is seeing some counter play for example queen d1 you can capture with the bishop and pick up the queen white is now okay but okay bishop to d5 was played now we have d2 now the pass pawn is unstoppable bishop captures on f7 king to f8 and now bishop to d5 preparing rook to f7 check which will force the king into a windmill uh but alireza says you have your fun i'm just going to bring the queen into the game so rook to f7 check king to g8 uh we've reached the position from the thumbnail and now uh wherever the rook moves it's going to be checked from the bishop so can white make some sort of uh some sort of at least a perpetual if not win some material uh well there aren't all that many options here duval played rook to e7 check he's now ready to pick up the rook and of course if king to f8 we just repeat rook f7 check it's a draw so instead after rook d7 check all it is i just picked that picked up the bishop he plays a queen captures and d5 uh and now if you capture on d5 we're just going to capture the rook and he has two rooks do both has none of course it would be completely winning so instead after this queen captures on d5 uh well rook captures an e8 was played but now ali has just played king to f7 and he was in this position on move 39 that daniel dubo resigned in the game as there is nothing more to be done here he is down a full queen and well that's just uh very very sad so you can see how an entire game can go uh wrong very very quickly uh if you don't uh you know uh they take one a little break uh before you start advancing your pieces in here uh after alireza announced that he's ready to move the knight and attack the rook duval has to play rook a2 and then the game continues uh so yeah it was a it was a very very interesting uh idea and the double tried to play actively but uh he could not uh hold this um down the exchange against uh uh so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it thank you very much uh for suggesting it that there were too many games played at the world blitz championship impossible to follow all of them so do use hashtag suggestion and i will try to check some other uh games out so yeah once again hope you guys enjoyed it you still have time to enter the uh chess connects us video uh or just brings us together uh the the the email is in the description below so uh as usual every year we make one uh send me a photo or a video of you teaching someone how to play chess you can write something you can just send a photo uh i'll give it like maybe until the start of the tata still tournament then after the tournament the video will probably be made so if you guys are still interested you know teach someone how to play chess send me a video or a photo and you know join the joined this year's uh video uh so yeah i would like to thank constantinos sandra brennan and john mcnabb for your contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing uh to check up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world thank you i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 214,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, agadmator firouzja, agadmator dubov
Id: vOeRj2qq100
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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