Me & You, Us, Forever (2008) | Full Movie | Michael Blain-Rozgay | A Dave Christiano Film

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[Music] you [Music] remember now girls you're staying with your mom this weekend I know but we switched a few weeks back she had somewhere to go oh yeah girls know where she went she went to see some man Michelle some men who we don't know at the ten point isn't it what Dad nothing I'm sorry daddy didn't mean to I know it's okay come on let's get going I don't what's your girl's late for school [Music] morning Dave morning soon she called at 8:01 was she mad no she was in a good mood she said hello and even asked how I was doing she must want something no I can take it no I'm sure okay what bye what's gonna take another weekend for this time no switching must be in love must be you okay that really soo yeah do you ever get used to this used to it yes like it no you know it still hurts me every time I think about it I'm sorry man this is not right it's never been right it's never gonna be right well maybe you should try a little border I do most of the time I don't see you the way the custody set up but every once in a while we run into each other she knows it hurts me when I see her oh if he knows about you I'm sure she arranges it once in a while you know what she does when I've got the girls and she calls to talk to him at night instead of calling me from her cell phone she'll call me from her boyfriend's phone so I'll see his name pop up in the caller ID she's just to deal with using her man he's just trying to tell you if inside he's doing a really good job of it let me tell ya you know Dave maybe it's time you try and meet someone who's you are free to remarry I don't know you should try and get out a little more get involved with a singles group or something no I don't think so probably do you love good that's not me well hang in there you're gonna make guys we'll see you through sometimes I wonder hey when we get the contract with the Klein group that'll make you feel better oh right like the contract of the century is gonna make me feel all better you can't hurt yeah we'll see if they go for it they're gonna go for it it's very fair no it's fair all right put these guys on one fare do they they won't have the edge yeah you got that right but I think God's gonna make it happen I got a good feeling about this we're know soon enough tomorrow is June 2nd and that he'll the deadline we should know something first thing in the morning what did you just say we should know first thing anymore no no what day was June 2nd why what about it well June 2nd was the day I broke up at my old high school girlfriend you still remember the date yeah she was my first love first love huh name was Mary do you ever have a girlfriend in high school not really a I played football and there was this girl named Regina we dated on and off a little but nothing serious I mean I was a lineman not many girls get excited about dating a lion but if you know what I mean Mary was a cheerleader and what were you what anybody me no I didn't play football I ran cross-country and track so how'd you get the two you love it what are you talking about us runners got all the chicks z.e be you zebu and that is a triple letter score on the Z she was a word sure it is what does Eva mean what do I look like a dictionary here I don't know what all the Z words mean I just know that I memorized a bunch of them once it's a word Ashley is evil a word no he's just making it up your father got straight A's in English and spelling all through school I'm not making anything up yes you are a zebu is not a word zebra is but not Cebu hey hey hey young lady that is my word and I'm leaving it it's an animal overseas somewhere challenge him he's trying to trick you I'm not trying to trick anybody I'm going to challenge you okay but if you challenge and you're wrong you lose a turn then you probably lose the game I'm challenging tried to warn you hello yeah hold on just a minute it's your mom hey mom I don't believe it you are so lucky there is no such thing as luck it's an animal isn't it yes a mammal of Africa and Asia dad [Laughter] [Music] did you hear the news they sign the contract how did you know I didn't you just told me they sign the contract aren't you excited yeah that's good that's good what do you mean that's great do you member that girl I told you about yesterday well go marry the old girlfriend yeah I was flipping through the stations in the way into work this morning and I heard a song from 1974 that was our song now what do you think the chances of that happening are I don't know but who cares the contract come on man it brought back a lot of good memories we just landed the biggest marketing deal in the history of this company and you thinking about some high school girl not just some girl Paul she was the greatest January 5th 1974 is today we met we lived in different towns about three miles apart my cousin played for her high school basketball team he was a junior and so was she that was a senior he arranged for me to meet her at one of the games so I talked to her a little bit that night and then I called her the next day and asked her out that she said yes that's how it all started and I remember telling my brother on February 5th just one month later that I would never ever break up with this girl that she was the most perfect beautiful girl in the world for me but you broke up with her we did it for two years four months and 28 days yeah I broke up with her which was June 2nd the date of this company landed his biggest contract no it was June 2nd 1976 the day that I was a total idiot and let go of the greatest thing I ever had should have married that girl you know Dave maybe you should see a counselor or something go to one of those divorce recovery groups and you kid me and listen all those sob stories no way well they've got Christian groups to meet no I don't need any of that stuff I'm fine you might want to check it out besides you need to move forward not backward why because I told you a little bit about Mary it's nothing wrong in talking about her yeah well it just wasn't in God's plan that's why you didn't marry her no I didn't marry her because I was young and stupid but you once told me that if you had not moved out of New York State you probably would have never found Jesus now you know there's nothing more valuable than having God in your life that's true but why didn't he allow me to become a Christian up there and why didn't allow Mary and I to get married how was school sweetie did you learn anything no Michelle you've been in school all year and you haven't learned a thing no no honey I don't need to talk to her I love you both have a good weekend I call you tomorrow night okay all right all right good night god bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Paul you ever think of that high school sweetheart of yours Oh another girl you did it in high school you ever think about her you mean Regina yeah no man we only dated a little I told you I was a lineman besides I have got the Gallia's lady the Lord ever put on this earth for wife you really got a good marriage don't you I've got a great marriage it's not because of me it's because of her I'm glad for you God knows I tried in my marriage I hear you but it takes two it takes two to get married it only takes one to get divorced I'm telling you you need to go to one of those recovery groups talk to people who walk through this stuff before gonna help you walk through it you know I really need to do I need to travel back to 1974 start all over again with the greatest girl that ever came my way and this time hanging underwear you've really been thinking a lot about this girl yeah I have well that was 30 years ago you can't do that do what well you can't live in the past and you can't go back in time I can't have my mind that in my dreams yeah but when you wake up you'll be back in the real world where you're divorced with two daughters Eve you gotta go on from here [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Calloway fire oh thanks you okay yeah I was just doing a little daydreaming okay hey sue did you ever go to one of those divorce recovery groups when you know yeah I went to the one that means over at Southside fellowship don't have to be a member of the church to go does that still need as far as I know I can find out if you like did it help you you know what it really did Wow um just listening to other people who were going through the same things I was it's mostly the victims that are in those classes pretty good therapy though I guess you go well it wouldn't hurt you if that's what you're thinking that's no no bacon and it would not be a waste of time if that's what you're thinking here's what I'm thinking no matter how I look at this it just doesn't add up how does a woman destroy a family with two children and a devoted husband after 19 years of marriage I mean why does God allow something like that to happen you can't blame God Dave she's the one that made the choice but he allowed it he saw this coming and he could have done something to prevent it maybe he tried I didn't try hard enough I don't have the answers for you does anybody well the group will help and you should go let me get the information for you I probably won't use it but thanks so what are you gonna do with that bonus check I don't know I thought about it well I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take the little lady on a cruise we want to spend some quality time together praise the Lord and enjoy seven days in the Caribbean oh is it Caribbean it's fine either way okay I'd love to go sorry buddy this trip is just for two when do you leave well as soon as I can schedule the time off hopefully next month we'll happy sailing thank you you know the Lord is really blessing us I mean we made that big deal and God has rewarded us with a nice boss everybody needs a little R&R even Jesus took some R&R when he was on earth I wonder if he took a little cruise he didn't have to take the cruise on the water he just took a walk on it [Music] this class is to help you cope with your situation now everybody here is either divorced or separated or going through a divorce some of you still want your marriages to come back together some of you don't know what happened and all of you probably wish this had never happened and they're wondering where God is in all of this well I'm here to tell you that he's right in the middle of it and if you let him he'll see you through it one way or another and he has a purpose for allowing you to go through this even though you may not see it or understand why now we've got a couple of new people with us tonight and what we usually do is have you introduce yourself share with us what you want everything that is said in this room stays in this room just remember that everybody here is going through the same thing that you are we're just here to help each other okay Dave my name is Dave and I'm divorced but not by my own choice I have two daughters and that's about it is there anything else you'd like to share with us no tell you the truth I really don't know why I'm here well you're here for a reason day the Lord guided you here tonight and I guess well we're just here to help you if we can think you can turn back the clock you mean like turn back time and start all over again yeah you got it well a time machine I haven't perfected yet Dave but we're glad you came you want to tell us who you are my name is Amanda I'm separated my husband was unfaithful and left with another woman we have two kids Dwayne a girl and there are 11 and 8 years old and this is the first time I've done anything like this [Music] good morning sue for today well I went to that meeting last night and it's just what I thought it was gonna be which was bunch of people sitting around for an hour sharing one heartache after another the leader makes this introduction speech saying God has a purpose in this situation you tell me what purpose could God possibly have an allowing divorce God hates divorce and I Got News for him OKC hasn't noticed lately there's an epidemic of it going on in this country and more so in the church you know I read that there are more divorces among so-called Christians than there are in the secular world and why is that nobody knows nobody's doing anything about it either it sounds like you're mad at God why not he's the one running this show isn't he look I know how painful this is they remember me a few years ago just doesn't make any sense I know but trust me the group will help the place for you to vent vent I'm borderline one to rip somebody's head off and we both know her name so sorry you're going through this I really am you're gonna get through this Dave might not seem like it now but you will [Music] I heard another David Mary song today huh in the oldies station and the way in play a lot of songs in the 70s I thought you listen to the word when you drove into work I do usually I'm catching a few tunes must have been some girl she was mad I told you she was the greatest I've been thinking about going to see her what I didn't thinking about going to see her no way man you don't need to be doing anything like that didn't she married and her name's Simmons now Mary Simmons they she was married last time I knew she's got a couple of daughters that must be college age by now well then you definitely need to stay away from her if she's married and has a family I just want to say hi Dave no that would be wrong this ain't the law I telling you to do this well who is it then the devil sounds like you are telling you to do this come on man I thought you were my friend I am your friend I'm your best friend and that's why I'm telling you you don't need to be going to see your old girlfriend who is married with her own family nothing good can come of that only trouble nothing bad is gonna happen no man you wouldn't want your wife's old boyfriend coming around if the roles were reversed would you [Music] don't know they've come on be serious would you hello speaking Dave my name's Carla I was at the divorce meeting last week we didn't meet or anything but I noticed you weren't there tonight well I don't think I'm coming back I just kind of went to check it out do you have a yes I know you might think this is kind of strange but I feel like I'm supposed to talk to you I wanted to talk to you last week but I didn't get up the nerve and then I didn't see you there tonight well like I said I don't think I'm coming back just out of curiosity how did you get my number I got it from the registration sheet look I don't mean to bother you or anything I just thought maybe you could use a friend I'm fine really thank you well then I thought maybe I could use a friend do you think we could just get together and talk I was born and raised near Cleveland that moved here after I got married my husband was transferred with this job I met him about 12 years ago just after college we only dated for eight months he left after our ninth anniversary the divorce was final a year later we had no children was he a Christian he said he was was there a reason for him to leave no why do you leave it looking back I realized that our relationship was based mostly on physical attraction we didn't have a strong spiritual base and quickly grew apart over the years we both knew that our marriage was a mistake but I was committed to it I didn't want it to end we started arguing a lot and then one day he decided to leave you know I think he got tired of trying or at least tired of me do you think he was seeing another woman I don't think so but I don't know people get divorced today like it's nothing I think God's blind or something is it still hard for you no not anymore I wasn't devastated by it I had married the wrong person and I knew it but I tried to stick with it he didn't well why do you go to the group then listen other people's stories why I go to the group has very little to do with my ex-husband I go for something to do for fellowship it gets lonely sometimes it's really weird what your mind starts to do when you're alone again how do you mean well I hope you don't think this is silly but for a while I was thinking a lot about this guy I dated in high school pretty stupid huh in high school yeah his name was Brian he was a great guy we got along really well we dated for almost two years I must have been pretty lonely to be thinking about him don't you think I don't know so what happened to the happy couple after we've been dating for about a year and a half I just didn't feel the same way about him I can't really explain it I tried to keep it going but I knew that it was gonna end so I broke up with him this summer after we graduated I hurt him really badly he's been married now for 13 years and I'm divorced I'm sorry me too he was my first love you know what they say about first loves so when was the last time you saw him about seven or eight years seven and a half at least so why did you go to the group my wife left me about a year and a half ago but we've been officially divorced for five months I have two daughters fifteen and seventeen joint custody she gets him one week I get him the other Monday to Monday one phone call a night so what happened she said she didn't have feelings for me she didn't love me anymore that's not the real reason that mr. sillens she gave me oh she started seeing another man before we were separated how do you know I know are you sure yes I'm sure she Christian said she was dead Wilco recent elite not at all yeah anyway the last thing I ever wanted was to be divorced and have my family split up I've remained faithful to her even till now are you still hoping she'll come back I don't know what I'm hoping for anymore I mean the girls and I prayed about it and they want it and she's dated quite a few men since she left it's a nightmare any way you look at it how are your daughters taking all this and they're going along with it I mean what else can they do they go back and forth from house to house it's awful that's what she wants she's happy she's not happy Dave she just thinks that she is one day she is gonna wake up and realize what she's done and I'd like to see that but I doubt it no she's doing what she does best hurt people cause trouble be contentious bring chaos that is my beautiful ex bride sorry I shouldn't be saying any of this no it's okay I've got nobody to blame but myself I didn't marry the right person either I was totally faithful to her committed to my family and I just made a wrong choice you know when you said you dated for eight months you got you beat seven and a half and we got married for the physical attraction too so I can totally relate during the club huh join the club anyway lately it's not my ex that I've been thinking about you know in the phone when you said you felt like you were supposed to talk to me well let's just say I'm not really pretty skeptical about things like that but I think maybe this time I was wrong see I've been thinking about this girl that I dated in high school her name was Mary and she was my first love - how long were you together two years four months 28 days you mean you know exactly yes she was a great girl we've been dating for about nine months when I went off to college she was in her last year of high school I used to come home every weekend to see her we'd write two or three letters a week and then in the spring of 75 I woke up at college one day and something had changed I don't know how or why but I I just wasn't as excited to see her as I used to be now he continued to date until June of 76 and I broke it off with her we didn't fight her anything right and just lost it for and I don't know why good morning Susie Q you're in a good mood what's your name actually my dear friend I did meet someone so does this woman have a name her name is Karla it's nice to know that I'm not alone in what I've been thinking and feeling Karla nice name it's not what you think she's much younger than I am so where'd you meet her at the divorce recovery group uh-huh I thought you weren't gonna go back there I didn't then I don't get it she called me and now you can't stop thinking about her actually it's not Karla that I've been thinking about your ex nope not your ex okay I have no idea what you're talking about her name is Mary Mary who is Mary Mary is a girl that I dated for about two and a half years no I haven't seen it almost 25 years who's probably very happily married while I'm very miserably divorced and who if I had married I wouldn't be in this nightmare today how's that for an explanation and all of this came to light because you met a woman named Carla some of it why have you never mentioned Mary tomatoes well when you're married you don't usually talk about your old girlfriends I guess not so what about Carla then Carla is a new friend who is going through the same thing that I'm going through so maybe that meeting wasn't a waste of time after all [Music] hey girl oh what a morning the phone has been ringing off the hook how're you doing I'm fine how was the meeting it was good did you meet someone you know every time I go to that meeting you always ask me that um I do not yes you do really I hadn't noticed have my samples come in they're on the table thank you very much well did you what meet someone oh I kind of like this one Carla what do you think I think you're avoiding the question yes or no sort of how do you sort of meet someone it's hard to explain try me it was nothing does this one have potential oh don't be silly Carla I am your best friend Niki I just spoke with a man that's all he's just a friend and besides he's much older than I am what love comes in many packages okay I've got to go meet a client what's his name by his name bye Carla Brian [Music] [Music] [Music] I want to go see her go see Mary mm-hmm I want to get in a plane fly to New York and see her does that sound crazy I just want to talk to her for a while just me and her alone can you relate perfectly did you ever feel like that with Brian several times you ever think about calling him yeah but I can't I mean he's married now and I'm not gonna do anything to hurt that besides my troubles aren't his problem so you've had no contact with him other than that time eight years ago and that was by accident I mean we just sort of ran into each other but don't you ever want to see him or talk to him yes but I can't he's married and that settles it I had my chance with him but what's that old saying you're the master of your decisions but the slave of your choices I don't wanna have a guilt complex about seeing Mary I don't want to break up her marriage or anything well then what do you want I don't know I think I want to apologize to her I wanted to know how sorry I am for breaking up with her I want to tell her what a great person I thought she was I wanted to know that when I saw Brian it wasn't the same too many things had happened from the time that we dated to when I saw him again I was remembering the guy that I dated not the man he is now I understand it's just that I had such a deep love for Mary that first year we were together it was the most fantastic feeling in my life it was like I couldn't be with her enough and she felt the same that girl doesn't exist anymore she's only in your memory no I just want to see her I want to talk to her she was such a beautiful girl what if she looks completely different now she probably does I still was here you really loved her didn't you yeah I did that's what the greatest days of my life so do you think he likes you would you stop it's not like that you have a one-track mind help it that I want you to be as happy as I am it's like I told you before I am NOT seeking anybody out least I'm not trying to okay so what are you trying to do then I am trying to wait on the Lord well I can't argue with that so why did he call you we have something very much in common oh yeah what's that my Brian is his Mary his first love the hardest part for me has been getting over the hurt I don't think you ever get over the hurt speaking from a man's perspective I think the only thing that really helps you get over the hurt is another love interest someone else to love and someone who loves you the Lord can heal your hurt my case he hasn't I'm still hurting very much all I know is that I was totally devastated by my situation and the only thing that's been helping is the fact that I've been thinking about another woman it's helping ease the pain I agree I think meeting someone else or even thinking about someone else really does help let's face it divorce is total destruction of the heart it's like a grenade goes off inside and shatters you into a million little pieces now I know the Lord can put him back together again but how does he do it I think maybe he brings in another love someone even greater than what you thought you had before only another person can really heal the hurt that's how I see it [Music] so you spoke up a bit tonight getting into this a little I don't know why I say anything at all and the one who needs the answers you know and the few times I've talked with you I've never even asked you what you do I'm sorry it shows you how consumed I'm with myself that's all right I'm an interior decorator I own my own business no kidding yeah I've been doing it for several years you still like it I do you do ok with it I do okay how do you get business well I have my name in some places are on the city plus word amount the Lord keeps me going sounds good glad for you so I guess I'll just see you next week listen um the girls are with their mother tonight you want to get a cup of coffee or something what'd you guys talk about different things but mostly about Mary okay this guy is starting to sound obsessed I can tell she was really special to him she was an artist she used to make him things oh yeah like what like anniversary cards what do you mean anniversary cards you know we've been together six months nine months that sort of thing she used to make him something different every month one time she took a glass bottle and put little memories and pictures of their relationship inside it oh very romantic all right so if this girl was so special why did he break up with her I asked him about that last night there were two things that hurt our relationship and they were both my fault that was a very immature person and then I was jealous I didn't want to be but I was and she never gave me a reason to be jealous I was just possessive I was even jealous of guys she dated before I came along a lot of teenage boys are like that I was pretty bad anyway that hurt our relationship what was the second thing after I'd gone to college for a while I thought I wanted the date other girls I don't know why I already had the perfect one for me Dave almost everyone has a first love that they don't marry I really would if I could I would go back and start all over and this time I wouldn't let her go but you didn't have Christ back then and I don't have her now now I'm starting to feel sorry for this guy have you seen a picture of her no well where is she now in New York State about 20 miles from where they grew up so he left and she stayed yeah Carly you are an attractive woman do you think he's interested in you I don't know are you interested in him I don't know that either all I do know is that I've walked the road that he's on right now I've gone through all of the emotions of wanting my first love again you never sounded as bad off as this guy well maybe my relationship with Brian wasn't the same as his with Mary maybe we're talking about a girl he dated 30 years ago she must have been really something yeah she must have been do we need potatoes I think so yes we do russet or bread take your pick oh hey there's not [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you should have called him he had his girls all weakened he was probably busy still should have called maybe I should stop meeting him incredible she meets a guy she likes and he doesn't even know she's there I don't like anybody oh no no I think you do well you think wrong he's just a friend someone to talk to I don't know why I tell you anything I mean I even talked to a guy you've got me walking down the aisle with him who me besides he's 13 years older than I am and if we were to be married when he was 95 I'd only be 82 oh we wouldn't want that now would we hey Dave come here I wanna show you something check it out we'll look at this seven day cruise five ports a call in there I thought you were all talk no way man this is the second honeymoon that is long overdue I went online this morning to check the weather 68 degrees here 86 degrees there I love hot well I'm glad for you when do you leave in four weeks and I am looking forward to it you just try and keep things in order while I'm gone I don't want to come back to an office that needs patching up well we'll do our best are you all right Dave you know I wasn't trying to hurt you showing you these tickets I apologize if I was insensitive no you were fine Paul I'm glad for you really I am thanks anyway [Music] you [Music] you [Music] hi hi are you doing I'm okay how are you doing good I'm doing good you don't mind if I consider in the set of the room tonight II no not at all I am I made a reservation today so how do you make sense of your life my husband seeing someone else and that kills me even if he decided to come back how do I people say you need to forgive okay I can I can do that but how do you forget when I look ahead I don't see daylight I feel like I'm walking in total darkness I know exactly how she feels can you offer her any advice you're the man with all the answers not me well I'm not sure there are any answers when you're going through something like this nothing really makes sense the hardest part is just accepting what's happened and if you can do that then you're on the road to healing but most people have a hard time doing that and so they deal with their hurt in different ways and all of these are understandable you know some people tell themselves that they're okay that they can handle this that they're just going to be strong and move on but it's really only a front and usually in time they break down some people get very bitter angry and they stay that way for quite some time it makes me feel better but the Bible says that bitterness troubles us and so that's really not a road you want to travel and others tend to look backwards since it's only a nightmare when you look ahead you try to return to a more pleasant time in your life or relive an old relationship but the key element is to accept the things that did happen and accept the things that didn't I know it's not easy and you can't do this on your own and your time of deepest pain you really need to turn to the Lord Jesus Christ is the only one who can see you through this [Music] I have concluded that separation and divorce are no fun agreed do you agree about a lot of things yeah we do don't we so are you going home do you want to get something to eat I'd like to then I got the girls tonight so I should probably get home of course yeah so I guess I'll just um I'll see you later babe okay have a good night you too [Music] he's actually gonna go see her he made a reservation is he gonna call her first I don't know I didn't ask well you don't think he's just gonna show up on her doorstep do you I don't know so he wants to go see his old girlfriend who is married and he wants to see her alone house they think he's gonna pull that off my wife is already bad we don't leave for three weeks that she's ready to go no kiddin I should have done this a long time ago yeah but a long time ago you didn't into the big fat bonus check you got any plans hmm your bonus check here we decided what you're gonna do with not with all of it you still going to that divorced recovery booth right yeah is it helping not really I like talking to Carla that's why I keep going well I guess is help me then yeah I guess so when do I get to meet this lady we're just friends we're a couple of people going through the same thing at the same time that's all I understand yes you have a visitor well not expecting anyone did I miss a meeting she says her name is Carla Hey oh yeah I'm good have you two met yes we introduced ourselves am i interrupting anything no no not at all I just got a call this morning from a potential client across the street and I finished up there and thought I'd stop by and say hello well hello please sit hey did you get the job yes I did they are completely renovating their Lobby area and meeting rooms Wow you must be quite the irresistible saleswoman actually I pray a lot when I get a new client and remind the Lord that I've got bills to pay hey when you're done over there do you think you can come and spice this place up I think it looks pretty good in here it's been like this for years it still looks good excuse me yes which Thursday no I can't I'm gonna be out of town right so we're gonna have to do it the following week well pick any day but just make sure you're not by Paul we don't want to interfere with the second anyone here right okay I'm sorry is your trip to New York next Thursday yes it is I didn't realize it was coming so soon I'm feeling really nervous about this it's like the first time I met her I was nervous then I'm sure she was too yeah but that's because she knew I was coming to meet her the stem she doesn't know I'm coming at all well then she won't have time to get nervous you know wonder how she's gonna respond to this well if she loved you the way you said she did then all the memories will be there I think when you date someone for that length of time you give them a piece of your heart and I don't think you ever get it back we can both relate to that can't we yes yes we can girls I'm gonna be taking a short trip at the end of this week so you'll be staying at your mother's I will be gone early Thursday too late Friday so you gonna be staying at your mother's Wednesday and Thursday and then look at back on schedule okay where you gone New York oh you're gonna visit Grandma and Grandpa uh no actually I'm gonna be seeing an old friend like an old buddy from high school yeah you could say that sort of Oh can I go with you well you'd have to miss the first week of school yeah how about no nice try though thanks a lot you're welcome [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I got your email about you taking a couple of days off is everything okay yeah everything's fine you sure I'm gonna be taking a little trip I thought I should let you know ahead of time so I don't have to play 20 questions when I come back how long is then I'm going up north I've no us going to New York the high school girl what can I say does she know you coming no she doesn't when are you leaving I'm leaving Thursday coming back late Friday by the way keep the place running while I'm gone I don't wanna have to patch things up when I come back Dave God doesn't want you to go out and mess up somebody's marriage I can't support you on this I'm just going to say hello to an old friend well like I said before if the roles were reversed you wouldn't want this happening to you it's already happened to me so don't lay a guilt trip on me I am NOT trying to lay a guilt trip on you well then why do I feel guilty every time I talk to you about Mary Dave come on man if I were doing this you'd be all over me I don't think so just because your wife did you wrong doesn't mean you should do the same I'm not doing anything wrong I'm not going out there to commit adultery and I'm not trying to ruin anybody's marriage I'm just going up to talk to someone who at one time was the most special person on the face of the planet to me I don't see why I have to ignore and pretend she doesn't exist for the rest of my life you follow what I'm saying I'll follow but you've lost your focus on Christ I just want to see her one time and what are you hoping for she's the same girl you left 30 years ago and that you'll fall in love again and if that happens Dave where does that leave her family oh come on man get back in line with Jesus get back on course I'll see you when I get back Dave I said I'll see you when I get back [Music] you always referred a girl as Mary but she is not your Mary anymore she's another man's wife you need to accept that she'll always be married to me [Music] do you ever get mad at God well I think we all get mad at God at one point or another in life sometimes it doesn't even seem like he's up there no seems that way what do you do when you get mad at God well why do people get mad at God I can think of a few reasons there's only two reasons I can think of we get mad at God because we don't get our way when my wife left the girls and I prayed every day every day that God would put our family back together we're praying for his will here a good thing right he did nothing absolutely nothing he just let it happen remember what the Bible says thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven sometimes God's will isn't done here on earth day even if it is a righteous thing what's the second reason well we get mad at God because we know he can do something about a certain situation and he doesn't that's probably the real issue here isn't it that's it exactly just lets it happen I'm kind of a god are we serving here sometimes it is difficult to understand why God allows or doesn't allow certain things to happen I wrestled with that myself years ago but then I discovered a verse in Proverbs that really helped me through it proverbs 2130 there is no counsel against the Lord if the Lord Jesus Christ were to appear to you right now and he would answer any question you had about your situation the wise the why nots when he was finished you'd say thank you thank you Lord you're right there wouldn't be any correction or anything you could say to him when he was finished because there is no counsel against the Lord God is perfect he doesn't make mistakes this is supposed to make me feel better it will if you'll give the time to settle him you know I believe God always has our best interest at heart he's trying to form Jesus Christ in us and that ain't easy and it's during these trials that he does his greatest work remember Dave nothing grows at 12,000 feet but things sure do grow in the valley it was during these Valley times of life that he's doing something big enough I just can't see anything good coming down to this I just can't I understand but you know I've also noticed that God doesn't always let us in on what he's doing at the time he wants us to walk by faith the Bible says faith is what pleases God you know when this is all over and you've had time to look back you're gonna see a great work that he's done in your life 30 years ago I dated a girl who was absolutely perfect for me and I wonder why we didn't get married you know Dave sometimes you just gotta trust what God allows I don't know hey Paul listen I'm sorry about this morning I know you're just trying to help and I hear what you're saying you're not wrong I'm just still bothered by the whole thing sure you are I'm very sorry I got upset with you I completely forgiven and I don't mean to be pushy with you now you're not I Love You Man love you too brother hey Dave um if she's not a Christian and doesn't know about Jesus maybe you can tell [Music] [Music] I know I should have called but I just wanted to stop by for a minute is that okay sure come on in [Applause] how are you I'm good how are you okay just have a seat right in there you have a nice home thank you do you realize that what I just did to you is what you'll be doing when you knock on Mary's door know that you mentioned it I guess you're right are you surprised to see me no wasn't expecting you she'll be surprised to see you too did I catch you off-guard a little well you'll be catching her off-guard a lot so don't be worried if she keeps her distance I don't know what I'm expecting all I know is I get there at 11:55 and she lives 30 minutes from the airport have you thought about how you want her to feel when she sees you what do you mean well just what I said have you really thought about how you want her to feel we're diving into my inner man a little bit here aren't we I'm sorry I'm getting too personal no no you're fine okay you want to hear a couple of scenarios if you want to share them scenario number one I get there and I immediately feel guilty because she's married and Paul's right I never should have come kind of like you respecting Brian's marriage by staying away from him Mary feels awkward too because she knows it's not right that I'm there and the whole meeting is an absolute disaster and scenario number two scenario number two I find out that her husband divorced her a few years ago and she's crushed when she sees me she sees an old but very special friend she forgives me for my immaturity of long ago and we pick up a relationship like I never ended how does that sound to you it sounds like a fantasy I am acting like a high schooler here do you think I'm making a mistake doing this I can't answer that why not I just can't you think I'm wrong for doing this don't you next question come on Karla look I've got to go but I got this for you what is it it's for you wait a minute you just got here have a good trip okay hey are you upset no not at all well you don't have to leave have a great trip bye if you and I were married and Brian wanted to talk to you I'd let him I'd understand I'll keep that in mind [Music] [Music] hey I was thinking about you how's it going well I'm in a hotel room about five miles from her place I tell you I'm pretty nervous well so now what are you gonna do I'm gonna drop by our house early this afternoon to try to determine her routine I don't know she works or what she does or what he does well yeah had to say it didn't yet sorry no like I was saying I don't know what she does if she stays at home if she works I need to know that well what are you gonna do spy in her house know what seems like you are don't make it sound like I'm stalking her or something well it will be sort of I'm not going to be stalking her why don't you just drive by and if you see a car stop in and say hello are you crazy what if her husband's there I can't do that why not Carla be serious I can't do that why I can't I want to be alone with her you know what I mean well maybe Paul was right then what whose side are you on here anyway I'm on your side silly well it doesn't sound like it to me I just didn't think you were gonna go scope out her house I mean is that what you're there for two days one day to check it out and the next day you're gonna look I can't just pop in all right I'm not gonna be stalking her all right whatever you say just do what you think is best just drive by and say hello what if her husband answers the door what am I gonna do then Dave God knows what's going on here you're not fooling him why don't you just knock on the door and leave the results to him [Music] are you still there yeah are you okay yeah look I'm sorry I'll talk to you later Dave I gotta go okay okay Thanks I'll see you later see ya [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dave I know what you're gonna say I just get a lot better-looking with age I'm trying to be humble about it but when can I say what are you doing here well I was driving by and I thought I'd take a chance and stop by for a moment I'm sorry I should have called ahead I hope I'm not interrupting anything no it's okay I'd like to talk to you for a minute if that's all right sure come in are you up visiting your parents um they're fine my mother told me about your parents I'm awfully sorry that must have been hard yes it was I'm sorry look I'm probably the last person you expected to be standing at your front door today right well I can't say that I was expecting you you have a nice house Thanks it's home well come on in sit down thank you you have two daughters right how are they fine my oldest daughter is out of college now and my youngest just started college wow you really get old not any older than you so how about you are you married do you have children yes I have two daughters as well but no I'm not married anymore my wife left me about 20 months ago I'm sorry to hear that it's been difficult long story how old are your daughters 17 and 15 Ashley and Michelle they split time between their mother and I any chance you might get back together no I don't think so too much has happened it's too painful Hey look it's great to see you it's nice to see you too what do you do do you work I'm a secretary over at the elementary school yeah you like it I love it I like seeing the kids every day yeah how about you oh I work for a media firm in North Carolina marketing good job and I really like the people I work with it's nice do you still do art not really just a little like hey doodle now and then well you sure made some great doodles for me you know I really love those things you made me do you still have any of them no I wish I did I got rid of him when I got married I understand you don't have any of the things I gave you do you no I don't think so it was at my mom's and when she passed away I think it just all got thrown out threw me out in the trash shake well hit a minute I think I'm the one that got dumped on and I'm really sorry that I ever did that to you I'd like to talk with you about it that's why I came Mary I want you to know from the most sincere place in my heart that I'm very sorry I ever broke up with you and I'm very sorry that I ever hurt you I never ever wanted to hurt you and I'm really sorry that I did we were best friends I don't know what got into me we were young and you said you wanted to date other girls yeah I did I don't know why I already had the perfect one for me in fact you were still the finest girl I have ever known I've never loved anybody like I loved you I don't know what to say just know that I'm sorry and you never did anything wrong it wasn't your fault just know that okay have you had a good life [Music] overall yes I think we could add a great life together [Music] yeah well you blew it buddy [Music] yeah I did I did now I'm 47 years old divorced two children I'm alone you'll meet someone else not like you you know I've thought about you so many times over the years every January 5th I think about you every time I'd hear one of our songs you'd pop into my mind I'm flattered I didn't know can I ask you a question do you ever think about me [Music] um maybe not like you but if I hear a song it talks a memory it's really weird seeing you you look great they always did have all the lines didn't you it's not a line you know those two years four months and twenty-eight days that we dated were the greatest days in my life I'm surprised you know that what how long we dated hey I remember we had a great year that first year together didn't we yeah yeah we did do you remember that letter you wrote me where you pretended we were married and we had two kids let her I don't it was during the summer and I had come to your school I was working out in your track you came over and visited with me and you gave me that letter I don't remember I'm sorry see you are getting older your memories shot it was a great letter though nice thought [Music] do you still run no no I don't run anymore I shoot hoops now and then to keep myself in shape you always wanted to be good at basketball yeah I'm still trying I guess it is so weird to see you again after all these years I've thought about you so many times I always wondered how you were doing I'm doing okay well I could sit here and walk down memory lane with you all day but that probably wouldn't be wise I should go I just wanted you to know that I was sorry I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable no no you were fine just surprised me a little [Music] you know I need to tell you something else you and I dated we never talked about spiritual things we both believed in God but the spiritual aspect just didn't exist waste I know wasn't in my being but after we broke up and I moved south I met a girl who was a Christian and she told me about Jesus Christ and how important it was that I receive him into my life and I looked into it in 1979 I accepted him as my Lord and Savior and the moment I did spiritual eyes were opened I'd like to ask you to look into it too it's most important [Music] I better go [Music] tell your parents I said hello thanks for talking with me [Music] of all the things you ever made me did I ever tell you what my favorite was no is that drawing the Sun the clouds in the rainbow he remember that yes do you remember what it said where did it say [Music] me and you us forever it's too bad it didn't happen [Music] goodbye physicists [Music] [Music] hey I owe you an apology the way I ended that phone call today was just wrong I'm sorry Howie it's okay I never meant to treat you like that it's okay I'm gonna thank you for being there for me through all this you've been great [Music] well it's late good night Dave how did it go [Music] the way it was supposed to see you Tuesday night [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 2,491,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Me & You Us Forever Full Movie, Michael Blain-Rozgay, Stacey J. Aswad, Dave Christiano, Christian Movies, Me & You Us Forever Movie, Entertainment, TV, Movies, Films, Movies Online, Online Movies, Me & You, Us, Forever - Full Movie, Hugh McLean, Jenna Bailey, Karla Droege, Terry Loughlin, Sandi Fix, Kathryn Worsham
Id: 8q8WBP5dDXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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