Saint Judy | Full Drama Movie | Incredible Judy Wood True Story | Michelle Monaghan | Leem Lubany

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foreign [Music] I thought yesterday was your last day apparently not [Music] what the hell are you doing here I wanted to squeeze one morning should have your head checked introduce me your honor a notice of appearance for my co-counselor Judy Wood Court so notes you at least want to know what the prosecution said during their opening statement nope I hope you know what you're doing you're gonna be fine may it please the court ladies and gentlemen this case above all other things this case is about love oh sweet Jesus actually about Grand Theft Auto it will be my job to tell you about London growing up fatherless with an alcoholic mother working two jobs so he could put his two sisters and brother through college now thanks to Logan's generosity and selflessness his brother Mohan is an engineer and his sister Ella is a teacher and the youngest Nashotah is pre-med now lonin will tell you himself so that he could have a life a life like he had given his siblings he made one simple mistake all right your honoring like a sidebar did you just interrupt defense's opening statement I don't think she's gonna mind we've got a pretty good plea deal lined up Gabrielle I know it's not ideal but you'll see your son before he leaves for college in six years it's three and change if you don't screw it up and I know you won't do that to your family good good good you don't know when to quit don't even think about giving sapato to Roger it's his third strike and Roger couldn't have quit the Dalai Lama what did I say to you on your first day I know but it's my last day so all right I gotta go see um good talk see you around kiddo hey hey sweetie cute they spelled California wrong California no onwards and upwards right right all right hold on you ready to do this yes Slim's in all right you're excited I like your spirit [Music] hey ttmbtt it doesn't matter ttmbtt please drive all night I'm gonna throw up if we don't drive all night your father's gonna divorce me again I'm pretty sure you can't get divorced if you're already divorced why are we doing this again your father gets shared custody so la here we come foreign do you have any idea where we're going at all [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] you guys hi um I'm Judy wood uh I'm looking for 123 and a half that's my kid we're new here looks like you found it right you need some help to do what yes I need help where's my room uh right uh well check this out there we go just until I get my first paycheck all right we're not even gonna unpack yes thank you so much I start at an immigration firm tomorrow Mom we look illegal or something no uh but I sure should hope you know a few Brothers uncles nephews appreciate your help I'll see you in the neighborhood Judy wood here to see Ray Hernandez Ms wood Ray Hernandez nice to meet you very nice to meet you too so 36 win rate is a criminal Defender you've got any prosecutors in New Mexico different ball game here honey but your old boss said I'd be a fool not to snap you up so what do you know about immigration law oh wait don't answer that I don't want to suborn perjury welcome to your new corner office and when you start booking your own clients maybe we can reassess but in the meantime let me introduce you to your new best friend that's the sound I want to hear like a gavel at the end of a hearing we got to keep the lights on here and everybody pays up front follow me I don't have time to be your Mentor but real cases are always the best teacher dealer's choice [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] National of Afghanistan entered on a counterfeit Visa right there I have just the remedy for a case like this voluntary removal but she wants to stay yeah well I want a yacht this is a magic pill gives the subject two months to clear up their Affairs then they can go back home okay um there might be something else here that I'm I'm missing so um maybe I'd like to speak to miss eshwari before she signs well Lancaster is beautiful this time of year just get her signature [Music] guess what meeting my first client today I want cereal eat stuffy never [Music] [Music] I do foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Mrs worry I'm Judy wood your new attorney Ray Hernandez referred your case to me He suggests that you up I have a few questions about your case before you do that accept my services out on Mrs worry thank you Mr King who's your client uh asifa schwari I need her a number on the notice of appearance are you aware of her condition your client was medicated because she was a danger to herself she needs to be unmedicated and transferred out for treatment she is not competent to assist in her defense Miss wood I take it you're new to practice I've been a public defender for 10 years well Miss Wood this isn't a criminal trial your client's not accused she doesn't have those protections the burden of proof is on her and here you're guilty until proven us so to be clear she's not a criminal so you're treating her worse than a criminal no we're trying to remove her from the country so you're trying to ship them out as quickly as possible your client has been at this facility for over a year well didn't you know that counselor absolutely well you got that right very good I just saw awesome oh yeah yeah sad case you know sometimes you got to move on she doesn't know where she is or what's happening when did you say you last talked to her yes sir well you know that's that's a testament to who we are and how we do business right that's right absolutely yeah yes sir that sounds absolutely fine foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign she's a teacher [Music] [Music] Miss Wood what brings you back Miss Wood I'm serving you Los Angeles County Superior Court what's this uh apis Corpus petition for her medical record and assessment by independent expert this is a woman of accomplishment nothing like the person I met yesterday all this shows me Miss Wood is that you found the one California judge who doesn't understand Federal jurisdiction but you're a Plucky team of fired up attorneys can explain in detail at the hearing who's your expert [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] keeps the door locked Mr Mustafa Mr Mustafa they can be Mustafa no English we are closed Detroit and Clinical Psychology in Cambridge Oxford you petitioned for a variance on the work visa quota for for mental health professionals from Africa gray Hernandez had started the process and then asked for more money which you can't get without a work permit it's uh Helen to catch-22. that is a good case summary but I don't deal with scumbag lawyers anymore here's your work visa [Music] I got it approved [Music] [Music] day how can I be of assistance [Music] I am Dr Mustafa I am coming to help you it is no good for you your instincts were right this is a clear case of custodial Overkill there is no justification for those dosages good no it is bad no but it's it's good for our case what next no more closer p no more benzodiazepines slowly we take everything away slowly wait for the drugs to metabolize out of our system see if anyone is home are you saying we just have to be patient that is all we can do how can I help you you remember this guy I invite you into my home I feed you off my table what do I have to show for it these are complicated cases I can handle them registered mail photocopying Lexus and Westlaw it all costs a thump foreign [Music] foreign my husband what's his name buddy if your husband does get sent back to Honduras it's likely he will be persecuted by the secret police because he's a journalist if we can prove that then we have a very good case for Asylum I would never explain it to me like that before Judy I have some friends I'm not promising anything but I'll do my best gracias [Music] I'm Judy wood I'm an immigration lawyer there's anything that you need help with foreign [Music] [Music] 's Uncle Omar hello Omar is a highly valued client with a very promising case we're hoping for some excellent news very soon uh Judy said to fill me in on the progress of Mr schwari who I refer to Ms wood because of her unique skill set Miss Wood have you seen asifa how is she tired uh Judy we need to talk would you excuse us a moment yes of course please [Music] you want a clients here they are I got a phone call about you from the Detention Center I have them on the Run you embarrassed the surface Judy you embarrassed me you don't serve an ice officer you're supposed to go through the proper channels it worked though didn't it you were there to introduce yourself to learn the ropes to show them you're someone that they can work with I work for my clients right you can't take these kind of risks on a case you won't win ask the hundreds of lawyers who have wasted their time on cases just like this you never talk to her excuse me you never talk to her you don't know anything about her well of course I didn't talk to her the woman's catatonic she is a school teacher Ray she taught girls and you know how I know that take a guess you can't help her I know I can I have seen that detainee register and I have walked that yard and there are a thousand women just like her you ever read this book Julie you ever read this one don't give them false hope you know you're not qualified for this you hired me you cannot change the world Judy it won't do you or them any good trust me I've been down that path clearly not that far oh this was a big mistake you're firing me that's right and take your clients with you please don't let them Deport her she'll die if she goes back you have to save her I'm trying foreign hey Jenny nice to meet you nice to meet you come on in I'll show you the space great restaurant across the street I think this place will be perfect for you you'll just have to do a little cleanup so first and last month's rent and it's yours I'll take it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Mr you can call me Parker Parker yeah what is your interest in immigration law um it's good I uh personally for me I you know um the parent parents my grandparents immigrants you know um honestly I I need an internship to graduate so I can work on my Father's Law Firm [Music] is that going to be a problem honestly I just need to be in Lancaster in under an hour [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign would you like me to read back to you what I have so far my name is asafa eshwari my father's a tribal leader I went to Vocational School in Pakistan and upon my return I taught at a school for girls I started the school for girls we started this school I could marry Omar then there wouldn't need to be a trial he has a very good case but he's your uncle how will anyone know you have attorney privilege right and it wouldn't be a real marriage you need to have your own case asifa you are smart enough to do my job and once you testify they will beg you to stay but you must tell your story what happened we were walking to the school we students and also not the other teacher usually we taught in secret but not that day we walked in the street showed them we were strong [Music] they were men there not from the village [Music] [Music] some Taliban fighters arrived hello [Music] [Music] [Music] take your time also they took me to jail no no yes how long were you there are you question were you beaten she doesn't know how long she was held when she was released her friend smuggled her across the border to Pakistan [Music] [Music] she fled to the U.S and was living with her uncle when she was picked up by IC we were able to obtain a medical record she suffered broken wrist bruised ribs concussion injuries to the face loss of blood Mr schwari based on your testimony today I find sufficient evidence to support your plea for Asylum based on a credible fear of persecution idea for refer your case to a judge for trial I also order your release from this Detention Facility it'll get you processed as soon as possible good luck Mrs foreign hello this is Judy wood your son threw this in a crowded room someone could have been seriously hurt what did you just tell him the truth and nothing but the truth did you throw this honey you need to speak up you need to defend yourself no I didn't throw it my son didn't do this there were Witnesses because whoever did do it would never try to blame it on the new kid 308 that's the art room but this happened in my son's regular classroom that's right it's Wednesday and my son has art first thing after roll call so you claim my son stole this at 9am and then carried it around with him through math lunch PE to only throw it in the middle of the class this afternoon I don't claim to know what he was thinking well let's talk to Mr Padilla his art teacher that is his name isn't it because if someone stole this stapler this morning then he would have had five classes in the interim and 200 students is an awful lot of handouts and yet think he might have noticed it was missing is wood I am not starting this with you but you did start it with me did you investigate the incident at all I mean the very least we should speak to Mr Padilla he's left for the day well then I will come back tomorrow and I will question him and anyone else with knowledge of that matter no there's no suspension there's nothing on his record my son's a good boy he's a wonderful boy if you bother to get to know him Alex what you can't just leave it up to me like that I did he tried harder I shouldn't believe you you know how these things work you have to fight for everything and you have to stand by the truth she believed you I'll never give up [Music] [Music] foreign an i-130 that will allow your husband to stay in the country with you and your children for a while I mean you being a lawful permanent resident helps but it's not everything though spaniel ugly we'll see him though filing you know just just just stop stop what are you what are you trying to say uh the Visa the i-130 okay just uh just stop I got this application okay old Spanish oh you don't say well I also make a meme posole so I can uh I can make it for you sometime if you uh Judy kimbei hi hasta luego thank you here you are it's good to be a doctor again you're good at it follow me I have a case from Sierra Leone a soldier suffering from PTSD you must understand those people I know them I've seen what they can do they have nothing but Killers all of them oh Judy what are you doing what do you my name is what is yours Omar [Music] did we have an appointment no and I'd like to know why we have a trial coming up you should teach asafa what to say Rey tells me what to say I believe it's not good to sound over rehearsed but you should be preparing her and I will as soon as the government files motions I'd love to hear how Asif is doing Oscar yourself you're staring you're a completely different person thanks to you my mother gave this to me and I want you to have it it's beautiful thank you I'm glad you came in I'm ready to get started if you are yes trials are always hard we may get a tough judge and there will also be government lawyers trying to poke holes in your story but she's not lying they can't prove that they don't have don't have the burden of proof is on us and we don't have a clear-cut case and the law of Asylum only protects you if you were part of a persecuted group and asifa you are Muslim an ethnically you're a pashtan it's going to be hard to prove that you're a minority I'm going to need to know exactly what happened to you that night in jail Omar I'm going to need you to step out thank you what was that have your memories come back no I'll do what I can but at trial you'll have to testify it will be happening all over again creamy silences do you want me to read back what I have so far Parker you might strive to keep the speed below the temperature oh no these are uh it's kilometers no they're not oh oops you got me what's that [Music] yeah guys thank you [Music] hear ye hear ye please be seated Miss Wood I have not had the pleasure of having you in my courtroom I see this is your very first trial here it is your honor you wanna know how I knew that your honor you're wearing perfume in these Close Quarters in this heat if you have a chance to try another case I hope you take that under advisement thank you is your client ready Vinnie you're cue please stand raise your right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth you see it what made you want to be I wanted to teach girls or girls normally taught in your village no they did not want us to read they did not want us to think who taught you to read and think I learned to think on my own my mother taught me to read in secret it's actually in there just settle down Benjamin yes John after you receive formal schooling why did you return to your village in Afghanistan my mother was dying and I had to take care of her after she passed why did you stay on my father was sad let's talk about your school for girls did the village support it objection leading okay I'll shut up they did not support it they wouldn't let the girls come most days who only had two or three did you receive any support from the government no asifa what happened on April 9th the student the other teacher and I walked to class together why did you do that to show them we didn't care what they thought and what happened then some men from outside the village started throwing dirt then the police came I was arrested you spent the night in jail I know calm yourself we spent the night in jail you must use words Miss ashwari yes what's the next thing you remember waking up at the clinic your Witness John if I may I have a few questions first MS ashwawri you loved your mother very much yes that's why you returned to your village yes you stayed on you say because your father was sad after her death yes you must love your father very much you do you love your brothers yes and yet you apply for asylum in the United States you must know that if it is granted you will never see any of them again not your brothers not your father you say you love them I do I'm going to visit them someday I hope to visit them someday when there is no threat of persecution and I saved Ms wood you coached your client well Benjamin you may proceed with your cross thank you John miss ashwari you were very brave to testify today I thank you for keeping your testimony truthful you don't remember everything that happened that day do you no I don't why is that because I suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder you're not going to object that she's not an expert I accept Miss I Suarez expertise in the state of our own mind Mr Swire now you said that men from outside your village threw dirt at you yes were those the same men who arrested you no they weren't police they were just random guys they weren't in uniform yes and the dirt they threw at you was actually hard packed lumps of clay yes you testified that you remember waking up at the hospital the next day do you remember your injuries yes yes you had injuries to your face bruised ribs and a concussion yes any other injuries do you remember anything of the night you spent in jail no how can you be sure these injuries were caused by the police you testify your PTSD makes it hard for you to remember that day projection badgering yeah honor Overworld weren't all these injuries caused not by the police but by those random men who threw lumps at you no answer I have only one more point to make Mr suaree do you remember your arrest yes you testified you were arrested at a demonstration I was arrested because I wanted everyone to know that girls should think for themselves Donna Council I draw your attention to exhibit B the warrant for asafa Suarez arrest on April 9th objection your honor prosecution hasn't shared any of this evidence with me prosecution this is not a criminal court and those are not the Rules of Evidence in this courtroom Ms wood I apology your honor apologies to council but this this is not something I could have access to I only obtained it in an effort to corroborate Miss oswari's claims of persecution objection of a rule proceed the Warren states that you were arrested on April 9th just as you said but it doesn't mention any demonstration your honor Council should not be allowed to argue that my client on the one hand was injured at the demonstration and then on the other that the demonstration never happened so you have an objection my objection is logic that is not a legal objection and that's not what I'm saying there was a demonstration and there was an arrest but Mr swai wasn't persecuted because of it it's what if you would please show Miss oswari exhibit B foreign Mrs White this is a copy of the original arrest report in your native language objection calls for legal conclusion overruled Mr Swire would you please read the name of the informant the informant who reported you to the police your mother taught you to read what name is written there what does it say s who is that your honor this is not a political persecution can't breathe it's a family Squad ma'am I'm gonna need you to sit down ma'am I'm gonna need you to sit down [Music] it's my fault I've failed when will I be deported what no the trial's been continued we'll have redirect in one week and I can prepare you How Could my father do that it's not it's not counts is what happened to you in that jail s on Twitter what are you telling my client what kind of lawyer are you just give her the words to say the law and I know a little bit more about trials than you do all she needs to do to win is to tell the truth I used to think like you about my country but it's the same everywhere you're dragging her to that trailer to be tortured for nothing for nothing uh you got smoked we got smoked you're actually a part of this now tell me how he did it well if she was bruised by some [ __ ] throwing dirt clouds then she wasn't persecuted by the government yes yeah and if her [ __ ] father asked for her to be arrested I mean Jesus Christ not even my dad's that big of a prick then uh she wasn't singled out for her politics that's the whole of it you know thoughts it's her fault if she loses I mean no I'm sorry but if she doesn't have the cojones to say what really happened would you would you tell your father would you tell your friends would you tell me tell you what that you were raped but you are right she doesn't testify we'll lose what's this what's up bills we uh we got a lot of them turns out you're actually supposed to pay those foreign is this my fault foreign I was just borrowing some things shoplifting oh where'd you get the money to buy an iPod kids beef stuff lying around at school and you take them you don't take what doesn't belong to you Alex you know better than that why do I have to be perfect from your father let me tell you something there's a big difference between this and perfection set them suspend me I hate that school I'm calling your father and you're going to return all of this tomorrow with an apology and then we'll discuss punishment uh that's Nestles oh no way um hello this is Judy wood yes it is but I'm gonna have to call you back okay I promise so the Adventure Continues not even here six months you spawn your own practice I need you to talk to Alex got into trouble you want me to fix it I love how when he's good Alex he's yours when he's bad Alex I'm the one who has to deal with it can you talk to him Matthew I have always done everything you've asked what am I what am I just to be clear I will take him to return the [ __ ] he stole from his classmates and he will apologize trust me you can hate me if he wants to I hope he inherited the best qualities of the two of us and not the worst resilient like you turns out that can come in handy hello it's Judy wood again your hearings tomorrow please uh would you call me back please and listen you can do this you are stronger than you think stronger than all of them please stand raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that you will tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do possible did you know that your father was the one who reported you to the police no why do you think he did that objection what was your relationship like I wasn't the daughter he wanted I didn't listen I talked back too much I didn't marry did others in your village feel that way yes a lot wouldn't send their girls to the school they thought I would teach him to be like me they didn't like how you expressed yourself as a woman objection counselors that's why your father had you arrested objection Ms was did you ever steal anything from your father never did you ever hit him or try to hurt him physically no and you had a right to be in his home you weren't trespassing were you no we've rolled out larceny and Battery asafa this is your warrant which the government attorney so helpfully procured will you read the charge crimes against God asifa what do you think those crimes were for which you needed to be taught a lesson objection I will allow it trying to be an independent woman teaching girls to read as if I want to remind you that you are under oath to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth are you ready to do that I am were you injured in any way during the demonstration no when were you injured in jail at night after my rest three Taliban beat me and myself are you sure because you didn't remember I remember it earlier they vandalized the classroom and now they brought in some books my mother's books and some textbooks I bought what happened next they hit me with them in my ribs my head they tore up pages and stuffed them in my mouth then they they put their fingers in me and the rest they took turns all night they raped me and you remember this now I remember everything thank you asafa ishwary you say now you remember everything that happened yes but before you said you had memory loss yes you testified in this court you had memory loss yes did you ever tell anyone your story before today no you told everyone you couldn't remember yes your father too your brothers yes did you really have memory loss no I always remembered everything and yet you told me the immigration official your lawyer all those people you told you had memory loss when in fact you were lying yes all those times you were lying yes you lie very well so how do I know you're not lying down I'm telling the truth I want to believe you but I'm bothered by something your hospital report after your arrest mentions all those injuries that Bruce ribs the concussion it doesn't say you were raped I wouldn't let them look the only thing that's awfully convenient the one injury you could not have gotten from being hit by a rock the one thing that would prove that you were hurt by the police and not by the bystanders you chose to hide in fact you lied about it to anyone who asked would have kept online had your lawyer not convinced you that was the only way you're going to win this trial why 'd you wait so long why didn't you tell the truth right away why did you keep lying my brothers would have killed me Miss Wood osafa's father is a tribal leader with philosopher testifying about what really happened making it public her male relatives become Duty bound to protect their family honor and kill her do you have anything in your exhibits to corroborate this claim I do he'll give me a moment [Applause] is Council prepared at all your honor based on the state department report honor killings often occur in that particular region thank you Benjamin I have heard enough you're a witness your honor no further questions the government rests okay I am ready to rule MS ashwari I believe you told the truth in this courtroom today I believe your testimony I believe you were persecuted by officials of the Afghan government and that after a demonstration you led in your village you were arrested beaten and raped by the police you've had to endure so much I'm horrified by how you were treated I'm impressed by your strength you young lady are an admirable human being I wish I could Grant you a plea of asylum but my hands are tied by the law the law of Asylum does not recognize women as a protected class ethnic minorities religious minorities political dissidents yes but not women it's not enough just to be a woman there are thousands of cases like yours thousands and as a woman I applaud you as a judge I must rule against you go kill her there you go foreign how was your sleepover dad wants me to go live with him all the time is that what you want foreign [Music] watch out stay in places [Music] where [Music] [Music] yes I have my pillow okay we're about to eat I gotta go love you too okay oh man please watch over Alex Our Guest please watch over tomasito Sophia and please please help Judy bring their father home soon amen hmm [Music] bourbon meat ash bar not a lot of perks championing the Huddle masses are there you know why I gave you that case I didn't give it to you so you could help her I gave it to help you so you could make friends for later served a hell of a lot better and you didn't give it to me Judy you know that phrase truth justice in the American way you know why it's like that because they are three separate things sometimes they come together but you can't count on it oh that's one hell of a bedside manner is that what you tell all your clients right they know my clients drink tequila not the Kool-Aid the one thing you have to understand this word I hope you don't mind me saying this it was a privilege to be with you in that courtroom you tried a good case hello I know who you are you're the rising star climbing up the ladder so what's next for you assistant D.A are you one of those federal judge types I'll leave him alone Ray he's one of the good ones wait you're not Ray Hernandez are you ins versus Lada you convinced three hostile judges the refugees fleeing a war zone could be forgiven from misplacing their passports I cited that one twice this week you don't argue cases anymore do you I was a different person then that is the tragedy [ __ ] off Atticus Finch on that note are you okay it's been a tough day now why don't you find Miss Wood a taxi I'd rather walk there's a honor to meet nylon was Left Alive to tell the tale foreign foreign what are you doing here I was just driving home from Mammoth I stopped here to take a leak I don't know if you saw it but they're they're kicking us out I'm hungry give me ketchup I want ketchup I want a bathing catch up um oh it's open it's gonna be Chinese it is okay I don't know how you do it Judy you um you have like 100 cases 276. exactly okay and each one you listen to their stories and you you you meet their kids you it's you fight like it's your life at stake I've grown up watching my dad you know the the king of commercial construction legal and he's got the practice and he's got the beach house and the ridiculous cars and the stuff that all the stuff that you obviously don't give a [ __ ] about I'm not that Noble I'm in a car with an engine from him I learned that clients are a way to get the things that he really wants but for you it's like clients are the only thing that matters no that in two-thirds of the world being a woman who thinks is a crime are broken and I'm not talking about their bones I'm talking about their spirit and a person with a broken spirit his wife Omar hi Judy hi how can I help you what kind of Judge thinks like this I very highly respected one as if I told me everything I was wrong about you you're a good lawyer a great lawyer please take this Omar raise your lawyer it's for asifa you haven't been paid anything for all your work I knew that when I accepted the case and you need this money to pay Ray no more legal fees the court refused to hear my appeal I'm going to disappear I'm not going back but you could you could still have a life there no I was also arrested for crimes against God so you see I know what she went through I know exactly everything they did to her they did to me I know your case you never just yes and I never will ever is that what you're saying to us to stay silent yes the philosopher is stronger than me and now she will be deported to be killed by her father and her brothers you lost the case she'll lose her life and her blood will be on your hands you do something foreign did you hear that enough yeah he was raped yes yes just like asafa and reason she wasn't raped for being a woman she just happened to be a woman she was raped because she was a threat because a lot of Asylum doesn't specifically protect women but they didn't do it because she was a woman they did it because she was dangerous they raped asifa because she voiced unpopular political opinions about women no that doesn't matter the law covers all unpopular views so the judge was wrong very wrong just need a rock solid brief for the ninth circuit uh Judy I start working for my dad on Monday we need to look at every case or not every administrative advisory every legislative commentary I'm on it [Music] this is hidden [Music] we got the appeal we got the appeal this is good news yes yes we have one last chance it's absurd absolutely absurd hey Billy let me call you back why hasn't my client been released has the government accepted all the facts of your case we had an entire trial about this and the judge believes her look I need this document signed oh come on I need sign off come with me foreign Benjamin if we are going to release this detainee it's your call have a seat please when I started here we were called ins Immigration and Naturalization Service we were a service after 9 11 they changed the name to ice Immigration and Customs Enforcement a name that equates people to things we're not a service anymore words matter We're a nation of immigrants like Albert Einstein like Fernando Valenzuela like my father they all come to the vineyard some welcome some not some didn't even choose to come here my job is to uphold the law [ __ ] ing it's a beautiful day we don't get many of these around here foreign pack up yeah you're a good man thanks you know I always wanted him to live with me I know both of you hey I want you to come give me a hand outside with us Judy when I asked you to move here I didn't expect you to actually do it Alex should know his father I don't think he's going to be disappointed you think it's going to be so easy being a dad my day is over I forget all about my clients I can go home and devote everything I have to Alex but you you bring everything home with you what does that leave him he's never had all your love because you save it for your clients he sees it can feel it in his heart that he can never have all of you and neither could I there it is there it is but your criminals on the other hand and those immigrants shame on you oh Saint Judy you know why they call you that it's not because you are a saint cause you act like one they're just clients and I want mine to pay me you want yours to save you that's the courthouse yes it looks like a palace it is kind of want these judges say the same thing in court there are no guarantees if you want to disappear like Omar Omar but what about all those other women like me well Davis him back to die what would you do in my place imagine it's like a year than you are because you were born in America yes because of where I happened to be born do you know what the difference is I was thrown in jail in Afghanistan I was thrown in jail here there they beat me I took my Womanhood here they company full of drugs and took my mind took away years of my life and both countries people hate me they don't want me to go away but in America I can't fight back foreign ER to be admitted to the ninth circuit what an honor well you showed me you took an ugly duckling right from under my nose and you made it a beautiful swan I hope the ninth circuit don't make it fly south for the winter thank you for your wishes right so smug you know even if you win you lose everybody everybody is gonna want a miracle from you you can't save them all I can try you know you remind me of me before I realized I had to put two kids through college [Music] too busy I'll read the decision if they bother to publish Judy good luck foreign [Music] ERS this is Ray Hernandez I'm calling because I've been going over your file and I think I found something that I may have overlooked um There's Hope so um call me I'll be at the office late thank you [Music] I've been chasing a Road to Glory driven since I was a child sweat and tears fall to push me forward pride and fear fuel the fire until your life is a game but it ain't again to me the lights are calling my name yeah I got the energy to put it all on the line [Music] now I'm stronger than I ever been [Music] stronger than ever been [Music] stronger than I ever been I keep racing against my shadow drawing closer to the line my heart beats for the golden metal harder than anyone could fight that's how your life is a game but it ain't again [Music] I'm feeling Larger than Life again [Music] now I'm stronger knock me down I'll get up again [Music] [Music] I'm about here [Music] insist that I break him [Music] BTT and nothing but Aishwarya versus United States [Music] [Music] sorry that was a long line I got a party asada extra ketchup [Music] [Music] here you hear you please be upstanding for the judges you seated versus United States yes I believe so here it is thank you may it please the court I'm Judy wood representing the appellant are we supposed to Grant Asylum to every persecuted woman anywhere we should definitely in my personal opinion as a country but that is not the question before you the question before you is that if a woman fights for her rights doesn't that count as politics and if the law of Asylum excludes that where does it precisely say so does it have to it expressly applies to minorities and women are one half the population the law applies to persecuted groups and even large majorities can be persecuted in apartheid South Africa for example ah but it was past pursuant to an international treaty and signed by many countries who Define women's rights differently from us now would they have done it if it were seen as a grab for their women come on over here babe you're persecuted they can rest assured that Ms eshwari was not lured here she came of her own free will and she pleads not to be sent back to an almost certain death if I may I think my colleague's point is the law protects only the victims of persecution it explicitly does not protect the persecutors and in the instant case didn't appellate herself testify that the girl's mothers kept them away from the schools so were they the persecutors or the persecuted miseshwari was not arrested beaten and raped because she's a woman she was arrested beaten and raped for speaking out on behalf of women for organizing a demonstration for being a political activist did she see herself as a political activist I don't know your honor she saw herself as a teacher of girls was she a member of a political party no did she run for office did she distribute pamphlets did she write letters to her local paper and was she political in any way your honor that is not the question before you the law of Asylum is quite clear on this it is not how the victim sees herself but how the persecutors see the victim if they consider it politics then she is protected by the law and did they in this case without question your honors Ms ashwari was not persecuted randomly for being a woman she was specifically targeted for what she stood for a warrant was issued by the government for her arrest for crimes against God the Taliban had enacted into law a twisted version of Islam it was this law that the police were enforcing by beating and raping her which by the way is tantamount to a death sentence in an area Rife with honor killings it is that law that Ms eswari opposed with her actions with her teachings with her love with every fiber of her being as a woman as her mother's daughter as a teacher of girls she was the definition of a political activist Miss Wood you are asking us to reverse an opinion of not just one respected judge but of every judge who decided a similar case the law does not protect women as a class but it shouldn't sacrifice us either so all those judges every one of them are wrong yes all those judges are wrong but you don't have to be [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello this is Judy wood how may I help you raise up for the week for the week raise up for the strong raise up for a change raise up for the poor raise up for your rights raise up for the wrong raise up for the living raise up for the dawn for everyone that ever struggled I raise up had trouble still you never gave up looking back at all at night you stayed up but you're a winner from the moment you wake up body hurts that's the price of being first if you want it then you don't consider it work and you can't accept second or last take it serious every second that pass why all the ones that never made it you represent all the sweat and energy you ever spent going places mentally you never went it was tough but physically you never been stay focused on the future every mile no sitting forfeiting is not allowed raise up do your best and make them proud you alone do the same without the crowd raise up for the week raise up for the strongest raise up for a change raise up for the poor raise up for your breaks raise up for the wrongs raise up for the living raise up for the dawns [Music] raise up for the week raise up for the strongest raise up for change raise up for the core raise up for your rights raise up for the wrongs raise up for the living raise up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 431,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Classic, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Michelle Monaghan, Leem Lubany, judy wood story, court case movies
Id: YMnf3daGYRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 55sec (6355 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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