I Found A Shiny Legendary Pokemon... Twice

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pokemon white but everything is random and i can only use shiny pokemon is back with the second episode that does mean if you've missed the first episode you should go check that out so you're not confused but i'll give a quick refresher everything is random in this pokemon game if you want to know exactly what is randomized it's in the description i can only use shiny pokemon which i will have to shiny hunt for the odds are a little bit better to make this a little bit less torturous because there's a lot of encounters to possibly get and the final thing is nuzlocke rules do apply so if i get the shiny pat rat and it faints it's dead and all of the work i put in to get this guy is out the window and i'm miserable so the stakes are high in this series so far so good but you never know what's gonna happen with oh no it the pokemon i let you guys nickname maybe i'll let you guys do that in the next episode who knows but the shiny hunting time while i'm busy shiny hunting i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to let you guys know that most of the people that watch these videos are actually unsubscribed so make sure that you guys do subscribe if you are enjoying this stuff and you do want to see future episodes it helps me out immensely and it's really easy to do yes oh my god oh my god that was my quickest hunt by so far oh my god that was i don't i didn't even keep track it was like 20 30 encounters i just accepted i was gonna be here for so long it was the most annoying i had to do the nickname each time but here it is the fat rat i mean i guess we can see like relax plus defense minus speed whatever oh wait it's gonna be randomized my mind's not even in this it's a rock with all these dragon moves and a ghost move oh my god this is genuinely very very cool okay oh no it's uh making my day incredible let's go get some fun text with this little guy we are gonna get into a battle with the uh old plasma grunts this is uh this is the magical moment by god nikki okay wow god nikki go oh no it no it needs to have cooler things not just go i oh no it you need to gain a level the the show strut your stuff buddy so let's rock tomb and slow him down we are already faster even with a minus speed nature that's actually kind of impressive no no not the first battle not the first medal please please please no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh no i painted oh no oh no you can't you can't you can't write this you just you can't write something like this i i wish i wish i was clever enough to i don't i'm just i'm a shell of a man this is i'm so upset i just wanted ah just okay just keep keep on just keep on keeping on just sure sure that's sick awesome great no no that's no that's good but they're gonna smack down and we can go into patty uh right patty is not it not worried at all frenzy plant because this could be a rock we don't know if if it's a rock it's not a rock we went for ground it wasn't super effective it doesn't matter this will kill it killed exactly it doesn't matter it's fine crisis averted paddy is still our everything god nikki takes us down once again no you're not next why is there another one of these guys stop it i'm i need to mourn okay god tom brady oh my god what a wha wow the the two most important people in my life mickey and tom brady wow what uh what a start to an episode here on to the next encounter and on to the next pokemon who we will not name oh know it that was a mistake i will never do that again it only leads to more sorrow and sadness we're gathered here today to say goodbye to a valued member of the team and no we don't measure value by the amount of time you lasted on the squad how many gym badges you got or even how many pokemon you managed to take out in your run we we value you by the shininess of your shiny and the coolness of your randomness and uh pat rat patrat oh no it whatever you want to call it was one cool little little mouse guy little meerkat meerkat guy squirrel guy i don't know a little rodent guy he he was great he is gone he will be missed i definitely should have given you guys the good news with the bad news when when the pat rat went down to soften the blow but the the good news is we still have an encounter here because the pat rat was a gift pokemon we can go right into this grass which was previously unavailable to us and and we can get a i think a bronze fortress is what it looks like pretty good defense won't die easily could be my friend this seems promising let's see where it goes oh my god oh my god oh my god that is the first bohemian i've seen we've done over a thousand encounters this has to be a shaking grass that i randomly ran into i don't know i have to review the footage oh my god i love the hem but i also don't know anything about the behemoth because i haven't battled the behemoth because i haven't seen a vahium i don't know how that's even possible but whatever whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine okay we're just gonna bring in you okay ice shard so it's an ice type so we do not set it ablaze good information that is super effective though but it is a special mon so we will not set it ablaze we will slap it with mud it's like the opposite of fire right kind of all right magic room fine with it uh into the magic the magical forest maybe uh the magical i don't know like i guess space this is an alien i don't know i just want to catch it it's been some time we can go for another one a crit won't even kill it we don't have to worry about it wake up slap is not super effective and then the other move can't kill so i feel good just going for mudslap here they also have a chance to miss their no oh my god [Applause] no come on i uh there wasn't there wasn't a better option i what is happening guys okay i guess we're here to talk to karen fine what do we battle him what do you mean we battle him oh my god ah this is dark type though it's dark type i remember that i know that that's important so it's a it's a dark guy and we can just amber the dark guy and we will burn the dark guy over here oh no wow that actually worked out too is that a fighting don't do that please there we go no cursed body i don't think another crit can kill i think we would barely live which is all we really need oh my god they did it and i was correct but what is happening just take it out we have 4 hp and we need slugma to be able to win it's a joltik if i know anything about joltik it's a tiny spider and the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came my foot because i stomped on it and stomped its life out and then it was dead and so that's that's what we're going to do here signal beam not worried about that a little worried about that let me let me rephrase a little worried i don't know if the rival's gonna have any potions but it is at minus two accuracy which honestly might be enough at this point but we need another pokemon so badly it's not funny okay there we go there we go that is that is big okay i think we might actually just kill with bone club at this point so i think we can just go for it i think we have to break out at this point right yeah there we go mudslap is the greatest move of all time and i will hear nothing that says different did it i knew my songs would work yes wow singing the song of the shiny pokemon that's i i don't know if i can do it again but also i have no idea what typing this is it's a very ugly shiny i don't know any of the typings but we're hooking a pokeball and praying okay i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna have to roll back the the footage even to know what i was doing with uh the noises coming from me because i have no idea but i do know that venipede will not die to a single cut so wobble that is not that strong perfect okay not that strong it seems like it's grass but i'm not gonna mess around with it because it's only a ventipede right and if i throw a pokeball at the venipeed and we catch the venipede then i will be vena happy i don't know man well we got it and that's all that matters okay let's go and it's a pokemon that'll evolve soon so we'll actually be able to see our first random evo into a cool shiny which is actually very exciting so you know what venipede big fan into the cave to save the cats we go oh god i completely forgot that we actually could hunt for a pokemon before the battle and we could get an aself no it's destiny this is my shiny i will get it we will we will run the tables with aself the gray aself the arena trapping oh no oh that's that that's less good i i [Music] oh my god they're going to do it to me they're actually they're actually going to do it i can't run i can't switch but we can live because i put the one ornberry i got on it oh my god and it has fisher we need this a zelf more than i've needed anything just just not just not with roly-poly in the front no no no running in the cave from running in a cave yeah running in the cave i run and then i cave yeah running in a cave around and in the cave yeah running in the cave and running in a cave yeah shining in the cave shiny shiny in the cave yeah shiny shiny shiny in the cave yeah okay different shirt different day the drought is over yellow larvitar that's what i'm talking about wow that's incredible i have no idea what typing you are so i'm going to throw a pokeball at you we have one dusk ball actually so that will work on this very beautiful shiny it's all bright you know i didn't think i liked larvitar shiny but now that i see it i've seen the light guard swap could be psychic doesn't really give me a lot of information and go off of and because he's a weak little uh baby boy that that's a girl okay that's fine but it's not dead that's what matters now last time i got into a situation like this i killed it dead and that was unfortunate so i'm gonna throw a duskball we're not risking another crit that only makes me very sad i i think we just do this now it becomes our friend friendship yes that's what i'm talking about continuing forward in the game turpile dirt no cheren come on i could have gotten a cool item there i don't why why would you do this to me why what are you doing i haven't even shown the audience the the typing and the moves and all the fun beauty that is thea but i guess this is also the perfect opportunity to throw their into the fire and see if it's too hot hopefully not because i set up the sun and if the fire's too hot for thea and it's our sun setter then we're we're just totally screwed but the larvitar we got made my day and only i can continue to have the same typings we we already have it's it's un it's unbelievable i don't grass normal ground oh maybe we should get something else so that we're not weak to all the same typings nope just got a normal type then a grass type so everything is pretty a-okay there pretty much the same type of moves we have on other pokemon so everything is everything is good and wonderful but i was expecting them to out speed me they is not the speediest gal out there so double damage revenge right in the dome ski you dark sheep baa baa out of here no i could have waited to hunt in the double grass i completely forgot there was double grass here oh well then it has a deoxys and a gigalift come on game why'd i do that i guess to find this rayquaza i will name him gary oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god why would i name rayquaza gary that's a terrible name for it oh my god holy crap i didn't know this was gonna happen this series and it's on freaking deoxys holy crap okay so i'm pretty sure i said it in the first episode if i didn't i don't know yell at me whatever it may be but any shiny i find in this series is fair game now it is you know going by nuzlocke rules so the idea behind it is anytime i find a or there's a new um you know route or a new area i can shiny hunt there until i find a shiny and then i move forward but if i'm just like grinding up or if i just run through the grass as you know i went back to heal came back i found two encounters one of them shiny that's fair game if i can catch it now there's a huge problem here it's a deoxys [Laughter] oh my god i i can't believe this i like i i feel like i'm dreaming like it's i don't know the recording day's been kind of weird there's been a lot of interruptions it's freaking night time in the game now i like i just i'm i'm so thrown off i might just bring in you because mudslap would be good there's no way mudslap would kill at least one of these but i need to get this down to like baby red like that's no no no no oh my god i need a second am i really am i really going to use all of my resources to try to catch a truant deoxis but it's yellow and yellow and i love the shiny it's so good oh my god okay icy wind please do not kill please do not kill okay that really didn't do too much that's fine i'm not too worried about this this should get like red yes okay that is huge all right now we just immediately go into patty of course there's there's no other option okay how can i entice this really terrible pokemon to become a part of the team actually deoxys you would fit in perfectly with my team the best pokemon on the team right now is a wobba fett everything else has not evolved yes that was it the pep talk of my team is terrible joined the chaos joined the terrible team we caught a shiny deoxis i mean at least you could give me some money yes i do need money i'm very broke and there's some very cool items that i would like to spend all of my cash on but i need to i also need to acquire the cash to spend the cash so you hand over the cash sir please and thank you now a swad loon i could punch it in the face i could have it fall yeah i'm gonna make it fall into the earth hey look at that there's like a lava flowing out everything's breaking apart you're not dead and quiver dancing okay so that's what we call in the business ah we're just gonna stay in this is this is a power move here okay this is this is just a power move to scare the swan loon punch it in the face still outspeed it it doesn't matter there we go that's what i like to see from my captain wow gym number two let's see how it goes i mean the team before was without a captain no direction and now with captain on the squad no oh come on challenged by lazy better pokemon 7 wow oh man you want to talk about throwing a wrench into things now i have to go against better me all right you know what it is lazy so let me just we're gonna paralyze the first pokemon right we're gonna throw better me off his game after they've thrown me off my game right they're gonna mess with my accuracy that's fine i'm not too worried about that i can't even attack this next turn because uh you me shaking hand meme lazy pokemon and speaking of lazy i'm gonna go into you and then you can karate chop wait no don't karate chop it it's it showed a psychic move not a not a fighting move am i or a dark move am i insane i think i'm losing my mind which is just not a good look for me i gotta gotta bring it together that did look that did look like it could just be a normal move so we can't karate chop i might still be right somehow oh my god i'm actually right but this is doing all of the damages in the world so we're gonna have to switch it did out speed you're paralyzed revenge will do more but if this kills i'm gonna feel real stupid don't feel stupid i feel smart i feel on top of the world okay that's fine punched so close to dead but uh i don't know i guess we're going to paddy we're just letting all of our pokemon get really weak before we go against the level 20 pokemon which is always smart so no i didn't even consider that to be a possibility please just hit captain please thank you okay i just what's the next pokemon i'm going slightly insane okay what's next [Laughter] aye perfect uh let's just go into rolly pollioli just uh rolly polioli other words to the theme song i don't remember that song at all but it was a show from my childhood and good song john everyone's gonna really like that diddy everyone's gonna really like that focus blast okay i'm not really too worried about that no no no one of the few pokemon i have that's not a freaking normal type we obliterate the combi and there goes the battle yes horn drill shore i don't know does this think of all the 20 because it might it's 20 or 22. let's get rid of grass pledge we don't need that just get in the coverage all around on roly-poly there we go okay badge number two acquired i feel like it took way too long to get here but we might even have an evolution coming up soon we have multiple more encounters to grab what is relic gold i have quite literally never seen that item in my life what what is relic a gold coin used in the simulation about 3000 years ago a maniac will buy for a high price yo oh my god i don't know where the maniac is i do need to find that because that is crazy thank you very very much for all of the heels now we can make our way over to the double grass all the trainers are vanquished and we can actually shiny hunt in the double grass here hopefully find a shiny when there's two pokemon on screen it'll just be glorious i was just going up the hill i was just going to the healey lady as you as you can see captain has three hp i was just gonna go heal ah i i don't know what to say dude this is crazy i mean i know i need to heal above all else i don't know if i've ever had a shiny reaction like that i am truly speechless i i don't like that at all i do not like that at all but it is probably a ghost type i would be really shocked if a random pokemon got that god come on mewtwo how is this a void does it have like thunder wave has 100 accuracy in this game right does it have like bright powder or something like what am i missing wait no check moves oh no never mind ignore me ignore me ignore me i can't even move but i i i mean i'm just truly just speech shocked i i was just going up to heal i didn't even have a chance to save down in the double grass area like i ran down there i like we found what was that i don't even remember the stupid two pokemon we ran into something like a blitzel had shadow tag like i had to kill it so i could get away from that i i'm ah [Laughter] that's the only thing i can think okay ghost pokemon let's just go into something like you because that would be nice what my mic's in the way i couldn't even see that no does this have shadow tag too why does everything have trapping oh my no crap crap crap crap crap so it's a ghost oh my god okay we have to go for icy when it's the only possible move i can go for this is so stressful why are you doing this to me game please okay thank god no i can't do any more damage to it though oh my god that barely no that barely crap oh if i had just gone for like earth power too it probably would have barely not killed i can't catch this now oh no oh i'm definitely counting this as my shiny for this area too i'm not gonna oh my god i thought i had it for a second for one dumb second i'm not not gonna like re-hunt for something like this is we found the shiny i i catch it or i move on it's one of the two so no way let's go let's go let's go yes oh my god i just ripped a cord out of his sock it doesn't matter let's go oh my god oh my god oh my god quiver dance oh my god you've got to be kidding me don't you call me a stubborn bratz i prefer stallion it's cooler that way god b why does god beball have a mewtwo why does everyone have mewtwo this could have destiny bond though so we do have to be smart but thankfully i have quiver dance well actually wait does he have quiver dance too is this gonna be a quiver off could have just said dance off but that's okay we will look past it there's the destiny bond all right you're not gonna have me lose my mewtwo in the first episode i get it that would that would bring on a lot of angry people and a lot of jeers it would be like a lot of just a crowd of people booing me you know have you ever been booed before mewtwo it doesn't feel good especially with thousands of people right i mean that's just that's a fate worse than death okay so you out of here we're fine we're safe okay a little bit of a scare but if team plasma just has a bunch of mewtwo's i'm not the biggest fan of running through the forest after them you can have the dragonite school i really don't care what is the relic crown why do i just keep finding all these relic items why does everybody have legendaries here okay i'll bring in tom brady because my other pokemon are getting weak and deoxys is just gonna truant so that would be annoying but this thing might also do that ooh could you just not attack what is mine is my normal i think mine might be normal i will sludge it i'll make it all sludgy and such okay chore oh it's i knew it was ground why am i stupid okay fine whatever it doesn't matter because it can't attack this turn and i'm just gonna kill it so out of here deoxys you're not worthy you're not shiny it is very weird that we've battled a regular mewtwo and a regular deoxys from these guys i don't know what is going on screw it i'm just going to obliterate the barboach because i would like to move on okay give the skull back and be gone don't go and catch any more legendaries they're scary and making me sad but but just you know go and do other things right like steal more pokemon from children just like get out of my life please i'm begging you at this point please
Channel: PokeMEN7 Plays
Views: 195,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, everything random, everything random pokemon, pokemon everything random, pokemon randomizer, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon extreme randomizer, pokemon white, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, pokemon but, pokemon but i can only use randomized shinies, shiny pokemon nuzlocke, shiny pokemon only, randomized shiny pokemon, pokemon randomizer nuzlocke, shiny pokemon randomizer, random shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges nuzlocke
Id: xZwd3lxAQb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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