He is 58 But Attacks Like Tal

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hello everyone and welcome to a most impressive game from round eight of the world and not world uh european um a rapid championship but the blitz championship finished youngshisto do that won that event so uh very nicely done but now we are in the rapids and this is one of the games that was suggested to me so do check it out and also uh i would just like to mention that um krasenkov even though being uh 58 years old plays like uh well plays more aggressive than many 20 year olds and we already covered two games by him uh in i think the past two months uh so do check them out as well uh both uh games will be in the description below the first thing you will see so you will enjoy them very much if you still haven't seen them so uh mikhail of po poland versus igor kovalenko of latvia uh let's check it out uh and uh also i will be announcing uh the pre-christmas uh leeches arena but that after we check out the game so let's uh let's check it out the sync of with the white pieces opens with knight to f3 he goes for the reti opening we have c5 uh going for the the so-called sicilian invitation because white can just play e4 and then we're playing the sicilian but he plays c4 we have knight to c6 and the d4 now we have c captures knight captures and now knight to f6 knight to c3 and the g6 so a very very sharp variation both uh all four knights have been developed and black is ready to fianchetto his dark square bishop uh e4 uh krasenkov grabs the center bishop to g7 and bishop to e3 adding more defense to that d4 square d6 and bishop to e2 so both players just nicely developing here both players castle castle's castles and now the chapter d7 uh continuing development and now now usually white will go some like queen to d2 to maybe prepare bishop to h6 the trade of the dark square bishops also this will connect the rooks but krasenko goes for f4 it's a very very straightforward uh way to attack uh black setup and gain more pressure in the center he's still waiting to see where the queen will be developed we have rooked the c8 and now again rook to c1 makes sense as black already developed the rook the c8 but white continues in a most unprecedented way he plays knight back to c2 and it is already as of movie 11 that we have a completely new game so he doesn't want to allow the knights to be traded on d4 and it's now going to be a very complicated game which if you like complicated games uh you know with a lower time format it can go very well for you so here we have a6 and bishop to f3 the bishop will be much stronger here we have bishop to e6 now attacking the c4 pawn and white defends it by placing a knight in between so knight d5 and knight to d7 now putting pressure on the b2 pawn so white defends it and now queen to a5 as a2 pawn is now weak so we're gonna attack it a white defense it with a3 and now b5 and here what do i always say when the opportunity presents itself uh go for that uh a b for pawn push and cross and go of course goes for it we have b4 and now what uh what do you go uh where do you go with the queen well this is covered by the knight you can go to d8 or you can go to a4 uh kovalenko decides to remain active with the queen he plays queen to a4 and now okay c5 and e5 are both tactically sound but it's a rapid game so you don't have all that much time to calculate we have queen to d2 and already i believe white was trying to figure out how to trap the black queen can the queen be trapped somehow okay if this knight ever moves obviously knight to b6 will trap the queen but also uh if the bishop does not cover the c3 square knight the c3 will also trap the queen so black has to be very careful here and here we have bishop captures on c3 eliminating uh well one of the pieces that can trap black's queen e captures on d5 and now knight c to b8 uh we have knight to d4 now again uh it's a very powerful piece and you are kind of threatening bishop to d1 which could be very dangerous but okay for the moment the queen can capture the a3 pawn but it's not uh as straightforward as it seems just to give you an example if let's say bishop captures on d4 okay it's not just that you're giving up your strong bishop it's uh uh also bad for your queen because let's say bishop d1 attacks the queen queen captures an a3 and now you capture it for example uh this uh bishop on d4 how do you uh prevent rook to f3 and the queen is trapped there's no way to avoid this it's just a really really bad position uh for black to be in so you have to be very careful so he plays b captures on c4 uh that makes sense now the queen will have access to this diagonal but for the moment these squares are off limit so you have to move this knight in order to create an escape route for for for the queen so here okay queen bishop to d1 isn't really as potent now the queen can capture on a3 and you don't have any uh further way of uh capturing the black queen so queen to a2 now defending the a3 pawn and now you are threatening bishop to d1 so black has to move the knight knight of six and now okay the queen can go back uh rook after c1 and now we have c3 advancing his pass pawn now this is a very dangerous pass pawn but uh well there are so many white pieces here that it's uh it's unclear as how you will push it any further rook to b3 white of course now wants to win back the pawn and now a5 we have queen to b1 as the pawns will get traded off on the b file we want to have knight a nice support for advancing our past b pawn so a captures on b4a captures and now rook to c7 with ideas of doubling up here but also just rook b7 to stop that past pawn we have rook b captures on c3 attacking on c7 and rook b7 now ready to pick up this pawn but now rook the c for defending uh you might be wondering why not rook to b3 we always put a rook behind our pass pawn but here b5 is coming because the knight is guarding that b5 square so the queen will get exposed and then you're going to be able to put the rook on b4 if needed so knight beat the d7 uh now getting this knight into the game also preparing to bring the other rook into the game and b5 now uh we have queen to a3 attacking the bishop and now rook one to c3 uh defending and attacking the queen queen back to a8 and now knight the c6 so you can see uh white uh achieved a pretty powerful position without uh sacrificing even a single pawn okay he tried but then black had to give it up and uh well and now white just has a very firm grip on black's position and attacking the e7 pawn so here at knight b6 the rook now defends the pawn also attacks the white rook here and bishop captures on v6 giving up this bishop for a knight is a very interesting decision but uh well you will win that e7 pawn so at least that rook captures knight captures on e7 with check king to h8 and now knight the c8 a very tricky move attacking the rook and the d6 pawn and there's no way for the rook to defend the pawn so rook back to b8 and now knight captures on uh d6 and now white has two past pawns so knight captures on d5 black decides to eliminate one of them but placing the knight you know in front of the bishop like this with the queen on a8 isn't as dangerous as it seems because queen a7 check you will be able to unpin very quickly so rook d3 attacking the knight queen to a7 check we have king h1 and now knight to b6 blockading the pawn with the knight knights are excellent blockers of past pawns and rook to c6 now putting pressure on that knight queen to a4 attacking the f4 pawn and white just defends with g3 and now king back to g8 uh trying to get the rook into the game so the king defends the f7 pawn but when did the king defending uh you know the f7 pawn ever really worked out all that well uh so here we have queen to g1 now putting pressure on that knight so black has to react to this queen to a5 defending and now queen to e3 nicely centralizing the queen we have knight to d7 and now as the knight is preparing to go to f6 we're gonna shift our bishop bishop to d5 knight f6 and bishop to c4 we are defending our past pawn and if you look at the position now okay black has this monster bishop on g7 but what is this bishop actually doing in this game uh can you even imagine something happening here uh you know on these squares or even along this diagonal white has a light square bishop the b pawn is being pushed so although yes it's a it's sort of a dragon but not not really in this game it's not so queen to a1 check we have king to g2 and now knight to g4 again in control of some very important squares here but again how can black reach them queen e2 not allowing even a single check to be given also putting pressure on on this knight here right back to h6 and now white continues to advance the past pawn we have b6 uh queen to a4 putting pressure on the rook and now just bishop to d5 defending the rook we have rook after d8 finally the other rook joins the game as the knight here is helping out with the defense of the f7 pawn but now just b7 and this is now such a such a dangerous pass pawn uh that it's not clear how black can even continue the game black played bishop to f8 if he can he would very much enjoy giving this well we have to say it as it is useless bishop for this monster knight on d6 uh but the game is now completely winning for white so feel free to pause the video here and try to find this uh incredible idea uh while i give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on realizing that the king defending the f7 pawn isn't really going to work out and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's of course knight captures on f7 and yes it looks weird because you are guarding this square twice but that's just how chess works and the problem is you can't capture on f7 with the knight because we just capture and after king captures queen e6 check and there's no getting out of this king g7 rook c7 check and it doesn't matter what you play for example king h6 you're gonna get queen to h3 checkmate and all the other lines don't end well for black so instead we have rook captures on d5 not allowing any discoveries to be made but now we have knight captures on h6 with the check and again the knight cannot be captured if you capture the knight queen e6 check king to h8 and now rook to c8 that's it you either start giving up everything uh with some silly moves like queen e8 the bishop here rook here uh or you capture here and then we bring another queen into the game so instead after this check we have king to g7 a sad move but it has to be played now rook c7 check we force the black king to go to h6 king captures on h6 and now rook captures on d5 and now look at this white still has the past b pawn he completely exposed the black king forced him into discovery and uh well not only that he's up material he's up the exchange and it doesn't matter what black plays here you're getting checkmated whatever you play but here queen to b3 was played and we've reached the position from the thumbnail so you can see uh already what what white play look at the rook nicely controlling the seventh rank uh look at um the pawn covering the g5 square well uh taking that into consideration there is only one move and this is what krasenkov played rook to h5 with check as the queen defends the h5 square the only legal move for black is to capture the rook with the pawn because the king can't go anywhere and now after the rook is captured look at this we still have to visualize all of the squares that the rook covers and the pawn covers g5 so any check along the sixth rank uh does not end well for black so this is what uh cresenko played he played queen to a6 check and he was in this position on move 52 that igor kovalenko resigned to the game as there is nothing more to be done here so it's just an incredible incredible attacking game with uh such a powerful finish rook to h5 check is it's just amazing and here you're getting checkmated whatever you do you can start you know giving up some pieces with some silly moves like this like this like this and then once white gobbles up everything that's it you are you are checkmated so yeah another incredible game by mikhail krasenko uh like i said do check out the two of his other games in the description below because you know whenever we cover a game he played it's just uh you know just an attacking masterpiece which i i really am impressed because at his age playing such such powerful uh creative chess it's uh definitely not easy to achieve so i imagine he's um well uh i either live living a very healthy lifestyle or maybe like tal uh not living a healthy life lifestyle at all but whatever he's doing it is going great for him uh so yeah that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it uh like i said uh in the description uh after the two games by cressingho will be a link to the lyches arena it will be a pre-christmas uh lyches arena uh with some very nice prizes so do join us we're to be streaming um uh it's going to be on the 21st of december uh starting uh 8 p.m central european time and it will last for some two hours uh the best players win of course will be awarded some very nice pri prizes the prizes will be uh distributed and uh sponsored by cakedefy.com uh so uh you know do check it out and you know join us i i'm expecting a lot of players to join so you know not all of you might win but you will get many chances to face uh some very very strong players in the arena so yeah uh once again hope you guys enjoyed that i would like to thank francis here we were sky music emmanuel freitzel now duncan uh weincall and william fuller for contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check to my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of these nights nice events uh and checking up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one so thank you all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day and i forgot to mention krasenkov is now uh co-leading the tournament after nine rounds of the rapid so uh we will see how it goes uh see you soon
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 159,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, christmas, agadmator cake, cakedefi, crypto chess
Id: qQgGvELyhDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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