Anna Karenina | Full Drama Mini Series

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[Music] [Music] all happy families are alike but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way don't behave now don't run all over the place reisha come down leave your coat down [Music] yes don't run don't run up the stairs tanya stop running on the stairs steven darling [Music] and don't fight don't fight please katja katya mom put him on the bed here's the temperature right away i'll be right [Music] back okay [Music] what is it [Music] the same can be said of women [Music] all the happy ones are alike yet all unhappy women are unhappy in their own way [Music] kitty mother what's wrong oh darling [Music] riley i found out that steve i knew it i knew it [Music] [Music] things won't sort themselves out his letter says that all he wants to leave him she won't do that we may never do that no of course not but you know they must start talking again loving each other don't you agree about what why don't you come to alexei we haven't had any time together for so long now anna you want me to hold the work of the state because of your brother's wings forgive me go there do as you see fit i knew you would understand sir oh [Music] you're [Music] what is the secret of a happy family at that time i was naive enough to think i knew and i felt sure that to secure my happiness i must marry the girl i always loved [Music] princess katarina scherbatsky my beloved kitty whose radiant beauty lit up everything and everyone around her and yet here i was dull shy and awkward no i was not worthy of her i didn't know you're in town have you been back long not long since yesterday today i mean i just arrived i wanted to come and call on you my father would be happy to see you he won't be the only one i hope no i'm sure he won't be find you much improved thank you on skates i mean oh yes if you hadn't broken off our lessons to leave a year ago i'd be much better i'm sorry we could pick up from where we left off if you want to do it how long will you be here what do you mean you don't know well i don't know depends on you mother i'm sorry i have to go see you tomorrow evening at the ball it was at that moment as she turned to look at me that i made a decision i would propose to her that very evening i had no idea that a heart was set on someone else a man whose mere presence turns every woman's head not only my kitties come along quickly the chain's coming yes ma'am [Music] protests i believe this is yours try to be more careful but if you lost it what would i do then sorry mother forgive me thank you are you leaving too no i'm waiting who's the lucky woman my mother bon voyage thank you [Music] [Music] alexey mother did you have a good journey yes i was in delightful company anna akadevna karenin's wife do you know him steve yes yes there she is ah you found your brother i see and you're yourself oh yes your brother i know but we've not met you throughout the journey all we did was talk about sons why about mine counters about us oh that must have been very boring is [Music] let's not exaggerate i've made a mess of things i know but now you're here i'm sure that you'll help me solve this situation do you know how fonsky well of course i know him here's the heart of every woman in moscow but he's seen so often at the sherbatsky home that he and her dad proposed young kitty really she's become an adorable girl now tell me about your dolly well uh she hasn't supported me for days now but i will be different with you don't try to comfort me or talk to me about christian forgiveness i don't want to defend steven i'm worried about you about you both it's over between your brother and me it's over do you think he's ashamed he's happy and content no dolly d you're wrong he went out last night you know and he bought dinner for everyone as usual look at the state of hell just look at it yeah all right steve is a little fickle superficial men like him are unfaithful and shameful despicable but it doesn't mean anything for them their wives are sacred the others those women are the ones that look down i don't understand it but that's how it is i found them here you understand in our bedroom in our bed [Music] are you it's me tanya i don't recognize you how you've grown did you bring us presents yes did you only for those obedient enough to let me talk to your mother oh please later then think of them that's all i ever do if you still love stephen little enough just enough to forgive him then forgive him would you forgive him anna thank you take the bags inside hey kitty kiss me help me kitty boys how did you ever manage it i saw my sister and steven downstairs they were talking again i didn't think it was possible to reconcile them you're young one day you will realize that love is all-powerful you're enchanting do you know that not as much as you years ago perhaps now your time has come ah kitty are you here don't disturb anna please she's not disturbing me we were talking about love so you wanted to see me i need some advice wait here i'll be right there yes aunt kitty i want to see two which one we're only a few hours from the ball and i can't make my mind up they're all beautiful you look lovely in any of them this one the color is better suited to your complexion count fronski will be bewitched stevie tell me everything father says that tonight it will be the most beautiful ball of your life you come to won't you i better not my husband isn't here and i want to write to my son seriously how is he forgive me i never even ask he's well i have an album of photos would you like to see oh yes please oh yes i'd love to i left it down the presents are fetched [Music] coach take this we meet again count fronsky are you here for kitty now [Music] excuse me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and you'll never guess what happened he was here who bronski oh really he must have called and kitty at our parents house they probably told him to come here and when he realized we had a guest he must have decided not to bother us yes i suppose you're right and the album pardon the album with the photos of your son i forgot it oh my dear you must be tired go and rest come on kitty tell me about this night kill this evening too i better not please my sister can't come i need you there at least well how do i look i remember the night your father asked me to marry him i was still a child like you yes excuse me a visitor for the young princess oh count wronski i'm not sure highness he didn't introduce himself perhaps he just wanted to surprise you well usually men proposed during the great vietnamese waltz oh he just couldn't wait go go [Music] kitty alexey kostya i'm here a little too early i think but after all this is what i wanted to see you alone please mother will be here soon she heard somebody was i told you that i didn't know how long it would be here that it depended on you catharina will you become my wife that can't be forgive me [Music] yes of course it couldn't be otherwise kitty oh constantine am i interrupting something no nothing kitty i've been looking for you everywhere alexa is here he's right outside i'm going to ask him to come in [Music] kitty alexey uh constantin levin count alexis vronsky we were supposed to have lunch together last winter but you left suddenly for the country constantine disdains the city and us city dwellers well the countryside is so beautiful but when it's so low don't you get bored there i never get bored with myself [Music] you granted me the first quadrillion law am i mistaken you are not mistaken [Music] [Applause] [Music] an original fellow that acquaintance of yours he's just shy i had the impression he wanted to kill me no he's too kind [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a fool i'd been deep down had always known it kitty was too good for me too perfect unattainable and i would never be happy [Music] a quadrille is always amusing don't you think i prefer the great viennese wolves of course ah general serpoliovsky i haven't seen him for a while i need to talk to him will you excuse me yes princess will you grant me the honor of the great viennese words oh i'm sorry i'm already taken and what about me princess franca will you grant me an embrace i hadn't noticed you of course not you only had eyes for him [Music] and well as he declared his intentions he'll do it during the great feeney's waltz of course by the rules [Music] hannah [Music] be indulgent our parties are inadequate for a lady from saint petersburg used to those of the sars court indeed even so i haven't attended any for a long time why of course a woman like you doesn't need them to get herself noticed did you get what you came for my brother has met up with his wife fine so you will leave them happy happy dance with me please if i didn't know he was going to ask for your hand i'd say he's courting huh what do you mean anna's just a friend so tell me when did you get back yesterday but only for three days there's so much to do will you grant me the honor of the great beanies waltz princess zubatsuki i'm sorry i'm already taken [Music] i hate the great viennese wars i'd be delighted if you didn't ask me to dance either and how early in the evening to brunski booked you to steal you from this army of suitors he hasn't asked me yet but he'll dance with me i'm sure you'd better move closer then the great viennese walls is the next dance go yes i understand at least allow me to thank you for coming i wasn't i didn't come because of you of course not but one could help one question do you remember the name of the last man you danced [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i have to go please stay i can't when will i see you again never again i return to st petersburg tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm sorry madam leave that see to the other things can i help you i can manage is everything all right you seem strange i'm not strange i'm evil evil you you saved my marriage anna god only knows what would have happened if you hadn't come ifonsky wouldn't have danced with me instead of kitty that's what disappointment helps you grow it's better that everything should have fallen apart between them if one dance was all he needed to fall in love with you don't you think i have to leave talk to kitty please i've made an enemy of her an enemy that's impossible kitty unlock the door kitty [Music] after kitty's rejection even the idea of returning to my life and the country's sick i hope for one thing to receive news of her marriage to wronski i thought this would ease my pain like having a tooth pulled [Music] [Applause] you're back early sir there's nothing to keep me there how about your brother did you see him put out the fire here do it and in all the other rooms in this wing we won't hit the house anymore just the part we live in you used to say that this way your dear parents still seemed alive to you god rest themselves that's nonsense they're dead and i'll never have a family like this [Music] so the heat is unbearable call the chief conductor and ask him to open this i already asked him madam i said it's not possible the windows are jammed by the ice god willing i'll be home tomorrow [Music] are we there no it's a refueling station did you see him too oh him don't [Music] oh nobody i'm going to get some air i'm stifling in here you can't you chill [Music] can i do anything for you what are you doing here i'm coming with you no i don't want you to i asked nothing from you i have to be where you are [Music] mad baby but when you want me i'll be there please let's forget all this could you i can't forget anything about you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh madam madam we're here [Music] oh you were only away two days excuse me it's just that i missed you so much take me home did you have a good night yes quite comfortable thank you uh fronski his excellency karen and my husband you leave with a mother returned with a son yes i have news there are rumors that the tsar is going to name a high commissioner for ethnic minorities oh really that's wonderful i hope to have the honor of calling on you well we're always at home on mondays this is the trickiest time the smallest mistake could ruin anything oh sarah i'm sorry to disappoint you you didn't miss you at all unlike your husband [Laughter] did i always tell you you are the most handsome boy in the world yes yes were you sad without me a little bit a little bit a little bit well then how's your brother and his wife wait for me in your room we'll open the presents together well he has to be forgiven she's decided to forget it was very moving would have ended that way anyway you wouldn't have needed to go i did well to go they were about to separate and now they love each other even more than before i know love is all good and well for pampering little children but to hold a family together it takes more than that it's time for dinner by the way countess ivanova will be joining us i was hoping we'd be alone she needs me for one of her good deeds i couldn't deny the invitation we were more than impressed by what you did all that time and effort quite incredible do you think the institution's inconvincible do you remember my proposal for assisting the orphans how could i forget such a grand proposal yes precisely could you believe that the committee has forgotten all about it oh i'm so tired of setting a good example oh don't worry i'll talk to the minister it will all work out in the end alexa you're a saint you must be proud to be married to his excellency it's thanks to men like him that our russia has such a glorious empire mama will you come and read me a story of course darling excuse me you're too good to that child you deny him nothing you're right countess you would surely be a more exemplary mother good night good night [Music] [Music] shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll go out of my mind if i stay here but why on earth with the wounded for heaven's sake at least i'll be useful to someone well we have many hospitals here if you really want to do charity why germany because no one knows me there are you going to tell me what happened i know yes your sister wants to go after germany with her friend verenka to volunteer in a military hospital knowing your fancy dances you see this is what happens how could i know how could i know do you expect when you invite these upstarts these cocky bastards into the house of some fellow who plays the swimming romeo with that coronal woman under my own roof oh father calm down they've been stating my kid here like this come come it's just dressing for you too i know what are we going to do i'll talk to kitty yes do that it upsets me to see you suffer like this i don't need compassion if a man doesn't love me i'm not so stupid as to suffer because of him and what about levin steva told me that he asked you to marry him why are you tormenting me you want me to suffer like you i would never stay with a man who betrays me and loves another i i didn't mean to upset you dolly wait please forgive me i i didn't mean it i'm stupid so stupid you're young just young and you're lucky to be so no i'm not i become horrible also persuade father to let me leave i bake you here i feel i'm suffocating [Music] [Music] how long will you keep insisting until i appear ridiculous that won't happen you're ridiculous when you caught a free woman in vain a man who risks his own life to lure a woman into an adulterous affair something majestic my life it's just a game for me are you sure positive of all my lovers not one of them ever followed me from moscow to saint petersburg in the heart of winter putting his army career at risk betsy i mean he asked for a transfer i'm worried about your little cousin i told you it's just the game everything's a game the point is what will you take to win thank you madam here you are madam [Music] don't worry he never looks at you listen if i've harassed your hopes please forgive me i'm a married woman anna you are guiltless you have every right to be alive [Music] where's my damn soup [Music] what that's it i want more more i asked for water an hour ago you're right i'm sorry oh no no no no calm down everyone calm down can i get some help over here coming here are the vantages [Music] oh my god did i scold you it would have been nice to feel that leave it i'll finish here all right don't you want to go out like the others to do what i don't know get some fresh air some sun i'd rather remember how it used to be [Music] oops sorry you can't [Music] this is better than memory you're sure you know how to drive it should we find out together [Music] [Music] [Music] war is never over you and i aren't at war i'm here because of the war you to help a young noble woman lives here palace and comes to look after a [ __ ] to help what are you running from wrongdoing that love forgive me would you tell me your name katarina but everyone calls me kitty friedrich whatever the reason you are here i'm happy you are you're the most beautiful thing i've seen since i left home uh [Music] mama what are you doing here i was waiting for you to wake up you have to leave no mama would never leave you excuse me madam there's a visitor if it's lydia even often i say that i'm indisposed no she's already here it's that man count fronsky but what an orphan needs above all is a stable environment and that is exactly what an institution would provide what about the emotional needs of the child should they not be considered and do not forget that if the relatives are willing to provide a home then they will be saving the state considerable costs ah anna there you are please lydia you remember count wronski count he quickly made the best of our mondays at home well you know alexi costs are calculated over the long term i'd be curious to know what your excellency's wife thinks countess ivanovna says that orphans must always be placed in institutions your husband with family members who are still alive what do you say anna was an orphan herself she cannot have an impartial view of the matter on the country that makes her better qualified to speak than any of us your mother tell me that you two lost your father at an early age that's true but my mother is worth two fathers if i'd had lost her too i would have liked to decide on my life for myself i don't agree after the death of my parents my brother and i were entrusted to an aunt she fed us brought us up and introduced me to my husband i could never have made a better choice [Music] [Music] when i heard that vronsky had discarded kitty simply to pursue anna my humiliation was complete sir we've nearly finished sowing all we can do now is place our hopes in come on it hasn't rained for weeks i felt persecuted by a mysterious power that power that the peasants called god that power that had taken kitty from me and that was at this very moment drying up my fields i decided i would fight back if the water won't come from the sky we'll take it from the earth we'll build a mill to bring up the water from the well and we'll irrigate our own fields there'll be no more poor seasons no more meager harvests no more hunger for you and your families let's not wait for god to provide that which we can take for ourselves yes sir what we need to do kitty captain brenner has asked for you all right again there is something i didn't tell you i'm married you weren't obliged to tell me i need your help my wife is here i saw her waiting in the line with the other relatives of the missing she's looking for me i'll bring her right away no don't i can't she didn't want me to leave i was looking for god knows what in the war and now she will be ashamed of me no i'm sure tell her i'm not here i need time will you do that for me next is [Music] you're jealous the people here only advise for you not for me for the spouse of the future high commissioner [Music] [Applause] thank you madam are you looking for someone anna me no listen to me count bromski is my very dear cousin i'm worried about him your situation is increasingly scared our situation thank you everyone is talking about it about how he left moscow to follow you how princess scherbatsky has fled to germany and grief kitty yes to work as a voluntary nurse persuade alex say that it's madness that he must return to moscow and focus on his military career he's throwing it all away do you understand oh listen you're making this up i'm at home tomorrow come you'll be able to talk in total discretion no i can't i beseech you only you can resolve this embarrassing situation unless you love him in that case you definitely shouldn't come laughing what are you saying i'll expect you then excellency princess would you excuse me of course [Music] foreign [Music] maybe not today i'm warning you anna has already disappointed many suitors her husband doesn't deserve her but she's too generous to betray him if i didn't know you i'd say you'd lost your head over hello [Music] anna do you know where your mistress is [Music] i have to talk to you i'm waiting for nothing else [Music] i'm here to tell you once and for all that this has to end this what do you mean this all i've done is wait for you you made me feel as if i were guilty of something what do you want to do please go to kitty and ask her forgiveness you don't want that if you love me as you say then do it and bring me peace i have not felt peace since the first moment i saw you a peace i cannot bring you but my whole being and love yes that i can i see the possibility of despair misfortune of happiness what happiness i ask only for the right to hope and suffer as i do now but even if that's impossible then command me to disappear i don't want to drive you away don't change anything leave everything as it [Music] unfortunately i won't be able to stay very long ah here you are they told me you would be here i've come to fetch you there is no need i'm afraid there is i've invited the minister to dinner you'll be wise to hurry i understand goodbye princess your receptions are always so colorful shall we go yeah what was i doing i'm not coming i've already accepted betsy's invitation to dinner no please excellency don't take anna away from us you have her every day but we see her so rarely yes of course if you wish [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i need to talk to you sorry i'm terribly sleepy the minister regretted your absence i'll make up for it the next time we invite him let's go to bed it's late i have to warn you about what your conversation with [ __ ] wronski attracted attention are you jealous my jealousy would be offensive for you and humiliating for me offensive so offend me offend me make me feel like i matter to you i find such a thing humiliating not humiliating sincere see what what you feel for me what you're emotionally we're talking about your behavior not my emotions not even yours which i don't want to enter into i'm obliged to remind you of your duties yeah it's late [Music] which man can say that he's happy with his life i certainly could not so i dragged the peasants into an obsession telling myself that i was doing it for their good because the fields would be more fertile because then they would be happy in fact i was doing it only for myself as not to submit to that mysterious power but my thoughts always return to kitty for she like me was trying to escape an [Music] obsession [Music] but the truth is our obsession somehow always managed to catch up with us excuse me [Music] so [Music] [Music] i say there is no reply very well [Music] where were we la douce [Music] anna yes dear could you bring me the book on peter the great to my study the second volume yes of course uh donde tom quiviendra [Music] don't [Music] it's time [Music] mama [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my god my love what is it [Music] i know what's wrong [Music] don't touch me i have to leave this place [Music] forgive me will i see you again yes [Music] you're everything to me now to understand yes i've no longer anyone anyone but you [Music] remember that [Music] here we go thank you something wrong i shall have to leave soon it's a good thing your wife is waiting for you i don't want to go back to her kitty don't worry look i have an estate in the north it feels a good return please come with me we'll be happy far from here and from whatever it is you're fleeing i just wanted to help him by lying to his wife he asked me to and why did you accept you know you didn't want to lose a man who needs you admires you loves you that's why kitty whether your life is spent in palaces or military hospitals don't live it out of vanity to earn the admiration of others or it will never be your life i no longer wanted my life i was ashamed of it as of an ugly dress that no one wanted and you having you to take care was so beautiful that i deluded you just as i've been deluded forgive me love will remain an illusion not the rest you never shuddered you took care of me you listened to me not some professional nurse you young and beautiful as you are you made me feel precious even reduced to this a wrap that my wife will never want to see again let her decide [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] what happened to the spine it has to be very well it must be running dry the mechanics are all intact let's dismantle the mill we'll dig a deeper well and build it again start right now enough of this badness sir we drive the wall we have to get water for ourselves from other villages and we haven't harvested vickering yet we haven't watered enough the harvest will be poor let's be content with that let's harvest it all the level we have will be lost too i refuse to be content with it movie no sir are you sad get out of my way no [Music] why there you are do you remember when your parents died you came to me and asked why didn't god take me to how do you answer a child who asks you a question like that come i'll teach you to use a scythe exactly come i'll teach you to use a scythe that's what i said to you i'm ignorant all i know is that there are winters and summers good seasons and bad ones and but we aren't the ones who decide [Music] as i was harvesting i lost all sense of time it was as if i wasn't moving the sight but instead the scythe was moving me it was my first happy moment in months for the first time i could not feel that mysterious power opposing me i felt it changing me [Music] i have to go [Music] will you come and read me a story you're a big boy now seriously please so be a good boy go back to bed that's the first time i've seen you deny him something really it's just that he's older now that's all yes dude alexa good night good night we are so happy now so happy [Music] calm down it was just a dream are you happy very question answer me what is this if not pure bliss will you come see me at the officer's race of course i find it such a barbaric thing you are absolutely right a parade of vain animals just look at the people that take part but the entire court will be there and i can't miss it perhaps my dear without me there you would be free to talk to those who absolutely need to the only thing i need is my faithful wife by my side excuse me ah [Music] um [Music] forgive me for being so late it's the big race tomorrow and there's many things to prepare so are you sure so tell me about the preparations the race well they're always the same hooves harnesses is it dangerous no there'll be a lap of the track today because the ground has frozen i'm pregnant i'm expecting your child it's better this way better what we have between us is no longer a game was it ever i love you leave karenin and be with me can i be with you any more than i am now plain sight no more lies how tell him the truth when he finds out he'll have to grant you your freedom you don't know him i warned you don't tell me i'm about to become high commissioner i don't intend to expose my name to dishonor his name the only thing he cares about let's run away no i'd be ruining everything it's just you and me who else is that mother look i found a four-leaf clover beautiful well done my darling uh say hello to the count hello count hello are you gonna come and see me win the race tomorrow i'll let you have a ride on my horse after if you want no my father says it's just a parade of vain animals your father's right wait for me with anushka i won't be long i know you hate lying but let me handle things please what i hate is seeing you unhappy unhappy this starving person who's been fed unhappy here's my happiness [Music] tomorrow after the race will you come back to moscow soon will you marry i won't marry then i won't come back i'll marry just for that then [Music] levin will still be waiting for you i always thought you were made for each other you'll never know now turn turn uncle koster all right ready go ready who will i catch i'm here i'm here uncle costume it feels like yesterday that we were playing here has your parents looked on that's right me that's you come on let's have some tea one two all right go and what about the estate how's the harvest i'm right here it hasn't rained for months but i have big plans my peasants have suggested a new way of organizing work to me interesting i'm going to write a book on it too well let me explain until now what we've had was kitty is back from germany she's on her way back here that's why you asked me here are you still angry with her i proposed to her and she turned me down that was all right it's late say goodbye to the children for me give her a second chance costume i cannot yes you can you must how would i raise my children without giving things a second chance haven't you ever been mistaken she was confused she'd been seeing vronsky every day you vanished months before of course she turned you down that doesn't prove anything when you torment me it's as if someone lost their son and and people told him how beautiful he was how happy they could have been but he's dead ben you still love her i won't come to see if that's what you were hoping ego i had thought that i had found a kind of peace but just hearing kitty's name spoken aloud had been enough to make me feel as unhappy and humiliated as the day she rejected me i promised myself that i would never see her again up well it seems that my dislike of her is mutual no there's no street of horse and through you fruit too much passion into things i've always told you that i can never be too much precisely what i wanted to talk to you about i'm worried about you alexey this isn't our first race mother either for meena for for fruit even with the snow i'm worried about another animal that has your favors i know that you want to refuse a promotion simply to stay close to her i shall decide on my career no not while you're living off me are you blackmailing me don't give me that look smile they're looking at us an affair with a woman from high society provides the finishing touch to a young man with your ambitions but this is starting to look like a desperate passion it doesn't suit you it has to end anna is more precious to me than life itself i have to go now wish me victory there is no harrier the obstacles don't hold quebec and let car decide one last thing all thoughts leave them behind better hurry up or you'll be late at the start as well as at the finish my race is a much more difficult one well you better take our seats excuse us now let's see oh here are seats i'll quickly say hello to the general general excellent when did you come back take heart keeping your eyes low will betray you as much as if you kept staring at him [Music] black seed did you well wonderful here you'll see him better wonderful he'll win [Music] sheep [Music] [Music] make way [Music] how is he how is he is he injured he is not her spying is broke how did this happen you were too low in the saddle too soon you didn't move with her [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] i'm sorry [Music] oh it's all over that [Music] anna i'm afraid you may not be well excuse us princess [Music] [Music] i know this is the second time that you've acted in an unseemly manner i'd ask you not to behave in a way to attract gossip nothing will harm my nomination more than that please promise me not to do it again i can't i listen to you and i think of him i love him i'm his mistress and i'm expecting his child i cannot bear you i'm afraid of you i hate you i'm going to him now you can do with me what you want he knows everything now about the child too everything what did he say i only care about what you say i say that you were right you did right now he knows that you're mine that you're carrying my child and that you want to live with me you'll opt for a divorce you'll see you really think so the alternative is to challenge me to a duel and in that case i'd be happy to kill him for you and sarah he'll let you have him he doesn't love him go back there take your things and come here we'll be happy please yes mother see to sere yours where do you think you're going things cannot go on like this and i'd say come to a point we all want to get divorced nobody has the right to shatter the balls a family can't be destroyed on a win a win yes or rather now because of a crime committed by other spouses you you've stifled me for eight years now you never once saw me as a living woman as a woman in need of love i forced myself to love you and i put my love in my son when i could no longer love you but i cannot fool myself i'm alive i'm not guilty i need to love and live you have three possibilities you can either run away with that man or stay in this home with your husband and son you can't take seriously from me you don't love him you're only doing it to torment me what about you you're not tormenting me i married you to help your family i found a position for your brother i have always treated you with respect and now we you want me to agree to be unhappy so you and he can amuse ourselves if you stay in this house i shall i insist i will never see that man and whatever your relationship may be that no one will be able to accuse you mama but she doesn't know where am i going choice is yours let's go have some tea with lots of sugar all right [Music] ah [Music] here's your daughter count fronsky [Music] unfortunately excellency it was too much for your wife what let's cover up you're right madame yes where's my husband at the council you'll be back after dinner anushka to the count hurry mama i heard you scream oh i just had a bad dream mothers have them too the news that anna was expecting vronsky's childhood reached me engrossed in the work in the fields and my plans for reform i felt safe safe from the commacious passion of city life but when i saw her that delusion vanished i loved kitty more than life itself [Music] go [Music] the lady of the house is expecting me but um you wrote to tell me that your husband wasn't at home he forgot a folder uh how could i've known that don't worry it doesn't matter tell me about yourself how are you feeling what took you so long i was part of the prince of sweden's escort he he wanted to go to the opera was that friend of yours there that threes yes she was there she's an actress but why should it matter you men can be disgusting that's a little unfair isn't it what do i know of what you do i know you don't believe in me anymore when you're with me i do when you're with others i don't know that's because of the absurd compromise your husband has imposed on us i'd rather you challenge me to a duel they're duel a jewel requires feelings my husband's machine i'd be dead or he would but the situation would be resolved and it will be soon resolved anyway yes you'll be having the baby and then what we'll carry on like this seeing each other in secret like thieves i know i'm going to die what it's the best thing that could happen you'll all be free you my husband my son our child free that's absurd i felt the baby kicks on alexey you can't [Music] we had an agreement you and i you promised not to cause a scandal and now you receive your lover here in my own home it was an accident i i just needed to i can easily imagine why woman needs to see her lover why won't you insult me it's not an insult to call a thief a thief you're cruel cool i gave you a choice you could go with him or stay in my home in return i didn't ask you to leave him only to respect convention you decided to stay and you call me cruel convention reputation that's all you care about you'd also care about it if you weren't such a [ __ ] you promised to love me to be faithful before men and before god and now you betray me here in our home [Music] no one knows better than i am contemptible my situation is a situation that will be soon ending i'm leaving for moscow you'll be hearing from my lawyer i'll divorce you this will no longer be your home and my son he will stay with his father no please let me have serious you don't love him you're right it reminds me of you but he has to be with me [Music] children don't go down to the lake not to the lake just play here in the garden your letters tell the truth you look good i thought i would be curing the sick in germany but instead they cured me don't you think about vronsky anymore i do but it doesn't hurt now that's good good because mother must be dying to introduce you to someone else i'm not interested in that game anymore levin was here today i talked to him about you was i wrong too what did he say that doesn't matter but i'm convinced that he still loves you what about you what do you feel for him i don't know i no longer trust what i feel that's a good thing if i were to trust my feelings i'd marry again my husband on even days and then abandon him on odd ones hey get down down down you just need to see each other again and then whatever happens happen i can't expect him to propose to me again you sound just like him you're made for each other let me handle it i'll i'll send him a note right away i'll write to say that we need a lady's saddle and that i would like him to bring us one personally say there's no reply it's only a saddle you could take it to her sir that's what you get when you teach your servants to read they no longer know their place i'm just saying what your mother would say i can't expect kitty to turn to me just because she couldn't marry the man she wanted why don't you let her be the charge of that we women can be wrong too can't we be as wrong as you want i'm not playing the role of the man who forgives her a man who deigns to give her his love well all i say is this you should do less thinking and get yourself married agafia pack my bags i'm leaving where to france then england agricultural world that is organized differently i have to find out about it for my book ah your book yes it's important it'll change the lives of all the peasants in russia they will change theirs maybe but yours will still be the same here's your saddle madam no message from loving no message thank you i'm sorry hey let's go back to the city that's good another push push push that's right don't worry everything will be all right she'll be fine it's the same when you were born you know you can't know you weren't there [Music] i pray that you come i beg your god i shall i shall die more peacefully with your forgiveness go it's the last now there are two possible ways of going about a divorce uh the first is based on an agreement concerning their respective faults respected but i'm not the one at fault ah that leaves us the second option then one of the spouses is recognized as being the sole guilty party those were written by my wife they're proof that she's been unfaithful to me you know that the spouse recognizes the guilty party is uh not eligible to marry again meaning that my wife won't be able to marry her lover after the divorce exactly that's what i want [Music] it's a girl madam a beautiful little girl [Music] let us see the baby [Music] [Applause] she's dying she's lost a lot of blood she won't survive what do you want to call her oh no today one dies born mom [Music] take it father [Music] for my death alexa i heard you're in moscow ah steve uh i know you're a busy man i don't want to disturb you let me get straight to the point i wanted to ask you to put a good word for me with the new ministry stephen there's something you need to know can i get you gentlemen anything i can't believe my sister could have there has to be some misunderstanding not at all she admitted everything just a second let's not get carried away i'm not the least bit carried away listen before you do anything please talk with my wife to what purpose please don is being decided i'm going to proceed with the divorce dolly's very fond of annan of you too this is not a matter of being fond of us come home with me have dinner with us in god's name i beg you i had some beautiful fresh caviar delivered today the flavor will be exquisite the children will be so happy to see you an urgent telegram for his excellency karenine [Music] this year in paris many people are wearing blue jackets with high collars like this one or this one even now they're very stylish you decide they're all the same to me very well you won't be disappointed ask your husband he orders the most expensive clothes has them put on his account and never comes to pay i'm sick of providing credit for that peacock i'm so sorry mr lucian ask your children he didn't know closed down of course bastian take off the coat give me the coat i'll pay the ladies pill uncle costia uncle costa yeah certainly prince levin first apologize to the princess and the children for your speech concerning their father please accept my apologies i'm the one who owes you an apology sending you that saddle without a message no i was wrong to ask kitty too didn't want me to force your hand and what are you doing in moscow i'm just passing through i'm taking them at that train to paris then come and have dinner with us to pay you back at least in part i'm leaving eat with us costa at midnight you'll be on the train the children will be so happy to play with you come on [Applause] help me tanya [Music] your son as you asked [Music] shall i take the baby do i scare you you're a brave boy [Music] this is your sister anna [Music] will you love her [Music] listen to me it's not your fault where's the council your father's it's all my fault but remember that you're the most beautiful thing i've ever heard in my whole life [Music] try this excellent wine excuse me of course dear what a surprise what are you doing steven what you should be doing we need to talk about the money we spent certainly not now may i take your cancer something terrible has happened that's why i've invited correa what's wrong just a moment kostya please come i'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine constantine levin alex akerinin two men of culture like you are bound to find plenty to talk about alexi what a pleasure excuse us for a second please help yourselves what happened karenin wants to divorce anna what apparently she's been unfaithful to him unfaithful it's unthinkable i know have you any idea what the consequences would be poor seriously poor annan poor ass if corinne divorces my sister whose support will we be able to count on please talk to him do it for me i'll do it for anna spring has come early this year don't you agree i wouldn't know i'm not interested in meteorology alexei may i have a word with you yes excuse me costume thank you master for me but say i had to leave what's up uncle costia where did you vanish to we were waiting for you come and play this way we're all upstairs yep i'm fine but only five minutes all right who's over here i hear you catch me [Music] come on [Music] i taught the children that came i remember when we used to play as children happiest years of my life yes yes when i replied there can't be i couldn't answer differently now i'd like to go back to that moment have you forget and forgive there's nothing to forgive i never stopped loving you [Music] anything alexis anything but not a divorce three people can't live together dolly you understand that of course i understand i too had decided to leave my husband he had betrayed me misled me anna was the one who brought me back to my senses i forgave and now you can forgive someone who wants to be forgiven not somebody who desires her and ruined and what about seriosa can't you think of him ask manna not me what what will happen to her forgive me for disturbing you i should go now please say goodbye to your husband for me let him know i'll put in a good word for him excellency karen an urgent telegram [Music] prepare my bill please i'll be taking the first trade tomorrow [Music] if it's a trick calm contempt if it's the truth thank heavens with herself please hurry that's the mistress she gave birth two days ago to a little girl um and how's this lead now it's desperate sir [Music] she's dying the doctor says that there's no hope that i want to stay how big there he is what did i tell you he's here none since he has arrived here give me the baby give it to me you won't say he won't forgive me because you don't know him no one knows but only me they're giving seriously his lunch they all forget about him he wouldn't [Music] [Music] forget i'm not afraid of you i'm afraid of death so little time left you don't know i'm i'm still the same but inside me inside me there is another woman she started loving that [Music] but i'm dying i need something just one thing forgive me [Music] forgive me please i've been horrendous [Music] you're too good you won't do it go away go away [Music] [Music] come over here [Music] give him your hand look at each other give each other your hand [Music] leave us now please [Music] hurry morphing [Music] stay she may ask for you seriously [Music] you have to be brave [Music] [Applause] you've always been my favorite i hope to be worthy of your expectations i'll have the apartments in the east wing prepared for you it's the sunniest part of the palace thank you but after the wedding kitty and i will live on my estate in the country my peasants need me so be it as the bible says she will leave her father and mother and the two will be one when i i mean we would like to give you our blessing and announce the engagement in the wedding when if it were my choice tomorrow that's nonsense in that case next week the boy must be mad why not well uh the true so true sir well yeah exactly we'll take care of it come on my dear we have to look for the linen tablecloths first first of all you're trapped by boy so you don't mind a christian wedding i don't know what i'm doing here i don't feel guilty in relation to god to women yes but but not to god if anything he's guilty in relation to me may i know why my parents died when i was young my brother abandoned me and and if it weren't for chance i wouldn't be about to marry the woman i've always loved chance don't try telling me that's god's work and that i should be grateful and so on and so forth i would never dare marriage could be the most painful experience of your life in fact it will no doubt be just that it means dying and being reborn in the flesh of another have you thought about that you'll no longer know where the border lies between you and your wife what she wants and what you want marriage is such an uncertain uncomfortable and dangerous journey that if god didn't accompany us i would wish it on no one [Music] the lady still is in grave danger but she has survived the night so there is hope come i need to talk to you please take a seat i won't surprise you if i admit that i hated you not my wife when i received the telegram i wish that i would die when i saw have you ever felt compassion for someone genuine pity no i i i wouldn't know you'd know or cannot forget it they always told me to be strong at things like forgiving and loving or for the weak nonsense i've never felt as strong serene confident happy you can make a public mockery of me i shall never abandon her and i shall never utter a word of recrimination it is my duty to be with her i shall be i think it would be wiser if you left now if she wants to see you on it you know [Music] welcome back sir would you like lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of course [Music] [Music] so oh my god [Music] [Music] let us pray for them to be granted the most perfect and peaceful love and the help of the lord god eternal who has brought together those who were apart constantine god has brought us together got a chance why would god have done it and if it were chance with no purpose what if kitty is asking yourself these questions too and your servant katarina and confirmed their union in faith and in harmony and in truth and [Music] is your mistress awake yes excellency she's with princess vescaya i really don't understand it he tried to take his own life for love of you it's a miracle that he's alive and now he's going over to war in which he could die it's your right to at least meet with him first i no longer have the right not anymore my husband has been so kind but be honest you would you like to see ronski one last time i don't want to my husband will decide i will ask nothing of him excellency princess i haven't seen you for so long i've been devoting myself to my wife you're a very surprising husband how's my darling better i think you're looking pale it's my fault i made her talk too much i should go see you soon anna excellency betty stop i don't want to hide anything from you betty told me that ken fronski wishes to call on us before leaving for the front i told her that i can't receive him no you said that the decision was your husband cannot receive him and it has nothing to do with i just don't want to all right farewell my darling well i also think there's no need for karon's key to come here already said that you don't have to repeat it no need for a man to come and say goodbye to the woman he loves let's not talk about it they told me the wet nurse doesn't have enough milk i asked a nurse the doctors wouldn't allow me to now you criticize me i'm not criticizing you you are criticizing me you are why forgive me i'm over-sensitive i'm being unfair please just just go now we can't go on like this [Music] [Music] [Music] we've told them already it wasn't difficult your peasants adore you well first i try to impose my ideas on them and i learn to listen to them is that what your book's about watch out coming through hello sir but what about these mom where will they go in the attic yes ma'am you're quick and get rid of the curtains we use them for rags they have to be changed maria can you give me a hand over here what's going on who you study wasn't very bright so i thought i'd move it to the green living room but where could i put the green living room where the guest room was we'll do a whole new wing for them because dolly has so many children they'll need space won't they i like my study where it was it's just we've been away half a day and i've had this if i'm away a whole day what will you do demolish the house i just wanted to surprise you of course indeed it's quite a surprise [Music] sorry you see this is my home i grew up here shall i have everything put back the way it was new life always brings such joy isn't that true a joy you look well your hair too suits you i heard that crennan is no longer seeking a divorce that's good isn't it yeah ella [Music] i can't live with him anymore i don't love him i've never loved him i can't stop being near him anymore his face's hands make me sick i can't help it don't say that he has forgiven you he's a good man a good man that's what our aunt said to when she forced me to marry him what did i know i wasn't even 20 but she said he's a good man he will provide for you and your brother and here i am the prisoner of his kindness because he's forgiven me he's now the ruler of my life can i say what i think you're married without love that was a mistake but now the question is do you wish to carry on living with your husband does he wish that i have no idea you've just told me you can't bear him anymore but i i don't know i don't know anything i don't understand anything you're tormenting yourself he's tormenting himself what's the sense in it [Music] perhaps a divorce could solve everything i'll talk to her you'll see it'll be fine i'll talk to her [Music] am i disturbing you what do you need i need to talk to you about my sister and your situation that's all i can think about i decided to forget to begin a new life but that's impossible now i would just like to know what anna wants and go along with that i'm afraid she herself may not know what's to be done then well um you need to decide how to put an end to this state of affairs yes a divorce yes what other alternatives are there deep down it's simple simple do you think it's simple to decide what to do with my son to whom is he going to go to anna as a remnant of her former marriage are they going to take care of him to me that would seem like revenge anything when once he leaves him because he will leave [Music] listen you're agitated now it's all right i'm sorry i'll agree to a divorce i'll assume my share of the guilt like that and i will be able to remarry and and seriously i don't want to use him against her anymore and i can take him with her look at the state of this place [Music] not all misfortunes are meant to harm us what do you mean the pistol shot that could have killed you saved you from that insane passion it's certainly a good thing for russia in tashkents we need brave officers like you thank you general alexay countess general what is it betsy speak freely karen is agreeing to a divorce what are you saying steve told me now you can see anna you can be with her [Music] alexey if you go back to that woman no more [Music] allowance [Music] [Music] i'm yours now i'm yours [Music] as long as we live this is how we should be yes it's frightening what's frightening nothing room this house let's leave you'll feel much better i don't recognize you with your hair like this i'll go to italy i'll hand in my resignation will you stephen says your husband agreed to divorce and assumes his share of the kilter will be able to marry i don't want a divorce but my husband isn't to blame i don't want him to sacrifice himself for me i couldn't bear that i have you i don't need anything else [Music] answer yourself i can't turn up against his father don't think about that now and i don't think [Music] so have you finished your homework go finish it [Music] what is it nothing i just wanted you to turn around how is your book going are you pleased with it i will be if it convinces landowners like me to listen to their presence why don't you talk to me about it i'd like to hear your ideas i bore you if i fall asleep just stop work peasants land those aren't things worthy of my kitty so a telegram bad news no it's a it's a business problem i have to go to moscow i won't be away for long can i come with you oh no no there's no need to tire yourself increases so does the rent more tenants more you can't be serious oh excellency is in his room he hasn't been up for weeks now excuse me there's the back rates hello sir movix [Music] go away i don't have any money i told you nikolai it's me your brother [Music] what's wrong are you feeling sick you could at least air this place he has more pure hair than in the homes you frequent pay your respects to maria there isn't a lady at court worthy of her so what do you want you wrote to me that you were dying you who asked you to get involved go back to that dump of a brothel you [ __ ] what do you need [Music] why didn't you tell me i told you to stay at home answer me the way your voice does not need to shout you don't listen to me i thought that that it wasn't worthy of me that it would tie me needlessly please what am i for you what do you mean stop answering me with another question you're my life no not when you won't place your trust in me as i am not as long as your dreams matter more to you than we do not as long as you won't let me into that room kitty hello nikolai maybe you don't remember me i'm kitty prince cherbosky's young's daughter what's a little princess doing here i'm your brother's wife he's always been crafty than me wait before you say that it's been a long time since you first knew me [Music] maria yes [Music] go down to the landlord please tell him to bring clean sheets and water for bath i saw there was a store downstairs get some fresh linen disinfectant and fruit [Music] since you know all about books help me tidy them up that way i can wash the floor don't touch my books be quiet in your condition it's best not to speak forgive me there's no need just remember we are one [Music] now who is our little darlings [Music] [Music] um and i'll come to put her to bed for a nap [Music] i love italy you're right i feel like i've been born again i'm so glad [Music] i on the other hand would like to be unhappy not too much just a little why for what i've done to my husband to my son to your career [Music] nothing i feel happy unforgivably happy [Music] i love you i love you so much that it scares me [Music] you know i've been thinking of taking up an old passion of mine again [Music] painting i showed promise as a young man you know all right but on one condition you'll have only one model me [Music] [Music] [Music] oh good evening sir i know are you poor dear you suffered so much [Music] [Music] have you finished no but i'm stopping there you can't really see the defects for now but if i carry on they will become apparent it looks very beautiful to me well that's thanks to the model [Applause] what do you say if what if we go back to saint petersburg you know there are a few things i could sort out that i've left unfinished of course i could see seriously again and the theater i so want to go back to the theater yes put them in the attic this lamp no i never liked it yes countess when will mama be back i asked my father but he didn't answer you're going to have to be brave my dear your mother won't be coming back your mother is dead [Music] let's hurry your brother will be wondering where we are don't covenant he's convinced he never needs anyone he reminds me of someone two ounces of strawberries please the size is not true he wrote to you to bring you here not him his mistress thank you thank you but he didn't send you away because you arrived deep down he's fond of you not in the least when our parents died he took everything to come here to the city he wanted to ride to help the oppressed meanwhile he left me in the country with the servants i was just a boy and and he was he was everything to me you know sometimes in following an ideal you can forget the people who are at your side come quickly it's nikolai he's worse you arrived in time don't say that i found some strawberries don't you want to have some you've been a blessing but it's over for me now would you like me to send for a priest to confess take communion i can't i don't believe in it i'll believe for you it's okay [Music] foreign i'm glad you're here [Music] i wouldn't have been able to do any of this i have to tell you something [Music] well i we lost you [Music] come here i should never abandoned you can you forgive me [Music] i was looking at him trying to understand what he was seeing i couldn't death remained a hideous and frightening mystery for me but for the first time in my life i didn't feel alone [Music] you were trying to tell me something earlier [Music] we're expecting a baby [Music] be careful with that painting the mistress is very fond of it oh i told you to be careful you clumsy fool there are still another three trunks to unload quickly dear lydia i'm begging you for permission to see my son i'm writing to you rather than to my husband i don't wish to make that generous man suffer by reminding him of me i believe i can't deny her that alexa dear you don't see evil in anyone this is genuine cruelty in relation to you but she's his mother so why did she abandon him and think of syria he believes that she's dead he prays for her and that's the best thing for him believe me this could only bring more suffering for you and your son will you allow me to reply with refusal [Music] for the good of serious [Music] anushka my coach [Music] [Music] so [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's sleeping now in what used to be little anna's wrong [Music] my mother [Music] that you were dead they told me but i never believed you're thinner hands i'm taller too why are you crying for joy i cry for joy come on it's time to get dressed now what shall i put on you i can dress myself you know look let me help no no no i'm big now he's excellency went out for an early breakfast but he could be back at any moment now it's it's best that he doesn't find you here don't go yes listen to me i can't stay now [Music] no don't cry things will work out believe me you have to be strong that's what counters i've never told me to [Music] madam please [Music] i love you and your father just when you're grown up you'll judge yourself [Music] forgive me mama please [Music] hello would you like to feed the baby now you do it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] anushka [Music] yes madam prepare a bath for me [Music] and then do my hair i'm going out tonight with a couch i'm sorry alex idea receiving anna would put me in a very embarrassing position your receptions you have women who go out and about with any man but their husband there's a difference between having a lover and ruining yourself for him if she had at least divorced from karen and you hadn't left the army i love her i'd do it all again i know you don't have kobach to your name and that no one dares to give you credit go back to moscow talk to your mother only she can help you you though will always be welcome here ever without anna [Music] welcome back sir [Music] do you like it why are you dressed so elegantly for you there's something wrong no well everything's fine how about you i has got any announcement your letter you won't let me see syriosia what but he was ready to entrust him enough talk of all that will you take me to the theater wait but let's talk about your son if you agree to a divorce can you have him back a divorce yes it could be the most practical solution practical why do you think i did all this why change homes change husbands change lives i did it for you only for you i don't want anything else [Music] take me to the theater listen to me [Music] it's it's unwise to show yourself in public okay i don't want you to suffer or feel humiliated do you still love me what a question do you still love me how can you doubt that i love me of course i love you you're ashamed of me i'm concerned about you about us i don't regret anything i for one don't deny anything i abandoned everything for you the court the army i don't have a copec left you do get it my son hates me i saw him he hates me you said karenine wasn't giving you permission to see him i went to the house i talked to him he hates me what are you saying he's right i'm trading for you i gave you everything everything why don't you love me the way i love you i love you anna [Music] i love you what else do i have to do to prove it to [Music] you ah [Music] let's leave [Music] for moscow it'll be easier for me to sort out my thirds and your brothers there and dolly maybe they can help you get your son back [Music] your daughter will love these what makes you think it's a girl by the shape of your belly it's obvious six children and she was always right well i can tell it's a boy excuse me yes a visitor his excellency karen's wife tell her that we're not receiving today but she could leave a message if she likes no wait she must be here for me perhaps she needs help help after all the harm that she's done she saved my marriage [Music] anna dolly you're still very beautiful still come i'm here to ask your help crenin's not allowing me to see my son i heard that you refused a divorce it wouldn't have solved anything fronsky will never be serious father sarah yoshi can only hate him and me i'll only ever feel guilty towards birth but it would have allowed fronsky to marry you to give his name to your daughter and to the other children you'll have we won't have others i saw a doctor you mean that you i had no choice you understand how can i hold on to him i have to be beautiful he loves me as long as he loves me anna no one is worthy of such a sacrifice fronski is but how can he return such love which man could but i'm happy i just i just like to have them both fronski and my son how i don't know i'll talk to corinne i'll try to persuade him to at least let you see your son when you want oh kitty pregnancy suits you thank you anna that's true of every woman it will be a boy i think so too it's better for his sake we women may know more but we pay a high price don't we this is the lucky man constantine living anna karenina i've heard a lot about you oh you're not the only one he's a handsome man [Music] may you be happy even half as happy as vronsky and i are [Music] [Music] farewell [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of course dear i'm sure it'll be fine once we get there alex say sorry to have kept driving unannounced i couldn't expect you to see me right away princess sorekina my son your mother has told me a great deal about you i'm a subject she tends to favor too much there's no greater love than that of a mother when you have children you'll see i speak to you there is no need i know everything i'm leaving now the princess is going to join me in the country [Music] join us there [Music] come without anna you'll have everything that you need [Music] always i felt sorry for her she seemed happy to me happy she's lost her soul with dignity there's more dignity in her than in certain honored and respected ladies of the court you're an expert on ladies of the court i mean at least it's being sincere authentic you sound infatuated with her what are you saying you talk about her with such passion i'm not the one here who lost my head over nothing it's cruel of you to say that you're the one who started by talking about anna and ronski i was only talking about anna you say you feel sorry for her because you're talking about them both so you say oh you mean you feel sorry for her despite the fact that ronski chose her and not you how much longer would that man come between us i wasn't the one who allowed him to do so so thank you anna if it hadn't been for her who knows [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i love what are you doing in the dark where have you been at the officers club jasmine was there i hadn't seen him for months how about you did you speak with dolly will she intercede for your son when did you stop loving me i'm sick of these reproaches anna you why are you lying to me you're at your mother's you're spying on me now why did you go there she's my mother am i not allowed what about me i couldn't come with you i'm sorry i didn't tell you i didn't think it was important charlie can't understand no one can understand not even you things will work out just takes time you didn't answer me why did you go to your mother's you can guess why too big you're cruel how much did mommy give you nothing she gave me nothing she asked me to join her in the country but without you why are you telling me because you asked me to who was she she you know i don't even remember her name you can't be jealous of every woman i saw how you looked at her how how did i look at her the way you used to look at me no [Music] you can deceive an abandon you're delirious [Music] you you will not be rid of me [Music] my greatest wish had been to marry kitty and that wish had been fulfilled but i'd made the eternal mistake of all man the mistake of thinking that to be happy we just have to make our wishes come [Music] true [Music] what what do you mean it's begun anushka call me a carriage i'll take the first train to nizhny novgorod when joining the count at his mother's i'm doing the right thing aren't i whatever makes you happy madam happy happy what can make me happy life just gets more empty it's one big lie we expected so much from our love now we hate each other [Music] i no longer satisfy his vanity and he can only love me because he feels obliged [Music] don't tell me i'm losing i hope it will be over soon what can i do nothing nothing if only i could be something else not just a lover starving for his caress but i can't be i don't want to be and my desire disgusts him and that's what enrages me and seriously i thought i loved him and i swapped him for another love i didn't regret it as long as that love was enough for me what love we're thrown into this world only to hate and torment each other deep down we know this despite the illusions we invent to try and again [Music] i beseech you if you wish it's but when you can no longer fool yourself when it makes you sick to look at the things around you why not close your eyes where am i what am i doing here why would you god forgive me [Music] you can be very proud of your kitty she was so courageous go [Music] it's a boy as you said it would be [Music] i was afraid of losing you so as i forgave me for yesterday there's no need you're right there's no need we are one now only [Music] family [Music] what makes a family a happy one that is a mystery that cannot be solved logic alone will not bring us peace our answers nor allow us to see beyond the grave beyond the end of all things [Music] i love you [Music] i love you so much that it scares me [Music] the little that i know i didn't learn from reason i didn't learn it from books i learned it from life from life itself that continues in spite of everything [Music] i learned it from the suffering that forces us to grow is something quite simple so simple that every humble person every child knows it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't need to live for our needs our passions for our desires we need to live for good for truth for that mysterious god that all things depend on and perhaps that's why all happy families are alike because deep down happiness is the same for everyone [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,422,948
Rating: 4.8116846 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: acFldAIYz-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 53sec (12233 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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