Anand Basically Crushed Stockfish!

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hello everyone and welcome to a really awesome game that was suggested to me by a lot of you as soon as it ended it basically ended a few moments ago it was played on chessbase india's channel under checkmate covet stream uh where vishwanathan anand is uh holding uh well held the simultaneous exhibition against some of india's uh uh celebrities uh and in this game he faced nikol kamath he's india's youngest billionaire uh who is a chess player himself but he did not play chess for a very long time last time he played chess was when he was 12 and he was uh born in 1987 so he's 34 years old now and well he's been out of out of chess for a very long time so i didn't know what to expect from this game but was i surprised and uh it it not only features a really weird opening sequence it's one of the rarest moves played in chess ever i don't think we've ever seen a game on this channel that featured such a move you'll you'll see what i'm talking about uh so yeah let's just enjoy the game and for those of you who don't know who this gentleman is uh you you can google him but basically uh he uh he is the founder of azerotha yeah so it's uh india's largest stock brokerage company and well he is obviously very successful in it since he's india's youngest billionaire but that means nothing if you can't play chess so let's see how he does against the former world champion vishwanathan island so anand has the white pieces as one uh most often does when he holds the simultaneous exhibition and he opens uh with knight to f3 and also thank you to uh ketan agrawal for sending me uh not only the suggestion i received the suggestion many times but also this very nice photo of nikola kamath and some some uh background on him so here uh vishu opens with knight to f3 he opens with the retti opening and like i said the weirdest opening uh well maybe not the weirdest he plays e5 this is called the ross gambit i have no idea why um if any of you guys know do share in the comments section so we can all enjoy it but i was unsuccessful in in locating this information and it's a really weird move like there are other weird moves you can play like the a you can play like h6 a6 you can play a a5 you can play h5 but all of those moves kind of make sense e5 is giving up a pawn you will gain some development for it but it's so uh it's it's incredible that um such a move can can even be played and it's really remarkable that he plays that against none other than former world champion vishwanathan so here knight captures an e5 uh onan says thank you for the pawn we have d6 chasing the knight back knight to f3 and now knight to c6 so already you can see that black is up in development but by very little and he's already down one pawn and there is one game in the database that reached this position where g3 was played but here uh we have d4 by on and end it is now already as of move four uh that we have a completely new game uh so let's see how the game continues knight to f6 just nicely continuing development and now d5 grabbing more space in the center hoping for a knight to e5 then uh well you can just continue development or you can even trade further so here knight the e5 and knight the c3 uh anand is not uh worried about knight captures here even though you can double up pawns uh it's not a problem you will simply uh well develop your bishop faster castle and you will have a safe king while also being up upon so here after knight to c3 we have bishop to e7 uh and e4 now so cementing his uh advantage here on d5 we have castles and now comes bishop to e2 so as you can see uh white caught up in development uh and the black uh doesn't have all that much to show for he has a nice knight on e5 but that's only there until ananda decides otherwise so here he plays c6 it's a very principled move uh as on the ground more space in the center he may be uh overextended a little bit it's uh it's a nice idea to undermine the center so here on castles and now c captures on the e5 we have e captures on the e5 and now just e a6 uh here uh comet wants to play b5 maybe if you can get to the the light square bishop he has to develop his queen side somehow we have rook to e1 not really worried about bishop to g4 so maybe h3 would be a useless move you already have a bishop on e2 there's really no point and b5 now so grabbing more space here at some point you might be interested in this lodging this knight would be four so a3 on prevents this and now h6 so just um preventing the development of white's pieces on g5 uh i don't know if i mentioned this but this is a simultaneous exhibition so anand is playing against multiple people here uh can't remember if i've mentioned that but yeah uh here we have knight to d4 you could continue by just developing let's say bishop to f4 and goes knight to d4 he wants to bring this knight to c6 and then you either have a monster knight on c6 or black might trade and then you will have a very nice pass pawn on c6 so having a nice pass pawn on c6 being up upon it's pretty much a winning winning game so here bishop 37 adding another defender to this um c6 square and now bishop to f4 so if if on and once he can simply eliminate one of the defenders and then bring the knight to c6 so rook the c8 adding another defender to the c6 square and now bishop to f3 again anand says okay uh you will uh you will move this knight at some point and i will have my knight on c6 so here we have queen to b6 and this is just a well it's a it's a very impressive move because the e5 square is attacked twice so uh can anand just grab another pawn here and the answer is yes for example bishop captures the captures and now he could play rook captures on e5 but maybe grabbing the second pawn will be a bit too risky because here uh although like i said white is up two pawns you could maybe run into something like bishop to d6 attacking the rook then you might see bishop to c5 with a double attack on the knight the knight will not be able to move because there's a uh will be a double attack on the f2 pawn so yeah although it's playable white is better maybe just uh a bit too risky so instead after d captures on e5 we have knight to c6 right away and now uh as the e7 bishop is under attack so just bishop the c5 uh getting that uh bishop out of the way uh and now comes uh well queen to e2 uh you could also capture this but after captures and captures then white just achieved what white wanted he has a nice passport here on c6 and you don't have all that much to show for so instead like i said after knight c6 with bishop to c5 with a double attack not on that pawn but on this one and now queen to e2 under defense it and then now rook f2 e8 so here uh white is still up upon but black is playing very very active chess and the white will still have to white was still have to prove that uh that this position can be won so here we have knight captures on e5 and this is a well a very interesting idea uh problem is if you play something like b4 it makes kind of makes sense because you want to get rid of this bishop here then bishop d4 just wins the game for black as the knight is under attack you can't move it because then your bishop captures rook happens and of course if you play something like queen to d3 to defend it well then just bishop captures queen captures and e4 and that's it uh the bishop now uh has to move and after the bishop moves knight captures on the e5 we remove the defender of the knight on c6 while attacking the queen and now well uh white's position just falls apart so it's a very very tricky position so here knight captures an e5 this is what anand decides to play and now comes uh well now comes rook captures an e5 uh it's a it's a very interesting idea to give up this knight like this as then well the bishop will capture on f2 but i guess anan just didn't want to play it safe he could like bring the queen back just queen to f1 queen to d2 and get the queen away from this uh nasty e file but he decided to play actively knight captures on e5 rook out for on e5 so he wins the exchange but he will lose the f2 pawn and then black can win the exchange back so queen captures on e5 bishop captures on f2 with check and now the problem is well a little bit of a problem the king has to go to f1 if you go to h1 then you run into rook to e8 and now after the queen moves it's just game over for white so here you would have to give up the queen but you don't really have compensation for that so instead after bishop captures an f2 we have king to f1 uh you have to play this otherwise you're lost and now uh black just regains material bishop captures on e1 we have queen capture sonny one and now b4 so playing in really great style and black is playing this game incredible incredibly well uh uh uh ever since that move won where he gave up a pawn for uh i'm not gonna say no reason because there's always a reason but uh he just gave up upon on move one uh to to to the former world champion uh so here b4 uh opening up some lines for the for the black queen we have a captures queen captures now also putting pressure on the b2 pawn and rook to a2 this is how anand defends but now bishop to b5 with check and now the problem is uh you cannot uh you cannot capture this bishop because if the bishop is captured then just queen to c4 and well you win the rook here on a2 so instead after bishop to b5 check we have the quick knight back to e2 uh now blocking this and offering a trade of queens uh and now comes queen back to d6 uh so what do you play here the queen wants to capture on h2 and then white's pretty much done for so you have to you have to prevent this we have kinked the g1 but now uh well you have other problems and that's rook captures on c2 and now there's a double attack on the knight on e2 so what do you play here uh knight to c3 but now comes bishop to d7 now the bishop wants to come to g4 uh trade off uh well either by capturing an f3 or you want white to capture on g4 and then you will have a lot of pressure here so here we have queen to e3 and now comes bishop to g4 as planned we have bishop capture sanji for knight captures and now uh this simply does not work for for uh anand uh because here we have queen to e8 check king to h7 and now queen to e for check here anand nicely connects this check with an attack on the knight and on the rook here problem is after g6 you do not have a good move uh because capturing on c2 just loses queen captures an h2 checking f1 and now knight the e3 check picks up the queen on c2 so that most uh definitely was not a free rook so after g6 we have queen to g4 this seems to be working but there is a problem here as there is one move that wins the game for for nikhil uh so feel free to pause the video here and try to find this uh well uh maneuver that takes down the former world champion vishwanathan on and while i give you a couple of seconds so uh for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on spotting uh either of the two checks queen to c5 or queen to b6 uh as uh if you found this that means white is lost because here after queen to c5 check which was played in the game you can't go king to f1 because this is just checkmate you have to play king to h1 and now comes the fun part and that is rook to c1 with check we have knight to d1 and now another beautiful move queen captures on d5 attacking the knight with a double attack but also attacking the rook here and here it was in this position on move 34 that vishwanathan anand resigned to the game as there is nothing more to be done here but that is not all there is to this uh to this ending of the game uh problem is nikhil had only 13 seconds on the clock in this position and anand had almost 10 minutes nine minutes and some seconds i don't know the exact amount and if he wanted to win this he could have just played some like h3 he could have played like h3 give up material let's say if queen captures here then we don't care we just play king h2 next we're gonna bring the knight back into the game and he could easily flag his opponent with who only had nine seconds on the clock but uh as our uh friend who suggested this game captain agrawal says uh vichy sir showed the spirit of a true legend and resigned the game when he could have flagged his opponent so that's uh that's the kind of a person on this he did not want to win the game uh his opponent outplayed him and he wanted to to congratulate him in proper manner so really uh an incredible game and when i fir when i first received this suggestion i thought okay i'm playing in celebrities it's just going to be you know swift victories for for him on all boards and especially when i saw move one in this game after knight to f3 e5 i was like what then i checked the database that it's called the ross opening never heard of it uh i i tried checking why the ros opening i i couldn't find it so like i said please do uh do shed some light on this if you if you have you know vast knowledge in the comment section so we can all improve it uh but yeah incredible stuff incredible how he was able to play such a brilliant game after this initial pawn sacrifice uh he he just played incredibly active chess like like morphy would and he you know all of a sudden he had a an equal game and then all of a sudden he had uh he had a winning position so really just incredible stuff okay and of course he's playing a simultaneous exhibition he's playing against multiple opponents and uh well it's uh even with all that it's still amazing that he was able to play such a game such such an incredibly strong game with all the moves being well incredibly strong so um it's not it's not uh odd because there are people who you know quit chess when they were very young and um well just started doing something else and they became incredibly successful in that uh much like the the the ceo of deepmind for example demi sazabis also was an incredible chess player then just you know had to drop chest to to be able to achieve all the other stuff uh this could be could be the case here because he topped at the rating of 2050 i believe um so who knows who knows how strong he was actually and you know if he still kept improving and playing secretly but all in all it's this was an incredibly impressive uh showing uh by by nicole come out here india's uh you know youngest billionaire so that's the game hope you guys enjoyed it thank you for suggesting it and also uh learning about the ross opening i imagine it will become very very popular in online plays it really gives active play for black i would like to thank happy birthday s paul avijid banerjee tsang console of western carpet cleaning in corporate and izaka garuda for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the coverage of all the tournaments that we are following checking up on your wonderful suggestions such as this one and whatever else happens in the uh world of chess so thank y'all i will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your sunday
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 686,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, ANAND VS NIKHIL KAMATH, KAMATH AGADMATOR, NIKHIL AGADMATOR, CRYPTO CHESS, STOCKS, EXCHANGE
Id: AxZnAigThso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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